PEW PEW Found In Abandoned Storage Unit!

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[Music] our ladies what's the game plan for today why it's a disaster zone right here guys so why'd you let this place get this way what do you mean me there it is so hey check it out for real guys we've been so busy with YouTube we never expected to blow up I guess this fast I guess you we're almost at 30,000 subscribers thank you so much we have been all over the freakin United States literally from the east coast to the west coast and that has kept us busy this place is a disaster zone and we've got to whip it back into shape alright guys so there's four rooms and we gotta whip into shape this one this is probably the worst and this is the last one and it's not that bad alright guys so this is room number 1 and what we got going on today is like customers are gonna be coming in the door all day because we have oxygen pickup so this is all of the stuff that sold last night looking for some of the coins the Nintendo games man everything did good so we had how much of an investment do we have into this unit but I want to say like a thousand bucks is that sound right fifteen hundred she doesn't know I will say fifteen hundred we shall have a lot of other stuff in the back we gotta sell from it but anyway so this is the stuff that frickin like did really well for what we spent on so this is room number one alright guys this is room number two so this is like half and like this is more stuff that was an auction right and part of what we want to do today and like getting this place back in order is we want to get these shelves back against the wall we put these here for a project we're doing before so anyway we want to put these in the back we're actually gonna put like LED lighting underneath these and we're gonna put like a real crisp white background behind all of these shelves up against the wall so it's like basically photo booths and what we're trying to do with that is like speed up or operations so how cool would it be it's like we're we lot stuff if it was just automatically a photo booth and so instead of taking all the items to the photo booth then back here I think it'll just cut some labour off so that's what we don't that so anyway the other after this room is longer to these comics so these are the ones that are actually in the auction right here and see these are all the lot numbers right here and this is stuff like logo there's gonna be a lunker's auction number too because look all this stuff look at all the boxes dammit so that's all stuff that we just you don't want to over saturate an auction so 500 lights that's all I want to do on that so that's room number two guys this is room number three and this is like just I don't know a bomb went off in the sucker right yeah Daniel but we use this room for sorting because I went out and bought so many units I literally filled up all the like 14,000 square feet of stuff and then we ended up having to go somewhere and then I went to New York and so we got so backed up we need his face being away no more we're getting this place back in shape so this is where the bomb went off and like this is just a mixture of stuff this was our old shipping area and we actually had blown so much guys that we had to move our shipping area out there to about a thousand square foot area which we're gonna be with an in shape next week and that's room for all right in the final room to like this is a motion order because we freakin happy I'll know what I'm doing right now because half not half y'all I'd say like maybe a little bit are like way too invested in her stuff and y'all get upset like when I say room to and hold up three fingers like I hear about it some of y'all stuff makes it for the help for review because you're so invested you need to cuss me out because they did the wrong thing and I need to learn how to count before I freaking make any more youtube videos so anyway I did that purposely just for you so anyway [Music] this room was like full of stuff what last week so anyway no more we're getting this place back in order and we are gonna make hey we appreciated it again all the love and support from especially all the new people from lunker's TV welcome believe [Music] I'm gonna be releasing some fishing videos because a lot of y'all don't know some of you may know fishing is a big part of my life I used to before I started an option company so be looking for or two that we're gonna keep this mainly storage because this is mine this is resale so anyway that is room for right mm-hmm room for so now we're going to do is we're gonna set an alarm for an hour all right guys so check this out why Katie and them are in there doing pickup I forgot that I have that gun unit that we didn't go through the bags is still on Rob's trailer it's rained a lot but I really didn't care about that but look the trash bags I figured there might be a gun so check it out me and Gina about to go in here let us get the gate open and you can get the tarp off and while while we're waiting on that why don't y'all go inside and see what some of the customers are saying about us [Music] Peggy and everybody's it just so welcoming and I had such fun when I come here I joke with everybody so anyway guy come in join us and join the auctions at Grimes Pines [Music] hi I just want to say thank you to the Grimes plant family and all the people here they're just amazing I found Justin's channel after the tornado the aftermath his video popped up on YouTube I watched him anything so interesting with what he did I began to follow and then subsequently I followed other channels because of him then I found out about the auction which is amazing and I just finished picking up my items I just want to say especially thank you to Katy for today and when I came last week with no knowledge of where I was or what I was supposed to do Gina was so gracious to me and again I want to say thank you alright guys so we are here let me show you this get out we're gonna pop this tarp off and I gotta get these bags cuz we might find some more guns in this joint right here got Pilar that thing's full of water I gotcha why do they yeah alright we didn't care too much about this yet look there's the sombrero it's on top it's safe let's see what we got in here hey look at all my treasures in here Hey look hey that's really dry [Music] oh it was flowing like her ever when I look down there like the women wait flowing like this what is it we're beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano Dumb and Dumber I don't even really wet it flow like the salmon to Capistrano I got to check it out we've got to get out and play that right hey you gotta give it to rob you bought a really good trailer no exactly okay so we have all of this ready so check out all these bags and totes that we didn't go through so I'm hoping is we're gonna find more guns because remember we found two safes in this unit so let's dig in a to move on all right guys so look we're just gonna dig through this real quick I've got the guys bringing me tubs and stuff out we're gonna do this real quick look again we found HauteLook chips we found a gun in a random bag with like bunions [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the screws in it yeah that looks real yeah are you that's real serious Oh Joe Joe you mess that bro bro I gotta get this one checked I do not trust this area anything yeah that's a 9-millimeter and the clips in there right no and I know it's in the bag yeah it's in the bag but it's clear yeah are you kidding me how do you do this like what guns and jewelry isn't saved it's just a feeling man no you find them all what the crap yard is freaking gun into safes in one unit that's the name of this freakin two safes in a gun two sixes oh my gosh hey you think lunker's gonna be jealous look at this look the ammo isn't here I am should I call Lankesh shop rag that's up to you right so I say hey bro oh yeah that is good oh just for baby no ma hey I'm doing good I'm a set of word I'm not somebody contact me just make sure so when you're going through unions guys again this unit looked like trash but there was a few things in it and we ended up finding two safes in it this stuff will go up in the thrift store Yesi socks yeah I like like yoga together so anyway I just did a tip when you're buying storages never assume anything don't ever assume a bag doesn't have anything in the bottom that's why I always talk transfer tugs I'm always talking yes all right with your tubs that I'll waiting on the guys to bring out to where I can basically take everything out of the bag and I can say Louise I wouldn't know coin collection there's nothing in the bottom let's move on to the next thing all right guys look Jake brought us a thing of transfer tubs out here so this is what I've seen you know one of the teaching points when you're going that's a good thirst one that's actually I need to pee tubs anyone for trash it's how we would do it inside I need one for storage oh these were the aliquat alligator yeah I remember those baits every night no we were quickly going through this unit so I just really ever since we went to this unit I wanted to make sure there was no more gu invented paper hot chicks watch it white chick that is such a good movie got some wrenches I really just want to find one more gun in here that would make my day look ps3 a man that's where I keep my oil right all right there you go in your travel bag all right so baby pictures we're keeping this for sure they must have a place where they're keeping all these they're mine right there that's where they're keeping where Oh just loose in here all right look this bag obviously got rained in but again I already got my money out of that unit doesn't mean I need to go waste and everything but check it out so hey that bag not special alligator boots right yeah nice I think these are real cos look you don't repair like fake frickin boots right nah look where all these nails have been repaired so I'm gonna say that maybe these are alligator right they look it doesn't say anything on the inside kind of snakes yeah anyway so hey let me grab another bag all right so look here's another bag of clothes Oh actual actually that feels like real fur real fur it's got some kind of leather line what is this that's nice I don't see you hang yeah so this which you might find like the guns in now like that trash bag unit we bought they had all the ammo and nice and still and it was full of nothing all right not seven what does it miss me baby boy boy yeah Oh Kuji because it says on the tag those coochie coohcie is actually really good biggie smalls make you a coochie real popular back with those biggie smalls type sweater but anyway I'm gonna coogee as like can be really expensive and see how this is peeling off people are gonna buy because you left in the rain you idiot no I'm pretty sure that you're pretty sure with all this yeah let's be it's been like two weeks all right Cowboys hey that's a good sellable bag clothes right there Oh what we got here spider-man puzzle yeah I told you he was a freaking killer yeah found this in a 9-millimeter and I'm not gonna lie that was sketchy as crap somebody buys that cheap of a firearm and keeps it in a plastic you know the black bags they put liquor in at the gas station yeah that's punched up Funyuns Crown Royal pin I don't think so okay so pretty much that's all plug alright guys let me grab another bag all right guys guys it's another bag in another tub so hey I'm keeping all these jeans he's running with yourself because these are going to the thrift store yeah champions the championship look I love Tony Romo against the great confused one he always is confused that may be how he's looking with you either that or smelling something really bad dirty pink panty shotgun No not the best thing to do to me and one needs to be really cool yeah they told it's a Walmart brand you know how like your greatest fear like when you're a kid or was mine is like your friend's seen you close shop at Walmart like that was a big deal to me when I was a kid I just want to think anymore like it's not a big deal anymore is it I don't know it took me like probably toss about like 36 to get comfortable walking through the closing section without somebody thing I was my zone kids are brutal when I'm like you shop at Walmart cuz obviously I had stuff on they solder like Looney Tunes stuff when I was younger that's a fear of mine there you go dear did you hear that no not that we got to go inside the alarms going off so we need to go see how much progress the team has made with the disaster zone let's go [Music] alright guys so we are back we didn't get as much done as I wanted to but I'm gonna flip this around and show you who this room has cleared out a ton because tons of customers have come to pick up their stuff number two you can see that a lot of stuff's missing because people came and pay for the stuff always like when that happens okay so we didn't get as much done on this side as I wanted to but again we had a lot of customers come a lot of customers come and pay for their stuff so that's always a good thing but look we started staging this so this will get art on the wall and we'll start putting shelves and other furniture doohickeys on top and we'll sell all this stuff so let's go see what room four looks like and in room number four we have a lot better job right look these ladies are doing a great job or wiping down all of what we call base pieces and the auction and then once we have our base pieces this is what that other room's gonna look like soon he come around look look at that ugly go there oh hey guys alright so hey check it out so and then we go around and we put all of our smaller stuff on here that we are going to sell on the auction speaking of we have a comic book auction go check that out like subscribe ring that bell and select all [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 22,814
Rating: 4.9399209 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, gun, gun found, murder weapon, lunkers tv
Id: Q9mw4D_Kzg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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