What is Resonance? Make it work for you when you sing!

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hey today we're going to talk about different resonance in your voice so please stay tuned you heard resonance and performance and all this what is resonance now resonance is just an acoustical phenomenon where the sound waves actually resonate you may have experienced that when you sing a certain pitch or even when you play the piano happens to me all the time this metronome right here on my piano when I play a certain pitch this starts to rattle because it has its own frequency and it starts resonating with that pitch that is being played because it's hitting that frequency that this has and yeah probably you hear that saying oh it resonates with me which means you have the same frequency as something so that frequency is really important and you have to know that in your head there's different parts there's those cavities it's filled with fluids or air and there are bones in your head different bones there's bones like in your chest of course and in your cheekbones here and your nose in your ears there's like all in your skull there so a lot of different bones and each one of those parts they have a frequency what you want to do now when you sing of course every pitch has its own frequency a 440 this is a 440 has the frequency of 440 Hertz so whenever you're singing in a 440 there may be certain parts of your head that have that frequency that resonate or potentially could resonate but they only can resonate with that pitch if you actually let the sound waves get to them so opening those spaces and we always talk about opening the spaces or I've talked about it all it means is that you are letting the sound waves be distributed into your head as much as possible so that potentially a lot of different parts can resonate with that sound wave so that it's not just the plain pitch that's coming out but overtones and a lot of different frequencies that are added it makes for a thicker richer tone we also sometimes call it a warmer tone because there's very nice frequencies that are being hit so instead of just going what I'm doing since my throat is very narrow I'm not letting the sound waves get into my head and so nothing really can vibrate it just can pretty much just escape through my nose and nothing else if I'm opening up it's more like yeah yeah it sounds a little different because different parts resonate and it has a different the sound waves take a different path so you want to influence the path they take by having your tongue your pharynx your larynx your soft palate all coordinated in a very certain way also your larynx plays into this you can make all different sounds now what's really important is that there are different resonances we talked about head resonance and chest prisms also now head resonance means there are more frequencies that resonate with parts in your head and when you have a more chesty resonance there is a little bit more resonance in your chest area when you have your chest voice and you sing in your chest voice and if you put your hand there so when I'm speaking right now obviously I feel it vibrate here quite a bit because there's a lot more chest resonance where do I speak up here I don't feel anything here I don't feel any vibrations it's more my head so you can actually kind of do like this like the Vulcan thing it's almost like you feel it in different parts depending on what pitch you do sometimes it's more in your forehead or your ears or right here your mask or your like what your sinuses are it's really really fascinating when you really try to put your fingers on and try different different pitches you know that when you go to nose your throat specialist and they give you a hearing test sometimes they don't put earphones on but they just put something right here on this bone because this bone connects to your inner ear and the frequency you don't need the frequency to go right into your ear it's enough if the frequency is right on your hearing bone right here because it's a more direct way of hearing well that's why they do that because it's the direct way it doesn't have to go through your ear canal and those little hairs that are in there if they're damaged they don't really obstruct anything so chest frequency and head frequency so by not singing any given tone and not passado it's good singing more chesty or more heady or in the middle see how I can change the resonance a lot and so depending on how you want your sound to come out you can have more chest enos or more headiness and the mixed voice is nothing but mixing those resonances a little bit you can't be in the middle of your registers it's like your registers are defined but there's not like a switch where you switch suddenly from Chester head there's also degrees in between on how far you can be in chest voice but how close can you get to head voice without actually switching into head voice and it all has to do with the resonance that you're mixing in I hope that makes sense it's very science II but if you know those principles it makes a lot more sense you can play around with it because sometimes I want to sound not suggesting but sometimes I wanna sell more chesty intestine as well sound usually a little darker than more headiness alright hope that made sense have a wonderful day if you have enough subscribed to my channel please hit that subscribe button and make sure you hit that Bell because then you will be notified about all new videos otherwise you may miss some and that would be a shame because I could have new videos every week thanks for watching until next time don't forget always have a song in your heart and always keep on singing [Music]
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 53,007
Rating: 4.9334664 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, online vocal coach, online singing lessons, freya casey, resonance, resonating space, resonance in singing, singing resonance, sing resonance
Id: etsNvpPqHFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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