Best Engine? You Probably Missed It! Here's How To Get The Best Engine In Starfield

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there are over 66 engines in Starfield but what's the very best engine that allows you build a vessel with the highest mass while maintaining 100 Mobility with a decent speed we need to seek the engine with the highest combined thrust combined maneuvering thrust there's really only one Champion that can claim this title and there's only one small window of opportunity to access this incredible engine the only way to get this engine is to complete the the main quest mission called all that money can buy where you pair up with Walter drought do some dealing get one of the artifacts but you have to complete it in the most diplomatic way possible and only then will you get access to S 6830 engine with a power requirement of two you can attach six this engine has a combined thrust 108,000 mindboggling combined maneuvering thrust of 52,800 at a whopping price tag of 70,000 per engine the sou 6830 engine by far the best engine build the biggest batter ships in Starfield and in in this video we're going to go through every single step you need to complete in order to get the best engine in Starfield the first thing we need to make sure is that we've completed main mission Quest into the unknown that will bring all the constellation members back together which will then open the quest line all that money can buy but the way you start this Quest is you've completed into the unknown go over and talk to Walter stra and Walter St will offer you an opportunity to help him get an artifact so you just need to do the usual thing chat to him go through the motions he'll ask you if you want to help him you'll say I'm ready and let's go that will kick off the mission so the first step is to travel to Vol 2 to head over to Vol 2 Alpha neon more commonly known as neon City we want to make sure we head to travel to Neon don't head on to Neon core cuz you will need to meet Walter stoud outside your spaceship where it lands so yeah make sure you don't head to the core head to the neon which is the Spaceport so you'll travel to Neon then then you'll you'll once you exit your ship you'll see Walter stad outside you talk to Walter stad he'll basically say let's go talk to his wife then you'll get an update to your quest line and you'll just follow along and you'll end up talking to isar isar ekan there'll be a bunch of dialogue here once you get up to some of the dialogue where you will answer your you can say we're meeting at eckan stoud lounge and then they'll basically get you to investigate the seller so to summarize you talk to ISA that will put you on to the next part of the quest you will have two objectives after talking to ISA and you can go about it in either order so we'll go we'll start with one that requires you to go talk to James new will but you just follow directions of the main quests that will get you there very simply you just need to talk to him you select the dialogue you set up a meeting with Walter stad recently and that will kick off the bits and pieces you need to know and you just go through that dialogue you have a couple options to persuade him to say that he did cuz he doesn't give the information information away freely so you have a choice to persuade or you can just pay him 2,500 credits that's entirely up to you how you want to go about it so not not too much money to pay for there so if you want it to be quick you can just pay credits at the end if you persuaded him or pum he will give you some information regarding where the where the seller is staying so by giving us that location we can go visit that location and get some more information so you just follow that as your activity follow the destination on the map and it'll lead you to a little room where he staying you just need to unlock it with a with a Digi pick it's a novice level so I don't think you need any security any security perk to unlock that and then once you have access there'll be some files that you'll go through and read and that will complete that side quest for this main quest the next part is which will be on your map marked is you'll need to go talk to the guy at the bar he'll basically offer you some security options the one you want to purchase is the VIP package you again you can persuade to bring the price down or you can just pay 4,000 credits either way if you persuaded all paid you will get the VIP package if you do persuade it will drop the price down to 1,000 so if you care about the credits you can do it that way so once you have gotten the VIP package you'll get an update to your activities you need to go this will be marked on your activity map it'll be very easy to find you'll need to hack into a terminal it's only a security level novice so again very easy to get through and this is just so we get remote control through the doors so we can shut the seller in if everything goes pair shape unlock the terminal gone through the files activated what you needed to you head over back to where rizer and ekland are and you talk to Walter you talk to Walter and then that will kick off the next bit of the mission so the next bit of the mission you'll be prompted to look at for a guy with a briefcase and Walter will provide you with the code to identify the seller so then you just need to walk around just look for the sus guy I'm assuming they're all in the same place my guy was right next to the bar on the right hand side he'll stick out like a sore thumb he has a really big briefcase you talk to him you give him the code and then he'll say we'll meet you upstairs you talk to shroud and then shroud will say follow me and you meet the guy upstairs and this is where it gets important because now we don't want to kill this guy very important that we do this diplomatically we just through the dialogue and then the important one is the option where you can select stop bluffing we know you need to sell this quickly I selected stop bluffing which will trigger a bit of dialogue exchange between Musgrove and Walter the next dialogue box will come up I selected remote trigger the doors to close and Musgrove he panics a bit and you can say the option I selected was signal Neon security you may be able to select some other options here this is just the way I've done it you obviously don't want to select attack then it will go through the next lot of dialogue and Musgrove will finally cave in and he will give you the item for the agreed price and no one has been harmed Musgrove gets up to leave and then we are right to go now as you exit you'll run into some Clon agents PlayOn himself appears to be the other buyer now you have three options you have persuade don't do this don't die just to get the rock back I didn't select that you may well be able to but I select did signal Neon security front top and basically scare this guy away go downstairs in the Astro Lounge you'll get a message from Isa saying that lon's put a bounty on your head and our ship has been impounded so we can no longer leave neon so we'll have to go we'll have to go to Slayton himself so the quest will be updated and it will direct you to the elevator where you can go to the Slayton Arrow space you head up to there you'll talk to the receptionist and you can persuade her to give you a meeting with Mr slayen important that you win this one definitely consider making a save before you talk to this lady then you'll get a mission updated but in the elevator Clayton will start talking to you and then this is where things get a bit dicey cuz we'll have to sneak through the whole building and try avoid any engagements and we can do this because Isa will direct us and we'll get activity updates which will guide us through this Maze of a building so you will get a dialog box with Walter just select follow her instructions now she'll guide you through this maze now it's really important that you make as many saves as you can between each section cuz from my understanding it's pretty imperative to get through this part without killing too many people it might not be completely necessary I haven't done the full testing to understand if you can just go through guns blazing and then at the end stop but for me I just snuck through all the bits and pieces and I didn't get attacked up until you get to the rooftop now once you get to the rooftop it's very hard to avoid getting attacked here but you will get attacked you can kill everyone once you've reached the roof this will not impact getting the engine you clear the rooftop you'll keep walking and then finally you'll end up in front of Nicholas now if you end up in front of Nicholas and the guards attacked you his guards attacked you upon site that means you haven't completed this correctly and you'll need to go back you want to make sure by the time you get to Nicholas that the guards do not attack you that way you will be able to complete this diplomatically you'll talk to Nicholas the first dialogue box is call off your guards slate in and release my ship that's the option you would choose and do not choose attack obviously we are doing this diplomatically so don't pick that one second dialogue box you and Walter are business people some agreement can be made Nicholas and Walter will talk a bit and come to some sort of agreement and Nicholas will give you the option of taking care of musgrow it's really important for this dialogue box that you select you select decide as in we can could let him go that's really important you must select that and then this will trigger Nicholas giving you responsibility for what we do with him so you'll see Nicholas will say that the security has brought Musgrove to his office and then that will update your activities so you just simply go into Nicholas's office you talk to Musgrove he's beat up pretty bad in the first dialogue box you would select he wants to decide what to do with you and then mzg grve will basically plead for his life everyone will give him a hard time about his choices and then it's super important you select we're letting you go get out of neon while you can buz gr will thank you again we give him a hard time and then Nicholas will step in and he'll say it's a rare moment and he says there's compassion in this city he'll let everyone go and that basically gets us to the very end of the mission so with all that said we've know we've been able to complete this up until now diplomat atically because Nicholas guard's didn't attack us we let Musgrove go so now it's just the final bit of the mission so you just want to head back to your ship you can get into your ship and you need to talk to Walter and after talking to Walter you will actually get the mission complete the difficult thing is is that there's no sure way or indication to say that you've completed this Mission diplomatically you'll just get Sarah Morgan like that Angelina like that that's a good indication that you've done it diplomatically if they didn't like the way you've done it you probably haven't completed it diplomatically so you'll need to reload so some important really important tips of this is to make sure you're saving regularly do make one game save before you head up the elevator to Slayton not an autosave an actual game save that way you can come back and do it as many times as you need to in order to get the Diplomatic ending so you will go to leave neon you'll have to go into orbit of neon City where you will encounter the starborn but once you've completed that bit you're right to go and purchase is the best engine in Starfield which is the S 6830 engine now if you want to purchase this new Fantastic engine you've just unlocked here are the different vendors that sell it now do note most of these sellers the stock can change at time so it might not be there all the time but one place you can always get it is at haers Shaw now to get to haaw we need to head over to Darion and then we want to head over to this St Ean stary yard and once you get there you should see a big space station you just want to dock with this space station and then once you've docked you can enter it and then you're looking for this guy here now do note sometimes Mr haaw can be hiding behind a pot plant in the corner and you can completely miss him so just be mindful of that otherwise once you've opened the uh modify your ship menu you scroll right down to the bottom and you will find the S 68 30 engine if you have completed the all you can buy Mission the most diplomatic way now if you have Max Commerce perk the engine will cost 56,000 if you have no Commerce perk it will cost 70,000 per pop now do note though the engine that comes in second for building the best class C biggest batter ships is the S 6330 engine that is a very good second choice if you don't have the S 6830 engine they're near identical except for the 6830 just has a little bit worse maneuvering thrust it has a level unlock of 60 and a value of 53,9 and it has a combined thrust 108,000 and a maneuvering thrust of 46,000 whereas the S 6830 engine a combined maneuvering thrust of 52,800 so just good to know that if you if you've already done all that money can buy Mission and you didn't do it diplomatically you can always go to the South 6330 engine and still get very very good Mobility having a big heavy ship and just to give you a good clear example of the difference I have a ship equipped with six of the C 6830 engines and it gives me a mobility of 42 and if I replace all these six engines with the S 6330 engine I'll end up with a mobility of 33 so you can see that they're very similar same top speed the C 6330 only come with a health of 140 whereas the 6830 will come with a health of 180 each otherwise they're very similar engines so that covers how to get the best engine in Starfield where you can get it also gives a bit of a comparison against the second best engine I hope you've enjoyed this if you've got anything out of it please consider like and subscribing I'll just leave you with a few seconds of game play and at the top I'll just have a comparison in terms of the direct stats between the two best engines just so you can see very clearly how they stack up against each other and thank you very much for watching I'll catch you next time
Channel: SiNKiLLeR
Views: 8,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield guide, Starfield How to, fastest ship in starfield, starfield fastest ship build, starfield fastest ship design, best and fastest ship in starfield, rareships, best ship in starfield, best engine in starfield, best class c engine, how to get the best engine in starfield, how to get the SAL-6830 Engine, how to get the SAL-6330 Engine, SAL-6830 Engine, SAL-6330 Engine, starfield tips and tricks, whats the best engine in starfield
Id: CwdzgRWwA7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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