Stranded 100 Hours on a Homemade Raft

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this is a tiny raft help me my brother and I will be surviving here for the next 100 hours and upgrading our raft each day and the rules are simple for the entire duration of the 100 hours we cannot leave this wrap I'm not going in the water you no it's cold we're stuck here Chris we're stuck this is raft the movie also each day at noon we're gonna be getting a supply drop but just to get it started we're gonna get our first one right now thank you and here it comes Chris it's coming dude I'm so excited I'm really excited to see what's in the supply drop oh my god dude that's so far all right hopefully mine's good oh no I don't know if we're gonna get it that's so far away you might have to eat each other [Music] no oh did you get it I think I got it got it okay dude Chris oh dude this is really this is our livelihood right here this is crazy all right let's see what's inside here all right we got a poo bucket which is good because we got to go somewhere but yeah where else would we go blueprint look at this blueprint bro this is what the raft is gonna look like day five I can't wait dude because right now we're just on this tiny stinking raft I can't wait to have all this room it's gonna get so much better for us so dude this is honestly legit but the worst part is that we have to survive night the way it is dude tonight's gonna be rough next we got a backpack MREs dude it's like this is gonna be our food first day bags chicken that honestly sounds disgusting we have two water bottles so one for you and one for me well we better rationale this is mine Chris has a note right there oh the three basic needs for survival are food water and shelter after tomorrow's supply drop your food will be cut off dang dude so that means we're gonna have to fish I mean look they even put some bait stream some Hooks and they have two sticks right here how do they expect us to catch fish with these next we've got some sleeping bags in here nice we're gonna be sleeping on this raft and we got a bunch of clothes so we're gonna put our clothes on because we're both freezing cold right now yeah it's gonna get to like almost freezing out here hopefully we don't fall in because if we fall in dude we're done yeah we're done we're gonna be so cold I'm taking this janky shirt off yeah oh yeah dude dad mode activated I feel good I'm like clothed the thing in bag is gone because I was taking all this space my bag our team's gonna come pick that up the first sip I I'm seriously so thirsty right now The Delectable that's really good but we have to ration that I have no problem I have to pee Oh no because I'm gonna face the mountains because I don't think there's anyone over here okay so you have to counterbalance and you can't let you can't let me fall okay hold on to you I'm uh counterbalanced I don't get out right to the edge I'm gonna actually pee a little bit on the the wrap don't pee on a wrap I think I should get on my knees don't let me fall in okay dude this is a bonding experience this is weird did you just pee in our bucket roll why is that so wet what the that is literally not gonna dry this is literally supposed to be our pillow hey Chris let's play Rock Paper Scissors for the dryer pillow Rock Paper Scissors Shoot rock paper scooter shoot yes I'm not using a pillow tonight I never win rock paper scissors I'm so happy well we'll just set those out there to dry hopefully they'll be good hello okay well I'm gonna go pee now okay have fun just turn around okay do something else just don't I don't know what to do there's nothing to do I'm going all right now you gotta document my pee Oh no this is just what life's gonna be like for us for the next couple days we are finally all situated on this raft now it's time to eat because I'm hungry I'm really hungry too we gotta figure out how to cook these so I think you opened up this bag and then you put your food pouch in dude look at this little like baby Tabasco sauce that is hilarious it's almost three o'clock and we haven't eaten anything since we gotten around I'm honestly so hungry this is so confusing look at all this on the shaking dude they're shaking and then I slide this down step it's a vanilla pound cake I'm just gonna eat this now because I'm hungry oh it's starting to feel warm there's a chemical reaction going on inside oh oh it's getting hot chocolate chip pastry oh dude it looks like a Pop Tart on a budget what is that thing is so sad you're just being this hungry I know it makes everything so good dude I can't wait till we have our fork and like some chairs and stuff we are for sure roughing it right now we got some spaghetti I'm really curious how that tastes okay let's try this out look at that that's what I'm eating right now let me see it looks disgusting have fun bro I'm glad I got that spagoon sorry that was a successful lunch wouldn't you think that was good A little bit of a late lunch well it looks like all we have for rationing from meal one is a half eaten bottle of Tabasco sauce one thing I realized is that I didn't bring a hooded sweatshirt I noticed you have two hooded sweatshirts can I please have one didn't it bring a hoodie no I have it oh dude I have a t-shirt a sweater a flannel a hoodie and a jacket yes dude you have made my day I think that's what this challenge is going to teach us Chris it's gonna teach us the to quiet down to slow down to get rid of all the noise in life and just be stuck out of there you're just stuck we're stranded because right now if we wanted to go back we would have to swim and that's like a mile away and it's cold that is far dude look at this you look a lot warmer now I feel better you have blessed my soul it is reinvigorated me dude our little emergency radio just in case we need to call for help you guys might be questioning the fact whether we're actually trapped or not like why aren't we dripping the shore well so as you can see see this lock here there are four anchors underneath this compartment as you can see over there completely stopping us from drifting ashore so once we reach 100 hours our final supply drop is gonna have a key to where we can unlock this and take the entire ship when it's done for sure [Applause] so we've been out here for quite a long time so I'm finally getting dark and it's definitely cold out so my biggest fear is that when we're in the sleeping bags we roll into the water and then we die so what do you want to do about that I think we should take shifts one person sleeps okay and just keeps an eye on another person sounds good yeah well so far you know I'd say we're holding up pretty well out here definitely uncomfortable just Mind Over Matter are you struggling a little bit honestly I'm just like really worried about getting through the night so we just realized it is like raining like crazy over there the weather was not supposed to be like this and so we're starting to get a little worried that we might get rained on and right now the wind's going that way so if a storm starts forming that way [Music] get rained on it's getting cold though my pillow just fell in the water it's gone great we just lost another pillow the win guys the wind's freaking out but it's actually starting to drizzle look at this weather bro Bring It On my nature it's raining it's raining harder dude if I were a sleeping bags fall in the water don't let your word done I'm holding on to it it's getting worse I don't know we're gonna make this look at the water dude it's like an ocean picked up a lot bro well we made it through the storm now it's time to get ready for bed yeah we're just gonna brush our teeth real quick life on on the boat here is very minimalistic you know and it makes you appreciate the Comforts of life it really does I would say though like I'm like Dave if I were to rate it out of ten I'd give it a good like 7 out of ten yeah maybe six and a half for me well we're all cozy in our sleeping bag it's also getting windy again the storm is like rolling in yeah that's gonna be bad but we're so excited because we're going to be getting some raft upgrades yeah tomorrow our raft is going to be bigger We're not gonna have to worry about stuff falling in the water well good night guys see you tomorrow I can't sleep it's so uncomfortable I'm warm but I'm just trying to sleep on planks good morning good morning guys so while we wait for the next supply drop we're gonna eat breakfast let's do it dude I'm hungry I'm hungry [Music] all right so I'm actually feeling very good Chris uh breakfast and getting ready we got a raft shipment coming it's an extra piece Chris this is the next phase of our adventure I'm excited to have a lot more room because this thing is Tiny this is not look at this we don't have much room at all and we're six feet tall here we go oh I missed whoa don't fall in okay ready oh nice okay that was a good throw oh dudes have three bro you're against me and we're good okay okay ready jump down at me right next to me nice we're good okay I'll pull you in pull me in this is so exciting heck yeah bro the evolution of our wrath is happening it looks like we have two drills some screws a bunch of brackets and there's actually a note what's it say for today every hour for the next eight hours you will receive another platform the supply drop will still come at noon all right dude let's get building I'm stuck thank you so this might be the tricky part connecting these together because as you can see they're not level because of the water and because we're leaning Jesus gotta line it up perfectly in the corner right there right there right there yes perfect look how much bigger this platform is now we have double the space actually I did whoa look at this platform dude this thing already feels so much more stable we have so much more room we can just like stretch our feet out and do some push-ups we do some exercise yeah sit here forever two Sunday bro Sunday keep going keep going Chris 100 hours or 100 push us for 100 hours you're crazy come on get going that's true I'm just gonna lay down who knew that just one extra wrap would just add so much joy and we're getting seven more I'm so happy right now this is so much better next shipment's coming Jeff oh gosh we gotta get ready for it baby all right you're grappling this time all right Jeff You Gotta Eat It all right let's see if I can get it oh dude that was such a good throw bro dude that was so good come on pull it boom maybe yes I'll hop on it this time oh Nelly All right so this piece goes right here all right you do the same thing where you yeah you did that perfect perfect all right brackets are on I'm gonna dip it under there get lined up all right there we go whoa okay three I gotta put a bracket on the end here it's gonna be sketchy because you could drop screws you could drop a bracket don't drop the bracket should I hold the bracket dude this is awesome we can walk all right next event's coming baby thanks my dudes all right here we go get it Chris oh I forgot you were holding under that scared me dude I'm getting better at this [Music] it is now noon so we're gonna get our second supply drop brand new supplies and one more platform bro I can see it it's right there dude there's so much stuff on and I'm so excited oh wait um what are you doing probably shouldn't do that where is he going where is he going where did he come stop stop stop took it Jeff you're good in Polish Jeff that's really bad that's really bad I saved it dude that could have been bad it could have yeeded us off the platform dude look because you tied it there was nothing like it I saved it though that is true it would have been a lot further out dude check out all this stuff check out all that good oh fishing poles okay fishing poles a cooler Chris these are cots yes yes okay we can constantly Buzz last night was so unbearably uncomfortable so I'm stoked okay so let's attach the platform and then we'll go through the stuff sounds good [Music] platform 5 is attached we can start going through the stuff we got another sentiment of MREs last one oh more water too okay good dude we also got this chest here ice right there so we can actually put our fish somewhere if we catch them dude actual fishing pole so uh we're currently building the foundation for our Mega raft yeah only a few more one two three four left to go Chris I think we should start fishing though we got another hour until the next shipment comes you're the fisherman so I'm gonna let you do it and I'll film you okay [Music] because that's a mighty large lure you got there all right let's try this out my first attempt at fishing Chris if you catch us some fish you'll secure his meals for the rest of our trip all right ready yep dude nice cast thanks it's in the winter so fish are slow so I'm gonna let it go all the way down to the bottom and then I'm going to it's really nice and slow because they don't want to move like this nice and slow imagine catching a fish on your first reel dude that'd be sick so obviously we have a bunch of MREs that we got from today but the goal is to catch a fish for the days that we don't have food because we're not getting any more food while we're here with each wrap piece added we began to feel a lot more comfortable it's very hard to explain how it feels being stuck on a 6x6 platform in the middle of a lake for 24 hours today makes us a lot more excited for what's to come it's official the mega platform is complete we have nine platforms yesterday we had one we were suffering on one but now we have nine all the room in the world it's fantastic the only thing that's bad about this I have a headache all day um poor Jeffy leave a like for jeffy's headache foreign [Music] we got our beds all set up I am so excited to sleep I think it's gonna be a lot easier hello mysterious stranger in the night this is our producer Michael he's here to reward us with In-N-Out Burger because we hit our first fundraiser goal for Zoe International which is the purpose of this entire challenge Zoe is a non-profit charity striving to save victims from Human Trafficking and giving him the new beginning that they deserve he originally did this challenge live and the donations Zoe received also awarded us with incentives here on the ramp you can still help those in Need by donating through the fundraiser in our description thank you all for your support I cannot wait to eat this [Music] appreciate it boom have a good night I guess we'll just be here dude let's eat let's see this smells so good it smells so good hmm I'm gonna have to raid this day a 10 out of 10. so much better with a bigger raft these beds this food I'd say mine would be a 10 out of 10 too but I've been having a headache all day and still have a headache which is not fun what would you rate it then well that's a given eight because we have a wrap now and we know we're gonna have a good night's sleep tonight we still don't have a shelter but tomorrow we're building a shelter it's gonna be awesome well guys I'd say day two was a a success here we're feeling good well good night guys tomorrow we make this rafta home we just luck the sun is coming up and so I think we're gonna get some breakfast and then all we have to do until the supply drop comes is try and fish and catch some food all right let's get to it I think that was the opposite way we had to go but I don't want to go any other way it's cold so we calculated our food out we're gonna run out tomorrow so we need to catch some fish otherwise Jeff we're going to be hungry here we go oh boy oh that was a good cast yesterday we were completely unsuccessful with fishing today we have a little bit more time to focus on it so with a little bit of luck and no fishing skill maybe we'll catch something [Music] okay so we have a problem we tried fishing all the way around our rafts and no success but I have a plan technically I'm not leaving the raft if we disconnect one of the pieces and I float somewhere else and then we'll just use the grappling hook to pull me back you think this will work yeah I know that'll work if I fall in the water this challenge is over for me okay got an attachment point here all right it's ready to go Chris oh no I'm regretting this Choice oh gosh you're crazy dude back to a single platform for me dude more we can spread out the more likely we're going to catch a fish and we really need fish bye Chris what have I done all I gotta do is untie this and let it go don't you dare First cast eat now we're talking [Music] oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh the line's tight now this is about as far as I can go yes we've been fishing for so long I did it catch anything I was even doing some sleep fishing that's how you know it's so boring oh get up Young Warriors the good news is it's noon which means we're about to get our supply drop [Music] here it is this is the biggest shipment that we've ever got so far that thing is massive it's weighing the platform so much oh my gosh hopefully we can reel it in dude I missed this shot I'm jumping in the water all right it's fine yeah oh shoot dude this is some high stakes Grayson that you can't miss it's pretty close if you missed it yes got it first try well it wasn't that far dude if I missed that one that would have been really sad but dude oh my God look at this we better we've been Chris how are you doing we're getting firewood here oh dude we're gonna have a fire that's gonna be so nice tonight oh my gosh dude they give us pots lights dude look at this string lights this thing is going to be so awesome when it's done I'm so stoked well as you can see we've got a big project on our hands first we got to put in the main posts here hi good how are you one post well if we haven't scared the fish away yet they're gone now [Applause] six close but nollies baby nice hey posts that's all of them here we go eight vertical beams Chris dude this is gonna be our house right here yeah like this whole entire section in here is shelter and there's even be a roof we're gonna climb on the roof and we're gonna have a ladder that goes up to the roof it's gonna be really roof roof guys you're not going to miss this fort it is that's sick this doesn't this can't even be called a four bro okay okay this is this is a mansion on the lake there you go [Music] [Music] yeah dude this thing is a structure this is so cool it was built to fit together like a puzzle by our build designer Jacob thank you Jacob and Bill team who made it happen guilty they all made it happen next up we put up the rafters they're going to support the plowed up top so we can have two stories by the end of the day now this is the fun part some wall frames guys watch how this just fits in like a puzzle piece slot these in boom okay once they get all these wall things in this thing it's gonna be solid yeah heck yeah bro Owen this is a masterpiece oh my God yes sometimes you just gotta make it fit because it go if you make it this thing's getting a little sketchy we're getting the kind of nervous thing is creaking like crazy I'm gonna Jam some of these walls in we're worried that uh this window may not fit please oh this doesn't fit oh no you got you got a room there we go okay here oh let's go down watch uncertainty Chris not John certainty we're running out of daily yeah the sun is kind of going down I don't even know if we're gonna finish this thing dude this thing is so wobbly and crooked and it's getting pretty cold so I really want this up for tonight let's hope the other one fits in so now the entire frame is done dude this thing is so creaky just listen I know look at the wind we're getting a little worried here but we're gonna put this side on first because that's where it's the weakest right now dude this looks so sick did I know we got the walls done we still have to put the ladder the roof and the uh lights and stuff on and they get organized it so there's still so much to do but it's gonna be so worth it once we get it done yeah and the latter okay just don't fall in the water because I haven't followed it in yet so okay I don't know if I can do this it looks hard all right here I'll make sure you don't fall go go one more one more it takes so much energy it's pretty good pretty solid it's pretty good dude I was trusting it if I if it broke I'll just plummet straight into the water so we still have to screw in the beans that's what Jeff's doing right now okay guys we finished the day three build are you ready and hello dude I'm so tired this build took all day and we finally finished so let's show you the inside where it's all nice and cozy we did it Jeff we built a house on a raft in the middle of a lake I hear voices our first visitor who is it that was awkward Merry Christmas Lads oh what is it the supply drop bag dude this is the heater bro heck yes propane we're gonna be so warm dude thanks bro and they saw the people that are giving I am so hyped right now turn that thing on right now pilot light nice lit that it'll ignite what there we go boom dude let's crank this thing up to high yeah oh my gosh I already feel it's so warm this thing is so great well good night Chris good night tomorrow we're gonna be building the third story good night we didn't eat dinner last night it's our last food because this is like our last official heat up MRE we don't catch fish today we're going hungry my last home-cooked meal it's just pure chicken it smells like tuna ew we have about three hours until the supply drops and then we gotta start building more so right now I've got a weight connected to the worm so I'm just gonna toss it as far as I can and hopefully we get something [Music] I'm gonna figure out the proper technique you know like little tugs as you can tell we're not really expert fishermen hey Chris what remember yesterday we had to like be really aggressive to force the piece of wood in go yeah yes sometimes you just gotta make it fit we'll have to catch the fish we have to do extremely aggressive fishing face is getting red all right guys I can confirm aggressive fishing is a no-go guys the ship is coming it's got plants on it we're gonna be able to decorate this thing it's gonna look so good today is the three story build and we're gonna get all of the decorations and details dude this is fun yeah this is so much fun this is a blast wow guys this is another big one all right if I miss Chris you have to jump in here we go baby good hook dang look at this let's tie it off bro we got Motors that's how we're getting home tomorrow tomorrow is the day all right send them up all right solar what is this thing look at that massive dude giant batteries got two of them all right [Music] this is crazy oh no I'm sorry get my damn flower baby nice and easy nice and easy this is so high dude be careful Jeff dude it's so lovely up here guys you got this how do you covered on the railing it is so sketchy when you go up here especially right now when it's windy and bobbing like crazy let's go show you check it out it is shaking like crazy coming up Chris oh my goodness imagine this ladder break soon dude so wow this is shaking it's like wobbling see this camera movement that's not me that's the that's a thing so much right now dude let's try to stand up oh my gosh brace yourself not right now when it comes out we'll stand up we'll do that later I'm getting down dude this is this is crazy this honestly it's oh shoot Jeff look oh no the round is gone more supplies goodbye supplies I'm pretty sure tomorrow the wind's gonna be even worse I figured out what happened what do the roll broke that's a snap dude oh my gosh oh my gosh well we're just gonna have our support team come bring it back because that wasn't supposed to happen guys the land is honestly compromising our mission here the anchors are getting pulled up Chris this is today imagine tomorrow the winds are supposed to be worse I don't know if our raft is gonna survive this I got it yeah we got a trash can finally oh my gosh look at these waves dude oh my gosh this is gnarly anchors please hold please hold did we have to Evac this raft then that means that we lose the challenge so I really hope the wind slows down I think this wind Storm's only supposed to last two hours what's this oh I think these are this is a hammock oh yeah we got a hammock put all the trash in there yeah we've needed this so bad Jeff show them the backpack all right guys yeah we have this nasty backpack full of trash it's honestly disgusting this whole back pocket is just filled with trash are we taking on water we are taking on some water it's all right we'll lift the wind is getting worse is it really oh no oh my gosh look at it Flex dude oh my gosh dude look it oh my gosh is so bad so one of the problems guys is that this is getting all wet and these wood pieces are holding it on and holding it strong hopefully it doesn't get any more windy dude I don't know how much more of this I think at the very least my wife is going to want me to put on a life jacket so I'm gonna go do that right now so our plan right now is to wait out this wind and we're going to reinforce that our team's going to Home Depot to get some better brackets for the weak points on our raft but I'm just really worried because tomorrow it's going to be even windier than today we'll be okay just gotta ride it out I had an idea on how to prop up the house to make it stronger look how the house is not a perfect right angle it's like this it's tilting so we're going to take that stepladder jam it up and then screw it into the house and screw it into the floor and then that'll definitely support a little bit better we took this one apart because we used the wood here to connect it there and make this part between the rafts stronger I need it to be ideal at the bottom can you step on this somehow this needs to be touching go farther farther if you can we need some weight here uh if we get Jacob to stand there Jacob can we get you to come stand on the edge we're using this stairs against a prop it's gonna work at least somewhat yeah I can get over there in a second yeah we need more weight right here all the weight is right on the cracks all right Jacob we need you come on over okay Jacob stand right here oh it's almost at the ground we'll both sitting here dude that works dude that's so good dude that is solid this is so perfect screwing right here I think it made it so much more stable yeah we can try to fill something like this for the other side yeah this side needs help it's so bad right here Michael's here this is an emergency shipment so we're gonna replace this short piece of wood with these 10 Footers [Music] okay so we'll do this on that side too though oh my god let's watch dude this is so crazy power of lag bolts [Music] nice dude that's solid I can feel it all right all right that one's it guys we're fixing this thing so we're not gonna skip off on this challenge early we're making it through the end nice dude it feels so much better I can already tell dude that's insane how much we've drifted oh my gosh we're already at this blue room foreign [Music] so we need you to stand over here [Music] what happened what oh look at that that thing snapped I don't know if you can see it but it's broken right there we're gonna reconstruct that let's put one here dude it's so much better now look at that it's barely flexing efforts have fixed the problem the boat is so much more solid now we honestly thought this thing was going to fall apart and it might have if we didn't have the support team come in so shout out to support team for helping us out we have one more problem though the wind is pulling us that way and the boats aren't really strong enough to pull this thing so we're concerned because tomorrow we got to get back to the shore we were going to use our trolling motors not going to work absolutely not gonna work we're trying to figure out what to do we might try to get pulled into a Cove we're going to contact the marina maybe they have a bigger boat that can pull us somewhere else and then worst case scenario we'd have to deconstruct this thing all the way back down to the bottom so it's not such a sale anymore this is insane Jeff you know one thing that we can do put up the flagpole dude heck yeah I forgot about this thing we got a show it's like who's boss danger danger bro dude this is sick I gotta stand up and clip it on be careful dude it's so loud there's one dude it's like waving like crazy this is so sick all right I got it heck yes dude I gotta get a shot with it we gotta get a picture foreign there we go oh my gosh dude so everyone who donated to Zoe thank you so much in order to make it for the crazy win tomorrow because like we said it's gonna be way worse we have an insane plan that's going to fix it we're not going to be leaving the raft we're going to make it to 100 hours so you guys just have to wait and see what our plan is in order to make it so about to sleep in these sick beds bro good night [Music] the wind is about to pick up to like 25 miles per hour so we got to get this thing torn down as fast as we can you guys ready for it yes dude it's so sketchy I think it's like shaky it's like the first Nest on a pirate ship dude the black I'm gonna need you both ready to grab the plywood really quick got it okay foreign we have six more hours until 100 hours I'm so glad we're almost done [Music] all right the rest of the crew is here they're bringing the dock piece and we're gonna unload everything onto that and then they're gonna take it back to shore one shipment at a time [Music] look at this Bare Bones this thing is no longer a structurally sound all right we got one load ready to go we're not taking the walls off this is becoming less of a sale it's working careful we've been working on this all week and now we're taking it down before we expect it this is honestly kind of sad a little bit goodbye first shipment we're making progress we got a lot of the walls off this thing looks like look at this thing it's a skeleton it's like shaking so much just in time too the waves are picking up I'm really like feeling the not have Aiden for two how long a day the whole day I haven't eaten in 24 hours I also dropped a big piece of wood on my foot and then I boxed Chris in the head with a piece of wood so if you're a hazard this whole thing is a hazard or the danger bro what do you expect [Music] are you guys ready for the last suppose last pose this thing is such a mess the waves are so crazy shut it down away reattaching our second shipment guys no energy [Music] next one's ready goodbye third shipment the raft is shrinking foreign [Music] let's detach this thing dude bye rap shipment left and we'll be back on this guy bye Matt okay Jeff this is the last leg of the race we have an hour and a half left I can't wait to be done I'm still hungry oh my gosh I'm gonna get so much food I am a little scared to just be on this platform again I go overboard yeah oh man dude here goes nothing Chris oh the waters are right here dude oh it's just gonna break oh okay okay okay well it looks like we're back to square one it's literally a square and it's only one it's the first one oh my gosh this is crazy the goal was to bring the whole raft to shore but this was literally the only way we could win this challenge now all we have to do is just suffer on here we're stuck on one platform again so once we get the keys we're gonna unlock the anchors and then they're gonna tow us to shore on this wrap that is gonna be a crazy Journey all we have to do right now is try not to fall off the raft this is our safety guy if we fall in he's gonna pull us out of the water so we had two people donate one thousand dollars we're gonna sketch their names onto this wrap shout out to Parker Skyler summer Savannah and Richard for gunning a thousand dollars we really appreciate you guys we survive down I think they're coming to get us yeah it's almost been 100 hours dude I'm so happy I get to go home I can't wait to see my wife and my son and eat food and shower guys shout out to the family our wives for being so strong and helping us to come do this challenge we couldn't do it without them yeah they watch the babies love you Babe by themselves thank you [Music] all for Zoe International We Made It come on come on yes thank you because our freedom is in that bag bro we're getting Captain hats heck yeah dude here you want this I guess we're captain of the SS Zoe huh I've got the key all right here we go Chris okay we're gonna start drifting dude once we pull up these anchors oh my gosh it's getting so windy dude open it up Jeff this is what's been holding this whole raft this whole time the moment we've been waiting for hey we're free we're free close the hatch we did it to 100 hours I'm so happy right now they're taking us back to the shore I'm just Reminiscing on all the moments we had on this raft night one our suffering can I do getting enough platforms getting our cots night three we built a house then we got our heater day four our wrapped almost done and now we're heading home we reached our next donation goal of ten thousand dollars so we kept our word and matched it the work Zoe does for those in need is truly amazing thank you so much for your support it makes these next few moments so much more incredible we're almost there we are almost to shore I can't wait to be on solids around take the first step bro yeah Christopher my turn oh my gosh we did it we did it so good I'm so glad to be off that thing bye bye get food now let's go guys thank you again regarding with Zoe and pointing us if you haven't already make sure to subscribe I'll see you later [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 17,926,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L_tg2u26tCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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