Full Beginner Keto Meal Plan: Exactly What to Eat

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there's a lot of Kido information out there so I wanted to go ahead and make something simple a beginner's Kido meal plan something that takes the principles that I apply when it comes down to the ketogenic lifestyle and put them into a really simple meal plan that you can follow now this isn't going to give you a lot of different variety isn't gonna give you a lot of different options for each individual meal but if you're looking to get started on keto and you really just don't know where to go well this is gonna be a great place to start so I'm gonna break down some of the why but I'm also gonna break down the science and I'm gonna break down really what you should be doing and a little bit more of your timing in addition to just telling you what to eat so it's gonna be pretty in-depth but you're gonna have what you need and you're gonna have the basics to get started today one thing to note with this video this video is for informational purposes only whenever I put anything that starts talking about a little bit more specific amounts it's important that you know that this is broad and for just general purposes so you can adjust this however you need to this is not an intended diet plan for anybody it's to give you a baseline and a foundation so you have an understanding of what a beginner meal plan would look like on keto you're tuned into the Internet's leading fat loss channel new videos on Tuesday Friday and Sunday at 7 a.m. Pacific time and a bunch of other videos throughout the week as well please hit that red subscribe button and then hit that little Bell button so you can turn on notifications so you know whenever I go live alright let's go ahead and dive right in so there's a few things that I want to lay down as groundwork first if you're just getting started the keto these are important things that you know okay first of all don't worry about measuring your ketones when you're first getting started just don't worry about it honestly as you get further and further down the keto train then you can start worrying about it but right now I want you to just focus on the food okay it's not gonna matter right now too much second of all keto flu if you're just getting started on keto you might experience the keto flu all that is is an electrolyte imbalance for the most part people will go down some rabbit holes and explain it in more in-depth ways but the fact is it's simple it really is your electrolytes getting out of whack cos as your body is adjusting to lower carbohydrates your kidneys tend to expel extra water so you become sodium deficient you become a little bit magnesium deficient and you feel wonky and you feel fatigued simple way to combat that add more salt we'll talk about that as we go don't overdo the fats all a lot of people will tell you when you're first starting a keto diet to just go hog wild on the fats honestly that's a quick way to gain weight so let's not worry about that I want you to follow what I laid out here it's gonna give you the perfect ratios it's gonna give you my whole formula okay then don't worry about too much protein okay only in specific circumstances do you need to worry about having too much protein okay we're not going to worry about those as beginners we're not gonna worry about those situations it's okay to have the protein plus I'm laying it out for you right here now you're gonna see some common themes with this you're gonna see that there's not dairy here why because I want you to get into keto in what I consider an anti inflammatory state I want you to get into keto in a clean way we're not doing dirty keto here this is what I would say is a good protocol to get optimal results from the ketogenic diet in as little time as humanly possible so let's jump right into breakfast breakfast I'm gonna have be your highest fat meal of the day I'm having it be your highest fat meal of the day because believe it or not your body tends to store less fat in the morning and it does this because your fat cells are a little bit more insulin resistant in the morning and your muscle cells are insulin sensitive so in the morning you have less potential for fat that you consume to store as fat so let's keep breakfast nice and high fat it's a great way to start our keto journey so I want you to do one whole egg plus two yolks okay the reason we're doing two yolks in there two to three yolks depending on the size you can go two to three okay we want more of the fat from the yolk we don't necessarily want the extra protein and the inflammatory albumin from the white okay so have one egg and add two to three extra yolks you can give the whites to the dogs the albumin is actually pretty good for them okay then I want four slices of turkey bacon you can do regular bacon if you can get your hands on good quality bacon but I'm saying this for the general masses as a beginner if you go with turkey bacon it's a little bit cleaner generally okay so go for that then I want you to add one ounce of peeling nuts or walnuts peely nuts are very high fat super low carb and walnuts are really high quality too and they're high omega-3 but most importantly neither of these nuts have high levels of phytates not gonna go into detail there but essentially phytates can mess up absorption and mess up mineralization of things so let's just go ahead and leave peanuts or walnuts and doesn't matter if they're roasted or if they're raw in this case then I want you to go ahead if you have this is optional have a cup of coffee but take three tablespoons of coconut cream that's the high fat coconut milk you get out of a can I don't want you to use half-and-half here if you have to a substitute for that would be like two tablespoons of heavy cream don't use half-and-half has more milk in it milks more inflammatory than the cream itself because cream is more just the fat but I prefer you use just the coconut from a can its high fat and it's much better quality now optional is going to be 250 milligrams of magnesium plus some Theni okay so that's just going to help keep you balanced you don't have to worry about that 250 milligrams magnesium just get some on Amazon okay so this breakfast is gonna be four to eight grams of carbs 45 grams of fat and between 4 and 500 calories total so overall what we're talking about here is a basic 2,000 calorie diet or so I figure 2,000 calories is a great place to kind of base around so we're sitting about 1,800 to 2,000 calories with this meal plan give or take rough estimates again it's to get you started it's not to be super critical okay please don't hate on me okay so then we move in to the next period where I want to explain do not snack what's really important in between meals with keto is not to snack every time we eat whether we eat carbs whether we eat fats or whether we eat protein we have an insulin spike when we eat however small but that insulin spike turns off glucagon and that glucagon is what turns on cyclic adenosine monophosphate which is what allows us to burn fat if we don't have glucagon activated we don't burn fat between our meals so remember we're priming our pump with ketosis we're getting all the fat in our system so our body is used to using fats and then we deprive ourselves of fact of fats and calories for a little bit of time so the body has no choice but to try to burn it from your stored fat if you're constantly eating your body never has an opportunity to pull it from your stored tissue so we need to make sure we are strict with the no snacking but add some salt to your water I know it sounds crazy but when you're first starting out add some salt to your water in between your meals like you're gonna add a half a teaspoon up to like a half a teaspoon per half gallon so do the math there quarter teaspoon for a quart what's interesting is not only is it going to help you out the keto flu but it's going to help you out with something that are called your NST scepters and we have wires that get crossed a lot of times when we have cravings especially cravings for sweets we're actually craving salt and we have NST receptors that get their signals crossed so we're craving sweets but really our body wants salt so having some salt water actually helps yeah and you doesn't have to make it like you don't they make it super salty doesn't have to taste salty just add some salt I wanted to add also if breakfast is not something you're into if you're an on-the-go type person there is an option for you you can do keto coffee as an alternative just so you know and you can sip on that a little bit more coffee like 8 to 12 ounces 1 tbsp of ghee organic ghee so 1 to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil okay 2 tablespoons of that same coconut cream out of the can and then salt because again just a little bit of salt we just want a pinch and then optional a scoop of collagen okay this is just gonna get you a little bit more protein get you a little bit more substance that's totally optional okay so now let's go ahead and let's move into lunch lunch is some interesting stuff and here's the thing with lunch we actually reduce the fats remember how with breakfast we kept the fats really high because we're priming the pump and we have the flexibility metabolically with insulin resistance to do so well with lunch I'm bringing the fats down so that we spiked our body getting used to fats and now we're pulling it away depriving the body of fats a little bit going slightly higher protein so the body has no choice but to want to pull fat from the tissue ok there's a strategic reason to this I call it the protein sandwich hypothesis but it's complex don't worry about it for this beginner video ok what we want is six to eight ounces of lean meat preferably lean chicken okay lean red meat would be okay but I ideally do want you to have lean chicken here okay it's very important that you keep it lean whatever you choose four tablespoons of guacamole essentially what we're making here is we're gonna make either a taco salad or a burrito bowl okay and trust me it tastes good you can go to Chipotle and you could make this meal so if you're on the go that's why I set it up like this because I figured if you're on the go you could make this meal so four tablespoons of guacamole or four tablespoons of mashed avocado or that would be about a half of an avocado medium sized avocado if you don't like the taste of actual guac add some pico de gallo some salsa to taste then you're gonna go with two tablespoons this is wild here right two tablespoons of nonfat Greek yogurt instead of sour cream okay sour cream a little bit less healthy than Greek yogurt Greek yogurt strained a little bit more and you may think I'm crazy for this but Greek yogurt tastes like sour cream when it's in a taco salad or burrito bowl trust me you won't know the difference if you go to Chipotle I'm okay with you having the sour cream it's a small amount of dairy I'm okay with it in this case obviously Greek yogurt is dairy too but it's a little bit better because you have a little bit more of the cultured affect then you get the sauteed fajita veggies listen to me very carefully here so you're gonna have these there's like onions and peppers and things like that all sauteed right there sauteed in oil if you're making this at home saute them in coconut oil or palm oil palm oil has some great benefits palmitoleic acid so really good stuff so palm oil or coconut oil what's really important if you go out to eat pull the bell peppers out okay the bell peppers are very high in fructose they are a high carbohydrate veggie and it will throw off your numbers okay so we don't want that we're gonna end up with an extra 10 grams of carbs just from bell peppers so we can still cook it if we still want that bell pepper flavor I just don't want the sugar from the actual bell peppers themselves okay then I want you to add some greens I want you to add some broccoli I want you to add something into the mix okay even if it's just some sauteed spinach try to get some greens in there if you can't just not be into the world I just would prefer it so this meal ends up being about nine to twelve grams of carbs about 20 grams of fat and again another 4 to 500 calories so we're sitting pretty here most of the calories in this case are coming from increase in protein we're almost double the amount of protein with lunch than we were with breakfast ok so then in between lunch and dinner this is where I like to have a little bit of decaf green tea because I still get some of the EGCG benefit of green tea that's the antioxidant and the catechins and green tea but I don't get it with the caffeine and the other thing that I'll do is I'll make an ACV drink apple cider vinegar drink helps digest so what I'll do is I'll take like 12 ounces of water I'll take a little bit of apple cider vinegar like 2 tablespoons I'll put a couple drops of stevia in to sweeten it ok and then sometimes I'll either put a little bit of ginger juice or a little bit of lemon juice in there and make a nice almost like lemonade type drink and it really does help me digest you put a little monk fruit a little bit of stevia to sweeten up however you like it really does help and it will get you through that again that lunch period or that period between lunch and dinner it's a very important time period that you are not snacking once again okay which leads us to dinner dinner is where you get to have a little bit more fun okay four to six ounce filet have a nice steak have a New York have a filet something with a little bit more fat but try to avoid a ribeye in this case because I don't want this super high fats again I'm a big fan of keeping the fats somewhat controlled here's the thing with a filet the difference between three different filets you're gonna have maybe a difference in three to four grams of fat per filet if you get three different rib eyes in front of you one could have 20 grams of fat one could have 30 and one could have 40 it all depends on the marbling it's too hard to determine how many calories you get when you're first getting started again once you get established with keto I'm okay with this but remember we're getting started and I want you to have success here so use those and the nice thing is you really want to make sure that you're focusing on getting high omega-3 fats okay high omega-3 beef so what that means is grass-fed grass-finished meat that is very very very important omega threes in excess don't store as fat they store as phospholipid bilayers they support our membrane so we can overeat on those fats and have a little bit more flexibility so this is just so that you know if you're watching this video there is a link down in the description that gets anyone watching this video a special discount on what is called butcher box okay so a butcher box is a meal delivery meat service so essentially they have grass-fed grass-finished meat that they will deliver right to your doorstep and it's cheaper than what you would pay at the grocery store for grass-fed grass-finished so really high quality stuff with high omega-3 content so honestly got nothing to lose is cheaper in the grocery store but better yet there's a discount for anyone watching this video down in the description so check it out after you finish watching this video because I'm gonna give you more tips here okay the other thing that you can do is you could have salmon it's a good time to get those Omega threes from salmon butcher box has that as well okay then I want you to have one cup of cauliflower rice or mashed cauliflower and you can add a tablespoon of butter to that or you can add a couple tablespoons of oil just in general coconut oil palm oil the reason that I want you to use cauliflower rice or cauliflower mash is because the cruciferous vegetable have a high degree of estrogen modulation effects in the body so it's going to help you drop some of that excess water when you're first getting started on keto you want to get rid of that water weight you want your body running nice and clean you don't want a lot of inflammation it's going to work well trust me on that one cup of rice cauliflower sounds like a lot but it's not that much especially if you're putting a tablespoon of butter on it tastes really good okay tablespoon of butter tbsp of ghee or a couple tablespoons of oil one thing I would recommend if you like asparagus cook up asparagus chop it up into like little half-inch chunks and mix it into your rice or your cauliflower mash then what you're doing is you're getting the prebiotic fiber effect from the asparagus it's going to help you digest a little bit and it's going to help build the gut bacteria up for your new style of eating every time you start a new style of eating your gut bacteria migrates and shifts and tries to adapt now prebiotic fibers that are in asparagus and artichoke help that gut bacteria grow its fertilizer so as soon as you have a new bacteria coming in it's going to help it grow help it fertilize and help it really develop so we want that and that's really really powerful there and if you mix it in there it tastes really good you can make a bunch of that ahead of time have it for the week then some extra fats I usually say like add 1215 pork rinds in there get yourself a crunch what I don't want you to do is end up resenting the keto diet in two or three weeks because you missed the crunch you missed the craving of a crunch pork rinds will help you there or if you don't want to do pork rinds do an ounce of macadamia nuts so here we're looking 35 to 40 grams of fat 5 grams of carbs and again close to 500 calories we brought the fat back up and we still have the protein decently high then we move into a little pre bed snack a little pre bed treat and this is just a good high fat snack it's something that I've coined I would almost claim it as my drink because I've been talking about it for years I call it my chocolate muumuus where I make it up with some almond milk I'll explain in one second so basically I take 12 ounces of almond milk and then I take a few tablespoons of cocoa or cacao unsweetened baking cocoa the powder or straight rock a cow powder mix it up then I take 3 tablespoons again of that coconut cream out of the can the high fat stuff if you put it in the refrigerator and you scoop it it should be a solid if it stays a liquid you got the wrong kind okay it's the high fat stuff then I want two tablespoons of almond butter on the side so let's not talk about that for a second the drink then I want you to mix that all up and you add some stevia to it to taste I didn't list the stevia there because everyone's different with how sweet they want it stevia monk fruit make it a hot chocolate that is high fat it's great adds a few hundred calories and it's perfect then two tablespoons of almond butter on the side your high fat low protein right before bed just to give your liver the fuel that it needs to continue to produce ketones and voila the next day you start over again quick touch on supplements I don't want to make this video too heavy on supplements simply because it's a rabbit hole that we can go down it could take forever but essentially of the supplements that you should be taking when you first start a ketogenic diet fish oil high quality omega-3s the same reason why we're using high quality cuts of meat like we are from butcher bucks coenzyme q-10 helps the mitochondrial function Costco has great Co Q 10 it's inexpensive just pick some up at Costco picks them up on Amazon don't worry don't concern yourself with the the type of brand right now we can get down that rabbit hole again later vitamin d3 really important for the immune system so I'd say I can't tell you exactly osa just but those are the three things in addition to magnesium so there you have it guys and gals the basic beginner keto meal plan I know again I'm not giving you options for each meal but this is how you get started and you can at least take these macronutrients and break them down a little bit if you need to but if you use this as a base line you will get into ketosis and you will have success in an anti inflammatory way and honestly I think you will have a lot of fun with it too and please please please I encourage you to subscribe to this channel that way you never miss a beat you always see my videos whether they're keto fasting or just general health related and I think you're gonna get a lot of help out of it so as always to keep it locked in if you have questions put them in the comment section below and I'll see you soon
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 1,460,013
Rating: 4.9354539 out of 5
Keywords: keto diet for beginners, keto meal plan, keto diet plan, ketogenic meal plan, keto diet meal plan, keto meals, ketogenic diet meal plan, keto cutting diet, keto diet recipes, keto diet meal prep, keto recipes for beginners, keto diet for beginners meal prep, keto meal prep for beginners, keto meals for beginners, keto meal prep ideas, keto meals easy, keto meal plan for women, keto meal plan for beginners, thomas delauer, keto, intermittent fasting, weight loss, fat loss
Id: Z15Z1-Og_pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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