Campfire Cooking. Dutch Oven Bread with Bacon Wrapped Halloumi Cheese. Cast Iron Cooking.

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] um hi folks and welcome back maggie and i are out in the woods today to do a bit of cooking i've got to file it and maggie's settled down to chew a stick so i'm gonna crack on and get things started the first thing i'm gonna be making is bread so i need to get that organized i need to get that dough made and get that on to prove just before i start i'd like to apologize for any background noise um [Applause] like that there's somebody nearby with some heavy machinery a digger or a dumper or something rather and um you're probably gonna pick that up on the microphone you know we're in the uk we're never far from other people here um you know and try as you try as you will there's often background noise so i'm sorry about that um the bread dough i'm gonna gonna be using today is exactly the same as the one i used when i did my pizza recently um and uh well whenever i do any bread based um recipes i always use the same uh dough because it works it's easy to remember and it always comes out really well so the first thing i want to do is to get my dutch oven over near the fire warming up because i'm going to use that to prove the dough in and i want it to be nice and warm and then i'm also going to get some water on to warm up i'm using about a pint of water that's an imperial pint not uh an american pint um which is uh just under sort of 600 milliliters 560 odd so i'm gonna just gauge that using the scale on the side of my cup and i need that water to be just lukewarm here we go [Music] so okay that is uh warm enough if it's so hot you can't put your finger in it it's too hot so i'm gonna pour half of this now back into my empty water bottle now that i've given maggie a drink and i'm gonna make up a paste out of the yeast and the sugar i'm just going to put that back by the fire just to stay warm what's left in the bottle okay in here i've got an ounce of white sugar so that's about 28 grams metric and i need the same of dried yeast so these are seven gram sachets 28 grams four pouches four sachets which is also an ounce into that warm water give that a stir and what will happen is the yeast will feed off the sugar and it will all go a bit bubbly and mad in a minute so just pop a lid on and let that do its thing in this bag i've got flour [Music] there's two pounds of flour in here a pound of plain flour and a pound of strong white bread flour and i'm going to add some salt to that about about a teaspoon this is that lovely salt i got sent from australia it's like a bush salt with various other things in it so i'm going to use that mix that through a bit i'm going to do all my mixing in this bag or certainly all the first stage of mixing just to try and keep the mess in one place right let's see how the um how the yeast is doing yeah it's starting to become a bit sort of frothy in there so i'm just gonna start adding that a bit at a time pour it into the middle and then just draw the flour in i've mentioned this before when using this recipe um it's dead easy to remember because if you use the imperial measurements it's it's all just ones it's uh a pound of plain flour a pound of bread flour an ounce of yeast an ounce of sugar and a pint of water and a bit of salt so it's just easy easy to remember all right that's the last of the yeast mixture going in and then that water that's been keeping warm by the fire i'm gonna start adding that now just keep drawing that flower in [Applause] [Applause] now once you're satisfied that's pretty well mixed you can turn that out onto some sort of board i'm going to use my table and finish the mixing on there now it's a really good idea to have some extra flour with you i've got another bag here with with some in this is just plain flour because um different flours require different different amounts of water and i can already feel that this dough is a little bit too sticky i can feel that just through the bag here so i'm going to have to bring in some more flour just to get that to the right kind of consistency for this otherwise i'll never be able to knead it will just stick to my hands and make a right mess and this is what we're looking for a dough that is reasonably stiff that doesn't really stick too much to your hands that you can handle without it making a gooey old horrible mess so once that is all mixed and you're happy with it the fun part starts which is kneading it and basically you're just trying to fold it and roll it and stretch it and that's what creates that lovely bread like kind of structure you know when you break up with a piece of bread it's stretchy isn't on the inside and it's the kneading that creates there so that's the next job and you want to do this for a good five minutes just take your time it's quite nice it's quite sort of tactile now that it's not all gooey so right that is how it's kneading um i'm now going to put this in that warmed up dutch oven to prove and what we're looking for is for that to double in size as the yeast does its thing feeds off that flour and the sugar and everything and it becomes airy inside which is what we're looking for [Music] just to help things here and reduce the chance of the bottom getting burnt after my last video i'm making bread i've got um a little sheet here and a small grill which i'm just going to put in the bottom of the dutch oven more for the cooking not so much for the proving but just to reduce that direct heat on the bottom there should help while we wait for the dough to prove i thought i'd go through some of the questions i get asked quite a lot in the comments i thought this might be a good opportunity i can just sort of do a bit of a question and answer session um one of the questions i get asked quite frequently is about um permissions you know places where i where i camp um i'm i'm lucky enough to have three permissions that i use this where i am right now is one of them belongs to a friend of mine um and i do use these from time to time but not all of the time um you can't just go in wild camp wherever you want in the uk or in england certainly all land is owned by somebody um you know be that private land owners or the forestry commission or national parks or whoever so it's quite tricky if you don't have a permission to camp um you've kind of you know if you're going to do it you've got to take that risk if you do get caught you risk prosecution so you need to you know weigh up whether that's whether that's worth it i do stealth camp from time to time you know i get to the end of the day i need to stop and rest um i'll usually duck into a quite a bit of woodland or something like that and um and camp the night there but my advice is to seek permission in the first place find out who owns the land and ask another question i get asked quite a lot is about my wooden canoe where i got it from that canoe's home home built i built it from plans from a book by a guy called gil gilpatric called how to build a cedar strip canoe and he has plans for several different canoes in there some big some small um the one i built is called the web necky it's the second smallest that's in that book i made a few alterations to it i added the scuppered gunnels and i added bulkheads at the front at the back so i could have some buoyancy and to store things keep things dry um yeah it's it's just an absolutely lovely boat it took a long time to build it was a lot of effort but absolutely worth it it's the nicest canoe i've ever paddled that's for sure um if you're thinking about making a making a canoe i'd strongly suggest getting that book there's lots of really good advice and tips in there i'd also steer you towards a guy called jason at trail guide pictures here on youtube go and check out his channel he's got loads of videos on building cedar strip canoes he's a master canoe builder and a really nice guy his channel is packed full of inspiration for the would-be canoe builder i get a lot of questions about my family and whether they ever come out camping with me well um if you've been watching the channel for a while you'll have seen tom my my son tom he does come out and join me now and again but you know he's he's nearly 18 now and he's kind of got his own things he's got his own world going on um so he's he's a bit less um into it really these days he was he was much more kind of keen to come out into the woods when he was when it was younger my daughter is grown up and and left home you know when when both the kids were younger they used to come out and join me and we used to have great great fun you know go on go on adventures and uh it was all good fun but uh you know they've got their own lives now um mrs in the woods is more of a misses in the luxury spa hotel really uh yeah she doesn't really she doesn't really get this um but you know that's that's fine she has her her things that she enjoys and i have mine so uh yeah what i do for a living often crops up in the comments uh i work full-time i'm a carpenter and joiner so i'm i'm in construction i'm in the building building trade it's full time and i have a family as well and i wrote a land rover and that yeah time the time the little time that i have left is for youtube i try and get out as often as i can and film um it doesn't always happen every week just because of the way it is you know with um with family stuff we're also doing some building work at home at the moment as well so time is time is a bit short but you know i do my best which kind of brings me on to the next thing and that's to do with comments um i have always tried to respond and answer comments um you know even if it's just hitting the hitting the little like you know just to show that i've sort of read your comment um but that even that is becoming harder and harder to do as the channel is is growing and i'm getting more and more views i'm obviously getting more and more comments you know and there are just hundreds of them for every video um and i just simply haven't got time to get through them all so i've made a decision recently that i will answer or respond to comments for the first couple of days and after then um please don't take offense if i don't get to your comment if you have any specific questions it's probably better to put them in an email or send me a message a message via messenger and i'll stand more of a chance of seeing them that way it usually takes me a few days to respond to them as well but just bear with me i will try and get back to back to you as soon as i can and the last question that i've been getting quite a lot lately is am i richard's brother well you know richard has made a big point of denying um yeah i'll just leave it there well i think that's fair to say that's doubled in size and some so time to knock that back and knead it again this second need makes a big difference to the bread so take your time over it again you want to get all that air out of it just be mean bash it about knock all the air back out knead it again you can kind of hear it squeak as you as you need as all the air kind of escaping out through the dough i'm bending my table here you notice i folded the legs up it just wasn't strong enough to get the the amount of pressure on the dough that i needed to knead it right i'm going to place this onto this metal tray here for the final proof but just before i do that i'm going to just dust it with semolina flour here and an attempt to just stop it sticking quite so much and i'm gonna score it with my knife back into the dutch oven for a second [Music] prove so it's really important at this stage not to bang this pot about too much so just be really careful moving it really careful taking the lid off because you don't want to ruin all of your hard work and knock the air out of that final loaf i think that is ready to go on the fire the last thing i'm going to do before it does is just to give it a sprinkling of more of this semolina flour so [Music] so so okay oh cool it's risen a bit more to go with my bread i'm going to pan fry some halloumi slices wrapped in bacon these were sent to me by kim and kathy and kim smokes cheeses so this is a whole smoked halloumi sliced up and she sent a smoked cheddar as well which i'm really looking forward to and i'm going to wrap them in bacon i got the idea from a chef in the woods with coco the border collie and he says that it is just delicious wrapped in unsmoked bacon so i got some bacon yesterday from the butchers and that's what i'm gonna do whew well that's had 35 minutes and i think i'm gonna have to take this out and see oh yeah it does come out see how yeah i'm tapping the bottom that sounded pretty hollow i'm gonna call that done [Applause] no burnt bottom so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's good it's light and fluffy and delicious just how bread should be there you go fluffy let's try the halloumi hmm now that is spectacular you really get that smoky flavor from the cheese and it's a delicate smokiness really nice the bacon is unsmoked and that comes through the bacon just beautifully see what maggie thinks what do you think nice well that was absolutely delicious i'm really pleased with how the bread came out and the halloumi was just amazing thank you so much kim and kathy we're going to get things packed away here get this fire out and um tidy up and then head on home and take the leftovers there's still three quarters of a loaf of bread which i'll take home and the rest of my family will certainly enjoy it they might not enjoy coming out to the woods but they do enjoy what i cook and take home for them thanks for watching i'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] production [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 661,989
Rating: 4.8773642 out of 5
Keywords: dutch oven, petromax ft6, petromax dutch oven, cast iron cooking, campfire cooking, open fire cooking, campfire bread, fire tripod, Tjm metalworks, mini fire anchor, David friars roll top bag, David friars pouch, bushcraft, wilderness living, wild camping, firelighting, ferro rod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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