WORLDS Tiniest 100 Button Mystery Box! *ONLY 1 ESCAPE BUTTON*

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this is the world's tiniest mystery button box challenge jeffrey and i will be racing to find the escape button and every wrong button we press we'll begin filling up the inside of the boxes and creating a horrible concoction the first person who gets out gets to press the ultimate butt which will begin filling up the loser's box with water raising up the nest level until they are completely submerged underwater jeffrey press the first button these boxes are completely sealed so it's going to be filling up like crazy this is going to be disgusting the little press is orange one ground coffee bucket dump ground coffee bucket dump okay i like coffee i need some energy oh no this isn't going to be good jeffrey on caffeine is not good chris one reason i like this box is because i get to be near you you're waiting for me for a while that's creepy whoa oh that went straight up my nose oh dude this is cool i get a whole view of it of everything happening bro well i guess that means that it's my turn now cat litter ew that is such a bad start this is actually like kind of fun it's like sand i can feel the caffeine soaking in my body no i don't want cat litter oh oh that's a lot of cat litter this is fun because i get a lot that's a lot hey chris you know that cat's saying it's designed to absorb toxins i can't breathe dude this is already getting decently full i got this big mound of coffee between my legs as we keep pressing buttons the floor is going to keep rising up and we're going to be completely covered in probably going to be neck deep by the end of the day all right we're going to go with this one cat litter what cat later this is interesting it feels bro you know it feels kind of nice my cat is going to watch this video and he's going to be triggered he's going to want to pee on you i have changed his cat stand in a couple weeks oh i got my mouth at least i'm still dry okay which one should i press dude this is kind of nice i want the escape button let's go for this orange one soapy bucket dump no what is that chris you get the first wet one no no no no no that's kind of cold oh wow that is a lot holy cow dude look at you're pretty you're getting full already a rubber ducky chris can i play with the ducky no this is my ducky all right i'm pressing my next bun pass a punishment yeah no that's nice i kind of get in a sense two free ones because that was my button and i get a future one where i get to skip it to him blue one barbecue sauce bucket dump no yes why is that dude this is already so bad for me dude i'm just chilling it's okay ducky we'll be okay oh you well you're gonna smell like a barbecue cheeseburger in a second i actually hate barbecue sauce you this calendar is getting chunky oh gosh no dude that's disgusting any kind of smell that comes in here and it goes the whole box cause this is fun watching you i'm gonna gag this is bad look at this i'm gonna get everywhere all right it's time for my next button let's go with this one have a treat dog treat i want a treat i think i get a nice little treat right now dude i think it said dog treat you know it said have a treat have a treat dog treat oh that's freaking hurt does that look painful i just dropped a bunch of rocks on my head those are big dog treats don't tell me you're gonna eat that oh he ate it it's just like a cracker right is that what i said you shouldn't eat that bro all right ducky's gonna press my next button shoulda had a v8 no tomato sauce hey chris you should have a v8 i hope this isn't a spicy v8 dude look at that it's disgusting dude this box is disgusting already oh my gosh the smells are horrible chris was it a spicy v8 no i really want some goggles well there's 30 buttons and one of them is the escape button which means it's a one in 30 chance to get out all right my turn i'm gonna go for one behind me you want a raincoat a raincoat no dude i've been getting lucky good ones pretty much the whole time he's getting so lucky guys i'm may be full of stuff by the end of this but at least i got a raincoat well that's not going to help you when your box is full of crap let's see i have a paper towel for my face sure all right chris press your button boy please something good please this blue one umbrella hat yeah it's a brilliant hike yeah those always break finally i got something those always break don't even start bro no they help they do help i'll take that you should take your hat off my hat is ruined bro you jerk disgusting okay i'm ready jeff it's your turn now i smell like barbecue sauce here goes nothing yeah sticky peanut butter gloves bicky peanut butter glob is this bad for me to be marinading in this stuff he got something how did he catch that oh this is good why do you like peanut butter oh dude look at all this peanut butter just getting wrecked over there he's eating it at me a little bit of hair gel get it out of my eyes i feel like i want this one water hose for one minute no that means that my tank is gonna start filling up dude that's gonna be awesome you suck oh no it's not oh shoot wait this has to go for an entire minute yeah are you kidding me it's starting to fill up oh no it's straight up filling up i can see your water level now i can see his water level right here how much longer bro look at that look how full it is all right i'm gonna press my next button water hose for three minutes dude i get a water hose for three minutes ha ha i'm putting this oh dude that's cool this is gonna be soft that's gonna be three times as high as mine i can't even see what's going on hey that's not fair it's supposed to be a punishment you having fun in there jeff what are you having fun in there your level is higher than mine now five four three two one hello these dog treats are floating i have to pee what happens if i pee in here dude don't you do that it's gonna leak into mine this is disgusting all right press your phone already dude let's go with this pink one in the corner oatmeal globs oh oh this isn't bad i like this i like oatmeal now you're gonna have some extra protein and fiber absorbing into your skin it smells like whole grain in here i'm gonna press this button orbeez bucket dump orbeez bucket though orbeez i want orbeez that's so cool oh my gosh oh check out these orbeez bro i want an orbeez can you throw me one hey crystal grab huh that was pretty cool you're taking orbee bro oh i bet he did excellent remove an opponent's button so i get to remove one of jeffrey's buttons and that means that i could possibly remove the escape button no none of us would know i picked the orange one that is near the corner yes that one that's it escape you can get out wow you can't escape you guys dude that means i get the ultra mega punishment jeffrey's gonna be the one that gets cover okay i just gotta find the skateboard now i fasted to you no you can't do that why not you had to do it before i took your butt i'm gonna press honey i'm home honey i'm home i'm home oh oh no oh it sounds disgusting hey chris what since you threw your hat at me do not i'm gonna fill this hood with water i'm gonna put it over on your side no job this is what you get for throwing your barbecue hat at me and making my escape button disappear for eternity you stay back um this blue one you want a face shield i want a face shield heck yes okay so i have to choose between the face shield and the umbrella hat which one would you choose comment down below i'm going with the face shield guys i feel chunks in my hand i'm just gonna leave it like this until i press my next button is it my turn yeah hey guess what you're stuck in there you win water park tickets heck yeah bro water park ticket i get a punishment all right press your next button you turn blossom farting mcnugget what about this one potting soil oh hold on dude i can see it happening oh look at this how was that okay well this thing really helped but your face is clean my box is as full as yours now we're pressing this button water hose for five minutes that's the punishment what you're just gonna be so full for fun are you kidding me dude yeah okay i'm gonna wash myself off a little bit how's it going in there boy dude it's so full hey chris you should go snorkeling pass my nipples now how's it feeling there bro it's so itchy in here the potting soil is like making me itch i kind of really want to see what it looks like underneath the water level [Music] it's too dark in here all right i'm pressing my next bun emotional support stuffed animal you're an emotional support stuffed animal that's okay i have ducky give me my toy give me my toy give me my toy oh yes dude hey chris my puppy doesn't like you so when i find the escape button jeffrey's water level is gonna fill up also all the remaining punishments are gonna be dumped on him so i really gotta get out of here come on escape you can get out i'm out well i guess i already knew that he was gonna stay that means it's time for me to inherit every punishment until this thing is absolutely full look at this watch this enjoy the rest of the punishments and your things filling up first we gotta put all the remaining punishments in this trash can and get it ready for jeff hey jeffrey you know how you were complaining about uh chris smelling like barbecue sauce [Music] that's mega punishment incoming it's so heavy is it over so now the water level is rising and jeff cannot leave until the box is fully filled wow it smells so bad dude [Music] well it's about time that he's gonna become fully submerged all right jeff if you want to come out you got to submerge all right you can come out now jeff you got a bulgy pocket too bro oh dude that was terrible well we hope you enjoy this video and i'll see you never all right all right jeff hop back in there for thumbnail
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 26,938,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _0DYjH7tamk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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