Basics First!!! You MUST Do This BEFORE You Can Become A Great Singer!

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basics first do not start doing all this advanced stuff if you do not have the basics down first so important lay the foundation and then you can build on that now what are the basics let's talk about it today I get a lot of questions from you from in my Facebook group from my students how do i do whistle register how do i belt hire how do i do distortion how do i do raspiness all these things and my first question would be do you have the basics down are you really firm in your foundations like do you have first of all do you have good pitch control so important it's like someone playing the violin in the beginning the pitches are way off because it's just not really accurate yet and that sounds excruciating ly painful you want to make sure you have good pitch control you want to make sure you have good posture you want to make sure you have your breathing mastered you're not taking short shallow breaths you're not breathing up here but you're breathing deep down expanding your ribs way deep down you want to have this done so important because you cannot belt higher or sing whistle register if you do not have the foundation you're gonna hurt yourself and you're gonna be frustrated and also most songs don't take place at the limits of what you possibly can do most songs the majority of the songs takes place in the middle of your voice where you just want to have an accurate clean tone work on your tone work on your resonance work on having accuracy work on having better speed work on relaxing your jaw to where you kind of have an open sound that isn't covered something that flows easily if you feel ease kind of in the middle of your voice and maybe a little higher lower then you can start thinking about X banding and doing really demanding things but it's almost like you don't want to start running a marathon tomorrow if you have not even run half a mile you can hurt yourself you can't kill yourself you're gonna do all kinds of bad things aren't gonna really be any good for the future and it's not really why do you want to do it so really make sure if you start doing something really difficult you want to make sure that you're ready for it and I know it's hard you want to do those things you hear other singers and you want to like oh my goodness it sounds so awesome but you know what it's never gonna sound awesome until you sound awesome at the basic stuff take a really easy song that seems quote-unquote easy and I mean by easy it doesn't go extremely high extremely low it doesn't have a huge range maybe it's not fast it just kind of flows along it's just an easygoing song now if you master that song to where you can make it interesting you can have a beautiful voice color you can have dynamic ranges if you master all these things you have a good breath control you feel that's easy for you then you can move on to more difficult repertoire and yes of course you don't always have to keep it easy you have to kind of push it the limits a little bit but what I'm saying is don't do the most difficult things without having the foundation you're going to hurt yourself if you try to belt really high and you have breath leanness and you are not aware of the concept of compression of the air stream and having good vocal cord closure you are going to hurt yourself you're going to get hoarse really quickly if you start whistle register and you just have this massive air stream passing through and you're just trying to to push it through it's not going to work because it's all about taking it back being small and compact and dense it's not even going to work and you're just gonna hurt yourself so keep that in mind get the basics done it's so important and you know what I would rather listen to a singer having a beautiful song mastered that doesn't seem that difficult then someone who's singing something extremely difficult by it's just all not sounding right and it sounds like they're struggling and like they're about to pass out or something so yeah that's just my my opinion about the subject matter and I do hope that you take it to heart I think it makes sense if you're not in my facebook group I would love for you to join it's called master your voice there's awesome singers from all over the world you can get advice any time of the day there there's always people ready to help you can also give advice you can share you can stay motivated you can share your problems or you know just have someone pick you up and say you can do it I have the same issues it kind of feels good when you see that there's others struggling exactly with the same issues that you have thanks for watching today until next time always keep a song in your heart and always keep on singing bye [Music]
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 15,695
Rating: 4.9818182 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, online vocal coach, online singing lessons, freya casey
Id: ZByZybCK9eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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