STRANDED IN THE WILD!-Epic Remote Wilderness Fly in Trip-Bushcraft-Canoing-Fishing-WILDERNESS LIVING

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okay well that was the worst timing possible we got the call that the plane was coming we got everything ready we saw the plane the plane was like right there coming in hot and then this storm kicks up and the plane leaves we are soaked you can hear the thunder everything everything we have is put away we have no shelter and the plane left the plane is gone because you couldn't fly in the storm so now what this is day nine morning of day nine hello how are you doing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] at around 4:00 I woke up and smelled some smoke part of the forest is burning right now you can really see it smokestacks this is unreal it's a good dream hole ramming speed ahead oh man way less visibility here I can't say I'm not a little concerned from being on it what would you do what do you do if you're out here no life I know all flights are grounded [Music] hey guys how you doing oh this is it or on the start of a remote wilderness trip we'll be out here for seven nights eight full days just remote I got dropped off in that plane like you saw I just threw my first line in I'm waiting on Kyle Kyle is coming with me he's gonna be here in about two hours and he'll have a secondary floatplane flight in so I'm just gonna hang out on this lake here do some fishing and wait for the old guy to show up then I start on our journey this trip isn't gonna be too too crazy of distance probably about 75 kilometers and the seven nights were here eight days and so that's just over ten klicks a day it's not bad what we're gonna do a lot of fishing a lot of exploring some portaging will be some Rapids should be great this is what I've been it's what I've been needing this is what I've been wanting for since the ice was off the lake we're gonna see how this goes wish me luck I'm already having the fun it's been a couple minutes still no sign of Kyle buddy a little Pike to start the day start the trip with that's alright I'm gonna need the pliers I think oh yeah trying to stay organized as much as possible on this trip for once you guys know who I am right we'll try and not pull too many Joe's this trip yeah you're going back in peace all right on the board they're losing Kyle we're losing we may have a friendly wager well uh we'll get get you all the info on that after once Kyle gets in here [Music] [Music] fancy seeing you here thanks boy what took you so long [Music] so I'm very happy I'm enjoying my view eating my breakfast okay we're gonna do this again so how was the flight it was awesome dude yeah it was great it's all two bald eagles on the way in yeah very smooth not bumpy was awesome now we're here I'm a little disappointed that I don't have a nice like walleye that you caught for me prepared and all that I throw it back did you I was like I have I don't wanna hurt your feelings oh I got you yeah you know the scoreboards at zero right now right well it's one zero but yeah why is it one zero I wasn't even here we've arrived we've arrived here in Haven like we're in Haven Lake the plane just left us you're all buyer so owns them now just me and Joe yeah exactly and I'm starving it is almost 1:00 o'clock so we have about eight or nine more hours of daylight so that's pretty awesome and I'm eating my breakfast here some oatmeal oh look at that look how cute we are God this hat sexy Oh so Kyle and I have planned a trip like this for a very long time we I don't know if you would I'll and I okay so Kyle and I we've been planning a trip like this for a long time I don't know if you realize but we don't have the best track record when it comes to fishing trips it's the truth well no with you just go back and look at the footage you'll notice me catching more and larger fish doesn't know how many fish in the words of Vin Diesel it doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile winnings away and you just quoted Vindi I did that's a L I don't know if you guys realize this but Kyle I we don't have the best track record at fishing trips right we put on some canoe trips together yeah quite a few and we fixed as well we've put lures into the water yes real they didn't done that we haven't caught the fish yes one there two a couple yeah but not like somebody to be impressed by right so one or two fish per week long trip which is never good so come up to where the fish are cuz there's no fish those places we already were I want to make sure this is on camera Joe has guaranteed me we will catch fish yeah walleye even so anyways this isn't gonna be a crazy trip this is more of a fishing trip yup we're excited about that we're gonna do eight days and I think our longest portage is 700 minutes I mean like okay and there's only like one or two Portage's per day so we're used to one or two an hour yes way more no more high mileage hopefully maybe if we slow down and spend more time fishing less time for Kajal okay that's probably been the part of the whole issue all right so because we because we're so confident because we've never really been so far off with the fish before he's caught too and I've caught zero basically yeah we're gonna do a friendly wager on this trip we never got a measuring tape no we don't know if these like the paddlers on the all right or video or video if it's big enough we can go back and okay but yeah so the lot the person to catch the most fit person catch the most fish in the person catch the biggest fish if you do both of those things you get a full Snickers bar on the error that what is it it is a dark chocolate almond butter bar oh yeah darn good there you have it so this will be the who can catch more fish challenge and then the biggest fish as well so if you do both if you catch the biggest and the most you get the full chocolate bar if you only get one of those you get half you get obviously if you're the other guy you get nothing no and no sharing because then it's so no it can't do that and we're gonna be out of chocolate by the it'll be something yes will it be worth it'll be something can't wait right now I'm gonna keep eating this mushy maybe get you seen that because that's all you're eating this trip boy we got in a boat a while yeah that's why I'm filming it that's again why I'm filming it oh we're ready bud graceful as a gazelle that's true don't sit on the gunnels oh it is there's some white cap so here in the way there's a little narrows and behind a couple of these big islands how was that wind paddle that was horrendous like the first three seconds of not paddling in several years and it's straight into the wind the wind speed was 17 or 18 kilometers an hour and they're like if it goes to 20 we can't fly you it oh it had a nice peaceful night by myself only fish you got best time right no my microphones messed up but here is me catching a walleye the first walleye of the trip the first actual fish that counts on the boards not big enough to keep for an eater so we're throwing them back we got dinner so just trolling got a decent walleye Scooby dinner what's that that's what you can call it that's what you could call it there's always an excuse a there's always a wreath yeah there's always a reason yeah anyway this is gonna be a good good dinner for old Joe well like I said we are navigating our way over to a campsite it's almost 4:00 in the afternoon now Suns high in the sky it's really windy so we're tucked behind this little island and he thinks that the I don't have my map or anything it's all packed away I got to get it out for after supper when we paddle again but he thinks it's on that side of the island it's very windy over there so we're hoping that there's another little cake on kitte clav thing regardless I got to get my fish into the water because he's pretty warm it's pretty warm out I kind of decent wall I'd be a good supper size for me and if kala catches one even better but I gotta get them in the water I got to keep them in the water because I don't want me getting all funky on me I imagine I won't eat for a couple hours still so I just got to find some paracord and tie them off to my boat autumn a fly larvae castings castings casings so when they've shed their their exoskeleton or whatever the case may be and then they grow the wings and fly they leave all these casings in the water it looks like we missed the mayfly hatch by like a week I assume that would have been hot fishing then fish are all turned on by the mayflies fish flies as it were what do you guys call the may flies or fish flies what do you call them climb a fly or fish fly he says may fly [Applause] what do you think stop here unload call this home for the night yeah that's perfect yep mm-hmm nice little landing here - I'll get my stuff on the way we'll guarantee it does it'll be a beautiful calm night for sure authority I feel like the wind I know oh yeah he said that like how long ago oh yeah she's getting good not a minute too soon the ants have found mr. Whalley yeah all righty in the water you go bud so we're on our campsite obviously we uh we'll take your on and show it show it to you not much to show that it's not but concur to that one some flat ground yeah I know I actually like it it's not so bad we might maybe string up a tarp for some shade other than that she's all right lots of dead trees hanging above so Huff there yeah check it out I pulled a big old leech over to the over the water I'll be able to use that for bait later on I'll be really good because you know that's what the fish are eating already right let's see if he'll get me you want to get me he doesn't want to get me what not even good enough for a leech alright just overheating like crazy got all our stuff ready to set up but I had to take a dip I got a chill down a bit let's see how she goes oh I'm so nervous I am I don't I'm like I don't know man it's gonna be cold okay thanks oh it's much warmer than the water at my house yep whoa beauty I'm catching leeches left and right whoo this is perfect oh it's great normally when I go in the water behind my house I can't even talk I'm so cold when Joe can't talk you know something's wrong alone okay so good the Sun came back up yeah let's go swim I'm gonna go for a float and sweat my foot all right do you think there's much fat I would just naturally float just see where that green fishing I would go there Oh none of that is okay I'm gonna go well hold hands and jump together I'm a rock hard in film ssin in GoPro I would not disagree Boise there's a lease on to my bar [Music] not much meat off that guy but two small filets what we're gonna do because it doesn't get dark to like literally 10:30 or 11:00 like no joke two dinners two dinners so we're I'm just gonna have this as a snack I'll share some with Kyle and you're just going to use fish crisp my skillet I got my bush buddy here if it's out of frame and some lard a little bit of lard grab the lard too please yes sir is that lemon in there no is that lemon in that bag Thanks no limo anyway so I'll get some lemon out of my bag but look that lard is a little little soupy well well yeah it's been hot Kyle rigged up this tarp this old tarp has been around since since after we would tell was you're saying after our first a gong Qin backpacking trip where we used a heavier tarp and that was the end of that for us because it was heavy Kyle whipped this thing up about the same time he whipped up the one that I use all the time my one I call my Kyle made her there's probably a lot of people Kyle who started watching my videos after you moved up away so I assumed this is going to be new for a lot of people they don't understand your nests he said awesomeness but anyway kyle is a good buddy we have a lot of good banter back and forth and you'll see that throughout this video so I got a little rock I've got a rock down on the ground first off for safety well we're gonna do to start this let's grab some twigs break them and then light the broken ends it's so dry up here look at that granted there's a little tiny bit of moss on there but oh man and hopefully that'll catch if not we'll just we'll do it again but looking pretty good yep looking real good that's the that's why this land is changed molded by my fire because it's a it's a fire driven forest it's so easy in here lightning comes down sparks his stuff up part of the reason there's no black flies here this time of year apparently it's so dry I didn't believe Harlan when he was telling us but it seems like it might be the truth ideas will try to deep-fry them as much as possible Howell says there's no fish here oh yeah but yeah might not be enough lard in there but we'll see look I have a spatula Kyle sure what's the best spatula to push this one one that you make out of pine everywhere I put my hand do you know I don't I can't do the hot sauce anymore man yeah no I can't do much okay whoa iodized no it's good sauce all is perfect good then I don't buy that crap no me either Himalayan pink is the only way they use diamond crystal like kosher something earlier oh yeah oh you got one of these too they're gonna go together forward so I've been I have a bunch of these company sent me a bunch yeah there's a like a spicy teriyaki one yeah whoever's hot there's someone's blueberries like actual like kind of kin tape alrighty Kyle's let's do it don't you know up let's do it let's uh want to cheers her bud is it too hot what shoes with her water bottle no cheers with our hands first walleye of the trip yeah you like yes we're need two more this way yeah I know this is not enough I was like oh yeah this would be totally enough for me to eat it's fine we'll have a second seconds easy oh yeah this might be the only port only a canoe trip we're actually gain weight dude good good there's a one bone in here if you could there's a few of get that next time y'all try me look at this look at a goodness look at the goodness Doug's always the best at deep frying these things he does it so that they actually taste like popcorn chicken but look at that I'm going to the salt at one point yeah salt is next next time we'll use lemon as well my lemon is buried in the bottom of a backpack is not not worth it for this one but we'll get it out soon it really does have like a popcorn truckin mm-hmm yeah it looks really good so good very late this has already been more productive than all of our other fishing trips what's exactly right yeah we didn't have to portage like a trout or what was that yeah it was a trout until it turned black yeah that caught all funky yeah it's a while give me it was quite terrible it was quite terrible we had just literally stop and eat it before it just went horrible like rigor mortis rigor Morton it up Rick and Morty look I think you had another like paracord you're dragging down the poor Todd leg was the dog or so no definitely no a little bit in the water a little bit in the water it was definitely like some real shallow muddy spots where it was yeah like sucking some people you know they take animals they stuff with like a beer can or with fruits and vegetables on we just use my ID nature it's neat nature all right I do really want to give that take this opportunity to give Harlan a huge shadow Red Lake Outfitters we wouldn't been able to come out and do this without you guys really appreciate it this is the third year in a row I've come and Harlan hooked it up first year was LaShawn we went to woodland caribou second year I did that 10-day Crown land thing again couldn't have done it without Harlan and then this time this is last minute like we had this planned but I didn't know if I was gonna be able to come even when I came to your wedding member I was tell me I don't know like keep it open I hope I can go anyway call Hardin last minute and he made it happen the thing I think probably was extremely professional super helpful and I see the value in paying the money for the outfitter you could spend you know 30 hours on the internet and gain 10% of what you could get in talking with Harlan for 20 minutes that's true you know what I mean you do avoid all his negative things not joking thanks Harlan you'll say he looks a little fat one and dr. Owen grant wife will find a way not into the long grass [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's not many flats boss how many even let flat-ish spots so we're kind of using the same real estate here but that's alright but Quincy Z says so I've got my oh I forgot I brought a little pillow this is a new to me this packs down extremely small even smaller than my down pillow and it might actually give me a little loft as opposed to not like quite help ill Oh well that's pretty cool it has two valves one that lets you put in a lot at once then once it's almost full you close out one yeah it's not have you used it it's it's pretty pretty buoyant pretty full then I got a Kyle I've got a mountain hardwear it no western mountaineering plus one degree that's in this bag it's so fuel to the outside oh it's so thick this is very light I know you should have my 15 degree bag yeah I'm good on the 15 degree bag what's that in the rest of the world have like maybe nine or ten some yeah that's that's I have a lighter break going yes overkill yeah simple I have mine blue this is overkill as well anyway getting everything squared away so we can go out and fish soon probably wait till 7:00 or 7:30 oh look at that look at that the valve is cool it yeah it's were quite my question is why therm-a-rest listen use this valve on your damn air pad so I don't hyperventilate every four seconds when I'm blowing it up thank you be here all day cuz watch it think yeah therm arrest why can't you be like more like sea2summit hey come on huh come on huh I do love your signal cards though they work great this one's like five years old no problems but really though we've got valve a better on this if I follow you man figured out a bun down from tracking I might need like four or five of the whole Springer yeah yeah yeah well see how that goes Powell's going fishing and I'm gonna start cutting a little bit of firewood before I head out there [Music] nice and dry oh yeah we got kindling for days on that one to sprout a small little axe for this trip should be plenty [Applause] oh there's some some definite present in there so I'll be hopeful for fire what are you screaming about what what my heads getting a little pound II I've been drinking water like crazy you need to keep up on that sun's low in the sky now should be mmm got a few hours of light actually still but Kyle's out there hoping that the wind will die down then look like it I'm sure it will later on tonight it's almost 8 o'clock does every night up here this is my experience at least but I'll probably head out there soon it's such a gorgeous day like such a gorgeous sight a gorgeous day no bugs no bugs I'll happily carry that bug jacket without having to use it this is gonna be a good trip I'm feeling good I'm feeling very good I felt good for the past few days I've been away from home for two nights already two nights in a hotel getting here and everything's coming up millhouse is pretty good we'll see you tomorrow morning how it goes but as of now like 90% very happy boat that this is yelling out there just heard of me yelling Kyle needs to catch a fish cool campsite well I learned my lesson for not going on to fish staying back cutting foot we're like a sucker Kyle's got three now he's got a couple of walleye in a play gone so I don't I head out soon it's efficient yeah eat the fish we're going fishing walleye number two nice pretty guy good teeth on him I think I might paddle down the old wind tunnel back to see Kyle see how he's doing I still want to keep paddling and fishing definitely there's a there's a lot of late left it's nice to be over here when you get those purples and blues and stuff I love that this is the second wall I caught over this little Bay Area tonight that'll be two for me today that I keep that will be all that I keep for today Wally oh that's a decent one that's probably the best one I've caught so far no I cast with this Cyclops and I thought for sure it was a plate he's going away I always got to and I've got that one there's no need for any more at all all right I think I'm gonna go head back now I'll probably still troll on the way with the Yule rippln Redfin but I'm completely satisfied with that I think Kyle is up on me tonight but that's all right I got three wall-eyed tonight to Pike if you count those pike we have to discuss the rules do we count those pike normally I would say no but in all honesty I don't want to take Pike off my my lure with like I don't want to have to do it Oh bugs are out flat place that's weird at night anyway I don't want to have to take the pike off my lure it's not an enjoyable thing a lot of the times so if you can just lose up if I can lose them right at the boat I'm happy with that but I don't know if that counts so we'll discuss the rules and we get back to Cuba oh you hit hard you hit hard let's see what we got it feels like a walleye feels like a walleye it's a pike it's a decent pike there he goes nice alright two pikes no.1 pike one pike that counts we're in this little bait it's a little shallow bay here I expect there to be some play in here but I thought for sure a wall-like - you'll see it's only uh it's only starting to get the good time for fishing anyway got a couple hours over here still crust in the trees there beauty find a nice shoreline I'll put a little net psycho Cyclops there's a beauty I'm so glad this Sun went down or at least is going down it's super hot [Music] yeah well fish that Lake I don't know it's mostly productive or not then we get through to jigsaw I believe that jigsaw supposed to be a good walleye late for those who don't know may seem that were like each other it's just mold it's all fun it's just all that's what we do it's a banter I really like the guy I'm sure he likes me too you don't have to be worried I get comments write down like I knew it would it's the name of the game here here yep thanks Jose lively lively little bit of pink some saloon up there calling a little bit of pinks and blues in the sky my favorite time of night BAM son you'll get better not so many nice noises right now boy fishings getting hot as I got back to back oh my goodness walleyes off the chain Harlan calls this route route the wall eye primer he has a bunch of different packages you can go on he calls this one the wall eye primer I see why why oh sweet he's on all right and does that count I'm also playing with my camera what are the rules maybe we should stop worrying about it so much I'm just fish good idea okay I'm going back a struggle back go back I saw her just slammed him now this is what Kyle was doing earlier I was not doing this I was getting hit in the face by large Pike remove the middle treble Oh - this rippln red fin it's a good thing because it's not necessary and it would have just tore up more things or rip more lips as it were go on Hey okay I'm going back now listen to all the birds this is magical mayflies on the water I keep watching them take off keep taking flight I really do have to get back now I have missed this here comes the wind yeah I've missed this wow this is so good for the soul honestly this is like cleansing so peaceful it's like it's impossible to put into words impossible I had to pull my lure up here and go through these Narrows it's pretty shallow actually this lake anywhere near the shore there are drop off all its Flying V kind of come on guys fellow brethren I can hear their wings I can hear their wings from here it's so crazy [Applause] thank you camp camp life here well I do recall someone getting firewood to begin with that was so 20 minutes ago I was just gonna I was actually gonna cook my own but if you only thought yours I can alright alright I got stuck getting out of the canoe of my knife again like there's a there's a webbing strap on Harlan's canoe mm-hmm there's a webbing strap right there this seam and I got my butt and I did to have a foot dunked into the water I think it's good I was like Kathy my pants are dry already these pants are kick-ass I love these pants so we got uh some onions here some red pearl onions you got a garlic in there already - and we're gonna put the walleye we caught Kyle can you grab that that lard please Mart it's and we'll put the lard in there is such a large as well so we got a decent amount of fillets actually we'll line it on the garlic and the onions maybe we don't do all of this just kind of keep them flat so that they actually so REI can you please figure out a better foot thing on the chair so I don't myself yeah put a better foot thing on the chair thing on the chairs for Kyle okay got one is he me flat so it'll cook fine this will close totally fun oh we didn't get them large sorry you want these I do not I've tried really hard to save every piece that's really noble thank you yep a good guy yeah well don't go that far but just a little bit of lard in there so they don't dry out so much no after I'm done cooking for you I'm gonna pick it up I recall you exclaiming that I needed to cook so yep yep you need fun Edie's alright nice and flat why the rice oh this and I long five minutes this will take time okay well maybe clothes these clothes are garbage it this'll take ten we'll see alright me again no I thought it's a twig so perfect fool you know perfect little Boop you got lemon for it after - alright she done cause whipped up some what did you whip up Kyle I have a brown rice and lentils it's a spicy mix it's got red pepper flakes smoked peppy paprika and a smokes Japanese salt that sounds very nice gonna be very good did you Gor me this time dude the Japanese know how to eat it well it's just the boy shall rd1 you put a fire out finish this is going to be the best meal I think we've ever made the Funyuns garlic might like spicy lentil brown rice mix you know after doing this for what seven years or something we're finally learning what to do I just stopped camping the view from Wallace or again with people who knew it they're always that help yeah and then now I understand what to do me twelve fish tonight the number keeps going up every time I talking in I told you that are you serious right now and literally just came back I was like twelve I said ah Joe that is some that is some meat yeah that'll be good good stuff that's good thank you it's good you need more high fiber thank you oh we have so this is second ZZZ we're really getting better at cooking our way yeah this looks great it's no chub no this is all that lemon the lemon right lemon my god yeah I'd never thought about porting a lemon but whoo no I think toys by this is a lot there's a lot yeah well we cut it you know it's pretty good-sized fish dude my pot is completely full my cup runneth over yeah exactly so there's our Macias what's happening yeah good little bony you like it oh yeah by the right they're going to a hot but not too hot Oh what is that chickpeas are being peas lentils oh you said that yes excellent source of protein and fiber make you poop good mm-hmm oh wow that's pretty tasty no I'd send spicy whoa Oh ma'am well it's not that spicy but it's like huh it's like a good it's good spice okay like it's a smoked paprika and the smoked salt it's pretty good this is the best meal I've had one of those yeah I think so Wow saying something call well we normally don't have this much fish that's true or any right usually we talk about the fish we know they're in the lake but we never heat division no ma'am well I think we'll just sit here and eat yeah yep probably see her eat the bugs are out not too bad no they've come out they're not landing on me there's just mosquitoes oh so that's great I did have a couple of black flies over the one of those bays but the main fighter is the most craziest thing I've ever seen show me it was like I couldn't see in the sky yeah man this is a different place isn't it yep oh yeah you can feel it it's like everything it feels like I like a I don't know more real or something at night I think is what it really comes alive after like seven eight o'clock I really really enjoy it yes in the morning tomorrow so we didn't even get here till halfway through the day tomorrow morning dude you know tomorrow morning the fishing will be fire and then we can travel in the morning fish when it gets hot we can find a nice campsite and if I sit and put up a turtle with some shade I have a nap swim short lunch good little life over here I'm just here with my bush buddy I'm about right against twitch garden or the first time you've never seen this before as video or brand new is that oh no it's definitely so we got our bush buddy so what I'm gonna do is give some small twigs and then I just take a lighter right right to the twig right through you Birds Park oh no birch bark needed because we don't have any it's a good thing is steel so my alcohol oh that right to it Yeah right that looks like your thumbs gonna ignite before that thank you what makes the bush party the best ever Joe delete burns gasifier nests of it the way nests in my pot and I don't have to worry about a secondary spot for the way it's protected by the pot how quick and easy it is to lit up and then if it fails or sorry if it messes up you just blow it right back into flames not no problem at all you can touch it after you can pick it up by the bottom okay I think we're sold well would you consider me your bush buddy you touch it from the bottom it's hot on the top well it's pretty early Kyle what time do you think you got up at 5:30 5:30 and it's just after 6:00 now it's pretty light obviously there's a lot of daylight on this trip lots of hours for fishing exploring the planing well that works way better well I told you to get when we were at the store no I don't want to spend $50 I'd rather not be able to drink what I want to drink I just have to go really slow I haven't eaten anything this morning I don't want my first bite to be candied ginger yep thank you three more of these so you got a boat three days left to the center BAM the world's worst lid doesn't that look good all those dried fruits in there a little bit of extra hot water left over even fancy fancy pants Joe so this is some healthy oatmeal and I put flaxseed in it and I also put some probiotic chia powder in it yeah yeah no actually the chia powder is good and now I got the dried fruits although the chia powder they say he shouldn't put it with warm stuff but oh I'm a rule breaker you know always been rebel without a clue I almost say that what because I almost said rebel without a cause no I didn't know we'll see I said it like jokingly on purpose with the people at sex no no Rogaine in Kyle's hair nothing then nothing it's time wishing me luck great success everything turned out alright feeling pretty good got everything packed up now we're gonna get out onto the water start paddling the Sun is already intense very intense then taking it easy a little bit this morning so it is well it's only 7:30 we've been up for a couple hours get out and go fish we're pretty close to our 300 meter poritosh into the next Lake but take our time got to make sure to get some sunscreen on today it's uh I did yesterday I just took a little bit for me but hold will do that now before we forget on the boat you like that just letting the people know what's going on you know smells like fish hi there you didn't fall in I didn't very disappointing success sunscreen up hardcore man so very many things little bright that's beauty day already oh this is sketchy a little guy go on you get there he goes [Applause] who dropped off bags over there I don't know we'll see how I like it I like the clamp personally I'm not it had experience with these screws so see how she goes takes a touch longer I'll tell you that much right now all right we're ready to go everything strapped in that needs to be the rest of the stuffs over at the end of the poor tosh.o nearly she's front-heavy why is she front heavy we're going through an old burn here the same one that I was talking about earlier so it's a lot of scrub that's come up there's a lot of aquatic plants this is a big floating mat really right here at least oh where did I come from where did I come from where did I go for cars Joe lost Kyle he was down at the end dropped our gear and he stayed there I came back to the canoe she's hot he's a hot one today on sweating sweating hot how was that porridge for you it was good I'm God it was I had no idea what to expect on these poor Taj's they're like kind of marked old foot press yes exactly that's not gonna twist it folks yeah it's not like signs there's no it's like a superhighway not so much anymore we are into our second lake apparently this lake is not that productive let's roll through it get on to the next port Hajj there's over 500 meters so up and at them paddling by a really old burn here maybe a 20 year old burn judging by the size of those green trees coming in obvious all those dead ones have been burned and it's dead standing for a long time little spruce and jack pine they're growing up let's replace them this is really pretty we're just finding posted along here and not having a paddle the wind's right exactly at our battles it's narrow a little infinite stream birds under hey I'm trying to fish on it Kyle had a big bite but lost it right at the boat look yet here and a decent sized walleye on this little lake too early to keep anything so we're on the jigsaw now to port our later this is the best so we're gonna go find a campsite on this lake in regardless if we it's 12:30 so for garlis if we camp on this lake or not we're gonna go have a shore lunch at a campsite this is all been burned this has all been burned before so there's not gonna be good shade potentially not good firewood but we'll see oh he's not responding to my Sherpa call oh there he is oh man what a nice day some of the the second poor Taj was mandeecees while I keep hitting and then following up to the boat he's gonna hit it right the boom man he followed it right up they keep hitting like two or three times and then committing which is different than the other night but I've been angling I've been casting a lot more as opposed to patrolling so I can really feel the hits but yeah they're all in here they're all in here very wall like well I asked well this wall I [Applause] put some lunch not too shabby what what happened we mean well you look a little wet well on the last portage I decided that this little piece of mud looks stable so I put all of my weight on it and then sunk in to the point where my life jacket was keeping me floating so I'm uh these pants do dry really quick so good job all right [Applause] beauty well this campsite we've stopped at we're definitely not going to sleep here not gonna camp here neither of us like the fact that it's a little burn there's no real shade trees but it's a great spot for a lunch Kyle's gonna rig up that tarp and get a fire going I'm gonna go clean up these fish you want to just use that Bush buddy and uh yeah breading cool okay that's what we'll do it'll be a nice big lunch we got four fish so it'll be we need to we need some twigs for sure oh yeah so it constricts on sauce you gotta kind of loosen it a bit yeah and then I'm gonna try rigging yourself with different parts a different plan later the line is nice because it's light but it seems like it was slip it does it's the problems it doesn't Oh bit like it's here it's weave yeah it it like it goes like that so it doesn't yeah I mean it's not a perfect cart system but well she works but that's true yeah there's not much trees to tie off to all stunted Kyle these trees are you like yeah joy just said that man like I'm right here it's really elegant this is what I need my chair you know my chair I'm making a gear bomb yeah aw come on I'm downwind here homie that's a lot of wind all right we'll let that lard get sizzling another piece in here probably two pieces even it's shakin bacon I help anyone no battery too young too little little little guy no guy the one just stop yeah it's strange keeps doing that a whole bud I think we might need a little touch more lard in that yeah definitely we do get some more in there shakin bacon right now so see there used to be something called shake and bake shake n bake that's it cool looking good yeah okay all right we got six pieces done a little bit more lard in there and do the rest got some lemon and salt to go on it too so actually be phenomenal enamel yeah we did salt and lemon already there might be a hitch hot yep a lot like it's gonna scold you yeah prime like little bit of salt is needed but it's so good oh yeah right lovely lovely wow that's good that's pike look at why bones I bet yep that's Pike dude it's still good I don't know what when you go out this is phenomenal Horry here we to get a pike oh I'm super stoked on that about I didn't bring breading on my 10 page that's not bushcraft whoo tasty very tasty okay second batch the package of different lyrics yeah like I don't know it's like um it's like a meteor kind of fattier richer taste almost every total different mainly taste of breading feet there's lots of bones though that's how can tell yeah I like it I like the puck look good mm-hmm so we've been sitting here well over an hour yeah it's really nice not having to have a schedule or a destination we get to pick if we want to move spots or change up our row anything you find a good lake with a decent campsite we just stop yep we have like a preset course that we should be to this place by this time unless he hears otherwise to pick us up but doesn't matter every night and that doesn't even matter he's gonna call Hey all right looks like come pick us up we got supplied with us a Sat phone from Red Lake Oh fitters we both got spot devices he's got it cause out of inReach we're all safe we can get message to Harlan get three different ways come pick us up Kyle can't catch any fish he's done you're responsible to not have at least water to satellite devices out here Oh here yeah we're sick we're 60 as the crow flies were 60 miles from the nearest town yeah yeah he won't send you out without one no you're stupid I'm a living testament to how good they work well I told ya the folks why I used my injuries saved my life essentially once they used it in the Sierras too because I had altitude sickness you go over to Burley outdoors you can check out my video you know it's called when bad things happen I think or something like that anyways it was about a year two years ago but yeah so you don't get altitude sickness you had to get choppered oh I got choppered out cuz I couldn't breathe as my lungs are filling up with liquid she's pretty serious right it is but yeah don't do that don't push yourself too far you got to know your limits of course sometimes you don't know your limits until you hit the limit well I thought was crazy with your buddy that you were with he was fine he doesn't have half the experience you do so had nothing to do with that and better shaped it was going up too quick or yeah you know some people get cancer because of genetics you know same kind of concept right people just more suss up the old stuff okay I'll give you that one huh that's lunch ever the two best lunches that anybody ever heard it's the best phone stack [Applause] here a floatplane up there the first sign of civilization we've seen in two days day and a half day we got dropped off one day ago like 24 hours it's the first sign of civilization we've seen in 24 hours oh we're gonna head out it's uh 220 go a paddle down to the end of the lake there's two campsites that we can see on the map so we're gonna pick the best one we're both done portaging and moving for today it'll be the biggest one we've had so we're gonna post up tomorrow there's actually a really cool spot we can go check out off the trip off the path a bit where it looks like a forge we've been told so we'll go down there and maybe get some pictures of that and stuff and there's some Rapids down there too will be fun to fish maybe that I peed yes maybe even paddling them depending on what they are look like depending on their severity you know it you fell in last time and said you should have filmed that literally the same exact words out of your mouth huh good job man one hand clapping I don't know all right get from here get from here today has been epic fishing this is probably one of the best fishing days still all on this burn everywhere I'm gonna go see those campsite see if they're burned or not either way we're gonna pick the best one and if not maybe we can make one we're definitely allowed to it's just all up to our energy levels so we shall see this is my favorite area we've been up for the trip so far not really good fish in here cuz it's pretty shallow and weedy but just the scenery is mind-blowing real Freddie in here something about those dead trees and just set it off against the sky yeah The Lorax could live here this is pretty this looks like a little fish sanctuary in here okay so change of plans this last time we've seen you this is it's okay it seems like it's longer than 850 to me he does it there's definitely some ups and downs it's hot I mean it's not killing us I am sweaty boy crazy nothing is right as far as you can see sure does look at that it hasn't been touched Thanks that's that's where we're camping we're definitely 1 million nothing is going to stop us 1 million percent camping on this Lake I am done it is hot tamale out here five o'clock home huh well shade so listening not you the bug did you just shush me man this is a real canoe trip now yay so smaller that means we cut off poor Taj down to 100 meters potentially thanks change things change over here he gone I love frogs probably my favorite Larry bit you know we get to do now Joe what's up man go back up the hill and read you this all over again with sales on our head and they've really exposed when you can't wait we're gonna rehydrate here big Tom I'm gonna drink a full water bottle here and then carry some back to the thick canoe with me I'm drenched through look you can see how the fire kind of kept scorching alright and then stopped across the way across the lake did not get touched this little guy did too so we're hoping that this this lake is gonna be pretty the campsites are well treated it looks like it will be from here the burn looks really cool it's just not it's not good to state because the Sun so at least this time here back Adam second pass on this big old pork chop this very well may be the longest port ours of the whole trip at over 800 meters by the time we walk their back to get our canoes in there again that's not 1800 if I said 1800 I met you hundred Hayes is 2400 meters because this double carry alright I was trolling in this big lake and I've got something along I don't know what it is but it hit like a ton of bricks took my line and ran with it for quite some time try and get it on open it's a lake trout we're in a lake for a lake right now oh she's biting log dropped it right there spit it right there I saw him and everything it was such a big fish I saw everything well we got to the site that we wanted for the day and lo and behold the first people that we've seen this whole trip from trip we're they're camped have a fish do I have a fish oh I have a fish yeah yeah yeah I don't know maybe that big it's it's fine pretty good here take this one easier [Music] anyway there's people at our site that we wanted so we've kept piling and piling and piling and everything we see is just all burned so we came to this Beach site to see if we can make take this home for the day nothing the whole boat so we're just pulling up to this sandy campsite now still all in the burn couldn't escape the burn we thought we did you got psyched oh there's some islands and some shoreline back on the other side that weren't burned but oh well well camp here again tonight and tomorrow we'll be out of the boat to burn I hope I have no idea I'm just hoping but at least there's a somewhat sheltered sight and I'm hoping there's some flat ground for my tent tonight [Applause] how's it look well I'm beat we're at the campsite we are staying here obviously I've got the lovely little lovely wife spaghetti rehydrating right now I'll burn the crap out of my two fingers there's ash next to my coal next to my fire my wood stove here and they didn't know what it was I thought was like I don't know why just try to pick it up and burn my fingers probably because my brain is mush from all day but it's good today felt like a real actually like a real canoe trip like this is a real canoe trip don't get me wrong but this foot today felt like an endurance trip like we used to do that we have done in the past didn't move half as far as you normally do but we did decent on a portaging and I think the Sun really wore us both down I was silly and I took I didn't put my long sleeve shirt back on look at the it not burned not too bad but I shouldn't be getting that much sun exposure yeah I bet old redneck Joe where do you come from what I definitely put sunscreen on so hopefully I did something it's nice now Suns not hitting this there's a big wall part I'm skinny rehydrated perfectly if you guys notice a few things different than my um my gear video obviously they start the pants that I said I was gonna bring or where I got a couple separate that a couple different things that I didn't say I was gonna have I got jealous of Kyle's new yeah even nabisco lights but I don't like the color they're too dark right for this kind of thing for me personally for bugs and for Sun even though there's no bug so we went to in Thunder Bay we went we we stayed there overnight on a layover coming to here and we said let's go to an outdoor store because we had absolutely nothing to do and believe it or not Thunder Bay might not have all a lot of things to do but the Walmart was ancient eBay anyway so we went to an outdoor store I saw these there I had to grab them the tan color is really great they have for bugs and for Sun they've zips on the side pretty happy with them there's a few other things but I don't know what it is but anyways that's the explanation if you're wondering why I didn't show them yeah basically anyway that's no no no you're right these noodles are vegetable vegetable many cut many types through there they're mixed up with many types of vegetables in here because they're gluten-free so we're not they're not a grain they're not like a rice or quinoa vegetable it's like I don't know I don't know zoodles what is that you take a zucchini that was a bay leaf throws a bit much anyway we're here that's it we're here we're gonna go out fishing I assume later on but this wind is too much too much no my what are you doing picked a tick off myself already keep keep an eye out for them they're not the bad ones or anything but they're not fun either right nobody likes a tick Hey Joe can you give me a tick check day five but I rolled the dice last night and I didn't put my tent fly on it is there's not a cloud in the sky all those even little puffy clouds are gone I think I'll do the same again today and yeah if anything comes up if it starts raining I'll just throw a little tarp on over top and hope for the best but I like to have the ventilation I like to see the stars I was able to lay here look at the stars through my tent last night that was really cool I'll keep my extra tarp nice and handy in case love just flew into my mouth okay I'm gonna put the brakes on go side with Reagan we can crash it [Laughter] [Music] my second one end of the night okay controlling deep I'm in the middle and I just got a hard hit are you good hit good fight and I go I'm just in the lip too so with any luck I'll be able to just unhook them pretty easily here it goes look at the size that guy probably biggest Pike of the trip oh I hope it's not the same fish I hope it's not the same fish what are you ha ha okay this is a fight - whoo yeah what is this I'm all cut up from that are you tell me you're a Laker tell me you're a lake trout [Music] in the boat in the boat BAM sign on the board on the board with the lake okay [Music] Laker sighs Lee Smalley okay a lot of things just happen okay there we go a nice Lake very pretty lighting color I'll be a midnight snack for Kyle and I will get back split it as if Kyle doesn't get one of his own I hope he does he's not had one they're not caught one yet and woodland caribou is the first place I ever caught one so I have faith for sure and what if what a gorgeous night this place this this whole trip man this whole trip it's going so good it's like amazing weather great fish good buddy they were complaining that we're in this like burn who cares man look at this place there's like 40 man Oh 35 40 minutes left before the Sun hits the horizon then they're really nice colors just start to come out woodland caribou man I love this place I missed this is such a good good trip already day two only dates who hopefully will paddle out of the burn tomorrow it'd be nice to camping like that a real forest but again like this has an amazing quality all its own the Sun is just relentless shade would be nice anyway we're gonna stay out here in paddle I gotta fix my hands up when I go back to camp I gotta use my first aid kit and bandage him up and stuff gonna get infected over here dealing with all these fish I remember last time my hands got all sorts of beat up so anyway yeah I will do that you know first aid kit will come in handy I only brought our tiny little one but everything I need there's like a little bit of mint some band-aids duct tape and a later let's go try find Kyle Kyle's angry I got you what are you ok seems upset I get it I really did get it Suns casting this awesome pinkish hue on all the burnt trees and exposed rock very pretty look at that what a sunset just making our way back to camp now we're gonna go back and build up a fighter and click this trout this is a perfect night temperature is amazing there's just like a slight warm breeze in the air love this absolutely live for these nights almost back to the camp now there there's just like cool breeze in the air it turn from warm to cool it's very refreshing feels lovely there's a smell - it's like smells like rain all of these things did I see that did I mention that already I only put a sling I don't have a sweater I don't have a sweater I have a long-sleeve shirt I might even put a long Steve shirt on tonight I might put like a warm shirt on what is this warm it's beauty just beauty here's our camp I might put my tent fly on tonight after all well living on the edge you know every now and then bound to come up with an L let's not make that tonight what no I will not make it with you you could say that for a Private Reserve don't you still have one of those there's what was out there it's like I'm locked down I take a three minute long video if it's just being absolutely maybe it's out there somewhere find that action it's probably the only other YouTube channel maybe in private it might be [Applause] still for some reason comes up my suggested videos from time to time that's really weird yeah right they look 15 views yeah all right I guess I can get on with no no no Cola yep you sure put me in watch this a joke sup I see you have made fire that made this a fire looks pretty epic you made the fish I have some fishy well yeah boy well thank you Joe very good like little chicken fish McNuggets in the middle boards so I really like it but I think I prefer the walleye coil electro is very good it's just that the meats it touches on the soft side whereas the walleyes perfect like really chicken nuggets but anyways this is very good very very good not complaint not complain or more likely unlevel my bed is samesies well I guarantee you lay in there your Posse too oh it's flat I got a flat lay today flatly Friday all right guys night - yep night - done great day absolutely great day it chilled down it dropped the temperature dropped quite a bit so I've got a 2 car long-sleeved pants new socks fully in this sleeping bag no - not just using like a quilt it'd be nice to see if tomorrow brings that with it I wouldn't mind that at all so we'll catch with you guys in the morning cheeky leader cheeky leader
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 894,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Fire, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, stranded, camping, wildcamp, adventure, lost, fishing, angling, fish, trout, walley, pike, food, outdoors, content, realcontent, offgrid, extended, remote, wilderness, flyin, canoecamping, trip, epic, youtube, joerobinet, chrisprouse, burleyoutdoors, solotripper, redlakeoutfitters, northerncanada, thunderstorm, campinginastorm, swiftcanoe, swift, wild
Id: jN7c2qpamLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 13sec (7093 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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