Salvage Sunday - Boxed in Assimilator Edition

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welcome back to salvage Sunday where we take a look at a save game that's been send in by one of our trusty viewers it could be you make sure you go on towards the discord and your more details about that in the description below and go to the salvage Sunday supp forum and you can dump your save files there but today we're gonna go and take a look at this thing that's been sent in by call me honey we are in fact driven assimilators driven assimilators are a fantastic way of playing the game everybody hates you that's for one but you also love everybody else so much it's in fact that you want them to become part of you now what have we done so far let's take a quick look at our planetary layout we've got ten planets it's a little bit much for what we need but overall it's it's pretty decent we're a little bit boxed in in this particular area which is clearly a problem and we are in a war now overall this may not seem like a pretty dangerous scenario we are about 40 years in that's perfectly fine let's take a quick look at our fleet layout shall we our ships we currently have torpedos and small red lasers interesting choice not particularly strong and on top of that right now our fleet consists of three Corvettes and the enemies got 12 clearly this is a lose-lose situation because they are about to take out our main capital station that has our own shipyard on it overall this entire scenario is not salvageable at all especially not in the total war type of warfare that you will get with driven assimilators now we are gonna take a look at other choices that have been made expansion fair enough discovery yeah technological ascendancy is quite good but executive vigor I wouldn't personally pick at this stage in the game we're gonna go a little bit more in depth about why centuries and traditions are a better option here in addition the border areas don't seem to be applied very well there's a lot of planets that don't necessarily need to be colonized with very limited mining districts and other things so what we're actually gonna go back in time because we've got fluffy available 444 fleet power but almost no HP and only a hundred fleet power worth of ship this is completely unsalvageable so like I mentioned we're going to jump back in time to the Year 20 to 19 and go with the collectors and play them how they could be played and have a much better outcome of the scenario let's jump into that Chronos sphere and jump 20 years back and see what I would have done instead to avoid this entire scenario [Music] so we have survived the Khronos sphere back in time moon as you can see it's now nineteen years and we have a very limited amount of territory a reasonable amount of influence a rather limited amount of alloys because alloys are pretty expensive when it comes to assimilators we want to be very very very specific about what we want to colonize with very limited amount of energy credits we're about to colonize a planet so that's gonna be a minus eight in energy there as well so we seriously want to watch out for that and on top of that we got a bunch of territory we need to colonize especially this little pocket over here something that wasn't done by our since ND before basically the person who sent out of the savefile now there's quite a lot of resources around here that look very interesting but let's start playing here and see what our options are so we're gonna go and see a whole bunch of events throughout this i will most likely rush through them because they're not all that interesting expansion is something that we've already maxed out so at least we get hot joined protocols for our pop assembly speed increase which is really nice and on top of that our Starbase upkeep and influence cost is reduced so we'll be able to get stations out there fairly quickly on top of that we've got map the Stars enabled which is really really good let's be honest here map the Stars is one of the better options that we can have and I'm gonna go and make sure that we are gonna be able to do these anomalies here as well as you may have noticed this player in particular if we hold down the Alt key has neglected to research a lot of these anomalies and instead decided to push forward of course there's nothing wrong with this particular approach it's it's definitely a way of playing but it's not something that I would do necessarily so let's sell off some complete minerals here to buy some alloys why some alloys well we are going to need to build a couple of things first of all this DS this a lien to the south of us will most likely the claire war on us so we are going to upgrade this here station to something a little bit bigger we also have an alpine world here with a lot of mineral districts it's a size 21 means that it's an excellent candidate for the whole process of colonization which is excellent so we're gonna do with that and on top of that we want to get these mining stations up and running so influence what can we deal with them at the moment not all that much sadly which is a bit of a shame but we do have a lot of sign ships going out and about so let's take a quick look here at our fleet designs and see what we have available there's tier 2 coil guns that's perfectly fine I do feel that we're gonna need to be a bit more creative with this adding a single point defense slot on this why point defense slots well I had a little bit of a peak because I am that kind of guy and I know that these guys to our south mostly run missiles on our spate on their spacecraft so we want to make sure that those don't become a problem in the short run planetary wise our alloy production is very very very limited so we need to make sure that gets up and running and on top of that we need to get machine assembly plants on as many planets as possible just to make sure that we can start producing robots on as many worlds as we can that right there is pretty important otherwise you don't have robots we don't get pups we won't grow as a society and that right there is of course pretty important grimacing where is this this is on the other side of the galaxy incomplete yes it is so we're just gonna study it as a natural process because it's too far away for us to be interesting then afterwards what's gonna move our planetary ship over here good not a colony coming coming online mining districts always nice to have more of those especially if we are robots and of course the star for a star base is going to come online as well some more defensive perimeter for us you wanna do the same thing with the Yonder system over here because we want to make sure that this particular system is fairly well protected versus these guys to our galactic east and we want to make sure that we grab this entire pocket just so we have the resources there's quite a lot of planets in here and one thing that's kind of important to note is that it is very very very easy to over build your planets especially the start of the game and especially if you are playing as robots because the cost of colonizing a planet is 400 alloys it is extremely expensive whereas a normal space food in the consumer goods and alloys only 200 of them each with every single one so we want to make sure that we actually pick and choose the systems that we want to colonize early on so let's take a quick look here this one's got a good energy production this one's got really good energy production this one is similar this one's got community evasion political high amounts of minerals that's very nice so that's good and it also has a mineral bonus on top of that this one is a bit bit garbage but it's a nice place later on maybe for some science and on top of that we just discovered the scavenger it's pretty far away so we want to avoid this system we're gonna click on it just this here button then the bottom of the screen to make sure that the system is now restricted so no ships will go in it's down here by the way for those of you who don't know what what button to press it's actually kind of useful when you want to make sure that you're not moving in weird directions with your fleet so what is our goal right now in the short term you want to take either this system or this system it's five minerals over there so we want to make sure that we make get a nice route into that particular area so our main problem right now once again is of course influence so it's actually alloys interesting well it's a good thing that we can just buy a bunch of cookie and sell off some minerals maybe also some food get some more energy in the bank and then buy some more alloys where we can so it's going to build up this one it's a hundred and fifty alloys a pup which is pretty expensive overall especially the early game and you don't have that much alloy income but overall it's pretty good so we know these guys definitely do not like us they are hostile to us they will attack us whenever they can which means that we need to build up our facilities over here so we just build two gun platforms over here that shirt crank up that station to say 1300 fleet power or something along those lines it's pretty pretty strong which is quite good and it allows us to be flexible and successful more energy from that's I do want to get the coming developments reasonable amount yeah hydroponics farms that's all good and we get another research here I'm gonna go for the leader pool because it's cheap and we definitely need more leaders so let's take a quick look here at our political serie right now so the Havel Star Empire's got a defensive pact with the huh with the regime over here these guys are all by themselves these guys are all by themselves that is excellent and everybody hates us because of course they do we are driven assimilators they've got no other reason and let's take a quick look here at the ethics as well authoritarian materialists militarists military yeah those ones and these are xenophobic so they will hate everybody you so all of these will most likely attack us sooner or later and these are also wow we have a lot of materialists and militarists here that is crazy okay based on that we're gonna go supremacy very easy choice discovery whilst it's already pre-selected and we get an anomaly research speed bonus from it which is pretty nice but the supremacy is much better because a it increases our Starbase capacity by two but also we get access to the great game and a great game of course increases Starbase damage by 20% and we're gonna be on the back foot for a little while here because we're gonna get attacked from all sides so you want to make sure that our star bases are in fact up to spec and we're actually gonna build a shipyard here as well just so we can crank out a couple more ships when the time comes and it time will come sooner or later now right now I'm not spending a lot uh a lot of resources on ships and stuff like that for for a fairly good reason mainly because I want to make sure that we can expand enough and grab the space resources over here okay cool magnetic reversal that's not all that interesting pop assembly speed +10 extremely good right now we have got the option would another you want to get destroyers or mining station output I'm actually gonna go for destroyers in this particular case because destroyers are exam pretty pretty darn good when it comes to taking out enemy enemy Corvettes and there's gonna be quite a lot of them on top of that we're trying to tap into these energy credits over here it's plus 6 which is always nice ok so this is uh this is a little trick that I picked up a little while ago I believe one of our place is not actually we actually do have a machine plant here now so that's good so we have a machine assembly plants that we can build a building slot over here everything has got a machine assembly plant which is excellent this place is going to get another alloy foundry and its colony over here we are just gonna focus here on minerals why minerals because we need a more alloys alloys is what keeps the gears rolling within our Empire and we want to make sure that those gears definitely stay rolling alright some research anomalies here for some reason this player decided to opt not to do any anomalies even though he and or she or she has a bonus to researching speed special project invisible death potential laser technology out of that which is nice super solid materials in this case which is I think a bonus to space stuff it's engineering I believe yeah its technology so we're just gonna continue building these here destroyers we're gonna get destroyers out nice and early and we're also going to upgrade this star port to the second tier light he'll curious interesting so we get a bunch of stuff there as well construction um I've got a bunch of anomalies here actually potentially good ones so we're just gonna skip exploring here for a little bit and just do these anomalies because we do want to make sure we get these anomalies before this stellar empire to the south of us the Galactic south of us actually gets access to that territory so we want to make sure we avoid that cool that's some archival stuff nothing special drone campaign okay so drone campaign is really good it increases spa assembly speed by 10% we definitely want to enable that it costs about a thousand energy which is quite nice and on top of that we get the 42 years in three days event keep an eye on it is actually quite good or it has potential of being quite good we can get a nanite destroyer out of it or something else it's it's actually quite powerful maybe even a guy our world not only we care about that as robots but you get the general idea okay so you I want you to research anomaly moment it's down here is a gas giant it's this ancient shipyard where is this it's not in my territory okay that's unfortunate so that is not gonna be a thing sadly for us but still we can do some stuff with that maybe in the future if we manage to take any of this territory over here so that's senior gigantic skeleton so we're just gonna fascinate that's a right-click research this project because we want to make sure we get this nice and quickly and then slowly make our way over here we can get a glow mania that'd be excellent because then we can plop a station down there get more minerals etc be around prime in the meantime it's in excellent mineral world so we're gonna set that one up and sadly our mineral production is currently rather limited which is a bit of an issue probably because we have slightly too many alloy production facilities so that is unfortunate so we should possibly buy some if we can't gravimetric and anomaly interesting we're actually gonna go ahead and do the research project on that we can't get a reasonable amount of resources from that I believed in the physics department and we need to build some more mining districts if at all possible on a mining district world or something that is orientating on mining districts like this place for instance or this place right now at minus five is not all that great but terminal orbits that rolling here get that research project done at the time project as well they want to prioritize not complete there we go Starbase here I think I build another one over here and over here visual money dark flow cool alright so we get a little bit more stuff out of that in the meantime we're gonna go an excavation site which is oh okay it's about wool interesting that means that we can get more pops out of that potentially which is nice some workers here that are not doing anything let's sell off some food we're gonna get some more minerals that would be swell because then I can just build turn this into a good old mineral world complete wreckage identified we need those minerals as well just like friggin clockwork isn't it so yeah we do need those minerals so we'll just get that one rolling and be nice if we can get some more energy so we'll just use the market for that and like this get a little bit more energy up and running these guys to our steel lactic South won't like this because this is a is an empire related event table they'll be like hey why why did you take our spaceship and all it'll be just like what spaceship I don't know what you're talking about ancient records it's just another ruin events and map the Stars is finished we can get production targets for 300 influence I don't want to go for just yet mainly because I want to make sure that we get technological enough influence to actually get enough territory here like alert military confrontation we're going out so the rotation regime has declared war in the glorious never right okay so these guys declared war on these guys said believe these are overwhelming yes they are and these guys are just superior no superior yeah and that's compared to us the only reason why they're superior is because we have fluffy and I gives us an additional five elite elite power and avals space empire jacuzzis more now because we stole some of their wreckage nothing we care of course because we're robots and we got better things to do like you know assimilation entire species I think that will be a good idea the lion must be drawn here so to speak okay gas extraction wells is not all that interesting for us a nuclear bomb whilst exploring some of the ruins in the Maysles settlement okay apparently we need to defuse a nuclear bomb the finishes in 14 months yeah that seems like an important one we also want to get these info investigate alien ones out of the way mainly because it will allow us to get more influence and influence at the start the game is in fact life can we get this space that is the question if we can that'd be great if not it's not the end of the world because we can always reinforce this system with more firepower by building a station in there okay looks like we're the first ones here that's excellent most excellent and on top of that we can get overwhelming force for more fleet power which is always nice good now that we have enough alloys in the bank we're producing enough resources here I would like to build another alloy foundry if we can but we don't have enough minerals port at the moment at least fine we'll we'll deal with that as to as as everything develops here could put a yeah I'm going to put a destruction field generator any year and I'm also going to put one in here Construction complete the space good so we're just gonna go and turn this station into a Starbase or starboard soon as we can complete Oh gas giant structure interesting where is this pretty far away okay that's a bit of a shame that's a special event involving the space Titanic it's it's kind of cool I guess but it's not all that amazing and this place is now looking pretty good as well as all right so kotor secundus it'll be generating minerals all of them of course so we're just gonna try some minerals here and make sure that we can get enough minerals in general and we're gonna build another alloy foundry over here just so we can get of course alloys we may actually sell saw sell off some of our food here and again buy some more minerals just so we can move back and forth on our energy and mineral production a little bit more efficiently this is definitely an energy world we want to make sure that we've got all those resources available okay construction ship is now in place and we're just gonna build some more mining stations where we can especially the system it's got seven energy in it it's excellent yeah nice amoebas yeah build up the starboard here so we have a nice little defensive perimeter just outside of just inside of our territory and a space where we want to defend as much as possible because they're gonna come for us sooner or later and we want to be ready for them and on top of that I managed to again access the rail guns tier 3 which is actually excellent very early on LEED is actually really really good getting tier 3 weapons only 30 years into the game quite good quite good indeed can we get this mining station yes we can and this outpost well and there's some more aliens there materialists pacifists so they probably won't want to do anything with us planetary processor we want to get more naval capacity no it's gonna go for the cheap one so we can cycle our technology a little bit quicker ooh this planets got a lot of energy on it I do like that so we're just gonna go ahead and see if we can colonize this yes four hundred alloys as I mentioned before okay so what do we do here with these spaceships that are just sitting around what is gonna send them to our various worlds and tell them to assist research now which planets do we want to assist research on very good situation cool thing over here and this worlds we're just gonna go and make sure that we excavate this but the meantime though let's get quick look here at our sectors on where most of our science is coming from so most of our science right now is coming from our capital world all the other ones all plus five so wherever we sent our second sign ship it's not all that important as long as we can get a bonus and every single bonus scheme counts at this stage everybody's viable of us because of course they are because that is complete okay let's take a look here oh yeah this is that mineral world that we really want mineral from jobs +5 15% is a huge deal plus those additional mining districts it's just so very good Mya primes got everything we need so we're gonna get minerals up and running here kotas kundus we'll just do the same thing here as well get some more minerals and do it like that's and then this place is just doing some science etc we're another rivalry up and running excellent project complete colony the Baron okay who's gonna go ahead and start excavating that site for the relics and we're gonna get production targets right around now because we want to get more minerals at the end of the month I will take over and we will see more minerals in a bucket up to sixty now that is a rather significant amount let's be honest here that is not the kind of traction of minerals that we want to ignore strange asteroid that's pretty far away construction it's gonna slowly but steadily getting more and more anomalies around here because the science ships somehow managed to get all the way down all the way out here we don't have enough stuff here I find a wide machinery there's a decaying machinery covering this planet sadly is really far away it is a relic world and it's just yeah like I said it's a shame it's so far away I would really like to get access to that world it's not gonna happen anytime soon sadly so we'll just leave it at that and also this system needs to be stopped from having access construction complete energy make sure we balance everything nicely you can also start removing districts here I believe this is a very strong energy world I've got another colony shut ship up and running let's start colonizing this world and once that one is done we can start focusing on our fleet and the fleet designs I'm also going to make sure that all these research stations are in fact systems are in running that's a missile battery you want to get more gun batteries in this place yeah we have a far more compact Empire compared to what the person who gave us this particular savegame had and that's perfectly fine 1.1 K basically it meant it means that we've taken more territory because we have the alloys forward because we and spent all of it on colony ships and we have a much better start right now we got the fences everywhere everybody hates us and sooner or later somebody's gonna declare war and once that happens we are basically going to take war to them to a certain degree this construction complete so basically we're gonna go and grab this pocket as well there's a gateway here it gives us a nice bonus to mega engineering etc yeah overall our situation is a lot stronger there has the great game that should increase our stations from 1.1 to 1.3 and it definitely does our stations looking pretty good right now it's got a bunch of medium coil guns on it soon as we go to tier 3 that will upgrade as well construction to get tier 3 guns which shouldn't be very long eight months remaining and we have some drum acts those are something to watch accusation successful some of the Marauders science research station output but also survey speed and this one's cheap right now someone's gonna go with that excellent so a quick look here at our policies extraction focus manufacturing focus it's not something that we want to focus on too much indiscriminate bombardment Native interference we don't really care or a peaceful because we want to in simulate everybody that's [Music] and start to upgrade some of these cool bills and she says well it's pretty expensive to start upgrading stuff to the max here because we know don't necessarily have the resources for it there is that railgun I want it will get ion thruster on top of that and that means that we instantly go over and start producing a better ships and they are a lot stronger now we don't really have any other options at the moment but at least that single sentinel point defense will allow our fleet to be stronger so let's just max this out we can get 30 so it's gonna max out our fleet here we're gonna make sure we got an image it we're all here whoo unyielding is not all that great maintenance loop is not that great either we'll just go with this one for now it's not the best but at least we can build some more Corvettes and on top of that we have destroyers so we can use two Corvettes as anti-missile platforms while at the same time use the destroyers as something a little bit more flexible so I'm actually going to remove some of the Corvettes here and actually start building more destroyers maybe even like 15 Corvettes and seven destroyers does have a little bit more flexibility is nice to have within within the empire in general plus we're getting all these arrays online so that's good command limits always increasing these Goods and now we can start growing our fleet to good levels comm jammer supplied speed disengagement we want the disruption array really because it'll lowers enemy fields okay situation log adjust have another another system here with a cool place and we'll just get that research project going whilst we are okay this is all energy and the science and the science and the energy and the bunker bots always goods can get a bunch of resources from it or we can get old gate stuff but the engineering research is quite good as well construction or let it continue doing its thing we will I need more alloys right now it's a very short-term approach really which is not all that great okay there's another but rule location we're gonna continue building up our fleets as you can see yeah we're getting more Corvettes up and running we're gonna get destroyers soon it'll be a we'll be in a quite a good spot here I'm looking forward to Ohio love this is the procedure alright so we need some more planets maybe I'm not all too keen on that at the moment yeah and we don't really have a lot of great options we got good options drugs you don't have a great options and this one right here it's got a reasonable amount of energy on its this has got a good mixture but it's only size 15 and it's a bleak as well then again habitability and happiness modifiers don't really apply to us which is fine also the petitions are nice for with this glorious never right and Jenna me just good for us to fleet some more okay looks good for safety I should probably upgrade all the stations or well just so it's a bit of a pipeline situation over here so their needs first need to tack this one and then that one to get anywhere which would be a nice little approach Bastian as well field generator is a good good option as well now without all out of the way we already are in a significantly better situation with a couple of years to spare sure we have a reasonable flee to the only thing that we could potentially upgrade at this point is but hopefully maybe get a little bit of station tech here and there that would be nice but at least our mineral income is reasonable or how low-income well is a little bit so so so we can actually add a couple more alloy plants here just to upgrade out a little bit get some more mineral income in various places this place definitely is a machine building and yeah let's improve this so we can get an energy bonus complete the special event regarding regarding Terry strengthen small places it gives us +5 energy so buddy under a month that's gonna take over and we should have a reasonable amount of resources so they all right automatic exploration point defense barrier planetary FTL inhibitor is actually kind of nice because it will force any any any enemy to have to go through space and actually tell you why I'm really not a fan of building defense platforms because I don't feel that you know they are really worth their costs they are pretty expensive to build and they die relatively easily but in this particular case I'm just going to add two additional platforms here god it costs two hundred four alloys that is so expensive so expensive indeed one Corvette then instead I'll have to do for now but at least I when they when they declare war and they will they'll be able to fight on top of the station so the next step in a perfect world would be complete the neighbors know it's the fleet they will most likely declare war with them because they are an allied I think no they are not interesting another rival ring its shutter fascinating and there is the war okay they I don't want to take everything it's a total war scenario so it's not all that bad but it just means that we need to start moving our entire fleet to the border system here and just hope that we have enough firepower to do what we need because right now we've got 1315 under fleet power in this system plus our two ships which is one Cruiser size and a bunch of Corvettes hopefully with a bunch of a bunch of other stuff as well I get some more energy if at all possible some more minerals to don't have any time you have a mineral purification plants we'll throw that one in there as well we got the alloys potentially a little bit worrying muscle and there's an enemy fleet how many is it's it's four Corvettes dang four whole Corvettes don't know we're gonna be able to handle this can they are dead there's two more coming in or just trickling in right now the AI not necessarily particularly good and our fleet is in a great spot so we're just gonna go and make sure that they can what I call RTB which means of course return to base and they're just gonna go and do that's perfect and we've get star hold star oh it's great 31 months most of our space will be completely impenetrable and we can get crystalline sensors as well if we really know the surface that's good okay we can get Starbase capacity increase in naval command capacity increases well we're reticle very close to that naval cap or we can go for the ship built cost decrease which right now would be goods because obviously we are in fact in a war it gets blue lasers and afterburners from this which is a nice little bonus - now we need minerals why do we need minerals I expect well we need to recruit ourselves all armies because we need to start taking some planets these ones right here seem nice so let's grab the fleet if nobody complete their is it largely 800 fleet power we're just gonna fall back station engage let's take a look here what kind of firepower a few asses it's blue lasers and missiles but we got point defense on all of our ships so we should be able to take out every single missile that comes in they are not a problem to us plus we got those tier 3 kinetic weapons this fight should already be over by now plus we have a station that is also quite capable so yeah the amount of damage that we can do to them is a lot higher as well we've got more navels we've got more naval cap here than their Corvettes they will lose a fairly large amount of ships we lost nothing they lost eight Corvettes eight Corvettes can you imagine losing eight Corvettes at this stage in the game have some energy there Marauders I don't really care and the fleet is instantly almost instantly repaired they are very rapidly repairing which is great we're gonna send out a sign ship one of our to sign ships and or do these research projects because that's a lot of blue lasers that we can it'll mean yes alright cool so we got this planet up and running now let's see if we can push this a little bit faster here so you need to go over there and you need to go over there as well why am i moving pops back and forth there's a good reason for this and I will illustrate to you shortly why so we select the planet again we resettle and we move this final pop here so now we have five pops on this planet that means we get the building slot open which we immediately are gonna use to build a machine Assembly Bay which means that we will instantly be able to build up our fleet power or at least our population that's what the word I was going for which is exactly what we need in the meantime these guys are now pathetic to us which is great because it means that we can go for a bit of a push inside of enemy space which now of course our space and we'll just take it from there it's it's an easy solution and they're gonna be completely crippled where is this oh wow a t2 fleet power oh no I'm quivering Am I engaged and they're probably reinforcing okay so they're moving Corvettes from here to here probably to that capital so one of these has one to one of these four stations Wow four stations right at the front line that's actually really crazy is going to have a shipyard inside of it we'll just have a bit of a poke and on top of that look at that I'm not an alien species and we have another anomaly here there's ancient the deep caverns cool all right so taking the system nice and smooth there is an enemy fleet in here 480 fleet power we should be able to take that quite easily with our tier 3 weapons because that's what focus was on for us there we go take the station excellence instructions confirm then our army will come up and running soon a trench world fascinating it's super far away we can't do anything with that sadly and we haven't really lost all that many ships eiders so right now our Corvettes are just ramming themselves into the station which is great for us because it means that it becomes a place where we can defend and on top of that we're just going to increase the star port to a higher tier as well why do I hire tier because this is a choke node between all of their system their capital worlds and their expansion worlds all the way over here which means that we can start carving them up quite nicely hello there Corvettes this is gonna murder you if you don't mind there you go well done and then we'll immediately go into orbit here just make sure that we can give the fragment fuel our ships ups and that's what we want to do there's an enemy fleet over here 500 interesting oh my oh okay the Phoenician regime has decided to join the fray that is a little bit unexpected so you actually need to fall back I should probably have taken a closer look at that because because of the total war scenario spaceport they will take territory here which is something we clearly do not want but this station in the meantime can take care of itself hopefully logic a navigation successful and if we can we can build a farmers yeah it's cheapest one of the bunch yes can we build a that's not owned Starbase what do you mean oh right because it's in the system yeah okay so they're taking they're taking stations now space now which is not all that great but I think we have the FTL inhibitors soon as well yeah it's 22 months away so I'm not too concerned about that our fleet is gonna go and intercept those and I just be done with that plus we got 700 alloys in the file and the pile hospital fleet assets we can alert spaceport not really concerned about those and in the meantime I will send my I'm gonna send my armies down as well so we don't lose them due to something stupid like a single Corvette showing up oh hello army damage yes please we'll do that and this is a fringe world with a bunch of minerals on it so I do want to make sure that we've got a mineral processing plant here if we can we can't because we don't have enough alloys so instead we're just gonna build research labs here and it's a nice intermediary we need to take out these ships before they become a serious problem Construction complete this place under control and congratulations they can no longer take this area which is great for US [Music] military so thankfully they are attacking a bunch of space okay they are not they're not invading where are my ships there they come and it looks like they're having some trouble cracking down on the station no God our energy is a little bit all right because we are we assimilating right now I'm totally sure could be doing some planetary pacification protocols and disengaged so we'll very quickly take all these stations back and there you go so this place is now under our control it means that the station is now ours as well we're immediately gonna put some gun batteries on there because we can and I believe I had a sign ship around here somewhere yes we're just gonna do all this silver here and we can't for status quo just yet but that's perfectly fine over here the machine world capital world yadda yadda alloy foundry and you are going to be doing a mineral processing plants you need more housing but it's mostly Energy worlds more housing and a machine assembly array you got four pups so we're just gonna grab a pup from a random world over here like our capital or something and there we go so now we should have assembly array and this is just a single a planet but a lot of energy actually we just captured it I think the vog Prime was resettled to more pops well because then we can get a little then we can build up our there we go so nearly build a machine assembly array over here pleat stations are complete is and protocols Wow a single a single Corvette how dangerous and there's another single Corvette over here and they're just ramming themselves into Oh God jump jump jump jump jump jump thank you okay just got out just in time always good when that happens and our food is in a bit of a pickle so we're actually going to actually need to produce some food somewhere like here maybe yeah Oh actually I got how many I have more than construction complete alert Oh God our energy is a little bit on the bad side -23 but I think overcome time that'll be just fine these three Corvettes are gonna die horribly versus the station to do Construction complete okay and we have taken our territory back that is nice we're just gonna go and make sure that they are on our tea beat a little bit concerned about potentially seeing more enemies down here but they're constantly just flying singular Corvettes through this system option complete which is pretty powerful fuel generator yeah and there is the FTL inhibitor so whatever happens now we can safely move our fleet back because they need to kill this fleet in order to be able to do anything which is good for us and it means that we can start poking around in other systems as well so you for instance are gonna move over here it's size 13 yes we need more energy anyway minus 30 is not all that great and selling off alloys is not the best solution it was your scenario horses are moving against us oh wow another declaration of war the glorious never I did Jenna me this time joy absolutely girl absolutely story complete even though they've been cut in half technological acquisition that's a curious scenario do these hate each other so their rival ring each other so their fleet needs to come from this area and they probably don't have anything in here so I wish you good luck once the star holders online which I literally just got and we'll get after burners as well because it's only 12 months and it's it's almost nothing so yeah right now trying to balance our economy a little bit selling off minerals here and there they're just making sure we get foods in the bank making sure we got enough resources and exist districts there we go ship up key production and see if we can buy any food cool yeah I think a lot of the cost is coming from the assimilation that we're currently doing so as you can see we are now one year after these original scenario and we are currently in two wars but this is perfectly fine we've got a star hold coming online soon they are completely cut off they're not gonna come anytime soon in this particular area our fleets are looking pretty strong if I may say so and we're just gonna continue onwards here and taking more territory because that's what we do we are in fact assimilators we love everybody snowboy tremors okay we got ourselves a void spawn so this system is gonna go bye-bye that's very much unfortunate so yeah there's gonna be a void spawn spawning in here that is not that great but what can one do right it's not the end of the world in the meantime though we did build up long planets as a and I want to say it was this one yeah so it's Maya and I'm gonna set this one up as a research world so it's gonna have some research labs here as well and we're good in our resources accessible food okay and we've almost done our ball chain so this last one so there's a science ship over here this is within [Music] its and avoid spawn area that is great okay Wow how can one do right okay so let's get ceramic metal armor fusion powers from 24 months we've got the Cataclysm event so that is unfortunate this sign ship we have one of them going down here yeah we don't no longer we no longer want that in stand here just gonna assist research because the void spawn is gonna in fact spawn soon which is all not all that great this area over here is awesome look at that there's assess I seventeen relic world here precise this fire is great is the void spawn that's not over here that's actually down in here there she is hostile fleet assets engage there she breaks apart looks like we've also just intercepted a transport fleet isn't that pretty that's pretty alright so and if you transport fleet they are dead more tech for us I'm gonna take the system and quickly grab a one of our ships here there we go what the hell is it all the way down here it should be down in the air perfect ship fragments dissected alert hostile fleet assets oh wow 2200 fleet power amazing oh ok that's a bit more than I had anticipated we can't saddle status quo just yet that is unfortunate but we have a reasonable amount of fleet power available on a different front it's 12 X 20 2700 they don't lose a significant chunk of that trying to planetary pacification protocols initiated that's a bit dangerous construction could necessarily want them like they're gonna go around themselves against these stations here which is fine from our invasion a mile cheap okay targets keep those minerals rolling in we don't know where to split us because I think there's a nebula over here no there's not actually okay so but a bit of luck you'll still try to engage on the station itself project complete alert hostile fleet assets to point seven we have one point four plus the fleet's so we should have them outnumbered what kind of weapons are they running here oh it's a lot of point defense so they're expecting a lot of missiles that's fine by me station is engaged we're gonna move into fleets probably gonna lose a significant chunk here cuz they do outnumber us quite significantly in terms of full fleet no bubbles is dead see it's it's terrible kinda feels disengaged it's not the end of the world the station is while it's not holding it is still being a decent amount of damage so they're down to one point one K and she's fleets alert oh wow now they want to flipping out I want a peace offer all right that's just a lightful okay well that's that's cool I guess we're gonna run away into this system over here so yeah they want they want a peace offer we're not interested into that just yet because we want to make sure that we can take back these here stations or NDC systems let's sell off some of these buy some of those upgrade some of our stuff surround the middle armor on our fleets this goods kind of upgrade at the moment which is a bit of a shame but if we can is they managed to take the planet again no they did not okay as soon as long as we own the planet in the system alert it's fine assets detected as long as we learn the cost okay it's a transport fleet it's six ships if we can try to bum rush the station we should be in a good spot losing bubbles whilst annoying is not the end of the world okay one points UK hopefully that's going to be an agent over atmospheric along austell fleet asses affect planetary invasion alert surface control has been compromised yes need to take the station that's all I want I build it it's mine alert hostile well time to peace out here there we go alright well well little accept this for now we've got a single system out of it it's not the end of the world we at least managed to hold them off we did quite a lot of damage here plus the only reason why this happened is because they got backup from this particular empire which is fairly strong but in the meantime we're still at war with the glory is never added jeanna me which is fine by nucleus star fortress is online technological organization successful the opportunity to add more firepower monetary processor pretty expensive let's the tile blocker instead and overall our economy is in a good spot and being attacked from two sides is obviously something that is not that great so you want to avoid that wherever you can this is now a mineral world battery world mineral world you need more stop this is do I have an energy processing plant no I do not can't get that just yet but we do want to get more minerals whenever we can but I think we're getting a reasonably venom and minerals so I'm not all that concerned plus we can get all this stuff up and running and we have more than enough planets to do a whole bunch of cool stuff locally this however is potentially an issue it pops to me have here six six maintenance drones Construction complete slice 23 with some rare planetary resource on it as well plus there is an another ocean water that's rather beefy I do like that the Hubble star Empire is all of a sudden overwhelming to us how did that happen yeah well that's not the other world construction no access to that yet that is a shame Construction complete new tier 2 available construction a little bit of food here just offset the economy we're about to take all of this space anyway so whatever world so there's quite a lot of resources in space here plus two troops or other stations and we can get the final step here and supremacy which means that we unlock war doctrines and now on the right there is the one once we definitely want to go for rapid deployment because it gives us a longer range on our ships and when you have an essential torque available and there is no really good options like we have right now maybe like like grass the void for instance maybe interesting our mastery of nature or executive vigor we don't really have a lot of good options so don't worry do you don't necessarily always need to pick a ascension perk they're not obligated to take there we go that's what I was waiting for here it's over overall we're looking okay ish the situation is not completely perfect but it's it's acceptable let's put it that way and our fleet is increasing again in size which is what we wanted anyway this station is looking pretty juicy we're gonna is gonna take all of this stuff and there's an abandoned think yard there which we can take techno again these guys come get to us right now even though we're war with them Cruiser this early that'd be that'd be nice construct about 45 years in so yeah survivability is a lot less viable when you actually properly rebuild your empire or hospital a lot of enemies the glory is never at hedge enemy with 699 fleet power coming right out yeah joy well I'm not really all that impressed I'm afraid Construction complete we just we got 1200 here I'm just gonna intercept them it's just a bunch of Corvettes we got more flea power than they do we even have more we have farm real quick yeah we have one Corvette more plus the destroyers Russell should probably care to this point defense again as well on their ships construction complete there we go heel lost nothing in that that's great and because we are robots we are continuously expanding very rapidly we're not being held back by any issues regarding construction complete regarding habitability on planets for instance that's always nice to have and of course although our defensive perimeter is just gradually being upgraded here this is now 4.1 K station I'm pretty sure there's no enemy on the map right now that can even feel something that big even though they should be able to it's only four point construction the only reason why a fleet like that would exist is to well basically looks construction complete a fleet of that citation of that size will only exist to fight on as in it is there to make sure that you have something to back you up whilst you're fighting on the ground construction complete construction complete over here these districts this one oh wow can we remove these we cannot those and considering the amount of resources that we have we can just build ad infinitum it's it's kind of ridiculous at this point how many things we can build because of our mineral income it is actually kind of staggering how how many minerals we are producing at the moment for an empire of our size but we're relatively compact but once again because we're robots we can we can build almost anywhere and we've got a lot of potential expansion points as well incomplete five additional planets that we have in our territory which is good that's always good so take a look at the station here how strong it is one point 4 K that's a little bit on the dicey sides as to have those still equivalent to us now but our technology is inferior every yeah the technology's definitely inferior these guys are overwhelming that is a problem they don't like us because they are dreaded assimilators could just guarantee their independence see if we can get something out of it I'm throwing campaign always actually complete it should be Construction complete the Havel Star Empire the meantime is looking like a continuously juicy target oh wow you've got quite a lot of friends analogical acquisition successful tile blockers okay star old is coming online soon the system is pretty well defended why do they throw logical acquisition to start a station in there okay that's an interesting choice nebulae refineries and get more resources in space there's another juicy bit of stuff that we can get there's quite a lot of resources of space here including this here tomb world sadly has no special resources on it but it's still a nice little addition to our convention freak and we got the ancient shipyard over there which allows us to potentially get more ships which is always good of course you are gonna go RTB we could just turn this into a fortress that'd be nice the giant middle finger to whoever is around us it's already at full strength really that does not seem correct to me yeah I was about to say 70 fleet power it should be significantly more than that there we go that's another 15 Corvettes being thrown into the blender we can build a couple more stations which and ago and upgrade one of these stations on the back line here just so we can build more fleet yards because we're gonna need to do it a reasonable amount of reinforcements down the line cold fusion reactor always nice basic combat computers or so always nice diplomatic alert military conferences have all and the consolidated states have all really okay that's up in here are you still friends with anybody yes with the petitions fleet power is superior no longer overwhelming thankfully but still they are a little bit more powerful than I would and I would like them to be but at least we've managed to take all of their territory and now it's charged to jump in here and take this this fortress system that they already have in place this one fleet yards and after that I think we can set this one up and salvaged really because our economy is in a good shape I want a canal on sixth territory we are technologically compli head of everybody else in the game I think that right there is a pretty big deal we can a construction station yep with our losses there Oh God for Corvettes that's pretty that's pretty expensive but at least we got a lot of territory out of it and that's exactly what we wanted plus we got all those reinforcements rolling in as we speak Wow four crystals in this system that's crazy town that's really good all right 22:49 ten years post start of the salvage operation I guess we'll just some more signs on these I guess because situation oh boy it's the Galactic market you got mineral processing plant this stuff here you organic landfills that's where the xenos go after but they're in fields I can't so that's where it was that's colonies gonna come online and construction places blend their energy plant and I think and whilst our fleet is not in the greatest position just yes not 100% anyway I do feel that there is a lot of potential here in terms of total expansion how God they've gone to war have may know God but you know they they have that is that was just that is just unfortunate I had the know boria the enemy is in he's in a pretty rough spot here and let's put it that way so at this point what would probably be a good idea is to not settle status quo just yet but at this point you would want to start looking around for assimilation targets like these two empires over here because Belgium not that system shouldn't exist that's awful we wouldn't want that it's a couple of good resources u19 energy and 21 minerals in this system that's absolute insanity that's a good target these are all singular pipes that's good as well and their capital is relatively close by and so many gates everywhere my lord this is just max gate time isn't it anyway think as much for watching I just want to salvage if you want to send in your own suggestion or savegame for Salvage Sunday make sure you drop on to the discord link for that is below and jump in to salvage Sunday channel and you will be able to you know submit yours I may do it I mean not please don't have any mods in your game or else I will probably not do your cell your salvaging map anyway until next time I'm gonna continue on to this a little bit this is the this is going to be a lot of fun and make sure you take good care of yourselves and as always as Sam assimilate everything that you see
Channel: ASpec
Views: 39,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Salvage Sunday, ASpec, A_Spec, Assimilators, Synthetic Dawn, let's play, Tutorial, Help, Fun, Boxed in, surrounded, Robots, Machines
Id: aPhAaBqA7yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 42sec (4122 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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