Unlimited Starships plus XP for each ship kill

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g'day guys welcome back to wombat gaming today I'm going to be showing you the best system to find ships that you can pirate in space A lot of people are finding it hard to find ships on the ground and in space and to try and get the most ships in one area can be quite difficult so if you are looking to make some good dollars by selling ships that you have stolen or pirated then this system is going to be for you I'm going to show you where that is in a second and I'm also going to then show you how easy it is so follow along with me I'm not going to do any cuts on this video this is going to be a complete walkthrough I guess of how to navigate the system and just show you how good it is I am going to be playing on a I'm going to be entering the system and on extra hard level but I am going to be lowering it to easy just for the sake of the video and that way it'll be more applicable to everybody as well so you can decide what setting you want to leave it on but just for this video because I don't want to have my ship destroyed at any particular point in the video I wanted just to flow nicely we are going to leave it on easy and then I can slow it down and show people exactly how to actually board these ships and take these ships raiding parties apart because some places you're going to board you're going to fly into and they're going to be one ship and then some places you're going to fly into and they're going to be four ships so it's going to be a little bit more difficult to navigate all right the system we're heading to is this one here our serpentinus I think it's pronounced I'm not really sure to be honest but serpenters serpentinus anyway we're going to head there this is the system it is a level 55 system so bear that in mind and yeah it can be a little bit difficult for you know low level players so that's why we're getting lower too easy when we do enter the system this character I'm playing on at the moment I think is around the level 30. and yeah we'll have a look all right we are looking for markers to begin with that's if you didn't know markers like this that's a sense of context it's more likely that we're going to have something there you'll also see ship icons sometimes if they are white it means you've been there before if they're black that may send you this one is white so I'm not 100 sure but we're going to head there first and see what happens so let's go all right as I said as soon as you come into the system uh we are what we've just landed on the number four planets 17 is four and we'll see how long it takes to get some sort of contact now we are on that extra hard level like I said as soon as I do make contact I usually change the settings as you can see and we'll lower this setting down to easy we've got one chip there we go got a number of ships so we've got a 16 he's quite low we're gonna take him out now and then we've got a 32 that one would I think it's the last one so we want to lock on and then we want to switch across with the A and take out take out its engines as soon as we've done that and if we're within 500 meters you can get the board symbol you can see there it says Ah for board so we are going to board and before I board I am going to put the setting back up to extra hard very hard because I have tested this and you do get for some reason I tend to get more credits and better weapons when I do it this way so we are going to now board and if you want to lower it when you're in here go for it but usually as you can see we're not a lot of easy I don't tend to have as many weapons in these cases if I do come across a ship like this and what do we got over here we got a helmet at the level of things can drop as well so quite good things in here tend to have a look around what else we've got in here we've got some racks here we've got us some other stuff so yeah so have a look around so you can if you don't want to you can just this stuff will go into inventory anyway once you've taken the ship that's one reason why you would want to raise the difficulty level all right so we've got a couple of ways back here so this is the back of the ship no nothing here so it's all good and we're going to drop down into this section let's see there's someone down there already and I don't know there's a turret so we're gonna take that out straight away [Music] and reload we might try the back of this this is the final shoot we might just clear the back of the ship first before we take the cockpit looks like the cockpit behind me is opened up as well I checked the back here over all good so we just want to make the cockpit now foreign maybe we did let's go back this way um let's go down all right we did there's a couple of Doors Down all right now we should be clear yep there we go so we can take the ship over now it's a few credits there so I'm going to go through and just check some ammo and some guns if you want to pick them up so we're gonna also you could be looking for Contraband if you want to do that sometimes these ships have contrabands Sitting them as well so keep an eye out for Contraband awesome all right we will head back up and I'll show you how to un undock from the ship without losing anything there's a little bit more credits and we'll come back up this way all right so we only got a little bit of credits off the actual people that we killed oh there's a little bit more all right so we want to check the uh I was one of these on this wall maybe it's over here here we go all right so nothing in the cargo hold but the captain's Locker should be here too somewhere am I missing it there it is over here okay so there we go 5 000 credits so really good start to our pirating that's already an expenditure that helps us if we want to take this ship we're going to have to register it so that helps as well and there's like a dagger in there and a spacesuit so um you can take what you want out of them but they will go into your cargo anyway so nothing no fantastic that can be just left in there for the moment now a good tip to when you do board a ship when you're going to take it my cargo hold on my other ship is super full wait if you put anything into this cargo hold here you can see it's almost empty so you can collect all these guns and spacesuits and everything and you could put them into the cargo hold when you do swap out ships the cargo holds from your other ship gets transferred into this one and vice versa when you go back so no matter how big your cargo hold is it'll always accommodate the larger amount of things so keep that in mind as well all right I'm going to show you how Iron dock because sometimes it is hard to un claim a ship and then you're automatically undocking and you may not be able to see where your ship is and you want to re-dock with that so this is important so what I do is before claiming the ship I'll undock because your other ship doesn't fly away at this stage because it's still your home ship and then we want to try and line it up see normally it's up so there we go but sometimes it's on the side so this way when we do undock it's directly in front of us then we can just hit that R key to redock straight away so we'll go into our settings and as you can see we were going to make it our home ship yes and you can register it here now it's easier and cheaper to do it here 30 000 all right we don't want to repair because we're just going to put this into our inventory and sell it so as soon as we come back out of this menu we are going to undock hit the R button there we go when you get the signal sometimes they're a bit too close you have to wait a few seconds but soon as you get that option to redock redock and then we just want to board our original ship always a satisfying moment to return to your ship I don't use ladders I don't know for anybody else if you still use letters all right so we're coming back to our original ship now and now we want to make this one our home ship and you can see when we come back out and back in you can see the cargo hold off the left here have the cargo holding the ship only is 3240 but I have over 7787 of mass in this ship so it just keeps accumulating so don't worry about that as you use it the only issue I guess with this particular strategy is if you want to pick something up in space after destroying a ship like ship parts or something you have no room to do it and your ship won't allow you the only thing you can pick up from destroid ships is credits so keep that in mind all right when we come back out you'll see our other ship that we now claimed is just undocking and will fly off and will become a part of your inventory to be able to sell later so I think there he goes and he is taking off so there we go that's the first ship so we are one from one and we will head on to the next planet and see how we go so we're going to stick to planets and not Moons for the time being so we're just going to work our way around the Sun and see if we can get all of them in one go so we're going to send uh we've got one two three four by six planets so see if we get six from six now we are still on that extra hard remember I I did put it back up before boarding The Last Ship all right mixing all that all right we're going to change the setting because we've reloaded into the old one again we want to change the setting for gameplay back to easy and it's probably got more time now so I'm going to um have more time here what do we got over here we've got a 54 so we'll take out this uh 52. visual it's a visual three and that one's I'll take out the we'll try and keep the vigil all right um where's the vigil all right we want to lock onto this guy all right so we're not close enough so we need to get closer all right now we should be able to lock on tend to always go and try and keep the higher leveled ships either of those two would have been fine and we again and I'll change it back like I said to the gameplay to put it on very hard which I don't mind doing when i'm aborting a ship make sure you are reloaded looks like we're floating in this ship so gravity is off so it's going to be a little bit annoying okay the cockpit's up here all right so we got those three trying to take a ship in weightlessness I tried to sneak up on me all right so I can hear this as you can see there's three more right they come from it seems like closer than it was the grenade floated back up what's the chances of that eh come on yeah trying to I think we got like we got two more two left so we've got to find them as a credit chest so 150 nothing massive in there but I'll take it anything with no gravity trying to float around these ships all right we're looking for more doors we have two over to the right here we go some bourbon who likes bourbon I like bourbon all right we've got another door here it's keeping an eye out for Contraband as well so we've got someone behind us which is she shooting all right we've got one person left to win oh there we go all right so we should get the there we go the option to take the ship now just checking these guys see if there's anything value it's a bit hard to do this when you're loading around in a ship um okay we need to figure out which way is back it was up here nope we've got a gone here if you want that a rattler and really weird Okay poncho there we go here's the cockpit now we're looking for the captain's Locker and any contraband and here it is over here okay we have 2 300 credits in here that's in the cargo hold so now we just need the captain's Locker here it is here and not 2 800 so it's not too bad some ammo yeah another heavy gun which I'll just let go into the cargo hold a bit more credits there didn't see any Contraband but probably sometimes you can get it sometimes you can't all right we will just sit down and climb the ship and as I said we're just going to undock first line up our original ship foreign there she is I'm gonna make this the home ship that's a b-class ship so probably would have been better off taking the other one but it looks but that's okay it's still worth quite a bit of money and we're going to register it and then we come back out we need to get that option up to redock again okay we're two for two now so now when we undock yeah uh okay would have helped if I'd redocked and actually boarded my own ship it's too busy getting a drink okay make home ship come back out I always get back in yeah sometimes you get the option to repair just here shop and there we go then that's the ship that we just captured we've undocked and it's gonna end up in our inventory so we are two for two and I'm gonna look at the systems settings on the ship now make sure that the shield is back up again as it's all repaired and increase our weapons again as well so we're ready for the next battle all right we're gonna head off to the next planet now so we've two for two so far we head off to this one and see how we go okay remember when we are on the extra hard level still let's see what happens all right we just have a free star a renegade to wanting help so you are going to get shipping counters at almost every planet but sometimes this is going to happen so it is what it is we are not gonna help him out I gotta ignore him we're gonna head off to the next planet so we are technically three from three but no one unless you wanted to attack him and take him we don't want to attack Freestar bezels so we're gonna let that one go but you could if you wanted to if you're playing the pure pirate role you could have just uh not helped him and just tried to take his ship from him all right we've got a couple of Ships coming in we're going to change our settings and we're gonna look for the smallest of the ones okay yeah so this 32 Rolex is the smallest and then we had a visual we want to take the vigil out actually we had a visual last time foreign all right here we go all right we're within 500 meters we're getting board now changing our settings back up to the hardest level again very hard it's better than we do all right we've got as I said we got now this this ship is pretty good it's better than the vigil I think because you're getting a lot more you know weapons and things like that as you can see the other one didn't have many at all so Revelation I think it's it's one is if you do see that one I would always pick that one first um check the back section here just in case usually there's nothing back here if you want an alien sandwich all right we gotta head forward they even try okay we've got two more on the ship it's cargo Bays and nothing back here so I get a little bit lost sometimes here we go all right we have successfully taken this ship as well a few credits looking out for a Contraband again let's go back here and have a look right nothing that I can see I can do a more thorough check later all right we're looking for the lockers so we've got the cargo holders 2 300 credits we'll take that and then the captain's Locker we've got 5200 so that's a good run and we will have a look at what this is so it is an auto rivet not a big fan of this particular weapon although this one is a legendary it's got some reasonably good perks so but it's going to sell for quite a bit of money so we're just going to let that go into the cargo hold though and I'll sell it later all right we're going to claim this ship it's gonna undock [Music] foreign up our original ship reboard I'm ready to hit that I'm not sure what it is on Xbox but on PC it is r re-board our original ship can be a little bit repetitive this bit I'm just trying to help those who are not sure that well and we're going to make our original ship our home ship again thank you and that one will end up in our inventory okay so as I said we want to fix our Shields and everything again before we go to the next planet so we're going to fix all that stuff up put everything back up and let's pick the next one so we're off to this one we've got two left so we'll add 100 luck on ship so far every planet has provided with some sort of battle we're gonna wait again just to see whether something pops in there we go all right we're going to change our setting and look for the get rid of the smaller ones the visual two another visual two we've got a 16 maybe we should have taken the foreign yeah so that's gonna happen on the smaller ships which is a shame so we did lose that ship was too small and we're playing on easy which didn't help so unfortunately as I said my cargo is full I would have loved those ship parts but it's full and we could go and check the other salvageable areas if I can figure out where they are to see if there's any credits if you wanted to this one over there see if we get any credits off this if I had been more careful then I would have taken the 16 hour first and kept 32 the 16 is going to on easy gets going to be destroyed very easily so just bear that in mind all right so no credits on that one either there was another ship somewhere but I don't know where if it's worth going back for that one Seville around two mineral deposit so yeah like that was the one we just we're at all right there was another ship around here somewhere you can spend some time on there it is over there actually I think this one over here might have been the one we wanted all right guys there's some credits all right so we got a little bit of something out of that we didn't get the ship unfortunately but you can see that it was still if I played it correctly I would not have lost the biggest ship I would have taken out the 16 first so we're gonna head off to the next one now I'm just going to actually change the settings first back to very hard now one thing I just noticed there is a you can see we're on this particular Planet but this Moon over here has a hostile activity symbol so this one is black so that means we haven't encountered it yet so if you do see these they're pretty handy to head to so we're gonna head to that one first and all my Shields and everything are good just kind of all right it's quite a few ships here and we're going to drop our settings back down to easy and we'll try and find [Music] that's a 20 to the 38 up here now what else have we got there's a lot of ships like this it's I don't know there's a 32 but we've got two more I think there's a 54. we want to keep the 54 if we can so I want to try and take out this other one first we're gonna find it there he is all right all right so now we're just going to concentrate on that 54. go in reverse there he goes all right we want to lock on shrouding is here all right we managed to get this one as well so you just gotta try and get it down try not to destroy their ships there are particular weapons that work better on the engines so bear that in mind at the top of my head I cannot remember what they are but I have fitted this ship out with those particular weapons uh we're going to change this back to hard assume the worst check this bottom section first all right let's get back upstairs quite did you hear that oh what's going on here still coming down and realize it was there all right let's go back up that was the last one all right looking for the cargo hold there we go so a little bit of stuff in there but no credits but that's and we've got a small amount of credits in this one so not the credits that we're hoping on this one but we will be able to sell this ship so we're going to take this one and we're undocking first if you don't want to do it this way if you're pretty confident with actually undocking then that's totally fine okay making home ship thank you ordering back onto my own ship and repeat and rinse I should say roots and repeat and like I said before too if you wanted to spend time looking for those destroyed ships at their cargo just for the sake of this video I'm not going to just to speed this all up they probably would have credits and parts and things like that that you could Salvage so definitely don't leave these areas and to to get them unless you're in a kind of a speed run like me you can see that cargo holds getting up there too now it's up near 7 800. all right we are off to the next destination as well as over there you can see now cargo all right we're going to fix our Shields and everything before we shoot off and off to the next so hit that Moon see how that marker now is white means we've already used that particular marker we're off to the last planet obviously we could do all the moons as well if I'm running the planets first it seems to work better then you could do another Circle round just on the moons foreign guys we're off to the last planet we've had a pretty successful time here we go we've got another lot here we're gonna quickly change our settings from very hard to easy and we're going to try and Signal out the smaller ships yeah I think we got yeah we got a 20 left that's um all right let's board this one this will be our Last Ship of the video just to show you that we can successfully hit our ship in each planet that we visit in this particular system now we are going to change our setting back to very hard and we were bored how many times you do she ships with a workbench area which is great so if you wanted to keep a ship like this pretty handy to have this sort of stuff on your ship once again we are triumphant okay we've got a couple more sits down here oh and probably two more so all right that ship should be ours now a few credits on that guy find in their pockets just checking for any contraband though you don't need to do this of course anything in the ship is going to end up in your cargo hold anyway but I thought I'd have a run around see if we can find any we haven't been successful in finding any more credits some more credits okay I've got myself a little bit lost here here we go up this way and we will take the ship I'll have a look in it's cold okay there you go five thousand eight hundred that's pretty good and we have a just a epic shotgun in here which isn't too bad just going to leave that in there though and we'll check the cargo hold some more credits so I did really well on the credits and we got to picked up a few supplies and things so yeah that's pretty good all right we're going to take this ship and I guess lucky last time we will undock first before making it our home ship find these ships particularly in this area always seem to be top as in you land on their top and board from there anyway so it I guess that's handy but it is a good tactic to do just in case you do board a ship that's side and you have a little bit of trouble finding it all right we're gonna make this home ship it's a b-class reactor and we're going to register it so we can sell it and redock with our original ship now guys thank you for following along we are going to finish up the video very soon if you are enjoying my videos please hit that like button and consider subscribing I'm going to be doing a lot more videos on pirating and this kind of gameplay I guess you could say I'm also doing a lot of stuff on our posts as well so if you are interested in finding out a little bit more then please hit that subscribe button uh there's not much else to show you I'm just going to show you one more time the cargo hold there is a little tip here a left for last when you do take ships when you sell the ships your cargo hold is going to fill up with a lot of junk so just be aware of that so if you're wondering why your cargo hold is so full I will go to the ship and we'll go to we're gonna make this at home ship first of course and then we're going to go to the cargo hold now when we're going to sell all those ships everything that's in those ships we just stole once we sell them is going to get transferred into our cargo and the one thing you're going to worry about is this miscellaneous you can see my miscellaneous is at 1600 mass that is quite high in fact it's you know ridiculously high and that's where a lot of apart from resources is taking up a lot of room you can see I've got all sorts of garbage in here so if I go by quantity you can see cyphron styrofoam containers and food trays things like that this all this junk here you can Jenison all this or you can go to reports and sell it there is a lot of junk in here and there's some really good money in here if you have a look at the values I guess say on some of them dumbbells there's 48 of them you know you're going to sell them for 10h so there's 480 I guess ish and then there's some fire extinguishers they're worth a bit of money as well this desktop Digi frames there's work a little bit of money as well so all this sort of stuff is worth something it's just really whether you can be bothered doing all that as you can see there are a lot of items in this cargo hold and a lot of this stuff you may want to keep some of it for you know putting in your post for displays you may want to start a palashi collection so these are automatic or collect all the cards playing cards in you know who knows but you that's where you're going to look guys so once again thank you for following Along on this video and I appreciate all the support I've been getting on the channel hit that like button hit that subscribe button and we'll see you on the next video thanks again foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wombat Gaming
Views: 59,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield gameplay, starfield ship building, starfield guide, starfield tips, starfield best ship, starfield tips and tricks, starfield free ship, starfield best ships, starfield ship guide, starfield ships, starfield gameplay 4k, starfield ship, no mans sky, starfield walkthrough, starfield how to dock, starfield how to steal ships, starfield how to board ships, starfield how to board enemy ships, starfield ship combat, starfield ship stealing, stealing ships starfield
Id: K7z1GRfOe2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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