Stories to listen to at 2am

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serious what is the scariest thing to happen to you when you've been home alone the lights turned off all at once while I was in the kitchen it was pitch black I heard the door open for some reason instead of thinking power outage my brain went to someone has cut the power and is coming to kill me I grabbed the landline the knife and was crouched behind the kitchen counter hearing steps come through the house trying to breath as quietly as possible then I hear my mom go hello anyone home the power went out by chance at the exact moment she came in the door that would have been an awkward hospital trip just imagine walking into your own house not knowing that a family member is about to stab you from the dark my girlfriend and I both travel a lot for work pree covered so it's not unusual for only one of us to be home on any given week last fall she was in San Francisco and I was home alone for a few days we live in an apartment on the top floor of a building above us is a roof with a deck available to everyone middle of the night I get up to use the bathroom and on the walk back to bed I look over to the study there's a sliding door in the study leading to a balcony I immediately stopped dead in my tracks I see the outline of a person standing on my balcony facing me I run over hit the lights grab a knife from the knife block and start dialing 911 the person is a kid no more than 16 he sees me hit the lights grab a knife and my phone and he immediately grabs the railing on my balcony and flings himself over I run over assuming I just watched someone kill themselves only to see him safe and sound on the balcony below me he then hurtles off that balcony he's jumping from floor to floor he hits the parking lot in the back of our building safely and then Sprint's off cops finally come and break up a party on the roof turns out he was just a drunk friend of someone on the second floor and got dared to do it also shout-out to my dog for being asleep 15 feet from the balcony and not doing anything also shout-out to my dog for being asleep 15 feet from the balcony and not doing anything I have cameras at the entrances to my house about ten years ago people broke into the house while we weren't home when I reviewed the recordings you see the back door get blasted open by a sledgehammer then you see my dog run up tail wagging the burglars started petting him he brought them his favorite toy then they moved off camera I then saw his favorite toy fly past the camera and then off camera then I saw my dog run for it he played fetch with them the last thing they did before they left the house was struggle to close the door while pushing my dog back in the house he still wanted to play he wasn't a guard dog though he loved everybody he was really awesome with my daughter and that's what counts I heard gunshots when I was home alone for the first time as a 12 year old turns out my neighbor was a murderer at least twelve cop cars and like two fire trucks showed up and I thought it was the end of the world I was in my basement where the computer was playing some game probably rune escaped and heard someone pull into the driveway naturally assuming it was my mother who was coming home from work I heard the screen door open but when no one opened the lock on the actual door I started to go upstairs and I saw a pair of legs go by the window while the basement was underground there was about a foot that popped up above ground level and had two windows I go upstairs and see two dudes in my backyard looking at the windows and talking about the door was locked it was an attempted home robbery we had been broken into a few times at that point and had everything locked but 10-year old me was terrified not super scary but one time when I was like 11 I was home alone at night and got a call from the local sheriff's office who told me they just had a drop 911 call from this number my house landline and asked if I was okay I didn't call them Oh buddy else was home to call them idk had just creeped me out a lot when I was home alone with my little sister at the time I was probably 12 or 13 and my mom had just ran to the store for milk these cops showed up at my door and asked if they could come inside to look around I was a kid and confused so I said okay and they later told my mom dad the house across the street was just broken into and the man had not been caught and they will lead to believe he was hiding out on a different property somewhere so they thought this grown man was hiding in my garage or back yard while I was home alone with my sister my mom never left the house without us again when we were kids I started choking on a clump of my [ __ ] only survived because I tripped and fell on the couch in such a way that had dislodged the candy I was nearly killed then saved by being a klutz this is exactly the way they teach shooter dislodged food if you're alone slam dunk your stomach on the back of a chair or similar couch arm back in your scenario someone tried to break into my neighbor's house while I was babysitting their kids I was 15 and I used to babysit for my neighbors down the block they had a really nice house three floors with a built-in garage under the house that connected to the basement it was the family's most used entrance of the house and they rarely locked the basement door as long as the garage was closed they also had the type of security system where anytime a door opens you heard beatbeat beep after the parents left one night I was putting the kids to bed and I heard the beep beep beep I yelled out thinking it was the parents coming back for something but no one answered the system on the wall kept reading basement door open I was freaked out so I called my dad and asked him to come by since he was only a few houses away when he arrived he told me to stay in the kitchen while he checked the house but before he could we heard the beep beep beep again and then the garage door opened when we ran to the window to see if the parents were pulling into the driveway they weren't instead someone in a hoodie was running out of the garage door and into the woods behind the house might had ended up calling the cops I'm still creeped out by it I was actually at a friend's house when her parents weren't home we were maybe 10 it was her my sister her sisters and me we decided to go swimming there Berner a shove burglaries lately but mostly garages being broken too anyway we were in the pool when we noticed the kitchen light turn on it was evening we assumed her parents so looked in the window to do something stupid to get their attention when we realized we do not know the individual in the house we hid behind the wall of the pool above-ground terrified until her parents finally came home it appeared as though he got spooked as he only ransacked the kitchen and left the garage door wide open when fleeing when I was around 8 or 9 my mum commuted to a major city about an hour hour and a half away so I would bring myself home from school about 100m away lock the door and watch cartoons or play near pots until she got home we lived in apartment blocks and one day one of the older male people in the apartment lost his wallet and he figured it must have been me keep in mind I've never stolen anything in my life or had any trouble with the law and I had no clue what he was talking about he came and banged on the door so aggressively that I jumped out of my skin and was belligerent demanding I opened the door I rang mum crying and she jumped on a train to come home but she was an hour and a half away she called some friends and they came and got me and at that stage she had taken a break and gone back to his apartment but left his dry-cleaning there when mum got back she stormed straight to his door and pounded on it like he had done to our door he came to the door all shocked and she demanded to know why he thought it was appropriate to bang on the door for an hour to scare a little girl he replied that he thought I stole his wallet mum asked him if he still thought I did and he said no I found it in the carpark she looked like she wanted to kill him and forced him to apologise also in that same apartment block there was a hairline fracture on the sliding door that we didn't know about a strong wind blew and shattered the entire window inwards I was home alone then - that was scary as hell it was spooky movie night at a friend's and we were three movers deep just finished watching dark skies I was hungry so I was like all right getting my leftovers so I went downstairs by myself when I closed the fridge I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and when I turned to see what it was there was a ghostly white gay little thing just staring at me from outside the patio with shimmering hazy lights pulsing behind it i F I'm freaked dropped my food and run up the stairs nearly in tears babbling about someone or thing in the backyard turns out it was just my own reflection mixed with the lights and steam from the hot tub outside but I've never been so scared in my life not sure if this counts was working on a farm in Northern California it was a startup and I was the only person at nights on an isolated 650 acres after dinner was walking from the lodge to my cabin it's dark soul I can't see as what my flash light illuminates plus a little on the periphery of the main beam anyway walking back and in the periphery I see red f-fine eyes staring at me unblinkingly I turned the light on it and all I see as a pale white mass behind the still red eyes i freak takes a little bit to get me jumpy but this sure as hell did picture a 6 feet 5 inches 260 pound man now picture him letting out an unbelievably high-pitched scream and straight sprinting into his cabin 50 yards or so the next day I was talking to one of the guys that come up to help out during the day told him what happened and he about fell over laughing I think the sincere terror in my voice as I described the pale monster really drove the funny nail home for him well turns out there's such a thing as albino deer and just so happens one frequents this property nobody thought to warn me beforehand I was watching some sort of ghost TV show about demons or something in my basement home alone when I was probably 14 or 15 a refined turkey walked up to the sliding door and started tapping on the glass I nope the F out of that basement so fast I don't think I ever watched that show again either my grandparents paid me to house-sit for them and take care of their animals two dogs two goats and like three or four horses for two weeks one of the dogs was really clingy so I closed the or on him when I went to bed one night I woke up in the middle of the night but I was too tired to move but I saw a black figure with a white face standing right beside the bed it was making this horrific growling noise and leaned into me and pressed down on my chest it pressed harder and harder and then I was able to move my fingers and then I was eventually able to move my body but after that I let the dog sleep in the room and I slept with the lights on that was the first time I experienced sleep paralysis and thankfully the times after that one went freaky my house came with an alarm that kept track of movement in every room I set the alarm before bed but I woke up in the middle of the night because it was alerting me that there was movement going back and forth between my guest bedroom down the hall and into my office my alarm has the robotic speaking voice so in the dark I'd hear it's a movement guest bedroom movement 2nd floor hallway movement office etc I assumed it was a glitch and nothing to worry about but I ended up turning that function off I also heard human footsteps above me in my attic once home alone while my wife was out of town but I posted that one already months ago it was a hot summer and my parents went her wedding I had a project to do and it was like 1:00 a.m. and silent until a random drunk dude crawled in through my window with a bottle and blush face I was 20 feet away at my desk from the window and we both just stared at each other he was flustered and said oh sorry their kid wrong house and attempts to leave the way he came he was drunk and as he so I helped him by pushing him out the window I thoroughly shut it and stared at it for two hours until my parents came home my parents let me walk home from school alone when I was in 4th grade in my now adult opinion that's way too young so I walk home from school house is empty till about 5:00 when my parents get home so I'm doing my usual routine Mountain Dew Code Red Doritos 3ds and tuna me on Cartoon Network so I'm only home for about three minutes when I hear a knock at door 99% of the time I stay quiet and just wait for whoever to leave but for whatever reason I actually go to the door and call out who is it stranger dude voice on the other side hey it's your buddy Mike I don't have a grown a man buddy Mike I'm in fourth grade might goes cold heart in my throat deucey bumps cannot move paralyzed terrified dude says again hey open the door we gotta go and he jiggles the door handle really hard then he knocks again Bam Bam Bam jiggles the door handle hard again I'm still like one foot away from the door I actually never moved since all of this started because I didn't want him to hear my footsteps after a minute of silence I heard a car door closed and him drive away I'm still freaked the F out for the next hour and worst thing was I was now super paranoid about walking to from school because obviously he followed me that denned I had no idea I was being tailed early teen years power went out while I was taking a shower late at night I got out of the shower already freaked out and looked outside through the window my house was the only one without power stupid teenage brain this is clearly an attempt on my life reality house had a weird problem where the power would cut out if the water heater and air conditioner happened to turn on the same time it had never happened to me before that but my dad assured me that was the problem once he finally came home for me I was 12 years old and my dad was at his girlfriend's house I went into my room to take a shower I always put a chair under the door handle in my room because it didn't have a lock my grandma loved giving me porcelain dolls and she decorated my room with shelves that had porcelain dolls on them all of the dolls were on their shelves before I got into the shower when I exited my bathroom one of the porcelain dolls was ten feet across the room facedown on the ground this doll must have flown across the room to have landed where it did also the doll was not broken needless to say my grandma was sad that all of the dolls were packed up and put in the Attic for safekeeping I was chilling in my bed with my dog watching TV and I hear a door shut downstairs I look out the window of my sister's room cause she had a view of the garage but the garage was empty I grabbed a pocketknife and crept downstairs I searched the basement as well as everywhere on the ground floor and found nothing went back to my room on edge for the next couple of hours until my family got home still don't know what happened and it couldn't have been wind cause it was winter sir we had all the windows closed not that scary but a door closing when you're home alone and not even 12 is little spooky there had been a scratching in my ceiling for a while and my landlady was dragging her feet over having it looked into one night around 2:00 a.m. the scratching became so bad it woke me up from a dead sleep I tried to reassure myself that whatever it was couldn't really get through to me and I would be fine until I could call my landlady the next day and really press the issue then some debris fell from my ceiling whatever was up there had managed to dig a small hole into my room I screamed and heard some scurrying away from my approximate location grabbed any stuff I needed for the next day got the F out of there shut the door tight behind me and slept on the couch I called my landlady first thing in the morning and she had someone come while I was at work that day to check it out a mama raccoon had managed to get her way into the space between the roof and my ceiling and had given birth to litter of kits the guy speculated that the kits were getting old enough to start wrestling around and that was likely what led to the hole in my ceiling luckily it was just small the size of a quarter so there weren't any angry raccoons hanging out in my room when I got home they were able to safely trap and release the whole little family but I still started hunting for new apartments a sad I move into my new place on the 1st of May [Music]
Channel: Redditors
Views: 18,063
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Keywords: r/askreddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, reddit, best of reddit, ask reddit, reddit stories, reddit top posts, askreddit scary, r askreddit, updoot reddit, askreddit top posts, tz reddit, r/, best reddit posts, reddit cringe, askreddit stupid, askreddit comedy, r/ askreddit, reddit and chill, r/askreddit new, reddit funny, reddit story, best of r/askreddit, askreddit new, subreddit, askreddit reading, askreddit question, reddit answers, scary stories, scary reddit
Id: 2fUCN1IhcvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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