Full day of eating | my new diet as a boxer

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[Music] [Music] oh jesus morning everybody what just happened right so i thought today do a little bit of a a day in the life more more eating more so than anything but uh we'll go through the whole motion what i do in a day so it is it's just gone caught to eight uh i'm up i have like a vitamin boost first thing in the morning so like multivets got gummies apple cider vinegar vitamin c cbd gummies as well on one every morning which helps me keep chill all that's available from uh from my protein actually my vitamins so they're bringing out a lot more range of the vitamin and then i'll get a protein shake so first thing in the morning i want to get a good hip protein straight away because i do a walk and i don't like doing fasted cardio so i just like to get a little bit of protein in just just to sort of get the body started on the right track really and then once i've done the walk he lives in the guest house so literally he's got no excuses for being late and uh he's laid all right two scoops of the whey isolate and honestly because it's with water i'll do something with a latte-free drink throughout the day but i do water in the morning because when i'm doing me walk run i don't want to get stitched you know you don't want anything in your stomach that's going to upset you so i'll have one with water first thing in the morning that'll just help me get through my session and then i'll have breakfast straight after so right so that's meal one down i suppose 200 calories in that so that's perfect a little bit of energy but it's more so the protein getting the protein in so look who's just turned up morning campers what i like to do every morning because obviously i'm on a treadmill standing straight at tv it is really good to sort of do my homework so you know i'll watch fights i'll watch fights that make sense to me so i'll watch fights they've got a southpaw box for him because obviously i'm fighting a southpaw coming up in the year um and obviously normal stance boxing offered obviously [Music] um so there's a guy called luis ortiz that um we've been watching a lot of lately and it gets me sort of get a feeling how to react to a good southpaw not that i'm fighting a good southpaw right i'm gonna do five mile an hour for just for a mile and all off basically [Music] my [Music] that's a mile and a half run done run walk whatever you want to call it well i don't know my wife will have a breakfast ready it's always a it's always a flip of the coin whether i have uh rib eye burgers with cheese on or a ribeye steak with cheese on so uh honestly i don't mind which cause they're both both amazing just after the run just for 10 minutes i just like to stretch my calves out my hamstrings my quads um and that's just because obviously doing a run like um puts a little bit of lactic into your legs so a good stretch it just helps them recover a little bit and obviously i'm training uh back today you know deadlifts upper back so you've got you know two two and a half hours of weights to go through so it's important to stay loose and obviously doing stuff like this it just helps lengthen the muscle and obviously i'm boxing later tonight so uh just keeping it loose basically so it's just again just 10 minutes but it makes that makes a massive difference and i'll do more stretching later in the day this is arnold everybody such a lovely cat aren't you hmm [Laughter] this is not a gabby oh thank you darling oh my probably god my mouth well the reason i have burgers basically it's on my diet plan to have 225 to 250 gram meat so burgers is a nice easy digestible way of getting the meat in and because burgers tend to be one of the ribeye burgers so there's lots of fats in there as well so there's lots of energy that i can obviously use during the training session that's coming up and then i put a little bit of cheese on the top just for a little bit more protein for me it's all about the flavor variety you know diet shouldn't be boring i pride myself on you i don't eat boring foods i eat nice foods just but are still healthy i use some very nice interesting products here so i cook it in butter i've seen the wife cooks it in butter basically added fats again new flats for the training session and it's all a lacto-free because obviously i'm i'm lactose intolerant so this is great because i can still have all the dairy products i've always had throughout my life but about obviously without the bloat and everything and then this is the cheap this is the cheese you put on yeah the cheddar and then we use the all the latte free cheddar cheese as well so again the cheese has got no lactose in it and then i'm gonna have a bowl of rice krispies rice krispies after and that is also all a latte free so so i'm having all the dairy products as i would normally over the years but i'm just missing a lot too it's a big thing for me big big thing made a huge difference i did a tolerance test back in 2016 basically told you know you shouldn't really be having lactose you know you're not the worst but you're not your body really can't absorb it as well as others there's that and peanuts i can't i can't have peanuts my body gets inflamed when i have peanuts so cut peanuts out cut lactose out and oh my god what a difference all right you would not believe the difference in my body like my stomach went down my joints felt better i felt better anyone out there that has a bit of bloat after they've had a cup of tea or you know cheese on toast or whatever it's very important you're going to get a tolerance test but for not just lactose for everything don't be an idiot [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] splendid right that's breakfast done i'm just going up to 49 now so we're back in the gym do a little bit of stretching i always like to take my vitamins and mineral tablets after my breakfast that's a good time to sort of take them and get all the water in at the same time and we'll pretty much do a about two and a half hour back session now so dead lifting upper back um rhomboids lats that kind of thing and then then it'll be lunch time so uh for you know a buck sat here at my luncheon went i darling i love you right breakfast done i like to have my vitamins straight after breakfast so i have them all assorted but not only do i have the gummies the vitamins the apple cider vinegar they've got gummies the vitamin gummies the cbd gummies i have a selection of tablets that have two or three times a day so that time in the morning um one of each in morning one of each at lunch and then usually i have one of each after my physio so i'm having free doses a day but most of this is from my protein or like the vitamin c and the alpha the the multi-bit tablets the zmas clas omega-3 omega plus omega balance uh most of it's from my protein but there's a few select things in here that aren't such as uh the selenium got vitamin k we've got vitamin b and niacin and echinacea uh i think pretty much everything else is from my protein so stuff like this is essential you know absolutely essential getting a good dose of vitamin c for your immune system we've got a good dose of vitamin d for the immune system we've got all multivators got a vitamin k and b12 for energy release we've got all the b vitamins all the multivitamins zma is super important for a man my size because of all the electrolytes and we have an electrolyte tablet with a good dose of sodium in there as well and we've got the digestive enzymes so we're pretty much hitting every aspect that we need to keep the body fit strong healthy but most importantly especially a time like this is keeping the immune system strong so i just have one of everything and then i wash it down with nordic oil so it's a super high strength fish oil basically marine oil with 400 iu of vitamin d in it so not only around the vitamin d tablets i'm also having a very high dose of vitamin d from the oil as well fish oils are something that most people neglect you know so you have the amiga freeze and the amiga 6's and the clas and whatever all that crap but like a super high dose of fish oil is so good for you it literally lubricates your blood and for a man my size you know with what i do that is it's essential you know if i wasn't having the fish oils basically and i've seen it under the microscope myself you know i've been in our blood tests back in say back in 2016 when i found out that it was absorb omega-3 so i have to take i think something like 10 times the normal amount to get the same as a normal person um so i have electricity my blood under the microscope literally clocked together you know in clusters like obviously that's not transporting much oxygen six months later you know after super high dosing fish oils and omega-3s and omega-6s um my blood is all spaced out nice and evenly and obviously yet more oxygen supplied to the muscles so i've seen it with your own eyes what it can do so it's super super important to get the fish oils in right i'm going to neck neck one of these each get me officials down me and then we'll get straight into the gym and get the workout going right just about to get stuck into the training session so not much of a meal so to say but still part of my sort of supplement regime so i have five scoops of impact ease which is literally 10 grams scoop so i having about 50 gram of you know yeah basically proteins very important throughout the session and then i'll have a liter of cranberry juice and that's just a little bit of carbs no added sugars so it's just a little bit of natural carbs and good antioxidants and antioxidants are vital and i mean absolutely vital for it it's not a dandruff that's what it is anyway so um antioxidants are vital for uh recovery of the muscles um i think i've said this before but i i remember very very young i saw a study with cranberry juice basically 50 people let's say 50 people did 12 weeks of training with a literal current producer in the training 50 people trained without cranberry juice and just had water and the 50 people that had cranberry juice during the training session were on average 20 stronger than the people that didn't so as soon as i saw that research i can't honestly i can't i've tried looking for it since it was a snorkel i think it was like a men's health heart or something um i think i saw that when i was like 17 and i've pretty much tried two liters of cranberry juice in my diet every single day since i was 17 just for that reason just for the antioxidants so and it's uh to get carbs in not much but it's a little bit of carbs for your session of course the best way to fuel a session is beforehand you know i've just had a big bowl of rice krispies um and that'll fuel the session along with the fats from the butter from the meat and the cheese there you go [Music] right uh halfway through the session i have two scoops of whey isolate from my protein and i'm just going to mix this with water uh sometimes do it with the oil up to free or today running a bit slack on time so it's all about digestion so if you add it with with the oil it gets it's a bit too thick uh it sits in your stomach a bit longer because obviously it's a bit more time to digest and then you dinner so with water this is literally in your system pretty much instantly so a great way of getting protein there so i'll have another protein shake which is like 200 calories and then i'm gonna have a bag of the beast biltong as well which is per bag 50 gram of protein and 240 calories so we've had 440 calories there as a sort of a midway snack halfway through the training session [Music] well that's a wrap for the training session we've done a 300 kilo deadlift two rhomboid exercises so we've done really heavy rows heavy lat pull downs done pulled our machine we're done uh rhomboid pulls so we've been here about two and a half hours doing weights so now we'll head upstairs the the wi-fi will have got my lunch ready and then we'll have a bit of a nap and then we'll have a second in this afternoon not too far from now before boxing training so see you upstairs right it says lunch and time oh this is my favorite bit of the day because i have a nice big meal hello [Music] what we've got here our jerk chicken rice what's the rice cooked in chick the rice is cooked in chicken stock not water solely chicken stock and and it's in a rice cucumber absorbs all the all the juices and everything and then we've got a good portion of vegetables here as well and peppers and everything else is the chicken from prep kitchen yeah so what company that i usually get but most most of my meals are from butchers you know like chicken chicken legs chicken fries but those sort of things um but a lot of the times i've got a company called prep kitchen that supply me all the meals for the week and what i'll do is i'll just use their meat and then put my carbs and my veg to it so i think the chicken is from from pet kitchen all that i think it is and i always have a second dose of vitamins as well so whatever i have in the morning i'll have the same again with launch all mega freeze and the vitamin tablets the vitamin k the vitamin d selenium all that kind of stuff and i have an electrolyte tablet as well obviously because i have sweated quite a bit throughout the session so i have a full electrolyte tablet and i have a good sprinkle of natural sea salt on the plate as well which is a good good dose of sodium along with the potassium and the zetalase and magnesium and everything else i'm getting replenishing all my electrolytes from recession obviously and that's a good thing to do before you go to sleep and have a good guzzle of water why do i feel like my son's about to sneak up on me and smack me in the back of the air no he's gone is he gone thank god and it's hard to calculate the calories but let's go to the top end like what the most it could be probably about 850 900 calories let's call it 900 calories because it's got a load of rice here cooked in the chicken stock so and it's basically like the bone broth and the juices out the chicken so you know it's uh quite a bit calories in that [Music] hmm i felt a little old jesus christ i mean it's quite deceiving because alex actually serves my food on platters well i've got big hands it doesn't even cover not even a quarter of it so that was a fair big meal i'd say that was a thousand calories let's call that a thousand calories that opens a thousand calories all right so in between my meal i'll have me tablets and me dessert [Music] oh right for dessert just a yogurt and again just some nice so it's not a good hit of protein from the meal and this is it's just a nice added little dose and it's like a little bit more slow release isn't it because now i'll go upstairs and i'll have a sort of a two two hour kip and then get up about half two-ish quarter-three and i'll vlog my second dinner so to say or just like a little snack before the boxing i'm a nutrition nutritionist made from payton he's got some very peculiar ways of fueling sessions so i mean you'll see what i eat in a little bit but um yeah it's quite it's quite nice what what is it what sort of programmed in these are good as well and there's a lot to free right i'm off for a nap i'll see you in a couple hours for a little snack before boxing you could honestly do another four hours sleep and be honest there you go right it is well i woke up after it's probably about three o'clock now kept hitting that snooze button um that's what quote um so this is a meal i have to get in before my boxing basically it's all about carving up and this is all honestly like i've just put lots of faith i'm a nutritionist and uh just proper off the cuff this is something i would never normally have training to fuel up but you know what he said give it a try and i did and it worked you know give it really high enjoyables all the way through my boxing session so i have another protein shake in a minute but um a nature valley crunchy oats bar and two normal sized dairy milk bars so i'm gonna have a protein shake and that and then for afters oh um for afters i'm gonna have another oat bar a banana and another breaking shake so i'll get all my food ready i trained down in my basement so i'm pretty lucky so i can just grab my food grab my drinks go down and work out so uh i'll see you down there in a second i'll mix my protein shake up all right we're in the basement paddy's here hello here i am getting a good nap i didn't get any sleep i'm tired [Laughter] no that's one scoop stop it just stop it stop confusing me it's too late in the day for that right so i'm going to mix what i do is just to save time i just put the powder in both i don't put the water in until i'm like drinking them one of these will be for after straight after boxing uh dishwasher just uh just to point out and it's like really made a mess of all my shakers so i've stripped them it's that good literally so right so two scoops of protein with water we've already worked that's 200 calories i think um nutritionist is more doing along the lines of a really high protein diet and then we're just fueling the sessions as they are so you know breakfast was a good fuel for the morning session uh lunch is obviously a good fuel for now but we're also having a a quick touch this is like all fast acting carbs aren't they you know so we're good at protein and some fast acting carbs that are gonna work work off basically straight away in the boxing session so uh it's just gone three o'clock so me and paddy will get kitted out get warmed up and then we'll wait for the boxing coach to turn up and then whatever he says goes you know i don't even want to you know guess what he's got in store for us it changes all the time so uh we'll wait and see you can have mcdonald's as much dessert and pudding and cookies and crap as you want one stock on there we got chocolate bars chocolate balls can't complain there's nothing else within the diet that's like he gives me one or two cheat meals a week and they're all spaced out mainly over the weekend and honestly like i just use that as like the off button which is like cheat meal so it's just like pizza burgers chips chinese you know probably about five takeaways in one night then finish off with like a cookie dough i don't know you know i'll say is that okay anybody well you know it's meant to be one meal and one dessert really that's a cheat meal i'm like oh okay so what i do is i order five little things from each one and make i cost that as one meal really hearing huge gotta say it again there's a guy called the craig golias craig golias spelt like as you say on instagram give him a follow honestly so hilarious nature volleyball i shouldn't say for some reason i'm gonna hazard a gas and say 120 calories 532 calories just in the chocolate bar so protein shame two chocolate bars nature valley bar six seven eight about eight hundred calories but hannah will add up the proper math because she's really clever right i'll drop all this down and then it's boxing so i've got an hour's boxing whatever my coach says and then we've got another quick little meal straight after the boxing session [Music] right that's the boxing session done jesus christ doesn't seem much you know people can't appreciate how much cardio boxing is until you actually get in the ring and start doing it there's nothing like it you can run you can swim you can play rugby football whatever no cardio like boxing i've done it all oh right so straight after me session paddy passes of water please straight after my session another protein shake so i'm getting the protein in some helping me helping myself repair oh i've dropped an electrolyte tablet in my drink for afters so that's mixing up cheers buddy thank you thank you 200 calorie protein shake 120 calorie bar 100 calorie banana so i'm having another another 400 calories or another i don't know all together probably a 50 gram head of protein oh jesus this is the thing about being an athlete is you have to eat every couple of hours at least every two hours you need to be getting some some form of protein and carbs and it's important if you drop off that that's when your body starts sort of eating itself you know and that's when you sort of lose your energy for your sessions you want to keep that fuel a bit like a fuel tank you know let it go empty obviously you're going to be running on fumes you're going to feel like crap in the car feel like crap but keep it full and uh that's the best way to be so let's just smash this down i'll finish this off i've got physio for an hour and then i usually wait till i'll have another prank and shake after my physio and then it's an evening meal so the wife will probably do chicken and rice chicken and potatoes and then a little bit pudding as well wherever my protein bar or where and all the yogurt or something so i'll probably film that myself like how to go home so i'll get this down may help me physio and i'll see you after that right it's uh tea time as we say here in the north of the uk and the lovely gorgeous wifey over there how you doing darling you must say how beautiful you live just lately especially tonight there's like a very radiant glow about you looks very nice you've done something you put some nice like moisturizer on or something i actually washed your hair okay right evening munching so we've got two chicken what do you call them legs two chicken joints a massive potato remember this is the platter plate so this is i mean look at the size of that compared to my head um portion of veg estimate this to be loads of butter in the potato hundred twelve hundred calories easily um good portion of protein as well so i'll wolf this down and then uh it's the it's it depends how hungry i get after the meal really before from when i'm finishing my meal to to bedtime so maybe i'll uh have a little bit of a snack maybe just a prank shake but we'll see but i'll walk this down anyway and then i'll get back to you right that's nailed off absolutely delicious thank you darling that was a splendid meal um i'm actually quite full so dessert at the minute not now but maybe in a little bit so uh if i do i'll learn make sure to record it put on here all right see in a bit right then it's about about quarter past nine ish and i'm just getting that bit peckish now so i've got two scoops of the way i slip in a shaker i'll fill it and that will keep me what we're doing that'll keep me full and happy until i go to bed and then i'll take you know what i'm going to take a protein shake with me to bed tonight i won't film that i think it because it's just ridiculous that if i wake up i'm going to stop filming myself that's just stupid so it's another 200 calories uh i must admit today has been um a good day really you know i had good training sessions uh food's been on point i've been feeling good um and i'm tired nice and early which is just just what you don't you want as an athlete you don't want to be in bed for like 10 o'clock um and then up early you know it's good habits so another 50 gram of protein before bed uh oh no i'm going to bed so you guys thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to like it subscribe to the channel anything you want to see him up in the comments uh but most of all stay safe out there guys all right big old the beast take care [Music]
Channel: Eddie 'The Beast' Hall
Views: 1,220,756
Rating: 4.9436512 out of 5
Keywords: Eddie hall, Larry wheels, Brian shaw, worlds strongest man, deadlift, world record, strongman, giants live, history, hathor bjornsson, mattdoesfitness, strength, strong, official strongman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, nile wilson, martins licis, sidemen, ksi, Logan Paul
Id: LXh0Pzw3LVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 41sec (1961 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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