Stories too creepy to be real

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what is the scariest creepiest thing you have seen hurt I'd been living alone for less than a week I got some Chinese takeout and was eating in front of the TV I finished my meal and cracked open the fortune cookie it read you will have a visitor tonight lock your door there were no visitors that night but the memory still haunts me there is a [ __ ] thread somewhere that described a guy taking a scenic route in the middle of the night to get to a certain town he was driving up a hill and came upon a car accident with two cars on the side of the road and a person lying down on the ground for some reason he caught a bad vibe from it and slowly drove past the scene he stopped about 100 feet past it looked behind him and the person on the ground was standing up and staring at him with about twenty other people coming out of the woods nope after living in my house alone for eight years I came to the realization that I had closed a lot more doors than I had opened I was once in a hot tub with some friends late at night and we were all telling some stories one of the guys told us this one a story of a girl he knows not sure if it's true but multiple people in the hot of who knew her verified it was true so one day this girl was cooled over to Babis it she did it a lot for these people so it was routine for her anyways she was told to put the kids to bed at 9:00 and she did after she put that a bed she started watching TV and doing homework waiting for the parents to come home but then she started hearing some noises coming out of the basement like pans falling and stuff she just ignored it and thought it was the washing machine or something anyways a little later she starts hearing the noises again she decides to call the police and tell them she was hearing noises coming out of the basement at the house she's babysitting at the lady at the station told her there's a patroller in her area and that he'll be at the house in about 20 minutes anyways in about five minutes she has a knock on the door she answers and it's a full SWAT team she asked I thought they were just sending a patroller and one of the guys told her after you hung up the phone we heard a second phone on the line hang up and it up there was a man in the basement listening to the conversation the lady in the station waited and heard him hang up then immediately sent the SWAT team to help they went downstairs and caught him he was wanted for multiple cases of murder the smiling man about five years ago I live downtown in a major city in the US I've always been a night person so I would often find myself bored after my roommate who was decidedly not a night person went to sleep to pass the time I used to go for long walks and spend the time thinking I spent four years like that walking alone at night and never once had a reason to feel afraid I always used to joke with my roommate that even the dog dealers in the city were polite but all of that changed in just a few minutes of one evening it was a Wednesday some Wed between 1:00 and 2:00 in the morning and I was walking near a police patrolled park quite a ways from my apartment it was a quiet night even for a weeknight with very little traffic and almost no one on foot the park as it was most nights was completely empty I turned down a short side street in order to loop back to my apartment when I first noticed him at the far end of the street on my side was the silhouette of a man dancing it was a strange dance similar to walls but he finished each box with a nod forward stride I guess you could say he was dance walking headed straight for me deciding he was probably drunk I stepped as close as I could to the road to give him the majority of the sidewalk to pass me by the closer he got the more I realized how gracefully he was moving he was very tall and lanky and wearing an old suit he danced closer still until I could make out his face his eyes were opened widened wild head tilted back slightly at the sky his mouth was formed in a painfully wide cartoon of a smile between the eyes and the smile I decided to cross the street before he danced any closer I took my eyes off of him to cross the MT Street as I reached the other side I glanced back then stopped dead in my tracks he had stopped dancing and was standing with one foot in the street perfectly parallel to me he was facing me but still looking skyward smile still wide on his lips I was completely and utterly unnerved by this I started walking again but kept my eyes on the man he didn't move once I had put about half a block between us I turned away from him for a moment to watch the sidewalk in front of me the street and sidewalk ahead of me were completely empty still unnerved I looked back to where he had been standing to find him gone for the briefest of moments I felt relieved until I noticed him he had crossed the street and was now slightly crouched down I couldn't tell for sure due to the distance and the shadows but I was certain he was facing me I had looked away from him for no more than 10 seconds so it was clear that he had moved fast I was so shocked that I stood there for some time staring at him and then he started moving toward me again he took giant exaggerated tiptoed steps as if he were a cartoon character sneaking up on someone except he was moving very very quickly I'd like to say at this point I ran away or pulled out my pepper spray or my cellphone or anything at all but I didn't I just stood there completely frozen as the smiling man crept toward me and then he stopped again about a car lengths away from me still smiling his smile still looking to the sky when I finally found my voice I blurted out the first thing that came to mind what I meant to ask was what the f do you want in an angry commanding tone what came out was a whimper what the fu you regardless of whether or not humans can smell fear they can certainly hear it I heard it in my own voice and that only made me more afraid but he didn't react to it at all he just stood there smiling and then after what felt like forever he turned around very slowly and started dance walking away just like that not wanting to turn my back to him again I just watched him go until he was far enough away to almost be out of sight and then I realized something he wasn't moving away anymore nor was he dancing I watched in horror as the distant shape of him grew larger and larger he was coming back my way and this time he was running I ran to I ran until I was off of the side road and back onto a better lit Road with sparse traffic looking behind me there he was nowhere to be found the rest of the way home I kept glancing over my shoulder always expecting to see his stupid smile but he was never there I lived in that city for six months after that night and I never went out for another walk there was something about his face that always haunted me he didn't look drunk he didn't look high he looked completely and utterly insane and that's a very very scary thing to see I used to work in a trailer park for my parents quite often people would start using methamphetamine begin to fall behind on rent and get evicted whenever we evicted someone their trailer was usually to taunt us to actually do anything useful with it essentially to prevent having a Pylos trailer in the middle of the park we'd buy it from them and just tear it down anyway the the scary creepy part many of these occupants had children more than half of all of all of the children's rooms I found had locks on the doors from the outside inside the children's rooms it was always quite evident that the kids would sometimes be locked inside for days at a time due to the bathroom corners that would sometimes appear the doors on the insides of the rooms typically had scratch marks along the edge of the door and the doorframe getting rid of all of the stuff inside before beginning demolition always frightened me I was always afraid that I'd end up finding a dead child somewhere among the filth it never happened but the odds of it potentially happening were in my opinion quite high I was babysitting my nieces one Friday night while my brother-in-law took his wife to dinner she has a strict bedtime of 8:00 p.m. so after successfully getting her to sleep no small task I decided I would watch the sky full movie that people wouldn't shut up about about halfway into the movie I am absolutely chilled to the bone when Sophie who sneaks out of bed and behind the couch says directly into my ear mere inches away you know James Bond murdered Jesus right I haven't offered to watch her again I saw this little bird walking on the street when suddenly a seagull grabbed it in its mouth seagull started to smash this helpless bird against the ground few times after a while it ate the bird and I saw a bump on Siegel's neck like the bird was stuck in its throat then it flew off I was just standing there and said what the f seagulls shouldn't do that f seagulls might had died of cancer the day I turned 16 after about two weeks in a coma it was really fast less than two months between diagnosis and death he died in the house we had a hospice attendant and my mum was very good about seeing to him in those final days anyway a lot of which happened after he passed but the one that still freaks me out when I think about it happened about 12 hours before he took to bed for the last time he was in our living room napping on the couch while my mom was in the kitchen cooking no one else was home suddenly he jerked awake and was shouting for my mom and a very loud agitated voice clearly angry with her Beverley don't do that don't ever do that again she ran into the room alarmed and asked what he was talking about and he said don't do that don't walk past me like that in that long black wake sometimes I think he saw death I was about 15 minutes from finishing the night shift at work when there was a massive crash on one of the windows in the office so I get up and go to check it out someone has thrown quite a sizable rock through one of the windows on the front of the building this is made especially weird because I'm working in the industrial district at 11:30 at night with none of the other businesses open I go back to my desk put a quick call through to security to let them know and decide to head home as I'm leaving the building I'm freaking myself out about it more and more and end up running to my car getting in and taking off I'm almost home and I started to calm down a bit when I realized that I didn't unlock my car when I got it it had been unlocked the whole time I do a quick check with my hand in the backseat for any possible murder as that might be hanging around there but there's nothing there fast forward 30 minutes I've called a friend of mine who says he is out drinking so I decide I'm going to join him I jump on my bicycle and start riding over I'm doodling along the road on my bike it's a nice night and I'm in no big rush just enjoying the moonlight when I hear someone riding behind me I straighten up and stick to one side of the road he passes me really slowly and when he is right beside me he shoots me a smile I can describe as purely insane I kind of flinch and am taken aback as he rides on that's when I realize he is riding my mom's bike needless to say I sprint home when I get there sure enough a bike is missing and one of my car's doors is open the back left one I was driving and had no need to open that door maybe not the creepiest but what's on my mind right now I just moved into this house a year ago there are child sized handprints on one of my bathroom walls permanent handprints you can only see from a certain mangle like what water exposure does to paint the previous owners have no idea what I'm talking about and I don't know how they got there woke up one night around 1:00 a.m. heard the shower was on I first thought it was my brother he works night shifts so thought he had came home late and was in the shower it went on for about half an hour until I got up and went to see WTF he was doing no one was in the shower my brother wasn't home yet I was the only one in the house still to this day I have no idea how it turned on or who did it almost five years later I still think about it in SH myself even writing this now I feel like turning every light on in the house at Hawaii I do I do this to myself I also had this once I came home and heared the shower was on I moved to the kitchen my bathroom is connected through the kitchen and see loads of steam coming out of the bathroom at this point I was scared beyond belief but I had to check it out so I checked it out and the shower was on with streaming hot water the only logical explanation is that I have a shower mat which I usually drape over the shower head and the shower mat had fallen down so I can conclude the shower mat hit the heat valve right I house-sit for a family friend when she goes out of town the woman who lives there is really into a bunch of spiritual stuff New Age stuff ryouki etc the very first time I was house-sitting I was outside watering the plants I was the only one there and had closed the door after me from the driveway where I was watering I had a completely unobstructed view of the front door the only door that was unlocked at the time when I went back inside there on the little table next to the front door was a half-eaten cookie the table had been completely clear when I went outside and I hadn't seen cookies that looked like that anywhere in the house nothing too creepy but very puzzling and unsettling when the woman returns I mention it to her Wren she laughs and says she gets ghosts all the time I'm a fairly skeptical person but honestly ghosts were the best explanation the next time I was over I was goofing around 10-30 the house itself is fairly old and creaks from time to time but nothing too loud or disruptive while I was proofing there comes a single loud knock from the other side of the bathroom door this wasn't a little creak or pop from the house it was allowed determined rap on the door it was enough to scare my poop back in for the rest of the night about a year ago I was climbing a tree in my front yard at around 4:30 a.m. I had walked a lady friend to her car and was killing time until I got the I'm home text and the weather was nice for tree climbing so I just did it this particular night my neighbors didn't lock their gate like they normally do even easy access to their tool shed lawn mower etc I guess the guy forgot it happens but it was definitely noticeable large gate right next to the road expensive old man tools so as I observed the gate from my lofty perch and considered all of the reasons it would be open I noticed a cut coming down my street very slowly eventually coming to a halt right in front of my neighbor's driveway I looked into the currants or two young men pointing and looking intently around his yard sketchy stirring daylight much more so at night after a minute or so of being too nervous to do anything at all I realized I was leaning pretty heavy on some branches exposing myself more than when these two had just driven up that was when it happened the guy in the passenger seat noticed me first he did a panicky sort of double take when he first saw me followed by what I generally assumed to be the words of and rapidly punching the driver in the arm attempting to look menacing I did the only thing I could think of which was held my arms up in a claw like posts like a fear axe when the driver saw me he did the same panicky double take before slamming the gas and holding a outta Dodge I like to think I was the creepiest scariest thing those two ever saw tree racks I was buying a house last year and one of the places I decided to look at was a renovated farmhouse the main building itself was pretty nice and I was considering it as an option but then the realtor took me to check out the old barn that was on the property from the outside it looked like it could be converted into a really nice workshop I walked inside and almost immediately felt thing fall on my head I brushed it away and did the get it off me dance until it fell to the ground it was a tiny spider then another drop on my head I repeated my freakout and got another largest spider out of my hair then I made the mistake of looking up there was a huge black spot on the wall which I realized after my eyes focused was the biggest air fine cluster of spiders I have ever seen in my life in that moment I was a faster sprint of the new Saint bolt I was playing around with a radio once when I was a kid just slowly spanning through the static trying to find a station I had found an old television antenna attached it to the side of our house and ran a wire out my window to it with an alligator clip attached to the radio antenna allowing me to get away broad a range of signals so I'm sitting there early in the morning like 2 a.m. slowly sweeping frequencies and suddenly I get to this station that's playing this very weird crackling sound it sounded sort of like cracking knuckles or maybe Rice Krispies cereal but with a fixed rhythmic pattern instead of being random i sat there listening to it for a second then it suddenly stopped and this faint voice says it doesn't work we're already dead we're already dead it took a second for the weight of the words to hit me but when they did I freak the hell out and almost threw the radio across the room I'm pretty sure it was just someone messing around with a radio transmitter the damned if it didn't scare the SH out of me at the time when to see the sixth sense when it first came out with my wife had just moved into our new house and my wife was pretty shaky when we came home we didn't have kids at this point she insisted that I go through all of the rooms in the house to check for who knows what being a dutiful husband by IRA Lindley went through all of the bedrooms and was finishing up in the guest bathroom the door was ajar and I pushed it open and right next to my head blough disturb Lud curdling scream ever turns out that the cat was behind the door and somehow had its tail in the jam and when I opened it it got pinched f man [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Redditors
Views: 259,588
Rating: 4.9505754 out of 5
Keywords: people share the scariest thing they've woken up to, scariest thing, scariest things, reddit stories, scariest, askreddit, reddit cringe, scary stories, best of reddit, askreddit scary, askreddit funny, creepiest things found, ask reddit, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit, creepiest scariest, top posts of all time, creepy stories, scary, true stories, best reddit posts, askreddit question, subreddit, reddit top posts, creepy, askreddit reading
Id: hBdTGlNQ6bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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