Campfire Bread in the Dutch Oven. Black Pudding. Plough Point Tarp Shelter.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well morning folks and welcome back I'm out with Maggie today on a very windy day thus the tarp I'm gonna be like the fire shortly and I'm going to be doing some cooking today I recently won a new Dutch oven in a competition and I've been itching to try it out it's a lovely little petromax 1 liter or I think it's 1.1 litre Dutch oven and as you probably know I'm a big fan of cast-iron anyway so I thought I'd come out today and cook some bread so here it is it's a lovely little thing weighs just over two kilograms and if you saw my last video which was on pots and pans this featured in it yeah holds about 1.1 liters and works in exactly the same way as other dutch ovens where you put it over coals you can pile coals on top and use it as an oven to bake in or to roast in or you can hang it up over your fire and use it as a pot to cook like a stew or something like that in the lid as with most dr. burns also doubles as a frying pan and I'll be using that a little bit later as well because I've got something I want to cook in there to go with my bread so we're yeah that is it I'm really excited to try it out I'm going to get this on to to warm up near the fire just while that's building up and then burnish down to coals and then I'll get on with making the bread so the bread recipe I'm using is exactly the same one I use at home I've just scaled it down because obviously my Dutch oven is only small I'll put the recipe in the description box below as normal but I'm basically using a quarter of it so I need 125 milliliters of water which is quite hard to gauge in my cup because the marketing start up 550 but yeah I think that's about a quarter of the way up to the 500 mark and that water needs to be tepid or just lukewarm so I'm going to put that near the fire just to warm up a bit it doesn't want to be too hot if it's so hot that you can't put your finger in it it's too hot you'll need to cool it down a bit okay so just warm water okay the water is warm I'm now going to add some yeast and sugar again I'll put the quants in the description box below and basically what's going to happen here is the water will activate the yeast and then the yeast will feed on the sugar it's all a bit complicated in scientific but that is what is going to cause the bread to rise put a lid on and just pop it out the way for a minute right in this bag here I've got the rest of the dry ingredients so that's a strong white bread flour plain flour and salt the full recipe for this is quite easy to remember I don't need to sort of like look it up anymore you know it's dead easy it's a pound of plain flour a pound of bread flour an ounce of yeast and ounce of sugar it calls for an ounce of salt but I never put that much in cuz it always seems too much and roughly a pint of water okay so I've reduced that down like I said before if the bread I'm making today is only using a quarter of those measurements but if you wanted to make a loaf at home or you going to do it in a large Dutch oven those are the quads you can use so it's easy it's it's a pound a pound and out's an ounce an ounce and a pint so I put this in a nice big ziplock bag just so that I can mix it all in here and not make such a mess you know it's a lot easier to do this on your kitchen side at home because you can you can spread out and you can work on them on the work surface but I'm gonna attempt to do this in this bag here just to try and keep the mess in one place so I've made it kind of well in the middle of the flour and I'm just going to pour this in a little bit at a time and then draw the flour into it mixing it in the middle of you so I mean just keep adding the liquid you may need to adjust these quads incidentally you know I've I've allowed for a rum a quarter of a pint of liquid in here but different flowers work in different ways and you know you may end up having to adjust it it may be slightly more it may be slightly less but you just have to gauge it what you're after is a fairly stiff dough actually that you can work in your hands without it sticking to your hands too much got a little foreign object in there so yeah just just mix it in the bag until you've kind of got everything combined and then you'll find you'll be able to reach your hands and hopefully and get out with that without a stick into everything and making a horrible mess okay well I've mixed that up but to be honest it's it's too wet for a doe so what I'm going to do is add a bit more flour I did bring some extra flour with me and I'd suggest if you got to do this in camp do the same because if you do I put in too much liquid you're going to need some flour so that you can um you can get the back to the consistency you want and obviously if it's too dry you can always add some more liquid okay so that's starting to look a bit more like it yeah a little bits of sticking to my fingers but it's not too bad start to get your fingers in it wants to get to that stage you're gonna need to knead it in a minute anyway so you're going to have to get your fingers on it eventually I just like to use a bag for that first stage when it's really sticky okay I'm pretty happy with that it's no longer sticking to my fingers so it's time to need it now so the kneading process basically puts stretch into the dough and and that's what makes it when it cooks it rises up and it becomes nice and ready yeah so really the ideal thing to have here is a nice flat surface that you can really work the dough on I've already bought my plate here so that's gonna have to do but basically you want to fold it and sort of squash it and you keep folding it and kind of rolling it on itself and just giving it a bit of a hard time really this is not so easy in a plate wonder if the back of the plate might be better yeah that's better you want to get your hands on it and use the back of your hand here to really push and get that yeast working and time to get too much blood on it the next day just to prove it and basically what that means is you're going to put it in a warm place and the yeast is going to start to work with the flour and the sugar and everything in there and it's going to start to expand and that's what you want that's what makes bread fluffy and light inside otherwise you end up with a flat bread a bit more like Bannock so in order finished of rise I'm going to put this in the Dutch oven that's why I've been putting it there near the fire near the fire just to warm up the Dutch oven mustn't be too hot so you need to do you know you just needs to be warm warm enough to touch and that it's the temperature that's going to sort of activate the yeast and get it going all right I like to put some cuts in the top just to get that air inside here this isn't your finished loaf this isn't what it's going to look like because once it's proved once I'm going to knock that back and get a knock all the air out of it again and then prove it a second time because I think that improves the bread hugely so into the Dutch oven with it stick it in the bottom slowly down and then put it back over near the fire where run it can stay warm okay let's take a look yeah that's definitely risen bigger than it was so that means there is air in there which is good what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to knock all that air back out of it again you can really just pound it knead it again make sure all that air is out again okay so this time when I prove it whatever shape I make now will be the finished shape of the bread because after it's proved it's just going to go straight in to be cooked so I'm going to make it a couple of lights cause along the top and let's go back in for its final prove and just yet keep an eye on it and once it's doubled in size its it's ready okay it's good to go I'm happy with that alright that breads had about 15 minutes maybe I'm gonna take a little look oh my God look at that we caught a bit on the bottom yeah but I tell you what the top of that looks pretty good didn't it I'm gonna call that done I'm gonna take that off but I'm gonna put the lid straight back on again I've got something else I want to cook to have with this I'm going to use the lid of the frying pan a couple of weeks ago I received a thank-you gift through the post from a couple of subscribers mark and Joe there they're off on a huge expedition to Lapland and and they wanted a Polish larva tent to take with them as there is that sleeping accommodation and having watched the video I did on the modifications I did to my lab who they they had a few questions which obviously I was more than glad to answer by way of thanks they sent me an enormous black pudding there was absolutely no need for it you know I willingly give out advice and help wherever I can but it was very much appreciated the black pudding is amazing it's a McLeod and McLeod black pudding from stornoway and I believe it's probably the best in the world I bought two slices of it with me today so you can see kind of the diameter of this sausage and the thing was probably this big I mean it was may go my own frame they go it was probably this big it was huge so when I I took their advice on it and sliced it up and and froze them in two to slice portions I've had some already I had some at home with Tom and it is just amazing it's really rich and to be honest one slice is probably enough but I've got Maggie with me today so she's gonna have the other slice and I'm just gonna fry these straight in the lid of the Dutch oven mark and Joe thank you very very much more of just fit [Music] that came out well I even remember to bring some butter with me put some butter on my bread slice of black pudding on top of that doesn't get much better than that Oh ma'am hmm that is seriously good give this a try mate you got me think of that tonight said yeah right this well Maggie and I are going to finish off this last bit of bread and and then we're going to get cleared away put this fire out take everything down pack up and head on home but just before I go I'd like to give a shout out to Sam and Georgie from uncle's side rails and they'll know what that means take care I'll see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 725,494
Rating: 4.9005456 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, campfire, open fire, camp fire cooking, cast iron cookware, dutch oven, petromax, dutch oven bread, camp fire bread, black pudding, blood pudding, dd tarp, plough point tarp, day camp, gransfors bruks, folding buck saw, baking bread, camping bread, bread recipe, petromax ft1
Id: xcw0T1yjxIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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