Stellaris - 2.2 YouTube Wars Reunion MP with Lionheart and OCUK

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you [Music] have you heard of the high elves [Music] [Music] well hello everybody it's time it's time for some video games let me just turn down the music here and actually get the ingame of volume up so everybody can enjoy those sultry tones that will be going on here yes we are going to be playing some stellaris once again it's a multiplayer game as well so let's get this party on their way let me also unmute my my teamspeak stuff so we can actually talk to some people cuz yes this is multiplayer and all hail Steve are we're not playing as Steve today but that's a different game that's on Monday but this is just a little game what Lionheart poster yesterday some of them stellaris I was like yes let's play some Solaris so it's more like a reunion if not I had no idea how to play this game or what we would be so we're off to a good start make sense I assume it's the galaxy hello everybody we're basically the chairs of the galaxy posts yeah so we we make things go yeah we got you make you any want to talk into the microphone so people can actually hear you Mike there we go has a voice hello it's alive a little bit of background here I saw a tweet yesterday saying that these guys were going to do some some multiplayer and/or stream and I was like oh I need to get I need to get into that stuff so yeah I Kiki years introduce yourselves for the guys on my side of the broadcast well I'm Lionheart survivor of the great culling of season 2 of Solaris YouTube wars barely and the rest of us guys we work for overclockers a noble chess so we were big fans of paradox and line art and an a spec so yeah we're really excited to get this game going I would like to point out that my side of the stream is not made possible by OSI UK by the way I'm not affiliated because I'm just having fun here so I got here by the way so just an FYI okay I've started my world don't know if Stevens started yet 10 months in he's already become already a spec is going to tin you altar dust oh no don't you worry I'm actually going to be I'm gonna be super fine superfine refined us but I'm gonna take it super casually because the small tiny galaxy you guys worry about it I got nothing I've definitely nothing nefarious plan at all don't you worry about that from past experience this may be a lie [Laughter] I've seen what you did with the space dragon pleated yeah 24 they're evil people people's here people keep on thinking that that I were multiple space bright dragons there was only one what just moving around Allah yeah they say there's a lost oh yeah it's top straight game every can recruit someone I've done it [Music] situation tonight obviously our tropical world a mere 12 days till Christmas technology here we go so yeah please be aware I'm not playing we're playing mega core but I'm playing life and that means that I start off on a Gaia 25 three tiles caverns Swamp sing more caverns right at the start of the game so gonna have some fun here my people who Happy's a long time they will know the name of my take care let's take a quick look at our traits my my stars our hugs and kisses immigration pool this planet's gonna fill up within no time okay I'm gonna lower the the teamspeak volume a little bit sadly you guys don't talk over each other five energy right off the bat is not bad at all just making sure this is perfectly fine a speck what happened what happened to the other life game it's gonna go live on Monday so the sovietwomble game is gonna continue on a Monday at least be aware of that okay so we've got some energy building yeah but you're gonna love yourself some delicious energy it's too good stuff right there oh yeah and I'm streaming at 720p cuz my network here is pretty terrible so beef please be aware of that stuff that's good hope you're getting your ass kicked this time mister a speck no win for you this time please play Minecraft what is this ninety percent on YouTube ooh perfect we ready go expansion for our first one because they're calling developments beat another we need that but we are after a new life to be specific after that we're gonna go domination for that monthly influence I'm actually got a harmony at some point as well cuz utopian dream is amazing but it's actually the pose he's really good as well because we want to get as many migration treaties as fast as possible yeah I'm after a new life so let's get expansion tradition I'm only for the Galactic ambition modifier as well as reach for the stars okay we found an abandoned ship oh boy we found an abandoned ship in orbit of this year planet and we've got enough energy so we may as well just buy another sign I don't have any DLC do you recommend buying mega called get utopia utopia has a great great expansion it's on sale all the time it's pretty good love the combin you push for stars thank you sir it's always nice and or and/or gender-fluid Dragon King we don't we don't judge here on this channel energy it's good 24 out of 26 that's nice we're gonna wait for this to fill up and I'm put an alloy foundry on there immediately energy is gonna be our main problem and apply our plans number of visiting frost bunk once once the next expansion comes out actually there is another one that works I'm not a science ship here that's this we're also this galaxy is tiny by the way so I have utopian apocalypse what expansions should I get next distant stars distant stars is great what are you playing ass I am playing as a oligarchy egalitarian Xena file spiritualist are you friends with the galaxy or trying this time well this time I'm going to befriend them to death because I'm on a life seeded planet which means butt migration treaties everybody will want to migrate to me is the end game crisis enabled yes but fair legal 826 how many are in this match didn't catch your number we're here with six people on the galaxy this size that's gonna be fascinating to Siddeley so yes we are playing with all the expansions enables there's a great system by the way five energy seven minerals is it good is a good starter right here I'm not gonna lie okay we don't have enough alloys at the moment we do need that alloy plant as soon as possible soon as we hit 25 pops will push that that's not gonna be too long I found solar sailer by engineering research no Womble this time notice on Monday how many are there just turn up the speed there's a couple of newbies in here we're not gonna push up the speed just yet in a little bit maybe there's a lot of people out there and those other people may may not be too nice are you doing this a onic ascension if we get to the point where we're gonna do ascensions absolutely once you guys get the grasp of the game would you be so kind to me to turn the game speed too fast by the way seven minerals five energy great system for only 300 minerals thus only three stations oh wow four minerals here five on the star this state this system is amazing this is an amazing system this is a stream from Monday last night a little slow I know but I haven't laughed that hard for a while thanks for the content that's am I playing taller or am i tape playing wide I'm playing as tall as possible because I'm life seated so I don't really have all that much potential the game Stardust give you two planets next-door to you but sadly they don't start out as Gaea worlds which would be Opie the pic tall I don't always go for the big thing foreign alien made objects and just for my species traits by the way we are agrarian traditional and slow learners basically so we can generate all the fun it's not Steve this time around I'm afraid okay so we're starting to have enough pops let's avoid foundry is very exciting around now because alloys are super low yeah so we're gonna get some workers here so we got enough technicians actually it's a quick look here at our population our technicians prioritize no they are not only factory study oh of course we found some aliens we got here races we got some okay we got ourselves some oh great and of course they're in a place where I can go that's unfortunate okay so new colonies Starbase influence cost let's go for the influence cost modifier so we can actually build more stuff right now I'm just building up my influence so we get a modifier here we get more society research basically will you switch capital ecumene APPA lists maybe a spec place loris without a theme no way and do you play out a paradox games I've played a little bit of CKD in the past you four of course hearts of iron formers never really my thing I like the concept behind it but it wasn't really my thing sadly this is a problem that's only five hundred hunters take a level six alums anomaly in here as well okay that's unfortunate it will probably leave the system at some point so maybe if we set this to passive maybe they'll leave I was already jumping between here there's no lane what the hell so apparently they can somehow move between lanes here I'm not entirely sure how that's supposed to work but sure another Arctic world energy over here we've got enough energy so we may as well just get these [ __ ] okay well that's our scientist gun abort abort abort oh I guess it wouldn't be in a spec game without losing a scientist at some point that's hilarious who's rolling shadows Astrid swirling shadows got nerfed into the ground so hard it used to be six society research and we found some mortal systems great interesting I just started the life seeded run myself his life see the planets have always have the same three planetary features yes they do yes they do we can begin new scientists up and running anyway and we got a meticulous one anyway so that's fine well let's take the opportunity here that we cue this up 25 I would like to point out those guys that I'm playing against our super nerds do you have a do you do a min max guide I will do once I actually know how to min max properly don't you worry about that this is overall the spawn is pretty damn decent yeah I remember that guy he was bad who's this I remember that guy he was big back in that's yeah yeah that's Lionheart yeah he's he also was part of YouTube Wars previous season that's by the way I would like to point out I don't know if there's gonna be a third season I would like there be a third season there's a lot of fun to do and etc it was size 24 continental world so the reason why I went spiritualist is to get the following I want to get consecrated worlds consecrated worlds are great to boost your unity production as well as happiness there's a lot of choke points yeah especially here but I don't have enough fleet power to deal with these and I was at the moment I watched Lionheart and it's it was great you know each other perhaps I know a [ __ ] off yeah sure I don't know who laughs wonders though sorry about that I can't know everybody sadly all right so we have enough influence build-up to actually be hellish what Wow okay that would take almost 20 years I've never seen a hellish level I have seen I have seen level 10 but I've never seen the term hellish before that's crazy I'm drowning in corpses yes life see the planet always has three features in order to give you access to accessibility the potential T 2 and tier 3 production corrects its consecrating on all the world of fallen Empire you'll yield events to improve their opinion no it doesn't I need some okay let me quickly what I'm about to do is super dangerous by the way let's hope this isn't crash my economy instantly okay it wasn't that bad good okay so we now actually have a sum over what I did there was I changed our food policy to nutritional plenitude which means our pups will grow by an additional ten percent which is great yeah we go administrative cap increased our base upkeep cost reduced but we want to go for colonization fever so we can get a new life I think it was a nice package well I think if everybody's vain yeah his mastery of nature work it worth it for the extra districts is but only I mean if you don't have that many large planets okay once this hits 27 we'll build our next districts okay we got alloy foundries we've got one the food energy is still a little bit behind when is this next pop coming in soon 1800 that's excessive I like how excited they are about the fact that they got themselves a level a size 24 continental world and here I'm sitting on a size 25 Gaea world is my capital that's very exciting guys so this is the Enclave but a beautiful green ball of plenitude and beauty and there are some more pop growth that's exactly what I want it let's get some gene clinics great opening building by the way if you want to improve your pop growth and there's powered exoskeletons for more mineral production what exactly is the benefit of rare resource deposits on planets you can just build a factory to produce system it means that you can actually get the cost of building those factories is actually quite expensive and you can get more resources out of it if they're planetside although it may be a little bit different because in a two point two point two patch they are changing things around a little bit so please be aware of that I need another construction ship we need to expand our enterprise we're recruiting interns with ambitions idea okay so we actually puts we got slow learners but slow learners is actually not that bad since two point two we actually have some authoritarian pops as well what's weird this looks like a decent system so the idea here is is that we're gonna get migration treaties with as many alien species as possible and then place super-tall whilst colonizing all the planets in our empire that we can use those pops on so we're gonna have all the different pops and yes we are going to go Xena relations on this one six minerals is anybody out there it's space is empty please please save me I will buy your goods rare minerals sprawling slums oh yeah by the way quit by the way guys this is maybe an interesting a question but it's cuz this is something I've been wondering for quite some time so the engine this is built on is not particularly great with multi-threading and it's very much focused on clock speed I don't know whether or not there's any possibility of doing any testing on that one to see what actually runs well for stellaris you know something we want to do and this is a research yeah that would be great because if it's it's it's very much an addiction complete and not particularly transparent what is actually a good system setting for your system for mine it's mine is perfectly fine but I guess I'm a little bit over in my pcs a little bit over engineered so that although maybe that's not the best way to do it maybe need to get real-world saves yeah the really demanding the late game saves or something and just just run them and see what kind of frame rates we can get system so they I did have a few fries that's doing the readings registered like two or three the first night I think the hotfix at least the next day yeah I was on the first that was on the first day I I never have had any problems with the game whatsoever hates like here we could even get him running liquid nitrogen and see him doing how fast we the problems the problem is the clock speeds of the individual CPUs the higher the clocks meet it better it runs so I guess he would just be putting is this just ours well it's not like it's not like the game doesn't run a multi-threaded it's more it's not particularly optimized yeah we'd have to see what we could do without having kind of names aesthetic himself he could even several different benchmarks but he does a lot of his cards as well but his main focus is CPUs so he would make three tiers of yeah well what you do is you would go and take a look at what are the minimal specifications for this game we have to build something based on that the suggested specifications and then oh by the way oh oh yes yes just empty free it's not it's not team group who make the best room without that much interference I reckon so you'll just have whatever the CP oh they'll be able to hang out a few things yeah instead of controlling rep oh is it a horse maybe trade could be yeah do you guys still do those who like the super BG classes once what are they called again I can't remember what the machines were called we got a tweet hey pax yeah the 10 the 10 grand the 10 20 grand machines although in the meantime I've been watching the Walmart start PC stuff like here's some rap single-channel RAM in your PC because that'll go so well yeah hexxus it was Linus did it hexxus did like a whole bunch of see the heck scene the lightest complete my tutorial mission a science show is that what was explore how many gigabytes of RAM we giving away alright so we're back on track a little bit of hardware a chat there because sometimes that stuff needs to happen but yeah um oh good lord that is pretty low in terms of audio volume technology oh my lord 93 months for 2000 tech is insane we need to get this physic science in there I can't watch YouTube channels where the yell at the camera constantly like lioness and well like this is okay I don't have a problem with them I think I think they're still amusing stuff in there what do we need tech and unity I would guess but consumer goods hollow theater is maybe unity amenities amenities are a little bit lowest let's build a hollow theater what do they make exploring sucky I don't know what would you recommend a new TI 2080 ti no I would not like I cannot recommend you any hardware in in terms of that because I'm running a 970 and I don't know anything about GPUs criminal heritage when he had yeah no kidding criminal heritage is a bit broken right now because the ISIS spams in fortin's these aren't in Terrence Eastwick he should has made the most slot into an AI Empire India tokens run yeah maybe but I don't think that yeah I give him the safe given the safe file there is secret stuff in that safe file but I cannot talk about yet stuff is going on in that galaxy and secrets will unfold all right so our pop grove should be pretty crazy right now 3.9 is not bad it could still be a lot better all right and we're fast now as well so the process is going you know a spec you said you're a Dutch so far I've not heard you're seeing a word of Dutch in your videos for the prove thine tongue once and for all what's Fodor material mooted more Act device that I can Adel on the pin is that no Noda thank you alright adrift oh yes yes yes yes I do want a drift because that may give me a new ship and also there is a Lloyds in here space friends I saw pop up Australia I was faced with overlord and is looking to you to wards yeah yeah I'm a little bit concerned of on be here in time let's research these alpha aliens it's probably these amoebas and we'll just go for me but pacification we don't need to plus 5% evasion that we can get out of that you super war season 4 when Oh whenever whenever the schedule for that is is happening right cool let's get a star base in this system alloys in space that's the good stuff right there askew that's a good point thank you for reminding me there Joshua encourage planetary growth animals also distribute some some other stuff here so now our pop should grow at four point six which is nice if we can get the youth as well we can get so much gas sadly we did not roll your cruiser yes speaking of the devil the thing is is that you got an automated Rhett not a serious there's that laugh aw don't you worry the automated Rhett knot that's only stays in its own system it doesn't actually do anything you'll do me you still need like 30k a flea power to kill it and like plasma weapons and stuff like that but yeah I want a 1080 I know I play old games and paradox games yeah that's a quick easy er money I need a 1080 what do you do with it I use Google Docs I had it's a routine one they'll be nice and quick 29 out of 30 - oh oh yeah so this is a special this is a derelict vessel so you work and you can turn it into a science vessel or tear it down to tear it down you'll get +10 sublight speed for the rest of the game how would you never who would ever go for repurposing it as a Science Vessel always study the engines coil guns or missiles mega alloy mega forges we're not even close to doing that so let's go with that oh I should not gone for alpha aliens although I kind of want to have access to this area so that's an option left I cannot build on this alloy pile really Oh cuz there's not a other ship already building there okay that makes sense some more tech would be nice I'm running really low on influence here that's really annoying I can declare a saint which is going to increase unity by 50% so that's nice Avik have you seen strike craft are still wonky doodle and behavior in this patch I actually have not actually checked out strike craft at all it's kind of it's kind of one of those things I still think the ameba strike craft are still superior to all the other ones which is pretty crazy come to think of it energy and we've got a ton of minerals yeah we need to learn to coexist with the amoeba ninety three months can I just swap to something else that's way too long all right we got a little bit more UI influence a month now because of our faction friends of Liberty look at this totally human right okay so well we have a little bit more influence a month now so we can actually afford to do a bunch of crazy stuff we also have enough alloy so we should probably take a look at actually fleshing out our fleet let's just build a bunch of Corvettes to deal with these with these aliens I can tear anybody else talking a speck don't know if you intended yeah cuz they're talking in a background there's quite a lot of stuff going on but what never were we at the very 20 maybe so what do you what do you boys and girls up to be fine did you guys find anything space yeah feel good about it nothing besides the Leviathan did you find any precursor stuff you got the first name lucky son-of-a-bitch it's the best one I thought the USO it's pretty good system survey conclusion anomalous readings registered I mean that sweet sweet goodness yeah well if you get if you get this firstly kick you monopolist I'm coming for you what you should design black encounter missiles only built flat for your country's lost basically a mixture of sloth tan lost so we've been playing this game for what like almost an hour maybe and we've learned how to make a spaceship can I cheat a good just cheap horribly here cuz I'm not playing on the other patch and the market is still hilarious unless unless my economy is in dire straits unless my economy is it's already been it's already being fixed and the other 2.2 patch that's cool what do you think about the first league is the best precursor because of the ecumene opposite free--ah cumin appleís is amazing self-reliance you're playing as a mega for brain you sell friendship if you can sell friendship cheap upgrades applied all my energy now there's two curators of the same type in one system over from each other that is genuinely huh yeah with the cyber X you get the ring world I need farms with the earth you get a system that has a bunch of the system what should we get first what should we get first technological ascendancy consecrated where it's already are you doing today double found anyone you bleedin I'll have a smoothie yes thank you we don't need to worry about ring worth some sort this is pretty insane and then we'll just put a black hole mine that's using a laser black definitely this entire cluster situation log only annoying sideshow trinary I would like to find a guy a world that'd be great sticking with consecrate world yes so we should now get a consecrated world huge 31 maybe can I even build the science of my economy in some sort of hilarious way can we ask Nicky questions you could but I wouldn't be a Lancer them because I make a superior right now to the universe unification another one another space amoeba let's is planning another arid world great so we really need to get the space amoeba thing you didn't get you didn't hit the right can make you place the lares if so Mickey can you play Solaris what can we do yes I did on the chat are wondering if you comply don't have a lot of patience my pacing is way too high is what you're saying my APM's too high i did i did watch this when i watch the world finals for starcraft one guy did go over a thousand APM there's like a thousand actions per minute that's insane robots we don't want the robot robotic workers are because that will make our factions bid happier life organic they don't like robots - early amoeba carriers I would like to expand wow there's some decent resources Buster that's most excellent it's got really quiet all of a sudden hey guys construction completed a [ __ ] why do they make it so you get missiles counter everything's black so early because we don't want to hugs and kisses and being friendly in space space EA sounds great battle cruisers no they would never do that because the amount of time we D synchronize back in sync always back and sync okay I was out sing I just want to make yeah just want to make sure that we don't now all of a sudden play different games now the game is paused let's have a look-see everybody still yeah I have five people in here yeah we're gonna need two we're gonna need to reset so say save your game and then re host and uninvite me okay right I'm not gonna have a quick point I'll be right back okay you did okay so the game is distinct because of course it has so let's just turn on some of that there music where is it's there this so let's get that going perfect so so delightful I've got a new background as oh look at that distant stars so beautiful so beautiful indeed so now I'm just waiting for the revite so when I'm gonna quickly gonna grab a couple of drinks we will continue on shortly in the meantime if you're so inclined there's a big joint button below the stream if you only want to check that out it's gonna be super super fun so let's click that button yeah you know get some additional perks you can see what I'm working on and before stuff gets released by joining the yellow boys and join me on this court etc I'll be right back see you in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you all right boys and girls I'm just waiting on the invitation right now so I can get back into the game don't you worry we'll continue very very shortly in the meantime there's also some news Martin onward better known as whizz will be leaving the stellaris team has been heading up and leading the design part of the team and basically being the the lead on the project he'll be moving on to a different project within paradox named Preston will be taking over for him will be dawn yella a Matagorda that hand that's well he is a cool dude who has been working on solarz for quite some time and I think he's also spearheading the the console addition so yeah he is gonna be taking over and like I said he's been on the team for a very very long time but yeah it's interesting to see that's you know we got all that stuff going on there let me quickly rejoin the game I think we're about to rejoin give me give me a second here [Music] [Music] but what does this mean for stellaris well the game has been out for almost getting close to 30 years now it's it's been it's been available for quite some time but the thing is is that the same people have been working around on it for for a while now and different roles obviously going in and out so don't you worry the direction is still gonna be the same it's gonna be a different designer and the next expansion which is somewhat confirmed is gonna be diplomacy espionage orientated so where is the background music that you're using it is from the game actually it's from the soundtrack but yeah Martin is moving onward and onward all right so let's get back into the game currently is waiting for the game to be on pause so we can actually continue on with our shenanigans let me just kill off the music here and then get back into the actual game there we go was so and we should be fine cool espionage you said I got asked which bird you told you that that would be the new game designer for stellaris Daniel Matagorda there I mean it was just a modder how the time flies yeah he he started out modding for I think it was Rome one that's what it was called back in the day and he basically fixed the entire thing and then he got hired he worked on several projects I think EU four at one point and then some a little bit of hearts of iron and now I'm not stellaris but yeah good times guys just having a smoke Wow okay well we'll jump back into the chat once it's ready when we still the Newton nude Empire return oh I don't know maybe maybe it will return one day who knows where does wormhole FTL coming back he already exists its called wormholes yeah exactly what happen to the other saves you were playing would mumble in the rest this is two different groups are the Womble games on mondays we can easily afford this so we're apparently already on our way again but what a delightful time there's archeology work fun to be found here so we may actually find some youth Empire stuff as well oh God oh this sometimes this interface this triggers me in so many friggin ways and that one's already being built no single signs vessel sitting around not doing anything so let's survey the system yeah we need to capture this system because this choke node over here spirituous gene war armies in a future series I don't know can you spell Space Marines yeah that would be cool wouldn't it 33 out of 36 I got a lot of pop growth going on please never play with the plucky's ever again I'm burned my eyes are burning every time I watch it but it's a good game so I have to watch the [ __ ] were fun I even got one of the Trevor plushies it's uh yeah it's great I love I love Trevor and Trevor loves you Trevor forever forever Trevor makes you rest in peace okay so this is a little bit of a weird cluster over here I'll make a really jump back into the chat with the other boys see what they're up to we got first contacts what's this but now xeno scum well everybody knows that Isaac Newton is the son of a [ __ ] in space no that's a is that a mass spec reference for a halo reference I can't remember it's a Mass Effect I'm pretty sure as well so let's get rid of these alien vessels that are over here with a single planet yes I found Hiro system I wanna be a hero I wanna be here dead by the way Lionheart can you tell these boys the story of us seeing singing Tenacious D in the studio during YouTube Wars it was it was beautiful to be honest it was it was dream come true a tribute yeah it was several things yes it was many things was good it was quite so much construction but all of the mango brought it to so many new audiences yeah that's definitely all the mangos about 25 hours of story and I'm on about 300 now so yeah it reinvigorated my interest in the game oh you're home now is belong to us how many how many hours okay how many of you got a speck I'm approaching 1500 right now oh nice most of us just taking screenshots oh yeah there's actually quite a lot of b-roll but I would like to make a little a little I actually haven't shot any B role since 1.93 test last year I was surprised to see it was version 1.9 yeah but even though that's not entirely true because I do you get b-roll out of other places I found some gamma aliens we got here 18 months and we will know it's a society project as well so it's probably one of uses one of you scumbags burly or from the new mystic order mystic all day they were all about ah they will give you an able sell you goods that care veneers oh nice so hot right now I'm gonna buy some gonna buy some alloy yeah I'm gonna tack the ameba right now because my sign ships on standby ready to survey the system what I would build some generator districts and find some systems with research continuity build some mining stations in them ASAP based if you run out of energy credits you die and if you die in stellaris you die in real universe I hate the fact that amoebas migrate so much your portraits are either hand eaters or a civilizational topic she's racist house-elves man my chats being super racist to house elves right now house elves are real elves - mm-hmm okay can I can I take that up by the way on a shirt if you die in solarz you die in real life yeah and I can I make Mertz out of that I totally will I am a mega course so there will be a royalty eat you've already you've already you've already said yes and I've got it on thing there's no takey backsies here that audio contract ain't worth the paper it's printed on yeah that's why it's that's why it's honored on the sound of the front of wave form instead I've already sent it off to my lawyer it's already new research are we getting a four system Orion as a wizard musical question actually somebody in my chat that's brought this up if Hugh Laurie was a wizard would be a hat would he be a house elf oh that's terrible [Music] Maximus yeah but you never he would never use it because it would never be relative lupus lupus stormtroopers on scooters it's gonna be our heart but the more tickets you have you got an animatic fortress really win so yeah the longer you watch systematic you see yet they march on scale of winning if you subscribe you have you get more tickets as well so I found the slimy boys other right next door as well hello there moistu thanks for the subscription there's some furious dubbing going on there and now we're gonna try to get a migration to drain all their plan and strikers everybody will want to go to the gaya world oops Kb oh how about yeah yes soon we won't be doing these no so you will have a chance of winning construction completed hey slimey boys you want to have a migration 2020 RGB not way ticket stones anomalous readings registered it's probably broken why they're not being particular it may it may take some time to add it I don't know how stream elements works left click on him then right-click on a system where you can build something and just click auto declined it was playing a slimy juice playing a slimy boys cool hey you want to have a migration treaty there is really cool I'll be honest this could be my downfall we have a non-aggression pact that means I want to tell what's this game all about who wants answer that face slow down there Hitler ok so now that we have access oh no a space probably the best to give in I summarized here a speck I did try and make it so here I am talking I am of talking can you hear me now can you hear me normal readings register it will be alright what are you playing as I'm playing as spiritual as oenophile egalitarians basically I'm the perfect migration attractor I might be bad not be too loud I don't know you're fine so do we actually have those I've got the 9 o'clock I will believe an 8 but the other guys will I love you most particularly that little bit that grows out of your left arm it makes a fine delicacy on our is the it's a cookbook I actually was I was actually planning at one point to do an April Fool's episode where I would literally cook we'll go to the park and cook an ostrich egg and add like green food dye so I could basically eat see no eggs how do you handle your action counts by getting an opening cap modifiers it would be interesting what company is yeah a second eggs just unleash all the space dragons this is correct but it was again I like to point out there was never more than one space track and yeah you are aware that I renamed it to space dragon migration season at one point right [Music] let's just say they're not the friendliest corporation in the world oh they're right we now have a new directive guys destroy Amazon I think that this could be our first touch that brings the group together I mean oh okay all right well they don't become an evil yeah I've got some action you've got 40 ships as default you've got some action you said how old are you him stellaris action to be a specific okay thank you for clarifying situation this is doing updated I've just said you slimy boys systems remove that station in class Anna Tom or I will murder you oh yes oh yeah let me just quickly google how to build a massive army cool then I will Google how to will die fleets a nuke that army from orbit shall we engage in some diplomacy that we actually kind of cool the add to the market there's a war you can put energy down on who which side is gonna win actually be huge yeah by the way if you were looking for a video of how to build a massive army and solarz you probably linked information is the real commodity yeah not knowledge is is power but secret knowledge is okay I'll leave that system alone I got what I want it's [Laughter] completed between zero and if you're gonna Valerie's sure detect a marauder Empire won't be here again tomorrow from probably about six o'clock again maybe bit earlier Oh from quartz or six until whatever the guys feel like stopping you mean the loot boxes a ste tasty new books yeah you they give you a sense of pride and responsibility are you playing with the Russians sound pack yeah [Laughter] are you all the same people no construction think it's just we've got lots of stuff trade deal straight deal with the Enclave no no just the one system he just gave me ease gave me one one system because it didn't read the trade deal properly did did I just go like storage systems yes [Laughter] [Music] I love it hey it's a it's a player's choice you had the choice you could have sit in them I did click to be fair I agreed to the T's and C's but it needs and everybody knows that a EULA is a binding agreement always read the fine print kids no surprise I could give it back to him why would I do that that he would learn that way exactly give it back to me once I've learnt the value of whatever I've just give away yeah about three science I think are good so uh oh come on I want emotion titties I'll throw in a non-aggression pact sorry what sure I will do I will do commercial pact with you if you want to do a trade migration and agreement with me yeah I love everybody I told you I was I wasn't gonna I wasn't gonna dunk on anybody I told you this already he's a lovin off I am it's a mutually beneficial agreement anomalous readings registered growth required you require more best bean gas something something additional pylons something something pile on something something complete it is the best kind of something-something construction completed how's it I'll speed all the things mate do you think the SIF will be into that like our G being all the [ __ ] let's get yeah I can do it up stops around alpha Legion on the other empires see how fair in areas I'm not hearing death screams from mobile chairs I'm assuming that's that's a good thing relaying transmission yeah if that makes for bad I know I don't trust this guy oh the Enderdragon least election finalized going on here they have unemployed pops okay let's get them some jobs this don't serve a conclusion population controls prohibited border status can produce resettlement is with prohibited in this point I like on my species it's like oh yeah be super happy food policy everybody gets food mixed economy yay war philosophy unrestricted Wars indiscriminate work employment research concluded like gravity Oh the decencies implies Kowalski analysis [Music] that music sounds like it's from I've ever done a playful way of computing about 40k and yes I have it was the cuddle muffins it was great yeah basically reading my policies as somebody's pointed out to my channel I'm basically Gandhi from civilization [Music] stellar debris analyzed [Music] pop stuff this is where we put them survey instead instead of instead of moving everything away we're actually just putting everything in containers shipping it offworld just leaving it there because there is no redeemable value in this garbage [Music] maximum poop right I'm running low on play-doh how'd you get more not lazy oh you mean oh you mean you mean my soap bars yes you need to build an alloy construction oh my oh yeah that sounds capitalist as [ __ ] good evening from Belgium hello there good evening from Germany [Music] inversing Lee making you the key to the universe excuse me if you never had them but you've lost them the chance to bring up another cruiser and me like are you serious you got another [ __ ] cruiser in that gas giant oh you son of a [ __ ] off the line halt it's such a good event as well I know it was that was the highlight I'm so good it would happen in like the first 20 minutes of a star did you shoot as well I saw it I saw it in the observer mode and I was like what the [ __ ] this cannot be true it's a good thing that you were so isolated down the bottom Thomas everybody let's see if we can get a deal these guys actually that's perfect so we can get a trader on you're gonna get this Enclave already and then later on how do you expand your borders I mean breeding space you can you can sell some of your resources for energy by the way ok so click on the click on the top bar on minerals and it should bring up the market and then you can click on any resources you have and then sell them [Music] construction oh I got the Penta cruel outcome from the employee is this one with volatile but red red is cool remember red will make stuff go faster [Music] system survey concluded construction what's your what's your Empire name what's your empire name construction completed Caravan Queens oh you got the protectors you gotta find yourself a fallen Empire and that was not a brexit reference by the way do you ever read any of the SCP foundation that's redacted please please go to your class 5 assignments as soon as possible galaxies are driven assimilators yeah the tech is a bit weird at the moment I'm anomalous readings registered what we're equivalent [Music] No hey Nava graduates of Isis nobody you nearly made yourself a scary I can't even demand visualization cuz strength is on power of my mind at the moment I'm in this slightly place yeah this is my fight another day go these guys go mess up them there you going chat that's the best warfare game on here taking down some space squids indications galaxy's most delicious aliens fun fact can you can't pick up an enemy species and then genetically engineer them to be delicious and harvest them for food our research into technologies is furthered that's very helpful the two of you automatically created when you do two Star Wars mob playthrough yes Construction complete right so I need system survey concluded it's your wife she tells you to her to [ __ ] up XY great deal often okay last time data from what I remember I fart light heart just destroyed everyone but my memories are some friends hello there space friends give you a big space friend hug our love is friend and love and friendship is music to our ears let me find a bucket so I can put our welcome to we'll send you the friendship bucket the birth of the Galactic market marketing schmeckt ik so if you have enough intelligence you can nominate one of your worlds as the Galactic market location so what you do is you go into your into your capitals to your capital planet or whatever world world you want to turn click on it and then go to decisions and nominate Galactic market thank you a spec that didn't sound like treason construction construction completed terrible space fires I've never heard of ah but you have heard of them 20 of them I hope you're talking about science vessels I Steve expect your naval capacity couch me about twenty vessels so if you'd like you know you're really talking about Navy vessels no no oh there's there's an empire right below me cold they seem to have a very very limited vocabulary you know if you could click on your stars you can rename the star so there's renaming every star and planet the group listen hey I made but if I was playing as them that would be that would be exactly what I would be doing unfortunately for my management later on in the game Amazon how do you give to the tricky presented both sides options at once situation log has been updated [Music] greater order hello a bassoon research yes please give me oh that's not again contacts you'll see relative power then you can mouse over it and I'll tell you how strong you are compared to everybody else I think we have enough species sir why thank you we got overclockers Oh a humanoid overclockers there was any construction but completed we need a good clue that this is going over tonight so if you came for Fighting's a lot of a decent district this is probably the best way twice a month so I'm playing like notice how I was still now we have access to your other species that we can just use to colonize plus we've got a capital world with hilarious growth on it so basically doing whatever we want their income as well just play it takes to taste again yeah I mean you take very close to getting a taste of stuff really he's got facial hair it's just crap he can see through cats see-through hearts that's a brilliant idea you can just even hide your shame yeah galactic market actually cuz nobody I don't think anybody has gone to 130 to actually secure a 20 requirement to have facial hair to work over pockets a special project has concluded anomalous readings beard star the women we're actually very close a special project has concluded okay so before mining you don't work focuser your noble chairs at play doll so strict beard laws yeah Steve has to build a lot of chairs the beard can't get caught in the Galactic market nominally competitive competitive rating that's terrible sorry what did you set up got a guy a world what do you mean it will usually opportunity now to be fair but this is door 13 to 9 p.m. yes I will be here for over 20 minutes and then I need to talk who's ever played a grand Thursday game no but make sure you subscribe to him any nice yeah I started out with a guy a world oh cool yeah one planet I did I'm life seed it's correct knowledge is the key to a special project has completed maybe you should Rage Against the Machine system survey concluded build something at Toys R Us you mean bankrupt or us did you gain a new species yes I got some humanoids so that's what I'm gonna rival you but it's not I mean it like it's too soon no I'm over do throwdown it's just for the lols for the shit's of gigs terrible joke but but for realsies guys I'd be happy to come down the Stoke to to do a video about about specs of this mission of this game cool we could get Ian involved you can do massive overclocking where no no I'm not but oh but I I'm gonna be an England I'm gonna be in Darbar yeah Darby over Christmas Derbyshire yes again I was construction completed oh I got space geckos now what's the speed limit to in space the speed limit is plaid this is Scottish apple juice the kids wouldn't notice except when you're taking a particularly extreme extreme swig you're like oh god oh I'm eating a smoothie right now fish please I don't think I don't think YouTube actually doesn't have any requirements about not drinking on broadcasts unlike twitch does situation log has been updated I think twitch is actively encouraging from too many drunken shenanigans so this is why every time I say Dave nicest by sharps brewery makes it the finest beer and we never get sponsored by them this dream isn't sponsored by sharps brewery but it could be big berry could be sponsored by the slider manufacturing Oh No somebody of us is playing is GRU right I'm playing is AI oh oh that's bad have you just done something agree no I just realized what is nice the group is a [ __ ] devouring swarm this is serious [ __ ] problems a speck is there a mod that allows us to play with the old news of expansion but colonizing world yes little star bases yes you can roll back your game these cops 1.95 many cops you need to go to the paradox forums to specifically read on how you do it because it's not as easy as your biomass will sustain us that is your inevitable and [ __ ] grade I am the problem is they've got causes a casus belli they can just declare war and do whatever yep don't give a [ __ ] just don't give a [ __ ] yeah no [ __ ] they don't owe the guy market has been established in the Enclave what an amazing experience thank you all I want to thank you in the academy what did buildings people to live in girls all the things good either we build brighter future max eg should forget the new Fallout game there's thus book free guaranteed notebooks go and see just features sponsored by every piece of Fallout merchandise I don't already own do you happen to own any vinyl garbage bags fan did that go well for you guys oh yeah yeah damn my canvas Park yeah but apparently they only the only promoted it on the non standard main account the hell really there's countless bags they are those are instruction come on quality don't be a paradox pill def and don't build the bullies that's true I should probably make sure that I make sure my fleet is up to date is pretty close to be so probably not the world but I'd put myself up now in the UK though even if with its a canvas bag plastic bag well I have both bags now I mean brilliant I think it's just from you guys because everyone can play so I echo when you're on it's fine it's fun just turn off I just take the white hat top effects would be the pick up on that mic well David yeah don't be a pear by a paradox deaf whale in your town sure pecan is the best con everybody knows this and that's amazing that's probably what is uncovered a strategic when she fair we suffer where their Co quite a lot in our system we have bought like a thousand pounds worth of audio hardware we yeah we made the mistake of buying all the audio Hardware crispy fire so we will do it I was wondering why your audio I have yeah we've all your hardware to solve this but we just haven't had time to really nicely like multicolored like 150 quid just on the cables cables we've color-coded them all so we know that if someone's audios [ __ ] over we can just pull out that cable nice cool yeah I think cute what direction complete audio refresh probably a PC refresh as well but it's very dirty every day's fallout so at six day although I am has been updated yes not too bad now but to have simultaneously four people streaming at the same time Quinn for the same idea you guys it is not an easy task make sure the mic so I'm picking each other up we've got the headset mics we've got the desk bike it's not easy put it again mean I reckon we'll be streaming fallout 76 next Thursday I mean probably never thing of Elysium cuz that went oh okay that's Tuesday and then Thursday oh boy we follow up construction completed I'm sorry what I was going for you know I'm I'm on par with them I don't need any okay there's no risk yet there's some sales on right now secure twenty we've got the limited edition I send you a link our Portland ketchup that's two three nine ninety nine situation has been color schemes pretty sweet we've also got some deals on the hero the additional project and I believe we've got one live on the icon at the moment so yeah I'll have certainly the link anyway for the the things that would be my choice a love a good tooltip by the way lying aren't gay I also got the gas event ah I don't know No did you actually manage to pull out the cruiser or did it fail no construction completed knowingly bailed crews out there you go guys over here that would be my choice for my portfolio unless you want to hear the hero is my favorite chair on the three has been common in terms of price at the moment for a deal that's the best deal we've got deals wise I mean the things you just couldn't get off the page yeah so we've got a Christmas deal paid off upon destruction only as well so ring section boys you from what got the the top thing I've got the August for a game decks so if you go in the competition you can still pick them up 400 quid less than the normal situation large does get updated so you find I saw the ring world's what you're saying yes it's funny they mentioned ring of Elysium you find a ring doesn't matter it's it's pretty decent you everyone everything goes quiet the special project has concluded who collected them oh it's still Tim he's still going well time Tim oh he's resilient I think you have enough trust for the curator King tanks yes I already have it up and running election is in 20 years I a you fun it how do you how do you spell that is one letter it's s I'm sorry capital s a construction complete one two three four five six seven l must be some kind of Stokoe dialect that's a dope wool thank you for the bits flood you are cool guys very worthwhile sorry hang girls ready to rebuilding hailey yeah it's not a favorite so here's our company which is why we support included oh great I got a diplomatic insult from Groot oh yeah it basically said your flesh will become part of us the key to the you Larry just to insult you mm-hmm I'll Starfleet the new aliens the new aliens on the block yep that's hilarious if you gotta be if you could it be what I've just found I'm sorry and I'm pretty good keep up that pooter what are they called new aliens yeah like it as a new mouth Oh commerce exchange it's one of those days anomalous readings with standard IDI if they broke something singsong anomalous readings registered it small and biscuit than I care to listen sir today goes well then biscuits new album is now out in stores it's probably losing a shipyard well building brakes the elephant yeah I know it's annoying quality I'm currently stuck on the Corvette's there's only one slice and there's only one size of Science Vessel the science that these vessels are specialized in is the combat this is not Star Trek Voyager tours knows there is no combat exploration ships construction completed to us that covert research Locker offers system survey concluded situation log has been updated bring the science man group is gonna murder us all no like seriously roots gonna [ __ ] murder us all of us like he's gonna he's gonna put that Galaga down from from from guardians to and he's gonna [ __ ] on us in between us as well this the Jin Empire have you met these guys they're not friendly what does bunk about you it's a secret sound like that sounds like that's something like an old Greg joke Greg you want to go to a pub where they shame each other it's terrifying also you have destroyers congratulations Construction complete welcome to twenty years ago [Laughter] concluded took a break [Music] [Music] buuuut 8u construction completely don't die [Music] I'll pause the games we can go for a break yeah sure of all our Google we need to step out for a quick [ __ ] or I'm skip the toilet yeah we got alright guys we'll be right back for more action year so muted this multiplayer game but probably gonna play for another hour and then take it from there we'll be right back don't go anywhere in the meantime if you're super excited about stellaris and stuff like that then feel free to hit the join button at the bottom of the screen but for $4.99 a month you can be an awesome person and you know do other things and have they fix the AI that is hilarious no they haven't yet wait for two point two in the AI will be fixed I'll be back right whilst we are waiting a bunch of you guys in the chat are asking hey what kind of species are you're playing ask well let's have a take a look here at the enclave run by reclaimer a pious crap arias of course this is totally human we are playing as a oligarchy egalitarian zina files spiritualist and on top of that we've got life seated and Byzantine bureaucracy and Byzantine bureaucracy allows us to build the bureaucratic complex which allows for more admin jobs take a look but can you actually build these at the moment that's bureaucratic complex I think we can only build those once we upgrade our planetary administration I think I'm not entirely sure but yeah that's that's that's where it is I'm bidding as pillaging the galaxy in my game well then you should probably do something up against their shields technology so just nuke their shields or something that bypasses shields completely like disruptors and attacked our Hall they almost have no Hall whatsoever so essentially your species are the prophets from halo yes because well we are spiritualist we are consecrated worlds and we are reclaiming but again we're Zeena file with like aliens but we're not pacifist I think that's very important to note here that we're not passing it's a lot from France hello little Jules bonsoir etc my French is a little bit janky so don't be too freaked out about that we got yet another place that we can get a black hole observation station on top black hole Observatory we should probably come we come by somehow noise it's not a problem so let's buy a black hole Observatory and be done with that black hole observatory and to trade hubs so they can get access to this +7 and right now all of our trade value is being turned trade policy so all of our trade value is being turned into energy right now we could also go for a marketplace of ideas which we'll call actually how much are we getting from trade value right now 40 yeah that would crash our economy if we would go for that but it will give us additional unity which is kind of the direction that we're going in anyway so how much trade value do we actually have let's have a look here 32 trade value take a quick look where the Enclave we could build another energy district and then get more unity and then in ten years to cycle it back if necessary in the meantime let's have a quick chat with these guys and see what we can do here with we seek your expertise yeah we can actually trade exotic goods we do have exotic gases that we can sell off for two a month and that's gonna increase our opinion modifier slowly but steadily by purchasing this product your agrees Errico cannot be held responsible for any adverse effect that may results from its use including but not limited to skin irritation psychotic episodes cure ocular discoloration aggressive mutation increased calling the suicide rates precognitive trance knowledge depletion dangerous strangle its production micro black hole generation grain elevator explosions societal collapse mass extinction event unexpected supernova detonations their complete or partial destruction of your star nation southern gamma-ray bursts time travel paradoxes vacuum medicine medicine team events that's the [ __ ] awful one Universal entropy and the collapse of the space-time continuum oh boy suck you delight that's what cheap like a soldier sold your jobs or something I think we can unmute Excel continue at all oh well I did system survey concluded I need turns into a self-help therapy session I forgot about trade you know this whole mega cool thing forgot about doing everything and this is why you should always read the fine print system so vacationers would damn long though see it already it weasels playable three lasers against her Titans of attack has been updated [Music] I'm not impressed by your deals Amazon I'm taking my Prime membership back away cuz we're over our cap and I still want to colonize this entire area the doorway probe the dimensional portal on the hug loomed add sounds fun do it I'm glad nothing can go wrong nothing we have detected an anomaly I think I've managed to break my game by canceling the production of show never mind I fix for a secondary I thought I had a horribly broken stuff apparently it's white [Music] that's absolute and Telugu lesbians dimensional portal very God Groot is expanding very rapidly hungry great but Groot Groot s five planets what as a very hungry group construction completed all right governor research concluded I can't get North I'm gonna have to go system survey completely desperate in the way excuse me what did you just say the did you just use terrestrial directions the divine space I used East because I'm the way I'm looking knowledge is the key movers construction completed upscaling construction if in doubt upscale you can still win it before sleep Jay but you'll have to come back tomorrow to find out if you would honor oh my elion who are on the Renaissance aged apparently live in pyramids oh nice because that makes sense what would you presented it all the achievements sorry wait good oh hey guys if you need certain resources just go to the Galactic market to buy them do you get no no no no no I don't get the profit from it basically for every transaction there is uh there's a percentage trade and I get I get yeah that's fine basically you pay an additional a you pay of thirty percent premium I only paid twenty percent premium okay alien box what was the best way of getting influenced again basically we I'm gonna break my expensive pack video because I forgot that that took influence so I'm going to do it and what gets more influenced maybe yeah it's not that I'm going to attack you but that's why I'm breaking the defensive pact that's all good things after end the super chat show up in the video color just yeah that's a work in progress on Monday they will show up in the video or pew pew pew pew going well oh dear hostile fleet yeah of course I'm gonna open the corpse the construction completed what to pleasure your factions system survey concluded very growing it's gotta get construction completed yeah rival lets in if you found a wonder that you have anomalous readings registered come on give me give me very well full and game by taking over Amazon he's got the buffer a spec between him and group Oh trade I know is that war uh rivalry it's going down my sign ship is in retreat damn it Retreat retreat oh oh I see a rival very badly yeah the only reason I'm rivaling is for Pete for the for the influence yeah or am i I've heard him say this many times destruction of myiasis labor either we build brighter future research I finished on stream tomorrow and we will be whispering them asking them for their email address and then we will contact you by email make sure you're around on the morrow Oh nearly nice oh gosh I've made my own stellaris breakthrough apparently you can just click on an automatic exploration yeah rather than clicking on ship our ship and send an amount it sort yeah yeah all right so I found the alien box go for the I want to say the green solution because the green solution is going to give us extremely adaptive board which will mean that we can actually start colonizing planets with our own species construction completed with a green option in this case a special project option this should give us ridiculous habitability you've taken one yard you've taken one gr3 and that's like a three away from speaker systems for my minerals this is Wednesday lowest s friendships between colleagues yeah what easy way to solve this that don't get me wrong like noble chairs is a great brand to do love that faulty chairs for Ethan says next year what are we getting here executive vigor your prerogative master your nature technological ascendancy Democratic engineering because we got I blind affliction range in sensor plus two you have something that I wanted oh what's this oh where was that article 7c oh it's fine my ship exploring not the Union Station oh my god I can totally take it oh it is a holy world though you'd only get only 5% reap what you serious any 5% that's [ __ ] terrible don't take that only 5% habitability yeah that's just so stupid I just need what's the point of that precursor there's no trade costs oh I should have gone for the venerable regeneration one and set them Jesus that's terrible so they nerfed that into the ground [Music] temple oh wow we got so many amenities that's insane ooh destroy it well that am I to ask it don't stray and all this readings registered trade value this pace dog yes well yeah basically I have species from basically everywhere in my empire which means I can basically colonize whatever planet I want this is exactly what I'm gonna be doing lets colonize this rock that's actually good five percent seventy eighty percent yeah but these natural engineers over here it's a size nine twin and winner-takes-all so we can actually just turn this into the world because it's terrible this one they say is about rapidly yes thrifty kind of like these ones [Music] okay and that's all that stuff at least on the colonization queue did they nerf the space to actually have not seen the space tree in a very very very long time and yes the resolution is probably better because of the housing construction walk you ooh this 11th Rosa effin minerals but this is oh what's that for how do i terraform the world you click on a planet like this place it's just terraform planet and if you have the tech fort you can turn your planet into whatever you want it's pretty great I got the tree today it wasn't great yeah it used to be super Opie and would also spawn all the friggin time be so storage for I've got too many credits oh here we go I get away from me let's stop it crying order number 43 don't close the doorway system survey concluded a speck try to get coal / it's a choke point if ten trade evil mommy's on that it's debris yeah that is pretty decent construction completed wax may actually yeah let's just try to push for it that's probably a good call okay so we where do we have a police I can just park my fleet temporarily your construction completed Enclave station okay works about Q u e a X a X quack-quack are you losing Oh are you losing numbers on 20 energy really two of the gases yeah it's about we communicate death more gas right now that's pretty good oh my days that one has 34 minerals in it yeah we're over our navel Kappa that's not a great eater what's that I've got oh hello who's this Ron protectors although the holy guardian yes they are you definitely wanted you definitely want to colonize on one of their holy worlds they love that stuff a new world of opportunities await influence need a little bit more to get that 34 mineral world 34 mineral world yeah this discovered you oh hi we grab those juicy juicy 34 minerals grades what system is this in because pick ax okay mineral Queen 34 minerals that must be a trap there's never never any way that that is not a trap oh there is a ministry tower in here oh oh where they just flowing through and I'm random squids oh dear I can now see the extent of Groot monka be fixed with the explain why you depressed with the extent of crude is very extensive space friends have been decimated I don't even know where Amazon is I started not contacted them contact with north of made our space friends monotheism trade big communications is Jesus Christ I just don't need all three research at the same time sounds great I found great hey great a co-inky-dink grew it's gonna murder us all oh Amazon Nicola galaxy hello you're driven assimilators it seems to be a really bad idea I have also discovered noble chairs and what great chance they are when she discovers a noble chair it never wants to discover another Lionheart did you murder Amazon Mikoto galaxy at some point I am yes I could see that but murdering is occurring construction completed [Music] rival grits monka diva sublease or sorry I missed that trade deal of something to choose three researchers the same oh that's Kreutz be a groupie big boy yeah she got away into your church ooh yeah yeah kind of like for the moment others there's one there's one construction completed oh yeah a fake ma that I'm assuming this to be around the side in old oh yeah that's it's a buffer zone that I build on pause Oh there's nothing to do with the fact that there's other channels in there yeah my precious a little bantam gateway hahaha remember you you can't recruit anyone [Music] goddamn I want their expertise let me have a look at necks very you galaxy construction completed nice construction it's mine honker it'll be boss man I need the fence tomorrow he's gonna click on it and then bite they see you striving to get one up on a spec would somebody are watching in my stream who is this and lots of stuff knowledge is the key to the universe you did too did you [Music] concur cubed you mean they have only a couple of armies no sister alone [Music] thankfully the defenders are weak by garrison by the way if you don't patrol your fleets they will steal your trade value in case you didn't know oh yeah we're losing trade by eg to piracy yeah balance the budget report is fine the defenders there either good I should put up grace world's oh yeah I need that eat some jobs what do we need we need that anymore has erupted Oh isn't anybody that won't group sinning the Gruder Wow we're all gonna die nothing actually cancel that and go in for next Ravana - Lana 30 work force liberated doing there with the army the special project has concluded construction completed I know there's unemployment holidays are coming fella look see what quack buns relatively well defended we're still blowing it pieces Hey okay epic mango dude just described with its prime mango dude of the epic variety yes Joe Sakic for shizzle click on life-forms ok eetu invade Amazon Prime oh it's the fulfillment center quite a few defenders actually that's fine ice I have enough research included breaking at the lair of the oppressed instruction completed I unlocked the Hall of judgment that's five years in the ISO cube okay I'm gonna say let's get loads of crime great get some enforcers in there our station is under assault construction combat my station was just being attacked by a space probe and I don't know what that was not a good proving that it's costing you money it's basically they it costs money to keep the Starbase and if you're not mining something from there oh my god this got loads of possum a kind of a negative Oh horizon signal you got a rising signal yeah do it thousand millions we know that was some of the signal from a black hole it's too many signals with black holes in this game now a quacks Jason just spamming our faces my alloy production is so terrible [Music] colonised thank you we offer the space frnd Imperium of our overlords a social pact I'm being insulted by Amazon [Laughter] construction completing our they're still throwing insults around they're not bitter happy emerson robots pissed system survey concluded oh the Army's you've basically only user and the last stages of a war once you've got a planet to take your armies landed take a planet which your ship has smashed it from orbit I just I just disbanded all of your armies which basically killing them [Laughter] just burns everything avatar did you just kill all of his stuff well yeah I mean here's six science ships whose only - - Twiddy energy I think about three of them were inactive I literally had to excise the costs oh god I'm so far over my empire completed 15 I'm sitting at 109 gravity of God route is is growing once groots routes edging your galaxy that's when we need that's what we need to worry that your empire the political asylum on the planet anomalous readings registered that's a buddy system survey concluded Oh said they had contact with the Cavaliers I said what sorry I know you have really loud monke adidas sublease or the care of veneers who has contact with them oh they basically were offering [Music] instruction completed if you normalized yeah I'm winning is a war it would be a good time to attack him oh yeah right would you get to fix a hundred build some more construction completed I can quite finish off all of the Amazon they got one but one left we knew Silas vessel construction I called me is wrecked right now they fade in hostiles [Music] yeah easy young upstarts it's time for operation uproot Groot uproot the Greek system survey concluded bass boots hashtag our protest to the doorway has been updated they say name was most volunteers permit are you gonna send your science ship through God what is this this is not gonna go well I'm sorry [Laughter] [ __ ] God keep on losing my scientists of course I am it's not the best case of 2018 Steve Wow how many people you get well yeah very very tasty it's my next case definitely how many people you go watching on twitch by the way 43 nice I have something like that as well 443 not least all right operation uproot groups while he is still busy up work agreement I look forward to being what happens with that work group this is a declaration of war he's on he's declared warning system yeah we got we gotta take him by the balls now before it's too late because he will spiral out of control a special project has concluded construction completed I do take donations for alloys by the way if anybody even still yeah this for the war effort to get for the war effort yes system survey concluded construction completed you can't move him ideas TV I just leave which got money station approach within leaving thanks for the alloys all right we have a sketch I don't think I realized that my territory will grow as well but my having capital B as you mentioned quote-unquote hoes good luck with the creeps now this is a total war so for every territory that I'd say that they lose I will take oh that's a lot if we are being held there's a lot of nasties around that's to be good system I need to sort out my money's anomalous reading is registered you'll get a megahertz this the first time megahertz has been called into action system survey concluded the special project has concluded these aren't the fun cutter poet what do you mean the fun kind of Pirates the Pirates that don't rape your water your your your people these are the fun and jolly structions completed just like to get a food in a minute it's - Abe just disbanded your armies [Music] [Music] - dude how did you get that again the ages it sectors would ya a internal inundated sure of internal rebellions are still possible these guys just still find it kind of cool what that would be case you guys there when can I tacky long again I can't declare war and okay for quite a while we have detected an anomaly a so that's draining me then let's kill what it has any armor of moment we need to take it this station over here if we can take this station we should be okay that's not a problem so we'll just take this system station and we can heal up in here has no reason to apologize for your ascent economies keeping up a little territory I'm glad that's good because go so uh group was pretty big I guess oh wow DJ construction completed this may be a really bad idea but we'll see did he have a reasonable fleet in the end or not really oh no I'm finding this weed right now I'm Anna very most important stage of the war right now because I'm trying to capture one of the stations where I can actually do my ships research including otherwise that we need to fall all the way back to my territory yeah which would take way too long yeah Groot Groot is Groot is not gonna be with us much longer I'm afraid by Groot II remember this is a total war so every territory I take I keep yep system survey concluded [Music] door doubt this economy [Music] yeah so grew counting can begin sin diplomacy we will saw respect treaties when wars ends no this is a war to the death I could oh I can only surrender break it maybe I can status quo that one too but construction completed right now there's this not much that we can do I look scientist thanks to our migration pact hey in one point cop our system for ferry come Fifi yeah that's a thing it's a no I'm spike remember give me the first time I saw that I was like oh they do that okay so while I've been looking at your my economy's got to putt yeah I'm currently making only a hundred and sixty members instruction completed it's more the [ __ ] I've come back I've currently got limited housing issues many issues a lot of destroyers on though I mean a special project has concluded you your science ships don't do research they just but find anomalies and survey planets research construction is anybody else sorry has anybody else hurt a request from the sundrian foreigners for a member of their populace just I know they have done didn't know if you did it to everyone at the same time you know the war with anybody yet guys no you know a war with anybody I am currently in the process of cutting down some trees I can see groots has been severely pruned construction ruining please the dirt I will break out the weed they are forming Oh Tara let me send you some energy I've got lots of energy let me your energy yes thank you Goku knowledge is the key to the universe construction combined except that diplomacy that sounds like a direct threat diplomacy will clean I will clean my tithe oh damn these already accepted purchase upgrades the prepared grades construction ship upgrades construction completed system survey construct bullets in your direction okay about what a lot love live I could get the first week but getting you today hello cook call who consumer goods are buying Louis Construction complete well we could give them learn our lift back and grab my keys what should Stevie tonight shut give us some ideas he'd be cleared systems well if a special project has concluded oh boy has happened five bucks from a spikelets Mary huh kill the contestants are my name is Biff I would definitely marry more busier I would [ __ ] gaming it my and my name is Biff I haven't seen him in a while so I guess that's but we found your thong right here I'm either gonna go there because I just got an awesome system is that the $5 no no no the grid homeworld is currently experiencing a little bout of percussive terraforming however I have discovered something else so I finished my I finally finished my [ __ ] precursor campaign okay some solar pops back to them as food always tasty yeah I can't know why is it Zin Empire's name so big zoom out on the map go to the map and zoom right out and look at the Qin Empire the Empire made peace with Groot it must have one system what it look it's it looks like it's like a weird right we're gonna have to probably wrap that up so we can get out before Dave gets back to lockup okay though I will pause this and we can pick this up another night yeah all right see you guys yes good luck out there thanks for uh thanks for loading the play by the way I hope you if you need anything anything else in the futures let me know and to open to all the 500 people that were watching earlier on that thank you also for tuning in bet y'all later bleh alright everybody that will wrap up today's broadcast of some solarz I have two day off tomorrow and I'm gonna do with some slaw related stuff mainly referring to the I can I can show it now because it's brokenness brokenness out in the safe game is already there obviously but I have to go here and say we sell sell 1000 gas for eight thousand credits boom we can out by a thousand gas work only two we just made a profit of 2600 credits so yeah that's the thing however we're gonna go and uh I'm gonna do a video about that tomorrow it's not in the beta patch in the two point two point two patch which is fine there is quite a lot of cool stuff on its way for stellaris and of course martin onward has left us today as well as he's moving on to new projects within Paradox Interactive and Donny a motor goes one of the designers for the game will be taken over as the game director was also one of the game designers over at paradox and he's also the UI X designer over pds Studios which is pretty exciting we are to be back tomorrow again maybe tomorrow and maybe we're going to be back some other time but for those of you who wanted to see sovietwomble that's on Monday so feel free to tune in back at them anyway we're gonna go and wrap this one up here I actually have a thank you thank you for waiting whilst you're waiting no that's the thought this one yes that's the one oh God there we go thank you for watching so it's been a it's been a good time I mean let me just turn this off here but yeah tomorrow I'm going to be doing some recording it involves green-screen so yes face reveal etc but yeah in the meantime we're gonna wrap it up here because much for watching and until next time take a care of yourselves and make sure you subscribe and each other
Channel: ASpec
Views: 34,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, 4x, ASpec, Genetic Engineering, Europa Universalis, Tutorial, how to, Advanced Government, AI, Uprising, Dangerous, Technology, Synth, Unbidden, Crisis, Syth, Synthetics, Droid, Robot, a.i., Prethoryn Scourge, Prethoryn, Scourge, Invasion, mechanics, tutorial, Terraforming, AI Uprising, psionic, Hiveminds
Id: OuVejXvhjjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 20sec (11060 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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