Starting Keto? Here’s What You Need to Know

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no fluff no nonsense just everything you need to know about the ketogenic diet whether you want to get started or you've been successfully doing it for a long time I'm gonna give you the facts I'm gonna give you the literature and break it all down now I saw that dr. oz did a video on everything there is to know about the ketogenic diet and although I really do enjoy some of dr. Oz's stuff I felt like the video left a lot to be desired so I wanted to do this video to break it down a little bit more depth now what is the ketogenic diet now the ketogenic diet is a sustainable enjoyable high fat moderate protein low carb lifestyle quite honestly that's based on evolutionary logic and rigorous scientific literature there is so much science backing up the ketogenic diet I think we're in really good shape when we look at the overall health effects and what it's going to do for our body composition and for a multitude of other things but before I get into the diet specifically we have to talk about what the ketogenic diet is about like what our ketones okay because the ketogenic diet is all about creating ketones ketones are beta-hydroxybutyrate acetoacetate and acetone now before you click off this video because you think it's gonna go way down the rabbit hole of science I'm not even gonna go into detail on those ketone bodies I just want to explain that these are the ketones that the body creates ketones are basically a fourth macronutrient okay our macronutrients that we know are proteins fats and carbohydrates but ketones are sort of a miraculous fourth macronutrient although we don't find it in nature our liver creates it our liver creates this whole separate macronutrient that gets treated in the body in a different way than proteins fats or carbohydrates so we're gonna break down why these ketones are awesome and why you need them and why you lose so much weight on the keto diet hey I do want to make sure that you hit that red subscribe button okay I've got videos coming out all the time almost every single day keto fasting general health you name it so please go ahead and join the multiple million subscribers that I have in getting on top of your health and hit that little bell icon so you can turn on notifications so you never miss a beat alright let's go ahead and break it down why do we ketone it's like why does our body even create them in the first place it seems like it's not just for weight loss right see it comes down to the fact that our brains draw so much energy from our body so we don't realize that this little two to three pound brain inside of our head uses up like 25% of our daily energy needs that is a lot of energy and the crazy thing is people don't realize this but the brain actually runs mainly on glucose okay so what that means is that when we are in periods of starvation or when we can't have carbohydrates for whatever reason from an evolutionary standpoint this would happen all the time it would mean that the body would have to start breaking down our proteins in our muscles and in our joints in order to create glucose to fuel our demanding brain now show me the logic in that being an efficient process why would our body want to sacrifice all of its own tissue just to fuel the brain that's where ketones come in so the body has a mechanism where it says oh if there's no carbohydrates we shift the fuel source over to ketones the liver starts creating ketones which happen to fuel the brain and fuel the body perfectly if not better than glucose so that's how this all comes into equation it's simply that it's an evolutionary logical thing but it also has more to do with just enhanced metabolic health so that's why ketones are so important and why we actually have them but how do these ketones actually have us lose weight how do they affect us there well for one just the act of going onto the ketogenic diet forces us to utilize fats for fuel okay we always kind of have this barrier between us right with carbohydrates whereas if our body learns how to use fats because we're on a ketogenic diet the cellular tissues actually begin metabolizing that fat for fuel which allows us to stay very lean because the fat that's on our body becomes an avid fuel source right the other thing is it lowers insulin insulin is a fat storing hormone despite what some people will say insulin is the absorptive hormone and if insulin is high in the blood or even activated we're going to be storing so if insulin is low because we're on the ketogenic diet we're in good spot and were much less likely to store fat even if we're not actively burning it at that point in time now let's back this up with some research because that's just kind of how I roll there's a study that was published in the journal lipids took a look at 40 individuals and put them on either a high fat low carb ketogenic diet or a high carb low fat diet okay and it measured them for about 12 weeks and it wanted to take a look at a couple of different things but basically what they did is they took the keto group and they said okay eat as much food as you want and they ended up capping out at about 1,500 calories because the keto diet is so satiating so the keto diet group ate about 1,500 calories and then the high carb group what they did is they had them match calories to the keto group so they ended up being matched at about 1,500 calories so at the end of the day it was you caloric they both ate the same amount of calories they just let the keto diet kind of paved the way now what they found at the end of the study is nothing short of just insane the keto diet group even though they ain't the same amount of calories as the other group lost twice as much weight okay not just a couple pounds twice as much weight okay they also had improvements in their overall lipid profile they had a decrease in their triglyceride levels lots of positive things now I will say their LDL did increase but that's not always a bad thing because the very small particle LDL it's the bad LDL there was a decrease in that so they actually had an improvement their overall total lipid profile now that's one cool study but there's some new Harvard research that absolutely blew me away when I read it this is some new stuff so now I'm sharing it with you and kind of disseminating this information this took a look at 162 people divided into three groups in these three groups all ate 2000 calories to start they had a high carb low fat group they had a moderate car moderate fat moderate protein group sort of a standard diet and then they had a low-carb ketogenic diet again started them all at 2000 calories and here's what's interesting about this study okay not only was it very controlled but instead of just seeing how much weight they would lose they wanted to see if the metabolism would improve so what they did is they said okay we want you to maintain your weight for 20 weeks on these diets so we're gonna feed you exactly what needs to be fed in order to maintain your weight basically they're trying to see if the metabolism got faster want to know something wild at the end of 20 weeks they were having to feed the ketogenic diet group people 209 more calories than when they started and way more than the other groups showing that the ketogenic diet boosted the metabolism to the point that even for these subjects to maintain weight they had to eat over 200 calories more than they were before so they were shifted to a keto diet and suddenly their bodies incinerating more fuel pretty cut-and-dry right so then that begs the question okay like I'm sold Thomas I want to do the keto diet what can I eat okay well the thing is there's a lot of different things that you could eat and I've done a lot of different videos that literally break down diet plans that like I put on video for free I want people to learn how to do this right but I'll put all those in the description but what's important is that you know the basics of it meats you can eat meats you can eat your grass-fed grass-finished beef okay you can eat your good-quality pork you can eat your good-quality pork chops you would eat your good-quality bacon you would eat gain meat so you can eat venison you can eat poultry so chicken turkey all of that stuff is good to go you can eat a pigeon if you wanted to then we move into some of the other ones we've got eggs you can eat eggs and don't worry about the cholesterol because honestly your body needs the cholesterol especially on the ketogenic diet cheeses guess what almost all cheeses are fair game now I'm critical of some cheeses because as you get down the ketogenic rabbit-hole I think that you should probably pay attention to eating cleaner cheeses but for all intents and purposes cheese is good to go maybe not processed cheese but enjoy it okay coconut tons and tons of coconut one of the best sources of medium chain triglycerides and good healthy fats that you could possibly get so I highly recommend eating lots of coconut okay then nuts honestly some nuts have higher carbs and others but again for most of it you can eat all the nuts okay you can eat walnuts you can eat pecans almonds cashews when my personal favorites macadamia nuts if all these are good to go now when comes down to seeds you can enjoy your seeds too so that means you can have chia seeds you can have your flax seeds you can have pepitas you can have sunflower seed anything like that and you're good to go okay veggies just because you're not consuming carbohydrates doesn't mean that you can't eat veggies okay there's some that you shouldn't have maybe you shouldn't have high sugar veggies like maybe bell peppers or something but all the leafy greens you're good to go most of even the starchy veggies like a lot of squashes and things like that you can have spaghetti squash a zucchini or you can have a lot of these veggies and the cool thing is you can make zoodles with zucchini so you have noodles and I mean you can make lasagna out of the zucchini like you can actually like slice the zucchini there's so many things in so many recipes and again I've got them on my channel so you're never gonna like run out of them then oils okay people think oil is just canola oil you've got so many different options coconut oil palm oil avocado oil macadamia nut oil walnut oil so many different choices trust me you're never going to fall victim to like not enough food like there's plenty of food to go around now I will say what the meats the one thing that you wanna pay attention to is your system is running clean on a keto diet so you want to make sure you're getting grass-fed grass-finished spend a couple extra dollars and get the good stuff but actually by the way if you guys do eat good quality meat I highly recommend check out butcher box down below in the description so I work with butcher box so I do some stuff for them so that means I get you guys special pricing on it but butcher box gives you grass-fed grass-finished the highest quality grass-fed grass-finished meat that you can get and it ends up being cheaper than it is at the grocery store that's delivered right to your doorstep so these people have nailed it okay I've worked with them for a long time and even helped them with them research and stuff like that so literally you go to the grocery store and you're gonna spend X number of dollars per pound Plus you have to drive to the grocery store butcher boxing's up making it so you get better quality meat and it's delivered to your doorstep so I mean you save money two ways and then you save it a third way because I have special pricing if you're watching this video so after you watch this video check them out down in the description you honestly don't want to miss out on that because it's a great opportunity and it's great pricing that you're not gonna see anywhere else so now let's go ahead and talk about if it's hard or not okay because you might be wondering okay this sounds great and it sounds like there's a lot of food options but is it hard am I gonna you counter a lot of barriers and like have to jump over a bunch of hurdles truth be told with any diet change you're going to have to have a degree of adaptation right it's going to be a little bit difficult for your body to just adjust at first but I will say that ongoing data from the vertical study which is a very well known and very well regarded ongoing study has found that not only the ketogenic diet reversing type 2 diabetes but it also has a 74 percent success and retention rate after 2 years that's higher than anything else in the world of diets so that retention rate that success rate people are still happy after two years of eating this lifestyle because they don't feel like they're deprived of anything it's that amazing this might be a fun time for me to actually mention just in case you didn't know that I was 280 pounds before ok I lost a hundred pounds and utilizing the ketogenic diet and utilizing intermittent fasting if you don't know my story it's because I don't taunt it everywhere I don't flaunt it all the time right I don't wave it in front of people because it's not who I am today but the truth is is I lost a lot of weight and I'm indebted to the ketogenic diet and it's made a big difference in my life and I like to share that information and some people might watch this video and feel like this is so one-sided for the ketogenic diet maybe it is but I also look at the research but I also look at my own personal experience so it's just a good time to mention that ok let's take a look really quick at keto adaptation you might be wondering what keto adaptation is that's that's a period of time that it takes for your cells to get accustomed to using fat for fuel so it varies it can take as little as 10 days to as long as three months to really start getting adapted but studies have shown that the keto adaptation phase actually continues on for years meaning you get more and more efficient at utilizing ketones so it's like it just gets better and better I've been doing keto for close to nine years and it just I still uncover more efficiency and like I'm getting sharper and cleaner and leaner with every turn it's really amazing so one thing that you need to know is that the mitochondria which is where energy is kind of manufactured in the body goes through what's called biogenesis mitochondrial biogenesis so mitochondria dies off and then it creates new mitochondria so it takes time for each generation of mitochondria just slowly make the adaptation so that's been shown that it takes you know probably about 10 12 weeks or so for the mitochondria to start to develop that affinity for fats so you what I'm saying here is give yourself 10 to 12 weeks before you feel really really good on keto the first few weeks you might feel a little bit lethargic it's kind of a keto flu stuff where your body's just adjusting your minerals you're out of whack just hang in there which kind of leads me into the next part getting started like how do you get started okay you watching this video you're like I love this someone share this video with me and now I'm watching it and I want to start the keto diet what do I do the first thing the reference is just the simple macros that you need to follow okay that's gonna be 75% fat 20% protein calories and 5% carbs give or take that's just kind of a rough idea right now I will say in the description below I have linked out to some videos that I've done that actually give basic keto meal plans just to get started and these aren't things I'm selling or anything like that they're videos that break down what the keto diet is about and what you can eat and what you can do if you're starting okay so the four week keto diet the beginner guide to keto diet all that stuff I put down just so I don't have to spare you I can spare all the time here we don't have to waste the time here okay so it's very very important just that you learn how to do it right so you have the most success nothing you want to do you want to track your ketones at least when you get started you can use the urine strips but the problem if the urine strips is they measure excess ketones they don't measure what your body's actually utilizing so I recommend using blood testing I know you have to prick your finger you don't have to do it but just do it for a little while until you realize what kind of things you can get away with eating because some people can eat more carbs and others and some people this and that you just want to find your sweet spot okay the macros that I laid out that's kind of my sweet spot and it is for a lot of other people but you have to find your own sweet spot so outside of weight loss are there other benefits like what other things can we expect with the ketogenic diet well the first one is you're gonna fight cravings so whether you struggle with your weight or not if you're someone that deals with cravings then you probably want to try the keto diet just so you don't to deal with them anymore number two energy okay so I've already lost the weight personally I continue to do keto because I like the cognitive energy I like the energy I get up here but I like the physical energy I feel like I can run a marathon every day not that I would like I have the energy to work out at 4:35 a.m. like I didn't have that before especially when I was overweight okay then three the reversal of diabetes now I'm careful to say it can reverse diabetes that's a pretty pretty outlandish claim I would say you just for me to say but the studies do say that they have seen evidence of reversing diabetes all because of the controlling of insulin so that's a powerful thing in fact there's a study that was published in the frontiers of endocrinology that showed that people that were diabetic that we're on the ketogenic diet actually ended up having an 81% reduction in the overall amount of insulin that they had to take they reduce their insulin medication so powerful effects that's again shown in good scientific literature and then there's also evidence that shows that it's good for heart disease that's it who would have thought that eating cheese and bacon and eggs would be good for heart disease right well it all has to do with inflammation if we don't have the inflammation from all the sugar and the carbs then our arteries work better and our cells are functioning better but we also improve our lipid profile remember we're reducing our triglycerides and even if cholesterol is going up we're reducing the kinds of cholesterol not just LDL but that specific LDLs that aren't measured in a general lipid profile that are actually bad for our heart so we're doing ourselves a solid solid service it is really powerfully good for the heart then we have the daunting thing that nobody probably wants to talk about because it's sad and honestly hits home for me and that's cancer it's got some powerful anti-cancer properties okay I lost my dad to cancer so I don't just talk about cancer willy-nilly and say that things are gonna cure cancer unless there's good evidence it's called the Warburg effect cancer likes sugar likes glucose it fuels it deprive yourself of some of that your body can utilize the fats a little bit more and starves off some of the cancer again that's a powerful claim to say it starves cancer but it is reducing at least the glucose that would feed the cancer then of course there's the foundation of a ketogenic diet and how it was discovered within the medical community and that's epilepsy okay so if you know someone that has seizures they're definitely gonna want to utilize the ketogenic diet and lastly Alzheimer's disease okay Alzheimer's disease dementia and even Parkinson's disease which is the fastest growing neurodegenerative disease out there all can have massive improvements with the ketogenic diet in fact there's case reports that show that people that have Alzheimer's who see market improvements in their life by switching over to a ketogenic diet so I mean talk about an improvement in your life sure maybe you can't eat the bread but if you can actually you know remember things and remember what you ate then I guess that's a big win right so anyhow thank you for tuning in with this entire video and if you have specific things that you want to learn surrounding the ketogenic diet put them in the comments section below and I do ask of you please do check out put your box and help support them just because they support this channel and they support a lot of the content that I create so as always keep it locked in here see you in the next video
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 390,678
Rating: 4.948945 out of 5
Keywords: keto diet, ketogenic diet, keto diet for beginners, ketosis explained, keto diet guide, keto diet explained, everything you need to know about keto diet, everything you need to know about ketogenic diet, everything you need to know about ketosis, everything you need to know about keto, what is the keto diet, how to do the keto diet, benefits of the keto diet, thomas delauer, keto, intermittent fasting, weight loss, fat loss, keto checklist, how to start keto
Id: 6Dw_QNa_GQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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