Starfield Lore - Everything You Need To Know Before You Start Your Journey

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[Music] foreign [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen my name is camel more excitingly however welcome to Starfield in this video today we will be taking a crash course in Starfield law and learning everything you need to know before starting your own journey in the game specifically we'll be learning about the events leading up to the game and the current social and political ecosystems of star Fields as so that you will better understand the world or worlds in this case that you will be stepping into now this video is sponsored by Bethesda who were very kind and provided me with a review key for Starfield so I have been hands on with the game for the past two weeks naturally this has afforded me the unique opportunity to consolidate in-game Lauren formulate what I hope to be a very helpful video now my other Starfield videos can be found down in the description via the playlist link down there you can also find all of my social media links be sure to help me out and check those later on and without further hesitation let us grab jump straight into the lore of Starfield with technology advancing rapidly and the impending challenges of environmental collapse on Earth we leave our real life world date and look to the Stars to the Future into Starfield where by the year 2050 the first humans arrived on Mars soon after the first established settlement built was Sidonia located next to the famous face on Mars which of course turned out to just be a hill half a century later the year 2100 humans have not only colonized Mars but are now also living in space forty years later in 2140 the first deep space Colony ship the ECS constant is launched worth noting that this ship was not equipped with grab drives as they had not been invented yet now by the year 2150 scientists first predicted the destruction of Earth's magnetosphere which of course would eliminate all life on the planet naturally this significantly accelerated Research into space exploration six years later with the help of grav drives humans harness gravity as a tool to bend time in space making faster than light travel possible this science comes to fruition in the year 2156 when humans arrived in Alpha Centauri which despite being the closest solar system to our own it is still 4.37 light years from Earth but thanks to grab Drive technology we arrive in Alpha Centauri and the City of New Atlantis is founded on the planet Jameson then in the year 2159 the United Colonies are established on planet Earth as a means of unifying the human race as we spread amongst the Stars just one year later in 2160 the Galileo of the first of many Colony ships touched down on the planet jemisin beginning a new era of human history the age of the United Colonies twelve months later in 2161 new Atlantis is named the official capital city of the United Colonies and The Centaurus Proclamation was issued which formalized the colonization of Distant Worlds for anyone who wished to do so following this in 2167 Solomon Coe founds Aquila City on the planet Aquila marking the beginning of the Cheyenne star system being settled in 2176 with the discovery of the Xeno fish species on volley Alpha known as the chasm bass and the psychotropic properties of their natural oils production of the chem Aurora begins transforming the enormous xenofresh Industries fishing rig into the pleasure city of neon then in 2188 21 years after the founding of Aquila City Solomon Co invited the vole star system to join the Cheyenne star system in a new alliance this would be known as the Freestar Collective and completely unrelated this same year the chronomark watch manufacturer is established two years later in 2190 and unnamed ship left the United Colonies to explore distant Stars it is rumored that while grav jumping one of the ship's crew encountered a Celestial entity the Great Serpent four years later in 2194 the United Colonies positioned a star station known as the clinic in orbit above the planet The Parlor in the narian star system the neutral inhabitants of the narian star system see this as an attempt by the United Colonies to expand their borders and demand that the United Colonies removed this star station the clinic from their system given that the clinic is a medical star station and not military the United Colonies refused to move it leading to the people of narion voting to join the Freestar Collective who one year later in 2195 mobilized to protect the narian system from the seemingly impending threat of the United Colonies star station and their refuse to relocate it in response to the Freestar collective's mobilization over the next 12 months in 2196 at the United Colonies move a fleet into the narian system with the freestyle Collective following suit and so the settled system's first Intergalactic conflict Begins the narian war now by the year 2203 Earth the Cradle of humanity is rendered fully uninhabitable concreting the sacred responsibility of interstellar colonies for human survival now with public sentiments souring the narian war would drag on for two decades until the year 2216 which saw the narian war close when the United Colonies destroyed the freestyle Collective Fleet this led to the Treaty of narion being signed by both the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective an agreement in which no great faction would settle more than three star systems the term settled systems is formalized in this treaty five years later in 2221 the freestyle ranges are founded as an elite protective and investigative Force dedicated to serving all citizens of the freestyle collective in the year 2230 the faction known as house Varun made their first contact with the rest of the settled systems coming peacefully claiming to only desire to spread the worship of their God the Great Serpent ten years later however in 2240 house for ruined forces declared all-out war on the rest of human civilization initiating the Serpent's Crusade a conflict that would not be short-lived and with the United Colonies preoccupied with a Serpent's Crusade just one year later in 2241 Jasper cricks leads a successful revolt and escape from the UC controlled supermax prison on suvarov known as the lock in the same Fell Swoop this convict Force overruns the orbiting UC star station known as the key Jasper Creeks then names his collection of stolen UC ships the Crimson Fleet who began attacking and raiding UC shipping lanes and although there is no exact date around this same time accounts begin circulating of a vigilante Bounty Hunter named the Mantis who terrorizes the criminal underworld then in 2255 after almost 25 years of Construction ginadine Industries lightning absorbing conduction grit better known as the span which blankets the city of Neon went online to this day it is the sole source of power for the city of neon two years later in 2257 the Clark Lewis Colony ship goes missing now in 2263 after the destruction of the UC star station the den along with thousands of freestyle United Colonies and independent Souls killed in the venomous 23-year-long serpents Crusade the founder of house Varun Jinan Varun died with his death and the succession of his Heir jarek house Varun finally soothed for peace to this day how however there remains select zealots of house Varun who do not recognize this cessation of hostilities that their lead is established in 2275 Sebastian Banks forms constellation an organization dedicated to the exploration of the Milky Way galaxy the lodge is built in new Atlantis to serve the needs and people of constellation for generations to come in 2305 the ever Charming yet Troublesome Barrett joins constellation one year onward in 2306 the United Colonies secretly begin Research into Xeno Warfare that being the science or art of utilizing aliens As Weapons the following year in 2307 ryujin Industries is founded and creates the first product neuromaps a piece of neurological technology that provides cognitive enhancements to the user this same year the Freestar Collective begins farming on the planet of Vesta in the lunaris system well one year later in 2308 the United Colonies claims that by the freestyle Collective establishing a colony in a fourth star system the Freestar Collective has violated the Treaty of narian diplomatic talks break down and the United Colonies lays Siege to vest up killing anyone who stayed behind or who was brought in to defend it this act officially marks the beginning of the colony war in which both sides deployed every tool at their disposal are Martyrs of Warships mechanized combat platforms and even bio-engineered alien creatures the infamous Xeno weapons few settled worlds were left untouched but some worse than others such as the freestyle Planet Nero where swaths of the world were transformed into scorched husks as starfleets crashed burning from the sky and Legions of mechs and Men shed blood bolt and bullet in total Armageddon along with the United Colonies city of londinian which was suddenly overrun by one of the Galaxy's most dangerous predators Terra morphs they swept over the city and proved Unstoppable ultimately the city was walled off and the Spaceport bombed destroyed in a desperate maneuver to interim the terror in the ruined City while the colony War would be short-lived the cost would be greater than any conflict before it in 2310 constellation comes into possession of their first artifact not knowing what it is the artifact is tucked away in the constellation archives to collect dust this same year taiyo Astro engineering joins ryujin Industries as a subsidiary 12 months later in 2311 after three brutal years of conflict The Colony War effectively comes to an end with the Battle of Cheyenne as a flotilla of Civilian and Military freestyle Collective ships take down the major ships of the UC Navy using hit and run tactics the defeat of the United Colonies marks the end of The Colony War and the UC and freestyle Collective ratify a treaty known as the Armistice both sides agreed to a vast reduction in standing forces and the outlaw of Mech Warfare and Xeno weapons all related research would be locked away in the Armistice archives in the city of New Atlantis on Jameson seemingly unrelated shortly after the Armistice was signed house Varun retreated into seclusion without warning this same year ryujin Industries completes construction of ryogreen tower in neon firmly establishing itself as the most powerful Mega Corporation in the settled systems one year later Sarah Morgan becomes the youngest head of the UC Navigator Corps three years after this in 2315 the UC Vanguard is founded as part of a United colony's response to the freestyle collective's use of Civilian ships during the war the UC Vanguard is the United colony's own civilian Navy relying on civilians using their own ships who pledged to protect the United Colonies and its interests the ultimate reward for this service is citizenship in the United Colonies this same year ryujin's neuromap product are made available to the public and are no longer exclusively military in 2320 the UC Navigator core is shut down cartha Drift But still eager to put her training to good use Sarah Morgan joins constellation this same year in 23-21 Walter Stroud co-owner of Stroud Eklund one of the settled systems Premier Starship manufacturers joins constellation and becomes its primary Financial backup as he himself puts it he is constellation's wallet the following year in 2322 former Crimson Fleet pirate Vladimir's Soul joins constellation in 2325 Sarah Morgan becomes acting chair of constellation this same year Theologian Mateo katri joins constellation one year down the road in 2326 Barrett finds the original artifact in the constellation archives and knows it must be special after having a Divine experience when interacting with it this same year after months of Correspondence with Sarah Morgan graduate student and gifted scientist to Noel is invited to join constellation 12 months later in 2327 freestyle Ranger Sam Coe and his daughter Cora join constellation Samco and Cora being descendants of Solomon Co the founder of Aquila City one year later in 2328 the ever enigmatic Andrea adjoins constellation this same year Barrett convinces constellation to purchase star station i-868 and modify it to become a deep space scanner which is then nicknamed The Eye and that lands Us in the current time of Starfield the year 2330 where you will begin your journey as the Freestar Collective and the United Colonies share an uneasy piece while wartime has seized conflict still Burns in many hearts the house of Arun has mysteriously vanished across the settled system even abandoning their Embassy within new Atlantis although extremist viral and zealots still Slither out to scavenge on rare occasions but if that kind of worship sounds too extreme for your tastes perhaps you'd be interested in exploring some of the other religions found in the settled systems such as the sanctum Universal Church who believe that Humanity's great advances in science and exploration of the universe is actually God's gift and way of saying I'm out here come find me or on the flip side you might be interested in the house of Enlightenment while they don't believe in a higher power they are a humanitarian religion of organized atheists who teach that human beings have to take care of one another as there is no greater force that is going to do so regardless of your beliefs the three major cities of Aquila neon and new Atlantis have more to do than any space Explorer could dream of constellation is in full swing unraveling the mysteries of the Universe from the lodge the many divisions of the UC are all hustle and bustle visit the Mast building the Beating Heart of the United Colonies the perfect place to inquire about the Vanguard see the city's sprawling shopping district or dive down into the well for some good deals just keep an eye on your wallet the Freestar Collective operates out of a keyless City worth dropping into the Rock if you want to look into the ranges while you were there visit one of the many shops Sinclair's books is one of my personal favorites but be warned dangerous look outside the city walls so go exploring at your own risk but of course there is neon which while technically under the freestyle Wing is as far from Aquila as you can get it's a hive of excitement wonder and villainy visit the ryujun tower and see the latest in technological advancements or you can Wander over to the Astro lounge and legally knock your socks off with Aurora you'll even get to see Borealis perform live but don't stop there as neon has many hidden clubs and Dives tucked away in the cybernetic Rat's Nest that is the city itself be warned though the lower level gangs roam the alleys and security likes to turn a blind eye and just as a fair warning you'll have to mind the stench of the Xeno fresh fishery as they haul up Chasm bass for Aurora production very stinky but the three major cities are just the surface there are many Star systems and planets with smaller towns and cities to visit too or you can just head off into the vast Wilderness of Starfield the world is your oyster or if I correct that for starfield's case the worlds is your oysters but for all this exploration you'll need a ship of course with many options to choose from but which to choose demos for their military designs hope tech for their reliable space barges Stroud eclin for their Cutting Edge technology Teo for their style and performance or trade-in for their pure class and luxury go with the one that looks the coolest of course oh and you'll need a weapon arboron combat Tech chloric kinetics or Loretto or maybe you just want to go with fists and don't forget to check the mission boards for all manner of tasks and quests from all kinds of factions corporations and legal entities you can visit the trade Authority all across the settled systems as the name suggests they are the authority on trade although it is an Open Secret that they actively deal with stolen goods and Contraband get the latest news from ssnn the settled system News Network the preeminent Broadcast News organization in the Galaxy or if you're feeling tired Terror brew coffee is the largest coffee chain in the settled systems all their staff are trained in the secret Brewing techniques of ancient Earth and if that doesn't cure the bags under your eyes head over to enhance to get some work done although if you like money or just want to do some debt collecting head over to the nearest galbank they are the primary financial institution for the settled systems but maybe you feel like killing some bad guys well have a word with the trackers Alliance who are a Loosely organized Bounty Hunter's Guild for the settled systems or if you're feeling particularly bloody visit the Red Mile I won't say more on that for now but perhaps you want to get even dirtier and rub shoulders with the Crimson Fleet even if you do decide to join them you're never quite sure who's a friend or a foe but you will need to be careful exploring the wonders of space as the Crimson Fleet aren't the only Potential Threat you can also run into spaces who are just unaligned scumbags scavengers thieves and murderers or you could bump into the ecliptics who are a group of Ruthless mercenaries brought to power during the colony War as they were used by both sides to do the dirty work but now post-war they run a mock and are a threat to the settled systems and if you grab jump into the wrong corner of space you might just run into Varun zealots who will not hesitate to turn you to dust in the name of the Great Serpent but there are of course many friendly folk to bump into out there as well the trade ships Freestar ships you see ships and all kinds of people from list that being the league of independent settlers and along with all of those groups there are just people out there who you're not quite too sure who they are or what they're up to so keep your wits about you and now you are caught up to speed with a setting for Starfield and I would love to hear what you get up to in game or what you're most looking forward to who were your favorite factions characters your favorite weapons armor ships cities planets aliens star systems and of course what is your chosen miscellaneous item to collect for me well for me it's apparently all of them this game is so big I can't even begin to express the scale and depth of Starfield so I am super curious what you find out there I hope you've enjoyed this video I've been camel I would like to thank you very much for watching I would like to thank Bethesda for sponsoring this video and and giving me two weeks early access and I would also like to congratulate Bethesda game studios for creating Starfield and with that be sure to subscribe for more Starfield content you can find the Starfield playlist Down Below in the description where you can also find all of my social media links be sure to follow me there as well so thanks very much for watching I've been camel and I'll see you in the next video I will see you there soon [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 112,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, field, starfield, bethesda, game, studios, softworks, zenimax, elder, scrolls, fallout, camelworks, camel, works, secrets, hidden, mysteries, lore, gameplay, confirmed, trailer, teaser, sci-fi, science, fiction, space, RPG, todd, howard, e3, analysis, discussion, epic, planet, ship, alien, pete, hines, release, date, what, info, information, leak, all, we, know, everything, play, travel, fantasy, time, 2021, xbox, showcase, officially, leaked, concept, art, technology, deep, dive, ancient, mystery, story, character, combat, dev, meaning, diagram, starborn, on
Id: YrP7qt0MpQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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