EVERY Single Keto Item at Costco - HUGE Keto Haul

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we are in front of costco and that means we're going to head on to the store and we're going to find every single keto item this is a mega costco keto haul so that means good bad ugly clean keto dirty keto lazy keto we're going to pick it up why because i want you to be able to decide what works for you and i want you to be able to know what is at costco right now because there are some truly hidden gems in here there's also some ones that aren't so great i'm going to keep the science a little bit minimal not quite as deep as i usually do because i want to get through a lot of items and be super respectful of your time so let's head on to costco and find every single keto item so the nice thing about costco is they have something for everybody but they really do put their best foot forward with finding cleaner options generally there's a few things in here that are a little disappointing that they're there but there's a lot of things that aren't marketed as keto that still work really well for keto and that's why i want to be able to point them out so you can't expect me to go crazy biochemistry deep in this video because we have a lot to cover but i think at the end of the day we're gonna walk out of there with a lot of good things and a lot of questionable things but you get to decide so all the supplements protein powders everything like that we will hit towards the end because when we're trying to find things that are good for keto i'd like to go with the whole foods first so we'll touch on that area at the end because i do think there are some good things but don't expect me to buy every single protein powder i'm not going to do that just for the sake of this video i'm walking out of here spending a thousand dollars just in protein powder but i will show you the ones that i would prefer you get on keto but everything else we're going to find every keto option now we're in the bread aisle let's see what we've got here okay so first thing that i've found here is this keto white bread give you a quick breakdown on it which you've probably seen in some of my videos before show you the label so you know what it looks like this is the franz keto white bread sounds fun we're gonna get it for the sake of this video but i have some serious beef with this or serious bread i guess i could say hydrogenated soybean oil it's a straight up trans fat okay plus it's got regular soybean oil so hydrogenated soybean oil we already have an unhealthy fat that's been hydrogenated and plus we have a bunch of wheat gluten in there one of the main inflammatory things we're trying to avoid on a ketogenic diet are things like gluten and it's byproduct it's protein that makes it up called gliadin so you make your own decision every once in a while it's not going to kill you so let's go ahead and grab it because we're getting everything keto see if there's anything else anything else bread it's funny because on keto you think that you miss bread i don't really miss bread that often it's funny after a couple of weeks on keto i've been keto for 10 years but after a couple weeks on it you start losing those cravings you don't really crave it anymore so it's kind of funny this is almost like just giving you a taste of something you don't even really want but let's see what we've got on this side here this is low carb keto nut granola from a company called low carb with a k now i picked this up on other halls before it definitely makes the keto cut because clearly it's marketed as keto but what's funny is sometimes things are marketed as keto and i wouldn't even consider them keto but this is a great one because this has sliced almonds sunflower seeds pumpkin seeds coconut chips pecans erythritol which is technically a sugar alcohol however it is a unique sugar alcohol only about six percent of the calories that you only get about six percent of the calories from the carbohydrates and everything that's coming in from the erythritol so it's pretty cool monk fruit extract some butter which is cool cream natural flavor freezer in fact it looks like they've even changed this a little bit since last wow it's got butter as it's a little bit of a bummer natural flavor but come on this is super clean okay 11 grams of carbs four of which are fiber four of which are sugar alcohols that leaves you with three grams of net carbs says it right there this is a very good keto find i am not going to lie i am in no way shape or form compensated by this company i just think that this is a great find here at costco so this is definitely gonna make the cut let's go ahead and grab it plus i mean yes that's a little bit of a pricey price you know yes you're gonna pay the price for keto foods and a lot of it isn't because the quality the ingredients it's because they know oh they're doing keto they're desperate there's a lot of keto snacks and i have a feeling a lot of the things i'll be showing you are going to be keto snacks but i want to make sure we get a chance to get the clean things too let's keep rocking and rolling let's move quick okay what kind of peanut butter all this stuff should we get technically all this stuff would be keto friendly but i think we need to pick out the ones that are going to apply to us these have hydrogenated fats in them we show you so like regular peanut butters look at roasted peanuts sugar hydrogenated vegetable oil that means once again they add a hydrogen to it so skippy we're going to skip no pun intended right let's go let's work backwards here okay we've got our creamy almond butter this is a very good almond butter and the reason i like it is because it's only roasted almonds so here's the brand it's kirkland's signature creamy almond butter 649 for 27 ounces is a very good price if you go to like sprouts if you go to whole foods if you go to even walmart you're gonna spend like eight nine dollars for half this amount of maranatha brand so very pleased to find this i prefer other kind of nut butters but what they have at costco heck yes that's a huge win so getting that i feel like i'm on a shopping spree right now okay then we have nutso this one's cool because it's cashews almonds brazil nuts flax seeds chia hazelnuts pumpkin celtic sea salt however look at the price here okay expensive stuff but you're paying for some pretty good ingredients there the only thing i wish they didn't use is cashews i wish they just skipped cashews and started with almonds because the cashews are such a high carb nut you can see it drives our carb count up quite a bit eight grams of carbohydrates um so pretty high for a nut butter compared to like almond butter well in this case it's seven so it's not much difference but the thing i do like about this significantly is flax and chia we get huge amounts of soluble fiber which are not only satiating but they are also very very good for building up short chain fatty acids and good gut bacteria so this has a dual benefit good healthy fats but huge benefit to the gut now peanut butter is also going to be keto friendly it's just not something i would typically recommend on clean keto this one's nice though because the only ingredients are dry roasted organic peanuts and they're dry roasted they're not roasted in the other oil so is it keto friendly absolutely you can have it there's four grams of net carbs i'm still going to get it because it would be keto friendly and this is a mega haul okay we're getting lots of stuff we're having some fun with it you're going to see how much can thomas spin and then guess what we're going to donate this food for what i don't utilize we're gonna donate we're gonna make sure that goes to the right place aha here's a cool find okay 11.49 for kirkland signature organic hemp hearts now i need these for a recipe video so this works out because amber my wife was literally talking last night about how she needs to order someone amazon because she makes this amazing thing called note meal it's like no hyphen oatmeal so it's oatmeal that's made with no oats so she uses hemp hearts she uses some ground flax she uses some protein powder she makes this really good delicious keto friendly oatmeal that gives you a bunch of protein but without the carbs and a good selection of omega-3s in it hemp hearts are so delicious on keto to add the salad anything so yes they're a little bit pricey but i'm telling you this is a really good price because i know it's sprouts which i love sprouts i ended up paying quite a bit i paid like this amount for i think one pound so huge fine i didn't even see these before so i'm super thrilled plus they're organic which is a huge plus and you end up getting a full spectrum of the amino acids that you need as far as proteins concerned very well-rounded protein there ah olives okay we don't often think all of us right we walk right by them because they seem like a random specialty food but they are tremendously high in vitamin d2 which converts to d3 but also we have a bunch of hydroxy tyrosol which is the active antioxidant that you normally get out of olive oil okay so i've got a couple different options here spanish queen spanish olives water minced pimento sodium alkenate guar gum okay there's some interesting stuff in that one what else do we have here then we have the mosetta brand uh cassaveterano olives water sea salt latte gasoline this is a little bit cleaner and it's cheaper but yeah 17.4 cents per ounce for the mazetta and what's cool is i grew up in sonoma california right sonoma wine country and i grew up about a quarter of a mile from mazetta and it's kind of cool i don't think they're there anymore but i used to always see these dogs say don't forget a mazetta and i never forgot a mazzada mozeta because i definitely still look at them right okay then we've got some sun-dried tomatoes so i used to recommend these artichoke hearts and i still recommend artichoke hearts but the hard part is is these guys are sitting in canola oil so i prefer we don't get them so technically they're keto friendly and i just i just don't know if it's really something that i would consider a specific keto item per se so i'm going to skip that what about some sun-dried tomatoes okay these are california sun-dried tomatoes sitting in olive oil sun-dried roma tomatoes olive oil extra virgin olive oil yep i love it there's no additional weird oils so this is bella san lucy yeah yeah bella luchi california sun dry julian cut tomatoes we will absolutely absolutely use these at my house so that price again this is a giant thing of sun-dried tomatoes so we are definitely good to go and i'm definitely getting that and i am taking that one home now we get to the canned meat the canned chicken all that stuff we have this canned chicken which 9.99 for the kirkland signature chicken this is good stuff but there's some things that are a little bit red flags to me chicken breast meat water seasoning modified food starch sodium phosphates the whole idea behind sodium phosphates is to draw water into it well unfortunately that can cause some problems for us too as the consumer plus there's a bunch of natural flavors added to it is it keto friendly it is but hear me out i don't want to just buy a bunch of stuff because technically it would work on keto i want to be trying to buy like the best keto items and just get all of them right and try to point out ones that aren't so good this is not a specific keto item but will it work on keto it would so i'd be okay with you getting it if it was one of those things where you're just trying to i don't know eat it in moderation right then we move into this right here we have seasons brand sardines and olive oil sardines are one of the most wholesome foods that you can eat on keto and i would highly recommend that you get them okay sardines olive oil and salt now they used to have the wild planet brand but i don't know what happened to that this is a very specific keto food i feel like this is one of the best things you could consume uh just because the omega-3 profile the vitamin d that you're getting because you're eating the bones and the skin is just tremendous but this one doesn't have the bones or the skin it's skinless and boneless but you still get some of the benefit there so 9.99 for a six pack which is a pretty darn good price okay clams they're going to be keto friendly i would be okay with you eating clams but we don't need to get them right now pink salmon all right what do we got here nearly all oh we have to have big mercury warnings now huh interesting okay well this is a really good price on the kirkland signature wild caught alaskan salmon so what i've learned and i've done a lot of hauls where i talk about this is wild caught doesn't necessarily mean wild caught really what it means is they will catch the salmon a lot of times when they're very very very very small okay and then they will take them over to china or to some of these other countries and they'll harvest them in just massive droves right so then they're truly farm-raised but they're technically wild caught now when you look at wild-caught alaskan salmon america has a little bit higher standards when it comes down to how you say wild caught if it's going to be caught here in the states so wild-caught alaska salmon pink salmon okay really good quality stuff i know for a fact that this kirkland and trident combination here is truly the good stuff the real deal almost all the things that i've covered here so far are things that you could get these items or similar items at thrive market okay so maybe you don't have a costco close by maybe you want to get the things i'm talking about but you don't want to go to the grocery store or you don't have a specialty grocery store there is a link down below in the description for my favorite online grocery store it's called thrive market and it's a place where you can get like all your keto specialties you can literally go to their menu bar and you can select what diet you are doing and it will populate hundreds of grocery items for that given diet taking the guesswork out of the equation and then you choose your items and they get delivered to your doorstep in a couple of days and most of the time it ends up being a better price in the grocery store so huge huge shout out to thrive market and as a result of them working with me on my channel for so many years there is now a special link down below in the description for if you're watching this video for you to take advantage of utilize and thrive no minimum orders you can just order one thing you can order 10 things you can order 100 things like i do sometimes and it's a perfect time to be utilizing these kind of like delivery things where you're not having to go to the grocery store where it's chaotic so a lot of things i show you here you can apply there okay a quick little bit on tuna though okay i just want to touch on this and again you've probably seen my videos before we want to go for chunk light tuna albacore tastes better hands down tastes better but it's going to be a higher mercury content so i recommend if you consistently eat tuna to go ahead and go with the chunk light okay let's flip around here and see what else we might have you might be thinking mayonnaise that's perfectly keto well you know what it is so i'm gonna pick one up but it is not the kind of keto we want soybean oil water whole eggs egg yolks distilled vinegar salt what's the problem here first ingredient soybean oil guys you're consuming more fats which means more risk of consuming bad fats we need to change that ratio do not get that gain of mayonnaise but if you are in a pinch and you're doing keto i don't think it'd be the end of the world to use it occasionally but i just want to kind of paint a big picture but i can't spend i can't spend more than like a thousand dollars on this haul i gotta kind of keep it in check a little bit and we'll touch on everything really quick uh cholula tabasco all good to go this ranch stuff would it be good on keto it would work on keto but we run into a problem vegetable oil soybean oil once again okay so i'm picking up the mayonnaise to show you as a matter of principle but i'm not gonna buy this because i wouldn't wish this on anyone okay this is natural flavors it's a bunch of garbage but technically still keto friendly so let's not go with that one apple cider vinegar works for any dietary pattern whether keto fasting whatever it's perfect i would highly recommend it i've got way too much of that laying around so we're gonna pass on it what about balsamic this gets asked a lot okay i'm having olive oil with my salad can i have balsamic the costco balsamic aged balsamic is good good quality stuff but take a look at the carb content seven grams of carbs cooked and concentrated grape must red wine vinegar and that's pretty much how they've done it so it's a lot of great must so you end up with a lot of fructose in there and that's only for one tablespoon so unfortunately this is not keto friendly although i do love the benefit that you get out of having some good quality vinegar in your diet oh here we go check this out my friends over at lacanto they have a keto brownie mix we have tapioca fiber that's going to bloat you a little bit but it's all good who doesn't like a bloated bob every now and then non-gmo lakanto monk fruit sweetener which is erythritol combined with monk fruit two of the safest combinations you could have on keto some people have a blood sugar response to erythritol but a lot of people do not now i don't know why you would have a blood sugar response because they sugar alcohol it triggers water to pull into the colon but it doesn't actually get into the bloodstream as sugar monk fruit on the contrary can sometimes cause an insulin spike in some people but we have dutch cocoa i prefer dutch cocoa because it is going to have a higher potassium content chickpea flour so a little bit of flour coming from a very low glycemic type of flour which i love which adds to the fiber content there then we have sugarcane fiber which is another adding the fiber content acacia gum oat fiber sea salt so lots of different fibers here you might get a little bit bloated having this but this is a seems to be a pretty new item and i'm stoked to try it out i haven't tried this one i do know a lot of the la canto items you can get at thrive market another product that i want you to check out that's not at this costco right at this moment is going to be the miss jones keto goodies so they have like some brownie mix they have all kinds of really delicious things i picked up some of their items at sprouts before miss jones is going to be in oregon stores in january and february and then they're going to be in los angeles and california area stores in february and march so if you're watching this video in 2021 which you probably are highly recommend i'm telling you as someone that enjoys a lot of different keto baked treats miss jones is really getting some clean stuff together i'll show some footage really quick so you can see what their product looks like but it's on us like costco does this they test items and then it's on us as the consumer to run to costco buy those items and show the costco buyers that wait a minute this product is selling so i'm calling on you guys if we want good items in costco we want continued healthy items keto items in costco we need to show them with our spending habits so please do check out miss jones i'll also put a link down below so you can check out their website maybe try some of their stuff uh if you don't have a costco close by but if you're in california february march rush to costco get the miss jones items if you're in oregon in january go get them otherwise it's on us let's drive it forward so thanks to miss jones for uh letting me know about that because otherwise i wouldn't be able to let other people know they've seen my videos before and they've asked me if they could uh if i could shout them out and i'm happy to because it's a good product now as we're moving along and talking about baking stuff who doesn't like to bake with a little bit coconut oil makes crumbly cookies that fall all over the place and stay in your carpet but it's perfect right coconut oil is everything to me i'm a coconut oil fan i'm a gee fan i'm an olive oil fan and the nice thing with coconut oil is it's going to have nice sustained ketone levels or trigger nice sustained ketone levels in your body because it has a mix of mcts but also the saturated fats that break down nice and slow this is a tremendous price for organic coconut oil i mean it really is 13.99 and it's organic and we're getting oh a couple pounds of coconut oil it's going to last us for a little while so it doesn't get more keto than that so we got this bad boy all right so we had all these different oils here we have a wall of oils right not exactly where you want to crash into if you're in a mario kart race you'd slide all over the place but what we do want is good oils that work for us now if you are a veteran of my channel you've probably paid close attention and saw that i posted a video that demonstrated that 82 percent of avocado oil that is on the market by a study conducted by uc davis is either rancid or is not even real avocado oil it's flat out soybean oil being marketed it's total bs and it oh it got me so heated if you want to see me get mad go watch that video it turns out that there's two brands that were legit 100 avocado oil out of that study two brands that at least they articulated marianne's and chosen foods well guess what costco has boom marianne's the one that is actually proven or should i say in scientific terms demonstrated by uc davis to be legit avocado oil costco just won so many points in my book for carrying that and i know because before they were carrying chosen foods which is also good but marianne's really took the cake and now all of a sudden what do you know it's here in the cases right so heck yes it's expensive and you're gonna pay a little bit more but at least we know it's real avocado oil and this is gonna last us a long time we're good so i'm getting that sucker but then we cannot deny that olive oil is probably the best fat that you can have even better than avocado oil avocado and olive oil are both really good healthy monounsaturated fats and i use them interchangeably most of the time but avocado oil is what you want to cook at a high heat with olive oil is what you want to cook in a moderate heat with but also just use it in your keto coffee anything like that so we have a few different options here this kirkland brand for nine dollars is a 2019 2020 harvest which is a good harvest year fyi okay i know 2020 sucked for most people but it was great for olives so we have there we go it's certified that's what we want to see but we also want to see in a dark bottle okay and then we have this one right this kirkland signature extra virgin olive oil it's not organic but it's you're paying for a tuscan brand is what's going on so a lot of times like italian olive oil has a little bit of a richer taste but i mean unless you're an olive oil connoisseur and you're going for a specific taste i wouldn't worry about it because this is organic 29 cents per ounce okay 9.89 for 33.8 ounces right so we're paying more money on this one i'm gonna go for the organic one i would avoid this olive oil because it's light a light bottle that means it's going to get tainted and it's not doesn't have that green color which means it's got a low amount of chlorophyll we have other versions of olive oil here too let's go ahead and flip a beezy here evaporated milk it's not keto spices these are all ki so keto uh here's here's a tremendous keto food to get [Applause] mix this in with everything i mix this in with coffee i mix it in with all kinds of stuff mixed in with yogurt anything just getting those antioxidant those good extra little boosts that you need of different minerals like in this case magnesium we've got copper just a tremendous source of theobromine all these things are going to assist with fatty acid mobilization and utilization within the body so i consider this a keto staple so i'm getting it ah here we go lecanto monk fruit sweetener straight up sweetener this would use just as a replacement for sugar when you're baking or in your coffee anything like that i love the golden one because it has a little bit more of a brown sugar type taste so super cool happy to find that here that one's a little sticky let's go with this one 879 is a good price for that too fyi be warned i love this product but it is not going to work on keto because this one is coconut milk powder and organic coconut sugar it is a great item layered superfoods is a great product line but this is just too much carbs because the coconut sugar but it wasn't geared for us doing keto it wasn't there's a vegan formula they didn't have us in mind so let's not worry about it then we have truvia this is also going to be keto friendly splenda is going to be keto friendly but there is a nature journal that was published that demonstrated that it actually killed off or changed 14 different species in our gut which is a big red flag to me on keto so i don't even want to pick that up because i don't want to drop that off anywhere i don't think i would donate that to anyone because that is definitely a non-essential food item truvia is a close second to la canto but i prefer monk fruit over stevia because stevia has been demonstrated to be a little bit more uh insulinogenic triggering an insulin spike matcha matcha matcha all right that kind of sounds like an east coaster saying marsha from brady bunch marcia marsha marsha matcha matcha matcha anyway no offense matcha is my jam this is a great price on matcha simply because you're i mean it's gonna last you how many servings is this 225 servings for 20 i a lot of times rotate out coffee and matcha but my pre-workout is generally matcha i did a video where i took matcha some apple cider vinegar some cayenne and i made like the ideal clean pre-workout utilizing nothing but just like kind of organic simple ingredients so this sencha brand i don't know much about i'm usually a ui uzido matcha excuse me so hard to say sometimes uhido matcha which is the brand that i typically do some work with but i'm not gonna lie i mean this is a decent product to find at costco and then this is kind of cool because this is like a green tea blend you get a hundred tea bags so if i had to choose between matcha and tea bags i would go with the matcha simply because this one i could add into cold water or hot water yes what is this something new brussels sprouts with apples and uncured bacon 10 for 32 ounces so we got a couple of pounds i know it's gonna have some carp okay guess it's got some carbs five grams of carbs four of which are fiber this doesn't add up okay a little bit of a discrepancy here we have total carbs five grams dietary fiber four grams total sugars four grams uh wouldn't that imply that we have at least eight grams of carbs but we only show five there what could be going on here is that the kinds of sugars like the raffinose and various sugars that sometimes metabolize differently out of brussels sprouts could also be double counted as a fiber i'm gonna give them the benefit of the dab let's see what's in this this is by the way so the perfect bite company i've never seen this one before brussels sprouts glaze which is apple juice water some apple juice concentrate ascorbic acid vitamin c sunflower oil apple cider vinegar dijon mustard maple syrup sea salt onion powder some apples in there some smoked bacon with no nitrates or nitrites added other than naturally occurring in celery powder okay i'm happy to see it you know a little bit of sugar really not bad the hard part is the fat is coming from sunflower oil which is not what i would typically recommend however it's a new find and i want to test it out so i'll try it i'm probably going to pick out the apples and that'll drop the carb content a couple so cool little keto find as far as fruit on keto uh yes you can have about a half a cup of fruit per day ah and here we go keto ice cream bars two grams of net carbs i've talked about these before they're pretty darn clean really okay cream water chocolate coating uh coconut oil erythritol sunflower lecithin mct oil stevia extract vanilla extract egg yolk erythritol pretty darn clean considering it's an ice cream but i am going to get it because it's definitely a keto item 11.99 and this is the sea salt caramel keto pint ice cream bars definitely give them a thumbs up on being a relatively clean keto item look at this cart right now guys look at this this is every good decent keto item okay and not counting random meats and things like that that are obviously keto okay soy milk not gonna work look at this nine grams of carbs eight grams of sugar plus a bunch of soy we don't wanna have that anyway okay let's find this one right here all right so here we have an almond beverage let's see what's in this one this is the kirkland brand and we have we got almond base calcium carbonate sea salt sunflower less than locust bean gum gel and gum oh tosofaros that's a vitamin e preservative antioxidant preservatives zinc okay so carb wise it works but it's not refrigerated so they have a bunch of other stuff in there to preserve it so let's pass on that oh this one i get asked about a lot these snap peas uh harvest pea crisps organic green peas canola oil organic rice salt no way too many carbs let's keep it simple on that one not gonna fly okay okay some beyond burgers a lot of people ask about this let's see what's in these guys water pea protein expeller pressed canola oil third ingredient is canola oil so you're basically eating canola oil then all the studies on coconut oil okay so let me clear something up i have had people send me studies on coconut oil before and says coconut oil is terrible you shouldn't be using it it's causing all these issues nine out of four i should technically say like eight out of 11 of the studies that i've pulled specifically on this have demonstrated that coconut oil is extremely beneficial the ones that show it being negative guess what they're using refined coconut oil not that refined is always bad but we got to compare apples to apples here if you're going to try to discredit me come on let's comp i'm wrong a lot i mean don't get me wrong i'm not perfect but anyway natural flavors cocoa butter mung bean protein methyl cellulose potato starch apple extract so there's some decent stuff but there's some really sketchy stuff exceller pressed canola oil but at the end of the day is it keto it is keto i would just not recommend it being your primary i wish they would just switch that expeller press canola oil then i wouldn't even consider it that bad of a food really so anyway we'll get it bacon wrapped stuffed chicken whoa whoa whoa whoa what's this this is new what's going on here broccoli and cheddar cheese from real good which is a pretty good food company in fact a real good food company we've got chicken breast bacon parmesan cheese chedda it's keto it's legit it's high in salt to high heaven but it's okay it's a new keto find man i'm glad i come here like every other day so 12.89 for 36 ounces so you know that's a couple pounds that's really like you know six-ish bucks a pound really not bad and certified let's see certified gluten-free grain-free unexpected inspected it's not organic but that's that's a good find i'm getting that all right seems like every time i turn around they are changing the greek yogurts they've got here greek yogurt is keto friendly let's find the best one gr uh faya 599 organic clover 599 but that's vanilla and has sugar added to it or we've got this organic green mountain for 15 cents per ounce that's the one i'm getting nice probiotic content thermophilus bulgaricus acidophilus bifidus and paracase a really good strains to help out your gut definitely something especially if you're starting keto that you might want to get and so that's the one we go for the green mountain organic is a better bargain than the fire heavy whipping cream all right we got to get all the keto items i said i would so okay this so how in california we get producers dairy right at costco depends on where you're in the country you are you're going to have different things right but there's one thing that's a little bit disconcerting you have cream and carrageenan in there as a binder i think you might be better off to get your heavy whipping cream from somewhere else the more fat that you have coming from the milk you have more benefit but you also have more drawback conjugated linoleic acid coming from the fat which is great and good for your waistline and has been shown in studies to actually accelerate weight loss but in this case we get all the hormones and all the toxins because we're not even getting an organic one now i don't think i'm going to get this because i think it would go to waste and most places where you donate aren't going to take a lot of perishables but let's consider that i just all intensive purposes but i got it and it's in my cart right now we'll just kind of pretend it's there ah here we go okay so the almond milk we have all these different kinds here we have silk almond milk original don't make the mistake okay we've got to get almond milk that's unsweetened this one let's see we've got filtered water organic almonds vitamin mineral blend some gums a little bit of natural flavor not nearly as bad as that one that was over there that was not refrigerated um is it perfect no could you get a cleaner one could you make it yourself absolutely but nine dollars for three of these that's three bucks a pop for one that actually is organic by the way that's a that's a really good bargain i'm getting that costco has a great egg selection we'll keep this really brief in here because it's freezing uh that egg doesn't look good but we want to get these pasture raised eggs now organic and pasture raises actually something that's hard to come by so i wanted to just jump in here i am taking a risk by going in here where it's freezing right now and a t-shirt and shorts to show you that costco has tremendous eggs but you've probably heard that from myself and bobby over at flame city probably a hundred times over the last year so let's just get on and out of here i see something i want 4505 pork rinds i am a sucker for these guys because they go the extra mile with high quality pork the first ingredient is the biggest ingredient in this case we have fried pork skin coming from pork that is actually good okay so we purchase the same humanely raised meat that we feed our family raised the care by dedicated ranchers committed good husbandry practices um it's important to know how poor pigs are treated so humanely raised is important quality is important what they feed them is important so with 4505 there's a little things you know yes we have a couple little grams of sugar in there but not even enough to trigger anything right or this one doesn't have the sugar does it oh yeah it does organic sugar fried and rendered pork fat anyway super clean so i'm going to get the i'm going to get this one and i'm going to get this one because a i want to support a good company but b heck yeah we got both flavors definitely should support them not to mention by the way that's something you can get on thrive market just letting you know okay we got more snacks what's up here okay i've talked about this in my keto deceptive item haul chocolate liquor erythritol the fats blend coconut oil cocoa butter sunflower lecithin not a bad fat blend inulin cocoa powder processed with alkali salt vanilla powder stevia leaf extract this one is clean and is good i actually prefer the fact that they are using um they have erythritol in there but they're not adding any kind of weird fats in there coconut oil and cocoa butter as their fats and then they have some stevia leaf in there they have the inulin in there that's going to kind of act as a binder to give it volume inulin is a long uh it's a long fiber that breaks down in your gut so it's going to bloat you but it also contributes to your good gut bacteria this is the cups expensive definitely expensive but we're going to get them because it's a keto item and we're all about the keto items same exact company did a bar and i think it's about the same stuff fats bling cocoa butter almond butter a little bit different because they have almond butter in this one soluble tapioca fiber fava brain protein isolate that's nice an additional protein in there erythritol chocolate liquor rice protein ice that could have gone without natural flavors could have done without a couple things in there that i wouldn't recommend but still all in all pretty darn good so we're getting that bad boy anything else here let's blaze a trail uh these kirkland protein bars will work on keto but check out the fiber content 15 grams of fiber plus four grams of erythritol so only four grams of net carbs but it's all coming from the fiber that you're getting in that those non-net carbs it's just a little bit of a bloating issue but also we have milk protein isolate whey protein isolate not the end of the world cashews which i usually didn't have it makes the cut and it actually is the best protein bar they have here but protein bars are not something you typically want to lean on it's not marketed as keto so i'm not going to pick it up right now here's something interesting what's this garlic herb and olive oil blue diamond almonds almond i think we'll choose our nuts wisely because they get expensive here but that's actually a good price but almonds the next ingredient vegetable oil which is almond canola or safflower oil then sea salt roasted garlic spices oregano basil rosemary extra virgin olive oil at the bottom it's mainly vegetable this should say garlic herb and canola oil but it so anyhow um could you get it on keto absolutely so we're going to grab it that's a good item that we can donate and that's actually a really good price so i'll give them that all right kerrygold salted unsalted super good price here pure irish butter grass-fed butter there's argument out there whether kerry gold is truly grass-fed or not having a hard time finding the truth on it frankly but that is a good price 12.99 for a four pack eight ounces so we're getting that because i will use that in my house either way these organic hard boiled eggs are a really good price and definitely a good keto item so let's go ahead and grab these bad boys this is a good keto looking car okay this is not the good cheese i'm gonna defer you to my specific costco cheese video rather than bore you the details on this one sour cream definitely keto cream cheese definitely keto let me tell you they don't have a good cleaner cream cheese but bargain wise the tub is going to be a better bargain um and it's also a little bit easier to use and it lasts a little bit longer so i would go for that one okay so we got blue diamond almonds again but these are like the smokehouse ones which everybody loves and it's not a bad price but we have the same problem almonds vegetable oil which is a bunch of canola oil and then also a bunch of yeast and a bunch of weird things to just to heighten the flavor up so let's not get that let's pick some perfect the perfect nut that we could get here pistachios are usually good i usually like macadamia nuts but i haven't seen them here recently pistachios are okay they're just higher carb pine nuts are one of the highest omega 6 nuts that you could get so i would not typically recommend those let's see oh they do they've got the good old regular ones they're expensive but they are the quintessential keto nut so we're getting them okay that is expensive 13 bucks per pound but at target they're six ounces and a six ounce bag is uh now 11.99 here in california so here we're getting a pound sorry 24 ounces for 20 bucks so yes you're spending a lot of money on the front end but it is a good bargain then they have these honey roasted macadamias oh man i bet those are delicious but not gonna work so we're gonna get these out of all the nuts on keto that you could get here at costco i would get these otherwise dry roasted almonds are probably gonna be the next best one that you could get or if you went through the baking section and got kind of baking style almonds or baking style nuts i would go with like the walnuts because they're such a high omega-3 content sonoma vegetable crisps cauliflower tomato carrot okra this is new wait what oh so they're no longer sonoma cheese they're now just sonoma snacks because they're seeing some purple sweet potato potato cauliflower carrot yeah not keto 16 grams of carbs this company used to just do cheese i guess they saw people making money and vegetables yeah see because there's sonoma snacks here's sonoma creamery it's the same thing but they add quinoa to this look at parmesan crisps with quinoa and it ends up jacking up the carb content so much parmesan cheese brown rice oat bran quinoa they make it sound like it's this positive thing when it's a heck of a lot cheaper than to put oat bran and starches in there than it is real cheese and it's kind of funny because then they end up right next door to parm crisps who's doing it right and it makes them look like a complete jerk like 849 for 10 ounces or 8.99 for nine and a half ounces of solid legit cheese right aged parmesan cheese sesame seeds poppy seeds garlic and minced onion these guys are nailing it these guys are missing the mark and i wish one of them would just watch my videos to see that like i just i'm from the town of sonoma so this just like personally irks me that like my own hometown is just like not getting it so these guys who are from montclair new jersey not anywhere near my hometown are nailing it so these are definitely keto let's grab those what's this let's see duke's original recipe smoked shorty sausages we have pork less than two percent salt chopped parsley a little bit of cane sugar spices celery powder vinegar citric acid roasted garlic palm oil okay not the best not the worst definitely keto friendly let's go ahead and grab those guys 10.99 that's actually pretty good for those we have a variety pack here those the specific gold one beef brown sugar seven grams of carbs yeah that's not gonna work that's it golden island korean barbecue i bet you this is gonna have a bunch of carbs 10 grams of carbs burnt not working okay larissa's kitchen what is this beef raised without grass-fed organic beef gluten-free wait a minute here's something new steak strips larissa's kitchen what do we got here organic beef water cane sugar a little bit of man organic soy sauce i wish they used tamari so they didn't have to use soy beans oh man i had such high hopes but if that sugar content is just not going to work on kudo we move along the line we get into the kirkland stuff let's see slice from whole top round brown sugar still a little lower carb five grams of carbs but also have canola oil added into it wow are we seriously striking out on beef jerky with the exception of the sticks seriously okay all right so now we have coconut keto clusters all right from a company called inno foods now i'm going to show the label for a minute because a lot of you have been asking me to show the label a little bit longer because i forget you guys are consuming these things you want to know which ones to get oh i hear the beep okay let's take a close-up here we have so we have let's see in here we have coconut pumpkin seeds pecans almonds what cane sugar brown rice syrup coconut butter erythritol flaxseed why so many companies do this they add sugar to it to round out the flavor this practically makes it not even keto with eight grams of carbs for 1 16 1 16 of this bag like that's like that much and we have 8 grams of carbs but it's marketed as keto if you had a small amount it would be keto we need to get it i said good bad ugly what is this no that's definitely not keto it's not even bothered not marketed as keto either interesting product okay let's roll wait wait seriously crunchy yo new item okay we've got seaweed okay not the cleanest though seaweed sugar hydrolyzed vegetable protein which is soybean corn yeast extract maltodextrin salt caramel color fermented soy sauce soybean malt okay at least they're using fermented soy sauce so it doesn't have to have the wheat in it shiitake mushroom salt pepper powder disodium 5 glenolate disodium 5 and austenite clove cinnamon contains okay i get it and this would definitely be something that would be keto friendly you could get it for sure but it's got quite a bit of junk in it wow that's interesting it's got a bunch of preservatives in it whereas i know their seaweed snacks which i haven't seen in this trip are much better much better option to get seaweed snacks then um big roll which is kind of a weird name okay now we're going to go over to the refrigerated section but i'm going to make this really quick we're going to hit just the kind of the prepared foods and i'm only going to show you the items that are good to go my battery is running low and i want to make sure that i'm not taking up all your time we're trying to keep this video as short as we can to show you everything you can get so i'll see you in a second these guys tremendous little keto item they're a knock off of the watch out behind you they're a knock off of these starbucks keto egg bites this one looks a little broken let me get a different one uh the starbucks keto egg bites use potato starch not the end of the world but it adds some carbs to it whereas these use uh cottage cheese see if i can find anywhere yeah see cottage cheese you could pick it apart find some things wrong with it i like the egg white ones just because i like to taste better but they also have these ones that are the uh regular cheese and uncured bacon flavor if you like that one parmesan folios cheese wraps use these as like a burrito and they're clean and approved too pasteurized cow's milk salt microbial enzymes it's parmesan which is a hard age cheese which is one of the best cheeses you can get on keto so it definitely makes the cut let's get that bad boy kimchi and sauerkraut two really good things on keto definitely recommend those we've got all these different kind of smoked meats or smoked salmons go for the sock i smoked salmon that's going to be the best one in fact let's go ahead and wow that's 20 bucks i think i got enough salt i'm not going to spend any more money on something i don't need right now because i don't think i could donate that either all right i did a full deli meat video and lunch meat video i can honestly tell you this is one of the best bargains at costco okay it's this prosciutto de parma the only ingredients in this are going to be ham parma ham and prosciutto so we have literally just two things the only ingredients that are in this i think it's on the front no artificial ingredients where'd it go doesn't even say you're here but i picked this one up before yeah there we go ingredients pork and salt that is it no preservatives no disodium phosphates no sodium phosphate at all just good clean simple stuff all right i promised you that we would hit the supplements for just a second show you the best protein powder to get and show you a couple of oils to get uh they have some mct oil i'll show you what to grab then we'll check out and we got to take a guess at what the total bill is going to be all right i did a full costco vitamin haul and that's going to be airing later this month and if you're watching this video later you can check it out uh check out these liquid iv [Applause] look at pure cane sugar not not the kind of electrolyte you want to use in terms of my electrolytes i recommend a company called element lmnt you can get them on thrive market as well this is a very good price for mct oil okay sports research usda organic mct oil unflavored this one i love it is a very good price for this size organic mct oil from non-gmo verified organic coconuts so in this case look at it actually shows the typical fatty acid composition this is caprylic acid c8 9 grams capric acid c10 so it's a c8c10 blend which is typically what you want uh some companies sell straight c8 i prefer a c8c10 blend because it's a little bit better as far as ketone production goes over the longer haul and for the millionth time that i've talked about this protein powder as far as the whey protein powders this is going to be the one to get 30 for 40 servings pure whey protein isolate still has some stuff in it that's not perfect but it is the cleanest way that they have here compared to some of these i have a bunch of garbage in them okay so we have gotten just about every single keto snack look at this every single keto snack that you can really get at costco now we gotta go pay the bill let's see how much we spent at costco and see what we're donating and what we're keeping so john my videographer and i are trying to determine let's see take a look at this how much money we probably spent here i'm thinking i'm thinking we're gonna be not too bad maybe 360. i'm thinking like 360-ish somewhere in there what do you think josh i'm gonna undercut you i'm gonna go to 300. okay john says 300 i say 360. just for fun put your guess down below in the comment section before we actually reveal it just see if you're right [Music] all right i'm nervous now all right okay oh yeah all right okay well i was closer than you john well the weather turned while we were in there i guess we were in there for quite a while either that or just made the world kind of dark with how much money i spent at costco but we got a lot of keto items and i am pretty damn pumped on the new items at the breeze and it hasn't even been long since i filmed the costco video it's been maybe a month and they already got some new items like this real good item right on top these brussels sprouts the different mct oils these new everything parm crisps so i'm excited about some of the new items that i found but i'm more excited that i was able to show you pretty much i probably missed one or two but every keto item that is at costco right now that you can use as a light meal or a snack so please check out all my other costco hulls because i have dozens of them that break down different diets different strategies different food groups different categories all so you can get the best best bang for the buck while still staying true to whatever dietary pattern you're following so make sure you keep it locked in here on my channel don't forget to subscribe don't forget to turn on those notifications don't forget to check out thrive market and miss jones and i will see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 207,584
Rating: 4.9334683 out of 5
Keywords: costco haul, shopping at costco, costco shopping, keto grocery haul, costco grocery haul, keto at costco, shopping for keto, costco shopping trip, costco keto grocery haul, costco shop with me, costco haul keto, mega costco haul, buying all the keto food, buying all keto food, thomas delauer, massive keto haul, massive grocery haul, leto, keto item, Costco, keto items at Costco, keto haul
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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