Sunday Morning LIVE -December 15, 2019

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you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 port or town center st. Catherine Jamaica West Indies please take note of our weekly activities schedule stay tuned and receive your blessing [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you ever have days when nothing seems to go right even if you have never had a dear filled with kills from the moment your eyes are opened you have discovered that life is full of problems passions and stresses but we are encouraged in first p-21 verses 6 to 7 that we are temporarily harassed by all kinds of cows and temptations this is no accident it happens to prove your faith indeed it is an awesome pleasure to welcome you from the power Faith Ministries International incorporated right here in the sunshine city of Port Morrison Catherine Jamaica West Indies and Minister Sharon doofus grant and on behalf of our presiding bishop and founder dr. Jennifer Davis and his wife first lady Minister petrova Davis our same assistant pastor the Reverend I sill denote man board of directors ministers and the entire power faith family we welcome you to another Sunday morning light service where the women of worth missionary department is an action so don't touch that dial because a blessing is indeed in store for you this morning but just a quick reminder of our upcoming events this evening at 6:30 p.m. the melodies of praise annual production under the theme the fire the power and the glory you don't want to miss it our Christmas morning service comes up on Wednesday December 25 and we commence at 7:30 the big one he of the family heal the nation that's on Wednesday January 8th 2020 at the National Arena so get your capped and of course we invite you to so in this fertile soil if you've missed the first service then of course we invite you to join us at 11 a.m. in the upper sanctuary where a blessing awaits you come with us as we join the service that's already in progress god bless you stay tuned [Music] go into worship worship became of glory the mighty one this morning the holy gods the God who reigns the God that cannot fail we worship we worship your this morning we honor your name King Jesus because there is no lie going on to you mighty God none can I be compared to you Oh will lift you up this morning in this sanctuary God my soul praise you my soul worship you my so horny you Lord hallelujah we give you praise Oh God Almighty in your house this morning we praise you through this house hallelujah we praise you through this house God as we enter into your son's you weary God Almighty we give you thanks we give you praise we give you praise we lift up your name on high word worthy is the lamb that was slain worthy forevermore hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship You Lord we worship you we worship you we worship you glory to God we give you thanks we give you praise we give Johanna hallelujah we want to say we love you God we love you this morning hallelujah we honor you Lord thank you Jesus we praise You God glory to God take you Lord Jesus that's the name of Jesus listen name of Jesus and we greet the household of faith this morning in the mighty name of Jesus another day glory to God we gather in his presence to give him dance go to God that's the main reason we are here together is to give him time son praise Him together so just lift up your hands all glory to God just forget about everything and uh see him glory to God he is the center of our attention this morning hallelujah the mere fact that we are standing here it is enough to give him thanks hallelujah many could not do that this morning Oh hallelujah what a privilege we have glory to God a huge Jesus take your Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus if you only knew the Bland's Lord why won't you pray see you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we were [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jesus Jesus he was we wash [Music] we are near Jesus we father you [Music] oh my let's just saw myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on little sword lesson this morning just gonna lift up your hands and witness but let us all blessed this morning spirit worship your heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus Jesus hark the herald angels sing praise God if you can't put it on the monitor for us this morning bless the name of Jesus hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we started on Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] this morning [Music] there's more money I'd to talk to the Lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] take the lord is smiling' minibus polynomial Lord of everything load of everything [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey Jesus hallelujah oh Jesus we worship you this morning Oh God we lift your name I above all else because you are Lord Alleluia you are Lord of everything you are Lord of this morning now you are Lord of yesterday you are Lord of tomorrow you are lord over all that is and it's to come you are Lord and there is none like unto you are none like unto you divine God and so this morning divine God we come into your presence to lift to lift up your name this morning because there is no other Lord but you Christ Jesus our God will come to bless your name we come to worship your name o great and mighty God we come to live - why above all else this morning we bless you in the highest place this morning this morning we glorify your name this morning we exalt your name this morning hallelujah we place you all above other gods or call our God's almighty our no God because you are the true and living God and so we come into your hosts this morning to do nothing else but to worship you are we're gonna worship you in song we're gonna worship you in reading the word we're gonna worship you in music this morning Oh God Almighty we thank you for you day we thank you for new mercies we thank you for new favours this morning we thank you for waking us up and clothing us in our right minds this morning and so God Almighty as we stand as we kneel as we sit or condylomata we come to you God and we ask that your presence will continue to me in this house we pray this morning God for our leaders God our bishop administered a visa in the name of Jesus o God we thank you for them we thank you for their leadership we thank you for those who lead with them God Almighty I pray you'll continue to inspire us to follow you to follow them as they follow you God Oh glory to God we pray this morning for those who are in the house Cara Oh God Almighty today might not be a good day for them God but we know wanted today in you God it's a good day so I pray this morning those who are among us are that are discouraged that are waiting on a torch from you God even answer prayer this morning in the name of Jesus let your presence saturated sanctuary this morning Oh God Almighty may your praises go up and your blessings be pour down this morning those among us who are not saved and will not yet accepted you as Lord and Savior God this morning cautioned Omaha this morning God there will accept you Oh God Almighty this morning we thank you for journey mercies to take in us into the ocean and those who are on their way god I pray you take them safely we pray this morning for those who are viewing our God my teen the name of Jesus there might not be the country Carter there might not be able to attend but you're giving a listening here I pray that you bless them this morning in the name of Jesus God we pray for the speaker that will bring the Rhema word this morning we pray for the choirs that will minister this morning we pray for the Bible reader we pray for those who will bring the Welcome we pray for those who will make any address this morning that your perfect will be done God we pray that you wash us you cleansed us forgive us of our sins this morning and keep our minds and our eyes state upon thee O God Almighty I pray this morning those of us who are exams this morning Oh God Almighty good successor in the name of Jesus Oh God Almighty this morning we lift you up or someone or some God our God we glorifying we honor you this morning we pray you out your way in our midst this morning as you taught us how to pray our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us trespassers as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil deine is the kingdom just return to your seat with a praise commanders were those of you were seated if you can stand hallelujah just put your hands above your heads and just begin to give the Lord a note of praise this morning you're alive well and you're in the house another Sunday huh another Sunday morning uh so doesn't lift your hands above your head tell him turns for something believer tell him tanks are waking you up tell him thanks for the neighbor beside you tell him thanks for his grace and mercy come on doesn't lift your hands above your heads and turn the King of Kings and the Lord of lords it's morning tank sir hallelujah more people need to tell him to answer come on telling tanks tell offense [Music] somebody shout - hallelujah glory to the name of Jesus hallelujah we never had to be here hallelujah but because of his grace because of his mercy because of his favor we're in his presence so when we come into his presence do nothing else but to lift up his name hallelujah bless the name of Jesus hallelujah god is a good god god is a good god believers God is a good god God is a good god I said God is a good god hey Jesus hallelujah just take your Bibles this morning hallelujah invite missionary Raquel Stuart she's coming to read the scripture hallelujah does take your Bibles those of you who can stand I invite you please to stand as we read God's holy word glory to God hallelujah if you have found you let me hear you say Amen sorry bless the lord is joshua 7 from verse 1 to 13 joshua chapter 7 reading verses 1 through 13 hallelujah I'll read and you'll follow but the children of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing for akin the son of karma the son Azadi the son of Zahra of the tribe of Judah took off the accursed thing and the anger of the Lord was kindled against the children of Israel and Joshua sent men from Jericho to AI which is beside Beth Haven on the east side of Bethel and spake unto them saying go up and view the country and the men went up and viewed AI and they returned to Joshua and said unto Him let not all the people go up but led to about two or three thousand men go up and smite AI and make not all the people to labor thither but for they are but few so there when some feather of the people about three thousand men and they fled before the men of AI and the men of s most of them about thirty and six men for they chased them from before the gate onto sheeran sharebar him and smote them in the going down wherefore the hearts of the people melted and became as water and Joshua rent his clothes and fell to the ground upon his face before the Ark of the Lord on to the evening tide and he and the elders of Israel and put dust upon their heads and Joshua said alas o Lord God wherefore has law at all brought these people over Jordan to deliver us into the hand of the Amorite to destroy us what God we had been content and dwelt on the other side of Jordan o Lord what shall I say when Israel turned their backs before their enemies for the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it and shall environ rose around and cut off our name from earth and what will though do unto thy great name and the Lord said unto Joshua get deal wherefore lies though upon thy face if one has sinned and they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them for they have even taken of the accursed thing and have also stolen and dissembled also and they have put it even amongst their own stuff therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies but turn their backs before their enemies because they were accursed neither will I be with you anymore except you destroy the accursed from amongst you third and last Oh sanctify the people and say sanctify yourselves against tomorrow for thus saith the Lord God of Israel there's an accursed thing in the MiGs of thee O Israel thou canst not stand before thine enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God we bless the Word of God by saying glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning now and ever shall be world without end amen hallelujah lujah somebody shout a hallelujah just turn to your neighbor and tell him to get rid of the accursed thing come on have your seat and tell them to get rid of the accursed thing hallelujah you may have your seat Alleluia I greet you in no other name but the name of our soon coming King Jesus Christ hallelujah agreed my bishop and his wife minister dr. Petrova Davis and Bishop dr. David Davis I greet our senior assistant pastor I greet all the ministers all the officers I greet each and every person in the house this morning it's a good day too live hallelujah it's a good day to be alive at this time Minister Sharon duffer's grant is coming to do the welcome and Vietnam Ajmer shall we bless the Lord may invite you just to stand again with me joy to the world the Lord is come [Music] and have nature sing and heaven and nature sing [Music] greet your neighbor with a smile with the hog with the handshake and you may take her seeds Isaiah 9 verse 6 for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called come on you must know it wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace give the Lord a note of praise hallelujah what an exciting season this is I don't know about you but this is my favorite time of the year as we thi when celebrate and appreciate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ a warm Christmas welcome to your visitors who are worshiping with us this morning for the very first time I invite you to stand so you may be acknowledged put your hands together we welcome you this morning god bless you may be seated thank you it is indeed my pleasure to welcome you all here this morning where every third Sunday the woman of worth a missionary department is an action among the hustle and bustle of this season may we never forget the true meaning of Christmas a celebration of the life of our Savior the one who sacrificed his own life so that we may each receive the gift of eternal life and so on behalf of our pastor Bishop dr. Dell for Davis his wife Minister Petrova Davis or senior assistant pastor brother and I shall denote man the woman of Worth president Minister Tameka Peter Cain and her able assistants the ministerial staff and pfm family members I extend a heartfelt Christmas welcome to your visitors our viewers the flow cable network - channels 602 and six seven - digi play 20 and a browsers on be a true celebration of first starts and new beginnings if we choose to focus on a tiny baby born in a manger come to save us and give us true life right now choose an attitude of joy by focusing your mind on the things of heaven nor earth and by fixing your heart on Jesus Christ your Christmas chaos will turn into joy we here at the power of faith ministries wish for you and yours are blessed and happy Christmas and we hope that you will enter 2020 confident in the faithful on failing love of God if the Christ of Christmas is your Savior and Lord then you can rest secure in his loving arms knowing that his grace is always sufficient for you god bless you put your hands together make welcome or visitors or browsers and of course your brethren bless you show - hallelujah - hallelujah January came and January ended and I'm still here February pass still here March paths still here come on Oh April and mere June and July ha our God our God son September October and November believers you're not telling me a server boo God walk Monte Nina come on smudge your neighbor say I'm still here and we're not big a smile tournament still here glory to God hallelujah and it's because of Jesus Christ huh hallelujah don't tell me not to be excited about him no because 12 11 months ago glory to God 11 months ago I'm in the 12 months I said I'm in a 12 month I said I'm excited because I'm in the 12th month or so that I am still here and I'm giving that answer hallelujah hallelujah glory to me God much to be thankful for some started the earth believer and you're not here today you are here you should lift up your hands you should praise Him Alleluia are gonna be at myself this morning hallelujah make welcome the Ministry of the voices of triumph in the care of the Holy Ghost Helen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] McCarthy was four [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus every time we sing about Jesus and every time we talk about Jesus I feel good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] got a mighty believer I started everyone to check homie I'm a family Bobby in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just worship Him [Applause] [Music] Oh God [Music] she's us [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus glory to God just creature neighbor novice eater mmm hallelujah hallelujah coming to bless us with their ministry is the voices of inspiration choir when they come open up your heart and receive their greetings hallelujah dare after I invite you please to stand and make welcome our pastor Bishop dr. therefore Davis when he comes in the care of the Holy Ghost god bless you god bless you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your eternal um I've got this morning do you believe that Jesus is coming back again boy yes he's coming back again and he is coming soon to God so let us prepare our high if there are souls their entire being to meet him if he should come in this Christmas season - glory beyond - the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] once he came to this world in a major [Music] [Applause] [Music] this time he'll be coming [Music] Kings will [Music] what DK [Music] see ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] here we come Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] power [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll be Sophie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the loud [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because why [Music] at when many [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] we'll be [Music] [Music] see this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] or when they shall say peace and safety then shall sudden destruction come up on them as travail upon a woman with child anon shall escape he also ready for in such an hour when you think at night [Music] midnight there was a cry heard the old bridegroom cometh go he how to meet him those who were ready and waiting they went out those who were playing Church they went out also the great separation was made in relation to the ready ones and the unready not ready once all your neighbours and please and let's say a prayer ask God to bless us and ask him to make us all ready Paul said we should pray one for another Supriya [Music] let him die think a Tostan take heed lest he fall sip rail we draw nigh to your Lord full assurance of faith we draw an eye through the blood of Calvary slam Jesus Christ John I confidently knowing that those who seek you will find you those who ask shall receive [Music] those who seek will find and those who knock you will open unto them we believe you're coming soon God we've been saying this for many decades and it appeared as though it's just a cliche but you're nearer now than when we first begun to heckle this message I prefer everyone this morning here at home and abroad granted not one will rise up early sit up late and eat the bread of sorrow unlike the unwise virgins let us be among the wise with the Lambs Shrimant burning oil and spear oil oh god we pray the loss should be saved the backsliders will reclaim the fallen ones will be lifted on make us ready and waiting Jesus name lift your hand give him praise even praise worship you worship worship the great gonna fit worship the king eternal worship the Almighty God worship the one who wore Sunny's mr. funk glory to your wonderful name Jesus we praise [Applause] [Music] tell your neighbor please be ready his comings may be seated please another wonderful day to be in God's house not a wonderful date to fellowship with his people not a wonderful season to celebrate his first hot vent as we anticipate the second had been when he made his ascension in Acts chapter 1 as it is recorded men stood and watched as he went up and angels advised them that this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come back in like manner as you see him go so it's a great time to celebrate the king of heaven is coming soon I bring you greetings from his throne that he occupies on purpose the dispensed grace and even special kinds of grace whenever they are needed to see his people through he sits there to forgive the sinner to come for the hearts of the believer and to remind his church that we are is bright and we must well we ought to be adorned waiting for the bridegroom so we greet you well at home and abroad just a couple of things and I get into the word be mindful of the activity this afternoon at 6:30 it is said I'll try to get here for six o clock production 2019 and it's for all of us plus you and you and you and all of you melodies of praise Dean's and kitties aunties and uncles they have worked hard during the year to produce wonderful productions so come out this evening bring your friends family members neighbors all those whom you can and let's enjoy a wonderful time of celebration together we've asked that you bring an offering there be no gay charge but of course from these we treat the children take them to places and feed treat them well so bring a special gift for that this evening our Christmas morning service will be held right here yes as usual seven-thirty that's on the 25th of December Christmas Day the Lord tarries we meet for that wonderful morning celebration and on this New Year's Eve well the 31st which will be a Tuesday we'll meet for that final 2019 service that by the grace of God opens the door into a new here we trust the Lord for the fullness of his blessings let us all be prayerful New Year's morning first of January that's the day I'll meet with all the members and it is a day when you must come prepare for war so don't dress up like you're dressed up this morning come you come with your war clothes on we're gonna war on the floor war and the benches war everywhere I mean see God together it's a wonderful thing to spend a few hours in the new hair first day and I really want to meet with all of the Saints so please plan that's not the day for beech and this here and there that's the day when Christian should seek the Lord more than ever I seek him every day but certainly the first day of the year we won't keep you all day just maybe about 4 hours 9 o'clock we start so we hope to see you planned for that and of course the big one which would have been on first Wednesday will be on 2nd Wednesday this is the one I'm talking about you know because first Wednesday will be New Year's Day poses its own challenges for venue all kind of logistics so we'll meet the National Arena for the second Wednesday for L family illa nation it's gonna be a very special one I strongly believe the Lord is going to show up in a very special way and something will be birth in Jamaica for the first time over its many years of religious proclamations we look forward to that amen all right so much for that we have some Flyers here so next week we'll be giving them out not this week so you can take them to places and peoples all over inviting them let's celebrate with elder row on Colburn his birthday stand up sir congratulations wonderful saw him and Facebook bow down at his wife's knees that's the time you proposed to her the Oscar to Mario where she dear Lord what a picture what was he asking you past member privilege we spurted my ears bless the Lord for the coal burns amen give them a hand please wonderful sister grant suffered in the fire that raged in the me pen market where your sister grant all her wares have been destroyed burned to the ground what she some place here all right we want to be a blessing to you today or I thank you be seated please so we will be a blessing to you so you can at least recover a little to get back on your commercial feeds amen give the Lord praise final thing is agreed sister pans entering South Carolina or North Carolina or other know it is South Carolina bless you sister Fonzie she views every time and sits a boy in Washington State and all of her brethren at home and abroad US Canada UK everywhere viewers across the globe give them a big hand please and that's not too big a hand I need to hear greatest sound on that [Music] I'll say a few more things at the end of the service god willing and we have a special some special acknowledgments to be made at the end of the service let me rush into God's Word and bless your heart last week this time house in Grove Road Minister Mirage was here telling you what God told him well I'll tell you what he tells me today Lord is good isn't he turn with me please to the book from which the morning lesson was read the book of Joshua the seventh chapter 13 verses where word were read earlier we will not read those verses again having said that let me thank those who showed up on a funeral service yesterday at miracle open Bible Minister Davey and a group you made us proud you did a wonderful number and we thank you our sister went home in fine style amen god bless you Joshua chapter 7 as where we'll be coming from father we ask in Jesus name that you bless our hearts Holy Spirit if you do not descend upon us our being together would be in vain Jesus would not be glorified the Saints would not be strengthened demons and Devils would not be defeated the loss would not be saved about sliders would not be reclaimed nothing would happen to glorify you but if you descend upon us you will be glorified so we ask you know Lord to descend upon us touch this lump of clay once again it is available make it usable in Jesus name when the text was read this morning I could sense that some of you were connected our God connected to the spirit of the reading because it is one that is well known well almost well known but certainly it is one that conveyed a message a warning a caution to all well thinking travelers to eternity for us to recognize the importance of corporate responsibility by that I mean we all are part of a whole Norman is an island he doesn't stand alone and this game if I use that term is a team playing game we win for ourselves and we win for others can I say that again we win for ourselves and we win for others and should we lose we could lose not only for ourselves but would we could cause others to lose things had been going very well for leader Joshua and Israel a tremendous victory had been won over the city of Jericho the walls which were so strong powerful we call them impregnable wall you do not penetrate them the fortress that was secure fortress that was safe strong and powerful Bible says no man went in no man came out Jericho was locked down like some places in Jamaica but Joshua the servant of God was anointed by the Holy Spirit to get a job done and as strong and fortified as that city was it was demolished it was flattened it was penetrated by prayer penetrated by prays and penetrated because of the obedience of Joshua and the children of Israel totally flattened totally demolished destroyed then suddenly things changed you wonder how that sudden change a little city with a short name caused huge problems for the Israelites under the said general Joshua's leadership spies the spies who were sent to spy out the land to check it out to see what it affords what it offers the resistance or whatever when they went into the city of AI shortname II and I a high they considered AI to be a cakewalk Joshua you don't even need to send lots of warriors over there just send 300 of us just send a couple of our son we will just destroy hey I because they are what a few people they have no resistance against us it's an easy capture for us they said to leader Joshua so please keep majority of the troop in the House and Senate you of us all wrong they were they were totally wrong totally wrong they were deceived they were deceived I'll soon give him a theme okay I know you love themes soon give it to you they were if they were deceived because the contingent that went against AI quickly retreated after they suffered a frightening defeat frightening defeat the hands of the little city and its man what could have happened what went so wrong so quickly look at what we have just accomplished in Jericho a feat that nobody else has ever been able to accomplish through prayer through prays through obedience Jericho was flattened and no hey I and it's few people defeated Israel and its army what went wrong so fast so quickly so suddenly Joshua soon felt the brunt of it and he says oh no we can't deal with this a man named akon akon was a part of the company of israel and by the way his name means hair con means what it means defaulted to the Lord for destruction he can defaulted to the Lord for destruction anemia con a con defied Joshua's words and so his rail was no struggling could not fight and win anymore my theme is the search is on tell your neighbor the search is on I want to pray with me because I'm not here to play and ever play when I get to this pulpit but God know if it's the last sermon I preached iturra blood in me this morning the search is on in Jamaica maybe for the last 30 years or so there has never been a period in which some church is not on for some criminals and if we were to reflect in our minds we could remember some of the outstanding names even one that was killed in our community and was found to have a New Testament Bible in his pockets he has relatives in this church I know you're still here but in every period for the last 30 years or so somebody some groups some clan some done some con men son shatter some scammer some reappear serially appease somebody's usually raised up and caused havoc in the country and the security forces always are under search right now the search is on look at what happened in our parish the other day nine people were shot four fatally mortally wounded others addressing wounds in hospital don't you look at me like that because when I get through priest summer you won't come back to this church you'll find a heezy I wanna bet on a compromising one you know somebody helped me in this house you'll find one that suits your lifestyle and make you comfortable in your sin the search is on right now deputy superintendent and assistant superintendents and all kind the other two weeks ago early morning hours in Waterford with those high-ranking police officers along with some others while the table murder took place close by where some of you live I saw you at your get double or triple triple murder 74 year old Fortas a 48 year old and 21 years old brutally murdered right in their house that Sarge is still on for those murderers and many others and to date they have not been apprehended but if the long arm of the law don't find them God the eyes of God of course Iran Frodo on earth beholding the evil and the good it's gonna bring them to justice oh god somebody praise Him in the year but the search is on tell your neighbor the search is on they can choose to disobey some clear instructions regarding corporate responsibility he thought he was just on his own doing his thing not recognizing that he was part of a group part of a community that he's dependent on the other you think I'm preaching to hate and I'm preaching to you some of you don't realize that you're a part of a community where he depends on the other some of you don't know that you're not fighting for yourself neither are you living for yourself alone you're all in this thing together so he choose to disobey those instructions he can divide Joshua's other and stole some valuables among the spoils captured in Jericho look at chapter 7 I got three points to this message and I'll get to them very soon is a short message Joshua chapter 7 verse 2 and Joshua sent men from Jericho - hey I which is beside Beth Haven on the east side of Bethel and speak unto them saying go up and view the country and the man went up and viewed a high and they returned to Joshua and said unto him let not all the people go up but on but let about two or three thousand men go up and smite a eye and make not only people to labor it up for they are but a few so they went up theater of the people about three thousand men and they fled before the men of AI the men of AI smote them about thirty and six men for they chased them from before the gate even to say shabbir IAM whatever that is and smote them in the going down where of the hearts of the people melted and became as water embarrassing defeat and Joshua rent his clothes and fell to the earth upon his face before the Ark of the Lord until evening tide and he the elders of Israel and put dust upon their heads and Joshua said Allah O Lord God we're for us now at all brought these people over Jordan to deliver us into the hand of the army right to destroy us would to God we had been content and dwell on the other side of John and I'll read 2 verse 9 o Lord what shall I say when Israel turned their backs before the enemy for the Canaanites and all inhabitants of the land shall ear of it and shall in free errand and cut off our name from the earth and what wilt thou do unto thy great name Joshua fled before God he said something must be wrong something must be wrong Godwin oh you're not wrong you cannot be wrong you're never wrong you're the only wise God but among us something is gone wrong there's no way we should suffer such the faith for enemies did you not say when they handed me coming like a flood the Spirit of God will raise up a standard against it did not you say one of us shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousand to flight did you not send the weapon that is formed against us shall prosper did you not say all of those things and are then are true yes they are something is wrong somewhere all glories suffer how to praise a bit we hear somebody praise God let's 10 through 13 joshua lamented God spoke and the Lord said unto Joshua get V where for lice no upon thy face Israel not sin they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them for they have so you caught one man Israel are you not with me God is not the world charges one man you say he Israelites in list my brothers and sisters this body that carries us are carried by hostage whenever something goes wrong a member an organ is affected you go to a doctor for the hurt of one finger small finger and the whole body can go to work it has to go to doctor you cannot detach the one finger and send it tell somebody you're a part of me and I'm a part of you tell them we are all Israel we are all Israel we are responsible to some extent for each other so God said to Joshua let's listen only get to my three points it says Israel had sinned or transgress my covenant which I commanded them for of their taking of their Kersting and of stolen and dissembles also and they have put it among and they have put it even among their own stuff the children therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies would turn their backs before the enemies because they they were a curse neither will I be with you anymore except except you destroy the accosting from among you pop Joshua sanctify the people and say sanctify yourselves against tomorrow for the sat the Lord God of Israel fearsome and accosting in the midst of they are Israel though Kent's not strong before nine enemies until you would take away the accursed thing somebody's help us Lord Jesus when a team member like Akon compromises the core values we all are in trouble or you're not with me when you compromise the core value the replacement is our action can hurt the whole camp when one member compromises the core value the doctrine the teaching standard of holiness it can cause the whole body to feel rippling effects of only one member Bishop you you're not talking to choose well that's what the Bible says one man was called Israel although his name was hey Khan lifter honest AI AM an Israelite all of us recognize that and do what we hard to do under God by the grace of God we will secure victory for our for our one another can you give Him praise so I've been compromised at corrvalue it hurt the whole camp and caused a rippling effect in the mids of the camp got the leaders therefore must stand up and stop the ripple before it becomes a flood and this is where we are in Jamaica today this is where we are in our church today and I speak of the church as the universal Church not the universal Church of the kingdom of God named by an organization but the church that Jesus established s' the Christian Church can you say Amen God ordered a search God said to Joshua get up on search because you're not going to move forward you're not going to gain another victory until accept you remove from among you he our share of that which is there the compromise the things of God why you think we are struggling like we are today because all our hands are not clean all our hearts are not pure all of us do not believe that holiness is God's standard all of us don't believe it we all sing in the choir but we all don't believe it we are preaching the pulpit but we all don't believe it we are sit on the prayer group but we all don't believe it we are like elders and deacons and ministers and fight to kill time to kill my regard on immersing in the midst of all those tightly orders and don't title ball us your hair come sit down there I mean a fielder the oath of God he's really struggling Israel is struggling this chick is not being healed miracles are not performing signs and wonders are not happening and you wonder what on earth the second place [Music] this Sarge is among the Warren is hope because the criminals are at large so so don't stop them as yet what heaven will stop them somebody helping the south hallelujah tell somebody the warrant is out tell them this charge is on [Applause] the war on desserts the search is on the Holocaust is going to such because Zion must arise Zion must turned up Sion must prevail the gates of hell shall not shall not never nor shall not shall not shall not have to look his the accursed thing from the spoils that are among us that do not belong here belong the blood-bought Church of the Living God some practices do not belong in the proper Church of God some lifestyle do not belong in the blood-bought Church of God take it or leave it happen is a holy place deal with glory and God's grace no sin the venison or send not my sin not your sin not anybody else's sin can attend severe the warrant is oats searching for he economy the warrant is out searching for the spoil the warrant is out because I'm is suffering the warrant is out because the church can't move somebody blood somebody prayers God in this house Jesus cheese [Music] Joshua want you to a will organize the search because here come is well hidden here can is well covered can I preach in this church some people to church are well hidden they are well covered they have a nice secret place they hide out among their compromising friends [Music] their hideouts among their compromising friends you see no evil speak no evil [Music] [Music] [Music] flock together show me a copy now tell you who you are [Music] is this gonna preach I wanna preach this morning but 2:30 a.m. the morning the horn akash of me drive me to my knees would clear this word tell the people a search is on the warrant is out and it's only a matter of time here can will be found out God's a search by tribe by tribe you may not find him because he's well covered are you so slick this one little Holy Ghost can dig your hole to here you're Connor you're so slick excuse me please friendship Laurent church but he is in your own church party spirit Doron Church is a horny ghost run Church favoritism Laura Church one gospel for everybody your tights could be ten million dollars a month it's a same gospel for you your title be once and is the same gospel for you for you are my soul like anybody else [Music] somebody pressed on with me because it's subtraction you have some big touch me nots in there I can't touch you in the Word of God not sadly I must depart from this pulpit nobody here speak out on the word be honest a no no no no no no no no we not begun on the word tribe I try family my family all solved by horse or still do funny economies wonderful family church we are so connected by blood across the demographics of this church but hear me if your wife is wrong [Music] if your husband is wrong when you go on sit him down sit down sit down SeaWorld on your hotel line the church is the church God Almighty it's all of those churches he akan was still not God said okay bring the money money one after the other clinical search because we have to find him somebody live journals that we must find them we have to find them safe is even me do only goes up to find me [Music] Shanda the Holocaust has two fine [Music] the search is on the warrant is out and God will find sit down please let's give three points entry searches on my first point is everyone must be searched if you hadn't I said everyone when God visited the churches in Revelation the seven churches none was not left out he got a message for every one of them are you not saying nothing so God must search every one of us in Psalm 139 the psalmist cried out search me O God know my heart try me know my thoughts see there B we can wise at me cleanse me somebody live to aniseh cleanse me cleanse me from every sin set me free [Applause] god help me brothers and sisters my wonderful family at our faith ministries do not be caught up on your church duties to the neglect neglect of your walk with God it's better you resign the position them then you'll be caught up on externally everybody think that you're doing well because look at all the things you are doing when you have no personal relationship with Jesus Christ the offices and the titles and the work will not take you to ever [Music] holiness before God he Nadar clean hands and pure heart none of works lest any man should ask if I'm not preaching my heart I don't know what I'm doing whatever one he must be searched Jeremiah 17 let me read it finish somebody praise them with me Oh glory to God the warrant is out the search is on this research is on hallelujah hallelujah glory to Jesus Jeremiah 17:9 intently saw God says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it hey the LORD search the heart I try the range even to give every man according to the fruit of his doing such a neighbor and tell them that's God yeah I tried it hard said God I tried I try the hearts I search the heart I try deranged and I'm gonna give every man according to his doings every man will be rewarded according as his work shall be Alleluia Jesus Jeremiah 23 same Jeremiah 23 and verse 24 why the prophet says there all glory to God I'm saying the warrant is out the search is on the question is asked can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him says the Lord do not I feel heaven says the Lord get anyone hide but I can't find him all glory somebody says something here you search is on proverbs chapter 15 and verse 3 Oh glory to God but it says the highs of the Lord are in F replace be Arling the evil and the good the eyes of the Lord Bishop Davis's eyes can only see so far no further only the eyes of this spirit can seen our bedrooms and in our secret princes Alleluia on a jig on different things cause some of our self to be using glasses to help our vision but God don't in aspect spectacle God no need a high gloss he need not to go to any Hospital ma logistics the C student height as he sees to the darkness hallelujah till the neighbor God sees every move you make the warrant is all discharge is on murderers from water for killings must be found murderers from topple killing it is must be followed murderers from all across dramatically must be found in the name of Jesus lifter Hannah said they must be found say they must be found say that must be far but every haircut in zion every haircut in the church stop in the progress of the work of jesus a mas Amos Amos the first three verses I saw the Lord standing upon the altar and he said smite the linton of the door that the posts may shake and cut them caught them in the head of all them and i will slay the last of them with a sword he that fiat of them shall not flee away he that escaped heads of them shall not be delivered though they dig into him then shall mine hand take them so they climb up to heaven since will I bring them down and though they hide himself in the top of Carmel I will search and tag them out Vence and thought they'd be hid from my sight and the bottom of the sea fans will I come on the Serpent and he shall fight them God says I will search them all [Music] the search is on the warrant is out Sian must be free jamika must be free our women must walk mistreated peace our girls must walk the streets and peace our boys must live in peace the warrant is out not just for here comes in the church but for criminals everywhere somebody says something on it that's my first point everyone must be searched lifter Hanigan and says search me Oh God try me I know my thoughts [Music] the second point every institution must be searched because corruption is nestled in many of our institutions the same Jamaica Constabulary force on the same Jamaica Defence Force and the same private security companies that ought to be part of the peacekeeping and the law preserving of this land all of their hands are clean not all of their hands are clean some are mix-up in the corruption which some of the criminals you better let me preach my message here in their break and when you hear some citizen said we can trust the police we can't just this one some merit is to what they have said you're not seeing it reported from time today policemen tip off criminals keep off gunmen tell them winds card and it's gonna be on tell me when search is gonna be on tell me when police coming into here you're not saying nothing did not say nothing we got good decent hop right law-abiding police men and women we are talking about the wrong elements the criminal elements must be searched from top to bottom the most research community commission I cannot search them because he needs a search also the priests for message chief of Defense staff Rear Admiral cannot search them because they can only search wickedness is in the heart only God can search spiritually by trying to harm somebody with him in the praise God let me bring it down somebody searches on tell them the warrant is out the criminal must be found halleluyah halleluyah political institutions political parties must research not say nothing ministers of government and members of parliament and counselors and QT r cuz a war let him neither searched from top to bottom the leader such I said I need a search and only God can search them somebody where you can assess search them such that such that not all of the hands are clean [Music] too quiet over here not saying anything we'll have us a search them Jesus [Music] garrison eyes some communities lock them down and up green color lock them down and Aharon color some of your Christians are stupid God forgive me wrapping up yourself in some of those colors me a PNP me LP in the country polical political tribalism excuse me please some of you Christian people put your political allegiance and affiliation above your faith in God excuse me please talking to all you PNP Christian in this church and all your jail be Christians so what you mean Bishop it must to support a party yes support one anyone you feel let not of them control you God must go and chill you for tree anyone are you food for anyone you don't want me preach my conviction summer you to wrap up in any corruption in a politics door not only up to the things but also have pleasure in them not do it [Music] but the church need a thorough search the church search the police on the soldiers on the politicians the church need to be searched you know I Peter says judgment begins right here the worldly sinful and godly people I do not profess anything what some of us are deceivers because we profess what we do and possess we say one thing and mean another somebody Church need to be searched it was one member of the church that cost our nation in the body God need to search the church for judgment begins at the house of God and if it begins at us we shall a sinner and the ungodly appeared [Music] what is my third points on a close the third point is the Holy Spirit will do this hiding from me from me I know of to put you I know I'm heaven to send you hiding from me didn't you heard the story about the man who backed up the Christian girlis and we're gonna have sex tonight and girsl oh yeah no problem ready to go we'll take me to a place where God can't see me and when you find a [Music] because the Holy Ghost is the search or he knows where to find who are you with me somebody if he found a Connie will find anyone of us if he found on an ice at sapphire ox chapter 5 he'll find every tides robbers in the church that's why God can't trust me you know I'm gonna frayed up people fears I'm afraid of people position on power no no you could have become bad like Goliath we feel like a deer fit if god's search and found here come he will find any one of us if he searched and found Ananias and Sapphira he will search and find if he sides and founder david i don't think it's all judgments and death but he was searched and found a david in the backside of the desert and said come over here you're heading for the troll he will search and find you i don't care where the barrier don't key really hide you i don't care it is talk your way i don't care if they forget that you're alive the holy ghost will search and bring you if you search and found a Joseph in prison and took him out of prison and run him straight to the palace leave her hand and say he will find me on sight like you mean it this is safe I can be in it God will find you if we science and found and Elijah under should Aparri discouraged and feel like he can't go another mile glory to God he will find a discouraged Elijah this morning he will feed you with bread and water Illinois - it's fresh oil he'll tell you arise for the journey is great he child of God trained child of God you gotta journey ahead of you don't let the devil stop you you got to win the battle live to Hannah's emboss win a must win boss win a boss winner Massa win somebody show John Prescott here if he found a single mother single mother named Hagar in the deserts find it hard to take care of her son eyes Ishmael if he found a single mother Hagar I'll say hey Hagar I'm with you don't worry about what Sarah did to you I got a porn face for your son I'm gonna bless him he will find another single mother is finite at our suffering single mother I'd bring you home single mothers wave your hand I said God will find me [Music] the search is on the warrant is all Oh glory gotta faith and somehow to praise him here feel the anointing of God touching me if we search I'm fine Mary you're highly favored God is with you you are blessed among women he will find you you're not a Mary but you will find you he has a purpose for you he'll find you hallelujah if he searched and found a Jonah Jonah Jonah Jonah you have the message in your belly but you're running you have the message in a billy but you are scared you have the message in your belly but you're about to take a detour God will find you and they'll send you to the Ninevites to preach the gospel somebody prays in here I'm helping somebody right here if we found a kid Ian saruba bail mighty man of ala who think he a monster nothing he will find you if you're Hannah said God will find me searches if he found the Moses the backside of the desert he will find you he'll manifest himself to you in a way you've never seen it before and he will send you Oh glory took the search is on the warrant is out and he's searching for people to lift up on to bless he's searching for people to forgive of all our sins wash us in his Precious Blood the search is on he's searching for the lesbians in the churches to clean up your lesbian hats he's searching for you to make you whole or no bishop oh yeah oh yeah be sure if he's searching for the bisexuals in the church yes he's searching for the bisexual man going with manna man going at woman at the same time he's searching for you to cleanse you and to make you whole nobody say Amen but as all right he's searching for the homosexuals he's searching to cleanse you and to wash you from that abominable lifestyle somebody help me praise God let me close he's searching for the homosexual man going with men abomination to God Almighty he's searching to find you to help you come on to me Harley that's a labor and are heavy-laden and I will give your eyes he's searching for the rear beast we appease be searching for you pedophile is searching for you the fighters and criticises he's searching for you [Music] cultures and adulteresses he's searching searching for you are you mad with me that's all right searching for the hypocrites in Zion you searching he wants to help you he wants to help you Jesus will help you Jesus alone I must tell Jesus searching for lot of scammers across the nation is searching for hope your workers but sorceress little of all of those are in the church we are not as clean as you think we are or your heads with me please everybody we're not as holy as you think we are we're not righteous hi the Lord God's church they are I try to write Shakur novel save you Santa Rosa Nicosia research as the gunman and the knife man he's searching for you searching for the drug users and drug abusers searching for you he wants to help you the altar is open anybody wants to come down for prayer I'll come down to pray but the warrant is all yeah warrant assaults if it's like this is one morning I'd never come to that altar because I don't want anybody think anything of me we'll stay where you are you don't have to come searching alone searching for those men who molest children pedophiles he's searching for molest their daughters [Music] searching this side she's on the warrant is out God says I must find you a burned-up here can and everything pertaining to him we're not gonna burn you up he wants to help you Jesus will help you [Music] god I couldn't read better than a dinner tried my best Jesus Jesus under the circumstances I tried my best tried my best I tried my best Jesus leave the rest to you [Music] searching for liars lying lips are an abomination to God some of you lie board and seat and the devil in hell you take life for a password everything you tell a lie searching for Liars to cleanse the tongue [Music] search for hit men and women no things are not right stand with me everybody peace those who come down to the altar come a little closer some people are yet to realize himself and come down you're gonna pray you come bow your head and close your eyes oh yeah you didn't come to me you come to make it right with your makeup or to ask him to bring you out like a David bring you out like Gideon and everybody come down here and clean under tinfinity Oh No become some come for him to anoint them with fresh eyes [Music] Carabas calling for you incestuous men in sisters man the daughters have no peace in the home your stepdaughter have no peace come on God Almighty the search is on the warrant is out [Music] searches on water too so this is not try by tribe now this is not family by family household by whole soul this is each individual [Music] my is on the I am teen for God's fire [Music] waiting waiting waiting [Music] lift your hand and close her eyes and said [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the altar [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Applause] but you get Lord touch me [Music] [Music] watch me watch me lift up your hands and singing today we're gonna pray touch me [Applause] [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody free the search is on the warrant design you find you as a David as a Joseph as akkadian as a John our assumption as an econ as an Ananias and Sapphira as a Judas as a mirror hold shall we find you talk to God pray all he wants to do is rescue the perishing he's not in any killing mood or no is a devil come to steal to kill and to destroy he comes to give you life and life more abundantly Oh God our God our God Oh shark or I send our or you mark our Suleiman dear where's your people Jesus Jesus [Music] what a day to be near home Shaco [Music] santanico Santana man shook Osama barn or City News what about coccidia by to Holy Spirit yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] my god my god [Music] hear the cries of your people hear the prayers of the Saints here the request of the unsaved the backsliders we're all our requests brought them we pray thee to the by the name the holy the sweet name of Jesus oh Jesus [Music] ooh hallelujah Oliver halle-loo [Music] ah I'm coming now coming Lord to the trustee that flows from cash [Music] [Music] jesus said lows from cash every bottle raise your hand and see not one more time I am coming [Music] to the trusting only in your blood [Music] [Applause] [Music] that flows from [Music] sing it one more time like you really mean it to the trusting me in larger [Music] worship God everybody take time out I know it's a strong serious penetrated message I know it's a soul searching world I know it evokes all kinds of emotions I know it talks like a to midgets war I know I'd reach many in you're uncomfortable zones what give God praise he loves you he loved oh my god he loves you father let your Holy Spirit breed upon all of us may he find us where we ought to be found bring us out as we ought to be brought out in the name of Jesus whatever sinful on clean and godly hand and only bring us out where we stumble where we fail where we fall lift us up find a kid Ian and bring him out bring a David from the backside of the desert the search is on for a Jonah he's way down in the bottom of the ship going to tosha's find him and / send him to deliver oh god a favor the search is on for an Elijah he's discouraged on the juniper-tree feed him with bread and water send him on his journey in the name of Jesus amen [Music] clap your hands and give God praise we hope you were blessed by the message and it is our hope that if you're not saved the love gift of God is yours you need only to take it by faith in Jesus Christ believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved a reminder of our upcoming events this evening at 6:30 join the melodies of praise annual production at 6:30 p.m. under the theme the fire the power and the glory or Christmas morning service December 25 at 7:30 a.m. and or heal the family here the nation on Wednesday January a 2020 at the National Arena if you've missed our first service you can still join us at 11 a.m. in the upper sanctuary where a blessing will be awaiting you remember God remains in charge of your deeds and he will faithfully develop his character in you joy Springs from viewing the day's events from eternities perspective I trust that you will allow God to control your life's details and that his joy will be your strength our mailing addresses are repairing on your screen and the power of faith Ministries International is one church with 11 locations so encourage you visit with the one that is nervous to you once again on behalf of our phones and presiding bishop dr. Delphic Davis and his wife minister petrova Davis and the ministerial staff and the power of faith family thank you for watching Sunday morning life until next week same time same place same church and Minister Sharon defend god bless you thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our web site at [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 13,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vYBrWYyhhjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 9sec (10329 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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