REAL FAITH: Your Own Faith (Part 1) ( June 11, 2017) Keith Moore

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father we agree together is touching this thing asking you for uh pterence for anointing for eyes that see and ears that hear only you can minister what everyone needs at the same time only you know and only you can do it and so we're looking to you and we're asking you give us all eyes and ears and heart that can see and receive answers to questions direction help add to us supply of your spirit and revelation for the next parts of the plan thank you Lord for deliverance from confusion and ignorance hallelujah bringing us into the light the truth that makes us free we confess the path is getting brighter and brighter and we give you the glory in Jesus name and we're purposed not to be forgetful hearers hearers only but with your help doers in Jesus name said out loud I'm a doer I'm a doer I'm a doer of the word of God praise God be doers are the only people who get results not just churchgoers not just people who talk about it doers and you said you are go ahead don't can be seated I am seeking the Lord about this morning and about this season I believe we'll start a new series not a new subject a new series but not a new subject anybody know what the subject has been for some time now hey anybody like faith besides me that wasn't everybody well maybe you'll like this one Romans please go there Romans chapter 3 we already prayed you're believing with me Romans 3 and verse 3 Romans 3 and 3 it says for what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect what do you think not just no but verse 4 god forbid stronger than though the wisht translation says let no one even think such a thing let no one even think so let no one even think what will back up to verse verse three back to the King James if you would what if some what did not believe Schelle they're not believing shall their unbelief make the faith of God with that effect he said don't even let anybody think that why would you need to say that hmm why would you need to say that there are a number of believers and ministers who not too many years ago emphasized faith strongly they talked about it they emphasized it getting faith having faith growing in faith living by faith but in recent times they've backed off of it more and more and more until it's just something they refer to once in a while they emphasize other things and the reason why is because they didn't experience the results that they were looking for y'all okay they prayed and prayed and prayed and it didn't happen they confessed and it didn't happen they gave and it didn't happen and so you know you get tired of that right so they're there they backed off of that and they're emphasizing other things now but let's read it again verse three what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect hmm if some for whatever reason came short in their believing does that mean the faith of God doesn't work this is an important question a lot of people I'm talking a lot of people have changed canoes I don't know where that came from [Laughter] hey they were in the faith canoe I guess but they got out ya know what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect these are two questions they deserve answers what if some didn't believe does them not believing mean God's faith doesn't work it does not mean that I said it does not mean that it goes on to say I mean this is strong this next verse is strong it says god forbid god forbid what that you think and say because somebody's attempted faith didn't work or somebody failing to believe didn't get results that the faith of God has no effect come on quote the Bible say god forbid god forbid what even thinking that god's faith doesn't work I mean there's some people have implied that you know me and Phyllis are not modern enough if we were imagine that imagine god forbid [Laughter] because you know people are doing a new thing they're doing something different and a lot of folks are excited about it yeah you can be excited about almost anything for a little while but when you get rid of faith you got rid of pleasing God you got rid of walking and living victoriously you got rid of overcoming the victory that overcomes this world I mean those things don't change you get saved by faith you get healed my faith you get delivered by faith you please God by faith that's never going to change never yeah do with me the first Timothy one please first Timothy one the Bible cautions us about conforming to this world just because something is popular does not make it God or make it right I've heard people say what you know millions of people can't be wrong yep you're kidding right we're billions of people can be wrong broad is the way that leads to destruction and many that are going that way people say we all just narrow-minded and saved there's a straight way and there's a narrow way that's the right way and there's relatively few that find that Jesus is in in 1st Timothy 1 and verse 4 1st Timothy 1 in 4 says neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies now first of all you need to identify a fable as a fable what about Christian fiction you could forget it's fiction you know with me or not fable means it's not real and endless genealogies a lot of folks always wanted to do they've always found a new code in the book nobody saw and they have to run the numbers and run the numbers and this attaches to this don't misunderstand me there's a lot in this wonderful Word of God but the Lord did not make things so complicated and hidden that only a very special couple could ever see it that's not right actually the Lord the Lord said this to me one time you know I'm a teacher and I study and I take things apart and now you know I'll spend hours looking at words and verses and that's part of what I need to do part of it I was looking at one of the epistles and I was doing that and the Lord said to me he said I don't going to hurt a voice but inside me he said Keith member this is a letter I was dissecting it and defining the words he said if Phyllis wrote you a letter would you would you sit down and take each word and try to define it and see we got to watch like it was said that brother Smith Wigglesworth great man of faith had written another minister and the minister said brother leg is worth did you realize what he said you spelled Holy Spirit four or five different ways in your in your letter he said well did you understand it he suggests is it well that's all didn't you understand you can get so caught up in Greek and Hebrew definitions and studying this reference and this reference in this reference a lot of that can be pried you trying to show how smart you are and we'll just leave that right there but first Timothy 1 are you there don't give heed verse 4 the fables and endless endless genealogies which Minister questions you know you're reading and listening to and watching the wrong thing when the more you watch it the more questions you have anybody can ask a question that don't mean you got any answers when you're hearing the right thing it'll edify you he said rather than godly edifying which is what in faith the scripture talks about being nourished up in the words of faith real faith will feed you it'll build you it'll strengthen you all we need it also we need it we need it thank God for it verse 5 now the end of the commandment is charity or love out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned now this is King James but this is a this appears more than once it appears two or three times this word unfeigned concerning love unfeigned love and it appears at least a couple of times concerning faith unfeigned faith what is unfeigned faith fame means pretend it means uh what one definition is to pretend or to pretend to feel or be affected by something to feign it you pretend to feel something or you pretend to be affected by something or to feign means to give a false appearance of you could say false faith pretend faith phony faith is there a phony faith mhm there must be unfeigned would be not phony which would be genuine real faith that's the title of this new series real faith real faith you believe in women real faith why would he say not phony faith well there must be phony faith there must be he uses the same term to describe love he says unfeigned love is there phony love is there fake love sure there is the devil god of this world is not a creator of good he's never created anything remotely good the only thing I'm aware of that he initiated and came up with is lying he's the father of that but as far as any good thing he's got no good in him he couldn't create it what he can do is make a deceptively close imitation of the real thing and he is quite accomplished at that and so that's what he has done over and over again is make simulations imitations of the real which at their core are twisted now in in let me read some other translations to you about this first Timothy 5 wisht says a faith that is not assumed but real the BBE says and several other ones say true faith everybody say true faith why would you need to use the descriptor true faith because there's some other that's not true several translations say a genuine faith today's English version a genuine faith the message says it the other way warns about a counterfeit faith counterfeit faith the easy-to-read says whose faith in God is real reals where I get the title real faith hallelujah what if some did not believe with their unbelief make the faith of God without effect god forbid he went on to say let God be true and every man alive when I we've quoted that but let's keep it in context that God be true about what about his faith and every man a liar about what saying they believed and they didn't saying God's faith didn't work hmm when people and I'm not I'm not trying to be harsh or hard here I my my heart goes out we've all come up short I don't I don't even need a show of hands you prayed something it didn't work you said something it didn't come to pass we've experienced this but desire faith failure I don't like that word faith didn't fail our failure to believe did that uh render the real faith of God ineffective it does not it does not and let God be true and everybody just said the faith didn't work is a liar huh thereby that mocked the faith of God I mean think about it why would you mock what the Bible person puts emphasis on mock it make light of it make fun of it I've heard people just mock and mock about those up confess it possess it Bunch had somebody said about it say they said yeah I heard him for a few minutes and he's one of those possessed it guys wonderful what are those uh claim it claim it guys well I didn't write mark 11:24 neither did brother Hagin is that right what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them they're mocking that they're mocking that believe that you receive them means believe that you take it could say claim it could say possess it whatever words you want to use if you'll say to this mountain be removed and be cast in the sea not doubt in your heart but believe that what you say comes the best you'll have what you say that's confession that's saying so when these folks are mocking who are they mocking that's the head of the church that's Jesus you got no respect for that you're off way way off no when people say well I tried that and you know people say that it didn't work well you're right what they called faith didn't work but that doesn't mean it was real faith there's there's a big difference between imitation and real you see these commercials as wild back they were showing these commercials I forget what it was but they caught my idea because it was about flying one of them these guys were in the cockpit and everybody take off and and the one guy said yeah don't be concerned I'm an actor I've played pilots before be concerned be very concerned and this other guy was in the operating room and you know everybody open this guy up he said you've done this for he said no but I've played a doctor for years on such-and-such show uh playing a pilot it's not the same as being a pilot playing a doctor is not the same and but if you're playing a doctor then you don't know what you don't know and you may do everything you saw and heard somebody else do and it didn't work and you had catastrophic results and looks like we lost the patient but I'm interested if you go away and say well doctor and don't worry doctrine doesn't work hmm the pretend pilot crashed the plane well piloting doesn't work now just because their attempt at edit didn't work that doesn't mean it doesn't work are y'all with hmm hallelujah go with me please to the book of Acts Acts chapter 19 thanks be to God I'm confident that a lot of good things are coming out in this and we're going to get free and some people that were lacking confidence or being confused that's going to be put away and and if adjustments need to be made we'll make those adjustments and get results and people can mark say what they want to say but uh they'll get tired of not getting results either and if we're getting results I shouldn't say if we've been getting results when we're getting results and even more results then folks will be interested to ask about it what some have called faith they decided it doesn't work and they're right what they have called faith doesn't work but that's not real faith in asking the Lord about this so that will look what's the best way to get free in these areas what's what's the cause how does the enemy trick people we've all made mistakes and this was the Lord's already given me - I think we'll only get to one of them today but the first one is imitation faith imitation faith is a version of phony faith imitation faith and you'll see that in acts 19 acts 19 beginning at verse 13 I believe it is acts 1913 says then certain of the vagabonds use exorcists took upon them or took upon themselves to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus saying we're jury by Jesus whom Paul preaches this is an attempt at deliverance I say attempt because I read the rest of the passage have you read it uh vagabond traveling guys with no real contacts looking always looking for the new angle always looking for the new thing and they thought they found it and there were some individuals that had were oppressed and had yielded the wrong spirits and were bound and so they took it upon themselves they just decided they'd do this to call over them in the name of the Lord Jesus and they said we adore you by Jesus whom Paul preaches verse 14 seven sons of one sieve of Jew chief of the priests which did so and the evil spirit answered and said Jesus I know and actually the language on the Paul is different Paul I know about Jesus I know Paul I know about into but it doesn't just say but who are you that the literal says but you who are you [Laughter] Young's literal which is real transliteration the evil spirit answering said Jesus I know and Paul I'm acquainted with and you who are you you who are you and the man in whom the evil spirit was leapt on him overcame Kingdom and prevailed against them and they fled out of the house naked and wounded and afterward they said that deliberate stuff does not work [Laughter] it doesn't work because we did it we use the name of Jesus and we said it real loud and the doctor says gonna take eight weeks for this mister he love so does this prove that there is no real taking authority over and casting out of wrong spirits does it prove that that's not real it does not Jesus own disciples remember that tried to get the boy who is having the seizures delivered in mark 9 you believe that you remember that and they failed I mean nothing no results at all so much so that when the man got to Jesus is that if you can do something why cuz these guys these jokers couldn't if you could do something have mercy compassion us and help us well we're talking about John which are my Peter right did their failure prove deliverance is not real now and when I just told my deliverance we're told my faith they're endeavoring to exercise faith in the name of Jesus for deliverance this is faith so a spectacular catastrophe of people attempting to believe or used the name of Jesus does not prove it doesn't work does it we all know stories some of us might have been those stories of somebody broke their glasses and went out and had a car wreck somebody threw their medication away and passed out somebody refused to go to the doctor and died died young hmm well they were confessing well they were praying were they were using the scriptures where they were standing on the scriptures were they were using the name of Jesus what does that prove there is a phony faith they may have been sisters sincere but it's like being a pretend pilot or a pretend doctor and I want you to notice what the Lord pointed out to me what the issue here was they were imitating they were imitating somebody else's faith Oh y'all awake are y'all here they were imitating somebody else's faith what somebody else had done and they didn't have it it was an Indian you know if you were there and you saw this they tried to do what they heard somebody else doing what they heard Paul had done maybe they saw Paul they got this somewhere didn't he they saw they obviously saw and heard about and/or saw real deliverance or they had never done this the attempt and failures of people in this area prove there's a real if there wasn't a real that it never tried this oh come on in somebody away there's a real there's a real and so they they heard of this happening or they probably saw it themselves and they thought man that's that's amazing we can do that we can do that too so what did he say what did he do seven of them so they worked on this together what they do would you see well I saw that Paul stepped back like this he did yeah and then he brought his hand up how far would you say I don't know 14 well now let's get it right it was it was at 12 or 14 inches and then he looked real stirring give me that look is that it now you're not quite right you got to tilt your head a little bit more now you're laughing somebody say imitation faith wait what does that mean imitating someone else's faith is not real faith and to the undiscerning are the unenlightened it looks like faith to them it sounds like faith to them so then when there are no results or catastrophic results ago how does it understand that man they were believing how do you know because I heard him say something when these guys sent something to use the name of Jesus I heard him say it I saw him do it no faith is over the heart with the heart man believes you don't know their heart you don't see in their heart even somebody you've lived with for years you don't know their heart you know you may know a few things about them but you you don't know what they're really believing or what they're not and so if you watch this you could have concluded that doesn't work at rebuking and casting ass a bunch of junk that's a wrong doctrine stay away from those people huh not only didn't it work it's downright dangerous you get hurt it doesn't work it doesn't work and they're right what they did obviously doesn't work but don't call it faith don't call it faith because you'll be lying misrepresenting God and what is somebody failed to believe you or me does that make the faith of God without effect I tell you this burns strong in me brother sister I'm going to proclaim the faithfulness of God and the power of the faith of God as long as there's breath in me and beyond and I don't care who changes and what they say or don't say I know he's right and his faith is real and it works and there's nothing else that can do what this can do nothing can replace this or even come close let's have some humility something go right why is it that the first thing you assume is God let you down the word didn't what couldn't we consider anything else that God let us down the faith of God didn't work could it be possibly that waiteth ma that we did what these guys do imitation go with me to John 4th chapter please I'm not going to keep you much longer I don't think would you mind if we did I mean if it was if it was good if it was right that something Jesus I know Paul I know about but you who are you and then he commenced a beating the time here we laughing but it wasn't funny to Lily there I got a whooping a beat down yikes and if you watch that you could conclude on man don't do that the Hawks don't stay away from that faith and the name of Jesus authority and deliver don't get caught up in all that man you want them in hospital but it's not true that's right Jesus cast out spirits with his word is that right Paul did I mean the list goes on and on and on and we do have authority over every unclean spirit in the name of Jesus Dewey and you resist the devil he has to flee but you got to have faith not pretending to be a pilot but being a PI not pretending to have faith then it's it's taken me 20 years to have some confidence to pilot the planes where it we're flying you know it'd have been nice to just say I'm a pilot let me in there well I probably won't be here talking to you better and in folks I just don't understand I thought brother Keith was a faith man how come God let him die in here well no I come to the Keith was a dummy and faith you don't learn all about overnight or in a week can you see that are in a multitude and if you're not applying yourself and being fed and growing you're not going to develop at all and if you decide well I did something and it didn't work so I'm leaving that church and I'm leaving this bunch and I'm not doing that anymore sad for you because what are you gonna do in the place of it in the stead of it I'll tell you nothing believe a lie that it's all up to God believe a lie that it's all up to God and whatever happens is his will and old brother the enemy is going to kick you up and down the street and you'll blame God for it like a foolish one there is no substitute for what we're talking about it there is no other way to live victoriously the dust shall live by faith does that do something for you come on visit oh yeah you know what because it pleases God and it's the truth you can overcome anything in this world with your faith in God you can receive it doesn't get too big you can receive anything and it pleases your father it pleases him hallelujah I like this new series though you like you look real faint look at your neighbor helping us a real fight real faith real faith one of the things that our phony faith is imitation faith and what I mean by that is imitating another's faith you can't get by on what you perceived to be other people's faith no matter how much you love them and respect them their faith is not your faith just because it's real to them doesn't mean it's real to you mm-hmm because it was real to Paul doesn't mean it was real to the seven sons of Seaver he had a leading of the Spirit you'll see when there there was that damsel that had that spirit of divination for all we know they could have seen something like that exactly but what they may have missed he didn't do a thing with that for many days until obviously he got something from God can you see that and then he did it in it by the Holy Spirit and she was delivered me well they didn't get all that they missed all that they just got to phrase and the stands and the look and no whooping the beating [Laughter] but does that make the faith of God of no effect it does not it just shows up their ignorance and we've all been there we've all made mistakes John for are you there John for is the account of the encounter that Jesus had with the woman the Samaritan woman at the well and you know he told her to call her husband and come and buy a word of knowledge he revealed that she had had five husbands and the guy she was living with now wasn't her husband and she said I perceive your a profited yeah and anyway they talked about where was the right place to worship Him how to worship and Jesus revealed it's not where you worship that the father seeks those who worship Him in spirit and in truth hallelujah but the Bible said in John 4 39 this woman went back to her City and she testified about what she had experienced with him and John 4:39 says many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman which testified she said he told me everything meaning he told me my whole life he told me everything I did and as she was telling them about her encounter with Jesus her experience with Jesus the Spirit of God dealt with them and that it was true and they believed but that wasn't the end of it verse 40 when the Samaritans were come to him so all this bunch they came to Jesus looking for him and besought him that he would carry with him with them so he did he stayed there two days and what do you think he did while he was there he was ministering to them preaching to them teaching them talking to them two days verse 41 and many more believed because of his own word and they said to the woman or are you there verse 42 they said to the woman now we believe well somebody say now now we believe not because of what you said for we have heard him our selves and we know that this is indeed the Christ the Saviour of the world o friend so much is here now we believe well what were they doing before then I don't know mental assent conjecture I don't know but now we believe not because of what you said we have heard him ourselves and not think so guess so maybe so we know somebody said we know we've heard him for ourselves and we know we know the seven sons of Siva had not heard him for their selves and they didn't know they had seen some things and they were imitating them and trying them the Bible said when Moses he read in Hebrews eleven great faith chapter it said when Moses led the people through the Red Sea when it parted of course he heard from God they're following him as he follows the Lord the Egyptians trying to do it drown yeah that's the difference between doing it and trying huh the Israelites did it why well get this how does faith come what did they hear one specific word Moses heard why are you standing here crying to me go go work right there you mean through that and they stepped out by faith on that word can come can you see that they heard from him for themselves they stepped out on the word and miraculously the walls were up hallelujah of water and they went through but now the Egyptians can they have that same faith what the Lord tell them let my people go they can have faith to let them go do they have faith to cross he didn't tell them the cross he told them to let my people go but they just saw them cross and so the Hebrew says so they are saved to do it that's King James we'd say they tried they tried trying will get you far enough to drown got them far enough from the bank their window wall collapse they couldn't get back because they hadn't heard from God they're just trying to do what they saw them do they actually had a different word their word was let my people go leave him alone let him go how many note you can't just imitate somebody else you can't just take what God said to them right and step out to do that when he didn't say that to you imitation faith is a form of phony faith and we need to know this and we need to not just be dependent on somebody else's faith and they heard from God and what God did for them and and it's great that we've got examples it's great we need them we need inspiration we need examples but when it comes down to your life on Monday morning come on you're listening and the decisions you make and what you're doing there is no substitute for you hearing from him for your self and when you do then you know hallelujah they said now we believe that's faith now we got we're in faith why not cuz what you said we've heard him for ourselves and we know going to God call it a god stand on your feet everybody praise be to God oh thank you for thank you my good father praise God brother Dave would you call me oh excuse me excuse me you remember this story come on up here where folks can see it just fits so well my husband was at Bible School and he was learning everyday and he was getting a word in him every single day and you know we are in covenant so I just assumed but everything that he was getting I was getting yeah remember that I do he was getting the word six hours a day sometimes eight hours a day because he was going to class all morning and he was going to prayer school in the afternoon and he was going to heating school in the afternoon and we'd have guest speakers come to town and we'd have people like Lester Sumrall coming come in and talking about casting out Devils and brother Hagin would talk about it and Keith would do it healing class what it was necessary and well I've worked in the doctor's office and I was getting maybe 1/16 of what Keith was getting and I was never around the things that he was around I was never really in services when they were getting people delivered of spirits or anything like that I just heard it on the edges and I saw what was happening on the side but just like he was saying I imagined I could do what they were doing because I saw it and I imagined I was getting a strong there's a burr jitan because he was getting it and he was feeding on the word day and night night and day and day and night and I was getting maybe a sixteenth enough to keep my head a float above the water and I knew enough to know that this lady that came into our office was messed up and the doctor said don't let her come in because he was more spiritual than I was he had been around the word for what thirty years but in but me being a little Catholic girl I had only been around it what a couple of years but in but I knew enough to know she had Spirit undo that and I was right about that but just because you know something don't mean you're supposed to do something yeah that's right and she came in long story short she threw a fit there in the worst busiest time the day I bet we had probably 25 50 patients in the office that day and I thought well I need to deal with this I need to deal with this who was i blue okay so the worst thing I did was I took her outside because I didn't want to make a scene in the office because she was making such a scene I thought this lady had to be 90 years old little bitty petite thing and I thought no big deal she's just a little old lady but little old ladies when they're filled with a devil can be mean and this little old lady was walking with a cane and I took her outside and I tried to talk to her for just a minute and I realized she is just possessed with a devil and I thought it was my duty and my job I mean we just heard about it for a week and I knew everything about it by then I knew everything that there was to know yeah and I commenced to cast the devil out of this lady well have you ever been around a dog and the dog knows that you're scared of that dog no matter how hard to pretend that you're not scared of that dog well that's what this devil knew I guarantee you he knew it because it was like Jesus I know and brother Hagin I know and Lester I know and Keith I know but little blonde girl who are you and this woman beat the puddin out of me with her cane I'm telling you it wasn't funny half heat there walking cane with a walking cane but do you know what when I got past that I wasn't dumb enough to think that God did he catch the devil out of people or to blame God or to quit God or to think that being delivered from Devils didn't work I was wise enough to know that I didn't know something I was wise enough to know that I was trying to stand on his face I was wise enough to know that I was imitating something that I had seen done and it wasn't something I was ready to do yet what I should have done was just put her out of the office I wasn't ready to do that and besides that you can't catch the devil on somebody won't sit that's right exactly right and that lady didn't want to get rid of that devil Troy and I didn't know that part and our support I did I that was support I didn't know enough to know and I hadn't been around you enough to know that they knew that I didn't know and there's a lot of stuff with faith and there's a lot of stuff with following God yes that we've got to be wise enough to say god I missed it somewhere yeah show me where I miss because I know you did your God and he will and he will and he will show you will exactly up to where that was father bird I don't know I don't know what happens in that I don't know I don't know I know I got hurt like you said Friday night I'm heartbroken over that but if I come back to you father and I'll go right back to that day you'll show me exactly where I messed up virtual virtual because it was me what you know it was me yes and I went home that day and I asked Keith i said Keith what did I do he said well feel that woman didn't want to get rid of that spirit and he began to talk to me about it and teach me about it you said what do you know about that anyway and we got to by the loud he began to show me and I began to realize I wasn't ready for that I stepped into an area I wasn't ready for and it takes humility to realize when you've stepped into an area you didn't know enough about brother Hagin taught us long ago and I'm sure people get into business but I think I need to say it even when he was believing God he did his Bible out and searched the Scriptures out about it maybe he didn't just say I'm believing for this and we stepped over our heads sometimes and we just need to back up just a little bit and all of his can yeah good and I don't ever want to be beat with a canyon again by nine year old but it was a very good lesson to realize I couldn't live on Keith's page and I could live on what he knew I had to find God for myself
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 71,539
Rating: 4.7658539 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, faith, love, Jesus, God
Id: gL_3U4WGYdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 43sec (3703 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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