10 Daily Habits for a Healthy Singing Voice

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today I would like to share with you 10 habits for a healthy singing voice stay till the end because I want to share with you one really awesome tip to keep your body and your voice very healthy hi if we have met yet my name is Freya Casey I'm a professional vocal coach and singer from Germany I've been performing all over the world on all kinds of stages in opera theatre musical theatre or jazz pop rock with bands combos and all kinds of things all over the world I want to share my knowledge with you so let's talk about this your body is your instrument which means if your body is healthy your instrument has a much greater potential to be healthy and to be working well so you want to keep your body healthy number one and this is very common sense I've shared it many times and it's like duh of course why do I have to share it again but I'm surprised how many people don't do it is drink enough water you don't want to overdo it because there's actually a danger in drinking way too much water so if you drank 2 or 3 gallons of water a day and really didn't have a way to use it up by having a sedentary life it would not be good because it would thin your blood it would really thin down all the nutrients in the blood and your salt content so just drink sensibly don't drink too little not too much and the best thing to ever drink is really water plain and easy water I just drink tap water filtered and we here in Germany we happen to have really awesome tap water it's not chlorinated it's not strong it tastes wonderful so that's what I do and also make my tea with tap water I drink unsweetened tea and basically I've gotten used to non sweetened everything and it really has made a difference in my life number two is take care of your gut I know there's a lot of related issues that have to do with acid reflux and different gut problems there are things in your mouth and the balance of the biome in your gut as well as in your mouth and in your pharynx and this whole throat area has to do with what you put in your body and how well balanced your gut is your immune system largely sits in your gut so it's really important what you eat keep your guts healthy of course you can do a lot of research on that but I have found by really being more mindful about not only what I put in my body for food but also how does minimize stress because that also upsets your gut for some reason keep your gut healthy and it's one of the best things you can do for your voice because you're not gonna have any reaction so strongly number three is get into the habit of a proper warm-up proper warm-up doesn't mean you have to warm up for an hour it only means you have to cover your bases meaning sing through your range with different intensities and with intention don't just sing pitches be intentional about it start with a little bit of less intensity meaning a little bit less intense don't ask your vocal cords to close very tightly yet don't have too much pressure yet and then I can sing through my entire range and I can go low and I can go home my voice but I don't do high intensity yet I'm saving that up for just a little bit later once you warmed up better then you can increase intensity because now your vocal cords are ready your vocal cords also consists of muscles of course and the circulation has to be starting off - in order to really work at peak efficiency so keep in mind it's like your muscles you don't want to stretch heavily unless you're warmed up a bit and it's the same with your vocal cords you don't want to stretch and push them too much unless they are fully warmed up and circulation the blood flow is really going on so after you do low intensity you can increase and then you can bow higher and sing height so just listen to your body it's really important do this all the time if you are someone who also notices that when you start speaking in the morning that you have a rough voice and maybe you're pushing a little bit too hard be mindful about your speaking voice which is my next point fix your speaking voice if it needs some fixing speak on the right pitch speak with a melody because it really exhausts your voice when you're constantly pushing too much and maybe you're speaking on to lower pitch oh maybe I'm speaking to hila it or maybe I'm speaking a little bit breathy good speaking habits really translate into your singing so you really want to examine what are my speaking habits like are they healthy do they promote healthy voice do I have a melody is my speaking pitch natural am i pushing too much is there a lot of raspiness then caution it has a cause and you need to come assess where it comes from most of the problems that happen in singing can have a beginning in the singing voice so fix your singing voice and work on it also the next thing that you can practice every single day make it a habit to walk around sit around stand around whatever with good posture lift your sternum keep your shoulders relaxed open your chest make sure you don't shift your neck forward or anything keep a straight line in your spine and just feel how it feels when the muscles are working to keep your posture you don't want to put strain on your joints or anything but just lift that sternum and you can practice that every single day when you're sitting on the laptop when you're waiting in line when you're sitting in the car I know in the car it's hard sometimes but you can maybe put a pillow behind your back or something for support so that you promote the habit of getting good posture and I have noticed this throughout my life by paying more attention to what I do just every minute of the day it really translates into my singing and vice versa because only when you have good posture can you actually have good support good breath and it's like a chain-reaction posture is so essential practice it every day the next thing is really your mind your mind plays a huge role when it comes to singing if you have a positive mindset and you approach your practice your daily habits by having a positivity attitude of okay I'm not perfect yet there are certain areas of my voice said I don't like yet but I'm not gonna be negative about it but I'm just gonna assess okay this is the voice quality I don't like I actually think I have some brassiness and it's not pleasant to the ear I need to mellow out a little bit maybe work on that vocal cord closure and resonance and making it a little bit better so it's more pleasant don't just put that stress on yourself like I need to practice hours and hours and I'm just not getting better so I'm just gonna do more and more and more it's really about being intentional and your mind don't underestimate when you have the confidence to actually hit that high pitch and you know that you can do it chances are so much greater that you can't actually do it then when you are thinking how I suck it's horrible so I'm gonna take a deep breath all you're gonna do is like oh you've gotta tense up and you're gonna be really bad intense and it's not gonna work out I know it from experience I don't know what from all of my students never works that when you stress your mind do meditation do daily practices I do this every day I get up and I go to bed doing gratitude I don't write it down but every morning when I wake up the first thing that I go through in my mind is like what is it that I'm thankful for today and when I go to bed right before I go to sleep I count all the things that were awesome today what are the things that I'm thankful for and you know what one thing that I'm thankful for every single day is that I have a wonderful bed it's so comfortable to get into my bed another thing I'm really thankful for every day is that I have a voice and I can speak my voice and I can sing with my voice perfect or imperfect as it may be it's so fun to work on it because I have it and you can only work on your voice because you have your voice be grateful I was just sick last week and I couldn't use my voice for three days it was like legit gone it was just God had left me and I felt so grateful when it came back if I felt so handicapped it was like what is going on I can't even communicate it with anyone it was horrible so I'm very grateful every day to have my voice don't take it for granted and whatever you were given by God that's what you need to build on don't wish for a different voice because you're not gonna have the one other than the one that you were given you can tweak it you can make it better you can practice you can have better resonance and sound better over time and have more control but basically the way it sounds that was that's just god-given so be thankful and work with what you have and by the way I will put the link up here I have download a free download for you for affirmations for singers it's really awesome and will help you to develop a positive mindset about singing the next thing is deep breathing oftentimes over the day because we are stressed and because we're always running around like chicken with head chopped off Riley we don't take deep breaths anymore which triggers our brains into reacting because it really causes this response of fight and flight it's like when I have a short breath and I breathe shallowly appear and not deeply into my lungs it really triggers the stress response and it's scientifically proven that your cortisol really rises when you have a quick very shallow breath so get into the habit every single day every morning when you get up take five deep breaths over five seconds it really teaches you what it feels like to actually take a nice slow and deep breath in and out and anytime you get stressed stop for just thirty seconds and do this take that deep breath get into the habit of really assessing whenever you feel stress coming on or when you're talking to someone I have this tendency big time when I'm talking to someone when I teach because I'm so in it I'm like yeah can you do this and can you do that I start breathing too quickly too shallowly and then I really remind myself deeply relax your body keep the good posture and then everything works so much better and my brain works so much better the next thing and I hate to bring it up no I don't hate it is physical exercise the truth is when your body is fit your voice can work so much better it doesn't matter what body size you are that's not what it's all about it's really about the level of fitness your cardiovascular stamina singing is a lot of work and so when you strengthen your body overall and you have more stamina and more endurance it totally helps your singing I've been running and working out and doing bodyweight training Yoga for years now and it has made such a difference in my life to do this daily because I perceived my body better I feel my body so much better I feel when I'm a little bit off balance and I have more stamina I'm stronger my abs are stronger although I have really strong abs just from singing so many years especially from singing opera over the years but that stamina is so much kind of benefit your singing you're gonna have better support and you can have better breath just because you're used to breathing deeply and really working out that body the next thing I want to bring up is also for your gut health and your overall health I have a video about it and I will put it up here you can drink ginger tea and it's so beneficial for a lot of things but I really feel like sipping warm ginger tea throughout the day made from fresh ginger of course and I have the recipe up here it really helps the voice it really boosts my circulation around my throat area for some reason I feel like after I drank that ginger tea for a few hours it's like huh my voice becomes so clear you may want to try it for me it's so wonderful and it's it really has worked wonders in my life the last tip that I touched on already is sing through your entire range at least once a day whether your sing through it or speak through it it doesn't matter be intentional but make sure you're stretching out those vocal chords and all the muscles that are involved in both registers so sing through your entire range and chest voice and head voice go as low as you can go as high as you can and chest voice go as low as you can and go as high as you can in head voice make sure that you are actually in head voice on the low end like oh now that's kind of my end in head voice but I can practice to keep the tilt in the larynx in order to not go into chest voice not resonance really the register the actual mechanism oh that's kind of my cutoff for my range and head waist but it's good to practice the low end at the same time it's really good to practice the high end both of my head and chest voice and the same with my chest voice I mean really just try it it doesn't have to sound great and the point isn't that it sounds great the point is that you go to the limit after having warmed up properly so these are my 10 tips for a healthy voice that you could just make daily habits give this video a thumbs up if you want to keep your voice healthy also and let me know in the poll up here is your voice healthy right now yes no or maybe you're not sure maybe you're coming down with something let me know in the poll I'd love to know because the truth is unless your voice is healthy you can't really do everything that you could be doing okay I promised you that I would share my tip to boost your immune system I have an awesome recipe that I use to boost my immune system and I will put the card here it's on my other it's on my personal channel healthy minimalist mom I put the link up here in the info box and what you have to do is just squeeze that juice drink it over the course of a few days and it's strong but it's so potent it's gonna really help you it's just a shot that you drink it's all natural so instead of getting all that like vitamin C tablets or something take the natural form because it also contains so many phytonutrients like plant and nutrients that are really good for your body thank you so much for watching have a wonderful day I will see you soon and always keep on singing the sky fall when it crumbles we will stand tall together the sky [Music] we must
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 11,205
Rating: 4.9744897 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, online vocal coach, online singing lessons, freya casey, 5 daily habits for a healthy singing voice, habits for a healthy voi, how to heal your voice, how to heal your voice for singing, how to heal your voice in one day, how to heal damaged vocal cords, how to heal damaged vocal cords naturally, healthy vocal cords, how to keep your voice healthy, how to keep your voice healthy for singing, how to keep your voice healthy before an audition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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