Starfield Tips | COCKPITS Compared!

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all right welcome back in we are on cockpits uh to save my sanity I'm just going to do one video at each of the manufacturer stary yards uh some of them have more than one cockpit so there'll be just a little bit of running around but I will put time stamps down there right before I walk into the cockpit so you could jump Straight From what I show you here in the Builder to the inside of the cockpit and see that you know see me running around now the reason I'm going to do it in this way and I'm showcasing is do you see how this includes a portion of the snap Point behind it so I brought with me a bunch of different things that you would normally place on you know the front like you you'd maybe stick this nose up here cuz you know you want to make it look good right you can see it won't work with this cockpit you aren't able to attach to snap anything to it same goes with this bad boy it just it just refuses to take it so this being the slimmest size even it won't work so you are prevented with this cockpit of snapping anything behind it on the module above and below where this cockpit snaps too sideways your perfectly fine you do whatever you want put another cockpit there if if you could exit the Builder that way this has two hard points the hard points are four guns only and equipment so brought a Jammer with me that was bright so you can put a Jammer what you cannot put is an equipment plate it doesn't like the equipment plate it's it's a big no so the Jammers uh the quest related items from the uh Crimson Fleet once you get that far that would work as well so guns I'm just going to scroll down this list you'll see that none of them turn red that means that's a flat enough space that you can put any gun any gun of any size it doesn't have a curve that interferes with it it doesn't have a little I don't know piece of Bulkhead sticking up that interferes with it the Bottom's exactly the same so I'm not going to waste your time going through these all over again but you can see it will fit any weapon that you choose to put on there so pick and choose whatever you feel like when you do that and uh now we will go inside and take a look see at this ship when you get serious about your spacecraft I'm trying out TD detect T detect excuse me to see if I can uh get these NPCs to STFU cuz it is kind of annoying right I totally forgot I did all this man I got to go all the way through my ship now where the hell am I on this all right all right this should be the cockpit yes it is so we'll be a time stamp for here now here is US walking into the cockpit this is damos got a jump seat some interesting flare uh for those who have not gotten it yet this is the cockpit of the Mantis so you got a captain's Locker not no frills that's for sure it's a it's a very basic another jump seat an unused jump seat oh the armaly yeah here's your uh cargo hold another jump so you've got three jump seats there four five six total jump seats although the crew would actually only use three because you can't bring these out and I will show you getting into the seat and show you the action of how they grab the screen and everything and then we'll get out and we'll go to the next one all right so now we're just going to board straight back give us a nice little shortcut and we'll go to the next one for d OS which is the bridge if you can't afford our ship quite yet of course all right make you go away let's bring on the bridge so the bridge is the way to get eight it is the only way to get eight uh you just if you just saw my video the other day you'll understand what I'm was talking about about it's the only way to get eight crw stations in a single unit but it all but the base one requires Starship design and they're very expensive so we're going to go with the base one there's no interior difference and I'm not worried about cargo hold on this and they all give you eight uh someone said recently they thought the base one gave you six but I've never seen one with six so I don't know maybe that's some kind of a quest reward so this gives you five hard points point this time and two of them are a problem plus it also udes your side so you can't snap that there you can't oh snap that there but you can snap it there so the bottom works because it's a straight shot the top does not and the side doesn't work both sides doesn't work for at least a little bit larger items I believe this does work yes so you could have a portal view of the front if you choose to but you can't really get much of anything else in there TR bumpers no so top sides are for the most part uded so weapon wise that's going to work for anything these two are going to work for anything with an exception if you have a really long weapon you can't put two back to back so just keep that that in mind however these hard points are a little tricky because they have this curve on it there are units that have like a a drop down piece let's see if we can get one to show up oh is it going to play nice I think it's going to play nice oh make a liar out of me all right so you can do all your guns you can do your equipment top on for the top you can't do the equipment on the bottom and you see the occlusion points so now let's get out of here yeah this this video is going to cost me like 150k it's all right let's go take a J in here and we'll go take a look at this bridge this is one of my two favorites you guys always got to just be just like all clumped up in a cluster it's so weird all right so now we're going to take a look at the bridge why does it sound like the station's Under Fire so nav console for those of you watch the video about my ship uh this is my bridge this has lots of seating and it's even has seating that's unused and it still has lots of seating really good views out the side you can see all kinds of stuff see all kinds of angles check out how your ship's doing you name it whole bunch it's got eight on both sides sides or four on both sides four on both sides back here so you have a total of 16 plus a co-pilot you've got your Captain's Locker you got your cargo hold once again some holy crap that's a lot of storage units I've never even seen that before anyway lots of you uh your people will stand up here sometimes and watch often times they'll come up here and just walk right in front of you right when you're doing and stuff it's really annoying captain's chair uh I personally have never seen anyone s in this there is someone who responded that they have seen Sam sit in at one time uh RNG I guess so let's see what it looks like when you sit in this so nothing special you get your thing there we'll go back to board I got to change my ship anyway to go back and I will see you just a moment we will be at uh hch and we're now at H Tech so we are working on the Armstrong series of cockpit there are quite a few including one that gives you 360 for that tiny little cockpit I'm not really sure where they're putting it all but you know hey it's Space Magic so we're going to start with the base here cuz we don't really need to go with it any of the bigger ones save me a little bit of money 28,000 is a lot man 30 Mass too and it requires Starship design to just to be able to uh put it on your ship so likely at lower levels you're going to see either these two or maybe this one and then you're going to have to get up in level and skill to get to these bigger boys so you will notice straight shot across the bottom easy peasy you can uh put some swag down there make your ship look nice what you cannot do is put anything above it it's a big no for that side is perfectly fine no issue there but no weapon hard points this is a regular hardpoint so you could put structural things by the way this doesn't actually work in cockpits um it works on other locations and it's kind of weird how it looks like it's a dip in the in the thing but it really isn't uh so yeah you could put uh structural pieces down here but you can't put uh no weapons so sure Mount your uh Mount Your reactor right to the bottom of the cockpit that that probably works I I'm sure the enemies will love shooting at that all right let's go take a look at it they just need an escape all just let me out of my out of the windows menu system all right we're going to come in here you you've got if you have the armer you have it there one station there second one there actually pretty cool pretty military likee in my opinion so Captain's Locker cargo hold lots of doodads and whizbangs and stuff like that a reasonable few out but not great um let's turn that off and let us sit in the chair so like a like a jet like a fighter jet type of cockpit um you th this is a very good view mind you side you're uded pretty well front's fine this is great all right all right we'll finish that and then I will see you back in a moment at Nova all right we are now at Nova Galactic there are three different cockpits so you have the basic mellin cockpit that's what we're look at first and then you go up to the deeper size I don't know necessarily you want to call it bigger I mean it physically is larger and they even have the NASA one now I don't know that you will have the NASA one I have done the quest line that where you go to NASA so maybe that's why I have it I don't remember that being available back in the day early on then they have the big boy the big boy is the twostory that has stairs so we're going to look at all of that in this video today starting with the base level mellin cockpit just a little bitty boy right here good thing about this is uh you have a very easy way to snap things uh on the top and the bottom so that's a nice nice happy you can do it to the side you you got you have options so in the top now because this hardpoint is so far back it's possible there are going to be some weapons that have an issue with that let's find out yep right there so this suppressor is to is not going to work this is assuming you have anything directly behind it of course placing these weapons there will make it so you can't put anything directly behind it like uh the viewing port or something see we can find any the others yep there you go so these disruptors aren't going to work the regular electron beams aren't going to work now we're getting into a whole lot of stuff that isn't going to work because of how big the weapon is itself so you're definitely going to have a fair bit of issue if you try to place use this cockpit and you're using the top for weapons there's I would say at this point it's about half that you're you're not going to fit just because of how big the weapon is this again we're assuming you have anything directly behind it maybe you don't if it's if you have nothing directly behind it excuse me you're going to be just fine bottom is not a weapon Mount so you have just a single weapon Mount up top that means this little bad boy right here it's going to be H happily living right there for you all right so let's go in and let us take a look at uh what this little guy looks like all right all right I had a problem minute ago it took me like 15 minutes to figure out my ships merged with each other I was stuck in place couldn't do anything I had to fast travel to another whole another location just to be able to get it to stop being a jerk and I move the docking there all right let's take a look at this on the inside nice little overhead console so same thing you've got three up here looks like windows are a lot more uh open not much of a station though it's it it's Barren that's for sure here's your captains here's your cargo let's go ahead and sit in this one see what it looks like this is one of the ones where you bring it up and bring it in I think that's kind of cool it gets old but it's cool so viewing angles great you got all kinds of viewing from all kinds of directions and that would work just fine so let's Hoppity skip back over to the uh ship Builder let's go with the next size up sure how about it all right since I don't know if you would have access to to that we'll just go with the smallest so now we have side mounts bottom mount side mounts I'm almost positive come here I am wrong so side mounts are for weapons but there it's just a side mount nothing else let's see if big bigly size does anything problems here all right so that's a good thing you don't have any issues there no top mount bottom is also weapons and I'm pretty sure you can do everything on this one looks to be I don't see any causing any problems all right so three mounts and uded but not entirely I bet we could fit this yes so because it's got this little dip here you actually can fit some although first let's see yep that works there I'm going to bet we can't fit the brake the uh bumpers excuse me yeah can't fit the bumpers so you can fit a little bit let's see how this looks no a it's too bad that didn't fit well boo so yes you can fit some but not too much yes you can fit some but not too much just because this sticks up right here and then sides you're perfectly fine so let us go take a look see yep all right quite a bit more volumous although it really is the same setup these are turned sideways instead of forward they have pretty much the same I think I need that light pretty much the same station got your Captain's here your armaly there and there's your cargo hold seems like such a such a waste of space up here on these sides like you think they put something up there all right let's sit down see what it looks like I would say pretty darn good viewing angles I do like the kind of more manual more analog setup for this it it just looks nice and now we look at the one everybody wants to see need some work done okay no problem I think this is the one that literally everybody has come to watch this whole series about they're like I don't care about anything show me the big [Laughter] boy all right let's do this so these are not as expensive as the uh deos versions so as you can see you've got six snap points in the back and we'll show you inside how it does staircase um man I hope it doesn't do us a ladder here but we'll have to see what what happens so yeah no snap points at all yep and if you put anything on the side you're it's including everything but it is flat across the bottom so at the bottom you are perfectly free hey hey hey hey hey oh there it is so you're perfectly free to use the bottom other than that it takes takes up the whole Space what a lot of people will do with their ship is they'll come in from here it doesn't matter what you have in these snap points because they're not a door only this is door you see the little arrows pointing Inward and then the top they'll have either some Hab spines like these guys coming backwards and then go to like a Captain's Quarters or they'll just have a Captain's Quarters up there all right let's take a look see this is one of my favorite though it does make it a little difficult to build ships because it's just massive hello and you have to a little more carefully plan out your ship so that you don't end up having ladders in weird places because of having multiple things there like this did put a ladder up to that one by one cuz I had it there originally so this is going to need like cuz this pretty pretty dark in this when you come in and you've got dual staircases wow so I feel like this is lost potential right there should be a cubby or something so you got your Captain's Locker you got your cargo hold and your armer lots of viewing I mean you can you can see a lot from a lot a lot of places turn that off for a moment um this is another one I have not seen my crew actually sit in it you can't really get very far up but boy the view is just ridiculous I like the overhead cat uh consoles I feel like this is a missed opportunity they could have ship status stuff over here but this is what you do you got this uh bridge cover and you come into the top now obviously that's connected because that's how I had them before I connected this thing but you get to see what it can look like and then this bad boy you get your kind of analog to it and look at that freaking view I mean yeah you're seeing everything in this in this cockpit including other galaxies looks like or that's just stuff on the windshield so yeah that one's that one's fun uh a little tough but that's how you get your we are just so cuz I'm not not sure everybody knows we are in Soul you know you got uh Earth this is Saturn we're on Titan and on Titan you going to new Homestead that is Nova galactics headquarters so I'll see you back in just a moment and we will be at stoud and now we are in stoud eckland's stard so there are three total two technically but uh two variants of one so you got the Viking that's what most people know of stoud and that's what we're going to test first then you have this little contiki this little big guy and it enters from the bottom it just has no back and then you got the big con tii and it enters from the bottom there is no back so we're going to check out all of these today starting with this first one now you can see you are perfect on top and bottom side and side mount whatever you want to mount there uh you have side mounts for weapons so you can get four on the sides total and then you have these two front weapons pretty sure these all work on this just cuz it's a flat surface yes however this one in the back and its counterpart on the top they are not weapon mount so they are snap points which is good if you want to put other things onto it they're just not weapon mounts so you could put one two three four five six weapons on this cockpit if it's going to stick out in front using the um using these guys the weapon mounts all right let's go take a look right got to go up one and here we [Music] are five stations in here lots of nice display dads to to give you that kind of realism cargo hold over here Captain's Locker there I love the lighting along the bottom I think maybe it should extend out well it does extend out to the step there I guess and that's just a wire Chase but yeah nice nice amount of stations look good up here you've got a fairly decent surrounding view we will hop hop in the captain's seat and see what it looks like a little bit more analog less uh Hands-On um view is not great you have no real upper view to speak of the front's fine sides are decent I don't like not having an upper viw to it but that is the first that we will check and now I'm going to have to play some Monopoly with the uh or play some Legos with the ship in order to get the other parts I think you'll find we have some A wise choice all right so let's n that put that there let's come in right here so we'll start with this one so little bitty sucker um on the back oh I can't get it because this is in my way so back would be fine no no occlusion there sides would be fine front is a problem but what are you going to stick in front of it anyway uh below it fine above it I believe these are weapon mounts let's find out they are and they look pretty flat but we'll go through it real quick see if we see any Reds so as long as you know they're not two two massive things trying to cover each other I think you're going to be just fine with whatever you put on there but you do only have the two mounts so take that for what it is uh this guy's going to work up there as well so that's good there all right let's get out of one Arrow whoa whoa whoa whoa what error oh that's why fine there you go derp all right now let's go take a look at this guy then we'll get on to the big boy Bridge so unlike some things you actually climb into this one it's not like you click the the hole and it sends you up here you climb into it it's a little weird um there's Captain Locker there's carg hole uh that's an interesting way to do it you got four chairs and a big captain's chair uh not really stations though I feel like they could have done stations they could have put the ladder on this backside put a station here I don't know anyways uh yeah as far as view goes it looks much much better much better still not fantastic but this this up here could be much larger more more deep M all right let's back off we'll go to the big big boy that one of course is going to have its problems with occlusion of other uh next door modules where'd he go I hate when he disappears it's so dumb this is really and then this guy wears the exact same clothing it's so dumb when they have him disappear it's a I'm guessing he goes through there for a little bit it's a really bad design on bethesda's part the guy that you have to talk to just randomly disappear sometimes my apologies there'll be time stamps to skip all this so dumb where is he not the oh was isent I saw him that isn't a book is it no magazine I mean is down here do he come down say hello to you guys what is going on oh okay Mr disappearing man how can I help let's get you set up all right get in here delete you go back now let's go big boy very expensive big boys super duper expensive okay so rear you're going to be fine uh it's going to include both sides now you might might be able to does this have okay so port hole is still fine a little bit of the structural stuff is still fine not a lot the the little structural items you could stick beside there maybe put that on there and put a really big weapon on it just to be impressive so there's a little bit that you can do with it not a lot but a little bit if you want to put this whole thing over here up there you could so then let's see those look pretty much perfectly flat to me but we'll check real quick not seeing any go red yep so that's all good I don't see any problem with back but just in case let's check out back's fine yeah so that work let's go take a little look see why is he got to like Mad Dog me for like 3 seconds before it lets me go off Mi Mr disappearing man over here all right oh Kora let's hope te detect works with her okay so now what the hell are you do where'd she go she just okay all right you standing only position back here Captain's Locker cargo hold of course all of my NPCs have to be up here they're like locusts we have uh broken two broken monitors probably not the the best way to start with a strin tour whole bunch of chairs lots of lots of chairs lots of upper viewing but not right over the cockpit that's not a great idea yeah that's terrible that was a terrible design choice I mean I can dig all of this part but what let's put in a little tiny window and not just cover take that across bad bad design all right so one last video we're going to head over to Taio I'll be right back and now we are at our finale this is Taio astring they actually only have one cockpit it's a whole bunch of different varieties but they're all the same they just give you different levels of cargo space so we are going to go with this guy the samurai enhanced which has all of a single snap point and it's a snap Point that's all it is there's no no weapon hard points on this at all top bottom perfectly fine sides perfectly fine you will have no issue snapping any kind of decorations or Curves or anything you want uh especially that bottom piece I don't know if this one has it or not it does so you could do something like that which a lot do uh quite a few do or this guy uh wrong side there you go so you have have options and they will work because it's little it's it's a little one so I am going to first off I'm going to show some may not even know where the hell this is in neon or that it even exists in neon so we're going to go down to the lobby when you come into neon you come in right in the center and this whole side is all red when you come in turn to the right you'll see red just keep following the red until you come down here you go into this it's the second floor up tyo aering so that's how you get to it now I'm going to attempt to not core this one see if this will put me on the landing dock hey all right let's check this little guy out very roomy there is Cargo hole there is armaly Captain's Locker uh total waste of space I mean completely wasted opportunity you could easily have a sideways control center here with a chair besides just having like what is essentially passenger chairs so total waste uh nice viewing though can stand up all the way up here nice little cockpit very good views so space fights will be uh no issue there can't really turn my head to the side little little bit of a side Blind Eye but yeah great great views all right that will end the cockpit video um I don't think I missed any I went to all the different stary yards if I missed some random one that is in some random place just let me know uh and I will maybe make a an addendum video to it thanks for watching see you tomorrow
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 36,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, starfield, starfeild, star field, starship, starships, starfield ships, starfield class a ship, class-a ship, max power ship, how to, tutorial, cribs, spaceship, space ship, starfield ship build, starfield ship building
Id: 0i6gVx-Gs_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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