Friendship Guide - Stardew Valley

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there are so many things to remember in stardew valley one could argue too many things i find myself spending hours in the stardu wiki despite knowing most of the game inside and out already the villagers though get incredibly in depth each has their own liked and disliked items with an entire schedule that changes according to the season the weather and even the calendar day my goal here today is to wade through all of that info to give you what you need to get your friendship level with these characters up efficiently this will include the villagers easiest to obtain loved and liked items their most frequent location the friendship rewards and if they're a possible spouse their room gifts and other perks we'll be going in birthday orders starting with spring plus i'll leave the unlockable characters for last to avoid unwanted spoilers and before we start talking about specific villagers let's go over some universal things you should know about growing relationships these are the absolute basics but it's important to know number one every character has a 10 heart meter each of these hearts represent 250 friendship points 2 500 in total for each character for the bachelors and bachelorettes they stay locked at 8 hearts until you give them a bouquet then they go up to 10 hearts and then once they're married they go up to 14. number two talking to a character gives plus 20 friendship however not talking to a character lowers friendship by two don't worry though because once you max out a character's friendship they won't decay unless they're your spouse please do not forget your wife number three you can give two gifts to each villager a week the change based on if it's a loved to hated item is here on this graph the quality of the item also adds a multiplier to the gainer loss 1.1 times for silver 1.25 for gold and 1.5 for iridium this means that giving an iridium loved item will gain 120 friendship points almost half a heart number four finally on their birthday the character has a times eight multiplier on any gift and can be given one despite having been given two gifts already i want to point out that that's 960 points with an iridium loved gift on their birthday almost four entire hearts of course the same goes for a hated item with a max of negative 480 so please don't do that there are two other ways you can lose friendship you can hit them with a slingshot for negative 30 or rummage through a trash can when they're nearby for negative 25 except for linus who admires your resourcefulness and one last tip if you're ever in doubt of being able to find a villager they're almost always in their house at the beginning and end of the day with an exception of fridays when you'll find most people at the saloon without further ado our very first villager is lewis now for loved items i won't normally go through all the cooked dishes but since you're so limited this early on they're your only bet for a loved item in its first birthday check for an autumn's bounty glazed yams or vegetable medley in the star drop saloon once you hit summer though you can make a hot peppers for him while the saloon is luck-based fear not i'll say this many many times you can almost never go wrong with parsnips they're an inexpensive crop that's fairly easy to get higher qualities of just remember the kids the blonde spouses and abigail don't like it that's all lewis can be pretty hard to pin down since he's all over the place collecting taxes and whatnot but you can always find him in his house after 5 pm except on fridays when he's at the saloon and for his sunday birthday he'll stand right outside of harvey's clinic and then go to the saloon at 5 30. oh and this isn't useful but on tuesdays and summer and winter he starts his day in marny's house at three hearts you'll get the recipe for spaghetti and at seven the recipe for eggplant parmesan you'll also have an increasing chance to get sent 500 gold as your friendship increases with him i've always found the kids difficult you can find pink cake in the saloon or rush to make a crab pot in fresh water to get a snail once again you can make his love crop in summer grapes otherwise he likes daffodils so find a good one on the ground and give it to him it's important to note that as a child he doesn't care for vegetables or most artisan goods which are usually universal likes so be careful vincent will always be found in his house in the morning and on tuesdays wednesdays and fridays he'll be with penny and jass at the museum if it's summer though you can almost always find him on the beach at reaching eight hearts with both vincent and jass you unlock a cutscene in the cindersap forest that will multiply the selling price of spring onions by 5 times this is nearly useless the real reward is seeing him say spring onion again we're watching out for pink cake in the saloon once you unlock the desert though you should have plenty of coconuts to give her as a loved item if you must give her a daffodil is a liked item and remember that she dislikes vegetables i'll make her schedule easy for you for spring she's in her house cooking at 5 50 in summer this moves to 6 and back to 5 50 in fall and in winter she kind of just shuffles around her house all day hey this is the first spouse so let's go over those benefits her room when she moves in has a cute beachy theme one of the best spouse rooms in my opinion and for the random gifts she gives many different kinds of food items by the way as a note these little gifts are usually not good enough to marry someone because the gift is good it's more just an item to flesh out their character now listen this is the easiest character in the game to tend heart just load her up on parsnips always if you must she also loves any alcoholic drink she also happens to be one of the easiest to find in her house before noon at jojo mart afternoon and in the saloon after four and if you unlock the desert she'll be at the bus stop every single day from 10 am to 5 pm at 3 hearts you'll unlock the cheese cauliflower recipe and at 7 you'll unlock the stuffing recipe beer it's always available in the star drop saloon i don't care about the implications i suppose you could also give him a hot pepper as a summer crop if you really want to during the day you can usually find him working at jojo mart and at night to the surprise of no one he's in the saloon shane's rewards are great probably the best in the game because at three hearts you unlock the pepper poppers recipe but you also unlock to quote the wiki slightly less rude dialogue and then at four hearts the dialogue is properly friendly at seven hearts you unlock the strange bun recipe and at eight hearts you unlock a scene that gives you the possibility to get blue chickens when bought from marnie i also want to mention real quick how incredibly touching his entire storyline is i absolutely don't recommend skipping him as a spouse and i hate this he has a room with beer cans and muddy footprints on the floor once you've seen his cut scenes you'll understand why this sucks for gifts he'll give you an alcoholic drink a few food items and oddly enough void eggs so pierre's only unique loved item is fried calamari which can be found in the saloon otherwise you're better off giving him either a daffodil or a dandelion as liked items now one would hope that i don't need to tell you where you can find pierre please use all of your brain function to figure it out at three hearts you'll get the blueberry tart recipe that's it nobody likes pierre the last birthday of spring and finally some good choices for loved items any gem other than diamonds are loved jade is the cheapest of all the options on most days you'll find her working in the saloon from four to midnight at three hearts you get the salad recipe and at seven hearts you get the red plate recipe here's a little reminder that you don't unlock the sewing machine through her relationship you just need to collect your first cloth when married emily's room is a mix of pink with a bunch of greenery for gifts she kind of just gives you a little bit of everything cloth duck feathers and omni geodes being the notable ones now for summer birthdays starting with jazz yet another child not very easy to get gifts for you can again get the pink cake from the saloon in time for her birthday otherwise fairy roses can be grown at fall they're expensive though so you might just be better off giving her daffodils or coconuts same as with vincent she can be found with penny at the museum on tuesdays wednesdays and fridays otherwise she can usually be found in marnie's house her eight heart reward along with the eight hearts of vincent gives you a scene that multiplies the selling price of spring onions by five again pretty useless as rare as we can all pretend diamonds are they have very little uses outside of gifting and crystallariums provide a lot of them so diamonds are the way to go here you could also plant an orange tree sometime in spring and then he likes daffodils this man will be at the saloon every single day you cannot mess this up at three hearts you'll get the salmon dinner recipe and at five hearts he gives you a mini jukebox to play any song you want in your house or on your farm and then at seven hearts you get the cranberry sauce recipe maru has some of the weirdest loved items in the game but the variety of them makes her fairly easy strawberries are an easy crop to get in bulk and spring plus can be high quality otherwise i'd give her gold bars once they're not very valuable to you anymore on tuesdays and thursdays she'll be working on harvey's clinic otherwise she's in her lab every morning and sitting on the benches around town in the afternoon you are given absolutely nothing from building up her relationship other than an odd resentment of her overprotective father when married she has a pretty neat space-themed room that will always argue that it looks like a child's room for gifts she has the most useful items by far such as farm warp totems bombs and quality fertilizer a hard man to impress for loved items you can only hope to find a complete breakfast or salmon dinner in the saloon he also has no unique likes so your best bet is any high quality crop or egg alex has a pretty varied day but he's usually in his house by 6 30 p.m and for rewards first he gives nothing nothing ever after marriage has remission and in my opinion gaudy workout gym but he can give out some food gifts that actually have buffs such as the survival burger or the dish of the sea after you unlock the desert you should be able to stock up on cactus fruit for sam if you don't have the desert unlocked during his birthday a pizza from the saloon works just as well at mondays and wednesdays he works at jojo mart he'll be in the museum if jojo mart uh isn't there he'll also always be in his room until around 11 a.m now listen sam is a sleeper hit you don't get any rewards for raising friendship but some of the scenes are really good not to mention that as a spouse sam has one of the nicest looking rooms which is to say it isn't decorated weirdly a cute detail with his gifts is that he briefly mentions in dialogue that he can't cook so there's only two food items he can give you pizza and instant pancakes otherwise he offers cactus fruit coconuts earth crystals and geodes like his daughter this man loves strawberries another fairly easy item is in summer you can get ice cream from the ice cream stand this is another one of the easiest characters to find he is always at or just outside his home except on friday when he goes to the saloon at three hearts you get the fried mushroom recipe at six hearts you get to tell him he's wrong about tomatoes and at seven hearts you get the autumn's bounty recipe the last birthday for summer this man is an enigma oddly enough i'd say the best loved item to get him is mead if you don't know how to make mead i don't blame you because it's not useful for literally anything else put honey in a keg otherwise you can give him diamonds willie can be found tending his shop on the beach every day except for saturday where he'll fish in the river and then go to the saloon at three hearts you obtain the chowder recipe at six hearts crab cakes will always be sold at the saloon important as a loved item for elliot and at seven hearts she'll get the fish stew recipe poppies are the best choice for a loved item as sandfish are the only other item able to have high quality but they can't be caught reliably without a fish pond diamonds and emeralds also work if you have no other choice she likes all artifacts which aren't really useful for anything else as with vincent and jas she's found in the museum on tuesdays wednesdays and fridays on other days she can be found reading next to the graveyard in the morning very normal thing to do you get now imagine this nothing from relationship rewards and let me tell you what you have to tiptoe around this character because there's two instances that can lose you 1500 friendship points six entire hearts one of them's pretty obvious but the other is well just tell her what you think she wants to hear i won't spoil it at the very least she has a really nice looking room as a spouse the items she gives you though are just various food dishes and regular geodes for some reason elliot's usually one of the characters i build later mostly because having the crab cakes from willy's six-heart reward makes him so much easier otherwise you can give him lobster from ocean crab pots he can always be found in his house before 11am and after 6pm unless it's a friday or saturday when he's at the saloon like many other spouses there's no rewards for his relationship but he personally has my favorite looking room and for gifts he'll give you a bunch of fish-based dishes i'm amazed i said that right on the first try and coffee diamond's for jody however if you have unlocked the kitchen pancakes are the easiest dish to make for her with just flour and an egg now jody's hard to track almost every day she's out and about at a different place if you want to find her consistently you'll have to go in her house the moment you can as she usually leaves by 10 am for this first reward it's not a tangible item or anything but you gain access to a room that has something nice in there it's worth seeing at least once and then at 7 hearts you get the ice cream recipe amethysts are easily the most accessible and cheapest item to give her you can also give her courts to which she'll say they look delicious so i don't know she'll be in her house before 10 am and on sundays she'll stand outside the wizards tower again no changeable rewards but after her ten heart event she'll be on floor 20 of the mines on rainy days which is just neat given her little character story after marriage her room is neat but again kind of looks like a kid's room abigail gives a large variety of gifts including multiple soups bombs monster drops and amethysts marnie loves diamonds which is usually what i recommend as gifts however the farmer's lunch isn't too hard to cook only needing a parsnip and an omelet luckily she's yet another shop owner 9am to 4pm every day except mondays and tuesdays when she can be found in pierre's store at three hearts you get the pale broth recipe and at seven hearts you get the rhubarb pie recipe and as your friendship increases you have a higher chance of being sent hey her loves aren't that easy to get unless you have a peach tree she does like quartz though she'll be found tending her shop almost every day outside of events from 9 am to 5 pm at six hearts you get the recipe for both the drum block and flute block by entering her house and then at seven hearts you get the recipe for pumpkin soup you also have a higher chance of being sent wood the higher your friendship is luckily he loves leeks a spring forgivable item they're the rarest of all the spring forgivables though so daffodils will work instead as alike oh and even though he requests quartz pretty often on the help wanted board do not give him courts otherwise it's a hated item for him he'll be at home almost every day all day but since he's a god-fearing man you can find him at the yoba shrine on sundays at two hearts you can go into his room and find a sad note on his nightstand at three hearts you get the fried eel recipe and at seven hearts you get the spicy eel recipe finally on to the last season winter now if you're like me you kind of just give linus any edible forged item as he likes most of them but he also loves both cactus fruits and coconuts linus will always be in his tent or just around it and if the spa is open he'll always go there at 2pm at three hearts you get the sashimi recipe real quick this is a very important recipe as it's not only loved by sebastian and extremely easy to make but for cheaper fish turning them into sashimi will make them sell for more and at seven hearts you get the fish taco summer spangles are a fairly cheap crop that she loves otherwise daffodils work as well she's yet another character with a fairly complicated schedule though generally in the morning she'll be somewhere around her house and in the afternoon she'll be somewhere around town most likely at the town square with jody as a note she often mentions helping evelyn with the public gardens do not bother she is never helping evelyn with the public gardens at two hearts you need to enter the door in our kitchen and this unlocks the tea sapling recipe at three hearts you get the parsnip soup recipe and at seven hearts you get the vegetable stew recipe funnel all of your frozen tears into this boy or if you like make sashimi for him you have two very easy options most days he'll be found in his room or outside his house next to the lake on fridays he'll be at the saloon and saturdays at sam's house he's also one of the few characters that won't stay in their house on rainy days you can catch him next to the lake catching frogs there's no rewards for increasing relationship but as a spouse he has a room that i can only describe as a gamer space and after his 14 heart event it has a frog tank yes his gifts include a bunch of monster drops a few gems and coffee speaking of coffee if you don't know put five coffee beans in a keg you should have a lot of these already since the speed boost is extremely useful before you unlock kegs though all spring forgeables are disliked gifts most days harvey will be running the clinic between 9am and 3pm or he can be found in his room in the back while this isn't about his movement it's interesting to point out that while every character can be found in the clinic at least once a year the older characters go a lot more for instance evelyn has an appointment on the second of every month plus she's there at the 23rd of every month because george won't go by himself it's just a little detail that i think gets overlooked a lot your reward for relationship is the cutest 10 heart cut scene in the game and in one of the other cutscenes he gives the coordinates of his location that puts his position in the middle of russia as a spouse he has a fairly generic room and he gets you a few food items nothing crazy while none of his loved items are worth hunting out on their own you'll probably naturally end up with a few purple mushrooms and void essences which don't have too many uses otherwise he also likes quartz this man's schedule is so easy that he doesn't even have one of those little drop down bars on the wiki that almost every other character has he is here always at four hearts you get access to the shrine of trans your gender in his basement and the higher your friendship is the higher the chance he sends you a fire quartz frozen tear jade or purple mushroom tulips are a cheap spring crop or if you've unlocked the oasis you can also plant beets and fall if all else fails diamonds are loved as well she can most often be found tending to the plants in town square from 1pm to 4 30 pm but if you finish the community center on monday thursday and saturday she can be found on there during those hours instead at four hearts you get a cut scene in her house that gives you the cookie recipe and at seven hearts you get the rice pudding recipe you also have a higher chance of getting cookies in the mail the higher your friendship is i don't know how she squeezes them in a letter don't ask salads are always available in the star drop saloon but truffles are a good late game option with a chance for being higher qualities she can be found sculpting in her cottage every morning until 11 to 12 a.m unfortunately you can't enter her house at all until two hearts so before then you can catch her walking around the forest or in the star drop saloon on friday and saturday nights at six hearts she gives you a sculpture and that's it for all the rewards but i want to talk about her two heart cutscene for a second there is a dialogue option that has the parentheses creepy indicator like it's some kind of fallout game please do not click this funny as it may be you'll miss out on her 8 heart event if you do also if you're a girl she'll comment on how she's happy that you're a lesbian but she'll still knock you out except with a hammer this time instead of her fist she has a nice more refined looking room than most people as a spouse and for gifts she'll offer you mushrooms or various forged items last and probably also least we have clint similar to emily he also loves all of the gems except for diamonds you can also go with omni geodes which become very abundant late game he tends to his shop every single day from 9am to 4pm unless you've completed the community center where on fridays he'll be checking the boiler room instead at three hearts you get an algae soup recipe and at seven hearts you get the bean hot pot recipe and that concludes the regular characters that you have access to from the beginning of the game now for the unlockables once again in birthday order kent is unlocked automatically at the beginning of year two kent's now the first birthday of the year now seeing as you're guaranteed to be in year two i'd recommend honestly giving him a universally loved item for his birthday both of his normal loved items are dishes that you'll still not have since they're unlocked through year two exclusive queen of the sauces in a pinch he likes all fruits and daffodils he can be found every day except for sunday in front of his house from 7am to 10 30 am on sundays he'll be in his house instead at three hearts you get the crispy bass recipe and at seven hearts you get the super meal recipe this man oh this man will send you more bombs the higher your friendship is okay the dwarf is unlocked by blowing up the rock at the top of the mines and then donating all dwarvish scrolls to the museum which are dropped by various different enemies in the mines the dwarf is the third character that will love any gem other than diamonds plus he also loves omni geodes easy to find he'll always be attending his shop at the top of the mines oddly enough there aren't even any cutscenes for his friendship other than one at 50 friendship points after buying a star drop from krobus this doesn't unlock anything it just shows you some lore leo is unlocked after completing the community center bundles and putting together willy's ship you can access ginger island in basically the entirety of the 1.5 update and leo's there right off the bat the easiest loved items to get for him are duck feathers but once you have a mango tree he loves those as well otherwise he likes courts so leo has two entirely different schedules depending on if you've reached six hearts with them before six hearts he's always on the island and is hut until 10 30 a.m and then he's usually in the jungle after that after six hearts he then lives in a tree house on the mountain his sundays and mondays are the same as before otherwise he's in or around his tree house before 9 a.m and all over town after that at three hearts you get the poi recipe and at seven hearts you get the mango sticky rice recipe and then at nine hearts you get overwhelmed for love for this little boy that you changed the life of sandy is unlocked along with the desert from the vault bundles loved items are really easy for her she loves all the forged flowers daffodils for spring sweet peas for summers and crocuses for winter and then she can always be found in her shop at the desert at seven hearts you get the recipe for tomca soup and the higher your friendship the more likely she'll send you either cactus fruit coconuts or tomka soup and finally krobus is unlocked by donating 60 items to the museum and using the key you get to go into the sewers the cheapest item he loves is wild horseradish but outside of spring diamonds and void eggs will do if you really want you could just buy a void egg and gift it right back to him as with all the other unlocked shopkeepers he's always found in the sewers tending to his shop the only reward is that three hearts you obtain the dark sign recipe oh also krobus can be us uh roommate if you want a literal dungeon in your house this is the way to do it krobus will act pretty identically to any other spouse except he won't kiss you and make babies obviously he can gift you sea urchins void eggs void mayo void salmon and a couple of fairly normal food items and that is everyone just to follow all of this up once you do choose a marriage candidate which you do by giving a mermaid panda at 10 hearts a lot from this dude at the tide pools when it's raining this doesn't bar you off from dating other characters also know that there is no benefit to having kids god bless so that's a decision completely up to you the one thing that is required when it comes to marriage is that you do get a star drop once you hit 13 hearts so at least build your relationship up to there also please kiss your spouse they lose 20 points of friendship if you don't talk to them every day despite being maxed out as they should sorry if this is a lot of information to take in but the relationship system is just inherently complicated because it kind of has to be the complexity is what gives these characters a lot of their personality and makes them come to life there's so many little hidden details in why they would like or hate a certain gift and even further with what they do every day that makes building these relationships so rewarding except for penny [Music] you
Channel: Salmence
Views: 413,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's, Play, salmence100, nintendo, stardew valley, stardew valley 1.5 update, stardew valley 1.5, stardew valley let's play, stardew valley beach farm, stardew valley beach, stardew valley guide, stardew valley gameplay, how to play stardew valley, beach farm, beach farm guide, stardew valley update, stardew relationship guide, stardew valley friendship guide, stardew valley friendship, stardew valley marriage, stardew valley gift guide, stardew valley gifts
Id: xB66jPlQcHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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