Stellaris Trade Tutorial

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hello everyone and welcome to colors fades gaming tutorials I'm your host colors fade and today I'm going to be showing you how to set up trade routes in stellaris and show you why you want to set them up how to set them up and how to point them in the direction that you want them to go all right so first of all why do you want trade routes in stars well you want them because they earn a ton of energy credits and to show you what kind of an impact they can make in the game I'm going to show you this example right here this is my Empire and right now my trade it's being generated is three hundred ninety six point nine value collected by routes you can see up here my total energy earned is five hundred and twenty eight per month monthly gain my trade there you can see us as four hundred two point five eight so the bulk of my energy surplus is provided by trade without trade we would barely be in the black and this is why you want to set up trade routes helps keep your entire empire lucrative are as a house trade generated in stellaris at each system that has trade you'll see this little ring symbol every system is different in some systems don't have it at all when the symbol is green like this that means it's being collected by a trade station and when it's not green like this one is silver that means it's not being collected by any of my trade routes this trade is not being harvested by us so how do you collect a trade and still ours well for starters you need to trade station this is one reason you want to use your space stations this way for each space station you can put a trade hub on it and it will collect trade from a range of one system away I have true trade hubs on her which means that this particular trade station right here shallows trade station will collect from two systems away in every direction so it's grabbing this trade and it's grabbing this trade and it's grabbing this trade it's grabbing this trade everything along that route uncollected trade is easy to see on the map if you don't have the details mat turned on you can see them right here and their silver and their text is white and they're not being collected in order to see collected trade you need to turn on the details map mode and then you can see the actual numbers of the trade that's being collected for instance up here we're collecting 43 from our homeworld 23 from this world over here 33 from here you'll notice that the trade collected from individual systems is much smaller than the trade that's collected from your homeworlds and that is because you can help yourself out a great deal by putting trade boosting improvements on your home room commercial zones are a great way to boost trade in a particular system I try to put one of these on every single one of my worlds that's going to be in a system along my trade route lines the benefit of using commercial zones as you can see here is that these systems where I have worlds colonized produce quite a bit more trade and systems where I don't my personal philosophy is to put a commercial zone on every single planet because it's so significantly boosts the trade value now how do you see your trade routes first thing to do is to go down here and click on this button in the bottom right hand corner that says trade routes map when you click on that it'll show you all of your trade routes that you have and the direction that they're going there's a couple of key pieces of information you want to look at first of all it you'll get this dialog on the left-hand side that shows you all your trade routes these are all your trade stations that are collecting trade and this should all be at a hundred percent you can click on any single one of them to see where the trade routes go along the way how many systems are being touched along the way and what is being collected and or lost along your trade route you're gonna see this skull figurine this is going to show you detailed information about piracy in general you want the protection of your trade route to be more than the value of the piracy along the way you can see for instance here it's being protected by Starbase 'equal on and Starbase Delta bonus each one of those Star basis is providing 36 trade protection because of devices that I have put on the star basis for instance let's look at Delta Delta plan US has two hangar bays on each hangar bay protects up to one star system away so Delta provenance is protecting new Jill and aqui Illya and it's protecting all the way down to shallow there's really only two ways to do with piracy along the route one is to use hangers like we showed previously on the space station and the other way is to have ships patrol along the route but even patrolling along the route piracy can still Fester you really don't have to worry about piracy too much when these symbols are white but when they turn red then you have a problem my own personal philosophy with trade is to try to use space stations as much as possible to cover the trade routes with the protective hangers so that I don't have to send the ships on patrol I use a very specific naming scheme with my space stations so that I know exactly what each spaces units doing along the trade route space stations have one of two roles and these roles can be combined they need to either be collecting trade or protecting trade or doing both for instance this station right here is called p2 in brackets that means that it's protecting up to two systems away with haines it has two hangars along the way and the reason I use hangers is because they provide the most trade protection this space station down here is a t1 P 2 has two layers of protection as well which means it's going to overlap with Delta proponents and that's why along the route you can see that it's protecting here 36 and plus 36 because of the hangers from these two stations it's also a t1 because it's grabbing trade from here and here so it has one trade hub on it all along the trade route I have space stations that are either collecting trade or providing hanger overlap and this gets me all the way down to my home world and you can see along the entire route there are wide skulls for piracy but there are no red ones which means I am NOT going to have to worry about pirates showing up one thing you may notice from time to time is that by default some of your trade routes send their trade in directions you don't want to go for instance I don't have any space stations along this route and I don't want my trade going this way but the game is sending it there from the space station so all along this way I'm gonna get piracy and I'm not going to get trade coming out of men on it correctly you can fix this very easily first of all you want to click on the trade station that's sending the trade in the direction and it'll show you where it's going track it all the way down here then all you need to do is right-click on the destination station you want to send it to in this case I want to send it to seson and then you can see sess in since it's down to here and this one sends its along the way to here and like this goes all the way to the end I can just cook it like that I can click this one to go there like that one to go there this one to go there that one to no there you can specifically manually set your trade route in its collection along a very specific path and that way you only have to set up star bases along this path and not against other paths that might be used for trade it's worth noting that you will have to wait until the end of the month for the game to update the trade route status even after you change the lane that's because it updates everything at the end of the month but by the end of the month as long as you have a trade route to correct you should see this 100% all the way up and all the way down the thing about using these space stations along your trade route is that they can really serve dual purpose some of them are going to be collecting trade some of them are just going to have hangers for protection and yet each one of them can also add Anchorage and enable at gistic Sophos to help you with your name capacity what you really want to do though is make sure that these trade hubs overlap in their protection along the trade route you don't want for instance this space station protecting this Nexus all by itself you also want this one to help protect it and that way we can see that cirebon has two layers of protection so it's protecting this trade right here and it's also protecting Nexus access in says sin has three hangers on it so it's protecting up to septum and serpent and Mara and it's also protecting down to here here and all the way down to Zim tari where we have another trade station this space station Centauri is collecting trade from two spots away but it also has two hangers of its own so it's protecting two systems in destruction and two systems in this direction and as we go around the board we can see how each one of these protects so what I'm showing you here is the trade station collection ranges with blue lines and the hanger protection with the red lines and you can see where the hangers in their protection overlap along the way to keep your entire trade route detected with a fully functioning trader on you should be able to collect a lot of energy credits with minimal effort on your part you won't need to use fleets to patrol your route as long as you have protection set up along your trade route and those protections overlap the longer your trade route gets and the more trader collects and the closer it gets to your homeroom the systems closest to your homeworld will start to collect so much trade that even with multiple overlapping hangers from multiple overlapping star bases you still won't be able to get paddock with trade protection but that'll happen by the late game and that's when you'll start to need to use some patrols closer to home to knock down the piracy but for the most part and for the vast duration of the game as long as you set up your space stations correctly and your hangar bay protection overlapping you can have an entire route set up like this where all along the way we have white pirate skulls and not red ones alright that does it for the tutorial folks I hope that you learned something and I hope you got what you needed out of it trade routes are awesome you definitely should be using them they're really really powerful they bring a lot of credits into your empire and they're not that difficult to protect you don't need a lot of fleets to protect them as long as you use a star basis smartly you can get it done thanks for watching as always if you guys have a question a comment drop it down below if you like the channel subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: ColorsFade Gaming
Views: 97,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Tutorial, Trade, 4X, Space Strategy
Id: 75yaV1I8a1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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