16:8 Intermittent Fasting - EVERYTHING You Need to Get Started

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call me professor uncomplicator because i'm going to uncomplicate how to do 16 8 intermittent fasting for beginners [Music] fasting is not complicated it's very simple we make it complicated because we get excited about the science about the physiology about the cellular aspects of it and there's a lot to get excited about and i myself get overzealous sometimes so i wanted to create this video to give you a clear simple guide on how to do the basics of 16-8 fasting while still justifying it with just enough science to get you excited and to be a level up from some of the other very basic stuff that's out there so we're gonna have some fun with this let's go ahead and dive in don't forget to subscribe don't forget to turn on notifications all right so i divided this to two categories fasting and eating the two very clear phases of intermittent fasting sixteen eight fasting is where you are fasting for 16 hours and you're eating for eight hours it doesn't mean you have to eat the entire eight hours it just means that your fasting period is 16 hours so what i typically recommend you do is start your fast at 7 00 pm of course the night before your official fasting day okay what this does is it allows your circadian rhythm to align so you get the most out of your fast the next day it also makes it a little bit easier to get started i know it's difficult to stop eating at 7 pm but it really does align with your sort of metabolic and your environmental clocks right you're not supposed to be eating when it's super dark out it's just not the way it's supposed to be so you're going to get better results that way but then what i want you to do is when you wake up have some apple cider vinegar why are we doing this well you don't have to do it but apple cider vinegar will kick you into a fasted state a little bit faster so it's a great way to start the day it's a great way to kick start some of the metabolic processes and just get your day going okay there's a lot of reasons i have a lot of videos as to why to do this if you want you can add a little bit of ginger or a little bit of turmeric or even a little bit of cayenne pepper to some apple cider vinegar along with some water super simple and you don't have to do it it's just if you're going to do it that's the best time during the morning period it is absolutely okay if you have some coffee or some tea however at this point in the game it absolutely needs to be black you cannot put a sweetener in it and you cannot put some kind of creamer in it you can possibly put a little bit of stevia or a little bit of monk fruit into black coffee or black tea that is up to you there are some arguments out there saying that it affects the fast but i don't want to over complicate it here okay so they are fasting approved my recommended tea at this time of day is going to be one from peak tea okay so peak tea crystals has a few different variations uh the one that i would like to have in the morning is called bergamot it's kind of like earl grey that's what that earl grey flavor you get is so it's just enough energy gives you that nice little boost and peak tea is just high-class stuff okay it's got these really nice crystals that typically break down in a lot of times cold or hot water so very very easy and if you use the code thomas you can save five percent which is something they usually don't do so peak tea is kind of my go-to with fasting as far as like different kinds of teas i always kind of mix them up so anyway that's just my recommendation there we'll talk a little bit more at some other things as we go i want you to do your workout in a fasted state after you have your caffeine if you choose to do so okay it's okay that you're not going to be eating right after your workout okay that's a myth that you have to do that most people think that right after your workout you have to eat well believe it or not protein synthesis where your body recovers from a workout occurs for about 24 hours after your workout so you don't even have to eat right after your workout there's some benefits there but for the most part if it means breaking your fast early don't do it might as well just get your workout in and believe it or not doing some strength training during a fasted state is actually a great way to build muscle because you actually align some of the hormonal responses to allow your body to get more out of your workout later on in the day pretty cool stuff okay now let's talk about post-workout and for the rest of the fasting period okay you've done your workout maybe you didn't either way approved drinks what can you drink sip on tea sip on coffee believe it or not the caffeine is what is called here's a fancy word a phosphate diastereos inhibitor this means that it allows your body to accumulate some of the stuff that allow it that triggers your body to burn more fat so caffeine is a fat mobilizer so that means your tea your coffee i usually sip on green tea throughout the day i usually sip on coffee throughout the day i don't go overboard anyway peak tea also has some great teas there as far as green teas go if you want to check them out again link down below in the description you can sip on mineral water absolutely zero problem whatsoever there's no calories in that herbal tea even if it has tiny little chunks of fruit in it i'm not too worried about it it's such a negligible you know fraction of a calorie uh any zero calorie beverage is technically okay now we could get complicated here but i'm keeping it simple this is beginners okay now you could say that artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose things like that will kick you out of a fast because there's something called a cephalic insulin response i have other videos on that if you want to go down that rabbit hole but basically there's an argument that they could spike your insulin and could feasibly kick you out of a fast i think for all intents and purposes if you're a beginner to 16 8 fasting it's probably okay that you have that i'm not a big fan of artificial sweeteners i usually lean towards stevia or monk fruit so get some of those zero calorie beverages that are maybe sweetened with that instead supplements that you might want to consider taking during this period in which you are not eating magnesium potassium sodium so maybe some electrolytes i usually recommend like element lmnt electrolytes creatine sounds crazy because you might be thinking i'm not trying to build muscle but we're talking one or two grams not enough to really have a big muscle building effect creatine isn't a muscle building supplement creatine is an energy supplement it creates atp which is energy and it does that in your brain too so people get a huge brain boost if they take a little bit of creatine and i recommend it if you are someone that is maybe getting a little bit brain foggy as you're adjusting to this fast okay works really well tyrosine also is a precursor to dopamine so it's going to help you feel a little bit better help that reward seeking behavior so it makes it so you're not craving as much definitely not a necessity none of these you have to take but i would recommend you balance your electrolytes with some salt in the water at least enhancers and the reason i say this is maybe you've been fasting for a few weeks you're like i'm loving this i want to get more out of this how do i get more what well it's complicated science and again i have plenty of videos that break it down if you want to go down that rabbit hole and you've subscribed to this channel which again don't forget to subscribe uh turmeric just in a powder form has some attributes to it that put you deeper into a fast so maybe like you're 10 hours into a fast 12 hours into a fast and you're like i want more i want to i want my body to think that i'm deeper in this fast a little bit of turmeric like a half a teaspoon with some water gonna have a big effect same thing with ginger ginger powder can do a big thing okay also cayenne see cayenne pepper has a thermogenic effect but it also has some effects as far as the vagus nerve is concerned now what that means is a large part of the fat burning that's happening from fasting isn't just because you're not consuming calories you see when you're fasting your body's kind of shocked it's kind of like in a fight or flight mode right well cayenne pepper is going to put you more into that fight or flight mode that fight-or-flight mode triggers the body to release energy from the storage form in an effort to give you more energy because it's as far as it's concerned thinks you're in a little bit of an emergency another one that you could play around with this is one that's relatively new to me so it isn't even in previous videos a little bit of sage sage thyme rosemary oregano have powerful effects on gene expression of what is called pgc1 alpha and also the whole gamut of what is called ppar alpha have i blown your mind with some weird nonsensical science yet i probably have in fact i've probably just bored your mind so if you want to see more of those videos don't forget to look at my various fasting playlists that break those down even more but we're keeping it simple right what kind of things are approved like random ancillary things gum for the sake of a beginner intermittent fasting protocol i'm okay with you having gum i am okay granted it might make you a little hungry i'm on the fence with it mints usually not mints have a little bit more body and volume to them than gum you're actually ingesting more so no on the mints toothpaste common question that comes up my toothpaste has sweetener in it might is this breaking my fast uh just avoid toothpastes that have xylitol xylitol does actually have a little bit of a metabolic effect okay so just be careful with that it doesn't mean you don't brush your teeth just what i would recommend is really making a concerted effort to rinse thoroughly and spit and get all that toothpaste out mct oil is a common one that comes up you see mct oil is touted in the metabolic community fasting keto because it is highly thermogenic it does help you burn a little bit more fat uh is it going to break a fast it really is so unfortunately it's not something i would recommend having during your fast which kind of leads me to like the five calorie rule i i grant a little bit of amnesty to anything that has like five calories or less right a little bit of gum a little bit of some herbal tea that might have a calorie or two because i largely think that if you're consuming that it's not having a significant effect on your fast and a lot of times there's attributes to these certain things like herbal tea that actually can help you out with your fast same kind of thing with ginger right you take some ginger in a couple calories in it but the mere effect of the ginger on your metabolism actually supersedes the couple calories that are in it side effects you might experience when you start fasting a little bit of hypoglycemia however the hypoglycemia that's associated with fasting is largely psychological they've been done some studies where they've actually seen this where they've seen like okay people are actually fabricating their own hypoglycemia they're creating it because they are thinking they need food when in reality they don't they've done this with some double blind placebo stuff it's really wild so don't don't panic too much then sleeplessness is a little bit common usually comes because people are pushing their eating periods so far back and they're ending up not eating in the morning and they're eating late at night and that's disrupting their sleep and their melatonin process within the body so that can usually be adjusted by just trimming it back and not eating so late fatigue as you adjust and then constipation diarrhea is common just because your digestive system is adjusting you're getting all these benefits with the migrating motor complex and gut motility prior to breaking your fast here's what i recommend you do a little bit of cinnamon okay because cinnamon is going to lower your cortisol levels so that way when you do bring in some food you're going to have less likelihood of a lipoprotein lipase and enzyme triggering that food to get stored as fat okay so what i would usually recommend is you use just quarter teaspoon of cinnamon half an hour before you break your fast or peak tea also has a really delicious cinnamon tea that is caffeine free so again that's something you can sip on that tea so really the whole gamut there so again you can use the code thomas and check them out and get five percent off and that way you can try the cinnamon tea as well one of my favorite fasting teas bone broth is optional bone broth is going to help draw water into your intestinal tract making it so that you're able to utilize more of the nutrients that you're consuming without potential gut distress a little bit of salt prior to breaking your fast 30 minutes prior to to help stabilize electrolyte levels before you bring food in now we move into the eating period okay things are a little bit different you break your fast like this lean poultry lean fish or a plant-based protein shake and i don't say that because i'm trying to push any kind of plant-based agenda or anything i'm not saying that i just don't like whey protein right when you break a fast because it can trigger an inflammatory response i do consume whey protein sometimes okay i'm not opposed to it i just think in the sake of breaking your fast a little bit better this way lean poultry or fish because they're higher in thiamine helps you out with the glucose metabolism later on down the line i don't recommend beef right when you break a fast and that largely has to do with the fact that saturated fat right when you break a fast is very hard on the system it can trigger what are called lipopolysaccharides those are pathogenic materials within your gut to leech into the bloodstream triggering a secondary inflammatory response much of the benefit we're after with fasting is to modulate inflammation and to control that to help us with aches and pains to help us feel clearer to help us get more out of our mind and out of our lives and out of our families and when you start getting these lipopolysaccharides in this inflammatory response you might feel good during your fast but it makes you feel like a total like dog foot the rest of the day all right i don't recommend veggies right when you break your fast because it's hard on the gut i love veggies do not put me in a corner and say that i don't like veggies because of this they're just not in place right here avoid excessive salt right when you break a fast keep it low carb okay so really it's just lean protein this is a small meal this isn't like an actual meal this is a breaking a fast strategy more than anything we want to do that so we get the body adapted to consuming a small amount of food and then we bring the larger amounts of food and the boluses in later okay so if you need a little bit of sugar for whatever reason try to get it from fructose like maybe some honey or something like that because that doesn't trigger an insulin response we don't want an insulin spike right now b vitamins are gonna help you so you don't feel fatigued later on in the day i'm a big fan of bee pollen usually the one i typically use is a company called beekeepers naturals you can check them out i'm happy to post a link if anyone wants to see it too 30 to 90 minutes later after you break your fast i recommend having a larger meal with more diversity this is where you can get flexible a little bit this is where you can have your steak this is where you can have your ground beef your fattier cuts of red meat this is where you can have some more fun with it i recommend you have soluble fiber with this meal though okay i do whatever you can to get some of that that's going to be things like chia it's going to be things like flax okay try to get some of that in there just in one way or another so that you do get some of what are called short chain fatty acids again it's so complicated but basically what it is is those fibers break down into components that send signals to our brain to help our metabolism uh higher fat if you're doing keto if you're keto with this this is the meal that you bring lots of the fats in and you just go to town you enjoy the dark chocolate that's unsweetened you enjoy the butter you enjoy the ghee this is your time if you're doing a carb diet you're not keto this is your time to bring in a multitude of different carbs this is where i want the bulk of it 40 of your calories should be coming in with this meal this is the bigger meal of the day okay larger meals earlier earlier air quotes in the day i don't want you loading up on too much food later in the day okay so we probably have 20 or so your calories here 40 here so you know left with uh 40 the rest of the day so no real snacking uh i want you to kind of continue on with keeping it clean lunch and dinner skewed more towards protein less fat even if your keto less fat with these meals more protein okay taper your calories as you go so if you do two more meals after this you should be taping your calories less and less as you go okay the last meal should be easier to digest i feel like if you do something mediterranean style with like a nice fatty fish with a good omega-3 profile along with some specific herbs oregano thyme also rosemary sage these have genetic activators in them to help you get more out of your next fast long story anyway high veggie content with this meal lots of veggies we want that butyrate which is a short chain fatty acid that comes from the veggies because it's going to kick start our next fast again complicated i know mediterranean is the theme here think mediterranean look up some mediterranean diets strategies look up some mediterranean recipes strict stop at 7 pm hopefully even earlier so i want you to condition your calories so that you're getting them all by then 40 of your calories earlier and then you know condensing them so you're done okay you're going to get more benefit if you drop the fast if you drop the eating around seven and you have a couple hours before you go to bed i promise you that is pretty much something i can guarantee you're gonna get better results that way some supplements that you can have in the evening time after you've eaten coenzyme q10 which is going to help what is called the electron transport chain it's going to help you manufacture energy so your body knows how to utilize the food better i recommend some krill algol or calamarine oil this is basically just good fish oil a good quality fish oil would be okay too and i want you to do this because it's hard to get enough omega-3s during a fasting day so get those in magnesium once again four or five hundred milligrams and then also uh recommend some probiotics because again i am a big fan of gut diversity my recommended probiotic is one called seed which i talk about in my videos all the time as well so anyhow this is a simple breakdown of how to do intermittent fasting for a beginner this video is only going to take off with your help so please if you know people that want to do intermittent fasting i highly recommend that you get this video out to your friends and family give it a share put it on facebook put it on other places get it out there and don't forget to check out peak tea down below and check out some of their awesome fasting teas using code thomas i will see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 174,968
Rating: 4.9573398 out of 5
Keywords: 16 8 intermittent fasting, beginners guide to intermittent fasting, 16/8 intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting weight loss, intermittent fasting for beginners, guide to intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting schedule example, how to do intermittent fasting, 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule, fasting schedule 16/8, sample fasting schedule, when to fast, how long to fast for, thomas delauer, 16:8 intermittent fasting, everything you need, fasting, intermittent fasting
Id: m09B2hDx-Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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