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i just got done building this 20-foot tall prize drop plinko board this thing is huge yo drop the disc okay look at them going all the way down we literally have to climb a ladder to drop this we got one person landing on punishment two people landing on prizes there's four things you could land on you can land on money you could get a dollar or ten thousand you can land on punishments that's not good you don't wanna do that hey um who's number one is that you gabe no i'm number two that was one okay james you landed on punishment that was three then we have prizes game is number two your boy unspeakable is number three the third is the best the third is the one with the treasure chest prizes are good you want prizes and then we have the dares don't land on dares just don't also this dare is red like the subscribe button so i need you guys to take a second and click that subscribe button because this blinko board cost me tens of thousands of dollars to make it was really expensive so please subscribe and help the channel thank you very much all right starting off strong no not strong what we got what we got oh my lord gee come on we're starting off this video strong that's what he said i have to listen to you talk about astrology all right let's go come on gosh you gotta learn about the stars you're here to learn about a star yeah it's my punishment that's all you need to know it's just a dog in the sky that's it just just a star in the sky [Music] get back in the toilet i thought we were supposed to learn about astrology not astronomy come on gabe all right you got this crazy i'm so proud of you you landed on prize what'd you get captain america toaster i don't know what that is me neither what if it's just like toast that comes out like a shield wait a minute it doesn't say toaster this is toster that's that's not a toaster what does that even mean i don't know it's a toaster costume oh it does burn a shield no that's a tosser we oh yeah there's the shield right there i see the shield a little bit yeah yeah you cooked it a little bit too long yeah you know it's first time using it so um we'll just get some syrup and some some peanut butter and we'll eat it peanut butter crunch all right i also landed on prizes so let's see what i'm gonna get did you pick from the top by the way yes okay i'm gonna pick from the very bottom you think the t stands for topster castor bell asian collision craze this isn't television it's toaster revolution see i told you bro this is my toster religion 4k it's skinny look at it nice well this is a good start i'll trade you my toaster no you're costing ready to drop boys here we go yeah three two one drop oh i don't know what i landed dude i started all the way on that side and i think i landed on money dude i went purposely for money and i shot straight the punishments that's what you did all right i landed in punishment so let's see what i got get slapped by an octopus this is what happens when you try to take your astrology that's what happened astronomy whatever when i slapped you like that i guess this is you getting karma all right here we go i landed in punishment as well don't be a baby what does that mean i got prizes cartoon watches you have to watch cartoons i don't know yo good job bro thank you all right boys i'm going for money okay i needed to win it so i'm gonna drop it right here i already dropped mine oh all right i'm going wait right good right yeah red is good that's good red means subscribing please land on money i think i got money i think i got money all right let's go see what we got i can't see all the way down there it's so far it's like a hundred feet 100 square feet oh square miles centimeters it's two acres tall polaroid all right well i got punishment we all landed on something different we got money pumping pants we're unspeakable why would we have this oh this is terrible why is that a thing do we have to remove them from our videos i don't think i don't beat that videos anymore bro if you're not wearing the merch what is he gonna wear then yo find find him some money because he could buy new merch please help us out go to www.unspeakable.com get yourself some merch before gabe do it for gabe let's see if i can win some money and hopefully if i gave some new merchandise i got dollars yo that's more than enough money to buy some merch let's go gabe i'm buying you some merch what is that oh my gosh hey this should be illegal we definitely take them out of the videos now that's what i'm saying right now i can hear hey i'll give [Music] yeah that was really awkward too all right i got a prize what you get james i got minecraft for dummies oh you want to go to minecraft school oh my god you're not with you oh like no i'm opening i'm opening my inventory uh it's right thanks for the tuner here i always keep this with me it's a minecraft construction for dummies oh there you go yo you want to go build a ford on the island yeah i'm down let's go i got the book let's go can i help hey you got it you got merch i think i might have landed on prices all right well i'm gonna go do backwards today okay all right you gonna be backwards all right we'll see you in a couple minutes okay all right oh he's already starting he's walking backwards he's [ __ ] forwards all right me and you both landed on prizes this is the prize drop board so he would i get a copy machine that's not bad let me see what i got i got oh a switch whoa oh this is pretty good that thing's actually great nice that's nice i'm like kind of jealous bro i got a switch with three or four games i got mario kart and i got super mario i got zelda and animal queen is that a yellow switch yeah just like a banana and a lemon so like you want to go drink coffee and play switch bro yeah we can take turns hey james what's up i look ridiculous are you backwards right now yeah come out let me see i got my socks on my shoes underwear over the pants and my shirt over my jacket but not only do you have to dress backwards you have to act backwards so instead of eating you got to throw up there you go good job all right here we go dropping it in i'm on the edge of dare and prize right now so i oh that's a punishment i'm pretty sure no we're not dude it's backwards day so i guess you're not getting good luck anymore go ahead and pick up a dare let's see what you got you know what's funny dude you started all the way over there and your thing went across the board you're gonna love it it says eat a nitro bear which is a super super spicy gummy bear you literally got one of the worst ones in the pile oh wait hold on sorry oh yeah backwards today you can't look at it i can't believe like i got this bro all right your boy unspeakable landed on prizes again what do we got here yo yo sorry i was like trying to grab you we got a neon sign nice okay clap clap clap slap slap slap okay you started where are you at getting right here what's up oh yo is this a banana so i got a neon time i hang this my room okay let me grab mine i have a punishment yay what you got hands of icy hot oh you gotta put icy hot on your hands it can't be too bad it's gonna be a little slippery so this right here is the nitro bear the world's hottest gummy bear it is right here just one gummy bear give it a snip it smells like pepper extract dude literally have fun so just a little fyi little nitro is infused with 9 million scoville units which means it's 900 times hotter than a jalapeno pepper okay so here goes all right here it goes come on you got this i don't like hot stuff like you guys do this isn't bad it almost feels like oh it hits really already oh yeah okay smelly that's probably the best way to just get rid of it right is to swallow it fresh oh i can smell it from here oh my god it's gone you swallowed it swallowed it yo everyone has to click that like button subscribe button for james literally eating the world's hottest gummy bears did you just you don't want any whipped cream how do you feel right now i feel in my stomach i'm solid like crazy i have the hiccups because it's super high i'm starting to tear up and my tongue gets on fire this is pain for you guys pain hey well you made it on the little nitro challenge you get a sticker consume at your own risk it says it's flammable that's how hot it is it's flammable really yeah all right this time we're all going to drop our disc in the same spot everyone drop it in the middle first game i'll drop mine now all right i'm dropping mine can you drop yours no get away from there i think i went i don't know what we landed and i can't see the bottom let's go down there i hope it's not neutral yo we all landed on prizes oh thank you literally all three of us land on prizes this is what the prize drop challenge is about he's getting prices amazing functions whoa what did you get baby yoda local lego i got a plunger i'm gonna make one amazing i got a cactus dude you're a prickly pear my guy is that a good thing i mean why not no you don't know how big it is though that is true oh right here i'm gonna like hit the bottom of it it's gonna like fall on minecraft and i'm gonna throw my trash in it i forgot you could do that grab my book again sick how many pieces yo it's a thousand i'm getting into 73 pieces oh my cactus look at this it's small but it's just spiky but is he spiky yeah it's very very you want to play ketchup no it's there we go that's how you could replant it into another pot lunch we should go plant the cactus where i don't know punjabi all right we're gonna go plant this cactus somewhere all right here we go we're gonna put some of the dirt down in there so it feels like he's at home yep yeah pack him in with the dirt it was in his fingers i'm bleeding that guy bro this thing is so sharp all right there we go hopefully he'll grow big and strong all right we all have our numbers here and we're all gonna switch okay so switch it around switch it around we're gonna throw each other's discs down there so i have number one which is you james so i'm gonna try to make you land on dares all right let's get yours i'm gonna get you some money let's see if i can make this one land on theirs here we go three two one go oh oh i think i got yours and there's gabe got mine and money prizes right yeah i landed on prizes we got james on there and we got you on money yo look at mine that was me dude i'm sorry for the flip five bucks better than nothing right yeah where'd you get yo i got android drool android that means the quality is going to go bad it's so bad can you guys even hear us anymore are you guys in there yeah are you guys okay is everything good wait yo just throw the car throw the car maybe get rid of it okay the car is gone i think it's clearing up there you go yeah yeah nice that's good let's see what i got for prizes here we go coat of invisibility how do we even get that is that a thing yes it's a thing invisibility code yeah how what do you mean how hold on i'll be right back no does it work am i invisible oh bro is it where is your body when i see your head all right i got all three of our discs right here we're gonna pancake stack them we're gonna drop them all at the same time hopefully they split apart here we go three two one oh they're going oh oh they're all going oh that one's fine oh my god and you are going to prize i see one going to money one went into dare i think all right let's go down there and see what we got james i'm so sorry he landed on dare for the third time in a row let's get this over oh what do you got light water peanut water peanut see ya captain i'm going off in the ss peanut oh all right i'm gonna sit in the middle it's orange looks like he went to war dude look at it look crazy it looks like a volcano underwater it smells great oh yeah it does smoke down nasty we should get out of here okay have fun bro all right i got a prize what will my prize be fancy incense okay all right oh fancy good job man it's a wagon it's one of those things you put the thing here and it goes that's kind of cool yeah whoa where do you put it you said it right here it goes in here and you light it on fire and then the smoke comes out of the dragon's mouth that's kind of sick there you go buddy that's sick the dragon is breathing fire oh it's like i'm like chilled out right now it's like a vibe on a scale of one to vibe how hard do you buy one yeah i feel that how to train your dragon d-r-a-g so like a six wow wow your boy unspeakable landed on money go big or go home let's see if i can get the biggest prize of them all boom 50 bucks not bad second second biggest i got five bucks yeah but you had 200 earlier so i got 200 five bucks yeah you got 200. you only have 50. yeah i got 50 dude go buy me a cheeseburger maybe 50. from the dollar menu you can still get a cheeseburger for one buck this time we're taking our disc and we're going to throw them see where they land ready you missed let me try this oh nice yeah did i land in yellow come on come on oh there we go okay okay come on come on come on oh there goes james give me something good give me something good give me something good give me something good give me something good i think you landed in uh bryce here i don't know where we landed didn't go there again no no you're lying no i'm not throwing it anymore i'm not throwing it all right what do we got what do we got i think james landed on dare for the fourth time dude i'm so sorry we both this is the fourth time in a row that he's landed on there and we both got prizes it's just not in it for james today what did you get shoe sandwich what does that even mean that just sounds gross yeah just to make you feel a little better i give you five dollars appreciate it to make a sandwich out of my shoe oh here we go all right well we need four slices because two pieces of shoes put that to the side you know lay your pieces out save those for later i'm gonna throw on some uh sliced cheese gotta get that the chatter all right here we go we got one slice bang bang two slice shimmumi got some yellow mustard mustard it up mustard it up and that oh you can't forget ketchup no sugar added we're being healthy today doesn't that just look delicious what do you think cameron man we should we do uh choose then lunch meat or lunch meat then shoes watch me let me try and we're gonna split this between two sandwiches because that's a lot bang bang and now all right you gotta you know one step there one step there and uh now we got sandwich shoes let me see what my prize is number two let me draw my prize too what we got we got a wall maker waffle man i got a polaroid camera oh yeah well i'm making waffles well i'm taking pictures of your waffles nice that's a good idea yo wait this is a nice polaroid yo take care take your waffle flipper thingy was this a waffle waffle you got captain america toasted now with the frozen waffle mix that's nice hey as long as it's tasty okay so i don't have any waffle mix so i'm just gonna use brownies yeah i'm gonna use some cosmic brownies yeah why not i mean it works dirty no i don't think so is it no no there you go all right i smile i'm gonna take a picture all right let's see how the brownie waffle turned out okay needs a little bit more cooking but other than that it's gonna be delicious it's done um how do we oh there we go that's good i'm gonna go get a fork all right let's just grab this little piece right here oh it's really hot yo what's up man just just drop mine i don't care at this point i can't come up so just drop mine too i don't care just drive honestly all right well uh since i'm gonna drop uh james's might as well drop it on there so i'm gonna drop it in this corner right on the dares yeah and then this one is number two this is me and gabe but we're gonna go for money what did you just drop what number did you drop huh what did you just drop what that first one i don't know why i kill you i'm gonna kill you we have money punishment and dick i swear if you landed in money i'm tackling you in the moat all right all right all right what'd you land on i don't know the numbers are facing number three okay we got yours in there and we got um we got me and punishment that's money and then we got gaming money that's nice go ahead and pick it there james you hate me i'll pick my money we got not walk so i have to tie my shoes together what did you get buddy what did you get open a soda with your head how do you even do that there's only one way look at what i got no way better than five bucks wait hold on fair change no i got my shoes tied together yo i need you to take a full like marathon run around or a thousand five hundred dollars a drag in your mouth so uh i heard you have to open a soda with your head i'm pretty thirsty all right back no [Applause] here i got you can you open it for me nah my hands are fine i don't like coca-cola oh yeah i just walked around the entire house i'm going for another lap nice yeah so like are you supposed to open the top of your head do you shake it from you pop it open how soda pop you pop the soda open do i have to like hit it dude i don't know i'm glad you have your protective gear your bandana that's good don't do this leave this to us this is don't do this at all it's gonna hurt yeah all right you ready here we go i have to go beast boat i have to go into a titan game no it does not work it does not work gabriel it does not oh it kind of worked look at it it's a water fountain nice thanks man where did you even come from i'm solvating like crazy i have the hiccups
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 11,796,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: dBm_Fh27I4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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