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[Music] we just got done filling my entire island house with hacking that's whoa you can't see yet let's go back a little bit and see how we actually pulled this off it took days behind these doors it's heavy crazy oh no it's falling whoa catch it i just wanted to go on vacation and they kidnapped me i didn't know it came with the delivery service did you ever see a peanut be made before no never again oh oh all right boys we got a lot of work to do we're gonna unload all of these put them in this truck and then drive them to the front of the house just give it a long day there's so many bags i got ptsd lots of peanuts peanuts it's like a giant bag of popcorn you find at the store but like a million times bigger and not popcorn oh critical well we didn't even put a den in this thing one more bag very nice let's do that like a million more our uh brings nothing but memories to me all right come on let's go let's go i don't have a handle like you run cameraman come on run hurry run camera [Music] i need you guys to leave a big like on this video because we're about to fill the entire island house with packing peanuts and i'm also never letting james drive one of these trucks ever again that's one truck down probably 75 more to go all right all right let's get it done let's get her done wait wait wait wait i can hold two bags you got double bags i can't hear anything right now there you go i got two bags as well let's go it's stuck you're already spilling beans bro the first bit of packing peanuts on the ground when i tell you we're filling the entire island house with packing peanuts we are doing it subscribe this is a once in a lifetime opportunity don't you miss out wow i got you cut my legs oh should we tell them [Laughter] that's it [Music] hey pick it b-roll [Music] we've been working hard all day boys this is the fourth truck and as you can see the fourth truck is almost empty how many bags did you get i was like 600 or so 600 of these bags also i just want to let you guys know that all these packing peanuts are biodegradable so don't worry they're all made out of cornstarch so my entire house smells like popcorn also if you guys go check out our second channel at speakable 2.0 we have a lot of behind the scenes of how we filled the house how much of a process it was and us having a ton of fun so go check out unspeakable 2.0 boys the final four now just to get them all the way to the house and unpack all them so many boys when i say we're filming the island house and packed with units i said there's only one room right here they're almost to the ceiling but we gotta open all these bags we gotta do it right now and we're gonna open these bags in the most epic epically epic awesome way every day [Music] [Applause] i made it to the top of the tower this is a really nice spot to chill i think i'm gonna take a nap here this is pretty nice oh no i'm thinking no where'd you go no no no yeah i made up more you need what i made a fort oh he made a fort there you go reinforcements ah we're literally almost to the ceiling just uh don't turn the fans on yo you're gonna touch the ceiling to the top yes i did it i touched the ceiling it's just like a really tough ceiling too i'm the king of this world and i will open all these nuts it's higher than the fan oh there's james watch this i'm falling i can't get up i'll help you oh no i can get up now i don't need your help come here gabriel let me help you gabe if you poke a hole in this side like this and then you jump on this side [Laughter] it's like a firework oh dude i'm so tired we've only been doing this for like two hours and we are not even close to halfway done bruh not at all no am i seeing things is that peanut bag moving we didn't put that there didn't we oh we haven't even started on the hallway i think it's moving nope it has orange oh no oh no oh no there's my first nightmare oh it's just james i become one quicker i have freed you james my buddy i guess you could say you were enough all right boys i can't see is this what buried alive feels like yeah this is kind of comfy [Music] [Music] this right here's the three final bags ready boys i'm ready let's we're gonna pour them three two one that's it i'm jumping all that work oh no one slipped he here you jump and i'll grab your underwear and no you don't want to but we are not doing a wedgie right now i'm going to jump off of the second story right now i'm looking kind of scared ready oh okay i'm good you didn't hit bob this is ridiculous wait till you guys see the rest of the house jump off boys you got it oh i'm good all right james let's do it come on come on big boy it doesn't look that high but it's scary okay it doesn't look that high but i mean yeah it's easy for you guys to say that's the story of the house it's pretty tall i can't do it okay what you mean you can't do it it makes you a nice big pie dude there's a hard ground underneath there's nothing there yeah it's just not even hard you good i hit bottom hi boys come on let me give you a tour of this place it looks crazy all right guys so walking through the house as you can see there's obviously peanuts everywhere this was the dining room there is no table now it is just full of nuts dude it gets really deep go in that back corner so this is the dining room if we continue in here yes even the entire kitchen and the whole second living room is covered guys look at this look this right here is the sink i am definitely not going to be cooking food for the next couple days but as you can see this is the entire living room i love how it just looks like there's just hills and mountains it looks like a golf course and of course we can take a nice dive this is insane boys days and days of hard work we've finally done it we filled the entire island house with packing peanuts i don't know what to say i'm happy and i'm definitely sleeping here tonight this video is about to be full of fun let's get nuts bruh this is crazy oh you look like a packing nut devil now you look like a unicorn i feel like i'm sitting in a chair right now i'm literally like sitting they just like mold to your body i feel like a giant package about to be shipped across the world yo take a dive bro literally so fun i want to do a running dive you got this james go oh he did a problem oh my goodness oh my gosh dude this is so sick we're literally standing on the countertops i feel like we're playing a giant game of floors lava what up yo i think this right here is the deepest corner are you even touching the ground hold on hold on i'm standing straight up like feet on ground my feet are on the ground that's crazy how tall are you i'm five six that's pretty tall yeah the mountain is coming the mountain is coming all right boys get to have an idea of what we can do next this right here is our genius idea we're gonna slide down the stairs this is a terrible idea don't do this we're gonna pour a bunch of packing peanuts for you oh dude that looks so gonna be fun that looks so crazy look at them all just sliding down the stairs that is satisfying all right when you go i'll pour more on you like on top of me or under me okay on top i'm just gonna pour more okay because why not you have so many all right you got this go okay go go [Applause] dude it's so slow yeah maybe that was just a bad run-up oh okay a little bit faster what do you think just has to work pick up your knees that's a lot better yo you're good like i said don't do that all right is it ready no hold on hold on why are you all into the water he went fast yo i'm so glad i had the helmet on here oh my gosh here i come you he ain't going fast you look like an elf on us dude i'm going so slow i'm not even moving a knee board i didn't even know i'm good it's fun all right so we now decided to put a bouncy house in here yes let's go have some fun all right i'm gonna try it go ahead there's my hoop make it oh can i get an epic flame stuff what happened i don't know if it broke or not all right i'm crawling up the slide i'm pretty sure this thing is made for kids you know man it doesn't even bounce oh oh my gosh you guys almost flipped it really are you good i think it came unplugged check the back oh yeah yeah it's definitely unplugged yo wait i'm gonna jump from the second story okay watch out i'm gonna land on it all right maybe it'll blob me upwards everybody all right so we're gonna do a little bit of an experiment here gabe is gonna lay right here and james is gonna try to blob him into me i'm going to give you a bigger hug buddy come here i'm hoping to not go that direction why is this railing so tall go james jump right there just don't roll into me do a cannonball [Music] yeah me versus you versus you now yes feel the pain look at my legs one point for james upgrade our ball ready yeah oh wait you serve okay oh gosh one more point for jake always use your head when you're playing games [Music] i lost yeah that's a spike oh did i do it you didn't you did not do it look how many packing peanuts are stuck to my left oh my gosh oh you look like a whole ice cream cone yeah you got sprinkles [Music] hey james yo you look like a tri-stairs now you sound like a whale yeah from finding mimo [Music] that needs to stop wait here hold on i got you i got you hold on they're in my way hold on give it give us one second what do i look like did you turn me into harry potter you're hoping oh what is this it's a present i know why this has been here if you guys are curious why this is in here we're gonna make a second video with all of these 7.5 million packing peanuts and um i think it has something to do with some of these stay tuned don't move don't move too much boys keep going keep going this is a record will he be able to pull up the 10th peanut oh he's doing it that's eight can you get to ten though that's crazy that's pretty impressive oh my gosh one more and you can get to 10. just don't breathe out of your nose the tenth nut oh my gosh you're a pretty princess up there it's your juan harry oh it's a one-handed i believe it's really there's no basketball it didn't work no we just got to like walk over to got it oh okay you missed let me try let me try wait did you really miss yeah throw it towards my voice good job did i miss yo you missed by a whole basketball someone's got to make a slam dunk who's going oh is that present yeah let me see no way it's a super classic 8-bit video game amusement system i might have broken it you got this game slam dunk [Music] oh no no let me try again that doesn't count i'm going to call that a hole in one i mean a touchdown come on dude that's a field goal good job all right james you got this should i dive through it or shut up do it slam dunk slam dunk slam dunk i approve but that wasn't that was something new congratulations i made a sword that's nice is that a bird cage gazebo is it a lollipop oh i know what it is it's a lizard scorpion you're going off the rails a little bit sting oh stingray stingray jellyfish he's an astronaut it's an old style super deep dive scuba diving suit helmet thing he's definitely a scuba diver you're not a scuba diver you guys never get me what are you i'm a diver that's what we said an underwater diver i said scuba what's that mean scuba ooby let me show you what a diver does yeah how is this thing still together all right i'm gonna go find something to do this that's one small step for unspeakable one big step for unspeakable merch get your merch at www.unspeakable.com after you get your merchandise you guys wear the special hat yeah get that fresh merch cook we now have a trampoline that is in the packing peanuts gabe can you do a trick for us it's so nice it's hard almost nice can you jump over the netting yeah i can do that that's easy [Applause] can you jump over the netting you're gonna go this way you got this [Laughter] oh that's how you get out oh so we got all of these giant fan blowers set up right now we're going to plug them all in and we're going to stand in front of them called packy peanuts and see what happens yeah it's a party okay okay there's one game now it kind of hurts we have to get to the top of the mountain ladies and gentlemen this is unspeakable i'm reporting this weather today it's very very peanutty and we have a large chance of [Music] showers [Applause] [Music] i'm now levitating on the peanuts as you guys can see that's kind of creepy here's what we're gonna do we're gonna play hide and seek i'm gonna be a seeker james and gabe are in white morph suits so they blend in with the peanuts i'm gonna give you guys 60 seconds to hide go right now 55. 53. 52. 51. 50. i ain't even worried you ain't gonna find me i match the people i see you right now you got twenty-five i kind of wanna just lay on the counter if you guys remember the layout of the house there's a cabinet right here and underneath the cabinet there's this much room i'm going to hide underneath the cabinet timer is ready and i have a secret weapon this leaf blower so i can blow away packing peanuts all right boys here i come no idea where they are i feel like they probably went in the kitchen wait am i stepping on someone right now i think there's someone below me that's just the floor all right if you're right here then show yourself because i'm about to dive where are you ah it's so difficult to walk through this hello no one over here so far huh nothing think about it it's gonna take forever to find these dudes there's so many peanuts anyone in this corner i don't feel anyone okay oh i know he's somewhere over here ah something looks a little weird about this counter space over here huh i think i found someone okay all right on to the next person there's one more person what about over here oh feels kind of warm over here who is this bro you woke me up from my nap it was so hard to find you guys i'm glad you guys hid in the same room it really makes it easier i am exhausted all right boys now we're gonna do a race in the packing peanuts with these goofy costumes we're gonna race all the way to the end of the hallway first up we got mike what's out ski mike wazowski are you ready yes all right 23 19. i want you to run like you're running from that sock and three two oh he's getting it oh he's blocking it oh he slowed down okay at the end we need you guys to vote who is the fastest all right james you're up next where do i go do you just run straight i know you can't see because you're upside down in your face bro your cat toes bro i thought i was alex the line from madagascar yeah is that not who i am james are you ready i'm ready two one go run up all right here i go it's my time to shine i need you guys to vote who's the fastest give me a three two one go three two one go and he's running this hardest tip heart go to google play or the app store right now if you want to be fast like us and you want to download my app chasecraft you guys can run unlock a bunch of characters and do crazy obstacles it's a ton of fun go check it out link in the description nathan gabe you guys want to have a nerf fight you say fight fight let's go here's the last plane where do you go where'd he go you go this way [Music] oh that's a big boy oh i just shot myself in the eye bounced off your back oh i'm done with this nerf fight this is brutal you'll never defeat me because i feel like my nerf gun am on speak about my batteries no his fingers are off the ground no rhymes unspeakable undefeated [Music] train rolling down the tracks of a lonely night
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 9,467,509
Rating: 4.8530574 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: Y3sj_v62dpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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