Starfield - Starborn Power NG+ Full Level 10 Power Guide

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to this video on starborn Powers this is everything in Starfield that you need to know about Powers I'm going to keep this as concise as I can I appreciate your time and I don't want to waste any so let's jump straight into this there are 24 powers in total each of them can be upgraded 10 times that is a total of 240 Powers including all of the upgrades let me just tell you at the start this is painful this is the worst grind I have had to do in this game and I don't recommend it I really don't in fact there are mods that you can get to do this and you may want to use mods now I don't personally use them but I did a bit of research to help you in this video there's a website called Nexus mods I believe you have to register so that you can download files if you go onto there and you look up starborn Mods there are already mods you can use now I don't recommend downloading files from people I don't like doing that I personally don't do it myself um but you do you if it's the way you want to go um I believe there is already a mod where you can download the power-ups and then you can level them up I also believe that if you use console commands it affects the achievements and you can't obtain achievements in the game but I also believe there's a mod that re-enables achievements so if that's the route you want to go down you can do that but if you've watched any of my live streams and if you've seen my gameplay you'll know that I grinded through this myself and yeah it was extremely painful to do this now there's a few things you need to know before we get started one of these power-ups you can only obtain by going through unity and that is this one here which is phased time so phase time you can only get when you complete the game now if you do the shortened version it still counts it's just going through Unity upgrades this power the other exception is when you do the main store request you will get a power up when you do the first main story quest for the first time you'll get one power up there is another one that you can obtain outside of Vladimir and that is if you talk to Barrett now there is a quest that Barrett will give you and there's a storyline uh that you can go through in order to get that you need to have him as your companion and then there'll be a starborn um I can't remember what it says but it'll be a starborn uh voice line that will come up you'll click it and then you'll go and do a mission with him when you do that mission you'll get a another power up I got parallel self when I did it I don't know if that's random or not but every other power up in the game aside from phased time and I don't believe you need the one from Barrett but it is there and also I don't know if you need one for the main game but you're gonna get that anyway as you progress so everything else is obtained through temples to do that all you simply need to do is come here to the eye once you've gone into your New Game Plus if you go into your missions and it's uh called power from Beyond so you'll have Among the Stars and you'll be told you'll need to go and talk to Vladimir when you do that you'll have your six artifacts that you have to go and acquire but in miscellaneous there'll also be a mission called power from Beyond and if you talk to Vladimir to locate the temples you can then acquire the power from wherever it is now from my different playthroughs he will either give you one two or three temples at once if you're unfortunate like me in this playthrough and you only get one every time you do the power up you'll have to go back to him get the next one go back to him and get the next one I believe and it may change but at the time of me recording this which is the day of launch is now the 6th of September and this may change but at the time of recording this you can do 17 temples per New Game Plus meaning that after you've acquired 17 power-ups you will then need to go through the temple to do this again that also means because there's 240 total upgrades because there's 24 powers and they can all be upgraded 10 times you need to do more than the required 10 new game pluses because there are six ships that you can upgrade there are 10 starborn armor suits that you can upgrade but the power is a lot longer and a lot harder now there's rumors that if you acquire all 24 and you level them to 10 there is a superpower that you'll get in the middle I cannot confirm that right now I have not achieved it whether they haven't built it in the game yet maybe it will come in an update or a patch maybe they just didn't expect anyone to complete this just yet but as of recording this after completing this there is no super power there is no middle power this middle section does not host anything at this time these are all of the powers you can see them here I'm going to go through each and every one of them I will not display them and and show you them there is an actual really good video I'll put a link to that in the description uh where somebody has uploaded all of the powers and you can you can use them uh you can see them I'm just going to explain what they are all right so let's go through and do this so the first one is particle beam emits a powerful Ray of cosmic energy dealing terrifying damage to a single Target again this can be upgraded 10 times and acquiring it is random in a temple you may get this you may get another one next we have personal atmosphere oxygen pure and clean brought forth to breathe deep and counteract harmful carbon dioxide so if you're on a planet or somewhere where you can't breathe this can help you especially if you don't have a space suit on face time this is my favorite I love this one if you activate this if I now go back and this one by the way says time itself is yours to manipulate as you slow down the world and all those in it this is great for killing starborn or anyone that's causing you a problem so come out of this also it's what I use to kill the terramorph by the way but now if I come out because I've activated the power in the bottom right you'll now see a blue bar and that is my power bar if I press Z I will use this power and this one slows down space and time it slows down for everybody else so I could now literally just walk up to somebody shoot them in the head 10 times still all of their Loot and run away and I have about 10 to 15 seconds and they they basically don't move it really slows down everything around you so I love this one this is what I used uh quite a lot to complete the game um this is a really good one next we have precognition Bend time and Glimpse the future seeing a path that somebody may walk and also the words they may say great if you need to find out enemy pathing um yeah next we have reactive Shield forms a shield of pure Cosmic light that can weaken and even reflect the enemy projectiles sense star stuff so bind yourself to the particles of creation since in the life force of any human alien or starborn this is great if you're trying to find a starborn they're invisible A lot of the time this shows them so you can see when they're hiding or where they are solar flare tap into the power of the Sun and release a directed orb of searing hot plasma sunless space introduce your enemies to the cold of space freezing them in their tracks Supernova I love this one cosmic energy explodes around you with a terrible force of a Dying star so this one looks like this very good if you're surrounded by enemies okay so continuing here after we've done uh Supernova we have void form channeled a very darkness of space rendering yourself nearly invisible to those around you there is another version of this and you can get it from your suit it's called chameleon if you have the trait the special ability on your suit called chameleon then that is basically void form you don't have to use your superpower and it means that basically when you um when you kneel down you become invisible with this you simply use your power and you become invisible or nearly invisible if an enemy has locked onto you they can still see you and they can still shoot you and so if they haven't seen you then you'll be invisible to them okay now we have internal Harvest so there's 10 on the outside we've just gone through all those ten now going into the next ring the Rings don't mean anything it's just placement it's randomized you might get one in the middle ring you might get one on the outside ring so Eternal Harvest uh what has blossomed will bloom once more right for the picking so if you're doing agriculture you harvest a plant you use this power you can Harvest that plant directly again so you can then use this power and you can Harvest as many times as you want and so good if you're doing agriculture grav Dash this is very good if you're doing the temple runs and you're trying to acquire these Powers use grab Dash when you're trying to get the orbs inside the temple you'll be able to use this and that will take you um it'll make that process quicker for you so manipulate gravity to propel yourself forward and briefly increase any damage you inflict gravity wave emits a gravitational force strong enough to propel almost anything or anyone gravity well so generate a focal point of crushing gravity that draws anyone in it into its field in a demon I couldn't personally get this one to work but it says tap into the endless Multiverse and summon forth a friendly duplicate of an unfriendly foe I think maybe you have to actually use this on someone because if I was here and I'd press this it it didn't do anything I've got to wait for my power to um to level back up but yeah I couldn't get on with this one this one for me didn't work I'm not going to waste time but yeah you can figure that one out yourself uh the next one here life forced so yeah life force is transfer in the very life force from an enemy harming them while healing yourself great if you don't have a med kit on you Moon form Channel D energy of Luna Earth's beautiful moon to be unmoving unresilient as Stone so if you need more defense if you need more Shield you can basically use this to take less damage parallel self form uh from across the vast Multiverse a friendly version of yourself arrives armed and ready to lend Aid so you can create the duplicate of yourself I don't finally fight very well sometimes they draw attention but it wasn't really worth it for me anti-gravitational field uh so going into the final ring now uh generate a localized field of intense low gravity and behold a planet's true power create a vacuum so oxygen fuel of humanity is withdrawn from a localized area at your command um good for killing humans and people that don't have spacesuits on greatest peace fill your foes with a silent calm of the universe compelling them to Temporary abandon their weapons so if they're engaging in a fight you can stop them and they walk away they'll drop their weapon and simply just walk away EarthBound Earth the Cradle of humanity shares its gravitation in an area of your choosing Elemental pulls so elements the true Treasure of the planet and Moon are drawn to your being this is good if you don't have a cutter if you don't have a cutter on you and you want to mine some resources you can just literally pull them out the ground towards you and then we have alien reanimation so life gift of the cosmos is granted once more to a fallen alien Beast so that it may serve you this is really good if you want um to do animal husbandry or even if you want to attack somebody you can bring an a dead alien back to life and they will fight on your behalf once they've killed the enemy they will die but you can use this to bring them back to life again alright so that's all of the power-ups and everything you need to know about how to obtain them and then it is simply about getting them to that X that level 10 so to start on level one two three four five all the way through to 10. It's a Grind it's really hard to do again there are mods I've been told that you can use to do this but I don't personally recommend using mods but then I also personally don't recommend doing this grind it's extremely painful but it's up to you if you enjoy this kind of thing and you want to do it that's how you can obtain them that's everything you need to know about power-ups enjoy the game Star born I will see you in the next video take care bye
Channel: Undisputed Noobs
Views: 45,763
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Keywords: Gaming, Gameplay, LetsPlay, VideoGames, Gamer, Playthrough, Walkthrough, GamingCommunity, GamingChannel, GamingContent, GamingVideos, GamingAddict, GamingEnthusiast, GamingSkills, GamingTips, GamingTricks
Id: SMguupVkER0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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