Start with your SPEAKING Voice - before you SING!

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it all starts with your speaking voice if you want to sing really awesome with your natural voice and if you have been struggling to find your natural voice and ask yourself where is it when I speak it's all fine and when I sing something happens and it's like I'm not myself anymore and I have a different voice well if you want to find out more you're gonna want to stay tuned for this one your speaking voice is the part of your voice that you use every day without thinking about it much but maybe you shouldn't think about it more consciously or even just notice what you do because I feel that having the parallel between your singing and speaking voice really helps you really discover where your natural voice is sitting and how it's placed I just had a coaching session with a student and she had the problem that she said it seems like I just don't even know where my natural voice it's because I will sing one song it'll sound this way and the next song it'll sound differently and when I speak it sounds different again and how do I find my natural voice so we did some exercises and I will help you discover your natural voice because I think that in your speech is the secret quote-unquote that is hidden in there to find your natural voice you hear me speak right now and I've showed you this in other videos before this is my natural speaking voice now first of all you want to make sure that you are actually speaking in a very natural way I have actually encountered vocal coaches who speak in their head voice there's one lady that I discovered online and she teaches and while everything she says it's true she herself she does not sing in chess floors and she does not even speak in chess voice so she will de constantly speak like this and this is not very much chest voice you could speak like this but it's a little bit artificial and I'm not using my chest mechanism very much I'm more using the head mechanism so you want to be aware where your voice is situated also it may be that you're speaking very sharp and this is a little high for me also if I were gonna speak this is a little too low for me as a speaking pitch and usually that manifests itself by having a little vocal fry in your voice this what happens to me when I get tired I get too low and the vocal fry starts happening and my vocal cords just closed anymore right because I don't have the tension it's also because I'm too low so right now the way I'm speaking I'm going up and down and this is my very natural speaking voice and I'm speaking to you in a way that I'm not very soft so if I we're speaking to someone maybe to my daughter at night right when I went to put her to bed I'm gonna speak a little more softly like this and my vocal cords don't close as tightly then but this is part of singing when you sing a ballad and you're singing lowered you don't want to be so loud and so you don't need a lot of very tight vocal closure when you do that now when I speak to you I raise my voice just a little bit more because I don't know why you guys aren't even like right in front of me but the camera I guess is over there and that's the feeling that I'm talking to the camera it's a few feet away from me so it's more like my voice raises its pitch but at the same time I have more chesty sound and also my vocal cords close a little bit more tightly because I need that energy in order to produce that tone that is not breathy see that would be weird I don't speak like that do I would that be strange yeah I may do that for a moment when I say oh look at that but see it's all part of my natural speaking voice so right here this is where I would sing when I'm in the middle of my voice and this is where I sing this is where I sing went on them in the middle of my voice see this is very natural da da da this is where I'm speaking right now see how it's happening and I'm going up and I'm going down see and the voice placement it's very much in a very natural way I'm not pushing anything I'm not sounding darker or brighter than I would normally when I speak and this is a good place if you want to sing pop anything that's not classical you want to really be there to where it's a very natural sound and placement now when I go up and you wanna be in chess boys and I want to start belting out I don't want to push anything around see when I speak I don't speak like this when I go all now this is crazy I don't do that pushing my Larry's down her long period of time is not really helpful and it would be a very weird and not natural sound also I wouldn't be very narrow in my throat I wouldn't raise my larynx I'll be really hard but I would go like oh no I can't believe you're doing this see this is how I would speak this is exactly how I would sing this is exactly how I would sing see I do it's all very seamless I start there and I now go there and then I go there and then let's talk about head voice if you want a head voice that is not so classical that's kind of positioned in a very natural way just a measurement go oh no oh oh my goodness you just may do this in your speech just for a second not really for prolonged periods of time but you go [Music] see it's still very natural it's naturally placed I'm not pushing the larynx I'm not darkening or brightening a lot I'm trying to just see and find what is going on in my speaking voice and I want you to pay more attention every day on what you do what you actually do how do you place your voice because chances are you have been speaking for years and have never even paid attention to what you do and speaking seems kind of easy because you don't think about it and just comes naturally and then when you start singing it's like no I'm singing and I have a different tone and you're working and you're overworking you're working yourself to death trying to sing in a way that it's not really your voice isn't naturally placed that's why it's so much work you're creating so much more strain on your voice than you need to be plus you you probably you need a lot more air because you have breath in us going on or all these different problems that start to arise when you don't have a natural placement so please start with your speech start with your speaking voice and that'll really help you in your singing and also be more conscious in your speaking voice make sure you rise and lower your pitches that you have ups and downs and that you don't speak too low they don't have the vocal fry' going on and then you don't speak too high and don't like ah like this also make sure you don't speak in your head voice it's kind of weird it's uncommon but some people actually do it thank you for watching today I will hope to see you again in my next video and if you have not subscribed please hit that little Bell click on that that way you will be notified when new videos come out and you don't miss it thanks for watching have a great week and always keep on singing and always keep us on your heart bye now [Music]
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 33,323
Rating: 4.9715862 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, online vocal coach, online singing lessons, freya casey, speaking voice, improve your singing voice
Id: krYw8j4PYtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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