Starfield - You NEED an Interceptor Ship - Build THIS One!

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welcome back to fudge muppet my name is Scott and surely you like me have been spending hundreds of hours in The Amazing game that is Starfield and so much of that time can be lost in ship building yesterday I was just finishing up some last adjustments to another design I was working on at about 11 30 pm and then all of a sudden it was 2 am it's such an expansive system with so much customization possible so many cool combinations in terms of both the statistical and the aesthetic so many options to consider recently we made a ship building guide that breaks down all the overwhelming facets of ship piloting and building into a nice and easy to understand guide so check that out if you haven't yet got a handle on the systems but in that video so many of you are asking how I made my own ship the bombastically colored one on the thumbnail the ship I called passion fruit so I thought why not let me give you guys a tour of my ride a complete Showcase of the exterior and interior taking you through my ideas and process and of course showing you how to build the thing showing you all the individual Parts letting you know where to get them so that ultimately you can recreate this ship or take inspiration and then make your own adjustments it's always cool to add your own personal touch whether that be a color scheme or alternative layouts do be sure to subscribe to the channel because if the demand is there then perhaps this could be a new series but let's get into it so this is passion fruit the ship of my main character you may have even noticed some earlier iterations featuring in our earliest Starfield videos and she has been a work in progress I really wanted to have a ship with an interesting layout something to stand out against all the other ships in the game and the easiest way to do this of course is to slap on some bombastic colors however you will also notice that a lot of the ships in the game are built in a way where most of the mass is in the center and there are heaps of cool ships that can be built like this but I wanted something with a bit of a catamaran vibe to it something that emulated the ship layouts of Interceptor type ships that you would find in Star Wars or something however I didn't want a Tiny Tie Fighter I wanted a big ship with a crew so to break it down I wanted most of the mass to be featured in the wings and the rest in the center but in a much shorter and stacked section this also creates a really neat interior layout as well in earlier iterations I did actually have the intersections of the Wings even more exposed and fragile looking but I ultimately decided on a final version that looked a little less like a Pod racer and a bit more of a final product so I added some structural components to round it out but they still sloped inward so I think it gives it the feel of getting skinnier in the middle the other thing that was important to me is Windows it just never gets old for me just peering out the window at the expanse of the Galaxy as I walk around in my ship so I needed lots of those by the way for those that don't know while in space you can actually hold down be on the controller or the keyboard equivalent I think it's escape and then you can get up and walk around the ship while in space it's a Vibe it's also worth noting that I really think you'll have the most fun with ship building when you prioritize the cool Factor you can make far more efficient ships with minimal regard for the looks but that's just not how I like to do things this ship as a final build requires piloting Rank 4 and Starship Design 4 as it is a specked out ship Ultra quick and heavy hitting in combat this will also cost a fat sum of credits though do let me know if you would like to see some A-Class ship build guides as I know there are many out there who would want a cool looking ship but they're playing a character who isn't investing into piloting but they still want the cool looking ship so let me know but back to passion fruit here I think it's time to start on the interior tour so to get to the interior we enter through the back end where this damos brand Hangar Bay sits and this enters the main floor of the ship right in the middle I mostly stuck to Stroud Eklund for lots of the ship design including the Habs for for the interiors and the entry here leads straight into the two by two living quarters this acts as the central Hub of my ship where all the crew come to chill out and eat it honestly just looks so comfy to me I love the little plant details but also this interior has a cooler color scheme which I like there is a window set in the left corner at the front for viewing pleasure and just to the left of that is the entry to the port side Wing but also straight ahead from the entry point into the living quarters is both the entry point to the workshop below which we'll see soon but most importantly there is an easy access entrance to the cockpit this is the Aries bridge by damos and to get this for your ship you will have to visit the damos star yard close to Mars it is I think my favorite cockpit and if you love window mixing like I do then you will adore this one it has window panes everywhere including underneath at the front and it's just so epic it also has this center console and two jump seat compartments off to the side it's it's just such a Vibe but I will get into more of the stats and specific stuff in the building part of the video back to the tour let's go back into the living quarters and down the ladder in front of the cockpit entrance and here we enter the workshop where I do all my weapon crafting I liked this positioned here it feels nestled away like a little workman's basement and of course it needs a window and this extra Hub also creates extra structure for the ship so I can mount additional weapons on the inner sides so externally it can continue to have this Sleek aesthetic back up to the living quarters just by the hangar Bay entrance there is an adjacent two by one Stroud science lab for research and pharmaceutical crafting you don't need a science lab for research as there is a research lab station in the workshop module but it's there for The Vibes and it's fun to see the companions use the stuff in here there is also another window of course the one that is on the other side of the bridge when looking at the ship from the front this section along with the living quarters May makes up the central structure of the ship but now let's move on to the wings I used these hope tech Cross braces which are essentially extended hallways without doors and without the clunkiness of a typical Hub you can purchase these from the ship technician at hopetown on the planet polvo in the valo system I think these were essential to create the catamaran Vibe it makes the whole ship feel less bulky let's follow this into the starboard Wing this leads us into a three by one Stroud all-in-one berth which includes two bunk beds for half the crew and several amenities and towards the front of the ship there is an additional one by one storeroom and lots of Windows each Wing has exterior windows for the cruise viewing pleasure sunlight or Starlight to raise the Vibes but that's it for this Wing let's head back into the living quarters at the center and make our way to the port side Wing there is another hope Tech cross race that takes us into the two by one berth featuring beds and amenities for the other half of the crew and immediately to the right there is the infirmary for the wounded of course all with windows so that they can heal while taking in the view now there is one last room in the ship back to the living quarters Again by the way that was an intentional part of the design I liked that the living quarters was the central part with ease of access to both the port and starboard wings as well as the bridge but also right above us at the hangar entrance is the ladder up to our Captain's Quarters if we were to continue upward this is also where the docker entrance is so we can enter and drop straight down to the living quarters and then walk forward into the cockpit but somewhat sectioned off is my bed and desk and towards the front is my beautiful little sitting area with my favorite feature the window in the roof for all the stargazing it's a Cool vibe I think it's not the most ideal spot to have the entrance to the docker right at the Captain's Quarters however it feels private enough and it makes the entrance to the hangar and Docker easily accessible I also had nowhere else to put it without compromising the rest of the ship so that is the interior tour complete I think it's a very ergonomic design and simple to remember living quarters and science lab form the center Mass to which the bridge is attached the upper level is the Captain's Quarters the lower level is the workshop the starboard Wing is a cruise quarters with a storeroom and the port side Wing is a cruise quarter's end an infirmary but now you've seen the interior you've seen the exterior let's break down how to build it here I have tried to make the process seem as visually understandable as possible I've taken each of the three levels and split them we have the underside which features a lot of the Machinery it's made up mainly of acculanda 11 landing gear each side finishes at the end with a Stroud cap a from the rear going forward on the starboard side we have one of the 500 ton helium tanks by Ballistic solution for our fuel the pinch 8z reactor which is a beast of a thing giving us 40 power generated this needs Starship design and piloting for then we have one of the Teo mid cap bees which we will be using for these inner wing sections one on the bottom and three on the top layer but flipped but keeping it focused on the bottom layer we also have on the inner side of the Wings a weapon mount with two Vanguard Hellfire cannons attached I could probably upgrade these however I enjoyed the look of being able to have six total on the ship without exceeding the power capacity so it just feels really cool to shoot you will need to get involved with the UC Vanguard in order to access these for your ship now the center mass of the ship is mounted on these Stroud engine bracer A's each attached to the damos landing Bay and in front of that is the two by one Stroud Eklund workshop with a porthole window and an additional Hellfire Cannon mounted either side the underside of the port side Wing is exactly the same as the starboard Wing except mirrored and instead of the reactor we have the Slayton Aerospace 3330 grav Drive allowing us to travel 30 light years in a single jump but that is the underside of the ship covered that is all the Machinery under the hood let's look at the mid level of the ship starting from the back of the starboard Wing we have one of the SAE 5660 engines by Slayton Aerospace followed by the Stroud Eklund three by one berth ends the one by one storeroom capped off by a Stroud braking engine and the whole Wing is aligned with Windows as well as one on the interior of the wing another of the fuel tanks Stacks here Atop The other and the wing is connected to the main level via the Hope tech Cross brace which like I said before can be bought at hopetown the main structure of the ship has two of the same Slayton engine situated on either side of the Galleon cargo hold which by the way should be enough space if you're Savvy with inventory management but you may want more for your needs up to you a topic is the Odin 3050 Siege Shield generator the Habs themselves are the two by one science lab on the starboard side connected to the 2x2 living quarters both Stroud both with porthole windows at either side of the structure with the damos Ares Bridge connected at the perfect Center like I mentioned you will need to go to the damos star yard for this the port side Wing is the exact same but mirrored but the Habs are instead a two by one berth and an infirmary towards the front the top layer is capped at the front with a Stroud cap a followed by four of the Stroud cowling to make the wing with an additional Stroud cap at the back remember when holding certain pieces you can use the Y button to flip them or the d-pad to cycle through the versions sorry I'm not sure what the PC equivalents are but the controls are displayed in the interface you will need to do this to orient all the pieces correctly towards the front on the inner side there is another weapon Mount this time with two PBO 300 Auto Alpha beams which are some powerful particle beam weapons and you will notice that there is also a Shinigami Tatsu 501 em suppressor I don't run the ship typically with these powered on they are specifically used if I want to disable an enemy's engines so that I can board their ship the inner part of the wing here is three more of the taiyo mid cap bees to help create more of a complete look and also cover up the previously exposed reactor and grav drive both wings are exactly the same but mirrored for that symmetrical look the centerpiece here is the Stroud two by one Captain's Quarters with a porthole window on the top and at the back along with damos wing A's on either side and a connect pro Docker for the top by Stroud the other bits and Bobs here are the com Spike and conduction grid from the Crimson Fleet system faction questline and they are not essential to the ship build but they are helpful and that is that I can now take these three layers snap them together and Bam the ship is done I've scanned over every piece in this video so you can always refer back to this section if you require the specifics again I had a lot of awesome memories in this ship and now this video can immortalize it because I did the daring thing and entered New Game Plus with my main character and well where I am now is a far cry from here but I have stumbled upon some new projects like this thing a sort of homage to my old ship passion fruit this is violet crumble built like a manta ray type thing and also with a much larger and expansive interior I've tried to make something big and tall but with like a sort of intricate layout the base idea was a pirate ship looking Mast structure but it sort of Grew From there anyways let me know in the comments if a video on how to make this ship would interest you but guys I'm absolutely down with requests I'm a big fan of the shipbuilding and I like getting creative with it so if you guys have any kind of ship that you really want to see let me know I would also love to experiment with making Class A or Class B only ships as well like the video If you enjoyed this ship build and tour it was a pleasure to make and do be sure to subscribe for more Starfield content my name is Scott from fudge Muppet thanks for watching and I'll be back to nerd out with you again soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 84,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield gameplay, bethesda starfield, starfield ship build, starfield ship building, build this ship in starfield, starfield powerful ship, starfield overpowered ship
Id: hx6xJcI2iII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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