Stellaris Fixing Viewer Empires (Unbidden & War In Heaven Edition)

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welcome back to salvage Sunday of the show where you send a nice a file for me to rescue because my lord what are you people getting yourselves into this over sentence by commander soul on the disco do we want to get involved this job bought jump on to this goat itself and maybe I will salvage your game for you let's let's start this one out yet bling Martin that's that's the thing let's dive right in let's see what we got here what kind of horrible horrible situation if you got your int into commander Saul I'm really curious about this one alright pick the game loading things up okay let's let's take a look what we got okay alright so six planets that seems very compact okay that's fine we are fanatic materialists Xena files and we are a mega cup that's something you don't see very often super mega corporation that's cool you don't really get to see all that much but this is a mega corporation for some reason is running low on money and that right there is rather annoying relics we've got the vault oom reality perforator which is gonna give us some bonuses in terms of military if we ever get around to that suitcase we need to get and if we have to go up the Galactic market so that's gonna be helpful with our market stuff of course we've got a lot of a reasonable amount of of alloys considering the amount of planets we have food is okay minerals are okay energy and consumer goods pretty much the classics are what is currently a problem it's probably because of our because we're over our Starbase capacity now I was told that there are some unbidden on in here yeah there they are look at that armadas of 150 K that's annoying but I'm sure that we can deal with that and on top of that we appear to be in a world war and have what on earth is this the intergalactic galactic Gary Galactic Gary Center for expanding the reaches of him and the gift let me guess it's I it's I've mind my god that's so predictable so predictable so this appears to be our space we don't have that many planets let's see how the development is gay on it 109 years into the game we got 28 pops on our capital world and almost no development okay 13 pops 29 pops the core okay okay what are you oh we took a fallen Empire world okay that is good it's all been bombed into the ground but we can rebuilt this if we manage to rebuild to see a singularity then we're gonna be actually in quite a good spot because they'll just churn out as much as we want we need to enable population controls also I need to know what kind of traits my pops have let's take a look here my most dwarf okay intelligent industrial and strong side entry and non-adaptive we've got one point available sell both is gonna create this here template apply it all of our pumps where possible 18 months totally doable because we're gonna need to move a bunch of pops around to the core and boundary I would think yeah there's almost no pops here we're gonna need to take care of that because they're gonna be really important to get up and running and on top of that can we enable population controls population controls are now allowed and we will replace the Vaughn Cong Devon con Oh their natural physicists and intelligent but we're strong and industrious and we're gonna need that anyway we're gonna just force this planet just to crank out nothing but dwarfs I think that's gonna be pretty important here because our executives will obviously be important this is gonna be the core of our Empire right here this is what we're gonna be focusing on as much as we can this is let me guess it's the Fallen Empire station down here yes it is they are extremely powerful we definitely don't want to dismantle that one this is who's gonna remove this one here because we are well over our Starbase capacity we really want to watch out that that doesn't become a problem that is a random Anchorage station we'll just get rid of that as well do we have any other random stations that are useful this is a trade station we'll keep is that another Anchorage station and that should put things into a better better spot for US economy wise so there seems to be a lot of activity here this board having seems to be on the lost side of our enemies considering we've managed to take the higher fallen Empire this is the other fallen Empire up here I would guess the refuge there no this is a autonomous service grid rogue servitors interesting okay so where are so the peacekeepers the von Kong peacekeepers who all the way down here okay that's interesting and then there is the Galactic good intergalactic Gary galactic Gary Center for expanding the reaches of himself I'm pretty sure this player started out with this Empire the real problem that we have is of course the unbidden they are everywhere there are several fleets floating around and they are getting dangerously close to our core worlds so we're gonna need to do something about that we can we can forget about this stuff it's not important to the show we have a single fleet over here we're using Devastator torpedoes which is good for shield penetration which means they completely bypass shields storm fire out of cannons with additional damage shields that rhodium armor Dark Matter deflectors and afterburners man 109 years into the game what kind of settings will you're running on here buddy that's crazy that's crazy indeed alright so we'll just need to start taking territory then and we will enable the vault arm as well shield weapon damage plus 40% that's gonna massively increase our firepower gonna be very useful once we hear the unbidden in terms of sentient perks technological ascendancy pretty standards universal transactions is pretty much a must-have for mega corpse 1 vision for that unity bonus as well as the pop immunities negative negative modifier defender of the galaxy is gonna be useful against the crisis and galactic contender against fallen empires but even though that's not really all that interesting anymore so we've got six worlds how much food do we have 48 okay so we're gonna we're gonna enable the fictional plenitude not to get me aboard we need to get our pops growing and do we have access I don't actually see any oh wow this industrial world has been neutral orbit can we rebuild repair this station too few pops on this planet okay but we can re-enable this in a fluent Center will give us the amount of resources that we need I'm actually really tempted just to pick up all my pops and move them to boundary in court just because of the sheer amount of resources that we can get from that maybe do we have any slaves we could potentially dip into no there's no slaves on the market which is unfortunate I would like to take some of these world there seems to be a colossus over here so that is a fallen Empire Colossus that's floating around top scale incomplete so that's interesting and we are just building more stuff on our star basis a lot of stuff going on here these star bases are gonna really be important to keep our army afloat now let's take a look here at our ship designs so devastated torpedoes are good versus unbidden mainly because they will penetrate shields quite easily I may want to go for something a little bit more long-range like or disruptors yeah they got shield penetration so I was gonna swap those around to disruptors because they will completely bypass any sort of shields this ship build this ship Booker is completely designed to bypass shields and will attack the unbidden for massive damage which is what we want we don't want this picket setup here that's fine we'll just put some more disruptors on there interesting this is a flagella Cruiser that's something haven't seen in a while okay well we're gonna go and turn this into a missile cruiser and we're just gonna be crapping out the here devastated torpedoes on mass in the disruptors to mix things up what we do want to do is we want to make sure that we have nothing but shields on here if at all possible we don't have any do you have any yeah we have advanced boosters here but that's not gonna be very crystalline infuse plating that's actually kind of good so we'll just build something like this using auxiliary fire computer on there yes that's nice and we want to keep this as range if we at all can so we got line computers and artillery computers the artillery computer is actually kind of nice because again we want to stay out of range of the unbidden as much as possible okay we don't actually have anything here involving long-range weapons missiles are not an option well maybe it's some large weapons yeah let's just go for a full large setup instead then okay we don't have any good weapon systems for that okay so battleships are not gonna be our mainstay here ironically we're gonna be rocking quite a lot of cruisers in this year bad boy so that's a very interesting approach I haven't actually seen one of these why the crystalline infuse plating aspect because they will add hit points and hit points are gonna be important of course we want to make sure they have artillery computer in abled on them FTL jump drive please can we get anything better than that no and then we have a Titan Titan is gonna be good for addition beams even though it does reduce shield damage actually don't think Titans are gonna be all that useful for the war to come so maybe four maybe four the aura and that's pretty much it yeah it's pretty much gonna be an aura based thing right now it's all plasma weapons so it's all anti-armor which is not gonna be all that useful versus the unbidden ears need to make sure everything has got jump drives on it now it does cruiser needs a jump drive we do not have enough power on this design that is unfortunate so let's put another crystalline infuse plate on there we got a lot of additional resources here and the battleship of course that's all taken care of wait is that Dark Matter thrusters do they all have Dark Matter thrusters yes and you should be using does not have enough power we were just lacking - well we're gonna just put some dark matter reflectors on here anyway the ship the Corvettes are gonna be a little bit slower but I think that's gonna be fine there we go is this this is an interesting design it's completely tailored to be anti unbidden okay so that's at least out of the way and we will start refitting our fleets as soon as we can but we have a couple of other problems neither do you need to deal with I got a lot of worlds available that we can do cool things with get Savannah world's everywhere ocean worlds arid worlds what is our specialty actually we're Alpine okay so we've got Alpine preference on most of our worlds cool okay so we'll descend the fleet towards this area just to get a little bit more experience on to our Admiral we got a tactical defined defense fleet over here there's gonna take doubt these here pirates will set them too aggressive and we give another strategic readiness fleet it looks like they got battered pretty hard maybe Oh God mmm refit standards I'll just upgrade this fleet getting ready for our first complete encounter now considering we are a mega Corp what is gonna be important is actually making sure that we have some very important things so first we need to find the capitals and let's take a look here okay so corporate is not a possibility here because obviously they are not that type of empire we need to find ourselves who are the most powerful in the galaxy right now the peacekeepers okay so the peacekeepers are the most powerful right now they're over here is need to find a capital world which is this one I interesting what on earth happened to this into this place it's all in such a bad spot as well my lord that is so strange well this is all gonna be eaten alive maybe these this year Union now they like us a lot so that's gonna be useful okay so can I in fact open up a corporate branch yes I can I already have private enterprises commercial forums so it looks like it's the problem is I don't have an overview on where all my branch offices are and which planets actually have branch offices on them this is I think a real weakness of mega Corp but still you know we have a lot of flexibility here to do stuff got a bunch of good worlds here that's a mineral world we may actually try to call them it's Alpine as well screw it we'll just colonize it where are my doors actually I'll wait a little bit until the genetic engineering is done otherwise I will get weird pops floating around in addition there's a lot of trade value that is not being funneled back to my capital here so the capital is over here in alar so all of this stuff needs to move to the closest possible area just so that it can be pumped back to the capital and this may increase the piracy values here but I'm not too concerned about it okay so this should at least improve our economy quite significantly could some combat here that was just some why is there a hundred and fifty K oh that's a fallen Empire stack okay wait what no it's not a fallen Empire stack at all interesting they're overwhelming that's fascinating they all love us for some reason I'm not entirely sure how that happened very curious this gamer seems to be running also quite quickly so the amount of pups that are available in this galaxy is actually looking quite good Wow there is a lot of trade value floating around that is not doing anything so trade hub how close is it to jumps okay trade hub at two hangar bays here because they'll add additional firepower floors engaged against piracy oh that's gonna be really important now can take a look at some of our worlds here so this generator world's looking Goods I am going to however need to do something importantly do we have robots no we do not that is curious especially considering they're materialists that is so weird does this have to do with our policies by any chance robotic workers are in fact allowed refugees are welcome that's gonna be really important when it comes to getting our population up and running purging prohibited yada-yada unrestricted Wars Rapid Deployment is a good option once you have been tried to move into our territory we will turn that into the one where we get little bonuses we got a bunch of resources here the core is being pushed back online food is potentially gonna be a problem in the long run we have a lot of pops here that are not doing anything research very curious potential market survey completed okay so we got refugees they are coming in on ilaria Faris of particle lands that we want it proton launchers are here as well we're gonna stick with the Devastator torpedoes because they are more powerful and there's a strategic coordination center that we are going to need as well we got a bunch of pop what the hell is this what on earth am I looking at here okay so it would appear that we have got nothing but sky domes on this planet now don't get me wrong this will make a lot of pups really happy but this does not appear to be like a resort world or anything like that which is just a very curious decision or as it replaces here with an energy grid and add some more city districts here for the additional resources that we can get also we're gonna need to put this station online and wow this fleet will actually get money back like a lot of it so that's good because the way they're set up is that their firepower is ok-ish but we will get the devastated torpedo set up is completely designed to take down on biddin okay so I got some void skulkers over here we'll just start under result yeah I thought as much so they'll try to attack the system here try to do a little bit because there's 160 Corvettes that will do the trick yes yes yeah they'll die very quickly yeah let me guess that's a devastating torpedo fleet I would not be surprised yeah okay battle that'll wreck them extremely quickly and we'll take the opportunity as well just to clear out as much of this territory as possible do we orders still a couple of things here that you are not connected interesting oh wow okay so all of this stuff is not actually connected to anything so we're going to need to make sure all that trade value comes back to the capital and our transport fleet is currently missing so that's not gonna be too useful in the law in the short run what do they got here 10k 20k I think I saw earlier that's 5k that's completely and totally not all that interesting for us but we do need to do is actually build up our population somebody has dealt me a really rough hand with this bad boy at least we've got enough consumer goods again so that's positive we should probably build a city district or two just to keep these workers employed on these drought resources do we have a reasonable amount okay +4 that's fine the generator world with all this tech coming from that is so weird even have an energy no you don't have a this is just incomplete can I fix this what is this a fortress affluence Center repair two few pumps on this planet to support this upscaling complete build some more of that Starbase under assault okay so Starbase appears to be under assault from where over here so it's for K station engaged fleets what is going on here why okay so you got jump drives all the ships in the fleet need to be on the right level but these are all CRO let me guess yeah that's a sea fallen Cruiser you gotta go you are not supposed to be part of this here fleet because now all of a sudden we can jump on them so we can just very quickly jump in and out there to salt the Fallen Cruiser or in a sunken cruiser is actually really cool in terms of how it's designed but overall like it can't upgrade it so at this point of the game is just not that interesting mine artifacts have been discovered Wow one hole oh okay the crash starship cool alright my -70 breakthrough chance is not the greatest okay so we got a bunch of construction ships that are not doing anything sign ships that are supposed to be assisting but aren't doing so so I will actually this is this is a the dis empire lose all of its space at some point is that what happened here because this makes no sense and we got all this on developments under development space that this should not exist all yeah well well at least we have at least we have this area okay so reach for the star star blaze Sarris influence costs reduce stuff that's gonna be do as much good I mean while the unbidden are heavily expanding now we're gonna need to take down all the anchors because if we don't they're gonna you know wreck our stuff and there is one of our allies in between yes okay so we have some pops that are arriving at the core that is good the real question is will we be able to well control this influx of of stuff that is gonna come in we are not in a good place comparatively to unbidden the perfect world to be down here but they are clearly not so oh yeah I forgot this is a total war scenario right yeah okay well we'll just jump right on top of these guys and take our territory back because total war sucks so much in general really okay so good have our transport fleet you back yes we do can we join up with our fleet here well just jump over and this total war scenario we're just gonna engage oh they jump out where do they go Wow an actual fleet jumps there's something you don't see every day but at least we managed to take the territory back and we're gonna continuously try to take territory back what's going on here this is all controlled by me yeah from what I can see here is that wood what the hell robot assembly plants this late into the game it's literally on the friggin up biddin are over here our robotic assembly plants only being made available this late I got a planet being devastated here okay Neutron sweep Tevan that that's a war crime so we've taken all of this stuff back can we engage this fleet so we need to take this fleet over here if we can take these planets that would be nice surreal yes show me awareness what do you want one sign ships what do I get for it one atmospheric deodorizer sure I will sacrifice a single sign ships the ship for a deodorizer and then use that on something else initiate corporate performance competition ooh so what does it do here immigration pole plus 30 yeah we're gonna definitely gonna put that on the core and executive output we want to be able to stimulate pop growth here wherever possible but it's not gonna happen anytime soon sadly we need to get these workers working really okay so oldest era is considering we're in the total war scenario it means that we can take all this stuff fairly quickly exactly what we want and Commander Sol was smart enough to try to take as much as he could and when it comes to this fallen Empire the real prize of course is the core and boundary oh boy our spice report that the matriarchy is close to possessing enough information about L gates to unlock the one they control which would give them access to the L cluster and its secrets I don't think I actually have any L clusters within any gateways within my territory so they can go ahead with that if they want to get invaded by the by the greys that's fine by me okay so robotic assembly plants my Lords do you need robotic frigging assembly plants just built them they're so important I need to build this nourishment center I need nourishment all right well there's gonna take this system now upscaling complete because that's obviously gonna be important okay so more refugees that's excellence we want to see more refugees because we need to start populating our worlds it's gotta it's gotta be a bit of an uphill battle with that not too keen wait we have our other fleet over you what's the power on the station I don't see any enemy fleets within my territory which is fine there's need to make sure we can take down this year fleets annulled Orff's are now biologically engineered which is great because it means that we can start expanding somewhere else I can't believe this this empires lost so much territory that's crazy we need terraform this we actually don't have to rescue role sculpting how does that even work is there any fallen Empire worlds that I could potentially do something with there's an Alpine rollover here we will colonize that with our Dorf s-- and that'll be that this is Nita we need to get more breathing space I think is one of the big problems here thankfully invading enemy worlds is a good way of doing that how many pops do you have on here sir 300 okay so 85 pops are on this world and we are about to take it it's gonna be a fine addition to our collection attempting to acquire planetary market yeah this is gonna be another another core arrival 13 pop some conclude goods can we replace it yes no really these guys just keep on purifying worlds that's crazy far fian okay okay so they're just proactively purging worlds okay the truth okay so that's a horse that's his died planetary market security could it be that this was one of my world's before mmm great very curious very weird okay so how many troops you got here 1500 we'll just jump in the fleet to take the world don't see too many problems that gateways are being built everywhere now so that's totally understandable we don't have any good scientists in place okay automatic explorations being done some other stuff as well dwarfs are updated all this jump falls so I've just come to a rather interesting conclusion here this is my capital world of ilaria right where is on the out where is it on the outliner it is it is literally not on this outliner am i being bamboozled do I have pops somewhere that I do not know something is really a smile sector I've got a sector called smegal and it's generating a ton of my resources uh okay we're just gonna go to pull on it oh okay I've got a few more planets than I thought I did all right well that's that's definitely something boy okay yeah sure we could use that sensors indicated several synchronous subspace disruptions the closest one's reported lights and disturbance are rapidly subsiding but somebody's open the Gateway you yeah leo clusters open it's probably dragons it's probably dragons season I wouldn't be surprised if it is so somebody's gonna be running around with a ton of dragons very soon whoo lucky bastard but still we still have a problem a slight problem unbidden floating around and there is focused arc emitter that's gonna be a secret weapon against the unbidden because it bypasses oh you know old damage really okay we're gonna start building a battleship fleets we are in no position whatsoever to take on the unbidden they are knocking on the borders they got what like three hundred thousand fleet power per fleet that as insanity we can not even think about taking that on but I just discovered it I had a lot more empire than I actually did it's a bit of a weird one but hey what can one do right oh yeah some of its Dragon season apparently that's very very small chance is that actually happening I feel like 10% of the time the Dragons season happens it's the secret cow level up here in the elk cluster or to get some nanites up the only source of nanites in the universe or at least in this particular galaxy in the meantime though do drug introduced it's this for pop but okay well it's apparently just for pops have died in the meantime I'd be unbidden are slowly but subtly starting to push they need to build their anchors in order to be able to push so they're kind of stuck in this area and they're not really bashing around all that much but they're on our borders which is obviously a problem but I think that our ship setup we should be able to counter them relatively well we'll see how that is gonna now what some people don't realize is that even though you are low on alloys right now I've got 14k in the bank and I'm ready to upgrade the strategical Coordination Center that I've built because I do feel I'm gonna need it but alloys are low so what do we do like the we got 120 K alloys we're for fleet to build and we only have an income of 268 per month how do we get around this well early in the game this player managed to pile up dark matter and dark matters extremely good as well as other strategic resources that we could use to build various facilities with to upgrade all of our stuff however we've got this autonomous service grid up here so we can just go for a trade deal with them and see how many alloys they have now the the devs have been so kind to add the ability to basically get a ton of alloys let's say 20k which we can store let's just go a little bit further as you can see they have all these alloys but they don't want to trade them with us just yet however we got a bunch of resources the Afra mentioned dark matter so what we can do is we can for instance trade some dark matter with them and how much can we hold sir we can hold one thing you know all the thousand more for their seven thousand yet it should be enough and they're definitely interested in buying these alloys and now we can just mess around with the amount of resources that they would like so we can just say hey would you like this amount of alloys and all I need to do is just make sure that it's one and there you go 81 dark matter and 755 51 rare crystals will get twenty three thousand alloys in return for that and that will instantly fill up our entire pool which we can then use to upgrade our strategic coordination Center now we still have 22,000 left which he can use to reinforce all of our fleets and now we're down back to 22 ok so now we can go back and say hey you remember those alloys you had yeah we used all of ours we would like to buy some more so how about you sell us like 30k yeah does that work cool we got resources for it so how about some volatile mode spur hats perhaps I'm gonna do we have we've got 800 in store we'll just get all the dark matter as well dark matter we don't have anywhere but they were really really interested in our crystals how about exotic gases ok that is doable ok Dark Matter we already sorted consumer good so maybe some energy credits see you guys want some energy credits they're not really interested in energy credits but now we can disturb lower things down a little bit see what what ratio they're interested in ok so plus 3 minus 5 minus 4 and there we go so we can get another 18,000 alloys here which is pretty much what we want see if we can just squeeze it over the edge here there we go please need to find the right balance here okay there we go 18100 and 24 alloys for our strategic resources now right now we are trading resources as well we want to we want to remove that there modifier so we're no longer have that automatic trip but we've got 20,000 alloys in storage right now which we will be in we used to reinforce our fleets now we will have a metric ton of ships ready to rock and roll into enemy space as you can see research lets the fleet there we go we got hundreds of Corvettes in production this new fleet there is battleships it's a score vest at the moment really but we still have 80,000 worth of fleet power being built and that right there is rather useful we want to get more energy credits if we can do we have anything that boosts shields energy weapon attack speed so one thing that we need to realize is that the weapons that we are feeling especially the focus our commanders are considered to be energy weapons same thing with the Corvettes the torpedoes are in fact energy weapons well actually no these are explosives so we want to build boost explosive weapon damage in the meantime though we are not producing enough motes but thankfully we got slots available on other worlds that we can use to produce more motes I would hope do we have any mote product we don't anymote production facilities really that is so strange so we're gonna need to be able to produce motes ok that's fine we got 31 weeks 31 months even before we need to be able to produce motes I believe if I'm not entirely mistaken there was a system around here somewhere yes now that's not within our reach satellite but yeah we need to be able to produce motes somehow in the meantime our fleets are just getting ready they're getting stronger and stronger and with every single ship at its to our fleet it means that we have more firepower and with more firepower we can kill enemy fleets and maybe push back the unbidden a little bit sour fleet power is increasing quite rapidly in addition we also have a single ascension slot open now what I'm gonna do with us I'm gonna build a arcology project why an arcology project well ecologies are great for generating masses and the massive amounts of alloys which is why I've set up let's see if we can find it'd be nice to actually be a lot hotkey some sort of some sort of worlds where are you world that I had specifically set up for this if I can find a stupid thing all right here it is so here it is we're just building nothing but city districts on this world slowly but steadily filling it up with city districts and then eventually we'll turn it into an arcology which we can then use crank out insane amounts of alloys and we've got the resources through that that's perfectly fine just need to do the domination tree now because we want to get in Brook plays motivators which is gonna improve our economy be quite a look by quite a lot and in addition we're gonna continuously move pops over to boundary as well as the core as long as we can because the more we have the better because it means that we can start continue to rebuild all the structures on those worlds and that's exactly what we want now it's a little bit clunky I know that you I wasn't really designed for this a large amount of Reeboks going around but a little bit to get another nourishment center up and running which is nice we got a couple of pops missing here it's gonna go and get another districts for mining but overall I think looking okay here there was a couple of unbidden fleets floating around there's a 137 K fleet over here which I'm rather curious to do something with and on top of that there is a fallen Empire fleet as well these guys as gonna die but what I would really like to do is kill a single enemy full of single enemy fleets oh god they're starting to stack up and move potentially move in my general direction and these guys are coming in know they're just sitting there and these guys are going to go over here so that's unfortunate so they're starting to move in all my territory okay there's a chemical plant so then I can start building my own moats rather than having the trade every single month to do that yeah we're actually spending 602 now what's he going on here monthly trade spending harder and 14 energy a month on trading most so that our economy can keep up and running but that's perfectly fine we can totally do that and on top of that we just got more energy weapon attack speed which is good because then we can get more firepower for our ships so slowly but steadily we're getting there it's it's it's a long run but we can do it we also want to keep the recycling campaign up and running because the lowers the consumer goods complete plus we got all those exotic gas volatile ammunition all that stuff we can enable that to get even more i empower on the field which is good finish off domination and we got two more slots enabled so we could potentially go for something funky say mind over matter that'd be fun telepathy and shroud based stuff I think that would be a good choice so I let it look around the Empire and the planets that are available it looks like none of the planets in my empire actually have volatile motes on them so that was probably one of the big reasons why this empire was struggling so much because they literally had no way of dealing with things which is obviously a little bit annoying but still what can you do right it's it's always difficult to deal with these sort of things when you don't get the draw of the luck sadly so oh well such sucks are things we're gonna need to build a world that has quite a lot of focus wow there's only one tile remaining here well it's gonna be a well these here this is a research world okay well we need to upgrade this building more alloys would be good yeah because we're extent expanding our fleets quite significantly it means that we have less resources why are you on auto I don't know no I don't want you to be on auto God stop doing that thank you stop stop oh my god stop automations off automation is off okay so I just realized that the person who ran this never got any our pieces from the artist and so we'll just get that out of the way art bar pieces are extremely good you always want them you also want to be their patron because of the 20 percent to ten percent monthly unity modifier and then it's just a case of building your decisions here so exhibit all the art monuments it's actually really important to get all that stuff done because the unity bonuses are really really good now I'm just placing these random like willy-nilly definitely it should be quality project well we should definitely put them on the core and boundary because of all the local bonuses that we can get upscaling is pretty much the amount that we can do here sadly but it doesn't mean that we have a bit of flexibility here that's we can't distribute luxury goods right now but overall I think we're looking pretty good can I repair this building yet no I can not see that is a shame and one of the trading coalition's has just died well take this opportunity however to fill up boundary a little bit more but more people that are just sitting around not doing anything I'll be unemployed so to speak and the goal here is basically to rebuild this planet because the buildings on the Fallen Empire worlds are so valuable you want to keep those up and running as soon as you can they are just so good I also really wish that there was an interface somewhere where I could see very quickly that I have a trade thing going on here like there's a planet over here right yeah be thankful a commercial pact with these guys okay can I actor must be independent upscaling complete okay oh okay these guys are part of fallen Empire all right how about these guys these are also signatories okay how about these guys they're all signatories he's serious oh wow okay these guys are all signatories which means I can't have any branch offices at them how about these guys these signatory oh my god they are my signatory maybe but I can see oh dang that is that's bad research oh no the end of the that's the end of the intergalactic galactic Garre galactic Garre Center for expanding the reaches of him and the gift oh yeah this is clearly a multiplayer game I can't the think of it my Lords this this game is just silly even though the unbidden are just sitting there not doing all that much and just letting me build up which is fine by me because I get more or integration either iterations so good like the more in a more time it's basically value for influence so I could cup of capacity overload like research grants I can just enable them whenever I want to which is awesome and then of course we've got the scientific ambitions oh man desperate measures is so good as well as architectural Renaissance the grand fleets so nice will to power if you need more influence very good as well and we have an extra attention perk now what shall we go for I feel that we need bonuses and boons why boons because they're awesome and and that's why we are gonna go mind-over-matter a little bit late it's about miles on or 50 years into the game but the psycorps and the Scion economies are now here and also means that our leaders at least let's take a look here our leaders will in general be a lot better so for instance if I can take a quick look here and my leaders wow I got a whole bunch of additional ones that are just costing me money you would need to take those off the market those leaders will slowly but sadly start to develop their new traits and that basically means is that they over time will start adding really cool bonuses into everything and on top of that they'll be able to access the shroud and maybe maybe get some additional bonuses that will allow us to fight against the unbidden a bit more it seems to be a larger fight going around okay this I've been in fleet is feeling it what kind of weapons are they running here because they are bipe yeah they are they're running the Devastator face is Raptor combo which is what they should be using versus unbidden because the completely bypasses all of their shields should we join in is the real question yeah I may as well may as well give give the unbidden a little bit of a push maybe take out an anchor or or two but yeah we were throwing in about hundred sixty about 240,000 fleet power into the grinder the problem is young bidden obviously has a significantly larger amount of firepower but we get a bonus against the unbidden of 100% so we may actually move be moving a little bit too early let's us doctor okay well the the stack is actually moving now so salad are not moving as a group they're all moving as individual fleets for some reason and they're all just trickling into these systems so I feel kind of sort of obligated to help them out where are they going are they yeah they're just going in one by one they're gonna lose their friggin Colossus of all things that sucks you know at least it got disengaged but still some what are we getting here from the strategic coordination center at the moment well it's right now it's just a hull so we're not getting out of getting a lot out of it but as soon it will improve quite a lot of our stuff then again if we throw this here fleet into the grinder it may actually clean up some of our costs so what we're gonna do is we're gonna Park this here fleet uh we could send them in as support I guess maybe I'm not particularly keen of completely getting them annihilated more refugees always nice we're just gonna park the fleet of over here like it's a lot of Corvettes we actually don't need this here army I also don't wanna have it die so all the fleets research let's start to get into position and then we'll see what these guys are made of energy attack weapons energy weapon damage absolutely so for every single boost that we're currently getting to shields our ships are actually getting stronger which is good and maybe war doctrine hit-and-run combat disengagement rapid you know I do like rapid deployment because it will allow us to potentially outrange the unbidden so let's just go in for a little bit of an excursion to see if we can do anything here you are Minister of Culture I will tell you that all right so first fight with the unbidden let's take a look how well this fleet design stacks up so they should be starting to out torpedoes very shortly by the hundreds of them and they should also in case they miss they should also of course re-engage so we're already within disintegrator range why are you guys not crapping out torpedoes apparently they find it a good idea to okay so torpedoes are apparently on the field there's so many of them that you can't see them so far seems to be going fairly okay a lot of torpedoes on the field it's cutting them down very quickly as they should do but we're losing quite a lot of ships as well just to close that gap which is unfortunate a couple of battleships remain the matter disintegrators we'll give them a family there you go so what do we managed to kill here well how much were doing the managed to lose quite a lot quite a lot of Corvettes but we didn't manage to knock out their fleets whenever a fallen whenever a Empire or a crisis disengages from a battle it means that fleet is gone forever that's it's a permanent removal oh good lord there's another stack that is potentially problematic could we do anything about this screw it we're gonna throw them into the grinder let's see what happens here I'm curious alright so all our fleets again torpedoes locked and ready are we gonna be able to take him out now they are dropping like flies torpedoes are really doing a number on them because they are ripping through their shields which is exactly what we want the real problem is our our sacrifice is worth it in this case now we've probably lost a significant most a hundred ships and they lost not nearly as much but we've managed to take down two fleets with our initial Corvettes form but more importantly we have managed to take something that we need that right there is their matter dissing greatness in greater technology now that we have that we can actually turn that against them in addition we can get more kinetic weapon damage which is something that we wanted as well now all of our fleets will now be falling back to this year Starbase is the place that we busy building all of our stuff we got a sign ship into position we'll just quickly pop one on and send them over because we are going to need to find the secrets of these matter disintegrators now most likely they'll only do damage against armor and very limited against shields so our current setup is probably the best that we can do which is of course the incomplete this variant over here you have them the small face disruptors the problem that we have obviously is that we don't we're losing hundreds of ships every single round or every single fight thankfully we're flying around with Corvettes which means that we can replace them exceedingly quickly which is very very nice before can we add another thing no we cannot get some pirates to deal with we'll deal with those shortly but in the meantime we're getting more addicting sand slowly but steadily as long as we can hold the line against the unbidden we will be fine and that's what's it let's support an important takeaway here this fleet over here they can take care of the Pirates that's fine so yeah I have the matter disintegrator technology at the moment it does do reduction to shield damage and improvement to hold the armor damage and 100% against Hull is it gonna be any good for us no no I'm definitely not because the unbidden once again have a extremely high shield count we was one of you would just want to completely bypass that altogether which is why I'm gonna bring my second fleet onto the field very shortly which is going to be this fleet over here the grand ax I should not have hit that button because I wanted to do something else I want to build battleships oh yeah you can build three of these bad boys and they all just run around with the Corvettes in combination with every single fleet and basically they'll allow us to engage young bit ahead range upscaling as much as we want to and then in addition used torpedoes on them as well not obviously as I as you saw before losing your fleets versus unbidden is incredibly easy because well it's it's the same problem over and over you cannot close that gap until that matter if it's integrators start to kick in so you want to bypass their shields as fast as you can which is also why the spinal mound we're using the focus argument on it because they got 100% armor and shield penetration which means that we can bypass all their weapons super quickly which in combination with artillery mode at least the artillery computer means that we can very very efficiently bypass any problems that we have with them these ones are being supported I think we need to go to where are you duck Lex no that's not the one I was looking for I was looking for where are you paradise I seem to have misplaced my fallen Empire world there it is gap boundary so you may be wondering so you may be wondering why do I want to build a strategic Coordination Center well first of all I have a limited amount of fleet power available to me and at its max stage the CG degree leader there the strategic coordination center given sis with 150 naval capacity which is definitely not a small amount plus additional Starbase capacity which you can you transfer into additional Anchorage's additional defense platform for every single station not that it's gonna be too useful for the unbidden but still thanks but should be plus 15 percent bonus to sublight speed is one of the really interesting ones here now as soon as we are ascended then we can start talking to the shroud and get some even more interesting stuff like for instance I don't know the mega art installation which will allow us to generate almost 500 unity when we're only producing 570 at the moment which is always nice in addition the additional naval capacity is always nice as well we're now 500 plus armored hit points we don't need because we're fighting the unbidden the minerals however are something that we would like plus we are still building this acumen appleís up here what we're gonna be doing as soon as it's done we are going to eat these remaining worlds over here and transfer their entire population over to this world over here so they can work in the foundries so that we can generate insane amounts of alloys that is a plan and I think it's gonna be an interesting one don't know if it's gonna work something that I would like to do who and how to forge more yes my scientists finally kick the bucket look at that psychic scaling complete that's what we want wrong species though that's a shame okay let's take a look here transcendence let's go with that the veil has been lifted and we should be able to touch upon the shroud in the powder year and get all the cool bonuses I believe however our taste currently active the vault in reality perforator is something we can use if we want to there we go so shroud can be breached now we've got an X term a dimensional Armada sitting right over here and they've managed to eat this here planet or at least it gonna be in the process of eating this here planet so that is Canastota adorable not entirely sure energy weapon damage or building costs actually we're gonna go with building costs of reduction and then I gotta started unbidden fleet no it was for a secondary I thought it was a nun bid and fleet popping in to say hi however it does not appear to be the case we still need to get rid of this unbidden fleet to do something useful but because was this place comes on in exactly 80 days and I will be able to do all sorts of cool stuff so we reaching the Shroud that is good seven months and we'll be able to talk to them and we'll use the perforator as well damage plus 40% that is ridiculous let's send them into the grinder shall we are they right on the and a really far away could be could be extremely dangerous what we're about to do let's hope the Titans will come in in time so let's slow things down a little bit so what happens here is that a lot of these ships are already starting to feel because they're being hit by the joys that is the cannons from our battleships now what happens here as well they're also being hit by kinetic weapons at the same time they're currently starting to get into range of our Corvettes but our Corvettes whilst they are dying on mass should already shooting out their torpedoes now their shields dying right here is actually not all that important we should be able to bypass that it's that green line that we want take that one down that's their whole the shield doesn't matter as long as they don't it seems like we are perforating their hull very very rapidly here battleships the the Corvettes are eating all the shots from the battleships whereas the battleships themselves you only have one battleship battleship loss in that fight and that is most excellent how much firepower do we have left here are hundreds something K so what we're gonna do is we are actually going to jump this fleet over here why are we gonna jump this fleet over here inspect well we got pops to harvest pops the harvest you say but isn't that what the abit of do oh yes oh yes but we have salad our prime encased and we've got some jobs available here and jobs specifically in the foundry arcologies need to come online because all those pups in those worlds they're going to work in the arcologies and that's what we want because and they are going to be just over here how many pops you have way too many how many armies do you have 300 easy-peasy to take down so just jump right back yeah they've managed to they're still murdered trying to murder eyes the system as soon as the negative modifier from the jump wears off let's hope that the the penalty when's the penalty is still running to a planetary market upscale income soon as the penalty wears off we are gonna jump the entire fleet towards this system just so that we can recover this planet now there are ninety seventy nine pops on here but we're gonna squeeze all of those different planets so this place will be under control very quickly there we go last armies are going down a little bit of disengagement here and there it's not a problem and then we will do that's good hours and because we are an army we are allowed to immediately jump back and now we've got to find out what this planet was called against all da okay so my rope whilst an interesting world is not exactly what we want let's say a tundra world's empire capital it's not all that well developed that can do that's ourselves somewhere better so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take all of these pops and move them all to solve our prime that includes the rulers all of them are gonna spend a lot of resources and money to make sure that this is gonna be able to happen all of them are gonna move because yam bin and would otherwise eat all of them I believe they are currently recently conquered so solve our primary is gonna have some issues with with populations so we're not gonna move everybody just you still got a little bit more firepower over here okay so that's the holy government debts yes good for us we do want to see if we can get this planet as well because it is kind of important that we do salad we don't have any Titans in this fleet so we're just jumping in special project arms is here into the shroud we can summon a say on the cabot our that's good we can also increase our lifespan you know that's good so a psionic avatar and we have a colossal warrior that we got out of that plus we're gonna is gonna try to take down these fleets as much as possible the battleships in the backline should be able to ram them into submissions while the four vets are eating most of the enemy firepower that is great for us the system is now under our control AME control but that's fine because we just want to make sure that this system doesn't go anywhere this planet needs to stay in one piece sure seventy-five cops and all that stuff is kind of difficult to work with but we have this world over here that we just moved a metric ton of pops to and there's also a little bit of an uprising yes so we'll just distribute some some luxury goods also a hundred percent crime dang-son so what we can do with that is I believe we can't do it now we can put psycorps on this on this planet but what we can do is we can put the bunk beds in the anti-crime campaign and the food containers hopefully this is gonna improve our stability so lightly we'll see at the end of the month because your ecology needs to come up as well as soon as your ecology comes up the to be more jobs available the main problem is right now is we got a lot of specialists that are unemployed and they need to drop in their strata so what we would need to do here is needs to get a precinct house stronghold and as soon as we upgrade this building we should be in a good spot but yeah the foundry ecology is gonna come online and all those pop jobs will be part of that as well hopefully they're specialists actually don't think that here we go and we got 33 of these here yeah they're foundries metallurgists yeah exactly so we got another foundry ecology coming online happiness will increase crime will decrease so that's good and we can get shield harmonics which will improve our firepower as well look at that all of a sudden this world is crapping out a hundred and forty eight trade value because all of those jobs are being used up which actually sold have half the clear-up jobs available so what we could potentially do is we could move over to the system with our capital fleets and how many what kind of jobs are still left here actually that's probably a good question to ask do we still have any workers no they're all specialists we're gonna move all these specialists away the rulers can we actually do anything with them we can assimilate them interesting what's this allows your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own your culture will hold out how come how are we allowed to assimilate them how does that work strange very strange upscaling complete yeah it's a source of pops for our foundry worlds so that we can actually get a reasonable amount of assimilation no no no no no no no we don't know Oh No well I guess we're now assimilating all of them research I'm not entirely sure what's going on undergoing assimilation but we are a mega Corp how does that work this is so strange I'm kind of weirded out by the fact that my mega Corp is trying to assimilate enemy pops that makes zero sense so weird why is this a thing Oh apparently I'm assimilating these guys not into robots but in the psyonix I am literally using mine bullets on these xenos to turn them psionic incomplete I am so confused right now about what on earth there seems to be going on oh one of our slaves was what since when do we know since when do we have slaves what's going on so we've moved all the pops on the rope over towards our new ecumene appleís which is of course the place where they're all now living apparently they're still being assimilated not entirely sure what's going on with that but yeah I guess that is a thing quite a lot of you know on unemployment going on but that's perfectly fine for the moment there's new archaeology's coming online chemical plants and synthetic crystal plants and all that stuff so that is at least running well we can probably stop doing the anti-crime campaign because that's no longer problem that if we have a halt its judgment here and overall I think we're doing quite well we've got a lot of districts that we can still pump in and that we have queued up we're doing fortresses etc sand that is all going really well and we can get more kinetic weapons too so right now overall this seems to be orders and there is a Armada over here that really shouldn't be there there's an extra dimensional Armada sitting in this system oh they're going through the wormhole what a curious idea okay so they've gone to the wormhole over here and the unbidden are now expanding down here this is the risk that you have when you have a ton of gateways etc because the unbidden will do all sorts of cheeky things that may or may not be a little bit bad for you that's actually merge these two fleets together because obviously these battle there's a couple of battleships just randomly roaming around it really shouldn't be let's put it that way we got some gateways set up here overall firepower on the fleet's is relatively high we got five or five hundred alloys being pumped out by our ecumene Appa lay oh wow this is this fleet is gonna horribly die there's a stack of five 600 K right here yeah they're gonna jump off oh boy yeah that's that is a very unfortunate spot to be oh boy engaging can unbidden at point-blank range usually not a good idea yeah well it's it's how it is I guess look at all that all those battleships are coming in to reinforce our fleets on mass there we go so we've got we've got about 200,000 sleep our 250,000 fleet power right here at the moment which is gonna be really helpful we can reinforce even more but what I just add here for vets and battleships still don't have that Titan sadly the Titan would be nice to have as it would really what I'm gonna do is because a Titan that I've set up is oh wait did I have a Titan yeah I do if it Titan so the Titan that I've set up is an anti shield Titan which will reduce enemy shields by 20% which should help significantly forces the unbidden which is nice and Wow there is another extra dimensional Armada over here what I do want to do is I want to purge these planets so that we can actually you know win this war in heaven and then the player who gave me this particular playthrough should basically be ready to conquer the galaxy on the mass look at that all those all those workers happily working in old the plants etc we also got some yeah we've got industrial arcologies as well as well as foundry archaeology so the issues with consumer goods are no longer gonna be a problem soon and all those pops have been happily lit redistribute it to a place where they can actually be a bit more productive so that's good I know those foundry arcologies coming online and then we just need to find some more pops to start working in our quote-unquote mines still though I am a little bit concerned about coal there's another pack of unbidden coming through where are you guys going you guys going through the boarders you probably are they're going probably for the wormhole yeah they're coming through it was trying to jump through which means that our fleets will immediately try to engage and we want me to make sure that is not gonna happen even though they're they're being slammed by the particle cannons and are losing a lot of their shields extremely quickly which is fine doc over here should actually set this as the home base I feel just set them to just dock basically forever and we have them under 4 yep so we can just send them to RTP and they will return back to the base so they can sit in dry dock for a little while and heal up and that's a it's a reasonable amount of battleships all those battleships are all designed against the unbidden in general so that's good as a production capacity overload production targets always good research grants and that will be that this is gonna be done soon we cannot activate it right now but it's still 900 days away I believe we've maxed out all of our stuff that means that but now can actually start taking a look on the various acquisition and will to power and all that stuff so for Proclamation Hotel desperate measure is actually quite good plus 40% roof fire rate hearts and minds is good I'm a various acquisition and my personal opinion is one of the best ones you know it should apply to how low is you have anything else we're gonna go grant fleet because it will increase our fleet power by 200 points we got more shields we got more energy weapon damage more explosive weapon damage for our torpedoes I think we're in a good spot here but it's gonna we're gonna clear up this year of war that's going on and then that should be it really because at that point the very slow but steady push back on the didn't should be completely possible oh let's not do that this system should be off-limits really there's got to battle ships here that is sitting around not doing anything and they should be merged with one of the combat fleets like the joint expedition fleet or something yeah there you go so they'll join with them quickly um so when I put them under for I believe keep them under for we got our ground armies ready to go so what we'll do is we'll just jump over into - take the system take half as well and then the war in heaven should be done and we should come out of victorious nice and smooth so how many troops do they have on the ground here five hundred with six we should probably add a leader on it there we go so let's land the armies and we will take this system and I believe this is the last one they have and once they're dead over here we can jump our fleet back to our capital or at least up to the frontline and be done with it how many just the one 500 dudes then I suggest we just start orbital bombardment and having done dammit the unbidden have taken a system that we really need it that is highly annoying Bob we can just jump back and just sit there for a little bit and wait till things clean up that's only a single stack so I don't think it's gonna be a big problem to take him down sure we want to make we don't want us to be damaged by the current you know the jump cool down so we want to make sure that's not a thing so this is gonna bring the fleet home but yeah the war in heaven is done nice and quick all these other Pop's we don't really care about all we care about it's the fact that we are now producing a reasonable amount of alloys on our acumen appleís which is still slowly but steadily developing and look at that look at those arcologies those foundry arcologies that are just generating so many resources and on top of that we got all these chemical plants coming up as well so there's a lot of value to be had here and in all honesty I could just build another one but I'm not going to because I got better things to do than that oh wow 87 km/h it's kind of to be expected though yeah the fleet is ready as well we'll just jump right in there and let's get a construction ship at the ready and then we'll just take the system back because it's it's too valuable it's got a natural wormhole and a gateway we don't want the unbidden to get anything like that in their grasp so let's take a look here are my fleets moving to the edge yeah there they are we want to make sure that we're all just holding at the edge here the most important part because we don't all want to jump in gradually no you want to jump in as a single group right because all the firepower at the same time and then you can just do what you need to do founder on the other side of the system that is highly unfortunate but we're jumping in as a group so now they trying to get go through the wormhole well there's some activity in the wormholes passive and move the ship away from the Deaf's are at a killed station that is highly unfortunate because obviously we wanted that station cuz that's where most of our fleets were living but with a quick we just ripped through them no problem lost a couple of battleships but with this alloy income that is nothing that we can't not handle and I will proclaim this particular play through as Salvage sure there is still a massive fleet of unbidden floating nearby but with the tools that are available now to your empire as it's billed properly with the right type of the type of mega structure is the type of alloy generating world's rebuilding core and boundary that was really the the crux of the strategy right here because without core and boundary that early game would not have happened the class for singularity building the dimensional fabricator words is so critical to rebuilding the empire and on top of that being able to trade alloys with other empires using dark matter was so so so important your venom kind of cleared things up and at this point you can just start pushing it quite easily push system by system wait for the unbidden to come in take down their anchors one by one and then start cleaning house their capital is over here but it's really important to realize that the the anchor the inter extra dimensional portal cannot be damaged unless all the anchors are down so this point push battleships tons of battleships hundreds of thousands of battleships just random down their throat until they're dead and you have the resources to do so using the joys of of course the Galactic ambitions the the shroud is well a relic in the vault and reality perforator for that 40% firepower bonus the strategic coordination center for way the additional ship speed etc the war in heaven is over and now it's time for the slow march to victory because young bitter need to die and they don't expand very much and once you start getting into their space it'll be a free roaming towards the portal so yeah they you go thanks so much for watching I declare this one salvaged until next time
Channel: ASpec
Views: 87,281
Rating: 4.9164867 out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, ASpec, Salvage Sunday, Fun, Fixing, Tutorial, Let's Play, grand strategy, how to, Unbidden
Id: jNo-Z-OB0lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 35sec (4955 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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