Stellaris - Salvage Sunday 03 - Underpowered Hivemind vs The Scourge

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hello it is the 28th of January a sudden a that means we're gonna be working on salvaging yet another Empire today and it's gonna be a fun one it's currently the year twenty four twenty five months in as well as thirteen days and we have ourselves like I mentioned a hive mine in front of us now this was sent over by pop rock productions through a we transfer file as is tradition if you want to have your game featured feel free to put a we transfer file a below in the comments and I may take a look at it and see what we can do regardless but all that stuff out of the way we're gonna go and talk about the high my high mind of serenity now first of all the high mind has its it's okay it has a little bit some issues in terms of mineral and energy production its influence it's okay it's a hive mind which means it's not really doing all that much we could even crank that up because we're in a federation so if we would leave that we would get even more resources unity production is incredibly low for an empire of this size which is kind of worrying so we're gonna be taking a look at that we have enhanced solar power which is a plus five energy credits and bonus I believe we can get that from researching flagella not entirely sure we get a singularity processor which is a item from leviathans we did you get from the Infinity machine that means that gargantuan is in fact here apparently hacked into it sadly we did not get the tiny a universe bonus on top of that and on finally we are just a standard hive mind we are not devourers or anything like that no we are just ye old run-of-the-mill hive mind species civics core sector systems plus two it's okay subsumed will monthly influence plus one a must-have for I've minds you to their lack of factions and therefore a high-level influence production and subspace a pass or a pep-pep app C F vapes anyway it gives us plus 15% naval capacity which is Canada so let's take a look at our Empire what the main issues are we got a time project there's some debris floating around our energy storage is full we've got a lot of energy and minerals which is nice we are currently missing a scientist we'll take a look at that one of our rivals has ended their rivalry and our spaceport has finished construction so at first glance what is wrong here well we are producing 373 food a month which is ridiculous as our population growth will increase by 200 percent which is staggering and we don't really want that also our science production is incredibly low for what we have also our fleet captains are really low and that has mostly to do with that whole Federation stuff also there's the hive so that's over here they are currently in the process of consuming the galaxy as is tradition with the hive and today we're going to be learning at something along the lines of putting your entire empire in full-scale anti scourge production to push the back push them back into the void and make sure that they don't cause a problem now thankfully they are relatively far away let's take a quick look here at our diplomatic borders we are over here in the south we've stretched all the way from down here all the way into here blah-dee-blah apparently we've taken over a bunch of fallen Empire worlds early on which is nice that we could brother mother and the preserve so that's what's from these kempler arbitrators which is an awakened Empire so displayer you know pop rock production it's already managed to push back a fallen Empire which by itself is a pretty difficult thing to do however the scourge on the other hand are one of those things that will very rapidly try to expand and pretty much consume everything in their way so I figured out which one we can tag into because in order to in order to destroy our enemy we must understand the enemy but also we must understand thyself thank you it sounds who for bringing us and that knowledge that's complete AG into the scourge ignore all this garbage it's not really important discourage is not really playable as per say so we're not going to anyway they have currently 36 world's 36 worlds that are basically just cranking out chips and being hives etc quite a lot of resources they're not doing anything with them which is fine but let's take a look at what we have available to us yes I know the tagging into the mr. Nicolay cheating but I just want to illustrate a something here which will allow us to better understand our situation and what we need to do to come out on top so let's take a look at the enemy ship so we're gonna take a look at this star broody or Broodmother / Thorian swarmer so first of all the Praetorian scourge will always have have warp drive how this is gonna work in cherry I'm not entirely sure because the entire game is in a cater to hyperdrive butts warp drive is their thing they do not have any combat computers because they're fully organic not that that really applies to us but most importantly they are incredibly armored focused they have a decent amount of armor large Aronian armor as well as a regenerated hull tissue and most of their weapons are focused on destroying armor or completely bypassing armor at all they're also very much focused on the joys of missiles so let's take a look here so they have their basic weapons which is their swarm strikers which is basically a type of strike craft it ignores 66% of armor plus 100% shield penetration these should never be an issue to counter if we build our fleet properly we will have so much flak and point defense that they will never get in range and become a problem the real issue is is these acid blasts now they ignore 50% of armor and do a significant reduction in shield damage which means that our fleets should be cater to a having a lot of shields be having a lot of flak and see massive armor penetration in order to counter them if we have a fleet that is say 75 and we encounter one of their 150 or 128 stacks we should be able to defeat them quite easily however sadly if we tag back into our normal Empire this is not gonna be the case because if you take a look at our ship designer we are all over the shop we've got lasers they ignore 50% of armor which is okay as well as disruptors but disruptors only does two hundred percent shield damage which is not gonna be very useful to us so we're gonna put a plasma thrower on here plasma throw is ignore 60% of armor but they don't do a lot of shield damage not do we need that because the birth Orion skirts do not use the shield's at all sadly this is Tier one and I will delve a little bit more a little bit deeper into that later on also we want to put jump drive on this actually we're gonna max all of this stuff out okay let's take a look here armor we do not need at all so let's quickly take a look what we can do here some more shields armor shield regeneration would be nice but yeah this is gonna be our our destroyer here we're gonna also design a new destroyer which is going to be a picket design a lot of point defense on the air just to counter all that so I'm gonna put the lasers on here because they're the best weapons that we have a strip all the armor off there we go put some fields on that bad boy that's not gonna work there we go maybe some regenerative armor now we don't need that so this is gonna be our screen the problem is is that this safe fell in this safe all I have not gotten flak weapons yet and we're gonna need those in order to survive the oncoming battle cruiser design it's all medium Gauss ignores 50% of armor shield damage is significantly reduced so it's not really an issue we can we can rock this because the plasma weapons that we have are not powerful enough yet to do anything with but I'm strip all the armor off armor is now gonna be useful to us at all so it's there we go steel blade I like I like that it's like I'd like that design name so very much shield focused here okay we may want to build not a cruiser design here also the Praetorian skirts is very live it's weapons in terms of when it comes to the wonders of point defense they don't have a lot of that which means that we could go heavy missiles but this state file also does not have a lot of missile slots on it so that's kind of annoying we gotta go mostly mediums here put some more Guardians on here maybe some advanced fighters because fighters will counter enemy strike craft quite nicely bomber wings they ignore 50% of armor which is rather good and half to point and the amount of damage that this does is just so limited we can put a kinetic battery on here just to make it look a little bit silly er let's strip the armor off let's put a shield on here if we can yes we can regenerate if our a whole tissue we could do that maybe and other hyper fields in there the good thing about shields is that unlike some of the other things in the game actually if I do help no it most definitely does not I will though re address this once we have proper plasma weapons to counter skirt so scourge scourge main line my main Leone apparently so there we go and now let's take a look at our battleship design so we got our steel blades and okay we're gonna we're not gonna really mess around with some of these other designs here battleship we've got two designs see this is an interesting idea right so we got giga cannons ignore certain percent of armor - 67 percent shield damage which is fine however if tachyon Lance's tachyon Lance's ignores 90% of armor if you have enough of these they will annihilate any scourge on the field overall this is not a bad design at all ignores 50% of armor I am gonna add fighter wings in here instead strip off all the armor and put some more shields on there may be one more sadly not the case but if I do this and I'm gonna help okay so haul tissue regeneration is all fine if we can find something like the the enigmatic fortress we would be in a much better position because animatic technology does allow us to do a lot more and in this design this is fine what is gonna put tachyon lance and this is your standard super long-range flea buster really and it should allow is a lot of energy that is basically lost if we do need the the shield's here so okay so that's done kind of somewhat optimized our fleet design against perth orion scourge so our primary fleet we can upgrade this 12,000 minerals that's how much that's gonna cost uh uh we have the resources for that but i'm gonna wait for it a little while oh my god this admiral is garbage lethargy use a level five sure it's got aggressive unyielding but lethargic invasion minus five this is not good for any of our smaller ship designs also we are going to set this as the rally point we have a domesticated perth orion queen somehow when a park her really far away somewhere that it's not gonna be an issue so i'm just gonna move you somewhere else and i'm gonna merge all of our ships together for some reason we cannot at the moments because some of the FTL drives are not up to date but let's take a look at our planetary setup so surface on a capital looks ok we don't need a military care to me so we'll put a galactic stock galactic stock exchange in there and mention what I said about food that we had way too much of it what we were producing because of the towel bonuses here we're producing thirteen food and five minerals which is fine but I'd rather go for mining at work upgrade on this one and just replace all that stuff because minerals is something I'm very much needing at the moment we have any other buildings that we can replace yeah that's let's replace this with a mineral processing plant you kind of want to build mineral processing plants as soon as you have three mines on your planet for optimizing your your setup let's take a look here at our species echo rapid breathers mmm we need to get rid of that intelligence natural engineers thrifty okay let's replace rapid breeders with miners I think that would be a good solution there I'm actually missing a couple things here let me quickly check or is an troop we can Commission art piece okay and one two three two three four five okay so our Empire did not have any art monuments that is a problem because we're gonna need to put those in because like I mentioned our unity production is garbage it takes 48 months to do anything well we're here let's take a look at our tradition prosperity is okay adaptability for hive minds I guess works fine because of the additional points that we gonna get terraforming blah-dee-blah really an issue supremacy is good expansion makes sense the lack of discovery is a problem synchronicity is also pretty good because of bulwark of harmony and hive synapse I've synapse is a unique building to hive minds domination we don't really need a we've got a technological ascendancy instead of Dominion galactic contender because we fought off that hive my that Empire earlier galactic wonders science Nexus is good center your Ray's goods galactic force projection may look a passively plus 200 percent I guess is fine let's take a look here at edicts grand fleet let's enable that's make sure that we have all of that stuff going how much unity average how much influence I'll be losing to you know we're losing to from being in a federation that's potentially an issue whatever decent Wow that is a lot of ships okay then I'll 234 six armies the fleet's like the second bouquet oh dear Lord okay yeah I think the second bouquet is just about to lose all of their ships let's take a look at our fleet designs it's plasma it's good to face disruptors this kind of garbage against Ithorian but that's the AI doing automatics of swarming missiles is pretty good against Ithorian as well I don't think that this fleets gonna last very long not when there is poo that is over 400 350,000 fleet per hour there so let's keep on pausing the game for the moment and it will take a look at some of our stuff that we have available so we've got all of those amazing five unity structures that we can build and let's tile over you yes do we have any growth buildings anywhere I don't see anything okay so this is relatively efficient so there's four energy plants here plus a energy Nexus that makes sense let's put a art monument on this energy Nexus enough power plants okay so we got Saito revitalization centers so what they do is they actually increase the population growth on the planets and considering we're already getting a bonus of population growth plus twenty percent this is not gonna be all that useful so I'm gonna replace this with an art monument you were gonna for a place with a energy building at least adjacency huh no why did you build our comps forums they're not the best idea buddy okay that's one this planetary capital placement is a bit rough but would be a better position here no that would not improve things all that much replace this with how many energy buildings you may have here enough really oh we don't have an energy grid on planet ITER okay so we're little places with a power plant and this shield generator it can go so let's build a art monument on top of that okay so because of the way the adjacency bonuses work having any building that does not generate either minerals food or energy next to your capital building is generally not a very good idea so we're gonna replace this oh my god there's no walkathon memorials here oh oh dear okay well let's replace you then with a power plant you are gonna be a rock tom memorial oh my god this there's no reason to have this mineral processing plant here there's no mineral bonuses there's only one mind on the planet so having just one is just not practical we're gonna replace this with yet another power plants food-wise replace this would another power plant power is always good because we've always traded for minerals and this one we're just gonna replace him in Hart monument I don't really care Saito revitalization plans replace it minerals this is almost too close to my mmm-hmm Oh God oh dear well this planet and like we're not gonna get anything out of these bonuses here we really soon this Arkansas memorial okay let's cancel that's let's destroy this one let's destroy this one it's a rebuild of planetary administration here I'll get on memorial here and you're gonna be replaced with [Music] okay because we destroyed the Capitol building we can just build anything with but whatever large planet size 25 pretty decent okay we don't have any more Armani bones that's fine you science minerals that's fine this builds how much energy we have here a decent amount so let's just build more energy if we can I'm gonna need that anyway okay so do we have okay so this is okay I can work with this basically what we're doing at the moment is we're completely streamlining this entire this entire core okay this is fine we can work with that broader and it's all fine that's cloning vats this planet is not okay oh good lord planetary capitalism there let's replace you then with a science lab do any weird buildings anywhere no okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fast for from here onwards until life taking a good look at all the infrastructure within our Empire and actually getting our unity production underway I don't really care about the skirts at the moment what I am going to do however is taking a look at this mess if they lose this battle really handily which they will I will most likely leave the Federation as soon as I can oh good as another three hundred thousand three power of jumps in this is yeah highly unfortunate I also just realized something else let me quickly talk to the artisan troupe that's become their patron 5000 energy yeah that's good that's fine and let's do the same thing with the curators as well because our technology is really behind so we just spent ten thousand energy on that oh my god the fleets just keep on jumping in that's to speed things up here a little bit oh wow that oh oh oh dear yeah that's that looks like a you problem over there yeah I'm not gonna semi fleet in there and that's our alliance fleet that's gonna die 53 bout but kind of battleships are these even yeah see the problem is there's no point defense on any of this so all of these strike craft are just Ricki havoc maybe there's some point defense there but not a lot and that's that's a scourge like they're mostly point defense and missiles if you have at least point offense they're mostly strike craft and missiles they just destroyed an entire capital line of 58 battleships just like that like it was nothing okay I don't want to do a trade curator inside pace around the arts whatever we also need to set up this I should really turn that off that is man this is that is a lot of scourge not gonna lie at least I'm not like crazy stacks this is like a one point a 1.0 crisis strength safe game yeah they're being annihilated those battleships are just absolute toast and this is the power of strike craft really and this is why this is what we need to counter in order to get around us anyway with that fight done and our alliance having lost pretty much most of their ships we're gonna go and upgrade our our fleet Allah our infrastructure a little bit there the border between the Scourge is still decently far away I'm not really too concerned about that right now we're all pushing back we just need to completely streamline our economy and basically get ready for war and get rid of all this food production over here increasing unity and get more energy on board anyway I'm gonna fast forward here I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I just spent the last 10 minutes pretty much adding observatories and solar panels every single world that I could find so those are currently building muscle building some gestation for the chambers and some of the on some of the planets that didn't have them at least our primary worlds the war is not going well for our allies let's put it that way they are there are giant clusters of stuff floating around which is definitely not helping let's take a look here what we have void cloud let's do all of these these are all just sitting by they're not doing anything improbable ceramics is actually a really good source of scourge missiles form strikers asteroid the fans repair automated shipyard we can get chips out of that giant ships Crystal codex interesting giant skeleton that's actually send our scientists are good enough and most of them are just really garbage level one scientists I'm not that great we could do some min maxing here and this this one what is it again it's material production right yeah so let's just but this guy I'm there he's probably a little bit better suited for that yeah we've basically streamlined our economy a little bit replacing God knows how many gestation chambers and replaced them with a khatam auto town memorials because we were missing those everywhere no we've got three ovens they will not stand in our way and let's do the remotes amoeba stuff because that will allow us to yeah all the stuff is now just coming out of the cooker that's a lot of space port stuff that is now done I also took a look at the Alliance it is huge it is absolutely it is genuinely massive are we the strongest I don't know I don't think we are there's a lot of species okay so asteroid impacts are no longer a problem on some of these worlds that's good frequency tuning which we don't really need what is this world it's a size 14 tune world's it's a little bit man following the first Nautilus squadron let's encourage all the as I encourage all the enemies to follow us crystalline entity they're probably no longer existing more crystalline into the observation space in me but I think that should increase our supplied speeds and these guys have decided to declare a rivalry 20 percenters a bunch of space here probably in the former fallen Empire space that we have in really serve aids I can't crystal sonar it's terrible and cosmic ray catalysts gives us a plus five percent energy and this is why you should always do the starter events for researching neutral space aliens they do not have a lot of use but the you stay have is pretty amazing alright so we got a bunch of construction ships are they now equipped with jump drive good that means they can get in places really quickly start mining all of these things that are just sitting around not doing anything 241 can we get it doesn't really matter it's the survey stuff wherever we can get some get some because we're hive minds are our leaders are effectively immortal I'm not entirely sure if that is the case I haven't played with hive minds all of that much there's a oh this is our ring world okay that's fine okay so a ring world is in a bit of a precarious location and we've got these this is bite this is my Ally yeah okay nuclear devastation what a waste okay we've got a bunch of science out of that and basically we're just in the process of completely rebuilding our economy and trying to get something properly done here so we have more than enough minerals our fleet is currently upgrading what I'm expecting here is that were actually going to lose some fleet power it's not the end of the world because we are just basically building up our fleets to counter scourge more effectively so well we're gonna be building a bunch of ships now we're gonna be rebuilding them later anyway to update with better technology we've got some armor currently in the cooker 28 months anything so long let's not do that slave Villita cost bio lab I got the cost of Technology it's just ridiculous um 20 months she'll take points I would kind of need that okay but we do need to us we do the physics research for better plasma weapons how long would it take okay we're currently rebuilding a section of this mega structure that's still quite a ways away I put a bunch of buildings on this planet here just to start to pre-produce everything that's going on here because it was very much needed this building the gene clinic don't build it just unless you're really bad in terms of your population growth etc it's just it's just not that great alright so let's take a look at our species can't remove any positive traits because we are not biological ascended I kind of do want to go for it colonial assassin our governor hable has been found dead okay so one of my leaders is dead okay is that one of my governors also notice of one of the governor's actually need to set up the sector settings no redevelopment no robots no colonization yeah it's fine no redevelopments no colonization no robots and no redevelopments I don't want them to mess around with any of my tiles from now on we're gonna be min/max seeing every single colony so you know get ready for that wow that's a lot of research that we're a lot of science that we're just not scooping up as of right now delicious science must be a bunch of resources down here I guess that's my of course they're exactly the same color so I can't see jack which is always unfortunate bring yeah give me that delicious science there we go the energy plants ready for operating I'm a heel holding shift by the way strength from small places so to our homeworld this should improve energy production I think energy now it's actually kind of ridiculous we have so many bonuses to energy production now energy production is actually really good it's I guess we're just gonna upgrade you all these and I'm holding shifts like I mentioned I want to click it on these buildings that should automate it automatically build them to their maximum level it's pretty expensive like for instance like this whole thing shift if you look at your minerals yeah that's that's expensive so 16 on dirts so we just spent five hundred minerals to max out that mineral pile and it should speed up the process quite a lot we're gonna be doing that with all of our planets as well in order to make this a little this process in order to make this process a little bit snappier we're gonna use hot keys instead of doing manual stuff it would slow down the process again I'm not too worried about discourage itself okay so we're gonna hit f5 to quickly go back and forth to see if we're missing anything anywhere like here for instance and then we can just upgrade all this stuff very quickly and efficiently so we should be hitting a thousand minerals relatively soon energy production is already really high at least relatively considering the year we're in and that should allow us to build a better industrial backbone to hold off the skirts of skirts right now there are a little bit they're just messing around with some of these smaller kingdoms that it's just that are just not interesting to us they can do whatever the hell they want I don't I don't really care about them right now don't be too worried about the skirts if they're on the other side of the galaxy take your time be sure to slowly but steadily build up your economy and cater your science completely against them there we go there's a science lab there we go and yeah exactly as you can see we are already a hundreds unity points extra and that's here we go we went from 50 or 60 months to 17 months so that is very nice your science lab what are we lacking Biolabs so just going through your lists and just hitting F clicking on a plan I'd hit hold on I saw something there you should not exist this building this mineral processing plant there is no reason for this to be on this planet there is nothing for it to boost so we're gonna replace that with a mine and we're gonna replace you with a mine there we go and that should make this process a bit easier yes I know that my my leaders has died prime nectar folk or khatam memorial goes first you are a bio lab look see we have already reduced our food income by almost 300 which is staggering absolutely staggering so we have a dead leader which was a statecraft leader do we have any state crafts no we do nots so let's get a bio leader in there any way you could build another sign ship and then eventually once we have enough influence of okay we're gonna go down a discovery line and I use our scientists okay we are maxed out on energy and we're gonna use our scientists to increase our you both our unity income and our science income so let's go and talk to the mutagen if you don't have love why since you won't be able to do this by the way this is why I love is is kind of a weird expansion like everybody's like Oh a giant space aliens and I'm just like curators and banking what an exciting time but no that's basically one of the main takeaways from that game oh yeah now we're talking unity production coming out of our proverbial butt holes that is really nice okay so this species is missing the thrifty so let's lie a templates is that the right one I think it is cool that's that's the wrong population so applying 445 pops 18 months we can use that so in 18 months our energy production should be going up quite significantly so there is at least that's so we'll keep on hitting f5 to get back and forth always make sure this is 75% of reads we can actually pull a lot of resources from a stockpile right now notice how this is costing like a thousand minerals every single time we do a full upgrade on something but it just means that we don't have to come back to it later on here we go yep that's fine okay we're gonna go and fast forward things while I do finalization here on streamlining our economy now we're gonna start building ships or at least try to build ships because our technology is not really in a place where we would want to actually before we do that do we have what does our logo let's get a research agreements your food no they're not interested okay so these guys a superior technology how about these guys I really need a research agreement it's only seven yeah that's the problem with hive minds and not really overwhelming technology oh my lord see this is for 10 years this is doable okay how about how about if I give you this is expensive how about energy balance things out a little bit the real question is is this really worth it well they are superior they're overwhelming to us they're migratory flock which means they like to go anywhere really mostly the balance is out just enough but no food at once ok so see this is a superior position we are in because their technology is significantly better your dad ours and the bonuses we can get out of this will be substantial so boom so let's take a look here yeah research agreements so at the bottom of the list is Gerren research agreements play took plus 25% there's another one here and we don't have one for society but it's still really important to get those research agreements in because especially because these guys are overwhelming in technology this will allow us to boost our technological rate quite significantly so we're going to go and fast forward here we'll be right back [Music] [Music] okay so we are back we just got a research agreement offer from our friends the drug eval of Pius concordant and if you something that's interesting what happens here is terrorists they're saying hey well haven't you research agreements with you but you got to give us a lump sum of ten thousand six hundred and fourteen credits now you may be wondering this is gonna be interesting or not is this a valuable agreement without actually knowing what they have well there is actually a way of looking at it so we know that if we agree to this research agreement they we have about eight technologies that they don't have to in six five and society and one engineering however they have sixteen in physics 20 in society and twenty-five in engineering this is a great deal to do it it's uh you know making making deals making deals that's I should run for president anyway okay that's good okay so we got a bunch of stuff here that can be done all right so let's pause the game for a second we're gonna need to do some restructuring of our of our sectors and because right now the SEC D sectors are set up in such a way that they're basically giant blocks but it does mean is that all these sectors will take all these resources from these planets from these planets that they don't have any for me systems they don't have planets into so what we're gonna do is actually we gonna open up the ledger let's just minimize all this stuff you don't need it at the moment also over the Ringworld it's gonna be done soon so there's 20 planets in this sector so let's man it's just sector show so it's this one I'm gonna start removing pull systems that are currently not connected to this sector in any way and I may you may ask why are you doing this I'm doing it for all the resources that are available in these on these systems that have stuff in them basically what happens is if a plot of a sector owns a system they will get all the resources in that we don't want that as of right now we want to get as many resources as we can and of course this is gonna make a lot of these sectors look like complete and like a complete and total mess but we will get the resources out of it and that's exactly what we want okay so that's that's good those resources at least I believe that's how that works let's take a look at this one let's manage this sector okay so yes actually you need to be connected because if a sector is disconnected from other areas in the sector it's gonna have problems there's primitives on here that we could potentially do something with okay and that should pretty much be it every single a little bit of resources it's matters let's put it that way okay so the scourge of managed to kill their first enemy empire and there are still this buffer zone between us and then the thing with discourage is they run out of steam relatively quickly there's a fight going on here nobody's tempted fight going on here okay so our fleet just got upgraded I wonder how much it got nerfed into the ground by about 10k but we got more specific weapons and we're just adding battleships on mass right now so to cone life-forms nice it should give us a firm amount of additional resources good Wow oh wow this this system is glorious let's build some mining station and research stations here so that's your antic crystal so it's energy weapons which is what plasmas are which is gonna be very useful but more energy in there that's so nice there were signs ship not doing anything at the moment I'll take a look around our Empire to see if we have anything that we can have it do no there's a bunch of research projects here that I do want to wrap up you kind of want to do this because the resources you get out of it it's just totally worth that don't let them lie around for too long because it there like I said they're very useful there's a type of one over here I'm not particularly a big fan of the AI building stations everywhere because it does mean a lack of resources I'm where I'm gonna do something else right away and this makes something you don't know so this is button is this big old button next to the sector it says drain sector stockpile notice sector does have its own stockpile of resources and we're currently kind of running low on resources so we can get 21,000 energy from the sector if we want to as well as 37,000 minerals which is a lot this one it's 21 K I just wanted a little bit less so that's 18 K now okay this should be enough 18 K and that's just drained resources and considering the swarm is here we have a reduction in costs so let's do it actually know if we were in a defensive war then it would be less but a hundred a hundred influence for this amount of resources Boop totally worth it okay so for some minerals and now we have a gargantuan amount of minerals available you can use to build a gargantuan fleet now where I put battleship assembly yards on this here bad boy because that means that we can now let's build a cruiser yard here and once that is done and we can start cranking out cruisers okay this is a battleship yard so we want to get more battleships this is cruisers note how I just spent a ridiculous amount of resources more battleships those are attacking on baseline battleships basically I'm building so many tachyons that the sky looks like a disco ball it just kind of just kind of nice the real problem is is that oh Jesus Christ 61 months for a unity boat for a unity upgrade that's 20 years that's 10 years this is gonna take a long time to do discovery do we saw the artisans yes no we do not all right wait patron of the Arts okay cool so right now we're just waiting plasma cannon type three and that's the one and everyone's shield capacitors and then we can basically start making sure that our fleet design is optimized for what we want to do okay so that's all looking good notice how I still have not gone to war with the Scourge i've not engaged them because at this moment in time I don't feel that I'm in a good enough space yet flat battery good tier two flat battery 52 months because of the research agreement that we have which is great so we have two research agreements running right now and though it should be enough to get our technology up to a decent level plus 55 foods is decent all of our planets are what's that you - you should be gone you that's a new world potentially okay so looking good something tells me that I've got not maxed out mining Network for something tells me that I do not have money I do have what number five okay so we're looking at this world here was a barren world anomaly level we may be able to do something with this it's too close to the frontlines with a swarm though I think what the swarm is the more they consume there's more stretched out there their lines are gonna be terraforming candidate to excellence well we don't know how big it is though that's the problem yes all these resources Explorer okay so we've maxed out the amount of stuff that we can research do we have our researches influence or minerals I'm gonna go for the influence because that means that we can pull more resources out of sectors when we need them to we're almost at our fleet cap that is a little bit worrying I have also built observatories in every single station that I could find it is incredibly good and has bluffed our science output decently I was waiting for this here ring segment to come online that's gotta be done in about a year once that is doe look at this Arkansas Memorial you can be maxed out is this one science science science yeah this is basically going to be a high-end mineral production impact crater that is biology some more biology cool so we get max all this stuff out basically get this ring world online as soon as we can same with this ring world ring world's in general really good for a large amount of resource production which is exactly what we're doing with this one right now found an anomaly see the thing is I could do the following and do infrastructure projects but it is not retroactive so I would need to cancel all the buildings that I have and then rebuild them all does is it may be worth it could be that it's I am a little bit lazy sometimes a planetary shield generator let's replace that with a basic science lab now note that a lot of this signs both the science bonuses are coming from the curator insight which is a plus 15 bonus definitely something you want to do okay let's fast-forward to a point where I may be able to fight the first amount the first set of 77 months the first set of Scourge and see how we do well be right back you okay I know that was a quick one but we had a very special per Thorian related event trigger which is the new order they are basically a an alliance of aliens from species have been destroyed let's take a look if we can make contact with them there are the sentinels so we got a sentinels over here I have no idea where they are we can give him a donation of a thousand energy and they'll be able to build some more ships out of it they have finished consuming all paths Orion life etc etc like I said we can give him a donation if we do give him a donation there's a chance that they will give us ships so what I actually want to do is just figure out where they are so there oh where are they there so they're down in here so the Sentinels will proactively send out ships to try to fight the discouraged now to there on the other side of the galaxy is a great thing for us because it means that they will start building their ships pretty far away also their ships are amazing the way they look etc look at that isn't that sexy actually I'm quickly gonna let's take a closer look at this at these ships because they are actually a relatively unique like there's a couple of mobs you can download in order to play around with them but you know there's only really one way of getting them in game and that is through the Sentinels event and they look badass and not gonna like look at that and that's sexy and they are really decent as well like these ones just look straight up weird but what are you gonna do right you know adays these are great so what we're gonna do is we are gonna give them energy so they can keep on building these here ships and then eventually there is a good chance that they will lend us a couple of them which is gonna be very useful to say the least we are the Sentinels we're how are we able to fight back give them money basically where are you based it's over here bye thank you for coming no I don't want to I don't want to talk to you right now so their ships like their fleets are not in significance look at that it just spawned a bunch more and now they're moving out they're very similar to some of the other events in the game where during a crisis a another faction will pop up that it's just a mammalian ship interesting but these are all basically based on every single species that are in there okay let's take a look actually at their ship designs very heavy designs spearheads the usual where is their special ships there they are okay so we can actually not see them because they are so weird that we can't actually know what they look like so they have their voice talkers class and we have a ring world section completed we're gonna go in anyway with the window section section all right it's gonna colonize that ASAP let's find a good position here this one seems fine so we're gonna do is we're gonna turn this into a full-on science Bay and basically oh my lord where are they going why are they even going whooping moving to your mom your mom your mom dear where is this okay so they're gonna try to take down the D scourge we're gonna continue playing this for a little while because I want to see how badly they're gonna fail what kind of weapons did they using warp drive they don't even using jump drive those absolute scrubs Oh science and ice giving them money basically means that they continuously move in their ships to counter the scourge like this is a tiny fleet like this is literally nothing like it's cute and all but that's not gonna do a dent in the enemy let's build some more battleships and we'll show them how it's done later on waiting for them to get into position it's just oh god it on warplane done well we're gonna go in for fast-forward this because it's gonna take it's gonna take a while for them to get anywhere anyway that's the that's a sentinels fairly cool event sometimes they spawn in the middle of the scourge and they don't live very long but still that's still pretty cool we'll be right back in so we're gonna fast-forward and see if we can do anything about the scourge and make the first strike you [Music] well it looks like the they finally arrived took him took him long enough let's see how the Sentinels do versus I actually had not really seen them do anything useful ever as you can see there is no a shield bar for the scourge as his useful use usually the case let's see if they managed to do anything here I doubt they will a lot of play a decent amount of plasmas detective 36 ships coming in I think that is another who knows what that is really but I doubt they're gonna be making a lot bigger dent first as this here scourge set up meanwhile our fleet is starting to expand quite significantly and one of our our sector dudes has died there's unfortunate just give you science woman yeah I don't think these guys gonna live very long like a valiant attempt I guess but yeah yeah that's that's what I expected well so much for that I guess anyway I have managed to claim another world considering we are a hive mind it means that we do have a lot of flexibility when it comes to pretty much generating whatever we want we're basically taking a species in there now our livestock so we're using it to generate food which is nice I will donate for those resources the thing with the the Sentinels they're a cool idea but they're effectively just throwing stuff into the grinder we're about to lose a bunch of fleet power by the way as I'll illustrate very shortly he says as it increases a 173,000 fleet power we got 140 battleships 110 cruisers of various flavor flav's and we're well over a fleet kappa or our stuff should be able to handle that quite nice thing so the one thing I'm waiting on right now to finish up our fleet designs is the following and that is flak artillery thankfully due to our research agreement we have a significant increase in that and same with shield capacitors we want to have shield capacitors on our ships because the path Orient's are once again like I mentioned very are more focused from there on it's just a case of probably leaving the Alliance maybe see the thing I'm waiting for is for the Alliance to flip to me which does take every 10 years sadly so it's gonna take some time hey Jenna me anyway I don't know where my Alliance fleet is right now there we go so who is the next one hi mind of serenity so in 10 years time all the Alliance fleets will follow me is very unfortunate for my ally over there he's about to get a rifle stumped by the joy that is the scourge but whilst that is happening we can sit back relax and wait for the fireworks that starts so we're gonna build some more screens and we're gonna need these pretty badly okay that's my new planets we're gonna need this pretty badly versus the discourage continuously building more screens as discourages now decided to fly into this area space to take their worlds we've got one already being occupied the discourage works a little bit this they'll bomb the planet into submission and once it hits zero fortification as you will see very shortly okay so if they've basically taken it now so now we're just waiting for an infest her to come in yeah there will be purged all these pops Wow a whole bunch of confessors too spawns that's crazy town okay surrogates shoot capacitors capacitor fields face disruptors for some reason improved Assisting research was never invented here okay and then we can tailor this entire thing to the construction of science maybe some minerals but mostly science it's gonna make a pretty big dent on our energy so we'll build a couple of energy plants around the capital building just like this actually I should probably do the infrastructure project edict and then the rest is all it's gonna be basic science labs because science is something that we are desperately lacking as of right now but still you know it's our Empire is nicely growing got a lot of good stuff going on and the real goal right now is just to get to that point where we can engage the Scourge in battle and save and salvage this game this playthrough and hopefully you've learned something in the process [Music] [Music] okay so this will probably be the last segment of the actual video let's put this let's put this fleets to the test so we finally managed to get up to the point where I am comfortable with putting our fleet into action now we've got 180,000 fleet power which you can relatively quickly rebuilt the and we're well over our fleet cap as well so that's a little bit worrying but the thing here is is that as long as you engage the perth orion scourge outside of their territory they will never send their entire fleets to engage you this means that you can pick off individual fleets in space relatively easily they're looking to take this world slow things down a little bit we're about to engage so tachyons see there they're scourge missiles our kinetic batteries are coming in we're just waiting for the tachyons to load that's 140 tachyons by the way let's see if the missiles are being intercepted yeah there's a bug currently in the game we were guarding strike craft but all of our interceptors are engaging the enemy strike craft which is exactly what we want enemy strike craft should die as soon as possible we are at an advantage here as far as I can see speed things up a little bit we're losing a couple destroyers and cruisers but those are incredibly cheap and easy to replace and we've got strike craft everywhere so notice these little guys these are our fighters they are basically slapping enemy strike craft out of the sky whenever they can the strike enemy strike craft should never get close to your capital ships ever and that's pretty much the main strength of the Praetorian scourge pretty much being knocked out sure their missiles are still gonna cause some problems but their strike craft is the real danger sure can I we could potentially add bombers to this as two flushing things out a little bit but we still got 140 battleships cruisers sure they're dying not the not the fastest I know that you know they're already down 60,000 fleet power and we've not even lost 10 which by itself is not too shabby say the least but yeah as long as we engage the Scourge outside of their respective territory flatten their fleets as they are venturing inside of our space or our alliance space we can slowly but steadily start whittling them down and once we've killed a bunch of them we can start jumping in and out of their space trying to take that their planets bombing into the ground turning them barren we can always re-engineer them later if you want to and then take it from there there you go 36 remaining if you lost maybe 9,000 fleet power we got fighter craft everywhere a couple of bombers and there you have it well us five cruisers 59 destroyer 49 destroyers which is totally within the realm of predictability but we managed to take out a gestalt swarm now this is kind of the fleet lion this is kind of what you want to have like they did relatively minimal amount of damage sure we lost a lot of destroyers but we killed one of their entire fleets overall not the biggest loss especially as long as the battleships can stay on the field with those tachyons with those but that fighter support taking down enemy stuff we're still looking really good and now the real challenge begins and this is also where I'm going to end the episode the real problem with the scourge is this war it's gonna take a long long time jumping onto the enemy whenever you can and making sure you bomb their planets into the ground slowly but steadily right now we're just waiting for the Alliance to slip over to us so we can add the Alliance battle fleet to us as well as all the other the rest of the Alliance ships so to reinforce our fleets even more and then strike from planet to planet to bomb them into the ground make them baron and then move in towards the next one this is gonna be a long outstretched war because the perth orion are very much unstoppable in certain regards and you want to basically push them back for as long as you can let her wrap things up here I consider this Empire Salvage still a long ways to go because you know the skirts are definitely not something to you know under yeah what's the word I'm looking for here help me out here underestimate thank you but yeah we're gonna wrap it up here if you enjoyed this feel free to put a like below Marama - at the smash that like button I really hate saying this by the way and if you enjoyed this well we're gonna try to be back next Sunday I maybe not be able to do a next one next Sunday because I will be in Korea but aside from that you wrap it up here thank you so much for watching and until next time take good care of yourselves and each other
Channel: ASpec
Views: 43,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, 4x, ASpec, Europa Universalis, Tutorial, how to, Advanced Government, AI, Uprising, Dangerous, Technology, Synth, Unbidden, Crisis, Syth, Synthetics, Droid, Robot, a.i., Prethoryn Scourge, Prethoryn, Scourge, Invasion, mechanics, tutorial, Terraforming, AI Uprising, psionic, Hivemind, Mechanicum, Civics, Fallen Empire, The Curators, Contingency, Corvettes, Synthetic Dawn, Cherryh, Apocalypse, Salvage Sunday
Id: TempsAvvSdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 28sec (4468 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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