Overnight Hammock Wild Camp. Canoe Camping with my Dog. Bangers and Mash.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi folks and welcome back it's the fourth of July and the kovat restrictors have been eased slightly today in England to allow campsites to reopen I've taken that as a cue for Maggie and I to get out for an overnighter we've come out by canoe because I've been dying to try out my new broaden 15 that I bought a couple of weeks ago and hadn't had a chance to get it into the river until today it's a lovely boat and absolute joy to paddle we found a nice little spot by the side of the river a nice quiet spot well away from everything yeah very windy trees a creaking like mad and it's only supposed to get windier so we'll just have to see how things go I've set my hammock up as you can see behind me I've got a new top I wanted to try out and the hammock is the one that I modified recently it's a hennessy hammock with a zip which I sewed on so hopefully that should be actually be really good for tonight yeah all good so this is home for tonight this is a war bonnet super fly tarp I bought this recently and it's great very light sill nylon and lots of really cool features that I like a lot and very stable you know it's really windy today and that thing's just sitting there I've just got it set up with one half of the door at the head end because the wind is coming from this direction here and that will just block it and keep it off the hammock itself keep me warmer so I'm getting blown around quite so much and then the other side I've just lifted up so that I've got this bit a bit more open then I'm gonna have my fire over that way somewhere it just gives me a bit more room to get in and out of the hammock if the weather does get any worse if the wind picks up any more I can always drop this back down and just close it off and create myself a really good little shelter my hammock is a Hennessey Explorer a sim deluxe this was originally the bottom entry version you know where you have to climb in through the bottom and climb back out again I modified it by putting in a zip and if you're interested I have a video on how to do that just makes it easy for me because I use an under blanket rather than a sleeping pad inside the under blanket I'm using was made by my buddy ginge I'll put a link to his Instagram underneath because he makes these to order if you're interested in a really good quality down under blanket this one's probably going to be a bit warm for tonight it's a four season one on the top half of me I've just bought a sleeping bag for tonight which I'll probably just unzip and throw it over me as a quilt it's Maggie sporting her new summer hairdo yeah she's got pop a little chicken legs underneath all that fur it's just started to rain a bit so I'm I'm just I've just ducked inside that tarp under the tarp for a couple of minutes I let it pass over I don't think it'll last long it's not that heavy but it's the sort of rain that although it's not heavy it does so cute so I'll let that blow over a knock Karen cutting up some firewood got some nice things with me for dinner tonight looking forward to so um I'll get on start cooking a little bit later on it's only sort of like mid-afternoon at the moment so it's quite nice we got out here in good time got set up and it just means that we can relax a little bit and enjoy where we are yeah it has been a long time coming lockdown has been has just gone on hasn't it I really feel for anybody living in Leicester for those of you who don't know we had the restrictions or a lot of restrictions lifted you know we could if you go to travel we could exercise more because we could see people stop shops and things were started to open up and then there was a another spike in cases in Leicester and they decided the government decided to lock Leicester down which is really unfair but necessary I guess yeah I'm really lucky to be able to to be able to get out got a decent pile of firewood there that should last me most of the evening there's plenty more around if I need it as a few more bits I didn't cut up over there I've got some medium sized bits there to get the heat going in the fire and then I've got some thinner bits on the top there I'm going to have my fire in that little clearing there and I'm a good distance away from my tarp and stuff so nothing's going to get hold and that should be just the job I bought a chair with me so I can sit by the fire and relax this evening and it's just my knee limit out of the canoe and a firm arrest chair so that millimetric slips inside there check it instead of a therm arrest so I haven't got to bring one with me because I don't need it for the hammock and it's yeah it's just really comfortable you're sitting on the ground obviously but you've got back support unless you've missed the most important thing so you can actually sit back in and relax and get comfortable I haven't done much filming for the last hour or so Maggie and I have just been relaxing and enjoying the afternoon listening to the birds the wind has calmed down a bit which is nice but I'm starting to get pretty hungry it's just gone six o'clock and I'm going to get some dinner on the go I'm having bangers a mesh with onion gravy so the first thing I want to do is get the onions on get them cooked so that I can put them to one side while I cook everything else another great thing about using a canoe barrel to put all your gear in is that it gives you a table you can use the cut on and put things on it's just so much easier than working on the ground in the mud I strapped my canoe barrel to my okay 35 frame a really good robust pack frame you can use for carrying just about anything it's good for carrying firewood if you've collected a load of firewood and obviously it works really well with a canoe barrel I'm gonna fry the onions in the little steamer dish that you get with a zebra Billy can a little bit of oil in there in with the onions [Music] while the onions are cooking down I'm just going to collect some water to cook the potatoes in I'm going to take water out of the river so I bought my Liberty bottle along to filter that water and the scavenger hose that it comes with as you saw before the surface of the river is just covered in duck weed at the moment so I need to get below that otherwise it's just going to clog my filter up so the scavenger hose is ideal for that it'll sink down and I can take the cleaner water from underneath I'm going to take the onions off here now but just keep them nearby so they stay warm and I'm gonna get the sausages on I've got four Cumberland sausages in here so this should be nice and peppery I'm just going to come straight on the grill here I'm gonna have three of these and Maggie's gonna have one with her dinner she's got she's got her normal food with her anyway but this would just be a nice little extra for right I've got some butter with me which has melted slightly but I'm sure it'll be all right and I've got some milk yeah that's looking pretty good even remembered salt and pepper to season it's smelling so good get hungry Maggie the sausages are nearly done so I'm just going to do the the gravy I've got the water from the potatoes in here there's not a huge amount but it'll be enough and I've just bought some instant gravy powder and this though best one which is just as good as you can make at home anyway I think and then in with the onions [Applause] you had yours I nearly forgot while cider to have with my dinner to get apples pigs and go well together Cheers what that's dry lovely hey go go it's been a really nice evening had some good food didn't actually finish eating until about quarter to ten and then by the time I've washed up and got everything tied it up and put away that's probably about quarter past ten I lost ten now so I'm probably not gonna be too much longer to bed I'm gonna finish my slider off just enjoy this fire for a little bit and and turn in I think Mikey's quite happy she's just mostly sort of dosed and cement but that's that's pretty much what she does these days you know she's getting on she's nearly eight that's quite quite old for a new fee well getting getting old for a new fee and yeah she's definitely slowed down in her old age she sleep underneath the hammock with me up but her bed there and I'll just tie her I try to run a lead to to my canoe barrel just so she can't go wandering off in the middle of the night you know she's she's a bit daft sometimes and she does do things like that and then gets herself lost tangled up around something it's at least that I'll know that she's she safe or at least I'll hear if she tries to wander off she'll be dragging a barrel behind her right I'm gonna plug this I'll see you in the morning good night morning folks I slept pretty well actually very comfortable I was working up a few times during the night due to the wind the wind picked up overnight it's really windy this morning I've just made a cup of coffee which is lovely and I'm about to get some breakfast to organized I've got some family stuff to do today so really it's just going to be a matter of eating and getting things packed away and then heading off unfortunately this strong wind that we've got this morning is going to be blown right in our faces on the panel back yeah it's going to be quite a strong headwind which will make things interesting I go princess eggs and smoked mackerel like fishy bacon right we're going to get things packed away and tied it up around here and get going there is a little bit of Sun coming out but I don't hold up much hope [Music] [Music] [Music] I've put the place back to how it was when we got here there are trampled nettles there's a clearing and there's an area where my fire was but I've got with it you know all of the embers and everything and just scuffed it over so it looks well it's minimum impact natural take care of the rest other people do coming camp at this spot there were two other fire pits or fire areas here when I got here so one you know see other people use this area and there was some some wood stacked up as well I've left the woods that we didn't burn on that wood pile so whoever comes here next there's a little bit of wood to get started yeah it's been a lovely lovely evening good food nice to spend a bit of time with mags and a bit of peace and tranquillity after lockdown thanks for watching and I see you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 181,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canoe, Canadian canoe, silverbirch canoe, silverbirch Broadland 15, hammock camping, canoe camping, wild camping, warbonnet superfly, Hennessy Hammock, canoe barrel, wannegan, camp kitchen, campfire cooking, fire lighting, flint and steel, bushcraft, bangers and mash, campfire tea, campfire coffee, camping with a dog
Id: SC6pGrOcCJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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