Which Raft can Survive the OCEAN? $10 vs $1000 BUDGET CHALLENGE!

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today we'll be building rafts to see if we can survive in the open ocean whatever is able to last long is on the raft without sinking is the winner but not all rafts will be equal we're going to be doing a challenge to see who gets the biggest and best budget to build their beautiful little raft you guys have two minutes to bring me a rock whoever brings me the biggest rock gets the biggest budget go go what are you gonna do with your rock ryan i'm gonna ride it like the old pioneers time's up all right let's see that's the biggest rock you didn't bring me a rock in time but i'll let it slide these almost look the same well i think it's obvious who wins so i guess a thousand dollar budget since this is a tie whoever could throw the rock the farthest oh god all right so chris clearly won that i have a thousand dollar budget chris you're a 500 budget robert you have a 100 budget we're gonna be building our rafts and then we're gonna head to the beach and we're gonna ride some waves let's get dangy we're going to walmart because robert over here he only has a hundred dollars in walmart is pay what's the motto live more save less live more save less at this point wait liv what's the motto save more i don't know there's some some slogan i'm just gonna buy sand toys at this point so i could just play in the sand and forfeit my selection go for 100 bucks air mattresses duct tape pump and some rope do you think you're going to survive the wave no bonus point if we can surf our raft that's gonna be epic now we're moving on up in the budget world we're at a local sporting goods store so we'll see if i can get some cool stuff here for my boat so i actually couldn't find anything in my budget for a guy so we have to find you another store huh yeah for me though i got a bunch of inflatables and i'm gonna make an epic giant inflatable raft i'm gonna be high above the water i i'm honestly confident i can surf this thing this thing is heavy okay hopefully this is our last stop we're at val surf i still need to build a wrap rob also we're gonna have a gentleman's agreement that uh we're not i mean that we can get wetsuits because it's december and it's really freezing so this is not countable but wait it's cold all right let's head in [Music] check out all these flotation devices with a surfboard and six boogie boogies um basically just gonna use a bunch of rope tie these all together in a really cool looking fashion like a pontoon boat made out of surfboards and bodyboards precisely six buggy boards and six at boogers no boogies used in this boat so my design is i'm going to be making a crazy like giant boat out of these different inflatables and i honestly think that's going to be indestructible i'm going to be high above the water i'm going to surf the waves and get those bonus points i'm going to be the winner of this challenge i am not confident whatsoever i might float but those waves are probably going to knock me off for my build i'm literally just stacking a mattress on top of another mattress duct taping it wrapping rope around it very exciting stuff you don't want to miss it so this is the basic structure of my build and honestly i know that i have the medium budget but i think i have the worst draft so i disagree i think it's going to be great chris oh thanks jeff i'm just going to try and make it look not like a seal because then i'll probably get eaten by a great white shark and i don't want that to happen so let's just hope the rope holds up guys you're about to be completely amazed mine completely blown look at that it's working please comment down the section below genius absolute genius four more inflatables to go how's it going chris not good no all i have is string to attach this i think the waves are going to tear it up to be honest well you don't know until you know we're now beginning the taping process it doesn't look like it's sticking to this material that well which is kind of a problem unless i just flip it around watch this shouldn't come off this easily this is supposed to be super strong duct tape and i got it because it says t-rex tape and that sounds pretty cool to me one really important thing about my wrap when triple knots aren't enough make sure to just put like 17 more knots on there just in case because we are dealing with the ocean the ocean you know isn't going to give two flying poos about you so if you couldn't tell my raft is very highly engineered so the ocean it goes up and down you know waves crash everywhere this has like a bunch of swivels so this swivels this way this swivels this way lots of engineering going on um and that's gonna keep me on the raft no matter how big the wave is feeling pretty confident you're gonna surf the waves for sure exactly what the heck is that aaron i'm sorry but you're gonna be a part of my raft rob i think this is gonna work bro um i don't have a lot of rope actually i thought i had more that's it yeah you went around like three times my inflatables are complete now it's time for the magic and i brought a sawzall because i couldn't find a knife i need something to cut this rope so we're going to be overkilling it with the uh rope cutting well i got five inflatables let me show you the layout we're gonna have one like this one like it is one like it is and we're gonna have one like this and then i'm gonna tie all these together and then this guy mr pitstop is gonna put them all together i'm gonna be riding some waves for miles this looks crazy dude it's like a water spacecraft how are we gonna fit this in the truck no idea maybe we'll use the trailer i'm almost done with my build this is what i like to call the oh no handles when all goes wrong grab onto these no i don't get splinters so that way i can just be like oh no i'm doomed all right just put that in the truck this is my here finish raft it's really dirty obviously there's a lot of dirt everywhere i just don't know if it's gonna stay together i hope so i got rope i got duct tape but the duct tape don't stick too well so uh i'm gonna get clobbered absolutely clobbered by these waves currently just wrapped is flying in the air oh my gosh dude it's gonna fly out we've been on the road for five minutes we have like an hour left i don't know if we're gonna make it jess it's terrible i don't want to get him we need dad aaron to stop and help us dude look at that oh my this hiding it was before we are gonna get pulled over oh my gosh what is happening strap this puppy down boys oh dude the strap ripped yeah so did this thing this thing got obliterated what the heck all right we got it strapped down hopefully it's good now we'll find out hopefully hopefully this is dangerous we are now headed to the beach and you guys are going to see our boats we'll see if they float on the moat and then if i win i'm going to gloat about it don't go across the street we are ready with our boats we're gonna name them mine is gonna be called the barrel crusher mine's the very unengineered wave rider i got surf and sleep all right well let's take these out in the water and see who survives the longest so if you fall off your raft you're out shoot i'm scared or if it falls apart you're out or if a great white shark eats you you're out three two one go oh this is dg all right let's see if it flows that's so cold my feet are freezing oh no oh no oh no oh no help me oh i'm scared look at that mine's so heavy and taken past his way dude that's a big wave coming this is daisy this is not good the wave just freaking knocked me off my feet dude this is impossible i know i'm out of breath already all right i'm surfing look at me look at me i'm done oh my chris this thing came off oh chrissy's wrap fell apart here we go i'm holding on for dear life the waves are brutal out there my boat got absolutely destroyed by waves and i also think i lost some of my dignity well we'll see who wins look at that he survived well that's a rip for me boys i definitely prefer it up here on the beach i'm done dude that's so scary but your raft is still together forfeiting out of fear jeff is automatically the winner oh my gosh he's actually out there he got so far out there oh my god that's crazy how did he do that i don't know peaceful here in my boat it works well it hasn't flipped over hi aaron hi oh how do you feel about your rock it got hit by a pretty big weight it didn't flip so should we take this one maybe we have to paddle in a little bit we can get a wave i'm a little scared will you take the weight with me here of course brother are we dead oh my god yeah you searched it too they're back they made it they made it dude that was an epic way to win i got the extra points for riding a wave all the way in thank you so do i win too i feel like well it looks like jeff and aaron are the winners of this challenge that was so fun i felt like i was floating on a cloud we really hope you enjoyed today's video click right here for a previous click right here for a video youtube recommends brazilian free and we'll see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 8,790,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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