Intermittent Fasting over Age 40 : The Complete Guide

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intermittent fasting can be a little bit different for you when you're over 40 now I'm not saying you're old by any stretch of imagination okay when you're over 40 just hormones are a little bit different there's different enzymatic fluctuations that we have to account for so all this means is that we make these small little changes to our intermittent fasting lifestyles and we can have just as much success as people that are younger than us so here's the thing you probably know someone that's in their 20s or 30s and is doing intermittent fasting they're having all this success and they want you to do it alongside them well you might not get the same results if you just follow their exact protocol so the purpose of this video is to give you little things that you can apply to your intermittent fasting lifestyle that'll help you out if you're over the age of 40 this isn't a meal plan I'm not going to give you exactly what to eat what I am going to give you is tips and tricks they're gonna make your fasting lifestyle a lot easier I'm gonna talk about what you should be doing while you're fasting how often you should fast how long you should fast for I'm gonna talk about specific foods that you can get some benefit out of during your actual eating period I'm gonna talk about some supplements that you can take that will help you out and I'm just going to give you some overall knowledge it's gonna make you a lot more powerful when you're embarking on an intermittent fasting lifestyle you're tuned into the Internet's leading performance nutrition and fat loss channel we have new videos on Tuesdays Fridays and Sundays at 7 a.m. Pacific time but we also release videos just about every single day nowadays why don't you go ahead and hit that little red subscribe button but I also want you to go ahead and turn on that little bell button so you turn on notifications it'll make it so you always know whenever I post a new video like this so without further ado let's just go ahead and get into this okay this is gonna be some good stuff and I want you to stick with me through the entirety the first thing I want to talk about is how often you should fast okay so people that are younger they can get away with fasting more frequently now what I mean by that is people that are in their 20s and 30s they can usually do what is called a 16-8 fasting period okay now that is great and it works well and does work well for people over 40 too but hear me up the sixteen eight fasting period basically that tells you that you fast for sixteen hours and then you have an eight hour period of eating and you generally do that every single day that just butt your new pattern of eating but as you get older you actually get more benefit out of fasting for slightly longer periods of time three to four times per week so we're talking about maybe doing a 20-hour fast three times per week or maybe four times per week now the reason behind this is a couple of things for one you're gonna get more of what's called a telomere response the longer the fast the more anti-aging potential you get someone in their 20s and 30s doesn't really need a whole lot of anti-aging effect I mean sure they can benefit from it but once you're over 40 you can get a powerful effect from the anti-aging side now by anti aging I mean cellular anti-aging I don't just mean looking good and looking pretty I mean actually increasing our telomere length which is a component of our DNA that ultimately unravels as we get older I'm gonna save you the details on that but essentially if we restore our telomere length and we have more stem cells through longer periods of fasting we can essentially live longer and fight off disease for a longer period of time but the big reason that a lot of you are probably watching this video is body composition now as you get a little bit older if you were to fast every single day and restrict your calories every single day you have more of a potential to slow down your metabolism and someone that is younger does so for example someone that's twenty-five or thirty they could fast every single day and they could limit their calories every single day and not have as much of a metabolism slowed down because of the restricted calories as someone over 40 would so it's better to have a normal level of calories one day and then an aggressively reduced level of calories that next so basically instead of gradually reducing your calories or staying low all the time you're gonna do more of a regular calorie maintenance to keep your metabolism high and then you're gonna drop your calories aggressively on a longer fast like twenty twenty-one hours and then go back up the next day so I recommend fasting every other day if you're over 40 you just seem to get more benefit and the clients that I've worked with like they just can't deny the results people get better results that way now is there a lot of medical reason and research backed reason kind of but it's still up in the air this is just what I've seen now there was one study that took a look at 30 females that were at least 49 years of age ranging all the way up to 57 years of age now what they found with this age group is that they responded better to longer term fast now we're talking like one to two days plus in this case but the point was they had increased levels of adeno pectin they had lower LDL levels and they just ended up having better health overall so older populations again I'm not putting you in an older population category I'm just saying that people that are over 40 tend to respond a little bit better from a health perspective to it longer fast the other big thing that we have to look at this is good for men and women is human growth hormone increases only really come into play with fasting when they're longer fasts so sure a 16 hour fast if you're doing typical 16:8 might have some benefit when it comes to growth hormone surges but a longer fast is really where you're gonna get the powerful effect human growth hormone is everything when you're a little bit older yeah when you're over 40 human growth hormone is what's gonna make your skin look fresh it's gonna be what's allowing you to build muscle what's gonna allow you to recover it's going to allow you to feel young this is very important and you need to have those longer fast so I would rather you end up having these longer fasts a few times per week than shorter fast you need to go for more of the metabolic benefit versus just the caloric restriction trust me the results will be better long-term so let's go ahead and let's talk a little bit about what you should be consuming or not consuming during your fast during your fasting period things are simple honestly this goes for anyone that's 15 years old 20 years old 30 years old 40 years older 50 60 whatever okay while you're fasting you should keep it simple I always say K is s keep it simple stupid that's the way you want to do it if you start over complicating it you'll drive yourself crazy so for all intents and purposes water black coffee black tea green tea that's really it okay I mean sure you could get down to the idiosyncrasies of different diet sodas and stuff like that but just keep it simple honestly it's just way easier now that's going to go for everybody but some specific things that you might need to be paying attention to if you're over 40 you're going to want to increase your sodium level more so than someone else now you might be thinking Thomas sounds crazy I'm gonna turn this video off right now I'm older why would I want to increase my blood pressure with more sodium well first of all sodium does not always equate to higher levels of chronically high levels of blood pressure okay it's more about insulin more about sugar there's a whole nother rabbit-hole we could go down there sodium plays a very big role in overall sending an electrical signal through our body and when we're fasting we need that to occur we need that electrical signal otherwise our electrolytes get out of whack and we don't get the benefit of fasting and as you get older the nervous system isn't quite what it used to be which means we're relying more on healthy minerals to get the job done so unless you want to feel fatigued and a little bit stiff during your fast then you're gonna want to have some sodium in the equation so make sure you're getting a high quality sodium we're talking like Himalayan pink salt some Celtic sea salt some redmond real salt one of those don't go for just regular iodized salt okay go for the good stuff whenever you possibly can and I will give you some numbers here you usually want to have like one teaspoon per half gallon of water so we're not talking like a crazy amount but we're talking enough to at least keep you hydrated okay hydration is key this next tip for when you're fasting is a very big one very important for people that are over 40 and it has to do with catecholamines which are our adrenaline or epinephrine things like that all right if you consume caffeine like coffee or tea consolidate it to the morning okay normally if you're younger you're okay to have caffeine throughout the entirety of the day during your fast and I'm not saying that you're gonna absolutely blow all the benefits if you do have caffeine through the entirety but you will get better results and you'll feel better and here's why as you get older you're more sensitive to your catecholamines you're more sensitive to epinephrine and norepinephrine and things like that now that's a good thing in some ways because intermittent fasting is ultimately giving you an adrenaline rush you're not eating so your body goes into sort of a starvation kind of fight-or-flight mode so your catecholamines are already high your adrenaline is already high well caffeine spikes your adrenaline even higher what you don't want to have happen is have your adrenaline spike so high for such a long period of time because you're consuming caffeine along with your entire fast that you end up burning out your adrenals the adrenal fatigue is a real thing okay adrenal fatigue isn't recognized by the medical community as an actual diagnosis but there is something that's recognized by the medical community such as adrenal insufficiency and that's very similar it's just kind of different terms right the point is is if you have too much caffeine throughout the entirety of the day while you're fasting you can give yourself some adrenal fatigue that can wreak havoc for you later on down the line and make it so you're chronically tired if you consolidate your caffeine in the morning you get a big rush of catecholamines when your body is supposed to have them and also when you're most susceptible to burning fat so if you're gonna have caffeine allocated to the morning and then go ahead and let yourself kind of wean off of it throughout the course of the day you just have to have some faith in me on this one trust me it makes a lot of sense when you look at the research this next tip is one that goes for everybody and that is to workout in a fasted state now if you're over 40 one of the things you might be concerned about is am I gonna wear myself out like I'm tired and I'm fasting should I really be working out the answer is yeah you really should be you don't have to push it to the limit but you're going to get a lot more benefit out of working out in a fasted State now those of you that know my channel you're saying Thomas you sound like a broken record talking about this all the time well just respect the fact there's a lot of people watching this video that haven't watched my other videos okay when you work out in a fasted state you recruit what are called intra Maya cellular lipids these are fat droplets that are actually in your muscle cells or not in your muscle cells but next your muscle fibers now when you work out in a fasted state you burn those up so you actually burn two to three times as much in the way of intra - cellular lipids sometimes even more if you workout in a fasted state the benefit to someone that's over 40 here is you can get by with working out at a lower intensity Wow Thomas just say that working out at a lower intensity yeah I mean heck if you can do the most with the least go for it you might as well preserve your body it's not all about going balls to the wall every single day so if you can get more out of your workout by training in a fasted state and not have to push your body's the limit where you're breaking down and can't even hang out with your kids or grandkids yeah I'd say that you shouldn't be doing that right you want to be not you want to not push your body you want to be able to push it to an extent where you can still recover so train in the morning in your fasted state now we're gonna talk a little bit about things that you shouldn't take during your fast okay it comes up a lot people talk about taking vitamins and supplements I recommend just keeping them out of the equation okay now there's always the exception so bear with me because no matter what the situation there's always me someone who has a particular supplement or a nootropic or something they want to take while they're fasting and I get it and that's okay but for the sake of this video is to keep it simple just keep supplements out of the equation but especially keep antioxidants out of the equation like vitamin C and vitamin E and fish oil while you're fasting those are great supplements but while you're fasting they negate the effects of the fast you have to remember that when we are fasting we're trying to stress our body out we're trying to elicit a stress response vitamin C is an antioxidant which means it actually acts as a crutch for your body studies have shown I don't recall the exact research journal but studies have shown in multiple occasions that taking vitamin C and vitamin E during a fast actually hurts the metabolic effect of the fast the fast should be difficult so just bear with it it's gonna be tough but you don't need to take vitamin C because you think it's going to boost your immune system it actually does the opposite let the fasting help your immune system naturally don't give it a crutch okay okay now let's move into breaking the fast okay because really during the fast things are simple but breaking the fast gets a little bit more particular now everyone should be breaking a fast in a similar way and my philosophy behind breaking a fast is break your fast with a smallish meal okay small meal and then have a larger meal one to two hours later maybe even up to three hours later break your fast with something small controlled lean and high in protein the reason that I say this is because for the most part it's an emotional thing you break your fast and then you're not going to be susceptible to just raiding the pantry if you can control this one meal control this one meal and you break it fast it makes the rest if you're eating periods so much easier you're not gonna run in the house and raid the pantry I can't tell you how many times has happened to me or people I know at the end of a fast I'm so hungry and I wasn't prepared and I walk in the house and I just end up just you know food coming with coma in the pantry it's just not good right so if you have something controlled and then you eat a little bit later it's gonna work a lot better now for the older populations at all anyone 40s 50s 60s 70s on it you're gonna want to have higher levels of protein okay you might be thinking this seems like it's harder on my kidneys right now the protein situation with the kidneys that's a gray area we don't need to go there we have a bigger problem and that's atrophy okay atrophy is related to illness atrophy is the muscle breakdown the catabolism the breakdown of the muscle tissue when we get sick we have atrophy atrophy is linked with people just ultimately aging and dying we want to maintain our muscle but we also want to maintain our muscle because that's the biggest driving force behind our metabolism as we get older we do not preserve our muscle as much we need more protein it's more important as we get older so what I recommend is when you break your fast eat 25 to 35 percent of your body weight in grams of protein okay now that sounds complicated 11 you're like giving you an example if there is a 200-pound person 25% of 200 pounds would be 50 pounds so you should eat 50 grams of protein so you basically take 1/4 of your body weight in pounds and eat one gram of protein per pound okay so a 200 pound person 50 grams protein okay that's gonna be straightforward so when you break your fast this is pretty much all you need to have like lean protein okay don't try to dress it up with a bunch of sauces and things like that you can you can season it you can even add a couple veggies if you want to but I highly recommend honestly just keeping it lean protein I know it's bland I know it's boring but you can do it for one meal imagine this you just broke your fast or you just ended your fast and you had your little bit of protein and then an hour or two hours later you can go to dinner and you can actually enjoy a regular meal and not have to think anything of it simply because you already ate you're breaking the fast meal next up is you have to pay a lot more attention to prebiotic fibers make sure that you're getting in a lot of artichoke a lot of asparagus a lot of the veggies that have prebiotic fibers prebiotic fibers are the fur of our gut bacteria and when we go through a fasting period a lot of our gut bacteria dies off okay what happens is the stronger healthier bacteria tends to thrive so what happens is at the end of the fast we're usually left with a good amount of good bacteria we want to feed that and regular veggies do some benefit there but prebiotics are the big thing so we have to get those prebiotics in so what I recommend is with the second meal try to get some artichokes in try to get some asparagus in try to get some bok choy and try to get a little bit of cabbage these things play a big role and artichokes specifically promote what are called bile salts so when you're fasting a lot of times your gall bladder and your liver stop producing bile for a little bit or they slow down on the production of it so then when you eat something that's fatty or even remotely fatty you have a hard time digesting it so what you want to do is you want to eat things like artichokes because they literally do promote bile activity they promote bile salts so they promote this that there's basically bile salts are an emulsifier so what they do is they promote that and that allows us to break it down break down those fats and absorb them easier very important for you you don't want to end up being someone that doesn't digest fats very well because then a you don't get the benefit of those fats but be you can have a lot of digestive discomfort this next tip is a big one on your fasting days okay whether you are low carb or not you should really avoid grains I know I know it sucks like I'm telling you that I told you earlier you can have so much flexibility and things like that but just hear me out on this you don't have to abide by this one I'm just trying to give you what you can use to have optimal results so grains have something called WGA s these WGA s are called wheat germ I'm gluten inspector a glutton ends or WGA s what they are are they're basically glycoproteins that stick together so you've heard of people that have gluten intolerances or celiac disease right where they they really have an anti like an actual autoimmune inflammatory issue where their body's own anti inflammatory system or immune system is really having a hard time just breaking down gluten well that's because essentially the gluten is triggering an immune response within that person well believe it or not grains like rice and corn and barley and rye these things all have these WGA s in them which means that when they get into our system they clump together and when they clump together they end up causing an inflammatory reaction because they don't break down so what happens is we end up with what's called a leaky gut where these big clumps of food essentially are getting into our bloodstream and our immune system attacks them why is this so important on a fasting day because on a fasting day you are sensitive to what you eat so if you eat grains that's fine I just recommend on a fasting day that when you do break your fast you don't have those grains try to get rid of them so try to avoid grains we're talking rye we're talking barley we're talking rice we're talking corn we're talking quinoa even these so-called healthy grains they can cause this issue for you and this can be really really unhealthy and really really unpleasant and you may not even realize it until you take them away and realize how good you feel some of the starches and the carbs you really could get away with Mura are gonna be start just like the potatoes so we're lacking like even red potatoes white potatoes is gonna be fine we're talking things like sweet potatoes okay we've got plantains we've got beets we've got parsnips okay we've got a lot of these healthier starches that are coming that way cassava you can have a lot of these things and they're not going to be bad okay now there's a lot of gluten-free options out there that don't even use grains nowadays so again I understand you might be going out to eat you might be having some fun there whatever it's not like this has to be the gospel all the time yeah you can have grains I'm just saying in the ideal situation try to just keep the grains out it's easier on your body next up switch your proteins out don't have the same protein every day when you break your fast or even with your meals later on again it comes down to a diverse bacteria in your gut if you feed your gut one type of food over and over again one type of bacteria is going to grow and other types of bacteria are going to go them down so we need to try to diversify so we're constantly feeding other kinds of bacteria so just switch your proteins out if you usually do whey protein try a pea protein if you usually do chicken try to go for beef you know try to switch it up as much as you possibly can and then lastly when it comes down to choosing your meat sources and everything like that try to get some things in the way of saturated fat saturated fat is not gonna be a bad thing for you let me give you a quick breakdown on what happened with saturate fat why doing things it's bad I'm gonna make this quick people think the saturated fat clogs up in your arteries and that it's just big globs of fat that stick and tied your arterial wall and give you a heart attack not the case at all okay what happens is inflammation which is a result moreso of sugar and stress causes an immune response which triggers an LDL receptor to become inflamed within our artery then what happens is our immune system sends white blood cells and the white blood cells go to the artery and they accumulate and then and only then the saturated fat start to cause an issue because then it causes a plaque and that plaque is what causes the actual problem or the myocardial infarction or the heart attack right or the stroke so it's not about the saturated fat it's about the inflammation well one of the fastest ways to combat inflammation is through an intermittent fasting or ketogenic lifestyle so honestly get healthy eat the healthy fats and you'll be good because the saturated fats are going to be really good for what's called your myelin yeah your your nerves have a sheath on the outside of them called the myelin sheath and this myelin sheath is critical for overall nerve signaling okay first cell transit are for signal transduction so actually sending a signal from your brain down to your toes whatever it needs to be we need that if the myelin is broken the nerve signal cannot be completed okay that proton that gradient can't be created between the sodium potassium okay that lie on exchange complicated we're not going to go that route there's also lots of little things that you could eat like for example I highly recommend eating seaweed believe it or not so we're talking about getting iodine from seaweed the thyroid needs iodine to create t3 to create thyroid hormone okay the thyroid is critical and I mean critical for your metabolism so don't ever just ignore it eat the seaweed or get some iodine somehow okay a lot of times they put iodine in salt but the hard part is salt that is iodized is usually low-quality table salt so by the way if there's little snacks and things that you want that are safe during an intermittent fasting or ketogenic lifestyle I want you to go ahead and check out thrive market I went ahead and I put a link down in the description below so in the description after you watch this video you'll see a link for thrive market and I've been able to create a specific keto and fasting bundle okay so what that means is thrive market is something where you can go online and you can get your groceries shipped right to your doorstep so you don't have to go to the grocery store and you can ultimately save a bunch of money because it's cheaper than the grocery store plus you don't have to drive there so I've worked a thrive for a while so I've created specific bundles so if you click down in the link below again after this video you'll get the Thomas tool our Kido or fasting bundles which is my select foods for you if you're doing an intermittent fasting lifestyle these are snack foods things that you can enjoy during your eating period so after you're done fascinating you're kind of questioning what you can eat what you can't eat I highly recommend that you check them out plus they're just cheaper in the grocery store so if you like your groceries and you like them delivered right to your doorstep you're gonna want to check out thrive okay so let's go ahead and now let's talk a little bit more about supplements for a second okay supplements keep to a minimum now I could go on and on about all different kinds of supplements but I think we want to keep it basic if you're a male I want you to consume boron okay you only need like six to nine milligrams of boron per day now what boron is going to do is going to help you unlock bound-up testosterone to make it free testosterone we have testosterone in our bodies but most of it is bound up with what's called sex hormone binding globulin sex hormone binding globulin takes up 98 to 99 percent of our overall testosterone in the body and binds it to this literally a globulin meaning it's not usable in the body boron has been shown to unlock and release some of that sex hormone binding globulin so if you're a male you're going to get more muscle mass you're going to get more overall energy you're gonna get more strength they're gonna get more libido it's going to help you out immensely so you definitely want to get lots of boron as much as you can in a healthy way you can also get it through specific foods also that are down in that thrive link that's down below so make sure you check them out additionally for men and women believe it or not saw palmetto it's very very good now saw palmetto has long been thought only to be something for prostate support for men but it actually has some benefits for women too so men you're gonna want to take a higher amount women you can get by with less but men what saw palmetto is going to do is it's going to help slow down the conversion of testosterone into what's called dihydrotestosterone or DHT now what DHT does in your body is it enlarges your prostate so it's a hyperplasia so it's something we don't want it's what makes you feel like you have to urinate all the time and it can even lead to some forms of prostate cancer so this is just me looking out actually whether you're fasting keto or whatever I do recommend that you take saw palmetto so I'm just throwing that in there all right then we want to look at coenzyme q10 coenzyme q10 is everything when it comes to energy I recommend it for a lot of people but if you're over 40 it becomes very important and it becomes extremely important when you are doing intermittent fasting not during your fast but just overall on the lifestyle you see what's happening is you're consolidating eating windows which means your body has to become ruthlessly efficient at utilizing nutrients now what coenzyme q10 does is it helps take energy like electrons from the food that we eaten and takes it to electron acceptors within the cell so basically it is like the shuttle bus it's like you drove to the baseball game right you got to the parking lot but you had to park really far away but fortunately there's a shuttle that just takes you to the rest of the get to the game so you can actually enjoy it right it's like you went the 99% but you need that shuttle to get you in it's like the escort so coke q10 is very powerful and you don't always have to take a supplement with coke q10 but let me finish explaining what else is happening with coq10 inside our mitochondria our mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell it's where we create energy okay so without the mitochondria we wouldn't ever be able to create adenosine triphosphate or actually create the spark that gives us energy what Co Q 10 does is it transfers energy from the outer membrane of the mitochondria to the inner membrane and it creates what is called a proton gradient now it's complex again but that proton gradient is what allows energy to occur it's all about creating a gradient so electrical energy can transfer and ultimately create energy and what's called the phosphorylation process where anyway complex coq10 is good you don't always have to take a supplement if you take a supplement 300 600 milligrams of solid otherwise eat lots of fatty fish so we're talking about good healthy salmon halibut things like that also organ meats I know that isn't always fun for people to think about but liver kidney heart if you're into that you really really good stuff and it comes down to coq10 and it's probably most bioavailable form that you can get so if you're into that I mean you can make a sauce out of it or something please go right ahead additionally broccoli cauliflower and spinach are pretty high in coq10 nowhere near as high as the animal sources but if you're not into consuming all cuts of animal meat then sure you can just load up on the spinach or load up on the broccoli you're gonna get an anti estrogen effect from the broccoli - which is very powerful for men over 40 and for women okay so broccoli contains something known as dim D Ndola methane talked about this a lot in my videos again sound like a broken record for those of you that are used to my channel but D end all methane derived from broccoli and cauliflower helps the liver metabolize estrogen it helps metabolize that one seven hydroxy estrogens the bad estrogens and helps convert them into a healthy usable form or a form that our body can emulsify along with bile and break down and excrete out of the body so eat your broccoli okay there's one last really important thing okay and this is something that some people will tell you you never need to do and this is like the die-hard fasters that never want to take a break okay this is called taking a diet break and this isn't a cheat meal okay because when you're intermittent fasting in a lot of ways you're kind of cheating almost every day it's like you're going a period of time without eating and then you're kind of binging I mean that maybe not binging a lot of times you're under control but in some ways you are eliciting that cheat meal response so we're not looking for a cheat meal we're looking for a diet break and this is even more important when it comes down to any older population heck anyone over 35 to be completely honest now there is a cool study that was called the matador study now the matador study was an acronym it stood for minimizing adaptive thermogenesis and reducing obesity REBOUND complicated acronym okay what that means is when we diet we have a pretty severe decrease in our metabolism it happens it doesn't take long either takes like three to five sometimes six weeks for a metabolism to slow as much as 28% when we reduce our calories now when we're intermittent fasting a lot of the benefits are coming from hormonal changes and different things that we're doing with growth hormone and stuff like that but but a lot of the benefit is still coming from just simple calorie restriction we're not eating as much because we're consolidating our food too one period of time so our calories are being restricted which means that we are not immune to this overall metabolic slowdown now this study this mattador study it took a look at what happens when you actually have people take a diet break for one to two weeks so they took two groups of individuals one group did 16 weeks of continuous dieting another group did 16 weeks of dieting but it was broken up every few weeks with a one to two week diet break okay so both groups ultimately still had the same diet for 16 weeks just one group took breaks and one group did not well the overall results were pretty amazing the group that took the breaks ended up having significantly more muscle and significantly less body fat because their body had a chance to get the metabolism back up now the whole purpose of our metabolism slowing down is to preserve our bodies see that we're hurting we're not eating so it slows down our metabolism so one cheat meal doesn't solve the problem you need to replicate what's really happening like in real life and what's what would really happen in real life is you might go a week or two of back to normal eating not a surplus but normal eating so go for five six weeks with your intermittent fasting lifestyle aggressively and then take a week of no fasting or maybe even two weeks of no fasting where you make sure you get back up to a normal maintenance level that way when you do or if you do ever go off of fasting or get your calories back up you're not going to rebound okay you're not going to have that obesity rebound that the mattador study was ultimately trying to you know fix its adaptive thermogenesis it's a totally normal thing we just have to stay ahead of the curve so this breaks down intermittent fasting over 40 I appreciate your time and also please please even if it's just a matter of checking them out please check out thrive down in the description because they didn't help make this video possible and they did allow me to create this awesome bundle for everybody and at the very least do it as a thank you to me for creating this video just go check them out as always if you have ideas for future videos make sure you put them down in the comment section I'll see you soon
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 497,621
Rating: 4.923049 out of 5
Keywords: intermittent fasting, how to do intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting benefits, intermittent fasting for beginners, intermittent fasting explained, a beginners guide to intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting guide, what is intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting diet, intermittent fasting for women, intermittent fasting meal plan, intermittent fasting for over 40, fasting for over 50, intermittent fasting for over 60, thomas delauer, keto, fasting, weight loss
Id: njM2swbICYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
Reddit Comments

44/M and yes, metabolism has definitely slowed down. Most of my weight gain is in my belly...typical dad bod. Lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/al567287 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm 43, haven't experienced any slow down and have no patience to watch the video lol

I've been losing weight since January at about 8lb a month with ADF. This is faster and steadier and more sustainable than my two previous attempts in the last 8 years. I'm also at my lowest weight since baby #3 (over 10 years ago) and in mere 15 lb I'll be pre-first-pregnancy weight, which was at the lowest range of normal for my height.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/slowly_goroda πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for posting this. I was only about three weeks into 16/8 everyday when I watched this. It seemed doable and made some sense for the more "mature" IFer. I switched over and now almost two weeks in, it seems to be fine. Only time will tell. I seem to be losing weight. I do 20/4 every other day. I will try taking a week of non-fasting soon. I am in this for better health overall and somewhat slow but long term weight loss.

I tried the eating a small meal of protein to break fast and then a larger meal a few hours later. It works in that it keeps me full but I find that 3 hours later I still don't have an appetite so I usually have to go much longer before the second meal.

If anyone is adding CO-Q10 as a supplement, the best price is at Costco right now. I think the price is an additional $4 off a big bottle. It might still be the best price without the sale.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Emsfjord πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

43/M, been on OMAD 20:4 for about three months. I hope I haven’t screwed myself up too bad. I guess I should eat a breakfast and lunch Tues-Thurs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Maceri πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

For full spectrum mineral during fasting days

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SweetLiesBitterTruth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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