「Stellaris」 How to Develop Planets in 3.0 - Nemesis

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greetings everyone i'm stefan and with all the new changes to economy installers 3.0 i've decided to make a planet build guide which uses those mechanics to our advantage to make sure that our planets are as well built up and as efficient as possible let's begin for the sake of demonstration i'll be using a typical commonwealth of man empire which has no specific bonuses to any building stuff obviously if you're gonna be playing with an empire with something like let's say a functional architecture which adds more building slots or something along those lines uh your experience is going to be different and you're going to have to adjust how you build your planets however the typical scenario is going to go like this get a new colony you colonize it and you get between one and two pops depending on whether or not you have the expansion tradition which allows you to get additional pops on the new colony those two pops are going to be employed in the kana's job first and foremost however in 3.0 you don't actually need to have pops employed as colonists until you get to about 5 pops with an overall buff to designations in 3.0 the colony designation has received a massive buff granting it plus 10 amenities on your planet this means that on really early colonies you can actually unemploy your colonists and make them work some specialist jobs such as metallurgists or consumer goods producers this is very useful early on and especially if you want to build a colony on a very low habitability world the extra amenities you get from the colony designation will mean that if you keep your zero percent habitability colonies at four pups you're gonna be just fine and you're gonna be able to grow more pops and just resettle them on your other planets however if you're building up a colony normally you won't really have to bother with this and uh so you can basically forget about it once you get to five pops this colony designation will go away and you'll be suffering massive amenities penalties we can see right here that once the planet reaches five pops our stability is gonna tank because of a lack of amenities we are gonna have to re-employ the colonists and so unless you have an alternate way of making amenities you will have to use these conducts for the time being as a job colonists are rather inefficient however and ideally you want to get your planet up to 10 pops so instead of having colonists you can have administrators on your planet administrators will produce plenty of unity and amenities and are far more efficient than having colonists running around you will also want to get to 10 pops in order to upgrade your reassembled ship shelter over to planetary administration overall going for any planetary capital upgrades is very good because it will not only provide extra housing and amenities it will also provide more jobs and more building slots building slots in 3.0 are obtained in a variety of ways but this is probably the easiest way to get them besides just going ahead and building up city districts which you certainly will want to do in order to open up more building slots for stuff like science and unity however for the time being while we are a very low pop colony we are going to want to just go and build up whatever resource that we want to primarily produce on the colony in 3.0 specialization is very powerful as i mentioned before they buffed planetary designations and now stuff like mining world agriworld and generator world give you a plus 25 bonus to whatever job they boost if you combine it with something like a mineral purification plant or an energy grid you can get up to plus 50 production in a specific resource and so if you have three specialized worlds producing one resource each it'll be far more efficient than if you had three worlds producing general goods because of this factor you will ideally want to occupy one of your first billing slots with some sort of specialization building and another building slot with some sort of growth building generally you'll be able to unlock robot assembly plants relatively early and so spamming that on all your planets is going to give you a massive boost in terms of growth alternatively you could also go and do organic pop assembly although that is going to be far harder to achieve because you will either need to be a hive mind and use spawning pools or be any normal empire and just go for a biological ascension however you should keep in mind that cologne bats are mutually exclusive with robot assembly plants and generally i would go for a robot assembly plant over a clone vet just because a clone that is extremely expensive to upkeep but anyways once you finally reach 10 pops you'll want to upgrade your capital building as soon as possible it is relatively expensive but is going to provide you with some serious bonuses once your planetary capital is upgraded you might be left with some specialist unemployment to fix that you just unemploy all of your pops they'll adjust themselves and you should be able to re-employ them and fix the problem this happens because for whatever reason the game thinks that workers are better suited to be rulers and so they advance first and then the specialist who used to work the colony jobs um you know they just kind of stay unemployed or become the enforcer enforcers are ultimately there to reduce crime on your planet and at low population you will not be dealing with much crime at all even if we don't have a governor we'll be still sitting here at 7 crime and until crime reaches 30 it is not a problem whatsoever generally at low populations crime can only be a good thing if we are at above 10 crime we have the option of going for a crime lord deal and this crime or deal will not go away even if we have zero crime uh after we choose the deal on this planet we cannot go for a crime or deal because we don't have enough crime but later on we should be able to go for that and the 10 stability it gives is very worthwhile at this point in time you have two primary options either you continue specializing on whatever you decided for your raw resource or you can go into specialized resource production now on relatively low size worlds such as this one i would probably primarily focus on producing whatever raw resource and allowing other bigger sized planets handle the research and the alloy foundries however we can show off what you can do on this planet as well by building up some city districts we'll be able to obtain more billing slots and then we can use those building slots primarily to either build research labs you can use specializing our planet or building some refineries exactly gas refineries and other buildings that produce strategic resources should not be underestimated for example if you produce some moats you can use those moats to upgrade your mineral purification plant to actually give extra minor jobs for your mining districts on this planet we're going to go from two minor jobs per district to three by using certain resources to our advantage now that we have a mineral purification hub and we have plenty of extra mining jobs we can basically just forget about the planet and let it grow for a while our next big milestone is 20 population once we reach that number two things will become very important amenities which you will notice uh start to go down significantly especially on low habitability worlds and a mechanic that is relatively obscure in 3.0 which is carrying capacity i have done a full guide video on carrying capacity which you can check out in the top right corner but basically what it boils down to is you want to have plenty of carrying capacity that your population grows faster in our case with 20 population and 30 carrying capacity we just don't have enough and our population is starting to slow down we want to do is build up some city districts to provide more housing and potentially clear blockers to open up districts as you can see building up those city districts did help out significantly and clearing out some blockers helped out significantly as well generally you get carrying capacity by two ways either you build up more housing housing directly counts towards carrying capacity or you have open districts now the amount of planet capacity you get for open districts does depend on planet type on normal planets yet four capacity or open district on stuff like gaias and hive worlds however you get six so keep in mind that some planets are simply better than others when it comes to growth anyways on this planet we can see that the planet capacity is 44 and you can see that our growth is starting to increase instead of being decreased by the carrying capacity this is where larger worlds with more open districts and more potential housing are a lot better than smaller planets a size 16 planet is more on the smaller side and you will not be able to achieve a lot of extra growth from having extra carrying capacity however on larger planets where it's easier to get carrying capacity you already might be seeing plus three base growth from pops it really depends on the planet and how much resources you have to spare to upgrade city districts or to build up housing via building slots building up housing through building slots is honestly not that bad of an idea and on this planet if we built a luxury residence we can both increase pod growth and fix our amenities issues into one fell swoop however i would recommend building luxury residences only in situations where you have spare building slots on this planet it might be better to instead go for something like a hall theater to fix our amenities issues once and for all and then also start going for research ultimately research is power and the more research you have the better so we can spend a few district slots get some building slots and spam out more research and research is ultimately going to be a resource that is uh going to be reinvested into our empire for more and more bonuses going for technology is extremely strong and you can spam research labs basically anywhere having dedicated tech worlds is not particularly worthwhile because you don't really get any extra science you only get reduced upkeep and you can deal with the upkeep of scientists by just building up more consumer goods and with this new system it is relatively easy to do so on certain planets you will want to build up industrial districts and using those industrial districts you'll produce consumer goods and alloys make sure to have some planets dedicated to it such as for example your capital if you're lacking consumer goods or alloys you should build up districts on there because ultimately your capital is going to be a zone where you balance your economy if you're lacking something build it on your capital and ideally you want to specialize your other planets after you've built up your planet some more and possibly have upgraded some of your buildings uh to have more jobs for example you can upgrade research labs over to research complexes uh for the price of some gas you will unlock another upgrade to your planetary capital this upgrade to your capital will allow you to build some very specialized buildings such as for example a ministry of production which is great on planets specialized in alloys or consumer goods or alternatively you can build a research institute which increases your researcher output uh something that we certainly want to have on this planet where we have plenty of research going on so let's go ahead and upgrade the building we can see that our amenities problems are going to be fixed once again and we're gonna get more buildings thoughts so let's go ahead and build that research institute which is gonna really help us out in our specialization of science generally you will wanna have a mix of a decent amount of worker jobs and a decent amount of specialist jobs although of course you can have planets that are specialized primarily towards mining for example or primarily towards having to do with building slots however in either of those scenarios you will either have too many building slots such as with a planet which is primarily focused on raw resources or too few buildings thoughts on a planet which is primarily focused on specialist research the only two planet types where you would really want to go for a specific specialization is uh with a forged world where you're trying to produce as much alloys as possible and you really just need to specialize all the industrial districts on alloy output instead of also producing consumer goods or on planets which are bureaucratic centers you will generally only need one of these planets in a playthrough but specializing in bureaucracy is nice on that one planet because it will make them quite a bit more efficient and it's very hard to modify the production of bureaucrats otherwise in fact if you have a low habitability world it will not actually affect the production of bureaucrats and so having a bureaucratic setter on some really bad lohap world is probably the best way to go anyways back to the planet in our situation at 40 population we have two primary options we can either continue growing the planet which would require us upgrading more buildings and dealing with ever decreasing planetary growth due to our planetary cap being relatively low at 62. if we continue to develop this planet uh eventually our pop growth is going to stop and overall this planet will be growing as much population this can be beneficial ultimately if you have no growth you will not have to worry about any population on this planet and you can just focus on developing other planets however if you're playing the game efficiently you will want to have as much growth as possible and what you will simply want to do is resettle the new population over to other worlds on a size 16 planet that is exactly what i would do i would leave the planet at around 40 pops and in fact if we uh unapplied our clerks and make sure everyone is working as either a minor or a researcher or having some other important job we can make it so any new pop that grows here is unemployed and they will automatically try to move to a planet uh with employment housing and amenities on average it'll take about a year for this new pop to resettle to another planet uh this process can be sped up however by for example being a democracy or by going for a special starbase module called a transit hub you unlock this technology by researching level 2 hyperdrives and this will increase chance of resettlement by 100 percent or any planets within the system the more pops there are the higher the chance of moving out and so this two population should eventually go down to zero there we go the human has resettled and actually the robot will not be able to resettle because they have migration controls enabled you might have to resettle robots manually and if they are synthetics it will cost influence just as much as normal pops would anyways when it comes to planetary development on this planet uh it is going to finish right here however on a planet that is much larger we can get quite a bit more population and on larger planets you will generally want to produce stuff like industrial districts or science and stuff like that this planet in particular is a perfect candidate for eco monopolist so let's see what we would do with that yeah this is what eukaryopolis would look like we're at 100 pops and we're not even breaking a sweat when it comes to housing and planetary capacity our population is going to be booming and even at 200 population we're going to be just fine we're going to have plenty of jobs and uh more pops will be welcome a similar thing can be said about bushid worlds and hive worlds being able to just spam out as much of a district as you want is really powerful and uh you will be able to carry a lot more pops on the special sorts of planets than you would on normal planets with 3.0 and its carrying capacity mechanic some planets will simply be much better suited for carrying a lot of pops than others it is very difficult to build up a planet like this to have 80 pops let alone 200. in 2.8 it will be possible and you'd be primarily limited by housing but in 3.0 you're primarily limited by carrying capacity and because you want to get as much growth on your planet as possible you are really encouraged to spread your pops across multiple worlds instead of focusing them on a few particular planets anyways this will about do it for the planetary side of things in 3.0 other things to note is that edicts such as for example capacity subsidies mining subsidies and farming subsidies are incredibly overpowered capacity subsidies will give you an additional two and a half energy per technician and that is quite a lot of resources i would highly recommend running these edicts if you can afford it if we take a look at our policies tab we can see another change in 3.0 civilian economy and militarized economy will actually give you a plus 285 in exchange for -25 in 2.8 it was a minus 25 in exchange for plus 15 and even in those situations it was sometimes worth it to take militarize economy or civilian economy in 3.0 it's probably your best bet to be on militarized economy basically all the time unless you're trying to build up your economy without having a navy in which case the only economy is the way to go otherwise i have to mention that starbase modules have been buffed dramatically for example hydroponics bays produce a base of tent food which is modified by your different technologies so in our case by building a hydroponics bay we are getting 18 food per month extra this crazy amount of production means that it is very well worth it to build up new stations simply to have of those hydroponics bays if you're a gestalt empire star based modules become even better you can make solar panel networks which will produce a base of six energy per module and so for gestalts building up economic stations is very very good and in the early game uh as long as i can afford it i always try to go for these anyways that about does it for today in the near future i'll also be covering how to build up habitats in the most efficient way possible in a live stream where i also play as void dwellers void dwellers has received some serious changes due to the new growth mechanics and so optimization of that is going to take a whole stream to explain and hopefully i figure out some great strategies for that but for the time being i'll leave you guys with a tip you want to build up your habitats with one habitation district per uh production district and you want to keep the population on your habitats relatively low around 23 pops at max anyways thank you all for watching and i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Stefan Anon
Views: 193,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, stellaris guide, stefan anon, stefan stellaris, stellaris gameplay, patch, stellaris update, stellaris 3.0, stellaris 3.0 gameplay, stellaris nemesis, stellaris nemesis gameplay, stellaris 3.0.1, patchnotes, stellaris 3.0 patchnotes, stellaris 3.0 guide, stellaris changes, stellaris pop growth, stellaris pop, pop growth, stellaris planets, stellaris planets guide, stellaris how to play, planet development, how to build planets, ooga booga, paradox interactive, op
Id: 5uLkZPXGs7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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