Creepy Gut Feelings That Came True

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what's the scariest gut feeling you had that came true Thanksgiving 2004 dreamt there'd be a massive wreck on i-5 decide to head to dinner early to avoid the time I dreamt of narrowly escaped a 12 car semi pileup by 30 seconds watched it in my rearview mirror now death will come back for you I think a gut feeling led to me not being kidnapped I was maybe nine at the time I was in a department store wandering on my own when all of a sudden the most terrible gut-wrenching feeling came over me I don't know how but I knew I had to get back to my mom I ran to the aisle she was in a man hurriedly followed me into the aisle when he saw her I was with my mother he stood there for a few seconds and stared at me before walking away I will never forget that feeling or his terrifying face Jesus had a gut feeling my house was on fire checked it was maybe that gut feeling was your sense of smell I worked at a hospital and frequently picked up extra shifts I worked overnights and had asked the supervisor to go ahead and put me down to work the next night well as the night went on I just felt awful like completely doomed I had never wanted so badly to be home I lived an hour away from my job so by the morning I called the supervisor and asked her to remove me from the schedule so I went home feeling and explained ibly scared by the time I woke up I was getting calls that an ef5 tornado had hit the town I worked in and the hospital I worked at what if everyone thinks you did it I was talking to my mom when she was coming back from an event and this wave of worry came over me I said mom be safe all right I'm sorry for arguing with you I love you not even 30 minutes later my sister texts me that they were hit by another car I started panicking and crying and then she said but we're all right I've never argued with my mom again you don't know what you've got till it's gone this is why I always tell my parents I love them after talking to them even if it's an argument and we're annoyed with each other or my mom calling me to ask me about a simple task I always tell them I love them because those would be the last words I want to share with them in case anything happened that the deer would run out onto the road something in my head told me to slam on the brakes so I did I ended up taking fur off of its but barely clipping it that's your subconscious doing its job you probably saw the deer or evidence of the deer and even before you realized you saw it your brain was already looking out for you good guy brain couple of posts today are bringing me back to a sad place I was going to bed and thought to myself that I should turn up my phone volume in case someone called me in the night with something serious I had no reason at all for that kind of thinking 5 a.m. my dad tells me my 57 year mom was taken to the emergency room she died five days later had a dream my ex left me for a specific guy even talk to her about it they are married now you planted the seed fun story couple weeks ago my GF knew for the first time in four years where she wanted to go for dinner when we got there she dumped me knew something was wrong the whole time but everything was fine when I'd asked at one point she refused to hold my hand and I asked her one more time gutturally you want to do this here by the time I was 13 my mom had been battling cancer for a year and a half it was a few days after my birthday and she was due for an IV port surgery the following morning just a simple day surgery right she came to my room to say goodnight and I freaked out for some reason I knew the surgery would not go well this is after she had lung surgery and multiple bouts of chemo and radiation on her chest and brain she reassured me that it was fine and that we would go bowling a few days later she never returned home during the surgery our remaining full lung collapsed and it went entirely downhill from there just over a month later she passed away I have no idea what caused my fear of that being the end but unfortunately I was right I used to work as a nurse in an old people's home I had great contact with one of the little old ladies there one night after having helped her get to bed I said good night see you tomorrow knowing I was coming in the next morning Oh No she said merrily I don't think we will see each other tomorrow it felt kind of off and I went home feeling strange about it when I came into work the next morning she had died peacefully in her sleep no more than a few hours after I'd left her when I was 12 my dad was a semi-truck driver one day after school I had a horrible feeling about him going to work the next day I had begged him in Sears to stay home from work but he just told me that he'd be home in time for dinner the next day he died in an accident with another semi early the next morning if my child ever begs me to stay home I'm staying home I woke up to like four million two hundred and nineteen thousand eight hundred and four calls from my family literally everyone but my brother I had a gut feeling something happened to him then my mom told me he had been in a car accident and they were still waiting for information about it I had a gut feeling he was dead I had never been so sure of something in my life I'm pretty sure I went through the five stages of grief backwards I started off with acceptance immediately I pretty much accepted that he was dead even before my sister called me with the confirmation my gut feeling was just that powerful I guess a friend asked me do you remember that guy by the name Thomas P I immediately knew he was dead it wasn't usual we were 18 it was the first ever of my friends who passed away hit by a bus like you I went from acceptance to being scared like like I said it was the first person from my generation that died made me realize death is not only about my grandparents generation this is going to sound lame but going up the escalator one evening after my soccer practice I was thinking what if I get up there and I see some woman get harassed by some guy what would I do would I help you no typical kids stuff thinking about whether or not you would do the heroic thing I then started thinking what if this actually happens and I thought about it before nobody will believe me then I thought what if it does happen and I actually thought about thinking about a TTC etc all that nonets I was about 13 - 14 years old and it was late really dark outside and almost nobody out when I arrived to the top of the escalator and out of the subway I see a woman walk past just as I see her a drunken man starts yelling at her cat calling calling names he sounded really violent and like he could actually harm her he started jogging drunkenly towards her and out of nowhere without even thinking about it I just screamed out hey as the word came out I remember thinking sure idiot why did you do that now you are dead and out of nowhere my mouth started going off again leave her alone again trembling really scared being 13 and all I remember feeling like I wasn't controlling my body or actions they just happened I was holding my soccer ball under one arm and my workout back in my other so wasn't really fit for running or fighting Laurel fighting I was 13 I was a twig at best he turns to me and starts yelling himself's he starts walking towards me saying how he will kick my head and like you would kick that ball I remember thinking damn I gotta run but my legs refused it felt wrong to run while she was still there knowing I couldn't fight or run I just kinda circled him while scarce less until she had walked away far enough then as he almost caught me I jogged away in the same direction the woman went I remember walking trembling being really surprised at what I did because none of it was on purpose it just happened words and actions came out of me like a renegade fart eventually when we got far enough the woman turned around and thanked me I remember feeling like a major boss then and proud of myself I told my parents and they didn't believe me told my best friend and he didn't believe me so I stopped telling anyone not really mine but I think it counts my mum was going to the dentist a few years ago and she decided that she wanted to bring my brothers and I but at the last second she said that we should stay home because she felt something wrong later that day I got a phone call from her and her voice was very weak saying how I should not worry and that she would be fine she was in a car accident in the passenger side where I always said caved in at least three feet and if I was sitting there I would have been toast I love you mom when I was in my late teens I was hanging out with a friend in my room suddenly I started feeling panicky with something telling me to leave the house I decided to listen to my gut and told my friend we had to go to the store right now went outside to find my dad passed out in his truck looking really sick and pale me and my friend pulled him out of the truck and he called 9-1-1 while i performed cpr on my dad and saved his life later found out he had overdosed and choked who knows what would have happened if I didn't have the overwhelming urge to walk to the store for no reason I'm a triplet one of my brother's bikes a lot I got home from class one day and heard an ambulance going by I was like oh snapdragons I hope my brothers are okay sure enough five minutes later mum pulled and said bicycle bro done broken his leg I hope he was broke eh my brother had rolandic epilepsy and won all of the doctor said it would be fine and he would grow out of it I found myself laying awake every night unable to sleep just focusing on the sound of his breathing and listening for a seizure then one night he had a seizure and somehow I did not hear him he died in his sleep and it haunts me to know that I was likely laying there awake in bed unable to sleep and in the other room his condition always scared me yet somehow I always thought it would be my dad that would die he's a probation officer and I feared he would be killed at his job and I would lie awake at night crying / imagine scenarios of his death I may not have predicted the exact course of events but pretty much all of my childhood fears came true ever since then I've been unable to dismiss feelings of dread sometimes because well what if something else comes true [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Redditors Studios
Views: 386,413
Rating: 4.9414282 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, gut feeling, askreddit funny, r/askreddit, askreddit gut feeling, gut feeling askreddit, askreddit stories, gut feelings, askreddit scary, askreddit top posts, askreddit reading, askreddit question, askreddit new, r/askreddit gut feeling, reddit gut feeling, r/ askreddit, askreddit creepy, best of r/askreddit, reddit, r askreddit, gut feeling reddit stories, r/askreddit what gut feeling saved your life, r/askreddit new, best of reddit, gut feeling creepy
Id: BWL9DLbmAhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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