How To Sing With A Mic

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today I want to show you how to sing with a mic so please stay tuned I know that singing with a mic is completely different than just singing into the room without any amplification but sooner or later if you want to sing popular music or even musical theater you will have to try to practice it because otherwise if you never practice with mic you will be in for rude awakening whenever you do because you sound different you will hear yourself different and you need to learn not to compensate for the difference and sound by trying to create different sounds so let's get into it now the most important thing you can know is that whenever you have a live performance you will most likely have a dynamic microphone this is a dynamic which means it can handle really louder and softer and it really concentrates on my voice while there's still a lot of noise around me going on okay so whenever I have soft passages I want to sing close to the mic so I sing close to the mic I actually have a pop filter here which you know if I didn't have it it's a lot harsher so you really want to make sure you don't really disrupt your normal flow of singing and that's hard singing softly putting it really close to your mouth very close so whenever I'm singing a passage and I'm gonna use Adele's hello here because it's really low and soft in the beginning and then it goes really high and loud so whenever I go in the beginning it's like hello how are you I'm in California dreaming about things we used to be okay so and then when I go a little bit louder so whenever there's a lot of ping in your tone it's gonna make it go into overdrive really quickly so whenever you feel this not pinging pinging see how that ping just makes it just kind of pop and you want to avoid it to pop too much to where it goes into overdrive in the speaker's whenever you know you're gonna have a pitch where you have like more cutting through kind of tone yeah it's okay but yeah I need to just really put it away from my mouth a little bit more hidden icing ah see this is something as the ping comes more in I want to make sure I'm not too close let me show you how it sounds when I don't take the mic further away so you wanted to really adjust how far away you are at the same time whenever you are singing very softly you want to make sure it's close that way the mic is picking up all the subtleties in your voice so when I'm like not as nice as I am singing song and I'm singing low so it's really nice when even you know the slightest bit of air and sounds that your mouth and your tongue creates and your lips it's really nice when it comes across it has the feeling of being more intimate so you want to imagine like when you're singing softly and which most of the time is when you're singing low like you're actually singing right into someone's ear so it doesn't need to be loud it's so much nicer this is a feeling of intimacy your audience is gonna feel like they're you're really close to them like right next to them if that's what it sounds like because you're close to the mic but whenever you're belting you don't want to but you don't want a belt in someone's ear like three inches from their ear right you want to just belt like you're maybe three feet away and now I'm singing lower again see how that works I'm gonna show you something now in the beginning of I have a karaoke track here that I'm gonna use hello its me I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet to go over everything they say that I'm supposed to heal ya but I ain't done much healing hello can you hear me I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be when we were younger and free I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet there's such a difference between us and a million [Music] I must have called a thousand times to tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done but when I call you never seem to be home hello from the outside at least I can say that I've tried to tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart but it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you okay I hope you get a idea of how I'm using the mic and right now I can't really hear myself really well through the speakers because I turned it downtown a little so it doesn't really get feedback here but um you want to be sure that you still hear your voice above everything because sometimes I feel what happens a lot of times to me is that I feel that I'm kind of singing loud but it doesn't sound loud on the outside I you need to really have the feeling that your voice is above everything else incoming to the speaker's but whenever you're singing softly really make sure you don't try to honk it out too much but just to really be intimate here and one more note if you are singing with a band please do explain to your musicians which if they're not singers themselves you have to explain it in a very respectful way that please understand that it's not that I cannot sing louder but singing louder when I sing low well first of all put a lot of pressure on my voice which is that happens to everyone it's not a good thing in general to sing low and push it out very loudly and second of all that voice color of intimacy and that warmth in your voice you know you're not going to be able to do it if you have to kind of struggle to be heard because everybody's just so loud so please ask your sound technician very kindly and your band to not cover you up I always tell everyone if you can understand every word that I'm singing then everything's okay if you can't understand at least 90% of all the words that I'm singing then I'm drowning it's really important and I have been to many really big world-class concerts where I thought for my tastehh I couldn't hear the singer above everything it they drowned a little bit it is hard in a live setting because you don't really have panorama that much where you can just do you know the instruments are left right and dead smack in the center is the voice you can't really do that so much when you're in a live setting but still I think it's really important when when anybody does the mix to make sure that the singer is always being heard above because you have words and assuming that you're good at enunciate and making it very clear what you're singing you need to be heard I hope this helps you a little bit in how to sing with a mic I suggest that you practice this and even if you just have a cheap little mic plug it into your stereo system to hear yourself a little bit it is a really good thing to practice because you will avoid over singing when yours too low and you will really start to appreciate your voice especially now I sing without any reverb or anything but having a little bit of reverb and maybe a little bit compression added if you have the possibility have a mixer that has that built in or a sound recording software way you can put that up you know the sound effect on it's really helpful because usually you singing into a dead room and what the mic picks up is pretty dead sound and adding room sound to it it's gonna make it so much nicer and in turn you don't overwork your voice alright thank you so much for watching hope you're gonna be back next time give the video a thumbs up if you liked it and also subscribe if you have not join my facebook group master your voice if you are not in there already and we can continue the conversation also on my website master you boys TV lots of free resources that you can download including some audio warm-ups that you can download and then listen to you know on your iPhone or your your smartphone whenever you're out and about great resources thanks for watching see you next time and always keep on singing bye [Music]
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 38,146
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, online vocal coach, online singing lessons, freya casey, how to sing with microphone, how to sing with mic
Id: faYp3AtCEuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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