7 EXTREME WAYS To Survive For 24 HOURS!

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we've survived for 24 hours in a fridge underground bunker 100 degree desert world's biggest toilet a floating Minecraft house a school bus and running from the cops but let's start with the hottest video 24 hours in the desert we're surviving the next 24 hours in this desert but the only thing we have is Legos this desert is massive it's 145 000 Acres so I did the math and it's the size of a hundred and nine thousand football fields pick the outline of this house I'm thinking right here is the front door uh we got a problem already what it's on a hill it's not flat enough you're right it is sideways is there any flat land in the desert it's just a bunch of Hills I mean look at it we're teleporting the house we need flatter ground now we just got to start over whatever [Music] this is brutal it's gonna take a while [Music] it's done now we're gonna put the wood on the top shelter is super crucial in the desert because it's so hot out here very nice drop You Gotta Give me a warning next time I said drop it oh my gosh dude this is amazing it already feels like 5-10 degrees cooler in here so now we have to build a staircase and the whole second story foreign Lego house so as you can see two stories this is our entrance right here and when you come in here the temperature change is insane this is our staircase this goes up to our second level okay this is going right here perfect [Music] the final thing our house needs is a kite I'm glad to go ready yeah oh wow this proves how windy it is in the desert foreign [Music] now it's time to sled [Music] [Music] hey boys uh sunset's coming on should we maybe go explore do you want to go explore do you want to make this kite work explore I say we go walk around and see if we can find something although we're surrounded by absolutely Avalanche I call it a sandwich see the light goes all the way up there hi Cedric we've been walking for a little bit and as much as I want to show you guys something cool there's really nothing around here but sand and tumblebees all right so I see a big hill over there we're gonna try to conquer the hill I think we might have found the biggest hill why are you Waist Deep right now where are your legs they're right here uh you tricked me mate sand right here it feels like straight up height just gonna sit here and enjoy it [Music] where am I I'm so dizzy but that was lit that's the first tree I've ever seen in the desert let's go check it out I feel like an earthbender oh hey hey there's a lizard that's our first sign of life here intelligence everything here is freaking dead sand a Windows wallpaper interesting I feel that though well we've been walking for a little bit yeah kind of lost track of the footprints because it'll win dad and oh hold on I just buy contact still I'm down the one eye I can't see anymore you're gonna have to guide the way I mean you better hurry up we got 11 fingers from the Sun of the Horizon maybe two hours left are we lost James one would say that we're never lost we're just creating a new path in our life I've made it back to the house and there's a major issue look at this so windy out here that the wind is clearing out all the sand that is under the house it's doing it on all four corners of the house and this is gonna make the house really weak what was that what was that maybe I should be a little more gentle yeah James it's a real nice photo [Music] if we can't get this solved this is not going to be good bro how the frick am I even supposed to fix this okay we should walk now hopefully this will hold up good through the night block the wind so it doesn't tear away the sand it might work who knows my staircase is sideways I didn't really want a window here you wanna see me disappear James no please we've been gone for like four hours it's magic why doesn't he get hurt in vlogs look Gabe the Lego house so far oh I'm speaking bit we need water knees weak arms are heavy the sun's going down already I need water well um they're back in time for Nightfall I would uh totally make a sand castle right now but I'm just really enjoying this moment wide build sand castles when you could build memories with the boys [Applause] who lives here oh bring it on Donkey Kong your Sabers are no match for my giant deal come here boy you wanna die dude do you see how many different colors there are in the sky like a pastel Indigo and then it goes to like almost White and then it's like a green it's very beautiful yeah I'm gonna take a photo of this guy see green blue teal purple oh there it is I thought I lost it so I had to I had to check the house and make sure it definitely wasn't in the house how was that top wood still there oh there it goes perfect timing game very nice yeah are you done now welcome to my broken Lego house we still have a ceiling and a window so um I guess uh this is the way we're sleeping tonight okay [Music] we're making it this isn't safe guys this isn't safe you all need to pack up and get out of here right now okay we're just making a YouTube video I don't want to be on camera no no nothing no YouTube just pack up and get out of here or I'm gonna escalate this yes sir we'll do it might take us uh like fast as possible okay and hurry up it might take us like 20 or 30 minutes because it's a lot of Legos hurry up all right as soon as you can sorry about that sir so Nathan has to cool down from the desert so we're gonna put him in the fridge for 24 hours I'm gonna be stuck in this refrigerator for the next 24 hours but first let's take a look at how I got here oh it says unspeakable on it why is there a fridge in the hallway bro don't ask questions you didn't get this you're a YouTuber come here it has our name on it pop up in there why would I get it in the fridge I said it now get in there did you just say commit to the beginning that means I have to do what they say so I'm committing today to being in this fridge all day and you guys can do whatever you want whatever we want they literally just left me in the fridge welcome back to another unspeakable video we have on speakable and refrigerator and we're gonna run him over yo yo stop stop [Applause] I think we hit him let's go find out you guys gonna pick me up you're probably gonna need some help right we grabbed the Can-Am and we Ram it into this one you're gonna make me look like an Oreo sandwich yeah I think that's just an order yo I'm inside a movie Trucks but wait hold on let me clean it off I hate you make it nutty in here oh it's gonna be nice I think he just gave up on my disconnected from server so which one of us is driving okay look at my shoe yeah oh dude you won't claim your space this stuff is really tiny you look like that's gross let me get over to my future wife real quick oh we're moving oh yeah it is yo boys I think we're here is this a grocery store we didn't feel like bringing groceries to the fridge so we bought the fridge to the groceries I am turning all right we're going uphill whoa whoa whoa yo boys come on let's go what are people gonna think of this dude oh it barely fits look no way hold on just barely so according to our calculations the refrigerator says you need approximately two gallons of milk there's a YouTube magazine so far grocery shopping is going well we got a banana and an avocado and some cereal elk is priority thank you we've been compromised oh give me some of that true move creamy chocolate flavor Milkshake the next thing on the refrigerator is um the Ballpark Franks yeah that'd be good all right yeah thanks all right to the meats oh stop what's up bro how's it going um cook that not in the fridge there you go buddy oh thanks bro appreciate it that's a thick boy that's a connection yeah y'all mess with me I'ma slap you with it to the seafood okay do you like octopus all right let's take the octopus I honestly cannot believe we're doing this right now thanks man appreciate it honestly grocery shopping is going well we got some chips we got milk eggs we also got a broom we got cereal flashlight I got this just in case it starts smelling bad in here I also got an octopus and a Tomahawk Steak very efficient day oh yeah we got distracted I'm sorry we got some clips don't drop some things awesome thank you got some dragon fruit oh dragon fruit what were those give me a push all right boys so we're currently going into a coffee shop there's a random wall right here oh look there's some plants oh hi oh we're moving up I think it's my turn to order coffee hello my friend how are you doing hey how's it going man I saw in the menu back there you had a Nutella latte yes sir yeah I'll take one of those please let me just do a small okay I don't need that much coffee I usually get like diary after I drink coffee I'm stuck in here for a while so uh Nathan the tea sure okay I'll get this dessert oh what's that right there what is it no stay in don't touch the belt you already ordered bad unspeakable it's like feeding a turtle thank you sir I appreciate it very welcome you have a wonderful day you're a good citizen I'm good just another day in paradise Thanks James thank you very much all right boys grocery store was a success ready to leave now I think me and Gabe gotta go get the car for you we're gonna put the groceries in just wait right here all right Bud all right we're actually not going to get the car we actually have a whole prank set up where a maintenance guy comes and takes Nathan away and so he has to do the 24 hours he doesn't know that there's somebody in here hey uh I came to fix the fridge and get rid of it I told me it's trash uh it's it's time for it to go it's not trap I mean you can just you can work on it down there if you want well I got to get it out of here what do you mean it can't stay in the store to work on it that's against regulations I got to take it out of here just get a hold of it I'm good I'm good okay am I being stolen right now yo what is going on where am I right now bro oh snap oh my coffee I'm being lifted into something right now yo Ah that's nice I'll just set my copy right there what is happening where am I going literally what is going on I am literally being driven away right now on some random maintenance guy's truck you know what I'm in for an adventure let's get it what up beautiful the Sun's shining the winds chirping and the birds are flowing what y'all I hate you guys you guys suck yeah that's a beautiful day I did oh no oh no you smell like cheese you look like cheese there's so many ways I can stop this from happening but I'm not do we ever tell them when to bring him back no we never discussed that one so we are literally cruising down the road right now I figured it would be a perfect time for me to eat some lunch so we're gonna try to oh my God my coffee just living life dude I totally forgot about my hot fries trying to eat my hot fries these are amazing when I commit to the bit baby I commit you can push me down a skyscraper and I'll still be in this refrigerator oh I'm moving oh it's James what are you guys doing it's on wheels down here James what happened to the maintenance guy put maintenance guy there's a maintenance guy that picked me up I don't remember I'm just gliding back with you guys oh this boy busted bro look at all the chips on the wall it's disgusting in here where are we going now we're in a random parking lot wait is it another grocery about to put you in the middle of a shopping center and tell everyone online that you're here I'm in the fridge and I have all the groceries that we bought and I'm literally in the middle of a park so I'm gonna try to uh hand this stuff out hello how's it going welcome to the convenience store we're very convenient we got chocolate milk okay it's the next part right no it's brand new I just bought it I just came from the grocery store actually okay that Tomahawk Steak oh wow there you go all right yeah and if you want to get really crazy I also bought an octopus oh no no okay okay have a nice day I can't believe I gave that lady a Tomahawk Steak oh hey how's it going you guys work at the restaurant right there yeah oh nice so we're having a crazy special today got some Franks oh thank you so much yeah I just like I'm out of hot dogs well I figured like you guys work you know right yeah yeah I also got some eggs oh perfect yeah I bought an octopus it's not live it's nice the octopus like comes alive or whatever okay here's some duct tape oh okay thank you yeah thanks guys so much do you go to the dentist I present you with this you're welcome all you've ever wanted tell me something you want I guarantee you I'll give it to you we're close now thank you thank you hello how's it going good good what are you doing it's a mobile fridge you're looking for anything specific yeah I'm looking for an ice cream I don't have any ice cream but I do have a soggy avocado oh okay yeah it's good just in case you lose your avocado sometimes they run away okay got your flashlight now I come from my avocado thank you so much yeah you're welcome of course yeah have a nice day all right boys I guess we're going home [Music] foreign [Music] how am I supposed to go to bed if I'm not in bed here's a pillow no like put me in the bed you messed up what do you mean I messed up the door what do you mean what are you doing you're going into bed okay cool all right hold that bed Gabe okay blanket yeah you go pillow good night hope your hairline grows back I guess I've gone to bed boys I survived in this fridge and I'm gonna sleep here and I'm gonna have a good night's sleep [Music] where are where are you thanks did it go it's under the vehicle come on get stuck now that we've had time to chill let's run from the cops this bag has 50 000 in it and if one of those cops catch me they can have it boys let's go let's go go go they're right there they're right there oh these cops that are chasing us are real cops as you can see these are all their cop cars let's go go okay here we go the cops are running around right now these are all their cars this right here is the last car in the driveway all the cars are lined up [Music] they're gonna kill us for real let's go let's go I got a car waiting for us we're going to the airport boys they're never gonna catch us we're gonna split up in this video so I'm gonna give you guys some cash take this if you need to buy something just take some cash 25 dispatch in pursuit of a black Mercedes so boys I got us two things I got y'all a helicopter and I got Mia a car I'm giving y'all the cash okay all right let's go let's go that's the helicopter right there go go go go bro you gave us cash cares okay all right go why'd you give them cash back give it back you take back seat okay so we got a freaking McLaren the boy's got a helicopter we just got a tip that they were spotted at the airport boys are about to take off bro we need to hurry you're going they're gone got a helicopter pulling out looks like it might be a little bit too late all right our time to go we got to get out of here okay our location is an hour and six minutes away whoa what do we got here oh there's the cops right there oh my gosh okay luckily we're in a freaking McLaren they headed out towards the main road but we're right behind them we're trying to catch up hey bro properties right up here on the left [Music] okay we're here I got this property just for this video this is our Escape Plan okay perfect oh it's a horse the boat the boat no how do I get it I can hear the cops yes all right bro let's go Hop On Hop On Hop on they're here they're here all right we're good we're good we're out there good thing is is I know exactly where to go I got the next step planned out I got a car waiting for us a getaway car all right here we go we're coming in hot right here baby we're going on the land there's our getaway car all right let's go let's go let's go bro they think we're still on the boat okay all right we landed uh we at the right place this is where I told me to drop you guys well uh okay thank you um love the ride we'll get out of your way I'll step on the poo poo how bad yo whose car is that hop in the back hop in the back quick come on come on let's go let's go let's go all right boys what's going on okay boys so our next location is right across this field just watch out for a cow poop when we flew in over here it was there's a lot of poop wait wait boys is my map back there my map oh no I don't see anything foreign [Applause] [Laughter] all the cops are over there on that street you guys ready let's go see anything that'd be a distraction dispatch can you get fire department rolling we have a car fire explosion that went off hello donkeys oh fish poop look at that donkey we got another car waiting on the other side go look at all that smoke we might be on foot now but they ain't stopping us I feel like we're playing a video game at this point where's our checkpoint bro all right go go go go go go go get done driving it's a lot where's my phone our next location we have a hotel I booked five different rooms okay five I'll give you the address hold on give me a second all right let's go let's go go go go go go go go go go forward it go go go go he's behind us before this is legit I'm always catching up I'm on them I'm on them I am right on their tail they are not getting away snake Trail baby snake Trail s bro where do you think you're going you are not going anywhere no you're getting you're getting away from them you're getting away from him that's me they're trying to mess with me honest bro he's honest bro how is he keep catching us all right hold on boys we might roll it this might be like the go-kart video brother turning around no way awesome I don't see them in the rearview we have to get there and lose this vehicle they have us tracked right now we have five hotel rooms and I have a very special surprise for when we get there [Music] boys room 107. [Music] we are now mates for this hotel we need to put on these outfits we have a maintenance fan that's parked out there cops are going to be here any second so we need to throw these on all right let's go see I don't think they'll ever suspect a maintenance fan we did park the truck on the other side of the building so I know they're going to find the truck but by the time they find the truck we'll already be gone Nathan Cedric let's get in here all right we're about to go you ready nope all clear clear let's go around you know it's around here somewhere yo I think it worked James do you see any cops yeah they just went into our room they just went into our room no way there's one all right boys I think we might have did it final location is two hours away we still have the tracker with us so they're gonna be on our tail but this will give us some time your plan's working pretty good I think we're good boys let's freaking go holy cow they're about 10 miles from here already back car guys let's go all right what the heck are they doing down here in Corpus Christi this shows them on the tracker that they're here I don't know but I'll tell you what I got 50 000 reasons to figure it out I think we have made it to the ocean still no sign of police it's been great honestly okay and James doesn't know how to drive this van oh you want to watch James not know how to drive a van I will flip this today chill bro I ain't got a seat belt back here so what are we doing what's the plan I planned everything up to this point now we're at the ocean and I really don't know what to do next so we're gonna have to figure this out crap it's a dead end let's go back what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that oh there's a cop right there turn around chill I'm driving oh no he's turning around bro how do you even notice us I mean we do have a Tracker in the money bag okay you still got the money bag back there yeah right here okay uh so there's an aircraft carrier [Music] it's literally an entire aircraft carrier right here should we go on it is that a good idea there's the van there's the van there's the van wow go go go go down there's on water freaking cops pass me up bro I'm gonna take their car this one oh my gosh feeling cars like it's a video game baby oh this person thinks I'm pulling them over obey the law sir go go go go go go go go go go where do we go oh running from the cops is exhausting so I decided to build an underground bunker to hide in before we spent 24 hours in the ground we're gonna have to pick some of our favorite things that will help us get through this I love Bubbles and I love beans okay I'm gonna go grab my item a brown can be bubbles I think we could definitely use some painting to keep us motivated in the bunker all right come on James let's go all right Matt coming you're ready here we go I'm bringing Snorlax I don't think he's gonna fix when this hatch closes that starts the timer for 24 hours lock it boys we're gonna chain them up so they can't help that is so loud they're locked in there now got 24 hours to kill now we are officially locked in the bunker boys this is uh kind of scary I'm not gonna lie like there's no way we can get out of here let me give you guys tour these are where we sleep I'm taking middle bunk boys this right here is our our toilets Snorlax kind of taking over right now coming over here this is our living room so we have a couch big enough for two three if you really want a couple yeah and a TV bro you also got a table to eat some food speaking of food Gabe wasn't charging all the food you got some good stuff we got sandwiches right dude we have so much food so in here we have some beans can opener other things we have some beans here we've got some beans here some beans there I got green beans what's in the fridge I got some beans and then this one's got a lot of original a lot of home style bro bro stop stop stop stop stop you only brought beans have you read the nutrition facts bro got so much protein we're good we're trapped in a good bunker and you're only gonna eat beans yeah what else do you need guys guys this man only brought beans think about what you just did three dudes trapped in a bunker underground nothing to eat but beans and one toilet literally gonna die at least we got that pork okay what's the Wi-Fi password it's called unspeakable Big Boy Wi-Fi I have no idea what the password is bro try SpongeBob me boy if we're gonna be stuck in here I'm gonna be productive I'm gonna make a Minecraft video oh yes that's nice oh you didn't even put us on that channel bro you don't ask don't walk away all right boys I'm gonna do my intro if you guys can like calm down all right three two one three two one what's up guys today we're at Minecraft I'm gonna show you guys the 15 hacks that you never knew were true did you know you can actually take a picture your Hat's green you don't want to look bald when they use the green screen oh you're right yeah you gotta gotta change the merch yeah there we go can you see my head now another cool fact about Minecraft be quiet how annoying whack your hands yo see if you can uh break through the ceiling hey Jordan uh do you know how much longer they have on the bunker 23 yeah you you have the key right it's right in my pocket [Music] yo who can possibly be calling me right now oh it's Jordan hey what's up bro we have a little problem what's the problem I might have lost the key he's joshing bro the key that you use to lock the bunker I don't believe him are you messing with me is this a prank no dude I lost it I can't find it anywhere bro we're literally underground how did you lose it I don't know it must have fallen out of my pocket somewhere I'm looking up I'll find it I'm doomed I'm stuck with these guys in this boat control I don't want to be trapped in here with three dudes having diarrhea all I'm saying is is things can't get much worse let's do something fun you want to play tag tag you're it tag you're no tag tag you're it I said no type yeah you're gonna make me get up tag you're it no tag but I hear it no attack backs tag tag you're it no tag Max attack ow stay away I could attack me oh yeah yeah tag you're it thanks Daddy this is boring I'm done calm down on the beans bro I haven't even eaten one yet that's your first can we're all trapped in here together this place is not very well ventilated this right here is our only air source that's it so if you fart you're the fart in the toilet and flush it or you somehow get up there and fart up in the ceiling yo I got a magic trick for you all right you got high so check these out these are our unspeakable cards pick your card any card okay now show it to the audience so I'm gonna know exactly what card you have put it back in there so I'm gonna Shuffle this card around is this your card is that actually oh that's my God you're lying this is my card no you're lying gotten more food in Minecraft than I've gotten in real life bro I have 25 pieces of bread eight apples wait can you bake bread like if you put it in a ferment I am sorry boys I have to do it can I have some privacy oh Snorlax is going to be your door yeah you dirty sausage you need help like no I'm done did we hook up the water wait the water doesn't work so we're telling me four Dudes nothing but beans and the toilet oh gosh this is my worst nightmare bro stop eating beans I'm hungry stop eating beans you want me to starve I would rather you starve I'm trying to call Jordan again come on bro pick up the phone [Music] foreign [Music] stop it right now forget the bubbles why did anyone remember to feed Preston wait Preston one or two Preston one bro I don't think we fed him oh no we should go check on him boys where's the food there's nothing in here let's get ready to party [Applause] wait boys there's not even music playing yeah I know it was really lame I just didn't want to say anything I didn't want to kill your Vibe all right let's turn on the music okay [Music] that was a fun party bro all right the lights are coming on boys three two five so bright bro dude what is Gabe doing yo did you eat all the beans like seven beans so boys we've officially been in the bunker for I think almost 16 hours I'm losing track time and my phone's dead I can't call Jordan we have no more contact to the outside world wow that seems like the size of a fist no way it's real bro no way bro what where'd that come from Bro Look it's not real I just posted yeah look what if there's another one what if there's one in your bed bro chill kill technically we are underground so bugs could crawl through the ceiling I mean we have no right now there's heck of cobwebs up in that hole right really probably look at that so what do we do boys do we capture it maybe if you give it like a kiss like a throw stop with the bubbles what do you want to do do we feed it beans find out what it's first middle and last name is or how can this possibly get worse we've been trapping a bunker the only thing we've eaten is beans it smells like doodoo in here and now there's a spider all right let's contain the situation you want to give it a spoon of beans yeah let me give some beans or maybe it's hungry so we put it on here and then we put it inside the cabinet and then we close the cabinet it can live in the cabinet that's fine bro why is it butt flexing like the room it's getting ready to poison you my guy bro okay bro if I put it in the Jared close it yes yeah when we get out we'll get the spider out safely okay no spiders were harmed boys okay after we get done burning this place hey guys whenever I tell Jordan to commit to the bit he commits so hopefully he'll actually find the key why don't we like rearrange the place let's put the couch in front of the kitchen and then we can have more room for activities here all right I'm gonna sit here and direct you guys you got this boys I believe in you don't let your dreams I can't grab it bro come on let's go outside [Applause] if you do it if I do it do it it will fix it yes I've seen this on Tick Tock oh I like this part in um Transformers yo I'm just gonna set it out I can't believe you all around here TV you can set it up well I will I wait for us to be rescued by Rapunzel hey I'm going to bed what are you doing what are you a turtle there could be a spider in that couch you know I got my unspeakable merch guys I found the key I'm coming guys hey guys Cedric Nathan Gabe James what happened I'm tired of this metal box in the ground so now we have one with wheels my school bus we're gonna spend the next 50 hours in my school bus but every time we stop at a red light we have to pull a mystery challenge run out of gas on purpose is that our first red light first red light we got a full challenge this is our bucket of challenges I'm gonna pick a random one call Preston all right easy enough yo what's up Preston I was told to call you wait you found my wallet delivery it's going to be gone so I'm gonna go ship it down okay later good luck quick backstory two months ago when I went to Preston's house I lost my wallet we haven't been able to find it ever since but I guess he found it now he's shipping it to the middle of the desert bro where's the closest desert I don't want to interrupt you but we're coming up to a red light drive with all the windows open or turn the heater on full blast I would much rather open the windows every single window every single window yo look at this window back here it's massive Preston just sent me the address of the desert it's in New Mexico bro well I've never even been to Mexico this is New Mexico there's an Old Mexico we're gonna need a lot of gas all right bro what does the card say shop blindfolded whatever you touch you have to buy all right James find us the closest store what is that oh we need a Bluetooth speaker we have no Ox on the bus wait I'll take it all right all right there we go one two oh it feels soft six all right that's all we need what did we just get six of them he also grabbed this on accident so we have to grab it why is your hand go to the same direction all right we'll get this and something else grab something out yeah did I do a good job helicopter what is this a tent I'm in a tentile yo so what's this over here sorry now I have to buy both of these we're leaving 817 dollars later oh no guys we're stopping had a red line bro we I'm gonna pull out a card let's see what it says the good thing is we're about to get on a major highway for the next 300 miles and there's no red lights on the highway but this says try and hand out tacos at the next red light did I touch tacos back in Walmart you did not touch any tacos all right well I guess we will do that in 300 miles well I'm running them back we're taking off boys yeah yeah it's not really easy to fly a helicopter in a bus this is one thing I'm glad we got did I mention that there's no AC on this bus yeah bro can we can't fix it thanks Dave for picking this you're building the GT huh oh yeah you already know look boys we got a lot of time to spend in this bus and I got a lot of things to do yo this thing's big this is a Bluetooth speaker here we have a link going on in the house right now so um oh this thing gets loud unspeakable 2.0 you want to see all of behind the scenes content go to unspeakable 2.0 we have candy and we have a pinata you thinking what I'm thinking hang it up all right whole bag of Skittles whole bag of Eminem [Music] oh baby there it is the Ford GT baby I am terrible at building logos that's like an hour and a half hey you want some gum yeah let's take some gum all right it's in the pinati here's your tool oh yeah all right oh bro there's so much candy in here red light are you kidding me because light all right boys go through a drive through but you can only whisper I am kind of hungry we do need tacos so let's go a little bit of a problem I don't know if we fit through the drive-through you're good bro am I yeah you got like a whole foot bye Cedric we're leaving you here can I get a chicken quesadilla a number six do I think okay number seven hot sauce number seven uh yes some hot fires can we get the the blue raspberry freeze water okay so I 56.99 100 hours on a freaking bus why did we agree to do this I don't know for your quality entertainment so if you could subscribe right now because I'm overheating there's no AC in here driving to a desert I'm just surprised this thing still runs after the cereal there's still cereal on the ground there's a lot of jars thank you look at all these tacos we're trying to figure out how to fix the AC did you check number 19. well none of them say ac they all say heater bro I'm not plus maintenance man bro we literally have y'all gotta pull a card bro so it says every green car you see you have to add some Legos in your shoes doesn't say all of your shoes this is your shoes that's a green truck it's like diarrhea green that's good enough two doors and some leggies double green the quicker you find green cars the faster you're done with those oh yeah so in meanwhile we need some trick shots that red cup this white ball [Applause] oh [Applause] now there's a fan blowing the ball away from the cup yo I thought you made it I was really close honestly it's very accurate [Applause] whoa all right you ready got some trick shots coming your way we're still really far away from this desert but we're on our way and this bus is not gonna break down we even bought some coolant that is called Preston prestani we are making it to this desert I'm getting my wallet and then we're gonna drive even more this is a solid red pull a card I'm getting the bucket buy an iPhone in the next 30 minutes that's all it says bro we're in the middle of nowhere where we can find an iPhone you think we can buy someone's iPhone well we got 30 minutes to buy and iPhone there's a Walmart 27 minutes 27 minutes bro we gotta get that iPhone now we have no time to waste yeah boys eight minutes and 20 seconds to buy an iPhone and as you can see we're in the middle of nowhere wait do we have to get back to the bus in four minutes no just find the iPhone oh okay green lights only baby let's go how much time we got left we have three minutes and 29 seconds watch this bro who's got a credit card literally run in that Walmart bro I got Daddy's Money let's go boys [Music] oh tranquility yeah Electronics you think it gets in the back right on that side oh toys are right here I found an iPhone iPhone phone phone phone okay I think James is uh getting a worker right now oh yes good boy okay no what they told us was the person that works in the phone section left 20 minutes ago so we can't buy an iPhone but now we're doing the news yo we got it did you get it it must have been like 10 seconds but we got where's it at in the store what do you mean so we found the challenge maybe the next thing we'll pull it will be something good I don't know now we got trusty old gay driving the bus Gabe please do not hit any red lights I'm just trying to get there without stopping bro I'd rather get there in one piece I'm still bringing um breast Stone e with us just in case the bus breaks down this Gabe's first time driving a bus Gabe how's it going no bro there's a red light up there no when we see it so by the time we get there there's She Green right no it's still it's stood homie oh it's raining we're good we're good look at all the traffic lights all the way up there that's a lot of red lights wow no oh it's green it's green they're all green that's like the fourth green light we've got green another green light let's go [Applause] I have an envelope run out of gas on purpose on purpose so we can't fill up that's what it says no we got hitchhiking the rest of the way to Mexico New Mexico oh my gosh my bald spot is growing okay boys this is a problem we have half a tank of gas now we have to run out of gas on purpose that's the next challenge bro as of right now we arrive at 4 30 a.m I've never built a tent inside a bus before it's kind of difficult is it busted yeah it's Tintin bro why are you flooring it and then breaking because you're trying to make gas come on no I'm just trying to get there quicker I think we got a freaking tip we got a tent and a bus I guess we just wait till we run out of gas right that was a campfire that's not a good idea [Music] Gabe I have an idea we're about to run out of gas I have a friend that has an RV I can text them and see if he can come pick us up and help us how long would it take I don't know if I can text him right now bro look at our gas gauge it's it's getting lower and lower you know at this point I'm just showing Center to sleep look at him I'm so excited to run out of gas and get stuck in the middle of nowhere for hours I have not seen a building for 30 minutes bro do we have a flat tire we might have a flat tire oh bro definitely a flat tire legit I feel it oh your engine's blown bro no I think we have a flat like legit bro we didn't even run out of gas we got a flat before gas oh dude I smell it oh yeah bro look this is obviously an issue the problem is it's almost midnight there's not a single tire shop around us the closest gas station is 15 miles away but good news geez my friend Brian is on the way with an RV he's two hours away he's gonna pick us up and we're gonna continue the journey we're gonna leave the bus on the side of the road so what do you want to do for two hours [Music] yeah yeah they're here they're here oh my gosh it's been so long is that it that's it let's go boys I need to grab my stuff mate Lifesaver screw the bus boys I know what you're thinking unspeakable this is not 100 hours in a bus anymore it's still a bus hop in boys I'm getting in yo thank you for the ride man oh my gosh yo this is nice wow this is really nice hey wait till you see the giant bed wait bro is this considered cheating no this is not cheating it's just a nicer butt oh you're not wrong thank you brother for the pickup I appreciate it [Music] as you can clearly see we've made it to the desert 500 years later approximately one minute to the address that Preston sent bro we're literally driving down the sand right now look at this I hope my package is actually here this was such a long journey okay we got it I don't know why the box is so big to put my wallet inside you can't let your enemies know your next move bro right what if it's another challenge is it just empty look in the box our school bus didn't have a toilet so we're gonna survive in the world's biggest toilet not this one it's finally here oh the men of the hour is coming right now Mr Ryan himself ladies and gentlemen thank you so much bringing this for us yo is that a giant toilet what's up man Nathan good to meet you wait you made this toilet yeah you ready to survive like 24 hours in it oh wait no is this no oh no no no hop on in is this my commit to the bit this is your commit to the visit you know honestly I'm okay with this bro I can straight up relax in here until we start punishing you laughs all right all right we're at challenge one you have to stick one of these plungers on the backboard no way you better stick one of them [Music] nope oh I can't wait to punish you please don't get it yeah it's not looking so good got you a snack you're gonna need to get rid of that I'm a unspeakable merch here you go oh you did that oh that was close come on man [Laughter] who's this doing it here finding such great Treasures I'm definitely surviving in this toilet all day not even 12 minutes yeah what happened bro bro you gave me a toilet but not even a brush you got some ice because it's really hot out here oh let's throw the bags in there yeah might as well you can't even open them up yo it's freezing bro boys I need some cleaning supplies bro I need some toilet paper I got you bro I got you I'll be right back we are now going to attempt to flush the toilet a pretty powerful clutch oh yo real dirty this is some thick stuff 2003. she's done you want to be able to move put it on this thing right here right here the whole freaking way they have a toilet go-kart yes perfect yeah all right let's give this a go oh we're moving no freaking way I can't believe I'm driving a toilet around my go-kart track right now yeah dude [Music] I'm going to Taco Bell we're about to go on the main road the toilet cannot register as an actual car so we do need police to help us get to our locations let me show you the controls of the toilet so we got the steering wheel this is the turn it on we got the horn this right here is the gas and then this is the break [Music] not a police escort for a freaking toilet yeah boy yeah this dude's on the road in a giant toilet he's really happy smashing this hilarious bro I feel like Aladdin thank you hold me like Titanic [Music] first stop Walmart because we need some toilet paper all right so this is curbside pickup they told us we're number five so I'm just waiting on my toilet paper now oh yeah it's just a big toilet you probably have one of these in your house right you're actually picking an order up though yeah what's up man what's up what's up I didn't know I ordered this much chocolate milk oh yes okay thank you yo that better be whole milk and not two percent y'all ever seen a toilet fill up with gas we're on a different level here at unspeakable we commit to the bit but we commit Taco Bell after this bro I'm trying bro oh boys we out here running red lights this is GTA but I got a toilet is this what freedom feels like thanks Ryan for letting me use your toilet it's a beautiful day oh my gosh you know what I just noticed it's a turtle and a toilet you know what happens when the poop's barely coming out of your butt oh this is lit we've driven by four miles oh no oh no no toilet problem the wheels just fell off oh dude it's destroyed you're gonna need new rim and tire no oh my toilet no this brings back memories all right I'm so sorry for bringing you toilet I think if you're on a flat ground it'll be fine it's gonna work you shove it on there put it on and you just go it'll work oh my gosh yes I've been saved we're still going to Taco Bell boys all right boys so we are here at Taco Bell as you can see that's Taco Bell unfortunately we're not going to put a tire on it we're just going to be scraping Rim look that does not sound good hi how's it going could I get a burrito but could I only get beans on it and then could I get some of your soft tacos because I'll do four of those and then I'll do um your chicken quesadilla and that's it all right thank you hey how's it going thank you have a good one yeah have you ever seen a toilet come through yeah we're gonna take it down the highway next [Music] I'm here at uh Home Depot all right boys go give me a sink I need a matching sink yes sir I need a matching one to match this one right here it's more like a pastel white wait 30 32 32 32. we're trying to find a matching sink wow are you subscribed these guys are subscribed if you guys subscribe maybe one day you'll meet me in a toilet it'll be a weird experience it's really paper I think they're checking out right now the toilet is a big hit anyone wants some chocolate no not this kind of I got real chocolate a nice watch your toes care man got some toilet paper too it's a big old white sink that matches the toilet bro I like it I approve I guess take me wherever we're going next I got all my friends all my boys in the toilet that was your boyfriend what what we going up on a toilet how's this look boys starting to rip yeah there's a lot of cars here yes oh it's coming out stop it stop it I can't believe we stopped traffic to do this and it's on a trailer commit to the bit and leave a like on this video and click that subscribe button I'm also going to commit you to the bit to get some fresh merch www.speakable.com thank you I'm gonna plunge away this message I feel like we're on a parade a smiley wave [Applause] give me a Chia it's the right moment brother it's been so long brother bro that was hard I can feel it I can feel the vibrations [Music] we had to put Nathan in the garage because he doesn't fit in the house I'm still awake we brought your stuff so you can he's awake oh you brought oh there you go nice pillow in a blanket and need anything else I only make my bed bro no way I'm sleepy like this this is so uncomfortable I'm gonna wake up with the worst in that cramp ah yes that is so much better we found a big sloth now you have a zoo power with you I got you oh yeah I've left it for you where are you guys gonna stay in the bed like a normal person this is actually super comfy I'm not even gonna lie well you get a good night's sleep because we're waking up right at the crack of dawn five in the morning ain't no way you're waking up at five I'll see you at 10 Jordan can you kiss my bald head good night [Music] oh so cute we'll go to bed bugs [Music] why'd you do that this is kind of lit oh dude you left the paddle on there you know what's better than a giant toilet Minecraft we built a floating Minecraft house in real life and we have to survive on it we're gonna be surviving the next 100 days on this floating Minecraft house but we're starting with nothing will we be able to survive for 100 days stay tuned till the end of the video to see if we actually come out alive we got a raft boys we have no walls hey go get some sticks so we can make some Minecraft blocks in Minecraft every day is 10 minutes and day one is complete on today two a big one you want more dude all right see you later James bye Minecraft boat baby I don't have a paddle day five trade tried there's a big bug on your back bro bro smack it bro that was like a wasp hybrid day six we're attempting to go under our first Bridge boys it doesn't fit I'm Gonna Keep Going why Boop chill it doesn't fit we need food got three sticks and that's all you need for a fishing pole I got a motor we're good yeah day six complete now we're on day seven James are still fishing done day seven James hasn't caught anything day eight James got a fish day eight is complete I think it's an airplane again get me on a new rap because this man keeps farting and it smells I hate beans this morning sorry we can grab this and attach it to our other one so day nine is complete day ten we're stranded Gabe broke the boat now we're gonna dispatch I haven't unlocked this part of the map yet I seem to be leaving the property those two over there seem to be sharing good it's kind of suspicious I don't know look at that I think it's a trading post look at all the wood bro we can take all that wood and build our freaking house let's steal it [Music] day 11 complete we robbed the village okay 12 complete our raft is bigger time to find some resources Cobblestone and a crafting table wait yes oh look at that oh a pickaxe let's go I got a pickaxe on day 13. be on the lookout for some tools let's head back to the raft yeah I got the bow this is an enchantment full okay so now we're on day 16. all right boys we're about to go explore new land I think we'll make it under the bridge send it full speed full speed baby oh yeah we got this yo oh no we're gonna have to rebuild but it's fine our motor and our boat is not fast enough to pull us under this bridge I'm gonna have to go find another boat I'm gonna untie you guys I'll be back though I salute you good friend he's not coming back if we get an arrow we tie this string to it it hits a tree and then we could pull ourselves to new land I got the tree all right pause the show where's the Rope you didn't tie it on there yeah it's been about time it's been two days he's not back now we're gonna get through that bridge [Applause] [Music] fun new I got another rat we've made it to new land but we gotta rebuild this entire house bro it's absolutely destroyed so we've been slacking on the days a little bit yeah we gotta catch up we did that one two half of 24 today let's go find some more stuff is that a piece of paper clue number one 80 more days you have left to stay living on this raft a cast away I still have a few tricks up my sleeve but you'll only keep them if you choose not to leave yo boys I think we're finding treasure keep this keep this okay uh James can you hop on this raft while we take it back that's us I'm coming boys okay for the last 25 days we've been doing nothing but trying to improve this wrap I think it's time to have a little bit of fun [Music] we claim this right boys we got another one we're gonna have such a big house we're about to have a mansion bro hey Gabe you want to come inspect my engineering good stuff yay we spent three days looking for these wraps I think right that's already 30 30. it's a good bread I got the milk oh my God I got the groceries got some bubble gum I got some water you've been gone for two days and you got water and bubble gum yeah I'm gonna go look for a ton of supplies I'll see you on day 40. what the frick is this can't reach it I'm gonna have to chop down this tree oh you freaking serious it's a can of beans wait beans where do we keep all our beans I know it's been two days your potatoes why are they standing up I don't know that's low-key says we have found Santa's there's only one place where we keep our beans and it's in the freaking bunker boys let's go wait what is this it's like a captain outfit is that for me don't mind if I do so this is what I found in the bunker I don't really know what it means but I think I'm supposed to be a captain back to the Minecraft boat all righty you're back day 40 baby we're almost halfway there all right so what are you getting dirt for potatoes all right boys we're gonna try to make a farm IRL yo I got you bro let me take it come here take this phone it was him it wasn't me freaking great cats take this mulch I got something better it's a canopy it's been two days on day 42. we have a couple more hours of daylight all right I'm gonna put them in now we wait on to day 46. oh yeah you smell that that's Perfection right there I'm not gonna question it I'm just gonna eat it dig in baby good boy bro we need some more freaking food we also need some charcoal I'm gonna go mine for some coal boys I guess we'll just start digging let's check over by this tree oh look at that we got cold baby all right boys so we got the coal we're about to start the grill we also got the beef cooking food we're on a mission to find more blocks for the house to fortify it before the sun goes down hopefully we can find some cobblestone here to find my Cobblestone oh yo there's blocks in here okay I need to figure out a way to get these over to them there's a raft right here back on the blocks on the raft tow it behind the jet ski and bring it back to the boys another raft baby let's go boys this wrapped is massive now and we got steaks cooking it's gonna be a beautiful night my man more than halfway done okay okay it's working oh that boy smelled good this is where we're gonna put the couch we got couches in Minecraft yeah bro furniture mod it's day 70. we've been working all day we're gonna take a nap all right bro I'm going to sleep oh my bed just gets stolen wake up wake up wake up wake up put down it's day 90. no way we slept for 20 days we haven't even found out all the final Clues yet we're talking about that riddle we have yeah we got 10 more days and also I think there's an Enderman haunting us somewhere why well my bed just got jacked homie we're gonna detach from the motherland and we're gonna go set sail to solve this riddle all right boys yo we're on the hunt for something so be keeping your eyes out use those flashlights we're looking for anything oh it's a gym Beetle wow we've been adventuring the whole day has passed wow we are adventuring and looking for June bugs a whole nother day pass you guys see anything yet I don't see nothing y'all you know what is this what is this what is this that's a kidney it's a paddle boat make going why are they flipped upside down yo this was not here like two hours ago oh [Music] it's a picture of the house with an X by the front gate all right boys uh I guess we're going to the front Okay okay we've got some fun transit's taking a while we're now on day 95 boys we're about to find whatever this is where are we going again so just go to the front gate you see the two lights up there all right we're almost there four more days left we gotta find what this is now that looks suss bro someone just buried something yo we would forget the pickaxe I hope there's not like a snake in here or something all right I'm using this rock yeah that's a good idea bro am I digging in the right spot no dig on the spot hey guys yo has that been here the whole time wait you hear that oh snap there is something there oh there we go there we go what else is in here what else is in here we got unspeakable blanket we got more fresh fruits wait there's something in here let me go back to the raft and sleep
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 15,275,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: 9hF1UtAVYlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 23sec (4163 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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