Who has the BEST OPINIONS? Jackbox Bracketeering in Challenge of the Week!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hello welcome lasagna my dudes and welcome lasagna my dudes and welcome to another jackpot stream it's been a little while we we played we flirted with mario party we cheated you flirted with mario pastor uh last last week but it was very unseemly mario party to the curb and now we're back to our true love which is jackpot's party games yeah basically since andy won we never have to play it again oh yeah that's why he said that we're not allowed to now that he's won and he is undefeated so today welcome everybody we're playing bracketeering which is from jackpot funny pack four and a half robots in a space casino um in the vaporwave near future and we're gambling bitcoins on our good opinions i think that's the premise here i look like it's basically quick flash but our answers go up against each other and you vote in the tournament bracket style uh mike is some kind of dive spot yep ellen is a shark shark hero space bots um i'm a big stupid jellyfish and andy how would you describe your avatar fancy duck boy fancy john boy um we'll get going in just a second and we'll share the room code so that you eventually can come out once we start playing it pops up the best ones yeah exactly but first before we do that why don't we check in with the chat and see how everyone is getting on and how we sound and how we look how the hell are you chat gentleman says no better way to unwind after a stressful day at work than with oxboxtra shenanigans hope you are all well you guys are the best day amazing thank you gentlemen drill xbox trip shenanigans are our stressful day at work yeah think about it oh that's so true is that a good thing i don't know i can't tell you i don't think this type of shenanigans is that stressful it's definitely not as stressful as all the other stuff that's true yeah yeah yeah yeah okay seth emery is a new member on the channel stb pet says i'm feeling good i graduated with my ba in english last week in massachusetts this week i accepted an offer for post-grad study in english lit at the university of edinburgh i appreciate it wow that's going to be a question what a cool place good unions what are you doing i was just in edinburgh it's lovely oh i love edinburgh oh yeah you are andy yeah any tips for edinburgh living taking a break um i got this ring from edinburgh oh yeah did you get any rings from edinburgh go on andy no i didn't but um you should go to the grass market and go to mary's milk bar and get some ice cream lovely i think i've been there it's good yeah it's really good a lot of basically like scotland is like on it when it comes to ice cream and hot chocolate just all the extremes of the temperatures do they do they have a an iron brew sorbet there no they change their like artisanal gelatos so okay well it's if you if you get over to saint andrews while you're in edinburgh it's only an hour away and there's an amazing ice cream place there that doesn't iron bruce orber very nice nick jeffrey says hey guys love to all of you even andy i told johnny how scary he is i told johnny how scary his cashmere is and he was really pleased to hear it have a good stream that's kasmir which is johnny's character in blades of the dark which is our ox venture spin-off speaking of which what's happening in blades in the dark ellen this week uh oh my goodness it's only the ruddy bloody finale of the current season this weekend so we're going we're doing the big score will they survive all of us are in it it's it's a whole gang outfit and uh there will be no survivors [Laughter] and kasmir is very very good ellen was watching it earlier the episode earlier because we're getting it ready to go and apparently kasmir is very on fine form yeah kazmir is a delight johnny they're just so good at like doing good faces okay their reactions are zanzibar white says i think the reaction to the big old fetus in village trumps the book monster as best horror reaction in channel history and you can make it a uh one of yours yeah maybe we should make it an ox short and people can just watch that oh yeah it is one of the most unpleasant things i've seen since we've started playing horror games all those years ago yeah it's really good i spoil this forever wait i know spoilers get it gets the reaction from mike that says something get reaction from everyone it's it's horrible um yeah hello stream for me yeah how are you feeling about starting some bracketing yeah let's go yeah let's go let's play mr x no no x04 says finally have a wednesday i have to catch one of your streams so take my money we will thank you and gratefully grateful thank you very much yes thank you very much there's your room code there's your room code go to checkbox.tv enter qhbf the tron style future everyone and all opinions there's my bike i have value now it's the toronto future we were promised at least a couple of hundred pages okay here we go um the best thing to read on the toilet is it okay um [Music] okay and then we have to submit two answers a piece because there are only four of us right yes so play along by going to checkbox okay whoa your entry is close to someone else's that was original and obscure oh no oh no because someone else had already written my thing well let's find out let's find out if you're so unique i'm not apparently all right folks get ready to vote i was forced to vote 700 of you in the audience by itself welcome audience uh don't forget go to jackbox.tv into the room code qhpf and you can vote on our terrible opinions [Music] i feel like the shampoo wouldn't be close enough to the toilet it depends how good your vision is andy that's true it doesn't mention if i've got a pair of like opera glasses you can read it from across the bathroom okay oh it's fairly evenly tied with a little bit of a lead to your phone yep that's right your phone clearly the best thing to read on the toilet yeah andy's phone james they don't have time to pronounce full names in the future never mind never mind i mean yeah i'd prefer to read that for sure i would i would prefer not to read it on the toilet i can't think of anything much better on the toilet i can't think of anything much worse to read ever than twitter a letter from the council saying you died or twitter decisive victory all right decisive victory 82 bitcoin to that winner yes is that you bitcoin don't give it away it needs to be oh is it supposed to be a surprise okay your palms or how to defecate basic instructions for i don't okay now i don't think any of us wrote that second one i think that is the game making up for how i didn't write a second thing it's quite funny though um i don't like the conjunction the proximity of the word palms and how to defecate yeah in your head it doesn't work for me that's 71 coins one by well the prediction was won by mick yeah good old mick mick is your future space name mike with a k i'll take it i'll take it the best thing to read on the toilet my degree hanging on the wall the toilet time toilet times the table hanging on the toilet yeah right who no i don't but the downstairs toilet in so many like terrorist homes of people that i know is that where they put like the random like oh interesting thing that i've done before i should put my degree in the toilet another prediction i like the idea of the toilet times being like the bus times like the times all right everyone hit the casino floor and make your predictions okay oh the brackets yeah things have been knocked out now haven't they so now yeah now it's down to yeah just the cream we're refining the comedy answer the opinion it's your phone versus a letter from the lottery do they send you a letter yeah it's very formal okay how else would you know how okay fine i mean one of these i can probably do and one of them i probably will never do so it's either this or they turn up to the door with a giant check check really don't want to happen when you're pooping oh no [Laughter] wow the crowd really likes how to defecate basic instructions yeah i wonder if they do a sequel that's like more advanced techniques for pooping yeah yeah well yeah then you move on it's just pooping 101 and then you move on to the graduates of course we've got nearly a thousand people we've got 900 people in the audience why if you're watching are you not there helping out with the voting it's important to do your democratic duty here we go is this the finals this is the finals yeah okay you've got two choices a letter from the lottery saying you won versus how to defecate basic instructions basic instructions yeah basic instructions not the advanced stuff no no no no it's a runaway book for that for a letter from the lottery saying you won which is such an odd abstract concept to bring into this but give his next answer all along one thousand bitcoin to that mick yes all right i've got enough to buy a flight on elon's spaceship to mars now i came close i came close with how to defecate it's a good answer oh look at all your bitcoins mike you're okay i'm loaded wealthy um in the chat emily o'gen says hi guys any chance of a sneaky shout out to my housemate rooney knight for his birthday it will be a nice surprise for when he wakes up all right time for the next bracket two in racketeering okay i mean okay and then you're not allowed to write pooping come on be grown up no no i didn't oh my god only if they had dysentery um the olden times okay all right um okay okay i don't know what happened at olden times i wasn't there i studied history andy that's literally about knowing what happened in olden times oh i see oh okay i feel like i've been played by bracketing yeah i feel like everybody yeah they tricked us so now we've got bad answers you're not allowed to change the rules of the game racketeering come on what game well i can't wait to see these [Laughter] wow suddenly he's way more morbid suddenly yeah dang dang dang i got played can't believe they switched it on us they switched it flip mode okay this is real close because it's basically the same one yeah it's really close oh my god wow there's like two points in it all right 50 bitcoin to jan hurray to jen oh dang okay oh wait no dying dying young proceeds to the next bracket oh no i could definitely see that being a hipster here promenading through all the [ __ ] yeah yeah that is that yeah yeah yeah although hipster wiz and dole crone is also something i would desperately want to see let's vote okay in the chat hallman says hello from indianapolis lovely people working from home enjoying the stream have fun and paint that tank are you going to the indy 500 this weekend are you going to the indy 500 why not i would be going there if i was in indianapolis okay promenading through wheelchair proceeds to the next like a damn fiddle jane is like your answer that's the one where you ran out of time you know no i did not put you know although they probably didn't do that in olden times fixtures um yeah you can change your answer by the way after you've already decided yeah if we managed to sway you the hipsters are bringing it back it's gone out of style for a while ellen successfully predicts that it'll be the sex thing whoa incredible prognostication who said anything about disaster right the activity most likely to make a huge chips to come back building wagons yeah or contracting scratch i was contracting scrofula before it was cool i think hipster wagons are the way of the future whatever happened to scrofula the king cured it with this touch yeah oh brett hates it mike mike mike yes thoughts on ferrari's decision with the clerk's gearbox oh i couldn't believe it well i can't believe it i love the state of the decision what a joke it was it brings the whole sport into disrepute if you ask me what i loved is that they were like we're not going to gamble with the clerk's gearbox and then they commenced to commence gambling yes i felt sorry for him but is it euphemism know the clerk's gearbox andy he's a professional sports person and that very handsome man the predictions are in okay it's got to be wheelchair come on wiltshire i'm actually into promenading through wheelchair sounds like a band these are all such romantic things to do hmm i love it i mean dying young sounds dramatic but that's what all the romantic poets did right died way young yeah well they prominently through wheelchair first oh yeah you know you're right yeah that's why they died yet i'm changing my vote because andy makes a good point it was a slaughter one land and jam and jan that's us together at last together at last we're just one match away from our finals franklin says wheelchair represent that's my home county from where i was born don't just vote for the sex thing everyone you're going to do this you just wait for this thing you're not better than this all right i would like to see a light spike in three two one but you know you know let's have a like spike let's have an initial like spike here in the first 20 minutes of today's stream yes all right let's see it's good for the algorithm so probably good for that there's 3 000 people watching and you're only 761 likes wait whoa a thousand likes okay that's much better thank you i appreciate you all appreciate you very much um all right let's see how this goes oh no it's it's the eyebrow versus the lowbrow come on which will come up out on top come on wiltshire hello it's just it's good good phrase andy the fancy duck boy with a thousand of your bitcoins i can get a new chrome beak to eat my what do ducks eat pond weed bread yeah stuff pond weed and bread all right did actually give ducks lettuce i believe in bread what are you waiting for i know which i'd rather they explode or is that something else oh my god the bracket will change every round so you've just got to give a totally random answer what does that even mean the silliest word you can think of okay this is a silly question um okay silly words all right um i've got 23 seconds to think of a silly word gosh what's the silliest word um um okay all right i think that's really two seconds one second and the fancy duckbots oh okay all right i see what you've done the game yeah very clever but you think you're really clever don't you oh we tricked him [Laughter] oh no ah all cash is double this round as well oh no no this is this is the mario party chaos yeah here it is now oh look at who can spell anti-disestablishment anti-disestablishmentarianism yeah that's that's that's not pamphlets though that's fully a mic answer isn't it but pom-pom moose is a better spelling yeah yeah they just said a silly word it doesn't have to be the word the real word moose is even better that victory will not require a recount that wasn't mine by the way i don't really i thought you'd have put it with me it was ellen all along it was ellen okay i was like i didn't know how to i knew how to spell anti-disease documentarianism but i didn't know pompeo so i was like i think this is right oh okay what is perfect here's the thing that's my answer and i don't know what it is but i know it's a silly word andy tell me what is far figure it means driving pleasure oh really apparently you have to start using that one more it's not spelled like that i don't think it's spelled like that okay good word though it is a good word and now we know what it means i've learned something today okay bottom like what you should know farfight nuke and that's like your whole deal sounds like yeah it sounds like a word i should know but i don't but now i do and i can use it consistently now which is these is the best name for a new dr seuss location and i i could see either working but yeah very much the crowd prefers gravad that feels more like a guardians of the galaxy location oh yeah yeah definitely for me definitely yeah played by dave batista yeah oh i wish in tiny tiny glasses yeah yeah yeah here we go the best name for new dr seuss location liberty giver or shrek fantastic i think there might be some ip infringement if we were to they called it [Laughter] um the thing is like weird words are also not are not necessarily good names for places no i don't think i don't think this is i think this is the floor i don't think this game is fair yeah it's a flawed category what's next title again okay 99 in the comments says ellen should go for a spelling bee competition can we do adult spelling bees is that a thing grown-up spelling bees yeah yeah they call spelling wasps [Laughter] you know how wasps adult bee is it's just harder it's more hard so instead of like wasps when a bee goes off to college okay i think gravad lacks is a really good name for a racehorse because it's serious and also food names for animals are always good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh best name for a racehorse complements it's gotta be the one about driving oh actually the one about driving is appropriate but also also food names for animals it's adorable yeah but it's spelt wrong defined far fig it's a nonsense word it's not a nonsense word it's i mean it sounds like a real word doesn't necessarily mean they're the same words according to your mind volkswagen vortex.com it means yeah driving pleasure or some such pleasure exactly don't drive horses mike yeah you do into the ground folks i've been waiting for this yeah i don't know why i've generated this rivalry with horses yeah what have you got against horses no i running away with it yeah yeah liberty jibber is an adorable charming horse name that's that's the hundred to one at the grand national yeah that comes in at the last time and it's flippetyjibbed by a nose yeah yeah oh no [Laughter] yeah i saw my name and instinctively cheered oh okay this is officially as well yeah they have to this is going to be changed now yeah yeah yeah it's like a brexit referendum you have to do it yeah yeah so the french one just to annoy them yeah that would really wind up so i'm going for that i don't know don't you want to live in the nation state of liberty united's liberty kingdom it's it's tight it's gonna be tight uh norsen says hey guys got my first vaccine shot yesterday i didn't have the best morning but feeling a lot better now congratulations no sense well done you hooray flippetyjibbet a prize for the big stupid jellyfish there we go liberty scientifically the best the best silly word silly name word hey jan is in first place i don't understand the scoring in this game i really don't what's not to understand i have five thousand three hundred twenty nine bitcoin right i understand that you didn't win any of the brackets i don't i am retiring i understand that was that was me being awarded the most stars by toad or whatever that's a great time for a spit take i'm just saying wait okay we're still playing are we okay fine are we sorry we started this is a new round we're back to the beginning best s m safe word okay let's keep it pg everybody i suppose the point should actually be shouldn't it um [Music] um um oh boy oh boy um i just i just put in two rather i'm not gonna win this one oh the chat's gone the chat's gone i didn't enter a single safe right you didn't enter a single answer i was thinking carefully okay well the best s m safe word make your predictions now i've made a prediction jan okay that's right this is my job i don't feel like either of us did anyone write these i wrote one of them yeah okay i feel like here blimp takes a long [Laughter] oh boy alexander hanson says good thing i'm working at home yeah yeah not so good not too good for the in-office uh viewing yeah blimp is through oh thank god i don't think anyone wants to take ownership of either of them so are people not voting for farts because they feel like it might get confused to something positive no i just think democracy is funny and out of context yeah you want words that just are completely jarring with the situation hooray for jane we're in winning the prediction also we've got a very um tasteful audience that will only vote for the most tasteful of safe words yeah ginger hosey says i voted for farts mike oh flip it you give it again from robot can't recycle my silly words it's a great safe safe word okay fine who who likes doing throwback jokes he's already playing the message i thought the game might be doing its own callback i've discovered the flippetyjibbet meta okay the meta is is in play everybody and he's discovered the meta andy clambers into a hot tub to exploit the hot tub messer i think lol is too short and and too ambiguous and it might get lost so i think shrek is probably i mean would definitely immediately ruin the movie yeah i can see it if you want to suddenly kill the moose shrek bellowing trick you've discounted like the five people who are really into shrek in a certain yeah i don't think anyone here is properly qualified to comment on like safest practices in like s m actually stands for shrek [Laughter] why can't this be the the one where they change the bracket each [Laughter] also you're not allowed to intrinsically you're not allowed to change the sport each round it's like if the nba playoffs change sport at each bracket that's not okay to football yeah not even knowing in mid playoffs mid game would be better oh yeah yeah now we're playing golf everybody third quarter suddenly it's golf yeah we'll pick up your golf stick now we're playing golf all right oh no goodyear blimps going [Laughter] jake franklin says i may be too sober for this i think yeah i think i am too actually i think we're all too sober okay it's to be democracy or possibly shrek it's going to be shrek it's going to be shrek only you can make it happen audience go to jackpots tv into room code qhba oh i don't know it just thank goodness i have a feeling shrek was also andy shrek was also me yeah oh really your words against other words okay i did not realize that but the voting public they went to the ballot boxes and they roundly rejected shrek okay checkerbeard says did any of you see yourselves debating a wednesday afternoon spending an afternoon wednesday debating the nuances of safe words live on the internet no did you can anyone here honestly say they saw that coming i mean just generally i think my career is definitely far different from why okay democracy very very pro-democracy or democracy wins i'm proud i'm proud of you audience well done hive mind on who the heck is that on get out of here it's on your safe word why is aaron got a human face maybe on is like the um [Laughter] all right i'm ready i'm ready for a blind bracket okay well this should be easy yeah okay um this seems like very straightforward and then they're going to change it into name an animal that is your safe word okay done that was easy okay that was easy she said i've stepped away from the mic you haven't entered any answers yet yeah yeah he's thinking about animals stb pets in the chat says it's hilarious that jane is so upset that jack box is not playing by upstanding sporting rules we live in a society people and jack box has got to recognize that all right let's see what the record is actually about okay your bait and switch the old switcheroo from jackpots you scamps new big scams you can't change the game mid-game sorry i think it someone pointed out that that's what a triathlon is oh yeah but it would be more like if the triathlon didn't tell you which sports you were going to do even better at the start of the trip oh i told you you were going to play football and then yeah put you in a canoe yeah yeah yeah you're gonna run and swim and jump but in the end you're yeah playing golf and then canoeing why not chewbacca is a good nickname to her at summer camp yeah because of the fact you're always wailing unintelligibly and you're covered in hair i i could hang up oh wait here we go chewbacca isn't an animal so there's people saying that people yeah did any of you right click for the big red no i don't isn't that a kid's book oh wait ellen wrote as long as we all as long as we all don't run out of time it's all our answers okay that's when we run out of time sticks is all that was a very american answer that's an american kid's book right yeah it's a animated series from cbbc oh i did not know though okay it was like i was too old to watch it but it was and i watched it anyway yeah best nickname today at summer camp road warrior animal road yeah wait who who thinks they're smaller than a medium-sized dog ellen clearly i mean i want to be called road warrior animals all right good nickname to rit [Music] i think this is the tribute he would have wanted mike can you do a ooh what a rush uh i don't think i can actually i don't recall how he did it but can you do one ooh what a rush pretty good oh oh we're supposed to be voting hang on best nickname to earn at summer camp shark the copyright free shrek will watch you do anything no shock isn't an amusing misspelling of shock no short is the copyright free correct for what you do anytime it can be two things andy i thought it was a shrek reference and i think probably the audience well you haven't been watching the oxtra animal crossing streams have yeah sure when did they last air when was the last crossing it's been a while but shawq isn't adorable yes running joke yeah we all love shark the coffee right for each record okay all right let's make our predictions now um a lovely compliment here from brendan the gamer who says i'd like to tell jane that her outfit of the day post on instagram blow my entire wig off thank you brendan i appreciate you um right best nickname toilet something i don't care what you smell get in there it up fuzzball all right i'm going i'm going chewbacca but don't let that swear you high of mind it's all up to you that's the joy of democracy democracy oh my god democracy mike please wait please not even six o'clock mike and in america it's very early extremely early in the day save that for when you're alone with because you're a free shrek we'll watch you do anything the shot candy it's an adorable shark it can be all things to all people everyone in the chat is very cross with me it stars burn in the chat says why would anyone be into s m sure beats the hell out of me i'll see myself yeah very good well done congratulations looks like this one was obvious claire de bear in the comments says ellen's inspired me to get the haircut color i've always wanted i will be donating my lockdown locks to the little princess trust which is lovely thank you claire that's very nice all right it's come to this chewbacca versus short whoever wins we lose all right oh it's looking like a fairly decided yeah i'm a fair we're the fan i'm definitely with shark this time yeah [ __ ] that's right it's jazz i'm using my jellyfish tentacles to take all the bitcoins and scrape them towards me well as the inventor of chalk the copyright free shrek or watch you do anything i feel like i deserve a portion of your earnings you can have 10 points off the back end how about that a merchandise fine okay that's a bad round for me time for a triple oh blind this bracket will change this bracket will change your life starting category okay okay oh yeah that sounds cute name your fetish and it's this cartoon character that he he'll just be back to safe words again [Laughter] yeah mickey mouse is your safe word you pervert okay fine name a cartoon character okay all right uh okay okay okay um got it done it nailed it cm bala says you can tell mike's become a parent he appears to have gone insane one of the symptoms the most annoying character oh wow i always feel more betrayed that they only changed the bracket so slightly yeah that's not that's nowhere near as different as i was expecting i might have named my most favorite beloved cartoon character i know it looks i think that's the thing like you put in like oh i like these two characters now the audience cruelly crushes your yeah my opinions crushes my opinions no one wants to win who's gunface i don't know but he's pretty annoying please i can imagine gun face is quite annoying i like the ambiguity of the question because it's either name a cartoon character that you know of or name a cartoon character off the top of your head that you would like to exist i suspect the face does not exist no [ __ ] gun face has been made did you put shoe rod alan yeah i love some sheetra well you know like the new animated stuff is so adorable moving on to our next match-up okay shrek's mate that donkey well that's a no-brainer who's grave lord nito it's from ducks dark souls character oh but you're saying it could be a cartoon character i thought it would be cute if it was turned into another there was a little [Music] he's like eight skeletons in a fur coat all right we have shrek to make that donkey up against gun face okay it's the eastern conference oh raphael's probably the least annoying turtle yeah i mean who's the most annoying he's so hot-headed andy michelangelo probably is the most annoying no michelangelo's the best who's the smart one donatello right right hello yeah okay who's the bossy one michelangelo leonardo oh yeah sorry my clan raphael is cool but crude okay that's why who's the party dude michelangelo is the party dude okay was your was your invisible friend turtle ellen no he was not but he was in there oh darkwing actually duck is kind of kind of annoying yeah [Laughter] he is the terror that flaps in the night he's the batman of duck world right yeah basically is there an actual superhero called darkwing because it seems that seems like a cool name no he's just a batman pastiche okay all right but nightwing is a thing right nightwing is a thing yeah okay fine that's robin after he was robin okay okay i'm learning let's switch up this bracket all right what's it gonna be now racketeering which cartoon character has a terrible dark secret this is so wild shrek's mate that donkey okay tony's maximus says i think you should all have kids like mike the world would be a better place there's more little ones like you guys i like the ambient beauty that we should all have kids that are like yeah that's what i thought you meant come on face that's a dark secret what's he's not that much he's got a gun [Laughter] not that much of a secret not a secret yeah i think we can really agree the donkey's done some stuff that you can't talk about i mean they're on fire there's the the dragon donkey babies that's already something quite wild that's public knowledge though yeah that is public knowledge but like oh you mean what else has he done okay what else okay here it goes i mean he's called darkwing duck yeah raphael is another phil probably hasn't if rafael has one he's the inventor right he's the inventor turtle he's like oh raphael doesn't exactly like pizza okay he's dark secret yeah you don't want to know where rafael likes pizza or ate the fifth turtle yes in the um in the womb or something yeah no wait they're not mammals never mind see i voted against myself because i thought people would be like lol ninja turtles rather than yes darkwing duck has a dark secret i bloody love there was a fifth turtle she was called venus yeah but only in the ladies power rangers series right that's so strange most likely to break your heart shrek's mate that donkey and then the donkey is uh in the middle of a relationship with the dragon no that guy darkwing duck for sure i'm torn i think i i think donkey has or broken before he got with the driver before he settled down yeah i think he played he was a little bit of a player he played you know he sent somebody to be fair he was voiced by eddie murphy all right this is sheer nonsense it is totally what are we even competing for right now i don't know but just think about all the wonderful things it's had us discussing yeah no that's true it's a real conversation starter good job mick well done hey you're going hooray hooray okay [Music] i completely voted against my own interest in that last round how's the chat getting on before we kick off another uh exciting round of all right let's check in with the chat andrew hall says there is actually an anime called no guns life about a detective with a gun for a face so there we go andy oh my gosh well done like i said my favorite cartoon character eva burns says one of my favorite cartoon characters is gossamer the big hairy orange monster from looney tunes who knew that what was that oh characters yeah i know the character i didn't know it was known as okay it was called gossamer j money says thanks for being you in a sticker it's a pair holding up a mirror wearing a sweat band and looking in the mirror and adoring its own reflections that's that's that sticker like it's just got back from aerobics yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah aerobics todd von havoc says glad this glad for this stream on my one day off thanks so thank you todd for spending your precious day off with us yeah veronica scipe says delayed by youtube shenanigans ahn was deaf annie nycamp of magic tavern fame he must be defeated get him everybody okay all right let's proceed shall we yes i'm getting that i'm getting the hang of it now we're getting the meta now the match is emerging yeah let me just climb in a hot tub okay you've seen the changing overwatch says 5v5 well what's that going to do to the better andy as our overwatch correspondent well it's bad news for tanks i'll tell you that much okay coolest thing you could file as a tax deduction okay [Music] okay can't you just follow me anything as long as you claim it is something to do with your job yeah so you need a cool job to deduct stuff from it um um um oh i don't know time's running out i don't i don't i don't know i don't uh oh no oh i got one i i got one but then i was like i feel like if we were playing if we were playing this with 16 people we'd only have to think of one thing each instead of two yeah also if we were tax avoiders we'd have loads of really good ideas because we didn't yeah but we're all supposed to be honestly honest in our tax okay the predictions are in it's time to dive into our first bracket okay first bracket here we go freezer for work purposes i'm imagining like agent 47 he's like i'm gonna yeah i need to play back on my freezer for storing bodies in harry potter chip says tax accountant here very interested in these responses tell my accountant to stop watching now we're being audited can i claim the tax back on that star wars lightsaber i bought because it appeared in that vlog we did that yeah you could probably claim it for like five out of seven days a week because you five days a week you work and two days a week when you're waving the lightsaber around you're not working yeah if only you could file as a tax deduction cool big car i don't know cool big cars if it said cool child care then maybe yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a good job would you like we said cool big car please wait a minute none of these children are wearing sunglasses get out of here got jacob says jimmy carl would be great at this round yes we've got a sticker from kate lodge it's a shiba inu holding a squeezy heart and like wagging its tail it's very adorable very happy that that happened horses or electric pants brackets cool yeah the cool kind yeah the cool kind of electric fence these square nerds what kind of is it like an electric blanket does it does it warm your legs no they're just they like tie electricity today sure they light up they warm your legs i don't know look i'm the inventor i'm the inventor of shark the copyright free record what should you do anything not the inventor of electric pen i will litigate you i will i will see you for for ownership of shark which is an adorable name for sharks elon's rocks to mars he sure has to mars or jet pack fuel somewhat aligned there yeah do you reckon he could get to mars on a jet pack probably not i mean i'd like to see him try i mean far be it for me to discuss tax affairs but do you think he's paying tax no no i assume he is please don't sue me i have nothing sure he pays all the tax he's legally obligated okay coolest thing you could file as a tax deduction in see the thing about deducting um for jetpack fuel is that it implies you've used jetpacks to get to work you know like it's your commute like you would use a cool big car to get to work or like if you're maybe a rocketeer for maybe your job yeah or someone who had a cool big car like professionally have a cool big car yeah like not for leisure purposes deduct his cool big car because i should pay for it okay well the freezer one for work purposes yeah i'm imagining like a walk-in meat locker you know with dangly things yeah dangly meats thanks i mean i guess i guess the kind of the joke there is that cool also means cold okay yes now i get it i guess now i get the joke well andy everyone's a big fan of your electric pants cool how do you know that's mine could be anyone's answer could be literally anyone who wrote electric pants dominating cool coming soon to a merch door near you electric pants cool money if you guessed it okay okay where are we what's going on okay we're in the final it's a freezer going up against electric pants brackets cool okay no wait yes it is right you're right you're right you're right you're right the coolest thing you could file as a tax deduction is a freezer for work purposes or electric pants bracket's cool yeah i mean to be fair to a freezer for work purposes some words do have two meanings andy did you do both of these no i think the frieza's got to be ellen oh oh look who won words have two meanings some have more than two andy yeah yeah cap on said of course i voted for the pun of course of course let's see how the scores shook out shy violet says when are electric pants brackets cool hitting the merch store i think they're a bit too dangerous to bring to market probably we could be great though we're legally not permitted to put andy's electric pants on the merch door they're very dangerous as long as people sign a waiver yeah yeah yeah oh yeah like these pants are only for entertainment purposes please do not wear these pants don't put them on your body that kind of thing all right name anybody bracketeering i see you it's going to be rude isn't it i know you're gay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah don't act like you're so smart bracketeering yeah yeah which of these body parts is your weird fetish yeah yeah there's just nothing you can put that's safe there's nothing here that's hmm oh no time's running out oh i misspelled it is really about it's just that the internet hasn't made it so no [Music] okay make some predictions who's going to win i've made my prediction i'm guaranteed to get it right guaranteed okay okay well would you rather have a robotic little toe or a robotic cochlea i think i don't know i already get a robot cochlear yeah you can get implants it's i'll be honest i don't really know what a cochlear is but i just know that like cochlear implant is that some people with hearing problems can get something out inside the ear to help them be able to so we're already there with robotic cochlear yes now the earlobe is not really a functioning body part is it really flat used whereas the nose does quite a lot of things i mean it does most robot nose might do those things better i think yeah that's why people are voting yeah if you had an electronic nose with heightened sensitivity to smells imagine no imagine okay robot knows yeah goods the futures into it yay what do we see what's going on on the other side of the bracket all right the eastern conference meanwhile let's go to the east coast yeah the islets of langerhans what the heck is that someone explain yourself they're a group of pancreatic cells that secrete insulin that's so cool um and yeah oogler is taking quite easily it's like the dangly bit right at the back of your throat yeah all right well i'm grateful to andy for teaching me the islets of langerhans again isn't like the uvular completely pointless body part i don't know see i misspelled this that should be popliteal fossa which is the scientific name for the back of the knee oh i thought you were going to say i misspelled that it's not no no bum bum is probably spelled okay so the popliteal fossa is the back of your knee okay i'm learning so much yeah the bum bum is the thing robot that's a mic through and through i think it'd be so uncomfortable to sit on a robotic bun yeah well you could have it it could have a realistic flesh tone yeah it could be made of like latex or something yeah it wouldn't have to be metal no no it could be like sort of cybernetic like a cyberpunk bomb yep all right i've predicted but i'm hopeful i'm proven wrong for round two i'm gonna look up pop let's see hill fossa oh it's that bit okay got it yeah right got it best body part to replace with the place to the robot version the cochlear or the nose now manish gosh has had uh his comment hidden by youtube i'm gonna show it just because it just says hydraulic i bum-bum youtube made the right decision uh danger meta also had their comment hidden by youtube because they wrote bite my shiny metal bum bum which i have unhidden also bomb bombs not rude [Laughter] oh no i think mike's unlocked the true meta the better of the meta which is bum bum i can't lose in this one this is the final is it futurama or no it's in uh disenchanted alpha uses that phrase a lot like he's like ow my bum bum and he falls over and it's really cute yeah oh it's so good wow how did we predict that i thought it was impossible to know what is the most optimal yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right versus cochlear wow oh no folks you've you paid for the whole seat but you'll only need the edge of it to park your bum yeah okay robotic but the best funny part is the cochlear because we've already got that yeah yeah it's a very simple thing to turn into a robot but on the other hand here we are yes mikey saying it would be like it would be like a gluteus muscle that was more muscular yeah yeah maybe stronger like you could do more squats it could be heavier independently articulated oh god oh okay okay okay okay okay i've definitely got the meta now since just bought my first house with my girlfriend won't have internet for a few weeks once we move so i have a lot of your videos to binge okay so christopher king is about to go off the grid everybody so this is the last video christopher king is going to watch before going off the grid make it a good one name any time well jack box why don't you just say write a random word um anytime okay all right done um finished okay um um uh uh-uh come on jane all right all right i got it i got it i got it i'm done i'm done hands off okay in the comments says hopefully this will cover ad blocking i mean who knows who can say who can even say thank you thank you very much for your super chat yeah best time to eat an entire pizza by yourself i mean any time i think i got put up against either mike or andy it's go time okay the best time to eat an entire pizza by yourself now when was pizza invented and was it before 1643 in 1643 one entire pizza would have more robust domino's flavor than anyone in 1643 they ever experienced in their entire life it would be mine you'd kill you you'd die instantly if you were to help eater 1643 wouldn't be able to cope with it yeah it would be like time travel but with food the vernal equinox is um a very fine time to eat a whole pizza to yourself yeah when is it agreed uh well what a great question mike it's um spring summer winter or autumn i don't know this is my job andy what auntie oh no well it's not working out for him it's not working out for him because tuesday morning against all the others tuesday mornings i mean this audience doesn't like being played yeah they don't like the the manipulation yeah well apparently whoever wrote down so doesn't like playing either boring answer i've ever seen oh tuesday morning okay infinite possibilities aberdoche and she left you in the comments says the real bracket is the time most likely to hear my screaming democracy which i wow wow wow okay ariel gonzalez says bummer clock is not on the clock well it depends on your club doesn't it i enjoy the douglas adams reference i can't believe that's not andy is it ellen could be here with hitchhikers since i was like eight [Music] isn't one of the gently books also called that is that yeah that is the name of the doctor right right right there we go there we go it's four o'clock on a sunday for anyone who doesn't know the reference the best time to eat an entire pizza by yourself is that you died again no it's the day you die are you supposed to be killed by the pizza no no but it's like your final meal you know all right um all right before it's done 15 minutes ago getting strong response in the chat i think it's like because then you wouldn't be hungry now but then yeah no that's true so it's like i need this pizza 15 minutes ago yeah yeah the best time to eat a whole pizza yeah the best time to eat a whole pizza 15 minutes ago the second best time is right now [Music] um [Laughter] oh no it's hard to predict my one because i think they're both kind of interesting ones oh no [Laughter] all right we're doing some reworking of the bum meter okay best time to call after a first date the vernal equinox or tuesday morning now the van equinox only comes once a year so you might be very worried to your first i shall call thee at the equinox for the second date unless the first date was the night before the vernal equiducts in which case that's very easy most dates will be friday or saturday night so you know even tuesday mornings tuesday morning's a bit late yeah that's true all right prediction one and enchant robert griffin in the chat says dming a dnd game tonight so i'm planning and watching oxventures so i'm uh after this just want to thank you guys for the inspiration also i don't know if it's allowed but someone told corazon about goggles of night might help a bit corizon has perfect dark vision i don't know what you're talking about he said walking face first into a wall i'm tall on this one because i like 15 minutes ago because it's like you should have called them during the day yes yeah one second yeah from the bathroom hi this date's going really well i'd love to see you again can we go on another date are you calling me from the bathroom that's how keen i am [Laughter] if you have made a mistake okay i think probably there is a prophecy about the earth blowing up during the vernal equinox sounds right sounds about right the longer tea time of the soul would be like the earth ending what's its sunday afternoon lots of people wish the earth had blown up 15 minutes ago that might be a reflection [Laughter] oh it's it's chalky ellen with two thousand bitcoins would make the long dark tea time of the soul more exciting if the earth blew up then final score who is it it's and no wait it's mick no wait it's it's out with your tuesday morning answer [Music] splendid i think we've got time for one more surely time free yeah one more brisk bracketeering round let's have a look at the chat okay chat how are you doing nobody said 420 says commenter g-i-e i can't believe no one said 420 is the idea the funny the funny weed number one andy you let us down somehow this is your fault somehow oh sit what about 69 o'clock the funny sex number no no no no no one did any of the funny numbers damn it don't believe us okay fine good good good how's the chat getting on chat's doing good tuesday morning for the win says second spirit who is a big fan of tuesday mornings somehow um david alpha says bloody l which is of course yes yes um uh nadine mcnamara says el wu and angel yang says 15 minutes ago was robbed 15 minutes ago um would have allowed us to avoid bum bum think says all the problems that would have been solved if the earth blew up 15 minutes ago yeah all right all right okay it's the last time we're going to do this if you want to vote go to jackpots.tv enter the room code qhbf and you can join the 115 people [Laughter] okay okay right best vacation destination for people who don't care about their personal safety now andy is thinking i'm looking at andy and he's thinking how do i work the phrase bum bum into this hey um oh gosh there's so little time um okay okay good fine one of mine made me laugh and one of mine is just uh your answers are being paired i had to change mine because it was exactly the same as someone else's uh oh you should have gotten there faster oh my vacation to bumble right best vacation destination for people who don't care about the personal safety make a make up make a prediction i feel like this should have been a really really funny answer to this but i couldn't think of it maybe corey dennison in the chat says if my date's future self showed up 15 minutes before the end of the date with a cool eye patch and asked me out again i would totally say yes that's a good point that would be the dream date wouldn't it best vacation destination knife fight island why what did they do there it's just a name if you're really good at knife fighting it's not a problem so he's got a lot of um a lot of jellyfish from like ireland you don't want to go in the water andy won that prediction mars is out of the running knight fight island proceeds to the next round whoa what's dangerous about florida and cleveland everything in florida wants to eat you the alligators all right what about the land of the cleaves what's dangerous about there what's wrong with cleveland florida have gators i will give you ohio is for lovers but is it safe andy i don't know florida's got lots of good stuff though yeah disney world and yeah the daytona international speedway it's quite safe there let's see what's happening florida progresses and we go to the eastern conference jurassic park hell all right now chad's loving jurassic park you'd still go though wouldn't you oh yeah let's see they've got a jimmy buffett's margaritaville but that's jurassic world yeah same place it's like it's like going to the wrong disney park you're like oh it's disneyland you were thinking of traveling your adventure oh we had to be in the other one this isn't the one with the castle why does mickey mouse look like star-lord what what's wrong with devon yeah what's wrong with devon who put devon uh i couldn't think of anything so i just tried to think of a place you'd go in england because i didn't want to offend any other countries oh i see right you're fine with offending devonians the devonian natives all right i feel like an active volcano sure they murder all outsiders [Music] okay the predictions are in what's it gonna be where's the meta i can't even tell i guess one of these must be a computer one because i put jurassic park as well oh and then it said change it to something else so i changed it to jurassic park too and it hasn't shown up so quick that's weird yeah okay night flight island versus florida maybe it's like maybe it's cleveland was the one that could be yeah maybe yeah i don't think anyone wrote cleveland did they i did not write cleveland okay knife island continuing to get a bad money if you rep it hmm knife island's probably a tourist attraction in florida okay why we do this folks jurassic park versus an active volcano everyone wants to go to jurassic park it does say the best it does say the best vacation destination for people who don't care so as in you would have a good vacation if you were there right up to the point where you're eating or something dangerous yeah ran away with that one but until things went horribly wrong you would be having an amazing vacation it's true whereas in an active volcano it's just sulfur you know yeah it just smells bad and it just smells bad and then burns you to death whereas you can have a jimmy buffett's margarita what if no fight island also has a jimmy buffett's margaritaville oh it does yeah well then how do we choose all right look at the audience in jurassic world do you remember the guy who's like running along with two margaritas from that is jimmy buffett yeah yeah apparently i shouldn't be i shouldn't be allowed to lose to jurassic park considering that was also my answer oh she's been quicker quicker mick put jurassic park oh mick those half that's mine come here and take it oh well i'll meet you on knife flight island all right we'll settle this one let me swing by jimmy buffett's first yeah all right we'll get some nachos volcanoes yep gonna get three margaritas each inside of us and then do nicely damn it i guess mike found a way [Laughter] celebrity a celebrity okay where's the competitive element if it's just name a random celebrity okay fine um what's a funny celebrity gotta think of two haven't you it's the problem i can't believe i put jimmy buffett before that's good okay um okay now what um is shrek a celebrity uh yes here you go mick oh you got it well done i'm going there i wrote something it wasn't very exciting it's not very good it's not very good question is it you're just like no no best voice to always hear in your head is your inner thoughts oh oh i like that i like that switcheroo uh robert griffin in the chat says as someone who lives in florida i think i qualified to say this place is scary just type florida man into google and see all the ridiculousness i love the fact that it was florida man it was florida man that got a man okay predictions please wow i don't even know what one of these is up first [Music] i mean okay yeah strong favoritism for chris hemsworth's voice in your head there i think i'm i'm hearing it definitely in his thor voice yeah in the thought voice okay so thor is like your gps voice your inner voice your yeah everything in a monologue yeah definitely used to work together yeah yeah no no argument there says new thank you almost cruise or jimmy buffet ah i don't know what jimmy buffett sounds like no actually just when he's singing i can imagine to see well maybe he would sing he would sing to you constantly yeah in you as your inner thoughts hey jane get a cheeseburger in paradise i'd be like yes i will jimmy buffet now and it's gonna taste nice i'd be so relaxed yeah it's like my invoice would constantly be telling me to go get a margarita what what's the difference that's my default yes okay oh well i mean no contest yeah one of them would be going on about hunting and jesus do you imagine well julia would be in character tyson voice yeah yeah or would it be he's going to i would add him i would take chris pratt in andy voice ah yeah that would be kind of cute perks nice well selected audience oh how was you mike no i predicted oh no it's your prediction sorry okay fine with this okay match-up wow what the hell is again from 90 day fiance you know big ed from 90 day fiance racketeering um well obviously it's shrek i don't even know who the other dude is shrek's running away with it it's so easy to weed out an imposter when it's like a british youtube channel playing this game where's where's my 90 day fiance fans at already okay are they changing the bracket or something round two no not yet not yet yeah okay okay i'm sorry but i couldn't pass up the offer to have chris hemsworth as my the voice of my inner thoughts it's true although can we talk about how existentially weird it would be to have someone else's voice as your inner thoughts not if it was jimmy buffett this one seems like it's over before it's done like it's a gps device with like a switchable downloadable voice kind of thing no contest yeah yeah your brain is a switchable gps more like a call of duty voice pack yeah yeah yeah yeah like the snoop dogg one yeah yeah like the snoop dogg okay chris just is in the finals as if there were any doubts against shrek presumably no maybe not quite i don't know yeah i don't know your boy raul okay imagine you've got to live the rest of your all i want to do [Laughter] is create the perfect genetic soldier yeah how how pumped would you be for every day of your life if that was going on in your head shrek's like accent is fake as well so it just gets yeah it would great i reckon eventually my swamp donkey you know he recorded the entirety of shrek in a normal voice yeah and then and then he went actually i thought it would be funny if i did it in a sweaty accent and they had to at great expense re-record the entire yeah it wasn't even the original person cast to shrek it was chris farley and then chris valley died so oh dang i would be overjoyed with either let's go back to that scoreboard scoreboard time so who's winning are we winning okay we we are winning you should check out 90 day fiance though it's good really are you joking no it's a good show what is it then it's a reality show people who've only known each other for 90 days getting married is that what it is okay [Laughter] okay fine um i can't say that's too rude don't put bomb that's not an ice cream flavor [Music] um oh i just can't get a waynesville quote out of my head now i'm definitely not right that's that's what i was gonna write and then said i wouldn't because it was rude it's the same place my brain went okay i've put a delightful twist on it though mike i think i like it twist i don't even know what what quote you're referring to i guess we'll find out i can't say it i think one of mine might actually work well so make these choices count best name for a boy band a boy band a okay i think cookie butter minus biscoff would be a reasonably good like yeah can you imagine like a k-pop boy band called yeah k-pop boy band cookie butter it's cookie butter feet biscoff yes that's it with a rat breakdown by biscoff yeah yeah should have been pit bull should have been pit bull rider was there [Laughter] you can't name your boy band [Laughter] um what about fallout boy okay wait okay fine yeah no you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right when you're right you're right that's excellent okay who wants ice cream right now me me oh call back was it a callback to what before we were live streaming no no no no we were like we were live streaming with ellen said that she liked iron bruce albert because of edinburgh yeah oh it's a real close it's real close this one couldn't be closer fight fight you can change your voice you can change your votes if you're in the audience and if you're not in the audience go to jack box dot tv enter room code i'm bruce sorbet would be a great name for her i can see scoop and glute though on at the vmas okay 90s weasel weasel ice cream you know weasel is a good boy band name i don't know if it's a good ice cream name but like weasel like weezer yeah it's like a weezer cover band yeah i don't know if mint choc and chips does it mint chocolate boy band name yeah but i thought it'd be funny mint choc and with also a side of like fries or potatoes you know you know you know or like how you get your fries and you dip them in your milkshake oh my god to break the flavor up money if you guessed it i'm so hungry suddenly yeah let's switch up this bracket okay switch it up there's a baked potato you taste the best disappointment oh no that's odd two food questions okay [Music] okay okay it's a bracket like this that truly makes this game the sport of cake oh close i don't know a cookie butter on a potato no shrek is a lot better on a potato [Laughter] like are you talking about shrek meat yeah sliced up [Laughter] i had like a biscoff yeah brownie thingy it was just got to slow cook the shrek until it's falling apart yeah it falls off the bone it's disgusting um iron brew sorbet on a baked potato topping man iron brew is a fascinating soft drink they've retried it in scotland already but it would melt because it's a sorbet and it would melt on a baked potato then it would just be like pouring iron brew on your baked potato also delicious can anyone describe the flavor of iron brew i think it's impossible it's a bit like tizen oh god i haven't thought about taizer it could only be described in terms of other similar drinks oh my gosh i'm getting flashbacks i used to do computer science and it was just like sitting in a computer lab and it was there was a vending machine that had just iron brew and ties earners why even bother why how they were the best ones though there's some good answers in the chat actually yeah like barley sugar melted gummy bear fruity bubble gum tastes like iron barley sugar is a good weird one actually okay tastiest lip balm cookie butter or iron brussel by both strong contenders i would probably use either of those lip balms you used to be able to buy like a coca-cola flavored lip balm yeah i bet you could probably get an iron brew chapstick i mean it doesn't taste like iron does it the coca-cola ones don't last very long they kind of smell a bit weird after they don't last very long if you eat them yeah well no i i got i got like an official one and i like and i was like oh yeah i'll try this and then i tried it it was horrible i didn't taste anything it's like those pens you know the smelly pens smelling jealous and like there's one that was supposed to smell like cola and it just obviously broke down very quick and just smelled horrible well done andy congratulations i saw that only just only just edged out i feel like jurassic park too was robbed would you like to thank shrek the lost world i'd like to thank royal junior i'd like to thank raul julia always every day for the inspiration thank my he sits on it all day it does such such a lot of work really holds him up you know for you the day you won jack box was the most important day of your life for me it was tuesday morning call back it's a multiplier okay well done thank you for watching this was fun back with jack box yeah oh shannon bennett wants a wants a like spike well they said mike spike but i don't wanna i don't wanna mike's bike okay let's do a secondary and final mike spike of the day uh everyone ready shooting five 431 okay so five four three two get ready one and it's a mike's bike now uh warlock says there's an american heavy metal band called oakley dokley where all the members are dressed as ned flanders and uses lines in the lyrics that sounds wild and good yeah they're not very metal i don't imagine there's a lot of mental things but what do i know oh you should hear the songs though okay all right are they raunchy are they really heavy yeah it's like scream metal it's good whoa whoa all right a few more comments uh charm night015 says just because i love you guys and there's a little heart so that's lovely oh thank you sid arthur decker says first time super chatting can anybody suggest a catchy name for a scavenger hunt it's for an assignment i'm currently doing okay uh a pun on scavenger um or scav fight find a lot find a lot okay so finds a lot um sneak peek to scavenger holds find and dandy find and dandy all right there's three solid suggestions and welcome victor svedenblatt who is a new member of outside xbox congratulations on being our newest channel member enjoy your emoji and thank you yeah okay cool all right well that's like racketeering yeah yeah thank you so much to the channels this week for more plays in the dark friday and saturday adventure finale tomorrow also possibly final dark souls yeah cool thank you so much for watching everyone and uh we will see you next time bye thanks bye [Music] liberty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 102,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, jackbox, bracketeering, funny, funny moments, challenge of the week, jackbox 4, jackbox party pack 4, ellen rose
Id: f-Mia_ayQIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 38sec (5498 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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