Stellaris 3.1 Lem Released! Here are the Major Changes.

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this video has been made possible by paradox interactive solaris is free to play on steam until the 20th of september and in addition to that there is a massive sale going on over there as well so make sure to go and check that out by using the links in the description as well as the top comment below with stellaris 3.1 finally being out we're seeing the work of the custodians coming to fruition and that means that a lot of the previously released expansions will get additional polish plus there's a bunch of things in the game that are brand new and been reworked today we're going to be taking a look at those changes and that means plantoids humanoids necroids as well as a bunch of additional fluff that you may or may not have known about so let's dive right in let's start off with the redheaded stepchild that is the very first expansion for solaris yes it is of course plantoids plantoids have for a very long time been merely a aesthetic package it had ships it had portraits and it had a bunch of aesthetical stuff but this has now been changed as of 3.1 if you are one of the owners of plantoids you will have the ability to get a couple of new traits those traits are phototrophic radiotrophic and budding now radiotrophic and phototrophic are two of the traits that are very similar to each other except the radiotrophic version has a little bit of a spin on it so let's take a quick look at what those traits are first of all if we go over towards our species tab and we look at radiotrophic or phototrophic in this particular case it replaces 50 of base food upkeep with energy upkeep this is a very very interesting little spin on things because it means that food is no longer really a priority for phototrophic species as energy kind of supplements all of that but what does that translate to at the start of the game well if you go into our population and specifically our workers here we can see that the upkeep is now half energy half food rather than one food as we would have before this means that in terms of layout on our planetary summary there's a slightly bigger focus on energy production but a smaller one when it comes to food production however there is an additional civic that has been added to the game for planetoids which kind of ties into that and synergizes really well and we will get to that one so let's quickly pop over towards radiotropes and what they do and how they take a different spin on the whole energy supplements food scenario radiotropes on the other hand have the ability to also generate uh the upkeep that they require from food but and also use the wonderful energy supplement however as long as they live on two worlds they will no longer have energy any any energy upkeep and on top of that their pop growth speed on two wheels will be increased as well as their tomb world habitability this generates a very interesting synergy with the post-apocalyptic origin what we can do here for instance if we take a quick look at our population and see what they are doing on this planet they have a 0.5 food upkeep and no energy upkeep and that is only when they live on tomb worlds now two worlds as i've mentioned before are very fascinating little planets there and there is not a lot of them within the game so for instance if we quickly pop over towards a standardized planet and take a look at some of the pops there you will see that their upkeep is significantly higher well let's just take a look at one of our workers actually there you go the food upkeep is there because it is not a tomb world however you can synergize this with the apocalyptic bombardment stance and in order to get this you can either be a ruthless killer that destroys planets in favor for better habitability and or you could go down the menace route so if we go to our ascension park and we go into the wonders that is if we can quickly find it become the crisis one of the things that we can get even through this is apocalyptic bombardment relatively early on which allows us to basically nuke planets into submission and then get better worlds for us now of course this may not synergize too well with one of the civics that is also being uh added to plantoids and we'll dive into that a little bit more shortly however what it does do is allow you to create a species that rampages across the galaxy to get the optimal living standard for their population in this particular case of course the radio tropes but there is one more trait that we need to talk about and that is of course budding budding is yet another one of those traits that have been added and basically what it does is the following effectively what it does is it adds 0.02 monthly organic pop assembly which is a semi upgradable system for getting more pop growth now assembly speed right at the start of the game is very useful if you don't have robots or anything that uses the assembly line of population growth so getting this is rather nice however it's very important to note that the more pups you have the more of a benchmark you will have in order to get things up as far as i can see there is no way of adding the budding trait to other species which i think is rather unfortunate it would be nice to be able to go down the genetic engineering line and add the budding traits to any species that are within your empire and basically going down in that direction but as it looks like right now it doesn't appear to be the case this basically means that a budding empire does not want to deal with migration and making sure that you have um other empires species within yours because it will negatively affected the budding bonus because for every single pop you have the higher the cost of getting new pops so these growing pops and that also applies to the pop assembly uh stuff so yeah budding wall by itself is very nice and you can do a couple of cool things with this especially uh improving monthly organic pop growth assembly and all that stuff but overall considering you doesn't look like you can spread it over to other species it has a bit of a minimal impact and it is at a two um trade cost it can be a bit expensive but in the early game it it has some value but in the later game it's gonna cause more problems than that it's worth because unless you have like fast breeders or something along those lines you're not going to get too much value out of hi this is uh aspect editing in the future i uh i have just been told that this is actually not the case you can totally genetically engineer species to use the trait as long as they are plantoid or fungoid in origin so yeah you can do it but you're going to need to go on a little bit of a hunt trying to find other planetoids or fungoids to use them anyway back to the video this migration treaties are of course good for diplomacy as well so if you are playing as the idyllic farmer species that are uh completely isolated from the rest of the galaxy budding may be a good choice for you because you won't want to talk to anybody anyway which brings us to the brand new civics and those civics are idyllic bloom and catalytic processing now catalytic processing is actually fascinating it does something that i've been wanting in the game for quite some time and it has been done through months however it is now within the plantoids expansion and that is the following it replaces the need for for minerals in order to get alloys and it supplements that with food so basically what it does is it generates alloys from getting food and this opens up a whole can of new ways of playing the game because food as a resource is a lot easier to get than people seem to think because well let's put it this way if we go to our capital world here we go to our planet summary sure agricultural districts is our main source of food you would think however considering food is being turned into alloys and alloys then being turned into ships in combination with i don't know nihilistic acquisition means that we can get other pups specifically population pups that are going to be working as a livestock which then of course produce food this basically translates to that you no longer have the issue of having or getting enough minerals in order to get alloys this means that livestock orientated slaver species are going to be incredibly powerful because they can crank out alloys by the tongue now it's important to know that alloys are the only thing that apply to this particular situation consumer goods are still being made out of minerals so you need to keep an eye on that but the food to alloys transition is amazing because what you can do is you can get food turn into alloys turn into ships getting other pups with those ships through nihilistic acquisition to move back into your planet to create more alloys and so the cycle continues very fun very interesting approach of doing this i'm really looking forward to be playing with this and you should too if you have planetoids one of the best civics that i have seen in quite some time and it completely changes the way you approach to building your empire good fun ester then we get to idyllic bloom now idyllic bloom is relatively straightforward basically it allows you to build gaia seeders on worlds that are ideal for your starting species now it's very important to give heed to this sentence it says ideal for your starting species now if we take a look at our species right now you'll see that we are in fact continental preference this means that if we go to a continental world we have the ability to build a gaia cedar it has several tiers it gives us pop growth speed and eventually it turns the planet into a gaia world what is important to know here for instance is that i have a tropical world over here and if i go into the building segment gaia cedars cannot be built on worlds that are not ideal for your class this basically translates to that to the fact that you will need to terraform a planet to your preferred class before you can start messing around with gaia cedars now overall this basically replaces a little bit of a functionality here basically what it does is it replaces the ability to get gaia worlds through ascension perks basically the world's shaper ability gives you the ability to create gaia worlds however this system bypasses that now there are several stages in the gaia building process so let's take a quick look at that so first of all you will build your gaia seeder phase one and it will cost you a reasonable amount of energy and also has a fairly high energy upkeep therefore you kind of want to make sure you get through the gaia seeder process as fast as possible because the faster you do it the less upkeep it has and as you can see in order to upgrade it we will need gas as well as energy it's fairly energy intensive but if you're playing with a species that can generate a lot of energy then you should be golden basically it allows us to go from tier to tier increasing habitability over time and finally it will allow to get to turn the planet into a gaia world right now i don't have enough gas but thankfully due to the miracle of the galactic economy we can just go into the galactic market and buy the materials that we need and we just upgrade the building it finishes and the planet will turn into a gair world extremely powerful extremely good and on top of that we will get the idyllic transformation modifier that won't last for too long only about half a year but we will get a nice happiness bonus bonus out of it as well as immigration pull this basically means that you can turn almost every single planet within your empire as long as you have the prerequisite terraforming technology or if you have enough planets of your own species that you can turn any world in the gaia worlds for a lot cheaper than the ascension perk incredibly powerful incredibly good is it worth long term maybe if you are expanding quite a lot and you're gaining a lot of worlds but the bonuses that you can get out of guy world especially due to the habitability bonus and the resources from jobs and happiness that you can get are totally worth it maybe you should go check that one out because it is pretty darn good and on top of that a lot of empires like to migrate to your worlds which means that you can get even more pops to grow even faster similar to plantoids humanoids which is also a prelithoids expansion where everything was turned upside down in terms of additional quality for these types of packs has received additional content and this translates to two civics and a origin the civics and the origin can all be played together and it is rather interesting to say the least uh with the civics themselves we have pleasure seekers now pleasure seekings are all about decadent lifestyle living standards on which all pops have increased happiness and consumer goods upkeep in addition servants will generate additional amenities and on top of that pop growth will be increased through entertainers in addition to health care keepers now what does this translate to well decadent lifestyle as we see on our worlds are rather interesting if we go over to our species tab and then we set our rights we can see that we have the decadent lifestyle ability now decadent diet lifestyle increases happiness by 20 for our pups but also increases consumer goods which is relatively straightforward however it is very similar to a different type of lifestyle called utopian abundance utopian abundance however is far more expensive as it increases the consumer goods upkeep significantly higher for uh specialists and workers this means that decadent lifestyle is very similar to utopian abundance except it is cheaper except it has a bunch of modifiers attached to it utopian abundance however also generate unity as well as research for unemployed pups but considering the current way the pop system works this may not be as effective as it used to be so yeah decadent lifestyle increases happiness for our pups but therefore it also increases consumer good upkeep which can be very problematic if you don't want to deal with that sort of thing thankfully there are a couple of things that we can change about this which is the miracle of masterful crafters now masterful crafters are the second civic additive to humanoids and they work very nicely in combination with those pleasure seekers basically artisans are replaced with artificers then they will create additional consumer goods as well as trade value as well as engineering research plus industrial districts create additional building slots unless they are on artificial worlds now what does this translate to well it translates to that artificers as you can see they have been replaced with um the usual artificers or actually they i have been replaced with artifices in this particular case they will generate additional resources if we go to our population tab in this particular case and we go to our artificers they will generate a rather large amount of consumer goods normally that amount in this case would have been 10 and on top of that they generate engineering research now engineering research can be incredibly powerful because of the abilities that it unlocks uh kinetic weapons are there a lot of the megastructures are there and anything involving equi monopoly are in that particular category so it's actually incredibly helpful to have this particular trait consumer goods will never be a problem again which in combination with the aforementioned pleasure seekers will allow for a lot of very interesting bonuses plus of course the prisoner job modifier will allow for a couple of cool things and of course the hall of theaters where the entertainers hang out will give you additional pop growth which is really really nice but overall the civics for humanoids they need to be they they work in some very interesting synergies and you can play around with those once you get your hands on this particular update once again this is only part of humanoids but these two civics very nice nice spin a lot of rp potential here but also they can get out of control rather quickly especially with that engineering bonus that you can get from the artificers finally for humanoids there is of course the clone army origin basically what it does is it starts you off with two ancient cloning vats that will allow you to biologically construct clone soldiers of course and you can only have five of them in your entire empire now you can build them and you can remove them and you can build them somewhere else if you would like to but there are problems with this and once we get into the game we will go a little bit more into detail on that in addition you can get clone admirals which uh give you an additional 25 fire rate which is definitely not something to scoff at and a 10 percent uh reduced ship upkeep now these are available to every single empire unless you are a gestalt consciousness so no robots and no hive minds let's dive into clone armies we're gonna leave it a little bit high level on this one because there are spoilers potentially here so we'll leave that one for a separate video so welcome to primus the capital world of our clone army yeah there they are the clone army the thing with the clones is if we go into their traits you will see that they have the clone soldier traits which basically means that they have got a government ethic attraction of 50 which means that factions will hardly be a problem because everybody will flock to your preferred faction type leader lifespan has been reduced significantly to minus 40 years that means aor leaders will not get very old which means that they will have a significant time or a troubled time to get anomalies to get dick sites etc army damage however is increased by 50 which is definitely pretty darn good because it means you will need half the um invasion fleets in order to do anything but you cannot genetically modify them and you cannot reproduce naturally so what does that translate to if we go to our capital world here you will see that we've got these ancient cloning vat buildings now ancient cloning vap buildings have a organic pop assembly modifier of plus seven if we have two of them it is plus fourteen if we have three of them at a cost of five hundred and four minerals you it it's even more of course it's 21. so if we go into our population tab and specifically under assembly we will need to pre-select the divine imperium in this particular case as the pop that we want to assemble as you can see we will assemble a pop in eight months time that is extremely quick and if you build another one of these buildings on the planet it's gonna go even faster however this comes with a huge caveat and that is the following if you read the cloning vat indicator and what it does is the following basically it produces and sustains 20 clone soldier pops so this basically means that per planet you can only have an x amount of pops in this particular case for every claim cloning vat that you have you can have 20 clone soldiers on your planet now you can scale this to a hundred in order if you want to get all five of them on one planet but it will take a building slot now what happens if we remove one of these if we disable this particular building all we need to do now is we actually we're just going to that is let's take a look here yeah and it goes down to seven and we get a little indicator saying pups are declining because we are currently not producing enough materials in order to up keep our pops we currently have 28 pops on this planet and we can only sustain 20 of them therefore we get the modifier of insufficient cloning vats and the population will decline to 140 percent that basically means that we will not be longer be growing up population and we will have significant problems keeping our economy up and running of course we can enable this building quite easily by just enable it in general and the modifier should drop at the end of the month there it goes the modifier has now disappeared and of course this means that in terms of gameplay this me is going to be very interesting because you're going to need to juggle the amount of cloning vats on your planets in a very specific way if you want to have a planet with a very high population and a lot of pops putting all cloning vats on that planet could be an idea however you're going to run into problems because well you can no longer upkeep all the other planets so having to shuffle them around is a really good idea this in combination with some of the traits that we can get through our leaders if we for instance get an admiral we will get the clone admiral trait which gives us a whole bunch of bonuses in combination with say gale speed or even hard hitting then we can get some pretty crazy admirals and some pretty powerful uh navy's very early game but that is not everything as the game progresses a storyline will start to unfold starting with the great debate where did the clones come from because in the end they are only clones what is their origin where do they come from and how can they change their lives not as a story of the cologne soldier origin we won't go into much detail about this because once again it goes into spoilery territory and i don't want to do that in this particular video so make sure that you check out the overclone origin video very soon but still a fascinating little origin where you have to juggle pups that are extremely fast growing but you can only have so many of them you could bring in migratory species another species to grow on your planets but you're gonna run into problems if you have more of those than your own pops because then your factions will start to become an issue and then you have to juggle that little problem anyway these were the origins for humanoids or at least the update for humanoids with the civics as well of course so what does necroids have in store for us this time around their custodians necrophages have been reworked ever so slightly as well as well they are no longer one of the strongest origins within the game and that has to do with the fact that the type of primitive worlds that will spawn nearby them will no longer be as large as they were in the past right now for instance we only have eight pops over here and we only have about four pops over in this system and the passes could have been over 20 but this is no longer the case in addition to that there has been some changes as well to some of the buildings for instance the chamber of elevation no longer gives you a stability bonus on the planet so you no longer will have to deal with that well you'll have to deal with that because you no longer have it let's put it that way but that's not the only thing that comes with the necroids edition of the custodians no we have the wonderful world of the re-animators three animators um are a little bit different than what they were before they're even named different they used to be called reanimated armies but now they have been changed slightly dread encampments are obviously still there as they are replacing the military academy but in addition to that we also have special undead armies and it has a couple of modifiers attached to them basically if you defeat an organic army sometimes they are resurrected as undead armies okay so going for a planetary invasion against a species that has a lot of armies on the ground then bringing them back from the dead and sending him out into the trenches is totally possible but the big one over here is defeating organic leviathans can sometimes mean they will be resurrected now what does that translate to now as you kill one of the um organic leviathans in this particular case the voidworm you will also have the option aside from commendable to send in the necromancers basically you get all the usual bonuses such as the dragon slayer monument the uh bunch of influence as well as the dragon slayer trade on one of your admirals you'll get the ability to re-ignite the extinguished ether drake now this is immediately a a event that comes up and uh basically you will need to send over a signed ship as fast as you can to reignite the ether drake now where is it well it's usually hanging around the star and what you do there well you send an assigned ship and let things go now reigniting a ether drake can be a lengthy process so it's going to take a while for you to get the dragon or whatever type of animal you're trying to resurrect but is it going to be worth it well we're about to see won't we as the dragon rises again it will hunger and immediately spawn and there we go we have ourselves a brand new ether drake and we can control it of course it is uh pretty darn powerful and uh pretty darn good because who doesn't want to supplement their fleets with a e for drake or even i don't know some void worms maybe what is possible we don't know well bubbles can be resurrected for instance in case it sadly perishes in some weird way shape or form now the info drake itself is pretty uh pretty standard to what you would normally expect you cannot investigate it because obviously it's so strange that we don't know what on earth is going on but it doesn't matter because we were able to resurrect it all we know is that we now have a single entity that has 40 000 fleet power available to you now this obviously is not the case for every single species that you can resurrect but it is an option so make sure you go and try that out and get those leviathans on your side now this is not the end of all the things that have been added to previous expansions whilst humanoids plantoids and necroids have received the brunt of the rework there have been additional things and tweaks done to other expansions as well synthetic dawn for instance rogue servitors can now take the arcology project so they can get acute monopoly which is incredibly powerful for their um you know their pampered pops because they can now live in sanctuary arcologies where they can just hang out apocalypse gets a new unyielding tree we will get into that shortly megacorp uh they no longer have the temple of prosperity building anymore if you are a source of cult and they they have now been replaced with something called a subversive shrine ancient relics gets additional arcology sites three of them we will dive into those in a separate uh video lithoids gets additional interactions with events and nemesis once again also gets selectable traditions so let's take a look at this new selectable tradition system shall we if we go into the traditions page you will see that there is a brand new window and no longer do we have the big blocks here where it shows what kind of traditions we will have pre-masticated for us no instead we can select any tradition we'd like and fill those in wherever we want now this has this is based on the type of empire that you're playing robots and hive minds will have different trees but in general you can pick whatever you want any of these particular choices can be supplemented with different choices and i would not be surprised that over the continuing life cycle of solars we will see more and more trees being added but some of the main ones that have been added here are none other than mercantile which is a combination of the old diplomacy tree as that is more focused on um basically getting more money more trade value etc can be very good if you're playing a energy based empire subterfuge has been added for those players that are that like to play with nemesis and like to play with operations that is one thing for you to play with and of course unyielding is part of the apocalypse update where you can play around with defensive structures all of the uh other tradition trees have been shuffled around and you can play around with those and try to figure out what will be a good synergy but no longer will you have to go for discovery adaptive expansion harmony prosperity etc no you can mix and match whatever you like at any point in time do you want to have an empire that is incredibly supreme in well supremacy and attacking other empires while at the same time being a bastion that is almost impenetrable whilst at the same time doing operations on other empires yeah you can totally do that do you want to be a mercantile empire that also is focused on prosperity you can totally do that pick and choose the traditions that you like to have play around with them what do you think is powerful what fits your current situation very good to change here in the 3.1 update and i'm very much looking forward to see how this is going to work out and what more content we're going to get in the future is the ui element great no it's very overlapping with things and it's a little bit in the way but as far as i've been told this was pretty much the best way of implementing on how this uh would work but still traditions a big change here and it's going to change your play style quite significantly of course finishing one of these trees is still going to give you access to the ascension perks and how that is going to work out in the future who knows anyway there's one more thing we need to talk about and that is ring worlds for the longest time the ring world origin was considered to be one of the more powerful ones in the game as it had a bit of a easy start you would have your five districts you would fill those in you will get your minerals off of the interloper and all that good stuff and then spread out into the wild yonder no longer the origin has been changed in such a way that may surprise you because if we go to our capital here you may notice that all of our districts are a uh either blocked or used but there is no longer five of them there is 25 of them actually and this is because the shattered ring now starts out as a size 25 world that looks like a like a ring now what does this mean it means that you will have all the abilities that a normal planet has and basically this translates to that you will have your city districts your industrial districts your trade districts which was not a thing that normal empires get so it's still quite powerful your agricultural districts and finally a mining district on a ring world now the idea behind this is is that you will have pops called scrap miners basically scrap miners produce both minerals and alloys basically they generate five minerals and three alloys and that still means that the ring world is still quite powerful you may want to balance it out to see whether or not you want to keep it like this or if you want to go ahead and fix the ring world because you can still do that yes you can still turn the ring world into a proper ring world structure with all the special segments that come with that the scrap miners are an interesting idea and having uh basically miners going out into the superstructure of the ring world that is obviously designed to hold so many more pops than are actually over this makes perfect sense you know you scrape a little bit off minerals and alloys off here and there to use on whatever you need them to which i think is a really cool idea but it does completely change the way the ring world origin plays so make sure you go and try that out it is a nice little change i do think that ring world's play is going to be a lot more interesting than it used to be because you no longer have that flexibility but instead you have different flexibility in terms of the scrap miners very cool stuff looking forward to see if we're gonna see similar changes with some of the other origins in the game in the future and that wraps up the generalized overview and that wraps up this overview of all the major changes that have been added to the 3.1 lem stanislav lam patch a very very exciting time for stellars where the custodian team is gonna is coming in to add new stuff to older content as well as fixing and rebalancing materials that are no longer synergizing very well with the current development cycle of solaris hell plantoids is almost five years old it is more than five years old actually at this point in time and the team going back to do new things with it is a very exciting things and i cannot wait to see what they're going to be doing with some of the other expansions which brings me to the final point as this video has been made possible by paradox interactive now would be a good time to pick up those expansions that you've been missing from your collection i can imagine that some of you don't have humanoids or plantoids because they didn't add any additional value to the game before aside from aesthetics now that they've added all of these new traits origins as well as civics it may be a good time to take a look to maybe pick up these or maybe some of the other expansions that have been missing from your collection there's a link in the description down below as well as the first comment that will take you over to steam where there is currently a massive sale going on with most of the expansions being on set sale in addition if you want to play the game for free for the next week or you want to get some of your friends into the game and play some multiplayer or basically say look i didn't have time or my my friends didn't have the money or the resources to get into the game now would be a good time to try to get them on board and have some fun as i mentioned stars will only be on sale for a week until the 20th of september of 2021 maybe in the future will happen again who knows but in the meantime make sure you go and check that out i want to also thank my patrons for making this video possible it is a bit of a longer one and that's why people like you make this possible otherwise i wouldn't have the time or the resources to do what i do thank you so much for watching go and try out these new mechanics that are coming in with lamp if you have the opportunity pick some of these new expansions whilst they're cheap in the meantime thank you so much for watching and until next time take care of yourself and praise the custodians
Channel: ASpec
Views: 119,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Lem, 3.1, Plantoids, Humanoids, Necroids, Release, Budding, Phototrophic, Radiotrophic, Idylic, Idylic Bloom, Catalytic Processing, Alloys, Clone Army Origin, Origin, Clone Army, Masterful Crafters, Crafters, Pleasure Seekers, Hedonistic, Reanimators, Reanimated Armies, Necrophage, Selectable Traditions, New Tradition Trees, Traditions, Mercantile, Bulwark, Gameplay, How To, Tutorial, Overview
Id: GcQPAzyiGmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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