How to get Rich in Starfield by SELLING DRUGS: 1 MILLION xp and credits PER HOUR, money glitch & exp

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I'm going to show you how to get filthy stinking rich in Starfield by selling drugs we're gonna make 750 to 800 000 credits per hour by selling drugs so in order to do this we're gonna need botany we're gonna be doing these plants behind us I have a full guide on that if you want a longer guide that's in the descriptions video below the first paragraph So if you want to learn more about botany and Horticulture but in this video I'm also going to be showing you how to do it but I'm going to be you know going a lot faster and kind of glossing over a lot of the details so we can get on to the Pharmaceuticals and how to get rich by selling them all right let's not waste any more time let's go ahead and get right into how to get rich on Starfield by selling drugs the first thing we need is to stock up on supplies we're gonna go to Jemison Mercantile this is the best place to do it I'll explain in a sec so Jemison Mercantile this is a new Atlantis jemisin and that is an Alpha Centauri the first place you go to go to the new Atlantis section that's the the Spaceport you'll come down right up there go through the scanner and then on your left you go up these stairs and that'll take you up here to Jemison Mercantile now there's a shopping list of supplies that we're gonna need this time for this video and I'm gonna walk you through all the different things we need here so I might always double tap that okay so when you go to resources and we need to buy adaptive frames we need to buy aluminum we need to buy Benzene we need to buy beryllium we need to buy chlorine we also need copper we need fluorine we also need iron and we need nickel and then we're going to need reactive gauges if she even has any which I don't think she does and then we're going to need sealant and then we're also going to need tungsten and then we're going to need titanium as much as we can get in bulk which we really have to deal with in a little bit and then we also need one zero wire and then after that we're pretty much good to go now if she doesn't have those things I don't think she can have reactive gauges but that's okay we can craft reactive gauges but if she doesn't have enough and even if she does you don't want to go over here and sit down and you're going to want to wait 24 hours and buy more of this stuff just go ahead and stock up now and it's a good day just do this buy a few cycles and then just get like you know 50 of each 100 of each of different things just make sure you have more than enough of everything you need so after a few Cycles the reason we go to Jemison Mercantile now is because it's close enough to your ship if you're within 250 meters of your ship you can just open up your inventory and click down here and then you can go to your ship and press the cargo hole to the bottom right and then go to your inventory go to your resources and you can just immediately put them away into your ship now my ship's at Max Capacity but normally you just click these and you throw it all into your ship's cargo bay and then be able to keep buy more and then throw in the ship's cargo by and then buy more and do that until your ship's full or till you're done buying supplies next up we have to upgrade our ship you can go to this guy ships Services New Atlantis right here at the Portland these guys at every single major port go to view and modify ships you need to get a ship either steal one or buy one and then you're gonna go to whatever ship it is and you're gonna modify it there's the shipbuilder and you're going to want to throw on more stuff so we can delete those and then we can add and then we go over to the cargo and then we can add on cargo and then we can hold left controller over to the Xbox says at the bottom for the controls and then duplicate duplicate and then duplicate again and flip and then duplicate we can do something like that and realistically for this one you're gonna want to put on uh this gets us up to 2 600 cargo if you can you're going to want to modify a ship to have 5000 or ideally over 10 000 cargo and if you want you can try to build something like what I built this crazy freighter that I made I'll make a video for this at some point it's not out just yet but you can make something like this or make your own version of this this cost me over 100 000 credits though but then once you have something like this you can carry 12 to 13 000 weight now that we've got our supplies we've got our cargo hold we're gonna go to the star system called nerion and we're gonna go here and there's a special Planet here that was brought to my attention the comments one of my last videos is androphone and this place has iron and aluminum but there's an exploit you have to do not really an exploit but it's just a really important trick you need to do so if you go here and you scan and you show the resources there's iron and there's also aluminum but aluminum is only found in craters and the iron is only found in mountains so what you can do is you can get rid of this resource map and you can look at and see this is obviously mountains on the map and this is craters what you can do is try to find the border between the craters and the mouse you'll click and then click again and click and move a little and move a little this Creator still it's creators craters mountains move left mountains move right I left craters move right craters move right one pixel there's mountains okay I am like on the one pixel border of mountains and craters now I'm gonna travel there and if you do it something like that then there's a chance it'll spawn you on a special biome that is on the border of the crater and the mountain so you see right here we actually have a mountain biome and we have the crater biome side by side so now what you're gonna do is you're gonna follow the border between these biomes you're gonna open up your scanner and you press R for output bottom left whatever's on Xbox and when you pull this out you see the top left it shows you the nearby available resources that are within range of your Outpost right here so if I have it right here there's aluminum and iron in range now you're going to want to do this and try to find the best spot but you can place it to find out you can go to a toggle view at the bottom is V on keyboard and then you can zoom out by looking down like swiping your mouse down down or down on the right thumbstick and then you can swap to different extractors to see where the resources are within range and if you don't like it you can just take the Outpost away so we're going to look and there's iron there's lots of iron here but there's only a little bit of aluminum so if you don't like this spawn what you'll do is you'll go and you'll hold it says R to remove Outpost hold that button and remove it and then you'll keep on running around and searching for a really good spot and find the right spot now I'm just going to stick to this box I just need to demonstrate what to do I don't actually need to do it myself so now that we have that what we're gonna do we should have all the materials I told you what to buy tungsten aluminum all this stuff so what we're going to do now is we're going to go to toggle View and we're going to go over here and we're going to place down aluminum extractors and iron extractors now you only you don't have to have them completely in the circle you just need to cram in as many as you can because they make the same amount of resources no matter what so do it whichever way you want to be as efficient as possible I'm just going to do that for now and then I gotta go over here and do the iron extractors and you do this as many as you want whatever you want it's up to you but I'm gonna just do it like this and then like that call it a day all right now we have our extractors now we need to power them so depending on the planet is solar wind this planet needs solar now it doesn't matter where they are so I'm going to jam them on the outside of the map like this and I just need to make enough for us to be able to power all these at the bottom right you see your power needs is 50. I have enough now but I'm going to make some extra just so I don't have to deal with it if I need more power now what we need is containers so if you've researched higher level manufacturing and stuff you'll have higher level containers you can swap through uh variants or q and T says the bottom of you know hotkeys for it uh so but in your case you may just have the small storage so I'm going to place this uh just to be you know in tandem with a lot of people watching so this will use adaptive frame aluminum and iron now if you don't have adaptive frames what you're going to do is you're going to put down under crafting an industrial workbench and then you're going to go over to this industrial workbench and you can make adaptive frames with iron and aluminum so then you can make those if you need more same thing for anything else you need any basic thing like that that's available in there so now we're going to go back to the building and we're going to put down the storages so you go to view and I'm going to try to keep them separate so I'm going to put them right here and then press e to build and then I'm just going to slap down a bunch of these real fast so this will be the iron and then I'll put another one right next to it and then you got to make sure to rotate the correct way or it won't Place correctly and then this will be the aluminum uh and also elevation can be annoying so I don't want to deal with the elevation right now so I'm just going to spam some weird ones then what you're going to do is go to modify mode is tab by default on keyboard bottom right says what button it is and then you're going to go and you're going to find your extractors which I don't even know where I put them anymore um they're up here here we go so this is one this is the aluminum so I'm going to take the aluminum I'm going to attach all of them into this top box right here it doesn't matter you can do whatever box you want I'm only going to attach two but you would attach all of them like this and then make sure all your boxes are attached to one another by right clicking and then pressing e the buttons it tells you what buttons at the bottom that you need it's create output link um so right click e and then all these are done and now my aluminum will go in there and it'll fill up we're gonna do the same thing for iron and you're going to want to organize this better than I'm doing I'm just demonstrating for you but you can organize this any way you want and then we're going to connect all these boxes and in theory I would connect all my iron not just two but I'm just doing it to be quick all right so now we have aluminum and iron being stored okay now the next thing that we're gonna need is we're going to go back to the build mode and we're going to need to just have to go back to the actual building we're going to need under Builders a simple fabricator so I'm going to place that then we're going to go to view mode and we're going to go to the containers and this is where we need some titanium we're going to make and we're gonna need a lot more titanium later but this is enough for now we're gonna need to make uh just a few warehouses we don't need a ton we can just make like uh we'll say three of these maybe four or five of these you can make as many as you want we'll make five and now what we're gonna do is we're going to go to this machine and we're going to tell it to make adaptive frames and then what we're going to do is we're going to go back to the building mode go to modify mode and the last container in the line the one that fills up first which in this one was this for the aluminum in my case I'm going to go to view mode uh and it was this one for the iron I didn't backwards which was really bad ergonomically but whatever it's just demonstration okay so make sure the last ones are connected so that way it goes to those first and then connect this one to whichever one you want I'm going to connect to the last one here and then connect all these boxes and now I will be making not just iron and aluminum I'll also once these are full or well I'll be making the Adaptive frames and once the Adaptive frames are full then we'll get backlogged on the aluminum and iron now what we're going to do is we're going to go into build menu and we're going to throw down a chair or a bench I'm going to throw it on a bench I'm going to sit down on the bench I'm gonna wait 24 hours for some of this to fill up so I can get the supplies I need also this is a really good planet for this so one local hour is five universal time hours and all resource General duration is based off of universal time not local time so this will actually generate an insane amount of resources when we wait on this planet so now it's been 24 hours everything's full we have all the aluminum iron and adaptive frames we need now we need to get them out of here so what we're going to do is open up the build menu we're going to go to Outpost and then we're going to go to build mode and we're going to go to this last tab and there's landing pad with shipbuilder so we're gonna go to view mode so we can see it's really big and we're going to put it here use adaptive frame uses that one zero wire we talked about and then the beryllium and the iron they're going to put that down and if your ship's not here it's very buggy and sometimes it won't be here so what you're going to do here is you're going to go to this and you're going to view and modify ships go to a different ship make a different ship your home ship go back to your main ship make that your home ship and then it'll be here now just because I did it the first time it's bugged and it's invisible but it's actually there right now after the first time it should work if you do that or if you're lucky it'll just be there when you land it just depends sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't so now what we're going to do to do this fast is we're going to go and we're going to go pick up everything so I can go and grab all this stuff and then be careful not to die from walking will overweight which won't be too bad at this little of stuff so we can grab all this aluminum and then we go over to the iron we can grab all the iron and then once you've grabbed it all or as much as you want to grab you can open up the inventory now the ship's close enough we can go to the Rambler as it's called in my case go to the cargo hold go to our inventory go to resources and then we can put it all in the ship like that that's like one of the fastest ways to put it in the ship especially if you have a lot of it all right now the ship's loaded up with the materials we need in order to make and sell drugs so now you need some special skills we need skill investment so go into here you're going to want to get five point spend to this top row ideally surveying if you're doing this a lot all this is just so you can get botany you're going to want to get botany in order to make drugs that's the minimum requirement to make drugs and then you're also going to need scanning ideally you're going to need scanning level two now this is not absolutely required you don't need this skill instead you can buy titanium but you're gonna need rank two of this in order to detect titanium so if you have that then what you'll be able to do is you'll be able to go to the map and there will be a certain planet that you can go to so if you go to the Top Drive Alpha Centauri there's a place called groom bridge and this isn't the only place you can do it but there's a moon over here called groom Bridge 7B and this one has titanium now if you have that scanning skill then you can scan and it will show you where the titanium is which isn't hard to find this planet you probably don't need the skill you can just guess and get lucky eventually because like half the plan is titanium so you're gonna do that and then you're going to make an outpost there just for farming titanium which is something I've already done so I can have titanium whenever I want so welcome to my little titanium Farm it's not even that big because you don't need that much titanium I literally have just one extractor connected to some boxes and called it a day and I just come here every once in a while to grab titanium so you're going to do this you're going to grab titanium and then you're good to go because now you can make warehouses now you're gonna head back to Alpha Centauri this is where we're gonna make drugs we're gonna make it right under the nose of the UC or whatever so what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to Alpha Centauri and you're gonna go up to the North Pole or the South Pole you just need to make sure that it's one of these uh snow areas so now you're gonna run around and you're going to scan tufted snow Willows and you're going to scan cold cave Nettles after you've scanned like eight or nine of them you'll see the rider says 100 scanned once you have that then you'll be able to make a greenhouse and these are the two plants that you'll need in order to make drugs and now it's time to make a drug lab so I've already made one and I'm gonna expand it more in just a sec but we are good to go the last thing we need now is something that's all over this Northern pole so if I go back to the build menu go to Outpost or whatever and if I go to view mode and to change it to build mode and I put out an argon extractor you see my base I found this spot that had a ton of argon gas so the Argon gas plus scanning those plants is all we're going to need this planet has abundant water so we can put water extractors literally everywhere that we want so we're going to spam water extractors we're going to spam argon extractors and then we're going to put them into storage just like we did before store all the resources store the water store the Argon and then we're gonna put them into greenhouses so now that we've scanned those plants we can go to the build menu and on the builders tab there will be a greenhouse now and if you want to research better ones you can eventually get this one and then you can get an even better on the research tab but that's a whole different thing just go look at the research lab if you want to research it's going to be under the um crafting there's a research lab or you can have one in your ship with a ship part and then go in there and just find the higher level botany and you just research that if you want to get the higher level greenhouses it's up to you same for the storage but for this demonstration we'll just go ahead and put one of these down let's say so we'll put down that we'll put down another there and we'll put down another real fast uh you want to put down probably a lot of these so let's say we throw down a bunch of these you probably want like 5 10 or something like that then what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to put down those water extractors you can make level two level three if you have higher higher level research since this is a base I'm actually going to use I'm going to put the higher level ones but in your case you don't need the higher level ones you can just put whichever ones so I'm going to take these I'm going to put these all over the map which I already have put some I'm gonna just put a few more to show you that you know demonstrate the process here to take those uh and then you're gonna make storage liquid storage this time so if you go to the build menu and go to the storages there's liquid storage which uses nickel aluminum and adaptive frame I already have a bunch of liquid storage over here although I probably should expand this a little bit so I'm going to add a few more of these to make sure my water gets backed up if I have more than enough and then you can go to these and just like before you can connect them with the create output link button put them on the first container in the line and then you'll have a bunch of water go into storage and this storage here I need to make sure they're all connected and then this last one right here is where the water will go first now because it's the last one on the line and we're going to use this and we're going to connect it to all of the greenhouses so we can go to that one and then go grab another one and put on these other ones I already had and now our greenhouses have water so now what we need is we need the other storage we need solid storage which I already have right here I could add on a few more just to demonstrate real fast and on two more let's say connect those okay and now we need to take all the greenhouses and connect them to the first one of the storages so it'll fill up all these storages and then what we're going to do is we're going to go to our greenhouses and we're gonna make sure that half of them have one plant and half have the other so half of them we're going to make them use uh make metabolic agents which this one's already making and then so those two metabolic agents and then you'll have the other half make toxins also you want to do this before you add the connections because it'll break the connections even though it's just water it'll still break the connections as if it's not the right material so go here break the connections and then you're gonna have to go back again now and go back to the build whoops wrong button you have to go back to the build mode View mode and then grab that water again and then reconnect the water after changing what plant type it is because it's just dumb like that all right so then after that you're good to go and these storage crates should fill up with the supplies that you need to make drugs now what you're ideally going to want to do is you're going to want to make way more storage than this so I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna skip ahead on it but what we're gonna I'm gonna do here while I'm skipping ahead is I'm going to take storage and I'm going to start stacking this storage on top of itself like this and then just make multiple rows of this and I'm going to slowly connect them all so they're all like you know connected like how we did the previous ones and that way I can store way more materials for making drugs also I almost forgot the Argon extractors so I'm going to plop down a few more argon extractors don't forget to make up power for this so I have a ton of the wind turbines up here which this plant is really good for wind turbines but solar arrays are also good by the way we have more argon now what we need is we need more gas storage so this uses tungsten copper and adaptive frame so I'm just going to throw down some more gas storage we're actually going to need a lot of gas storage if you get one messed up like this you're gonna have to switch back to the mode and delete it but we're gonna need a lot of gas storage as well doing the same thing as before where we stacked up all these crates I'm gonna do the same thing over here also this base is also going to need the landing pad of the ship Builder so you may need to get another zero wire be careful not to overlap with your argon so you're going to want to take a look and try to You Know cover as little argon as possible so in my case I'm going to put it here or I can look over here there's really no open space that doesn't cover some argon so the best thing I can do to minimize the Argon coverage is just put it right here it only covers a little bit of the Argon and then once I have this we're gonna do the same thing we'll move our ship there when we need in order to transfer our drugs up onto it and then after that we have one more explore two more exploits we need to use so for first exploit we need to use sort of an exploit is we need to fill all these containers now if you wait yeah sure it'll be it'll be faster right if you sit here and you open up the build oh my God keeping the wrong button if you open up the build menu and you go down here and you put down a chair or a bench you could sit down on this chair of the bench and pass time and that's cool and all but that takes forever because these things do not get produced very fast unless you make a ton of greenhouses so instead we're going to use the xsplit from my previous XP farm video and what we're going to do is we're going to go to Earth's solar system called Seoul and if you know anything about astronomy Venus rotates very slowly in real life so you're going to make an outpost or something here I made an outpost finally you can't make an outpost you can go to your ship and then sit inside of your ship unless you have planetary colonization or whatever level three you can't build here so you won't be able to make an outpost but you can wait in your ship if you do want an outpost here you're gonna have to go all the way down down to the bottom of the science tree and get level three planetary habitation but that's not required you can just go here to a random landing spot and then go inside your ship and sit down in the cruise seat and wait or if you get planetary habitation level three it'll be even faster because then you can put down a bench right next to where you come in and then go here and you can sit down and wait and one hour here is 100 hours of universal time so you'll go here and you'll wait for five hours or eight hours or something like that and then all of your your toxins and metabolic agents that that storage will be completely full depending on how many storage boxes you had so we did four hours which was 400 hours of universal time and it actually did not fill all the storages so do keep in mind the basic greenhouses do not produce materials quickly so if you want to fill a lot of storages instead of like six greenhouses you're probably gonna want to make like 20 or 30 especially with a lot more storage or you're just gonna wait longer on Venus I could have just waited for five or six hours and it would have filled all these it's really up to you which way you want to balance all those factors but once you've done all that then you're ready to make drugs and then we're gonna talk about how to do this fastest here's where we get the XP and also we're gonna get tons of money right after this so now we're gonna do the part of this where we get over a million XP per hour although if you're an Xbox it's going to be a lot slower because the way this UI works so we're going to go here to this pharmaceutical lab and if it gives you the bug where it says it cannot use because it's obstructed that's a known bug right now just save your game and then load your game and that that will fix any bugs with that so after saving a loading to fix the bug we can go to the pharmaceutical lab and we can make amp you should be able to make this without any special research or anything uses argon metabolic agent and toxins as a mass of 0.1 but a value of 100 which means it sells to shops for over 10 credits each so now we're gonna do the same thing as in the XP farming video so you're gonna get your mouse right here and then you're going to press e to confirm and then click or press e to bring it up again and then left click here and then confirm and you're just going to do this over and over and over again in order to get XP now on Xbox you have to actually use a right bumper and press right on the thumbstick I think in order to get it to slowly come up which makes it way slower unfortunately that's what I've been told at least but it's still really fast it just sucks that Xbox gets gimped like that but if you're a mouse and keyboard you can go up here and um there's also the trick from the other video that I showed for mouse and keyboard which is you can go to your settings and then bindings and go all the way down to menu navigation right here click that and then make it right click and then back out and then exit anyway even though there's conflicts then you go back in here and you can get your mouse right here and you can get it right here and try to get your mouse off the keyboard or off the mouse pad with it being right around here somewhere like that then you like Mike as I'm holding the mouse upside down facing me where I have both my pointer finger and my middle finger from each hand on the mouse and now I'm just with four fingers clicking the both left and right click as fast as I can and you can do this and if you do it like this you'll get more than 20 000 XPS per minute you'll get more than a million XP per minute but also it's the fastest way to process through these things in order to get your money so just know that every single time we do this we're effectively making a thousand credits but also I need to show you how to unload these things so you're gonna do this until you've processed all your materials I'm going to fast forward to after I processed all these we'll see how many I got and then I'm going to show you the new exploit I found for unloading these for credits as fast as physically possible all right so I'm all done I didn't even make that many because I don't have a lot of storage if you're gonna take this very seriously then you're going to want to make like three to four times this much storage in order to make more but that got me up another level in level 104 now and now I can see how many I got so under eight I have 15 000 of them which doesn't even weigh that much that way is um was a thousand four hundred or something like that and this should be worth 150 000. so if you have the storage like I should have had which would be you know three four or five times as many storage containers then that one sitting I would have been able to instead of getting fifteen thousand I would be able to get you know like 700 000 credits worth of them in about like two minutes or so two yeah probably two minutes you can get three minutes let's say three minutes doing with the mouse and keyboard exploit uh you can get you know 700 000 credits worth then you're all ready to go so now since we have that that Landing Pad nearby we can go to our ship and we can go to the cargo hold and go to our inventory and then we go to Aid and we can put this stuff into the um into the ship and it's barely any weight so we can put in a ship like this can hold 1.3 million credits worth of Aid or worth of amps if we wanted to so now we're all stocked up and ready to go I'm gonna go ahead and reset my key bindings now because I don't like having right click as the other thing there we go fix that now we need to unload so here is where this exploit comes into play uh so the last final version of this there's two ways to do this the slow way and the fast way the slow way require means you don't require any skills but it'll be slower so the slower way is go to volley and then you're gonna go to volley Alpha and you're going to go to Neon core and there's a trade Authority here that you can trade with so you'll spawn right here turn around there's trade Authority you'll go in here you'll sell to this guy and then he has 11 000 credits instead of waiting on this planet it's faster if you go to volley gamma over here and you make an outpost and then instead of waiting on neon core because of how close a shop is to the Fast Travel you can instead go to this Outpost where time is sped up here slow or whatever and just make an outpost with a bench sit down on the bench and in volley gamma two hours is almost enough time you only do three hours that's 57 universal time you'll only have to wait three hours here and then you teleport back to that guy and that will let you refresh faster which will lead to getting like 700 000 credits per hour so that's the slow way which is still insanely fast so 700 000 credits per hour like that the faster way requires some late game skills you'll need planetary habitation level three in order to do that just every plant you go to in order to build a habitable planet you just make an outpost and then you'll make a four wall Hab and then you'll make an outpost airlock wherever it'll let you if it'll light because it's really boggy with the height do that and then delete The Outpost and Bam you just got another Point towards it which I can show you right now now I have one of ten so that's how you level that up once you've leveled that up like that and have rank three and you're also gonna do precursor skills to get there if you aren't aware then what you're going to do is you're going to go to Seoul and there's a grind you can do that once you get it done it's great so you'll pick a random spot and then you'll fast travel there and then you'll just generate a random map over and over and over again different Landing areas to generate different maps and every time you land you're gonna run away from your ship and you're gonna scan all the nearby things you're going to be looking for a colony it looks like a half dome type of thing there are none here it's kind of a rare thing but you just keep doing it if there's not one then you exit the scanner and you pick a different area and you travel there and just keep doing that until you see the colony icon once you see the colony icon you're going to run over and double check make sure it's a civilian Outpost because there's more than one thing that can have this icon but once you find a civilian Outpost you're going to build an outpost right next to it as close as it'll let you 170 meters about as close as you can build to it then you can fast travel to the civilian Outpost whenever you want to get a million credits per hour by selling drugs all right so I said there are two more exploits this is supposed to be the second one but remember there's a third exploit we can use to make this even faster to get a million per hour or more so there's a vendor inside of here and since we're on Venus we can sit down we can wait for one hour and he will refresh because one hour is a hundred hours of universal time so one hour later and now he has all his credits back and this guy has 5 000 credits so we can sell our stuff three to four times a minute depending on how easy how could you are selling it in order to get 15 000 credits to 20 000 credits per minute so you go here and you go to sell sell your stuff sell from ship inventory sell the um Aid sell the amps and then you're gonna sell enough to take up most of his money if you even can it's so hard to sell just a little bit right you're gonna do that and you're gonna wait one hour and repeat but there's another exploit you can combo with this to go even faster because normally you'd have to do this dumb sitting animation and you can talk to him while sitting but he moves around so sometimes you can get him right here like you can talk to him and after waiting an hour you might be over there you can't reach them so there's an expo you can use okay where you press wait or you press uh yeah you press wait and then right afterwards you get up so press wait then wait like a hundred milliseconds maybe 200 milliseconds and then try to move forward and if you do it right which I didn't do it right you can keep trying press it move forward press it move forward there we go if you did it right you notice the camera moved so now it made me open up this menu right as my character started to get up now I can get out of this menu and I can wait while standing now be aware this glitch will reset if you sit down again or if you fast travel but for this case this is perfect because now what I can do is I can wait by just standing next to him wait one hour the menu will stay up then I can talk to them I can go to sell to them go to my my ship inventory go to Aid go to the amps sell as much as I've reasonably can to them back out of the menu and then wait one hour and then do it again and again and again and again and you sometimes you just wait for his dialogue but you can do it like that and that'll guarantee that you can sell at least four Cycles to them per hour and that's going to get you the maximum amount of credits possible in this game no matter what item you're bringing this method I don't know of any other way to sell faster to any vendor in the entire game this is as fast as it's gonna get so if you do it like this you'll probably get 1.2 million credits per hour depending how fast you're at menuing but I'll say you know real estate you get 800 to a million 800 000 to a million credits per hour just because of the time it takes to travel around and grab all your amps and load up your ship and then sell a million and then you know go spend five ten minutes or whatever you know processing more of it and stuff like that so it'll average out to a little under a million per hour that's why I'd be nice at 800 000. but uh yeah so that's it guys that's the end it took like 25 30 minutes to get you to this point but hey there you go now you have a fun way to make unlimited money get crazy XP make a million credits per hour by selling drugs now I'm not done here I've got more things coming I've definitely got more plans on how to push things even further but credit wise there's only one other thing in my have in mind that might be faster than this that I'm going to test out and make a video about but I'll have a lot more things in mind for XP and different things I got lots of other cool things coming and also just guides for General things like raising animals and other helpful guides but hopefully this video helped you out guys if it did you know feel free to check out my other videos I have Outpost guide shipbuilding guides all sorts of cool stuff but that wraps up for this one guys hopefully helped you out now you know how to get a million XP and a million credits per hour by selling drugs in Starfield
Channel: Kibbles Gaming
Views: 204,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield how to get rich, Starfield get rich, Starfield money glitch, Starfield money farm, Starfield money glitch xbox, Starfield credits, Starfield money, Starfield credits glitch, Starfield glitch, Starfield exploit, Starfield cheat, Starfield credits glitch xbox, Starfield money making, Starfield easy money, Starfield easy credits, Starfield best money making method, Starfield how to make money fast, Starfield how to get credits, Starfield fast money, Starfield guide
Id: 8JbETgJb0Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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