Stardew Valley - Best Wife Ever! Haley

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hi George I bought your warp totem because you know this is probably the worst gift I've ever seen thanks a lot you're welcome George it's actually pretty useful Alex is my grandson have I told you that already I'm sorry to hear that hello everyone so I've realized we can still do Haley on this file on my hilltop farm that I haven't played in forever I haven't even met most of the villagers so we can go through all of Haley's heart events and everything I'm on year ten and I've only even met a few of the people in town so let's go meet the idiot known as Haley for the very first time okay here she is hi Haley nice to meet you the only thing I like about this town is the beach well that's a lot more things than this town likes about you that's all she has to say here's a coconut oh my god this is my favorite thing probably because it's something equally intelligent to talk to now unfortunately Haley doesn't like the prismatic shard so I can't do the wallpaper trick so I do have to gather her the coconuts which is one of the few things she actually loves fortunately the coconuts are actually pretty easy to get you just got to go to the desert and collect them once in a while alright five coconuts from the desert today that's pretty good she gets two per week plus an extra one on her birthday which is coming up shortly not by coincidence good morning Haley I'll try and speak slowly for you I decided I'm going to organize my clothes today I'll have to throw all of last year's styles to make room for the new ones all right well I won't take much of your time because you're a busy person here is a silver coconut hey before you get too far away my sister is so weird sometimes I wonder if we're actually related and that probably stretches the limits of your mind here's your coconut about time you got up hello this town is so small it sucks no one's making you be here Jamieson you don't like it and yes leave I have to drive like 20 miles to buy any decent clothes yeah you don't even have a car and that's amazing that's why I even see disorder online extra shallow and lazy here's my type of girl you can coconut there is very clearly no car parked outside your house or anywhere really the only car in town is out front of mayor Lewis's house and it can't even get out from where it is today the 14th of spring is Haley's birthday and that means brain is turning nine that also means my statue of and misfortune has given me a pink cake to give to her but instead I'm going to give her a gold coconut because that's better friendship points so here you know after that one single birthday gift she's all the way up to five hearts good morning Marnie I brought you some delicious fiber oh I guess I'll take it while you summer Lewis always stretching before he goes to see you are you guys doing yoga and it's time for the two heart event or I always clean under the cushions it's your turn this week what are you guys possibly getting under the cushions that seems like a strange place to be cleaning or getting dirty you're being childish Hayley I do the vast majority of work in this house and you know it well she does have the mind of a child oh what's that new farm boy hi going out of here 10:00 don't be afraid to meet me at any point he has a name you know see she gets it the smart one hey I bet you understand my point of view here I'm really sorry to have to involve you in this Gerard Haley is complaining because I asked her to clean under the cushions well that will take about 30 seconds out of her precious day it's only because I cleaned them last week and the correct answer is Haley why not have this be one weekly job so Haley's clean sign into the cushions once a week and Emily presumably takes care of the rest of the house if I'm understanding that correctly that's okay no one has really high expectations for Haley she's kind of disco dunce all right you win I guess this can be my job every week then there won't be any reason to argue over it thanks Gerard that was a great solution unfollow great solutions conflict resolution is my middle name and now there were two hearts despite our not knowing who I am I can enter her bedroom and talk to her you said that last week and we can also do her for heart event thanks for a birthday present I just can't get this jar open oh it's you Gerard right yes you would do well to remember that say you're pretty strong aren't you well I am pretty good with a hoe great then you should have any problem opening this charm for me interesting sound effects and it looks like we've accomplished our mission hey you did it you stronger than you look and you dumb with any luck and that's really saying something she's pretty happy on that I think that's where 30 friendship points thanks so far her heart events are pretty short because you can only manage so many words at a time poisonous mushroom for you sir why are you giving me your garbage they're not garbage I picked them all the time they're actually worth a lot of money she'll be alright he just needs a drink hailey hasn't found a way out of bed yet this morning the one is too horrible to get out of bed the rain is actually outside the house so even if you get out of bed the weather won't really affect you that much Marnie I'd like you to have this crusty baguette thank you this looks nice so do you Marnie have a good day dummy hasn't made it out of her room yet today I used to complain about this town being small but I've grown to like it that's wonderful if it was much bigger it would select a community this awesome community where no one knows my name it's wonderful this is six heart event she's pacing around the beach looking distraught I have a feeling she has that look a lot at the time Gerard Tamir quick there's some amazing emergency my brace is gone I know I had it on when I got here did you try looking more than two paces away from your current location because I didn't see you get very far but now it's gone and I can't find it anywhere I'll never find another one like it I'm really sorry sigh they didn't wash up on another Shore I can't bear to think of it at the bottom of the ocean did you drop it in the ocean or on the sand of a little confused now sorry great-grandma I lost your precious bracelet please forgive me she probably will she's probably still alive people live forever here could she have dropped it nearby I don't know it's hard to say unless she was running a marathon this morning it must be so hard to find on the beach it's about a hundred square feet oh look could this be it right here pretty much within eyesight I wonder if she can just keep it for yourself I can't open my backpack though so I don't really think so maybe someone else there to try that sometime is that don't you recognize it yeah I seem pretty distraught about leaving it you found it yeah it was right on the sand way he dropped it idiot thanks so much drug you're a lifesaver you're an idiot I won't forget what you did for me here well I'm not so sure about that you have the memory of a goldfish oh look it's Sam he gets a pet rock here you go hmm this is interesting I know you can name it and feed it and take care of it good morning so you're just getting ready for work or I'm thinking about donating a bunch of clothes I must have a hundred pairs of shoes I'll clear you of some kind of job to be able to afford all that that's all here's your coconut okay so now that she's all the way up to seven arts she will soon be at eight and therefore I need a bigger house to do the whole marriage thing so I'm off to the carpenter shop to get that accomplished ten thousand gold and 450 pieces of work which I just bought for a total of fourteen thousand five hundred gold one upgrade for one unhappy marriage hi nice to meet you here's a piece of wood oh that's for me I'll just put it over here you can also hit children with that may be rather like soy sauce mushrooms what the this is terrible terribly delicious go ahead and give it a try okay what kind of words of wisdom you have for me today I just start reading some books instead of magazines I wouldn't bother I don't think there's any hope for you it's good to learn things isn't it if you've got to ask that question you're probably not ready to learn my new house upgrade is done today Robin has managed overnight to change the entire layout of my house without me so much is waking up so what have we got today I talked to my sister for a while last night I actually enjoyed it quite a bit yeah that's what happens when you use your words all right throughout for today's gift Hayley is all the way up to eight hearts which means I can give her a bunch of flowers together up to ten all on the same day but before we do that let's look at some of the heart events here's the 8 heart here we find the dummy known as Haley taking pictures Oh Gerard the lighting is so nice right now why I take them out and take some nature shots I've been trying to connect with the outdoors a little more that's great considering I don't think I've ever seen you out of your house I want to know what it's like being a farmer it's a way of life I've never really thought about I think you've never really thought about much well until now these cows are so cute yeah they're pretty wonderful hey I have an idea let's take some pictures with these cows you can show me how to approach one I'll be honest with you I've got no idea I'll decide it issued on a timer what could possibly go wrong and here we have several pictures with the cows apparently and it looks like T's falling off the back and here's the result of her falling in the mud she looks like a mess and she says yeah dad's not a word try again giggle that was fun Gerard any photos are hilarious I'm gonna go home and take a shower now good idea he looked like a mess though I'm not sure he's going to take a shower your house definitely doesn't have a bathroom and you're not even here do you have any good in our dialogue I guess living in the country isn't so bad well you've been here long enough you should be used to it if I lived in a city I might sir to miss all the trees the trees are the most relatable thing she has oh here Gerard I think I've been hanging out with you too much I don't know I don't talk to the trees here's some flowers okay just like that she's up to ten arts now I just need the rainy day so we can get married I'm kinda nervous aren't you nope I'm not I know how this goes I didn't know you felt the same yeah I know you're a bit of a slow learner not a big deal here we go one rainy day one five thousand dollar show now I just got to give it to my favorite idiot unless Shane wants it hey funny joke it's not a joke we should get married and the ten heart event we enter his house and find a glowing red for some reason and it's also suddenly nighttime come in just make sure to close the door quickly behind you and we find a tiny red boob Gerard you're here yeah you just let me in welcome to my brand-new darkroom okay didn't know you actually did anything so what do you think it looks great not sure what it is oh just a red room so anyway what do you want to do whatever the red room does that seems logical we're going to try to kiss here let's make our move already at ten hearts so we can't really screw anything up clearly she's no longer focused on whatever she was doing here initially anyway I've been waiting so long for you to do that well you coulda made the first move one moment [Music] and the lights go darker I thought the red lights were on for a reason I think she just ruined a hold out your photos for me that's okay she should probably buy herself a digital camera anyway that's a little outdated doing it with a darkroom well then I'm going to propose to you while you're lying in bed I accept three days the usual stuff I just realized my house is actually set up perfectly for what I want because it's big enough to have a wife I can be mean to you but not so big that I can have kids and the typical wedding blah blah blah and nothing new here so let's see what our newly enslaved idiot has to say this is people K you were showing a little we just got married this morning were you in my house last night that's a very strange thing to say I've got some chores to do in here have a good day oh okay I guess I'll just leave then not sure what you're doing in here there's not really much to do good morning dumb wife good morning did you sleep well I slept great I think I might break a dual-camera today the lighting is just perfect yeah about that I'm going to buy your digital camera nice of you to bring a whole extension to my house go ahead and start your day honey I'm just putting on my makeup I'm not really gonna do anything today anyway have any plans for the day nothing at all probably going right back to bed anyways so that concludes Haley just wanted to throw this video there will I still fine-tuning a few things making a work I think it's all pretty good now hope you like this one as always thanks for watching
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,552,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, valley, hd, 1.1, dangerously, funny, best, wife, ever, haley, marriage, heart, event, tips, tricks, guide, gameplay, tutorial, walkthrough
Id: aYRp0sExrEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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