People Who Lost Their Jobs Going Off On A Customer, What Happened? (r/AskReddit)

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people who lost their jobs by going off on a customer what is your story Disneyland I worked in the ticket booths if your annual Pass Holder and you on a monthly contract Disney takes automatic payments from your credit card if your card expires or otherwise has to be changed and you don't call to put a new card on file the auto payments stop and your pass freezes no big deal Disney doesn't hit you with fees or penalties you simply call or come to the booth and we handle it right then and there zip-a-dee-doo-dah and in you go one day I get a middle-aged couple whose passes froze the man was upset and ready to talk about it a common question from guests is don't you send out late notices no Disney doesn't because they're not practical and again there are no penalties anyway just come see us and we'll straighten you out the man says to me in a disgusted tone you don't send notices when a pass freezes how does that work I said well you receive your credit card statement you see that a recurring charge is not present on it and you can expect the service related to the recurring charge to be interrupted and that it must be related to your card having been replaced recently the wife smiled the man's face reddened and he leaned in and barked get your supervisor I want to talk to somebody smart to my shame I said of course would you like someone smart enough to stay aware of their credit card use or merely smart enough to read contracts they sign my booth let happened to come over as soon as she heard supervisor so she was standing behind me when I said the emotional thing it isn't how I wanted to go out I was five days away from leaving for a new job but I looked at it as a vicariously cathartic Mike drop goodbye to my fellow cast members for them it was a thrill back around 1969 I saw a service advisor at a VW dealership get fired for telling an irate customer if you can't take a joke you shouldn't have bought a Fulks Varga I was lucky I didn't lose my job for this one I worked at a furniture store as a sales associate one day a husband and wife come in wanting to furnish their sons apartment laps going to college they find all of the furniture pieces they want and I go to check stock on multiple items everything is in except the table top on the dining room set they wanted I go back and tell the couple the husband throws an absolute hissy fit saying that he can't believe that we don't keep our product stocks keep in mind that we are a huge furniture store I calmly explained to him that we can't possibly keep all of our product in stock at all times and since the dining room table he wanted was a very popular set due to the fact it was 100 and $99.99 it tended to go out of stock rather quickly so we would have to wait for that vendor to send us the table top which was about two weeks I even tried to show them another table top that was in stock that was very similar to the one they picked out and he would not have it he started telling me that I was incompetent in how dare I insult him insult him how I have no idea he starts increasing his volume and now he is full-out screaming at me about ten inches away from my face my manager walks from around the corner and looks at me questioningly like the do you got this face I nodded at him that I had it but he continued to stand within earshot I then looked back to the customer and said in a nonchalant tone I'm not going to help you in fact no one here is going to help you now please get out of my store the customer looks at me bewildered and in full set rage and demands to speak with my manager but since my manager is standing right around the corner he had heard everything he goes over to the customer and says well you heard the lady I miss working there oh man I been dying to tell this story for a while now although it doesn't pertain to someone getting fired it does have some justice a friend and I go to a store let's make it up and call it all Mart we're in line at the registers when this middle-aged lady and front office is trying to use some expired coupons the cashier is telling her the coupons can't be used mind you these coupons would save her four dollars a fact that I realized after this entire ordeal lady wasn't having it sin just starts insulting and yelling the cashier as if it's their fault the coupons expired I'm not smug --is-- insults like no wonder you work here but some deep cutting stuff like you should kill yourself if you can't override and accept them like WTF this bee was out for blood for four dollars freakin dollars that's when my friend who's a former Marine steps in an dreams back into her and the exchange went something like him whoa whoa how dare you disrespect this young cashier like that the heck is wrong with you to say things like that to her you're messed up person be mind your business and don't raise your voice at me him oh so now you know that raising your voice is disrespectful where was that consideration when you did it to her her stop talking to me or I'll get my husband here to handle you him what husband you don't even have a wedding ring on that's probably the problem there you are so bitter and lonely you take it out on other people you're messed up they exchange more comments and it ended with her storming out of the store without her items and on the verge of tears I guess we attracted too much attention because we were asked to leave by the manager but not before the cashier quietly thanked us reading through these comments I realized that not very many editors have not worked in a fast-food restaurant in any ghetto areas arguments were on every day thing where I worked as the manager at KFC I know I'm a big shot I encouraged my employees to stick up for themselves more than once a day I'd have people coming in attempting to rip us off or get more food than what they paid for then insulting and even attacking me at times the only reason I quit is because I had cooks and cashiers who were making more than me but yeah the job was pretty much a free-for-all when it came to crappy customers I used to cut hair I was cutting a lady's hair when the child of lady waiting started running around the shop I told the child several times to go sit with her mother and asked mother - please keep her child seated next to her well in the middle of cutting around my clients ear the child ran into my work area ran into me and almost caused me to cut my client I looked at the child and firmly said you need to go sit down with your mother now well her mom didn't like that and came running back to me and yelled don't tell my child what to do I'm her parent I responded with an act like it she glared at me grabbed her child and stormed out everyone in the shop was relieved the child had left a few days later the owner came and tried to fire me for it but luckily there were enough other stylists and clients that came to my defense about the danger of the situation and I only got a write-up many a year ago I worked at a home-improvement store called men ads I was a cart pusher which was nice as I was outside all the time anyway we gather about 2530 shopping carts together and push them up to the entrance where they are stored inside now to get them though we do have to cross the main drive of the parking lot in front of the store we always stop and let customers drive by so as I push the carts up I stop because I see a guy in and pretty nice SUV he has actually stopped in front of the entrance maybe he dropped someone off I do not know so I'm waiting to see if he drives off and he then looks at me and waves me across looks like he wanted to finish a call he had gotten or something so I waved back and start pushing the carts across I am on the other side when some clips me across the shoulder blades and it stung somewhat and pushed me forward and at the same time I heard glass shatter I turn around and the guy in the SUV clipped me with his sideview mirror it had swung closed and shattered the window in the door and I'm just standing there wide-eyed two seconds later the guy gets out of his car swearing up a storm at me and how I'm a low-life piece of crap and how I'm going to pay for a new window and that I'm not going to get anywhere in life because I broke his window now I'm the type of person that if I was the reason I'll take the blame and fix the problem but this guy hit me I blew up on him for about five minutes before a manager finally had the guts to come over and pull me away I didn't have to pay for a new window as it was on video but I lost my job because we are not supposed to yell cut at the customer edit holy crap new year and we did gold thanks guys that's balls the minute someone hits you with their car they are no longer the customer they are nat butthole who hit me with their car I used to work in the restaurant industry as a chef we had a closed kitchen at this particular spot so customers couldn't see what was being done in the kitchen it was nice because we could listen to music and joke around without having to worry anyways one day I was alone on the line and a server came to me and said a customer wanted to give me his compliments no problem I put on my nicer jacket and went out to say hi the customer thanks me then tells me to come in closely because he had a secret I was like okay sure so a lien and a little he motions me closer I move in a little more this guy then goes I'll meet you in the bathroom in five minutes and grabs my balls i frickin lost it and shoved the dude got fired immediately I used to work at pizza place in a small town when I was a teenager one night I took a phone order from some idiot woman it went like this me thank you for calling pizza place may I take your order iw yes I'd like a large pizza half pepperoni half sausage and half black olives me OK did you want the toppings combined or separated iw no I want half pepperoni half sausage and half black olives me okay so you want one stroke three pepperoni one stroke three sausage and one stroke three black olives by W No I want half pepperoni half sausage and half black olives me I understand the toppings that you want but I'm not understanding how you want us to put the toppings on your pizza do you want them separated by thirds combined together or do you mean put half the amounts that we usually put on iw what's so hard to understand I want half pepperoni half sausage and half black olives me lady there's only two halves to a pizza iw I want to speak to your manager I got fired on the spot it was easier for the manager to just hire another person than it was to lose a customer in a small town oh and the lady wanted the toppings divided into thirds she told the manager the same thing and he just went with her math the bee also got it for free that seems like a really stupid thing to be fired for over a misunderstanding it's not like you called her a stupid bee was a stockroom assistant at a well-known fashion chain in the UK and us didn't go off on a customer but I bloody well wish I did now happened to be behind tilts changing hangers boxes when a customer explodes at the trainee cashier demanding to know where her order was she's screaming her head off at how it's unacceptable I paid extra and how she made a specific detail to collect her package she had ordered a jacket in another branch and had paid for next day delivery to the store I worked in customers aren't supposed to come collect their orders until they get an email saying their order is ready to collect the poor cashier started last week and is basically caring for dear life I take over and ask to see her email which she explains she doesn't need because she paid extra so her package must be here after 10 minutes of me trying to explain why her package isn't ready to collect and her trying to challenge Krakatoa she storms off shouting that she'll be having words with the guy who owns our company I hand back to the cashier and carry on with my day the next day I'm prepping our delivery and I get called for a meeting with the store manager I'm told I'm being let go for gross misconduct specifically being unhelpful and challenging to customers turns out the customer was a journalist for the Daily Mail and she called our head off company who she did indeed know personally and got me fired specifically TL DR tried to reason with the Daily Mail journalist got fired for her stupidity viii illogic edit her jacket did indeed come an hour after she left the store she came back with her email sweet victory journalist and Daily Mail hilarious staff worked at gonna stop a cigar game advisor some guy came in and had a figurative buttload of games over 100 to trade all with games and cases mismatched it took about 45 minutes to process his ticket when I told him that totally was low because gyum s top and also they were all old scratched games this man then proceeded to try and negotiate with me to which I kept telling him I can't change the price which only made him angrier and louder eventually he yelled listen you stupid n I need at least $300 for all of this crap and you're going to give it to me first of all I don't even have the ability to change the price at all second novel my co-worker proceeded to put all of his games in a bag walk outside and toss them into the parking lot and told the guide to take his racist cousin freakin but somewhere else into Frick off store manager came out of the back room and fired him dead on the spot the guy stormed out in the second he left my manager said Jesus what was his freaking problem all right get back to work my coworker didn't get fired it was just C tricks for the racist see I felt like an idiot for just standing there but it was taking everything I had to not hop the counter and hit the guy loved the theater extrac a good manager knows how to use it no one was fired over this but as a person in the service industry I thought I'd share this with my fellow industry folk cause I still think it's one of my favorites things I've ever seen happen behind a bar I was once working at a be a bar in Sarasota Florida we were having a dogfish head total tap take over in the place was at capacity I mean they're three-deep around the entire bar four guys behind this tiny bar including the owner all trying to pour as many beers as we can to cut through the line at some point a guy who I'd made eye contact with a number of times who should have known he was coming up next yells what does a person have to do to get a beer around here I watched our owner a New Yorker through and through turn around and literally yell everyone shut the Frick up the place goes dead quiet and he stares at this guy what can I get for you so the guy was caught so off-guard he just stared up at our tat list and mumbled our owner knowing he didn't even have an order ready looked him dead in the eye and said Frick you next and started serving the person next to him I wanted to hug him so much for that I didn't lose my job but I think most people would have blown up at this guy or pride fortunately I am extremely calm and collected and tough from being bullied so much in middle school probably I worked at a large retail store and was stocking a shelf when an old like kt+ man came up to me I assumed he was going to ask me where something was like every other customer instead he started going off on me just insult after insult telling me I'm disgusting and all these things like that because I have tattoos instead of blowing up at him I thanked him for the compliments sugar dripping from my voice in my head I was saying you'll be dead soon but out loud I said something along the lines of I really love the color of your pants is that seafoam green polyester I think the 1970s must have been so cool where did he even get those pants a museum well apparently someone witnessed all this because about 10 minutes after the guy gave up my manager came up to me looking furious I remember feeling a horrible sense of dread he blew up but not about how I handled it he said I should have called him immediately and he would have kicked the guy out of the store and that I didn't deserve to be treated like that what a great manager I worked as a server at an upscale Country Club and had these two gentlemen common for lunch one ordered and the other said I'll have exactly the same thing so I confirmed that's what he wanted and he replied that's what I said right I bring out their lunch and the second guy complains and starts getting rude with me because his lunch has onions on it so I say sir you said he wanted the exact same thing but I can have the chef's make you another one mister he says listen to me you little freaking butthole I know what I said and I never said I wanted onions so I reply if you ever speak to me like that again you and I are going to step outside and work this out he pisses and moans to see the manager who unbeknownst to me is sitting at the table right behind these guys having a meeting with another member she turns around and tells the guy after the way you talk to my employee I should let him how about you both apologize and move on PS I didn't get fired but thought I should share story where a manager actually stands up for an employee in hindsight she probably should have fired me because threatening violence on someone probably wasn't the best idea oh well when you're 19 you think you're invincible managers with spines are way too dang uncommon you don't even have to be a dog just be honest look sir you misspoke it isn't what you wanted so we'll make it a game for you but in the future be sure you order what you actually want this whole bend over backwards and crap on your own employees is silly these days a woman came into a charity shop and complained about every single item loudly to the ten or so customers in there along the lines of this is all crap who pays for this like listen boutique with clothes from the back of a gong she clearly didn't understand how rally new clothes still tag DTC are donated then she got in my face about it I was so angry with her for chasing away the people that came in that I lost my cool there was nobody left except her since she'd ranted them into leaving I told her to get out and I didn't give a crap about the clothes or her opinions she screams her way out of the shop broadcasting it to everyone on the street she came back once the manager was off their break and complained again so I lost my job fairly soon after I can't blame them I'd have done the same sounds like she had bigger problems than clothes if she was like that charity shops in great places anyway you can find some great stuff in them I once found a good telescope in one for 20 pounds good thread this actually happened to my friend today working at Buffalo Wild Wings keep in mind New Year Eve one of busiest nights of the year opening employees of bee and by 8:00 a.m. to prep food and get the store ready but no manager is there to open the store two employees walk to work and stand in cold for almost two hours when another shows up with a phone to call the general manager and ask what's going on turns out the opening shift manager forgot they were supposed to open so general manager shows up to let employees in on her day off stays until the scheduled manager shows up now keep in mind everyone is nearly two hours behind on their opening duties and when misses late manager does nothing and sits down to do her makeup if she then asked my friend to do her opening duties while she fixes herself up he declined because he had crap to do himself and hey you know shouldn't be latent now you're here do your own work about twenty minutes later after doing her makeup she ven said she needs to fix her hair and the game asks my friend to do her work at this point after standing in the cold for nearly two hours and rushing to get three hours or work into one hour because of her tardiness he snaps back why don't you do it yourself she replies well do you just want to go home he says Frick yes and walks out general manager texted a bit later asking what happened and he said she told me to go home so I did and I won't be back have your friend make sure he gets paid for the time waiting outside had a customer that for at least a year came into our store and was a master tactician in getting free goods by making up complaints against house staff he would do all sorts of maneuvers like wanting products he knew we didn't carry to making up complaints about our staff - even complaining that he had been charged incorrectly if this guy was in the store good luck off you were another customer he would suck up all the oxygen in the place and demand service from multiple people at the same time he got reduced prices and free merchandise and tons of coupons for his efforts my boss would never challenge this guy or protect his own staff from being exposed to losing their job to a customer who would happily see a member of our crew 5 so he could get five dollars off his next purchase my boss wasn't entirely at fault since this was a giant corporation and he was merely telling the fable the customer is always white mantra I was already planning on leaving for a better opportunity and was going to give notice of resignation one week when this customer started giving me an incredibly difficult time about an issue I had nothing to do with and couldn't help him with it was extremely busy and he was holding everyone up with his balls I made a quick value judgment realized I was already out the door and the only thing I was still there to do was to honor my appropriate resignation notice I had no designs of ever working for this horrible company or any company like it ever again I found myself in a unique situation and wasn't going to let the opportunity pass this guy had made life difficult for all of us for a long time payback time I cut this guy off mid-sentence and just went off on him in front of a number of customers and part of our staff I told him he was nothing more than a cheap scape grifter and told him I would no longer recognize him as a living breathing member of our species then I told him to go Frick himself the look on his face was so goddamned beautiful the entire store fell into silence and I just stared him down he asked to speak to my manager and I doubled down by talking over his head inviting the customer behind him to elbow up to the counter I apologized to the new customer about the bad behavior of the guy who at this point had steam coming out of his ears eventually when he realized he was getting nowhere waiting on me he stormed off to find the manager I finished my shift I came back in the following day was intercepted by a corporate manager I had rarely seen taken upstairs and was getting lectured I interrupted the scolding revealed my intentions to leave this place and quit right there I got a lot of high fives from the other members of the staff on my way out the door oh I'm sorry mr. corporate manager I think you misunderstand I don't give a Frick what you think either didn't get fired for this one and it was glorious used to work in this little Thai place in town and we had these teenagers who came in every Sunday were rude and demanding and tipped 0% one day they're exceptionally awful to a new waitress reducing her to tears and so my boss calls me over next time they come you take them and you earned that 0% tip I do a bit of a double take she can't possibly mean what I think she means you mean she nods and gives me this smile that is equal parts devious and smug a week later they come in five minutes into my shift she seats them in my section smiles at me and tells me to do my worst here is a fairly detailed account of the wonderful 45 minutes that followed I wait a good five minutes before going to greet them and bring waters they're ready to order I don't have a pen I'll be right back I promise I'll Oudh Lee tell my manager I'm going out for a smoke then go power smoke a cigarette takes me about 90 seconds they're my only table and I'm not handling food yet so I don't wash my hands I reek of smoke I take her order Pat I know bean sprouts like always as he opens his mouth to tell me he'll have the same I give him that just a minute finger and pull out my phone i text my fiancee and ask if he wants to get dinner from my place or his tonight I take his order I somehow misunderstand and write down extra bean sprouts their food comes up while I'm telling my boss and the other waitress a story about my cat I finished telling the story before I get there food I bring it out and walk away as they're starting to complain about the sprouts about five minutes after they get the food I get a second table one is a customer from a former job of mine and we spend a few minutes catching up when I go to greet them the zero-percent s try to signal me as I leave the table but I stare straight ahead I come back for my new tables order and see that their glasses are missing roughly four sips of water this simply won't do I hang their ticket and come back to fill their glasses I look at 0% s empty glasses look the guy straight in the eye smile and walk away he stops me as I'm walking over with apps for my new table and asks for boxes I tell him I'll grab them right after I drop off this food I play a game of 2048 all the way up to 1024 before bringing them one small box they ask for two bigger boxes in the check I promise I'll be right back and then asked my boss to keep an eye on the table I liked while like go smoke again obviously I don't usually take this many smoke breaks especially not as early into a shift I come back and my boss tells me they came to her for boxes and to pay and told her they're never coming back she voids their check gives me the $20 some dollars and tells me I earned it dang that sounds fun to be honest you have been visited by the grandmother gymnast comment my body is my temple so you can do that when you old if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 38,124
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit top posts, quit job, funny reddit, comment awards, top posts of all time, jobs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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