Joke Boat is Back! Who's the best comedian? Mike vs Andy vs Luke vs Ellen (Challenge of the Week)

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Reddit Comments

I hate being back at the office, I really miss watching these live!

Can't wait to watch while doing cardio at the gym later.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/AchtungBecca 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

For some reason, I feel this stream was better than the first Joke Boat, I hope they keep polishing the Jackbox Games and find those that really allow their wit to show

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/guitarhero666 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

This stream had lots of banger, as these usually do. Mike coincidentally getting EMOTION for a punchline, Mike's excellent dad puns, FANCY LADIES, the crushed ice, POPSICLES, the various metas from the WETA to the testicles to the shrek, and Jane hacking... You know what I mean?

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/PhloxInvar 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello well we haven't told them how to join yet go to friends and enter the room code x-rib x-rib it's the most extreme rib that's how you can remember it yeah and extremely spicy you can join the audience you can vote along whose jokes you think are the best and the funniest and be a part of the stream uh we're going to be writing jokes coming up with punchlines and determining who is the best jokester jakester uh trickster 152 in the audience now 167. well before before we do anything we need to do our new youtube life hack where we do a like spike right at the start of the stream that's true discoverability um let's do let's do a like spike for me finally getting to wear a green garment [Music] all right yeah look at this all right do it five four three two one hit that like button like it's to you i finally sorted myself out with a blue screen so that i could do the kind of green dobb eye shadow in oxfordshire again so look forward to that in months uh so yeah if you could uh just let us know how we're looking how we're sounding hopefully everything looks and sounds good so you can hear all our funny jokes that'll be coming in um angel says all your jokes are the best and the funniest all our jokes are the best and the funniest thank you uh cheerful spiders happy wednesday all i'm here to report that hp source is a worthy addition to stake sammy's and is far superior to the us default condom and ketchup there you go yeah take that ketchup last week's streamers i don't know if it's superior together i love ketchup it's let's take a steak take look i'm all for wild's undefendable opinions i mean i like hp stores as much as much as the next red-blooded individual but better than ketchup is massive yeah that's a huge coin huge octopus says finally caught the stream as i'm self-isolating but i finally graduated in comp size so solo celebrations congratulations yeah did you get a c plus plus two we got a scoot i'll end the stream and this is the quality of jokes you can expect from the rest of the stream everybody shall i press everybody's in yes yes we are rolling aren't we let's make it uh says want to thank you all for entertaining me throughout my twenties while i work towards qualifying towards becoming an education mental health practitioner you are all amazing well thanks berserkoid whatnot amazing too i like excellent career even better well when jimmy b snow says today is my birthday i want to spend my money on my favorite streamers happy birthday also almost birthday twin and fellow what's workshop and gentleman's birthday was yesterday too happy birthday to gentlemen happy birthday summer babies before we jump into the summer baby let's do a little writing exercise okay so we're going to be writing jokes remember you can join the audience go to enter the room code x-rib and you can vote on which uh jokes you think are best and you can find out our new catchphrases soon as well we always have their cool winning dream name bonus because the louder you are the funnier you are that's what i learned from the various comedians oh okay right write as many topics as you can um okay uh right so these are the prompts that people are going to be given um when they have to write their jokes it's like a fridge poetry approach yeah i'm being given a location for example i mean even a person's name oh you might have said that an object that could be anything joke boat okay okay oh man so many does shrek count as an animal yeah yeah and also a mineral oh okay [Music] oh man okay okay my choices are not mine are not great either okay my choice is off no i shouldn't say should i um okay [Laughter] oh dear this is this is good um people wondering where jane is she's uh taking a well-deserved break this week she'll be back next week okay this is a great joke and i love it my joke operates as a sentence that makes sense but i don't know that it's that funny what more can you ask we've hit the halfway point okay [Music] um um how much oh we got 45 seconds left ok ok all right well my jokes are written if you can call them jokes you can call them written [Laughter] okay do you want to read some chat well i've yeah i do the reese man uk says hey all so my appendix got upset and decided it wanted nothing to do with me on sunday glad i have ox boxer here while i heal up thanks guys well glad you got it sorted yeah his appendicitis is no joke glad you're healing up and happy to keep you entertained shay gray says mike i know you have my magma i will get my revenge um mike might have a completely different catchphrase this time i do have a completely different catchphrase this time all right all right who's ready to deliver some jokes i'm ready to hear him i forgot that in this one you sort of have to like actually deliver it oh yeah you don't have to always i'm up first ready uh am i ready though okay remember you can vote don't forget your catchphrase and don't forget your categories mike because it's important i'm so dumb i thought studio apartments were where youtubers filmed their content it makes logical sense yeah i mean it's clever it is clever clever but it's not funny call me emotion there we go okay right get ready to laugh have you ever tried leather jacketing that's when you try and make someone having a mid-life crisis look cool [Music] who ordered baby yeah that's me joke baby well it's a strong start dude now i like both folks you can vote you can now you can vote mike's was clever to be fair it made it made sense somewhat but it wasn't very funny well oh okay and the audience oh okay audience audience went more for the traditional joke the audience just one hates people who ordered baby all right okay all right here we go have you heard about the holy grail challenge that's where you try and find all the unfinished mugs of tea you've left around the house a cup of a carpenter oh whoa uh yeah yeah yeah i'm a beeper uh i'll perform the joke jack box step back hey hey folks my family is like shrek they want me to leave their property dang it you're like my crushed eyes i if i convert i'd vote for luke well i mean when you're given a gift prompt like shrek in all caps i chose the holy grail and i had a punchline for it and then they went that's where you and i was like oh i forgot they said yeah joe yeah we're we're we're at the mercy of the shrek motor yeah comment correct choice audience correct choice that's right already that's right matters out there credit look what you're some kind of uh haunted ventriloquist dummy i guess i guess yeah oh okay here we go aren't we yeah i think we're all haunted okay my hometown's nickname is the isla nublar because jeff goldblum's always walking around it shirtless [Laughter] we've asked him to stop he said he wouldn't who ordered baby here we go okay oh they added a bit okay um i call my bedroom the cubicle okay because it's also my office okay you know what i mean what i mean ellen i think you've got i think you're yeah i'm your beeper you got real lucky with them adding that that's a yeah that's giving it a wry little i really think that completes the joke to be honest i think it implies something fair you know what i mean it's essentially the same joke i made but it just makes more sense basically it's good it's good it converts it converts i mean yeah the the shrek votes the shrek meta is not as strong as the dirty joke better is it he commutes into work via wind tunnel you're like my crushed eyes i mean yeah i think the trick is with the catchphrase but stress on a different word each time okay a group of rabbits walk into a bar and the barman says why the long ears [Laughter] [Music] that's very good h3lk5 says normally at work during this time so it can't be an audience member but on halls today so excited to be getting involved been watching for years you guys great thank you very much thank you for watching you've been sticking with us so many years even in the face of jokes like mine oh why the long ears it's let's look at us all right let's look at the rankings even did everyone did everyone win i think everyone won one one all right hey plus dad joking mike says inception thank you thank you point to worth double in round two ah then why did i bother in round one yeah why'd you even bother you've got the wind in your sails now all right okay all right sniper old says they do say you sculpt with the wind tunnel that's good thank you sorry i just got one hand it took me honestly so stop giving me sex setups um i'm struggling with this one i must admit struggling a lot we're at the halfway point stuck then hit the joke for me button one minute left one minute left okay i was kind of given two slightly golden ones here um but it also all depends on the other the other wonderful creations that you guys come up with okay quietly confident while i say that that's rubbish that's a rubbish joke my second one's rubbish i'm kind of happy with my first one the second one's bad i'd say don't because the last time the one that i was like kind of half pleased with was terrible and the one that i thought oh i fluffed that did really well because say how did you know what i mean so like me being like oh i'm so confident it's just because like they were easy to write doesn't mean that they weren't necessarily the best jokes let's find out oh i forgot i didn't press send at the end so i don't know it should take what you wrote what you've written and then just add you know what i mean good you know what i mean i'll perform the joke okay let's hear it god created geese by ruining it my doctor said i have a bad case of the podcasts because you can get harry's razors delivered with promo cut you know what i mean you all like my crust this is so tough they're both brilliant i mean brevity is the soul of wit right and there's nothing funnier than a ruined swan i kind of have to go with the one that i relate to the most it's just the [ __ ] sun the audience and the audience yes you and the audience they were oh those that was hard i i thought that was going to be more of a 50 50 split all right my next comic ellen is up tell me tell us beforehand if this is your gift one this is my gift one you ever noticed how fancy ladies are just a fancy version good luck andy but i like my friends like i like my diapers not totally full of i didn't know it i didn't know it did you a little uh symbol for a swear yeah this is a real tricky one this is really tricky i love i love ella the thing about ellen's is it works so well within the structure of joke boat yeah it could only happen the joke is that it's how it was given i wrote i wrote fancy ladies as the thing and i had no idea that it was a word they used the most well voted i forgot about it so it goes to the audience who liked this i'll perform the joke joke boat [Laughter] i mean you don't like my crushed ice the crushed ice just adds to the yeah thanks uh nicholas pizzarak for the donation thank you okay right our performance thank you okay why did the boomerang cross the road to get back to the same side oh it's good it's structure wise it's it's perfect yeah it's good yeah so thank you but what do the audience think let's find out looking at a total of 750 audience votes i think people just get a kick out of the word for real yeah here we go um i'll perform the joke thank you hey hey you ever noticed that marriage is a lot like professional wrestling they both need a ring to work properly unless their death match verification there yeah who ordered baby am i right get out of here all right i'll perform the joke this isn't really anyway perform perform do it now my grandma said the best thing about flat earthers is i don't know any hey i get it yeah yep yep yep he beat me i feel like i feel like andy's is uh an almost flawless joke but then the the compulsion to to to be accurate about yeah well that's why i like it around because i mean you can have some very good matches outside of the room of course gets my vote i think but what did the audience say oh thank you thank you to the people who voted for mine i didn't know we were allowed to thank the audience of course those who voted for andy are supporting flat earthers oh oh it's close actually eating it in this round absolutely eating it [Laughter] camden ninja says death match marriages rarely work out properly [Laughter] oh no we're going to crash into that duck this is the most drama this is going down oh we crashed into a duck that's just a little bit that's just a little bit of fun folks no time to write jokes from scratch everybody oh no rewriting right okay oh this one's the more points forgot about this aspect of jokes it's harsh it's difficult okay here it comes [Music] oh hmm oh my god this is so hard it's really difficult isn't it yeah yeah yeah hmm our brains all function so similarly it's like it's really hard to come to a different conclusion to the one someone else already has oh jeez why did i choose this one oh well okay well that no no um i thought really really hard about that um and then and then all of the thing and then all of the things and then everything went out the window because i had seven seconds and then everything went terribly [Laughter] flop sweat pouring down myself [Laughter] so when you get something caught in your throat set your sights a little too high like i know i did it was worth more points because people liked it more here we go then hey whoa hey whoa hey hey have you heard the one about the holy grail challenge that's where you drink from the wrong cup and turn into a skeleton whoa hey professional show business comedy you ordered baby i did say the catchphrase yeah let's i mean it's reference comedy which is again the highest the highest the best comedy is the kind that reminds you of indiana jones [Laughter] it was close yeah here it comes let's see oh everyone get ready for the funny joke that luke's made here's my funny joke i like my friends like i like my diapers to clearly indicate wetness oh wow i was thinking about i was thinking no wait no i was thinking about it there's a blue line on the outside and i i thought there was something there's a blue line folks there's a blue line on there and i've crossed this out you've crossed it yeah i've crossed the blue line hey oh my god hey it's apparently better than my apparently better than andy's actual good joke all right okay now you know the new letter the witness matter my doctor said i have a bad case of the podcasts because people listen to me on far too many platforms oh that's good that's good self-deprecating joke about being but is it i mean self-deprecating while saying that people listen to you on many platforms too many okay right i don't like having about 50 social media accounts i have to worry about yeah no harry's raises the original joke is just so good just those razors are such incredible quality it was oh god harry's raised as a sponsor in this stream by the way we should probably no they're not i would like to point out they're not no they are they told me they are they told me they talked about no they say that [Music] hey they said it's our clean-shaven little secret luke with the they're not wet good first round but that's when the points are worth nothing no you totally ate it let's try and move past the unpleasantness of round one all right okay a lot of people very confused by the wetness joke there's a blue line on the outside of a nappy um of the tree lover says just thank you for being there while i qc'd websites now i get to quit my soul suck of a job and learn to be a web dev now you have a stream on why i attempt to love javascript good luck with it um okay okay um yeah a person's name this writing exercise is ending soon okay i'll skip this tutorial as well oh no i didn't i'm sure it's fine what i don't know what these words are who put a load of words that aren't words hmm hmm move on to your second joke soon okay one joke down this is this is good oh yeah i've got a joke i've got a joke locked in it's not good but it's done oh man this is a real end of the pier stuff just some real okay stuff yeah yeah okay right i'm done there you go i assume at the point where we're writing it our loyal stream viewers are just watching our like furrowed brows and confused expressions yeah yeah daniel delgado says as a father of a one-year-old girl i found luke's diaper joke great found my audience oh no 12 seconds eight six seconds to write the funniest joke ever oh no i spelled a word rob that's funny too the words were absolutely garbage nonsense that i was getting in there keyboard stuff by nature now let's switch all right let's welcome our first comedian to the stage and it is luke questaway the comedy stylings of laughing luke okay hey it's laughing like you laughing laughing look at everybody whoa bounds on to stage having a good time so i was thinking that i want to open a store that only sells apps and call it after one hour this business is a bus [Laughter] you're like my crushed ice andy jay grace has time for the moisture meta tm um i will perform the joke thanks my nickname because i'm full of hot air whoa well i know which way i would vote um not for me [Laughter] see just a good good clean joke that everyone can use a clean joke that everyone can enjoy and it's not it's not too dirty and it's not too clever it's not one this anti-comedy clever clever [Laughter] i'll perform the joke really crafted that one how many charities does it take to change a light bulb finally someone's going after charity three want to screw it in and two to phone the person who screwed it in and ask if they'd want to screw it in monthly now my charities rely on those donations mike's right i'm cancelling all my subscribers all right my family is like mary poppins british and all the money we make goes to disney hey that's good that's kids it's very good it's good uh yeah i'm a beeper let us know which joke you like well i'm glad i came up against that joke in the first round joe schmoe says who says all british comedy is dry oh it's close it's close well to get my jet you have to understand how much money i spend on disney products which is i call my bedroom the japan because it's constantly being attacked by godzilla okay who ordered baby some of one of you did this baby can't go back to the game it's me again i'm like i'm so dumb i thought subscriptions were inscriptions on submarines oh i like that that's sweet that's sweet delivery i've got to tilt towards the godzilla meta singular point singular point has anyone watched singular point yet on my recommendation no i have andy yeah we're good randy we'll talk about it later yeah what about that or diagonalize it right right oh it's good okay okay a group of youtube celebrities walk into a bar and everyone else leaves it's cruel it's to the point yeah oh here we go here's the crafted joke did i all right his best one did i get the okay no no i fixed the typo at the end so it's a great joke my love life is like john cena hollywood bankable [Laughter] you're like my crushed ice oh man all right well well well i can't not vote for john cena and i'd be under no illusion a vote for me is a vote for johnson john cena we'll see and enjoy it damn well good work i liked it it's no shame being beaten by the best let's play a little shuffle all right that means you're the headliner tight at the top it is tight 20 points in it it's a mighty long way down rock and roll isn't it i was number one all right here we go with the double points round that actually matters so everyone get your hands ready to type laughing gear around these yeah skip okay hmm i painted myself into recording i'm just gonna do it okay i've just done some jokes i i don't know if they're interesting or not inception said that's the best reaction to writing a joke i think that's dion's name yet i mean you're gonna hear it and you're probably going to you're probably gonna hate me revolver rock says mike knows how to hype up a crowd oh nikki cat says just fyi shrek is 20 years old this year oh wow um good future armor reference from kyle here who says this is clearly the silliest silliest of earth's streams why does luke the largest ops box to remember [Laughter] very good okay well time's running out don't think i'm going to be climbing the ladder with uh oh everyone's having these jokes everyone's having freak outs sorry everyone i'm sorry i read that comment yeah sign it's dying it's sorry all right okay a little bit of preface to my joke you have to imagine delivering it in a sort of middle-aged boomer voice when i was a kid we didn't have avocados we had all the houses we could buy it's topical from like what six seven years ago no i still do those jokes regularly all right oh okay marriage is a lot like loaded nachos hot and cheesy [Laughter] yeah oh boy wow don't mike and andy don't feel like you have to vote for anyone oh well well well somewhat wholesome frodo begging subscribes ellen says yes says jokes are meant to make us laugh not cry hey thank you the hot and cheesy matter of applause for our next guest here comes mike comes mike sprinting onto the stage he's already drunk my doctor said i have a bad case of the popsicles because my testicles exploded oh god call me emotion oh andy oh my god andy get up under you do your best yeah um all right because i'm full of expired slim jims i'm so upset by this round my goodness [Laughter] [Laughter] don't apologize mike oh my face that's right okay i'll perform the joke this isn't the only one who did it oh the only one in bloody did you ever notice how mustaches are just a fancy version of all right mike oh god it's me oh wait wait wait let me click the button i'll phone joke god created scooters by accident okay the timing on that was really good oh everyone vote for mike please i heard like for moustaches i literally one of them was like m a yeah oh my god excellent the delivery on that was just sublime okay whoa hey whoa why are they called suspenders and not pant bungees oh am i right who ordered baby i mean i would say that the suspender has failed if you're at any point the pants come down i'll perform the joke joke boat so don't try to steal my material have you ever tried computering well folks that's when you crash hard it's good i enjoy them i like my crushed ice this is tough this is tough charlie by the way says what a week to be a fan jokes golf a four-hour podcast explaining the origins of paul mccartney [Laughter] split the vote [Music] just relatable crash crashing hard content all right we should see some heavy games from mike here i hope so yeah there it is whoever gets that popsicle joke for the rewrites you've got to take a swing yeah you gotta have a go there there's no way there's simply no way i mean i say that i can't i can't think how it could possibly i've got yeah yeah here we go yeah you gotta try it it could maybe i don't think oh i haven't thank god neither oh neither of these can be improved upon how hmm well i've rewritten one okay all right all right is this what you want is it jokes is it well here we are then here's that we're here now and she donates for mike's surgery yeah the condition in this game is that the jokes have to be true about you all right luke all right check this out see what you've got you all like mike's joke but how about this i'm so dumb i thought subscriptions were descriptions of submarines it works better actually i think more expensive so what i did was i thought about other words that ended up the original very clever it's very low effort improvements on my opinion if i'd got the popsicles one i was going to say my doctor said i had a bad case of the popsicles because i i keep pooping icicles [Laughter] oh yeah yeah it's good it's a refinement it's you're standing on the shoulders of giant yeah yeah yeah yeah okay all right okay fine uh have you ever tried computering that's when you turn yourself off and on again [Laughter] oh yeah that's good that's good for your favorite punchline uh he won't let me vote but i'd be i'd be voting for andy this is voting if you're not already in the audience uh go to and type in the codex yeah we've nearly got a thousand people in the audience yeah amazing look at that whoa good well done over 3 000 people watching so it's pretty good audience member when you said that oh no one's come back we're nearly 1 nine nine come on all right one more person joint i call my bedroom the japan how interesting no because of the seismic activity you know what i mean i like the devil because in that is i actually typed it out that time yeah okay i i i had a real tough choice so let's see how this goes all right god created scooters by giving up on skateboards yeah nice yeah i like it it's clean what was the other choice you had the other choice uh oh gosh what was it uh i cannot remember i just remember looking at it and going no i can't [Music] i just couldn't improve upon them they were too good my friends are funny like cannot it's difficult it's difficult when it's a one-word answer i suppose yeah it's the hardest round all right where does that leave unassailable but also ashamed you take that away amazing good work everyone right straight back into it yeah let's do it let's do it yeah congrats to mike people in the in the comments talking about mike's understandable popsicles could no longer be assailed yeah ah we've got well over a thousand people in the audience thank you for joining remember you can vote on the jokes you can encourage our nonsense or punish it um okay we're just writing topics now so yep yeah i've got an object to think of what object i look around the room and try and choose something yeah okay you've got time for one or two more yep an object oh another object now follow the steps on your device to write to all right here we go now we create the great comedy oh man well it's giving me a choice i've got the same one twice oh man i've got like i've got three but it's two really oh no no oh no how is this the preferable joke it's such it's such a roll of the dice yeah we'll see what people are saying in the chat then wrapped it up early which is probably an indicator of the level of quality of the jokes um ethan brennan says that that testicle line hurt me mike i'm terribly sorry uh hello robot says hi organic please get a birthday shout out for my fave people you absolutely can happy birthday hello robot uh just turned 30 today you guys the best and thanks for you can be saying during the sydney lockdown oh yeah stay safe out there um i hope it's all going okay in australia luke t simmons says hey oxies miss uh the start because of meetings happy hump day i just got a job at a cycle factory i'm the spokesperson here's some money for the testicular reconstruction fund for mike terrible one three seconds oh no okay oh that was a real blast that was a real last one second and now that i think back to it it's okay it's round one it's round one it couldn't have been worse okay there's one that i've done and i really want someone to get it to like improve upon it because i know that there's a good joke in there somewhere okay right all right my nickname is didgeridoo because i'm popular down under okay you know what i mean yeah i'm a beefer wow okay okay i'll perform all right okay mike always got to play you ever notice how the joker looks like a clown um i mean didgeridoo is a very funny word mike i literally had to redo twice and the other one was ukulele i was like what uh yeah oh yeah okay here we go whoa hey whoa hey everybody i have more typewriters than a house in a resident evil game hey it's good it's good related it's good who wanted baby it's good it's relatable okay okay all right folks okay okay hey hey hey my love life is like elon musk on asteroid here was my thinking i know elon musk is into asteroids i had two seconds left wow but that means your other joke must be amazing yeah oh i've got a good i've got a good one for that what i don't understand how did that happen because you misspelled asteroids that's true the spelling had been correct yeah it's funnier when they're spelled right to you there's nothing funnier than correct spence here's another comedian all right here comes mike with his bombshell follow-up to the hit joke the joker looks like a clown i'm so old i remember when mozart was the hippity hippest of happening sounds call me motion okay hey everybody have you ever noticed how ronald mcdonald looks like a cross between a hot dog and a ghost um i mean what to make of these jokes christopher reese says i have actually andy he has noticed ronald's got it oh just the mcdonald's meta mcdonald meta starting [Music] redemption time i like my sex like i like my smoothie just a hint of kale well who put sex in as a prompt i want to open a store that only sells marching bands and call it a day uh yeah i'm a beeper yeah i'm a beaver it's a solid business uh business option christopher reed says jesus christ luke [Laughter] way to lower the tone luke trust me oh oh yeah yeah the blue metal i want i know that there's a good joke in there for the marching bands but i just couldn't think of it could not well maybe someone can uh i would love to know if you're currently losing might i suggest writing funnier to you if you're currently losing might i suggest writing funnier jokes says the captain thanks for the advice captain much appreciated the best captain round two okay so okay okay oh yeah hmm i regret to inform you i've won the game okay you should be starting on your second joke soon if you haven't already this m plus amp semicolon one of my prompts is the word swanna which yeah i've heard that i've heard that a few times yeah i've googled it nothing oh no i wrote swans as a typo okay i was googling that and i was like nothing's coming up but i thought it was a meme i didn't know wasn't it time's almost up get what you can in oh all right the the the the difference in quality between my two submissions could not be more great for me there's no difference in quality of doing my two speeds i spent like a minute and a half on the last one and it's just the weakest one okay right i will deliver okay what's the difference between most people and chicken nuggets i don't know i'm happy when i'm in a room with 20 chicken nuggets oh wow nice nice yeah i'm a beeper i'm so dumb i thought puzzles were supposed to be fun oh oh no oh i like my crushed i think i think i think it's possible for me to hide my camera yeah they're good good luck has given us all something to think about oh hey pity votes well i got pity votes in the room not from the audience [Music] here we go with another great slice of rye observational humor my doctor said i have a bad case of the anarchists why because my testicles are part of a movement that rejects all involuntary forms of hierarchy okay i like it i like it i see what you've done andy oh well here we go there's no way i can compete against the testicles meta but have you ever tried mugging okay okay okay we're playing with the playing with the format with yes okay i ran out of letters couldn't have hierarchy yeah well mike you started the testicle matter i know and now i regret it well i don't know whether it's meta if you start if you just make a joke you make it better it becomes better when we reference it it's only a matter of people vote for it unfortunately and how about some points for you as well okay all right all right whoa hey wouldn't want to follow this one ah here we go oh no so a group of doctors walk into a bar and the barman says sorry we don't want no scrubs it's good i like that i like that you're why are they called fears and not super scares i like the phrase super scarys oh they're both good one is actually a joke to be fair well well well if if people find it funny it's a joke it's a joke i like the word scoop super scaries it's cute our next comic needs no introduction all right mike here we go just keep this joke boat afloat i call my bedroom the bank because a gentleman never tells oh oh my god like a bank teller like a bank teller oh well then that means that they tell [Laughter] it's the opposite meaning why did the ukulele cross the road don't know it couldn't get somewhere over the rainbow wait what because there's the ukulele cover somewhere over there i i just i didn't know what to do with that final one i was not given the boomerang i'm right there with you i got it you know that is the most famous ukulele cover um yeah that is synonymous with the ukulele i'm like i'm like this really like people really need to have heard that song or seen that pixar sure gentlemen never tells is i appreciate it it's just an excellent pun but yeah but i appreciate people overlooking the complete opposite a gentleman always i genuinely had coney island as one of those choices i was like i cannot make the same joke i made last time so i had to go with something else because it's deteriorated a lot since it's 1920s heyday all right it's time for the rewrite rounds time for the rewrite round time for the viewers we're thinking again all right yada yada moving on oh no yes dang these are both difficult hmm i went for the easy one because it was one that i'd already thought of a punchline oh okay so jake says i call my bedroom the bank because it has a terrible rate of interest i want are you serious i just got that joke i'm just writing that unbelievable think of a new one mate yeah sorry jay gets the points jake gets the point sleek i'm afraid i had that typed i was oh i'm sorry i shouldn't have read that no no no it's fine well we're on the same page you got joke snipes i got joke sniped okay right well it's all right i can still recover this all right i'm not going to read any more comments while we're still writing jokes i thought the odds of it being the odds were low you can still use it people will vote for it luke it's okay nope here we go angrily typing [Music] to be fair to be fair i didn't have as good a formation as that comment for the joke rate of interest was the was there the pun yeah okay well it's all right let's get started let's end this miserable charade you ever notice how the joker looks like he's happy even though he seems angry [Laughter] i mean oh boy he's got a smiley face but his actions would belie the fact that they're not they're not the actions of a smiley face man unusual clown actions thank you audience that's kind of i know that was that was pity points done okay all right let's see what ellen's got all right my love life is like elon musk i need space oh very good it's very good sublime very very good sublime do the right thing which version you like best that's right but i mean it's very good it doesn't work on any single level because elon musk isn't doing an asteroid love life on an asteroid means nothing it's nothing and this is nothing this is whoa whoa wow damn you didn't have to do it like that audience yeah i mean audience i meant like a couple you vote for me oh okay here we go here we go it's time for the the joke and here it comes everybody get ready my nickname is didgeridoo because i drone on and [ __ ] on oh it's good because of cyclical breathing good oh it's a drone instrument isn't it it emits the drone oh i forgot the other one was rude though i like it though it's good it's good sorry i'm sorry andy sorry they were both just real good and and i think that's bad luck because a lot of right well i know what i've got to do your audience is filthy basically so i wrote this in the last couple of seconds you might be able to tell i'm not sure i'm so dumb i thought puzzles were good there you go what well we'll look this is this is a low if you've hit the like button already you can unclick it [Laughter] i just yeah i didn't have anything to write it was very funny a lot of people not bothering to vote low turnout yeah we've got a disenfranchised election all right good okay we've got time for one more i think one i think so yeah one more round crack through it same place redress that awful performance in the final round right oh time for the good jokes okay right now seriously now yeah seriously serious make good real jokes be serious and do good good fun jokes gather round and for god's sake let's keep it clean okay let's get to it okay so we're putting in prompts first [Music] okay just like my premium cable bundle this riding exercise is ending soon okay all right all right the prompts are in front are in they're locked loaded and ready to go okay hmm i'm just putting a really dumb one okay you should be on your second joke by now okay all right we're done i i i'm quite pleased with one and one is such like i've even written one yet geez oh you've got 53 seconds so maybe uh maybe hurry down maybe move it along a lot of people making my love life is like elon musk jokes right now in the comments good good it's the elon musk meta gaining traction in the comments uh oh like they're weirdly obsessed about at randoms on the internet oh weirdly obsessed about bi randoms on the internet jc says my love life is like my cable bundle getting cancelled because i'm not interested in these games [Music] is all right here we go with professional show business comedy hey hey hey catchphrase okay i will perform this joke i'm so old i remember when james bond was given a license to phil his diapers who ordered baby james bond and baby james ones oh okay well best to get this one out the way and before i tell this joke it's always good when you have to give some context it wasn't only released on home console i'm a nasty little arcade machine because i pong if you google famous arcade machines i don't think it was an arcade machine though [Laughter] i'm surprised well it's because you said pong is a funny sound it's a funny sound it's a funny word uh this is the joke that i had to write in hurry because i had a whole other joke to write so just saying all right marriage is a lot like musicals underappreciated oh that's nice that's nice sometimes sometimes comedy can just be saying things just be nice [Laughter] just be saying words all right i have more horses than i am letting on like it like it uh yeah i'm a beeper nice job you two judges what do you think i mean what can you do but vote for the one that made you chuckle was it i have more angry horses than i would like last time was that yeah maybe yeah a lot of people recognizing that musicals aren't appreciated are underappreciated is marriage appreciated yes in comedy certainly okay folks how many sheep does it take to change a light bulb i'll tell you three want to screw it in and two to check that raker that's amazing [Laughter] there's a lot going on i want to open a store that only sells chopsticks and call it the chop shop [Music] my only regret is i didn't put bar in caps like james bond's license to phil i don't all right i'll perform this my love life is like napoleon complex oh good good good good good good it went a different direction from what yeah excel to corsica [Laughter] uh no i've forgotten yeah i can't recall what a concert is well i'm here to rain i like these both my one originally had a short joke and then i was like no i'm just going to leave just have it complex synthesis and i like scientists the writing process i think napoleon is funny it didn't go the way i thought exactly it is nice when instead of oh you get a oh i definitely got an er for my chop shop that's a boat joke i don't think i think that was carried on from the bar acre to be honest oh okay okay those are the scores as they stand ready for round two round two and in round two we do the exact same thing again yeah but better hopefully i mean double points okay let's get to it i know the drill okay okay okay uh oh my gosh this ham hmm i'm struggling me too actually we're at the halfway point stuck then hit the joke for me button all right done dun dun dun manna marco king of worm says just lifted up pong was in fact an arcade game apparently one of the prototypes was first installed in a bar in 1972 and the early machines were constructed at a rate of about 10 per day which does it does make the joke funnier i'd well i tried to type all that out obviously yeah character limits i'll get you if brendan says honestly bar raker bar wrote me luke you're welcome sir you're welcome you can get three to just one person and i got through to two people um you know one of them was me but my love life is like napoleon going on water slides in bill and ted [Laughter] how about these comets huh wow in under the wire with two okay here we go i'm just gonna sit back and enjoy some joseph just enjoy some great jokes all right friends i call my bedroom a car wash because it gets wet in there if you know what i mean [Laughter] i'll take my votes now please all right [Music] my doctor said i have a bad case of the school supplies because my pencil case is broken it's a thing that's a bad case of the school supplies there it is that's the thinking oh and i'm right here got it and i'm there and i'm there well now i mean andy's is so sarcastic imagine i'm making this i'm making this face though maybe imagine a slide whistle [Music] oh [Laughter] oh no this isn't really a joke i don't think but please don't make a hobbit of it why are they killed office parties and not over time oh no that's good yeah okay that's that's just good that is good that's a sound observation oh and and if you like sad observations how about this my hometown's nickname is the brunch buffet because we can't seem to escape it okay i just had to click one i i love them both stuart says it's always a bit surprising when the joke is actually a joke all right i'll perform joke i don't know how good this is how many books does it take to change a light bulb hmm how many three one to screw it in and two to stand on so it can reach one of the books is standing on two other books yeah yeah because you stand on books too yeah i'll perform the joke which is a generous term for what this is like my friends like i like my gumballs sweet mike that is really nice and it uh that that lovely attempt to butter me up will not sway me can't just keep writing like home homey homespun things that you can embroider onto a cushion yeah it's like mike will have that frame it's just it's just like good old-fashioned love love and it's a joke that it's a joke that everyone can enjoy as well which is what's so nice about it it's not that like andy smut hey i'm just embracing the message it's not remember andy's jokes about popped testicles okay outrageous this is bad you ever notice how andy looks like shrek meta wow sorry sorry about this that was a real five seconds left situation all right hey hey whoa hey everybody my nickname is icecube because i used to be an nwa yeah but one of us went for shrek medicine that's true that's true the powerful shrek real change of career for andy yeah yeah being in successful rap group are you you can't i'm standing in the back of every video you can't really see me standing behind easy in every shot oh i'm the right mr prevails well you started andy it doesn't make me happy it doesn't make sense we should start adding to the jack box streams like a sort of point forfeit to the first person to type shrek [Music] it's close it's really close that's real close well we must just all have been very very funny yeah that's it that's it all right so this is it this is the golden snitch round for all the marbles yep enough horsing around let's let's joke boat well we're seeing jam this joke boat into wood rock moving on oh okay uh hot shane says gotta vote for the half shrek bard the metal will get you the better we'll get you gonna get you eleanor smith says is mike trying for redemption after starting the wetter which is the wet matter i didn't start the wet metal someone else started it and christopher he says luke said unbelievable again so here you go oh wow i didn't know i was saying something so often it was okay i started the uh lowering the tone meta if that's better at all it's the police rack says i love that has two speeds filthy or wholesome yeah that's true he's like hey everyone my exploding testicles also marriage is so important also live love love oh god it's me oh it's me it's me i'll perform the joke my love life is like napoleon not actually as short as people assume [Laughter] it's good yeah it's good it's good it's good it's filthier but it's not as neat so i didn't jump to that i jumped to relationship like oh let's see what the audience jumped to yeah everything the rude thing the rude matter that's my smartest joke it's a really good joke [Laughter] on my vote but in the face of the rudeness okay i'll read my wait wait a minute what's this this isn't what i wrote you ever notice how andy looks like his phone has been hacked into by me jane and i need your votes friends wow late surge the jane meter wow did they successfully beat this whoa she's used vpn and hacked all ips simultaneously it's meta versus meta i can't wow amazing i can't believe she'd do that the real chain it's resounding it's resounding it's right work the meta she hacked all the ips okay my hometown's nickname is the brunch buffet because it smells of eggs oh it's good it is good i like it i like it a lot it's good and it's less sad maybe people don't like but it depends if you live in a place that smells really bad for your eggs also go to bed brunch my face it smells really badly of eggs just because brunch is like 90 egg the eggs the eggs have it the eggs have it good job well done luke okay all right final joke of the stream i'll perform the joke i have more horses than you you can't stand it excellent [Laughter] very good very good i can imagine that the delivery is outstanding it's like a league of gentlemen character like yes constantly can you it's good the delivery was outstanding outstanding great jokes everyone well done everybody well that's that's joke boat that was joke quick shout out to blaine's sister jamie uh to cheer her up uh luke and ellen especially always cheers her up so if you guys want to give a shout out to jamie yeah shout out to jamie thank you for tuning in uh yeah thanks for watching folks um what have we got coming up on oxtra folks all four of us will be back at 4pm tomorrow and outside extra to play the second round four of us yeah oh that's good where where where where did i stop making jokes uh we're playing more mario golf super rush uh we're continuing our tournament uh we're going to um we've been talking about some methods to even out the scores slightly to keep things competitive and exciting so do you know bad all bad ideas bad ideas so do check out uh check that out tomorrow on extra 4 p.m yep um and accenture is coming up on sunday we will make an event for that let's do it let's do it now let's do it right now yeah cool yeah thanks for watching folks thanks we will see you again next time bye [Music] you
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 99,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, challenge, challenge of the week, hitman 2, hitman, hitman 3, hitman 2 stream, hitman 3 stream, outside xbox, hitman contract
Id: Cp3Ig9PQlxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 21sec (5661 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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