Easy Money in Spring - Stardew Valley

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getting your farm off the ground is one of the biggest and most impactful challenges of the game how well you do can set the pace for your entire first year so you need to do it right what i'm not here to do is force you into min maxing which if you don't know is basically sacrificing every other part of the game just to make money because while that's fun for some people it's not right for everyone i'm here to give you options diversifying the start of your farm is great for both fun and effectiveness so first of course we gotta talk about the crops there's plenty of different ways you can take this but my preferred way is to spend all 500 of that starting gold on parsnips so i know what your question is why not potatoes are the best gold per day crop well i've gone over this before but this will give you more money and more experience than potatoes in two less days with the trade-off of upkeeping a few more crops this is mostly because on day one you don't have the luxury of buying as many crops as you want so more parsnips less potatoes it works out with those parsnips being done in four days i then spend a clump of money on potatoes as they are the best gold per day crop now again just buy as many as you're comfortable watering every day and then by the time that spring 13th comes you'll have already harvested all of the potatoes and time to buy strawberries at the egg festival which is now your new best gold per day crop and note that if you started with potatoes on day one and then after harvesting those planted more potatoes they would not be ready for the egg festival of course also during this time i'd recommend planting your one green bean and at least one cauliflower to complete the spring crops bundle now if you plant those strawberries with speed grow you'll actually get a whole extra harvest before they die out in summer to get speed grow this early you'll want to make sure to complete the spring crops bundle for 20 freebies and that should set you up for the whole season don't feel obligated to stick to this 100 percent the most important part are those strawberries change everything else up if you like you don't have to buy a new harvest of crops after you harvest the previous ones mix and match it a bit if you want so you know how you get the forgibles of the season and turn them into seeds and then sell them for more money than they'd be worth as the raw forageables well you can do that if you didn't know but forget it now well still turn them into seeds but i have something else for you to do with them upon reaching two hearts with caroline you can enter the door in her kitchen to unlock tea saplings which yes can be planted and harvested every day for the last week of a season which will net you a total of 700 gold per plant if you turn them all into green tea with a keg or instead of all that you can just craft the tea sapling with two wild seeds five wood and five fiber and then just sell it it sells out right for a hefty 500 gold no five step procedure involved if you're wondering about the profit compared to just selling the two seeds two spring seeds will sell for a total of 70 gold even if you're really hurting for wood you can just buy it outright from the carpenter's shop for 10 gold each and let's be honest fiber doesn't really have a lot of uses this early so now every time you craft 10 seasonal seeds you just earned 2 500 gold next i can not stress how important it is to set up your tree tappers early you start out and you're like oh those are only needed for a few things i'll wait on it no don't do that these three items lock you out of some of the best money makers for both the early and late game maple syrup specifically can make bee houses which are a very quick to set up machine that can net you an easy 380 gold every four days when it's next to a planted poppy and that number only gets higher as the seasons go on and the flowers get more expensive even if you have to buy the iron ore for the bar in the recipe the honey will pay for that in two harvests it's an absolute must-have here i always sing its praises it's so underrated i watched someone else's 1.6 witch list and they said b houses needed a buff and i my pants on the spot you all don't understand oh yeah and oak resin makes kegs i guess i don't really mess around with these too much early game but you'll definitely want to work on them for later fishing yeah sorry it's great i will at least leave you with a few tips to get you going the best place to fish for money in spring is the mountain lake unless it's raining and then the river is best due to there being catfish now which sell for tons of money if i'm completely honest though until you get to higher fishing levels i just stick with the mountains that thing is really hard to catch with a small bar also don't be super afraid to use the training rod if you think you need it yes it only allows common fish to bite and it makes them all normal quality but just being able to catch the fish faster can make you more money also i know that earning money early is very valuable to you but consider keeping any fish that sell for less than 75 gold as later you'll get a recipe to cook any fish into sashimi which itself sells for 75 gold you'll get that recipe from linus upon reaching 3 hearts with them now with this next method we may be sneaking into exploit territory but i think the difficulty of learning makes up for it we're going to learn how to clay farm to start you're going to need the largest area possible of hoeable soil for most people this will probably be the beach most of this method relies on knowing that you can use the pickaxe to unhoe the ground where you can then hoe it again for a chance at another drop so to start we're going to hoe the same spot until we get a drop of clay from here we're going to follow a pattern go right two spaces up one hoe that spot continue until you have six spots hoed and then move straight left from the last spot until you're above your starting point do that same pattern four times now you're going to repeat this whole pattern one spot above where you started you should have what looks like 10 lines now that's your full rotation your next starting point is going to be three spots to the right of where you initially started you can now repeat this rotation as many times as you like if there's an object blocking a spot that you need to hoe simply hoe a different spot and it'll skip that spot and you can continue with your pattern same thing applies if you accidentally hoe the wrong spot just simply skip whatever spot you were going for and continue now let's look at those profits clay is worth 20 gold which may not seem like much but let's look at a whole energy bar's worth of clay farming this is your starting energy bar no star drops nothing i was able to hoe up 110 clay which sold for 2200 gold and it's not even noon of day one that's a lot of money if you really wanted to go all out with it you could then buy like a few salads or something and continue clay farming this is specifically really good with early game because the money doesn't really compare to what you get if you're farther down on your farm but for day one that's crazy starting money coming off the heels of that i just want to give you a bunch of rapid fire smaller ways to make more incremental amounts of money first i'd unlock the tide pools on the beach as soon as you can because sea urchins and coral spawn there coral will sell for 80 gold at low quality and sea urchins will sell for 160 gold at low quality that's just easy money once you unlock crystallariums the way you're going to get the most money out of them is if you give them a diamond at that point they'll produce a diamond every 5 days the diamond being worth 750 gold so that's 150 gold per day if you don't have a diamond to put in if you use either an emerald ruby or jade those will each produce 120 gold per day and i suppose if you have a star shard that gives you 144 gold per day although that's very unlikely that you just have one sitting around and also as far as geodes go if you're in it purely for money you don't care about the minerals that you get from breaking them open at all they sell for 50 gold each which very slightly edges out the money you would get if you broke a lot of them open and then sold the contents for frozen and magma geodes it is only profitable to break them open if you have the gemologist profession otherwise you'll earn more money just by selling them outright for omni geodes it is always worth it to break them open period to make a little bit of extra money with your crops don't forget to plant those mixed seeds those will randomly grow into a few different crops depending on the season but they're completely free so there's no reason not to plant them unless you just really hate watering crops i'd say the first backpack upgrade is worth it as soon as you can spare the money the second can be held off i usually wait until like late summer to get that as far as tool upgrades go i'd prioritize the pickaxe and the axe because wooden ore are important to making more money further down the line and if you don't love yourself how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else thank you for watching and good night [Music] you
Channel: Salmence
Views: 93,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's, Play, salmence100, nintendo, stardew money making, stardew how to make money, stardew early money, easy early money stardew valley, money in Spring, stardew spring guide, stardew valley spring, early money stardew, how to make money in stardew, money in stardew valley, stardew valley guide, stardew help, easy gold in stardew, how to earn gold in stardew, stardew fishing guide, stardew best crops, stardew valley spring guide, how to make money in stardew valley
Id: s542fdD69tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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