Sub Zero Winter Hot Tenting in a Modified Polish Army Lavvu.

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[Music] hi there folks Maggie and I are off for a little overnighter I had to make the most of this opportunity it's a bit of a rarity in the part of England that I live in we've actually had some snow we've had a snow front called the Beast of the East come in from Siberia it's not very beast like certainly not compared to what some of you are used to in other parts of the world but for us it's quite exciting so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try out my polish la food tent modification with the with the stove so we're going to be doing a bit of hot tinting we've driven up quite close to where we're going to be camping which is a good thing because the the Lavo and the tent stove weigh a ton and I don't really want to be carrying them carrying them too far so yeah we're going to get unloaded and make our way into the woods there's a nice little clearing where we going to set up and yeah it's gonna be really nice [Music] [Music] [Applause] well that's the last of it I'm glad I didn't have to carry it too far this is actually the same place that Tom and I came to on our run on our lavvu overnight trip if you if you've seen that video I thought we'd come back to the same spot it's a it's a nice little spot nice nice small woodland I thought it'd be ideal for this right I'm going to get the tent set up I need to collect a load of firewood and after load the wood burner up to cook on and to keep me warm through the evening I'm not gonna try and keep it going all night it just won't last it's too small I can't give big enough bits of wood on there to last through the night so I'll just you know if I wake up cold I can just make sure I've got some kindling and some tinder at hand so I can load it up and get it lit again just to just to warm it through [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so welcome to the palace here's my bed here I've got my Buffalo for season sleeping bag that's an inner and an outer bag which you put one inside the other to make a full four season bag or you can use the inner or the outer independently from one another great system really good really comfortable I've got a therm arrest neo air which was my birthday present so I'm really looking forward to trying that out this will be its first use and I bought a little bit of a little bit of comfort I've got a pillow with me as well I don't normally take a pillow I normally just stuff a jacket or something underneath my head but as I didn't have far to carry anything I thought I thought I'd use a pillow tonight and then panning around he's got the wood stove just here which goes out through that stove Jack I put Maggie over here by the door because I can unzip I come unzip the bottom of the larva here and and it'll keep her a little bit cool I think she's going to get quite warm in here tonight when that when that wood burner is going it does get pretty warm in here but at least if she's by the door she can get a bit of a bit of air and and then we've just got a bit of kit storage down here so there's loads of room in here you know if you don't if you don't use the central pole you can you can build a sort of a frame over the top of the larva and suspend it rather than having the pole going through or you can just use a Ridgeline or even just tie it up to a to a branch above you so if you don't have the pole there and you and you don't need to use the the wood stove you know in summer or spring for example you know there is absolutely loads of room in here you can easily sleep three people possibly possibly just for a cinch but it would be it will be cozy but you know for a for a solo use or one person and a dog or for two of you it's great and for winter use you can you can easily get two people in here you know you can see how I'm set up across that way you can have somebody set up sort of this way here so you're kind of like sleeping in an a in an a shape with the wood burner where it is here heating both of you you know it's a good generous generous two-person pen so I'm pretty excited this is the first time I've really had a chance to properly use it in snowy conditions which is you know kind of what it's all about really you know it's a hot tennis design for subzero although we've had temperatures drop below freezing I think a better test is actually in the snow so I can use the the snow skirts around the around the outside and and really put it to put it to a proper test the temperature tonight is supposed to drop down to about minus 5 that's not including the windchill so it'll probably feel quite a bit colder than that the daytime temperature today has been hovering around the minus 3 mark so you know there is a there is a definite chill in the air right then I better get cracking and collect some firewood [Applause] [Applause] well that'll do for a start I know where there's more so I haven't got far to go to get more if I need it but yeah that'll certainly they'll certainly do us for a little while [Laughter] [Applause] right I'm gonna get some water on to boil for a cup of tea [Music] now this little overnighter was a little bit on the spontaneous side I debate the most of the weather and and I didn't really get a chance to to go shopping but what I did have were a couple of these 24-hour ration packs so I've just grabbed one because I know that there's everything in there there's drinks there's food I don't know watch which one this is it's many number four I've had these before but I can't remember what menu for is so I'm gonna open it and see what it is I'm actually just after the tea at the moment oh I worry about what the dinner is later they always come with a little bag like this and I want some tea and not coffee and want some sugar and some creamer I forgot how long it takes to boil water on this stove it's not like cooking it on an open fire or a normal you know paraffin or guests stove and I'm struggling to get the fire really hot the the wood I'm putting on is obviously being outside covered in snow so although I've bang the pieces together to try and get the snow off they're still damp so it's just not it's not got that fierceness to it that I need ready to get the get the water to boil so everything's just going to take a little bit longer but that's alright nice and warm in here it's comfy ah finally up to a boil I'm gonna get that water straight back on ready for dinner [Applause] okay let's see what we've got I'm getting hungry I've already told you it's just got that cheese and coffees and matches and gum and that sort of stuff in put a maple syrup bun sounds interesting that must be breakfast yep pure a drink there sweet cherry drink hot chocolate mint hot chocolate that's really good I've heard that before I'll be having that later a couple of cereal bars caramel and apple cinnamon I've got some salted peanut big big tin of that that's good jam that's jam oatmeal tissues tropical drink here we go to the good stuff chicken massaman and potato with rice oh yes that is dinner chicken mess oh man it's like coconut yeah I think admit remember good tuna in light mayonnaise I guess that's actually a lunch raise proof free barbecue beans and pork all right now that's probably breakfast the maple maple syrup we must be dessert and had to see this hazelnut spread with cocoa Wow I thought it was toothpaste energy tablet Tabasco good stuff so maple syrup button for pudding chicken mess amount for dinner I'm gonna get that in now the waters just warming up on the top of the stove I'm gonna I'm gonna put that in now and that can just be warming up with the water because I'm really hungry [Music] so the good thing about having the logs in here apart from not having to go outside and get them is that they are they're drying out nicely yes jeunesse ready now it does look good it's green beans potato chicken there's other stuff too that at all hmm that's nice hmm well it's got a nice little kick to it oh that's really nice ha hey yeah hmm all the food and the British 24-hour ration packs are made by beyond the beaten track and you can buy this stuff made by the same same company from some outdoor stores and it's expensive to buy you know the buoyed by the individual meals they're really expensive but you know that you can buy a you can buy a 24-hour ration pack that's got three meals and all the drinks and everything in there for you know 15 pounds or something it's really good value to do it this way that's really really nice [Music] well my massaman curry was good I really enjoyed it let's see what this maple syrup maple syrup bun was like now that do you heat up try I suspect I was probably supposed to heat that up as well it's nice very maple syrupy now there's water left in the pot there from heating up my curry so I'm gonna make a you can see that a sweet cherry drink you can either have this hot or cold yeah actually it's meant to be had cold but I really like them hot and I really like the cherry one so I'm gonna know what yous at the water time to make his dinner she's just having a good old drive through to some home cooks there you go it was better than curry wasn't it I have to admit I'm still a little bit hungry I've had my curry I've had my maple bun but I'm really intrigued by the hazelnut toothpaste stuff so you get a little oatmeal Block in these ration packs and gonna have that with this spread on it and see what it's like Oh thick and sort of dark brown not yours Meg's it turns out to be basically Nutella chocolate spread with them hazelnut and very good it was too right I've had my curry I've had my maple bun I've had my oak cake with Nutella the surprise Nutella and I thought I might as well just continue eating my way through this ration pack fruit explosion it's a fruit puree mixed fruit puree yeah basically apple sauce well that's it I had to take my warm layer off it was just too warm I'm now just in my base layer just a thin Marino base layer and I could be at home in my lounge it's that warm in here it's lovely and comfortable when Sir open I'm even having to open up a little Halfmoon vent as well just to regulate the temperature a bit I thought I'd bring my candle lanterns for a bit of ambient light in here they don't really give off very much light but it does look nice gives up a nice glow peanuts I love peanuts but it always makes me one beer and I'm going to be with me [Music] well let's come to that time of the evening again it's just gone nine o'clock I'm starting to get pretty tired and to be honest I didn't bring anything to do but I don't we bring a book or something with me to read in the evening I didn't bring anything I've been quite content just staring at the nice orange glow coming from the wood burner and eating my way through a 24-hour ration pack but I think it's time for a last drink and embed so I'm gonna have a hot chocolate a mint hot chocolate and I'm looking forward to this I really like these Mindy I don't know what it is about army-issue hot chocolate but the stuff you buy in the supermarkets is never as nice there must be just twice the amount of sugar or something in them I don't know what it is but they're good well you're right folks I'll see you in the morning morning we had a we had a good night it was a cold night I let the fire die out when when we went to bed I knew there was no point in sort of tried to keep it going so it just doesn't doesn't burn for long enough between having to put wood on so I didn't even bother but it didn't mean that it was it was cold you know I've got my gloves and my gauges which were inside the Maggie was fine she killed up some killed herself up at a ball - was on her sort of insulated blanket anyway and I was warm enough in my sleeping bag although I did get up in the night and put my foot this top on my warm top on in the early hours I don't know probably two or three o'clock in the morning I woke up feeling a bit bit chilled so I I put this on got back into bed and I was fine woke up about six o'clock very reluctantly got out of my sleeping bag and and got the stove lit so just got some water on to boil at the moment for for a hot drink and some breakfast it's cold this morning very cold there's no Sun the wind has picked up so it is it is bitterly cold I've not got any gloves on in my head my hands are just freezing so I'm going to get back in there in the warm and wait for that water to boil Coffee okay all big sausages and what I really like about these pouches as well as there's no dishes nothing to wash up eat it out of the pouch and I'll take all my rubbish out with me right better get packed away well there we go all packed up and there's the evidence that we've been here melted snow and that's it well thanks for joining us on our wintery snowy cold overnight camp the lava was brilliant the tent stove was perfect kept the tow kept the tent nice and warm really pleased with it great stuff take care and I'll see you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 1,467,876
Rating: 4.7839642 out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, winter hot tenting, snow camping, hot tent, polish lavvu, modified polish lavvu, canvas tent, winter canvas tent, ammo can stove, tent heater, homemade tent heater, tent stove, lavvu, winter tent, teepee, bushcraft tent, bushcraft, wilderness skills, candle lantern, zebra billy, gransfors bruk, buffalo sleeping bag, 24hr ration pack, british army ration pack, folding bucksaw, wooden bucksaw, firewood processing
Id: 3UTlrgh78-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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