STEPH-D and PEBLZ... Found Your CARS UNDERWATER in River!

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- (screams loudly) Well, there goes a tire. - If you wanna see us get a mystery car out of the river today, stay tuned because it's not just one car, but we found three cars, and we're pulling two of them today. One of them is even a Fiero, Stay tuned this is one episode, you're not gonna wanna miss. (upbeat music) - [Jared] Sam, we're back at the Missouri river. - Yeah, I remember last time it was pretty wild. - [Jared] You've kind of been stalling this morning coming out because of the Missouri river. Is that like, it scares you? - No, no, I've been, it just takes me a while when we're, in the leaning tower of Pizza, Jared likes to park like, the motor home's like slanted like this. - [Jared] Yeah, it is kind of like, - And so when you're, you know, when you're falling over, walking down the hall, it just takes a little while to get ready. - (laughs) - We wanna thank today's episode sponsor, who is Surfshark. Surfshark is a VPN. Now some of you might be saying, "Jared, what's a VPN?" A VPN is a virtual private network is what it is. It is to protect your passwords. Like, I don't want anybody hacking my Facebook. I don't want anybody hacking, especially my YouTube account. Can you imagine if somebody, Dan is behind the camera, could you imagine Dan, if somebody hacked our YouTube account - (Dan) No. - And took all of this offline? - [Dan] That would be terrible. - I know. So that's why we're using the virtual private network. And we are out here on the road, traveling, uploading all this content for you, and you can use as well. When we start talking about encryption, they guard your personal data by using industry leading AEs 256 GCM encryption. Like I really don't know what that is, but what I do know is hackers can not get into it. And for me, it's really nice knowing that hackers are not going to be getting into our YouTube, right Dan? (laughs) - (Dan) Yeah sure. - I don't want them deleting our YouTube, that would be like the worst thing ever. What's great about this also is unlike some other VPN's is, we can use it on multiple devices. Dan can tap into my account, He covers his computer, my computer, Sam when we have him, we also cover all of our phones, unlimited devices. If you want to protect your online identity, do check out Surfshark, because not only they are offering you 84% off right now, they're also going to give our viewers right now, four months free. And if for any reason you find that in the future, you don't like it, they do have a 30 day money back guarantee, as well. Use our discount code ,purpose for those discounts. The link is also in the description. We really appreciate you supporting Surfshark as they are supporting us out here, as we're out here to clean up the environment, and now let's get back to the car, 'cause we've got two cars we're pulling out right now. We have a lot of people who can came out to meet us today and hang out and to help us. We could not be doing this without all of the volunteers. So let me bring you over to who we have here today. You guys remember, like Corey Johnson been incredible, like supporting us. So today is the incredible Corey Johnson. Thank you, Sir for coming out, also ended up bringing us a winch. We're gonna have to get that installed when we get home and we're gonna put that thing to good use.Today, however, we don't have a winch, I think we have a tow truck, somebody told me a tow truck was coming. - No 'cause I called you. You said you had somebody else set up, right? - (Jared) Oh, I thought so. Yeah, it was supposed to be, Jason was supposed to be here. I hope that she is coming. - If she doesn't show up, I can always try to call my people. - (Jared) Okay, Sam's almost got his shoes on, we'll start getting the boat out and let's go identify what vehicles we have in the river today. (upbeat music) (boat engine starting) (Boat engine revving) All right, let's go scan the bottom here, see what we can find. (upbeat music) (Boat engine revving) All right, car comes down the reef, boom! hits the water goes that way. - It goes that way. - It goes out here - Yeah - (Jared) Two to 10 minutes, floats down, sinks settles in. Alright, I believe that we have a car. Yep, Look at that. We have a car, check that out, we have a car right there. See it right there? - (Sam)That's perfect. Yeah, we've got wheels, we have windows. - (Jared) There might be another one, but let's cut, let's go flag this one first. - Okay. - (Jared) And look at it there is not much current here. - No. - (Jared) A little bit of current, - But that's, that's pretty good. - (Jared)We'll throw the, anchor first, - (Sam) Yeah - (Jared)We can just kinda sit over the top of it and then we'll put a magnet and, attach it. Alright, go ahead and drop it right there, and then we'll drop back on it. - (Sam) How deep are we? - (Jared) Only 10 feet, eight to 10. - (Sam) Alright. (boat engine revving) - ( Jared) I'll just snag it and, then I'll go with that 360. - (Sam) Alright. - (Jared) You attach on the bottom and kind of I'll turn to 360. - You might be snagged on the car. (Indistinct speaking) - (Jared) Alright, the car is currently right behind us. Let out just a little bit. - (Sam) And drift backwards where it went out, Two, three feet backwards. - (Jared) Yep. About two, three reviewers off and change the range here we go. Oh! Oh, Whoa, aw We got like a lot of the cars in here. I think we have three cars right here. One on the left, two, three. - (Sam) Yeah like three car pile up. - ( Jared) Yep, alright, let's drop the line they're your line coming down? - (Sam) Yeah, that' me. - (Jared) Just say that we don't even go looking for any more right now. - I think we're, I think we found something, something that is not here. - (Jared) I think we just need to, identify this and then we need to be able to know where this one's at. As long as we hook this one, - And then what I want to do is I want to put the magnet on that one. - So where do you think it is? Is it in the front end or right up to the side of it? - (Jared) Right off to the side. Like if you just drop it, let's drop it, drop it should hit it. - There we go. - (Jared) Got it.Hope we got it? Nice and tight? - Well. Yeah nice and tight. - (Jared) Now let's take up the other make, five feet in front, like head straight towards that pillar. I probably would have, I got my screen first, but that was too far of the right. But you might catch the other one. - I definitely got something. - ( Jared) Alright. Leave it on there. - Okay. - Let's tie that one off to that, those as well. - I'm all for, since one, - (Jared) Yep - It won't disturb us, one spot where we go to three different places. - (Jared) Yeah,Really? If we had the proper tow truck top, we may not have to float these, we just need to hook them and get them rigged and ready. - Flip them and yank them. - ( Jared) Yeah. 'cause there's nothing between here and there. There's really no reason to float them. - Yeah. - (Jared) Expressing current fighting bags and current miserable. (indistinct speaking) We found three, we have two of them Mark and the other one is say 15 feet down,, five feet over. So we're gonna suit up, identify what we have, and then I think that, we have enough line that we can just rig them. I don't think we have to float them. - (Sam)You just start yanking. Yeah, - Because there's nothing between here and there, It's just nice to a boat on there. - Okay. - Here. We got John, Who's gonna be jumping in the water with us today. And the real conversation is, we don't think these cars have ever been cleared - Correct. - We have two, maybe all three of them are upside down. Before we just start yanking we have to do our best to clear the cars. If we can't clear the cars and, the windows are up or anything. - We have to treat a section - Yeah. We have to treat a section, we have to have to float it, and turn it. Whereas, if we can identify that nothing is inside, then we clear it and it's upside down and then we just need to get it to the shore. - Yeah. - I guess that's the first mission, let's get down on them. Identify, come and pull them out from there Oh, It is colder than I thought. - I'm going down to the far ones and go to check them. You'll check the closer ones? Now, the goal is to not be pushed down stream as we make our way over shouldn't be too bad. Farther out we go the more of the current goes. (Oxygen tank inhaling) All right, I'm going down, the orange line is when I'm going down, my goal is not pull it up off. (Oxygen tank whizzing) Making my way down the line. (oxygen tank whizzing) Already on the bottom. (oxygen tank whizzing) Right here is the vehicle, and in the silt quite a way. Think I am at front window. Alright.reaching inside, (oxygen tank wheezing) alright, steering wheel, I have my hand on the steering wheel. (Oxygen tank wheezing) that's more steering wheel (oxygen tank wheezing) feeling the front seat, (oxygen tank wheezing) not yet identifying. Up let me see here. Up I got something here, hold on and, that is a stick, I hope. It's long enough to be a stick, let me keep feeling, (oxygen tank wheezing) oh, I got somebody here, here you go, here you want this? You identify a stick or a bone? I can't see you, did you say you are leaving? Sam, Alright there's the center console, reaching into the seat, alright, reaching down.I can't tell if that is a pelvis or not, I don't think so. This is too long to be a femur. Pretty sure this is clear, I'm gonna go back a little bit. Oh yeah.Is this a Corvette? Can't even tell oh! It's a Fiero look at that! today's find is a Fiero, now we need to identify how we gonna pull that out of here, I think what will do is to put J hooks around the front I don't even know if I can get to it. I got my hand up in there pretty good. I can't get a J hook right here. I can't get my chain in here. I can't get my hand in there. Here we go. I think if we go in here, I'm only gonna get one J hook in there. Kind of only have one shot. One shot J hook only, now we we want to go down 15 feet over five feet. We're floating down backward, There's five, 10, 15 right about there and there's a hole go to the right and go into the hole. I think that behind me there some logs here, a lot of trees , and a lot of lines, all right I cannot find the other car here. I've gone down about 20 feet now. It wouldn't be down this far oh, oh did I find it? Or is that a tree?. (water bubbling) I have a vehicle, yep it is a vehicle this one is so far deteriorated though I don't think we are getting this one out. I need to go clear it And the roof of the car is actually missing, that's how it deteriorated it is. I'm at the driver's seat right now. does not appear to be anybody, no, that's a tree, this car we're leaving There's no way this one's coming out. We can get the Fiero for sure. And we'll go talk to the guys about the other car. (soft music) Yeah I got me a stick! - Yeah a stick, that's is a stick (man laughs) - Take it, Somebody called, wanting to know what was going down? And we sent our dispatch system that's down here. - Oh perfect, We have cleared about 203 feet, and ,we are going to go back to get the other one today, - You said you had found three? - Yeah. So we found three so far, and that's we received word there's five down here.The first one is the Fiero, the first I found on my versus (laughs) sitting upright, facing upstream for the Really? I can only get to like the one front driver's tire. My thought process on this one is Jackson County came down on their own dime, It's a Fiero . And like, they were here within like 45 minutes. Yeah. But they, but they said yes, within like 30 seconds, if you call it. So Aaron, thanks for setting that up in the water. We go and we're going to be hooking up J hooks to the driver's side underneath. I've got just enough room to get to the, actual internet. We're gonna double up the chain, just to make sure that we can, I'm pulling it out of the silt, and sediment. It's buried up to the frame. We don't, you know, just one of them. We have Sam over here doing our live. So if you want to check out the behind the scenes and the entire two and a half, three, we don't know how long it's gonna be two and a half, three hours. But anyway, if you wanna see the entire behind the scenes, as everything takes place, do check out that video as well. The link is in the description if you're on YouTube, it's over there, If you're on Facebook, go over to YouTube and it's over there. I'm going to try and walk across the bottom here. All right now, I'm right about. I think I'm right about where I want to be, There we go.There's the car right?Yeah? Found the wheel? Here's the front one right? Alright I think this is a different car. - Oh yeah now I'm at a different car. (attaching chains) Alright well,I don't even know what we have here, back window is down, hood is up a little bit. I don't know we're just doing it. Okay we're going up. Our plans always go different than we plan. - (Man)I know exactly how our plans go different. - Now I'm on that other vehicle we did not yet see, but now we've seen that. - Yeah. - Now we've seen it ,now we're hooked up to it. But Corey we're hooked up to the back of it because I can't get to the front there's apprentice bearing. I think that they're all good enough where you just flip that thing around. (upbeat music) (Indistinct speaking) - The car is only eight feet under water right now. It's not very deep. (upbeat music) (car engine revving) Here we go.We got STEPH-D - We found your car. This was a special car that she took the time, to put her license plate on here with a custom plate out of Missouri, 92, July of 92. Anybody knows who STEPH-D is, get a hold of her right now, and see if we could get her on the phone. I guess I'm making an assumption, that STEPH-D is a guy or a girl, It could also be a guy, but if is a guy, you're driving a girl car. Just kid, just kidding. Don't take me seriously, don't ever take me seriously, like, I'd be checking the trunk. (tire bursting) (man yelling) There goes a tire. It made it all this way, and then suddenly the tire goes flying up again. - I'm glad, that it made this far. - Yeah. Stay tuned - Before a mess. - After this part comes out, we know how to pull out the rest. (upbeat music) - (man) Yeah, we have not yet Identified what's in the trunk. We also have not yet identified if the keys are in the ignition. We've not yet looked in the glove box. (upbeat music) - This is the second pull of the day, we believe it to be a Fiero. I'm just gonna go down, I'm gonna attach two J hooks to the driver's side, front wheel. That's the only thing that's really exposed right now, and hopefully we'll get a good enough connection to this Yankee right out of the muck. (chains tingling) - Got her all hooked. - (Man) All hooked up? - Yep. (upbeat music) - Here comes falls now - There she comes (upbeat music) - It looks like this one has a custom license plate too. - (Man) Does it really? - (Man) Custom license plate. - (Man) What does the custom license say? - (Man) I have to come back to it. - PLDZ. - (Man)Pebble - (Man) Pebble's - Yeah pebble, it's Pebble's car, Pebble's. - PEBLZ. Pebble we found your fiero, that Come on down and claim your car. - (Car owner)That's it. (upbeat music) What's back here? The engine is back here? - (Man)Yeah, the engine is back here. - (Man) Oh, Alright. Really? - If you are not sure if the engine is back there, then Why do you have to cool it better up here? - (Car owner)Because they ran a big huge, long cooling system. - Are you serious? It's kinda like, the master shoulder. See, there's a spare tire. - This is it, the, this is the trunk. - (Car owner) This is the trunk. I've got one of these at the house. - Oh, well it's crazy. - I'd say and the latch for the bag is right there, but you can't really get to it. - Doesn't the bunk open up this way? - (Car owner) The other way. - Oh, it doesn't open up like a regular trunk opens? - Yes, - I can't remember though. (tow truck engine revving) Well ,tell me? - Another 92 as well. - Another 92? - Yeah, it's back to back 92's. - Of course He's gonna get us some of the, engine compartment here. - I don't know if you're gonna see the engine? It is packed all mad, - That's it, that's in the mud. Alright, cool - We wanna give a big shou tout to everybody that came down today to help us out from a Aaron to Sam, Sam, Benjamin, check out his YouTube channel to Corey with Jackson County Tow It service. Tow. Tow service here in the ED. Are you guys considered Kansas city, Missouri or Kansas? Or are you, where are you looking at? - We're actually in blue Springs, Missouri, but we serve the whole metropolitan areaS. - Check these guys out. Give them your business. Thank you, John, for coming out and look at that. We even have some, we have a lot of viewers get out, but thank you everybody for coming out today, supporting what we're doing. Thank you for coming down as well. If you've not done so already be sure to subscribe, turn on that bell notification, that way you can inch to notice any time we go live or, we edit another, amazing video like this one. That's it for now, we'll see you next time later, later. Bye-bye.
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 305,541
Rating: 4.9539099 out of 5
Keywords: found car underwater, found car in river, found cars in river, found chevy underwater, found fiero underwater in river, fiero, stolen car, car crash, car accident, adventures with purpose, mrleisek, scuba diving, river treasure, treasure hunting, stolen car found, found truck underwater, car in river, car accident in river, found car
Id: sTR8tc_Avrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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