Winter Bike-Packing with a Hot-Tent.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hi folks and welcome back it's the 28th of December and I was starting to get a bit of cabin fever stuck at home so I thought I'd come out for it for an overnight camp I've come out on my bike this time just for a bit of a change and also because my knee still isn't quite right and I've cycled down a bit of the IgG kneeled way igneel way joins on to the pedestal on the Petters way I walked it earlier in the year and this joins unto the southern end and connects it to the ridge way and then that extends all the way to the south coast so all three of those paths joined together to make one continuous footpath which runs from the wash and the North Sea all the way down to the South Coast I can't remember how many hundreds of miles it is but it is a stonker I've bought my smoky hot hot tent you may have seen that in a previous video and I bought that because in a moment of madness I went bought a new stove for it and yeah I am going to try out [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] all setup fire let's all comfortable all good so as well as bringing a tent and a wood stove so it's nice and cozy in here I also decided to bring my chair I've got Headroom above me and you know I can sit by the fire and it's a little bit like being at home really except obviously I'm not you know but yeah it's good it's comfortable it's important to be comfortable especially if you've been doing things active things during the day you know I always think it's really important to have somewhere comfortable to sit so and it all fitted in it all fitted in those couple of bags on my on my bike so I'm all is good so this is the stove I bought I wanted a lighter weight tent heater I have one that I made out of a 50 caliber ammunition can and this is a similar size but the difference is that this one is really super super lightweight this one is made by seek outside and it's the smallest one they do it's called the cub and it really is very simple it comes apart it packs down flat you have you know front and a back to sides a top and a bottom it's got a simple sliding door and then it's got a little slider on the bottom is a vent so you can close the door right up and and adjust the air flow with the little vent on the bottom there it also has a damper in the flue which is operated by this little key here so you can open it up and you'll get a lot more draw or you can close it down and increase the length of your burn so well yeah it's pretty good the reason I bought it is because this is just about the lightest one I could find the stove weighs about a kilogram it's yeah it is so light it weighs nothing Mike my ammo can stove just to put it into context weighs about 10 so this is a tenth of the weight and because it packs down flat I can I can pack it away and take it with me backpacking or you know like I did today it just all packs away into a lock pouch and I can stick it in a bag and take it away on the bike you know you don't even notices there the flu rolls up so it's an interesting an interesting idea you know it rolls away and it just takes up about this much spaces at you you know when it's packed away I'm impressed them first on first use I did obviously use it at home just that just to to burn it in just with some twigs out on my patio but this is the first time actually using it in the tent so it's good it's kicking out a lot of heat I've just put some water on to boil just enough for a dehydrated meal that I'm gonna have for my dinner tonight and here's what I'm having it's a double portion chicken fajita bowl a mountain house one these were sent to me by a really kind subscriber earlier in the year and I've been started working my way through them I like the sound of this I love fajita so yeah it should be good it's got some rice and grilled chicken roasted vegetables black beans yeah [Music] it's me going on about being all ultra lightweight but I still manage to squeeze in a couple of beers I'm gonna have one of these while that water boils Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what I like about these is you actually get decent chunks of food in it not like the old the old dehydrated meals which were just all kind of like mush really and they flavors weren't very good obviously technology has come a long way in how food is dehydrated and now they can dehydrate bigger chunks so you actually get decent pieces of chicken in there and you know the vegetables are kind of whole mmm I thought I'd give you a proper guided tour so here's the tent it's a one tigris Black Hawk arranged smokey Hut tent with a homemade slow jack just made out of a silicon baking sheet and then flu comes up through that through this titanium as is the stove a wood pile and then inside I've got a German army ground sheet that's just a like a reinforced plastic but really light and very cheap I picked these up for about three pounds you know they're really really cheap and yeah they're really good I've got my sleeping bag which is a mountain hardwear Lamine of 35 goes down to just above zero which will be fine tonight I think temperature tonight is supposed to get down to about 4 degrees centigrade Celsius so they'll be fine and there's a pillow I've got a Primaloft insulated jacket which I can put on if I do get cold and then under that I've got a derma rest NeoAir X therm mattress super comfortable over at the back there I've just got a storage area and it's just a bit of a happening bomb at the moment just my gear basically that I didn't want to leave outside and then next to the stove I've got my chair my gloves keeping warm in front of the stove and the stove doing what it does kicking out loads of heat right I'm gonna make a banach I bought a mix with me not to have tonight but to have breakfast tomorrow but I thought while the wood stove is hot I can make use of that and and cook it tonight and then it'll be ready to eat in the morning and that means I won't have to oh I have to light it again in the morning and then for coffee I've got some bacon as well I'm gonna have in the morning with the Banat but I can cook that on my firebox stove which I bought with me just using a meths burner so I'll just use that for coffee and bacon and I can have my Bannock which is already cooked the only slight problem I have is that my pan doesn't fit doesn't fit on the top of the stove because of these wing nuts here which hold the thing together the flat surface that you can use is too small for my pan but actually that's probably not a bad thing that means it won't get too much heat and I can just keep rotating there as it cooks you know and they'll be fine so I've got my dry mix here and it's all just in a ziplock bag so that I can mix it all together in the bag you'll see if y'all have seen me do this before it just says it saves getting all over your fingers at least initially so in here I've got plain flour I've got baking powder I've got dried milk powder and I've got raisins and I just need to add a little bit of water to that it's a good idea just to add a little bit at a time mix it and then just keep adding more if it's very easy to add too much just mix it up in the bag okay I'm pretty happy with that you want a fairly dry dry mix and then you can just tip it out onto something let's dip it into my plate here and I'll carry on mixing it and once you're happy that you've mixed it all just flatten it out pitch it flatten all out with your fingers get it nice and thin there are loads of different recipes for Bannock wherever you go whoever you speak to they always seem to have their own little twist on it it's nice made with beer instead of water but I didn't want to give up any of my beer even just rested on those nuts it was too hot so I've had to I've had to put a pedal underneath that corner there so that it's completely up off the top of the top of the stove it's just too hot you see there it's just browning lightly now you don't want it to burn Cheers that's nice Vanek's done so I'm just gonna pop it in the bag that I mixed in I've cleaned the worst of the dough out of it I'm just gonna smoke that in there just to keep the slugs and insects and stuff off it now go nice with my bacon in the morning I hope you all had a lovely Christmas I certainly did really nice to you know spend some spend some family time we had quite a few people around on Christmas Day so a lot of people around the table it was really nice Maggie had a lovely day she had some nice treats and I cooked her a steak for for Christmas dinner which as I'm sure you could probably imagine she enjoyed and yeah didn't really touch the size to be honest but yeah that was good I'm gonna wish you happy new year now because this video probably won't come out until the new year although I'm planning on doing a New Year's video that will follow this one that makes any sense yeah it's only the 28th of December at the moment but you know by the time I've edited and my internet is ridiculously ridiculously slow and it takes days to upload a video so um yeah it won't certainly won't be out before before New Year's so Happy New Year [Music] it is so hot in this tent I've had to unzip the door completely and take my fleece off and now I'm gonna have a hot chocolate yeah I know it's tradition though that usually means one thing as well it's bedtime so I'm gonna drink this up and I will bid you a good night and I'll see you in the morning good night morning folks I slept pretty well for the first part of the night but I got very cold in the early hours of the morning like I said yesterday my my sleeping bags and you have to season sleeping bag I've got a warmer one but just for the sake of being light I thought I'd bring my two season bag I did check the forecast and I was only supposed to get down to about 4 degrees last night and I don't think it probably did drop much below that to be honest there's no frost I have been out and had a little walk out of the woodland just just to see what things are looking like and there's no frost or anything so yeah it probably didn't it was probably fairly accurate but I did get cold so I don't know 4 o'clock 5 o'clock this morning so I just put my warm coat on snuggle down to my sleeping bag and did the hood right up and I was alright I was fine then so that was that was all good it was lovely to drift off to sleep to the sound of nighttime wildlife the deer in the Owls absolutely gorgeous I'm gonna have my breakfast I've got some bacon I'm gonna attempt to fry that in my titanium plate over that meths burner now I from experience I know that that isn't the best kind of combination really because you tend to get a bit of a hot spot right in the middle of the pan and things burn but I'm gonna try and just clip this around the edges of the pan and see how it comes out and I've also got my panic I cooked yesterday [Music] [Applause] so there we go we've got my bacon which didn't burn too badly considering my panic from last night and then in here I've got some squeezy honey time to pack up well there we go all packed away zero evidence of us ever having been here I thought I'd just go through half packed everything away on the bike how I managed to fit it all in because it amazed me at the front I've got three bags there's a 20 litre dry bag at the back which sits directly on my handlebar stem so it's supported and it's all strapped and bungeed on and in here I've got most of my kit the tent is in there my chair is in there my sleeping pad is in there my ground sheet is in there and my warm coat which I used as a pillow so that all fits into that 20 liter dry bag this bag here contains a stove that just sits on the top of that spongy Don then on the front here I've got a front bar bag at a nought lift bar bag and that's basically camera gear and loose bits and pieces that I didn't want to have to hunt for so my torch is in there my little firebox stove fuel bits and pieces like that bits of food and stuff are in there as well so that's everything at the front and my map just bungees on so I can see where I'm going but the back of the bike I've got this seat pack this is enormous and it's held in place with a bar which you clamp between the seat and the seat post so that's there and this thing slides on and then straps on and this thing is enormous I've got my sleeping bag in there I've got my cup I've got my saw my knife I've got my plate I've also got all my rubbish in here but on the way and I kept those beers in there so the beers sat right at the back there and they were that was fine and obviously they've they've gone but the rubbish is there now and then it's got like elastic aid bungee cord on it as well so you can strap stuff to it so I've got a little mini tripod which I strap onto there as well and the big tripod that I'm using at the moment straps onto the front between the dry bag and the bag that the stove goes in and then in the middle of the bike I've got a camel back here and which straps underneath that holds two litres of water and then the poles for the tent are just strapped to that and I've got another bottle here with wherever that holds 750 mils or something or other so that was all the water I brought and I'm taking the water out there's plenty there so yeah all good right while I'm off home speed a lovely night it's been great to try out that stove in my tent for such a small stove that thing really does check out some heat heated that space up to well really it's going to be great when the temperature is actually cold thanks for watching then I'll see you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 640,601
Rating: 4.9037008 out of 5
Keywords: bike packing, trail riding, alpkit bike packing, alpkit airlok, alpkit big papa, gravel riding, winter camping, hot tent, hot tenting, smokey hut tent, onetigris, ultralight gear, ultra light hot tent, tent stove, seek outside cub stove, titanium tent heater, thermarest neoair xtherm, mountain hardwear lamina 35, kamui camp chair, wild camping, stealth camping UK, wild camping UK, Icknield way
Id: 2p-aRya2MBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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